Padron APUSH midterm review

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Which of the following is a likely cause for the men in the photograph to migrate to cities?: A)opportunity for new work in factories B)opportunity for political investment C)to join forces with numerous Progressive movements D)to acquire readily-available property

A)opportunity for new work in factories

Which of the following was "awakened" during the Great Awakening?: A)religious belief B)feelings of patriotism C)tensions between rich and poor colonists D)tensions between colonists and Native Americans

A)religious belief

Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspective of the "King Andrew Jackson" cartoon?: A)Democrat supporters of Andrew Jackson B)Whig opponents of Andrew Jackson C)Know-nothing opponents of immigration D)Anti-Masonic opponents of special privilege

B)Whig opponents of Andrew Jackson

Which of the following was the most responsible for bringing an end to the era of the wide-open frontier?: A)railroad B)barbed wire C)sheep ranching D)bonanza farming

B)barbed wire

Andrew Carnegie gained control of a large percentage of the steel industry by doing all of the following except: A)buying out his suppliers B)Cutting the quality of his products C)Buying out his competitors D)Underselling his competitors

B)cutting the quality of his products

Which was not part of the Union' 3 part plan to conquer the South? A)blockade southern ports B)draft freed slaves to fight for the Union C)capture the confederate capital D)split the confederacy in 2

B)draft freed slaves to fight for the Union

Which of the following did the US insist that Cuba include in its constitution?: A)the Boxer Protocol B)the Platt Amendment C)the Teller Amendment D)the Roosevelt Corollary

B)the Platt Amendment, which gave the US the right to intervene

Which of the following conflicts were US military troops not involved?: A)the Boxer Rebellion B)the Russo-Japanese war C)the Hawaiian revolution D)Cuba's second war for independence

B)the Russo-Japanese war

These members of the Republican Party left their Northern homes after the war and move to the South.


Under Mexican rule, Texas appealed to American settlers mainly because of its

Cheap land

What is the name of the system that maintains the separation of power among the branches of the federal government?

Checks and balances

Which group was forcibly relocated by means of the "Trail of Tears"?


Which statement best demonstrates an accurate historical context for the illustration of "The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man" which displays a fight going on?

Colonists from Boston had recently participated in a rebellious "Tea Party"

Bacon's Rebellion was situated in the context of what broader tension of Chesapeake Virginia in the 1600s

Competition for choice land between European settlers and Native Americans

Thomas Paine, in Common Sense, conveys a familiar concern for many American colonists in his

Condemnation of mercantilist restraint of the American economy

The _____ was formed in February 1861, and _____ was voted as its first president.

Confederacy Jefferson Davis

The Join or Die political cartoon most directly reflects

Conflicts between competing colonial powers in North America

Contact with the East during the Crusades changed life in Europe because it introduced new

Consumer goods

Anne Hutchinson was EXECUTED for teaching that worshipers needed neither the Church nor its ministers to interpret the Bible for them


English philosopher THOMAS PAINE'S Enlightenment ideas of unalienable rights and a social contract were incorporated into Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.


FRAUD is any type of illegal use of politically influence for personal gain


Fear of a strong central government was the primary reason to adopt the NORTHWEST ORDINANCE


General John J. Perishing led a force of 15 thousand soldiers into COLOMBIA in an attempt to capture Pancho Villa.


In 1800, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the first CONGRESSIONAL vote, exposing a flaw in the electoral process


KING KALAKUA surrendered Hawaii to the US in 1893.


The AMERICAN SYSTEM aimed, in part, to prevent Russia from establishing permanent settlements in California


The British defeat at VALLEY FORGE resulted in France signing an alliance with the Americans.


The Gentleman's Agreement limited the immigration of unskilled workers from MEXICO


The Navigation Acts were intended to LOOSEN England's control on colonial trade


The Panama Canal was built on land that had been previously controlled by NICARAGUA.


The STAMP ACT places a tax on goods imported from Britain, including glass, paper, paint, and tea.


The annexation of Texas was delayed because of sectional conflicts over the RATIFICATION OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION


The mysterious sinking of the USS THOMAS fueled the movement for war with Spain.


The name for sensational and often irresponsible news headlines and stories is "YAHOO JOURNALISM".


The proposal for a two-house legislature with one house having equal representation for each state and the other having representation based on population was known as the THREE-FIFTHS COMPROMISE


The purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition was TO CONQUER NEW TERRITORY FOR THE UNITED STATES


To John Smith's dismay, the settlers in Jamestown TRADED WITH THE POWHATAN instead of working their farms


With the invention of CYRUS MCCORMICK'S telegraph, nearly instantaneous communication was possible


The Spanish first moved into the North American Southwest in an effort to

Find gold and other treasures

The Elastic Clause in the Constitution allows for

Flexibility to meet the changing needs of the people

All of the following present day states were ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo except: A)Texas B)Florida C)California D)New Mexico


The XYZ Affair damaged the relationship between the United States and which other country?


