PAC exam 2 - Sims

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What is the Monroe Document?

to set into motion a piece of foreign policy saying Europeans should not colonize in the western hemisphere (the military would be the British Navy; thought of by John Quincy Adams)

What is the main expectation of Manager of Prosperity?

we expect the president to do something when the economy goes bad

Constituents have placed trust in elected officials to do ____________________

what is best for the country

How does congress function?

within its enumerated power

How many years is a term of a member of the House?

2 years

What was the percentage of unemployment in the Great Depression?


How many members are in the house?


How many years is a term for senators?

6 years

How many people are averaged per district that the House represents?

700,000 people/district

Who is the Minority Leader of the Senate?

Harry Reid (D)

What are the duties of chief of state?

ceremonial head of government (attend funerals, first pitch at baseball)

What did Korematsu v US deal with?

challenging the law

What did Hirabayashi v US deal with?

college students and challenging curfew

What do you do as Protector of the Peace?

come and make peace when disaster happens

Adjustments are made to the Congress members every how many years?

every 10 years

For much of its history, congress was nothing more than what?

nothing more than a part time institution

What are party whips?

they count votes, communicate both directions, persuade

Every state is guaranteed how many seats in the House?


What are the 5 delegates from the protected territories that are excluded?

1. American Somoa 2. The District of Columbia 3. Guam 4. The Virgin Islands 5. Puerto Rico

What are the functions of Congress?

1. Spending money 2. Impeachment

What was the first congress?

1. a representation of states and states rights 2. a greater understanding of what is best for the whole country

What are the qualification to be a member of the House?

1. at least 25 years of age 2. Citizen of the US for 7 years 3. Resident of State

What are the qualifications to be a member of Senate?

1. at least 30 years of age 2. Citizen of the US for 9 years 3. Resident of state

What are the presidential enumerated powers?

1. chief of state 2. chief executive 3. commander-in-chief 4. chief diplomat 5. chief legislature

In the Senate, what is the President pro-temp?

1. constitutional position 2. much more ceremonial position 3. becomes president if something happens to all the President, VP, and Speaker

why is McCulloch v Maryland important?

1. it defines the implied powers that congress has 2. says that congress has the power to do anything that allows them to carry out their enumerated powers

What is the design and purpose of the senate?

1. long term goals 2.. 2 types of laws -immediate impact -long term impact

What does the President of the Senate do?

1. presides over the senate 2. casts the tie-breaking vote when needed

What are the duties of chief executive?

1. the head of government 2. president and leader of the cabinet 3. power to bargain and the power to persuade

What is important about the Chief Legislature?

1. the president in congress 2. primary ability - can veto acts of congress but congress can override if 2/3 agree

What are the duties of the chief diplomat?

1. when the president speaks, everyone in the world listens 2. we are the super power

How many members are in the senate?


how many cabinet positions are there?


What states only have 1 seat in the House?

Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming

What 2 main events happened under Nixon's presidency?

CREEP and the Watergate Scandal

What does CREEP stand for?

Committee for Reelection of President

What is the branch of government closest to the people?


Who is the voice of the people?


What does Feberalist 57 discuss?

Constituents are delegating you power so representatives much do what constituents would do if they were here

While in session, the House members have immunity from/for what?

Immunity from arrest, immunity for speech and debate

Who is the President of Senate?

Joe Biden, VP

Who is the Speaker of the House currently?

John Boehner (R)

Who is the majority whip in the Senate?

John Cornyn (R)

Who is the Majority Leader of the House?

Kevin McCarthy (R)

What 2 disputes went on during FDRs presidency?

Korematsu v. US and Hirabayashi v US

Who is the majority leader of the Senate?

Mitch McConnell (R)

What kind of government was Johnson trying to turn the US into?


MuCulloch v Maryland

MuCulloch refused to pay taxes to the bank

Who is the Minority Leader of the House?

Nancy Pelosi (D)

What is the section 8 powers?

Necessary and proper clause - whatever Congress has to do, they have the power to carry that out (ex. IRS)

Who is the President pro-temp currently?

Orrin Hatch (R)

Who was the best voice of the people?

Reagan "The Great Communicator"

Puerto Rico doesn't have a delegate but has what instead?

Resident Commissioner

Who is the minority whip in the Senate?

Richard Durbin (D)

Congress has what type of Districts?

Single member districts

Elections for the Houses are based on what?


Who are the Party Whips of the House?

Steven Scalise (R) and Sterney Hoyer (D)

What happens every 10 years to the Congress?

The members are reapportioned after the census

What is congress here for?

They are elected to represent the people but to use their best judgement

What is the purpose of the House of Representatives according to Federalist 57?

To be a voice of the people

Why is it important to have an age restriction for the Senate and House?

To have maturity and life experience

What are the duties of the commander-in-chief?

head of the military (every president holds this position and it doesn't matter whether or not they have previous military experience)

What is chief of party?

head of their political party

Implied powers vs. Enumerated powers

implied powers are powers that are hinted at while enumerated power is power that is specifically written out

When did Lindon Johnson become president?

in 1963 when Kennedy was assassinated

Regan's presidency was known as the ______ Presidency

the Media Presidency

What encouraged congress to remain in session for longer periods of time?

the modernization of the buildings

What is the expectation of the world leader?

the president will take head of the table and help take the lead on world issues

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