Pace 1061 SS. Check up 1

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History began at _______________________


creation of fish , other sea animals, and birds

Fifth day

creation of night and day

First day

creation of sun, moon, and stars.

Fourth day

God then made HIs first promise about the _________________________ Who is Jesus Christ


creation of the firmament

Second day

creation of land animals and man

Sixth day

appearance of dry land and creation of plant life

Third day

Upon the Eve: In sorrow woman would bring forth________________________.


Every person has the ability to ________________________ for himself whether to obey or disobey God.


Adam was not deceived by Satan but he ___________________________ to disobey God.


Upon Adam: The fourfold curse was the curse on the ground, the curse of thorns and thistles, the curse of sweat and hard work, and the curse of_____________________________.


Satan ______________________Eve, and she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


Curse pronounced by God: Upon the serpent: It ws to go upon its belly and eat ______________________ as it went.


God's Word is _________________________________, meaning it will last forever.


God existed ________________________before Creation.


God gave Adam and Eve liberty to eat from all the trees of the Garden of Eden except the tree of the knowledge of _____________________ and evil.


We can believe everything in God's Word because it is ___________________, eternal, and will not change.


"All scripture is given by _______________________________of God..........."2 Timothy 3:16


God created all the trees as _____________________________, or full-grown, trees bearing fruit.


History is the story of God's dealings with ___________________________ and of people's dealings with one another


On the _________________________ day, God rested from all HIs work.


God's justice demanded that __________________________ be punished by death.


The ____________________,________________________, and ______________________ were created to give light to Earth.

sun, moon, stars

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on ______________________ _______________ ___________________ _______________________." Philippians 2:4

the things of others

God revealed HIs Word to people by inspiring people to write down His ____________________ and _______________________.

thoughts, words

God's _______________________________ declares to people that there is one all-wise Creator.


Genesis chapter two is the portion of Scripture that gives us a detailed record of how God formed a mature man and ___________________.


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