This three-day-battle is considered the turning point of the Civil War because it crippled the Confederacy so badly that Confederate troop strength would never again be able to invade a Nothern state.


What did Social Darwinism discourage?

Government regulation

Social Darwinism was not used to justify what?

Government regulation of business

The illegal use of influence for personal gain is called


Uncle Tom's Cabin, a novel by _____ provokes increased protests against the _____, under which runaway slaves were denied a trial by jury and person she convicted of aiding them would be fined and imprisoned.

Harriet Beecher Stowe Fugitive Slave Act

Conductor on the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

During Lincoln's 1860 presidential campaign, what were his views toward the existence of slavery admitted its expansion?

He didn't like slavery but claimed that slavery could stay where it already existed. His campaign stated that he only wanted to prevent slavery from expanding westward.

Which action showed that President Andrew Johnson did not support greater rights for African Americans in the South?

He vetoed the Freedman's Bureau Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1866

What does Lincoln's plan about reconstruction says about him as a politician?

He was practical and goal oriented

In your opinion, is Christopher Columbus someone whom Americans today should view as a hero or as a villain? Explain your answer.

I think Christopher Columbus should be viewed as a hero because he did bring the Western Hemisphere to the attention of Europe. His voyages lead to the Columbian Exchange between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Shortly after the loss of 450 men in the battle of Bunker Hill, the second Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch petition to King George. Do you think this was a good decision? Explain your answer.

I think it was a good idea because the Second Continental Congress sent it as a last resort before war broke out. If King George III had read and accepted it, then less people would've died and a treaty could've been made sooner. The Second Continental Congress was trying to end the war through peaceful means.

The idea portrayed in the political cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt leading a fleet in the Caribbean Sea is most influenced by

Imperialist ideals of expansion in the belief that America could bring civilization to other nations

In early 20th century America, which group would most strongly have supported Mahan's view as communicated in the passage about expansion?


These posters were most likely a reaction to what?

Inclusion of the Fugitive Slave Act as part of the Compromise of 1850

Marshall's opinion in Marbury vs Madison would most directly to

Increased power of the judicial branch because of judicial review

What was the most immediate result of the territorial changes in the maps above?

Increased tensions and fighting with the Indians in the Ohio River Valley

This trend lead to what?

Increasing sectional or regional differences

The painting above shows Andrew Jackson's Native American policy that was expressed in the

Indian Removal Act

The political cartoon about Uncle Sam ordering from a menu of islands

Indicates that President McKinley was more than willing to engage in territorial expansion

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do, and why did Lincoln use it?

It changed the objective of the Civil War from restoring the Union to getting rid of slavery. Lincoln issued it to add a moral cause for the North which led to more people joining the Union Army.

Why was the case of Marbury vs Madison significant?

It established the principle of judicial review

What was an important effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?

It gave a moral purpose to the war

One consequence of the Whiskey rebellion was

It posed a serious threat to the authority of the new federal government

Which best explains why the Plymouth settlement was so important in American history

It proved that a self-governing society consisting mostly of farm families could flourish in New England

Why was Pullman, Illinois, an unusual town?

It was built by a company to house its workers

What was "plucked' from Mexico as a result of the war?

It's Northern territories

Which of the following men was most in favor of seizing land from Mexico? A)James K. Polk B)Thomas Jefferson C)John C. Calhoun D)Abraham Lincoln

James K. Polk

Why do you think the experiences of the earliest settlers at Jamestown and at Massachusetts Bay were so different?

Jamestown settlers came to America looking for gold to get rich. Jamestown settlers had a money hungry attitude. Massachusetts Bay settlers left England on avoid religious persecution. MB settlers were happy to come to America and freely express their religion and to work and make a living.

In the passage above, the phrase, "Tyrants of America" most likely refers to which figure?

John Adams

Whose concepts did Jefferson draw upon as he drafted the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke's

He shot at President Lincoln just five days after Lee surrendered to Grant.

John Wilkes Booth

What best describes economic developments in America of the late 19th century which led to the larger debate of which the passage is a part?

Large growth in American export of goods and American desire to expand overseas markets

The Whiskey Rebellion worked to convince many Americans that

Laws by the new federal government would be enforced

Starting during the Civil War, the federal government was able to settle the western half of the US by passing the Homestead Act which required settlers to

Live on and improve the land for a period of time

This cartoon represents a continuation of what earlier 19th century movement?

Manifest Destiny

On what did the Roosevelt Corollary build?

Monroe Doctrine

What made it possible to construct skyscrapers in the 1800s?

New methods of making steel

The 1828 "Tariff of Abominations" was given that name by those who thought the tariff hurt the South while helping

Northern manufacturers

A fundamental grievance of Nathaniel Bacon's was his

Realization of the widening wealth gap between landowners and former indentured servants seeking land

The government removal policies in the 1830s in relation to the tribal lands shown in the map above were most likely due to which causes?

Regional development in the New South for growing cash crops, particularly, short staple cotton

What was the most significant impact on the relationship between the colonists and Great Britain resulting from the territorial changes depicted in the maps above?

Renewed efforts to consolidate imperial control and collect taxes

Warning posters of kidnappers and slave catchers contributed to the emergence of which political party?


General who surrendered the confederate Army to Union forces

Robert E Lee

The idea of freedom of religion was promoted by

Roger Williams (Rhode Island)

A cash crop is one that is raised primarily for


What doctrine was accepted as a result of the Plessy vs Ferguson court case decision?

Separate but equal

Farmers who agreed to give most of their harvest to the landowners in exchange for use of the land, seeds, and tools were known as


The middle passage refers to the part of the triangular trade system that carried

Slaves from Africa to the West Indies and North America

Mahan's argument best parallels which philosophical argument used to defend the great wealth and power of the corporate industrialists during this time period?

Social Darwinism

Settlement houses were founded in the late 1800s by

Social reformers

What was an argument offered by some Americans against removal of the tribes shown in the map above?

Some of them had adopted white American ways

What war ended with the Treaty of Paris of 1898?

Spanish-American War

What does the artist convey as being the most important motivator for Columbus' explorations

Spreading Christianity

Which idea is promoted by the concept of nullification?

States' rights

US senator who debated Abraham Lincoln on slavery in the territories

Stephen A Douglas

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates,______ argued in favor of popular sovereignty, while ______ attacked the "vast moral evil" of slavery

Stephen A Douglas Abraham Lincoln

The best example of resistance to the institution pictured above was

Stono Rebellion (slave revolt)

Though a supporter of "strict construction" of the Constitution, Jackson was notable for what?

Strengthening the presidency

The principle of nullification was a reaction to

The Alien and Sedition Acts

The Colombian Exchanger refers to the exchange of goods between

The Americas and Europe and Africa

Which of the following statements characterizes the British relationship with Native Americans

The British viewed Native American culture as a threat to colonization

Based on the passages above, which of the following statements is most accurate

The French did not view Native American culture as a threat to colonization

The largest single addition to American territory was

The Louisiana Purchase

How and why were the economy and society in the Northern colonies more diverse than in the Southern colonies?

The Northern colonies were tolerant of multiple religions and they focused on lumber or fishing (not solely cash crops) for their economy. The Southern colonies we're less tolerant and mainly focused on cash crops.

Whether or not to annex _____ was the most controversial issue to arise as a result of the Spanish-American war

The Philippines

Which piece of evidence most directly supports the cartoonist's depiction of US foreign policy in Latin America?

The Roosevelt Corollary

The need for cheap labor in the colonies was created by

The Southern colonies' dependency on cash crops

What key difference between the North and the South ultimately led to the Civil War?

The Southern economy depended on slavery, while the Northern economy didn't

During the 1700s, the major reason that there were more Africans enslaved in the South than in the North was that

The Southern economy required a larger number of field laborers

Colonial opposition to the Stamp Act was stronger than the opposition to the Sugar Act because

The Stamp Act affected colonists directly

The fact that the system of checks and balances was not yet fully established in the early 1800s is shown by

The Trail of Tears

Prior to Calhoun's speech the idea of state's rights was expressed in

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Which area did the Monroe Doctrine aim to free from European influence?

The Western Hemisphere

Which events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea in the passage about the profit system looking overseas after the frontier was closed?

The acquisition of island territories by the US

Which of the following efforts most directly resulted from this propaganda ("The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man")? A.) British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) to close the Port of Boston B.) Ben Franklin was sent to Paris to negotiate a Franco-American alliance C.) George Washington offered his military leadership to the Continental Congress D.) British Loyalists fled to Canada from Bostonian mob rule

A.) British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) to close the Port of Boston

The settlement described in the excerpt above was significant because it was the first

Attempt at an English colony in the the New World

Which of the following abolished slavery in the North?: A)Gettysburg Address B)13th Amendment C)Compromise of 1850 D)Emancipation Proclamation

B)13th Amendment

All of the following countries came under some form of US control as a result of the Spanish-American war except: A)Cuba B)Hawaii C)Puerto Rico D)the Philippines


Which of the following reasons does not represent why the US challenged Spanish authority in the Philippines?: A)defending American sugar plantation interests B)Open Door Policy C)naval fueling station D)"civilizing" an inferior society

B)Open Door Policy

US interactions with Latin America during the early 20th century was most directly influenced by which of the following concepts?: A)Laissez-faire economics B)Social Darwinism C)self-determination D)Progressivism

B)Social Darwinism

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to applaud sentiments expressed by Calhoun?: A)Anti-slavery advocates B)Supporters of nullification C)Western famers and miners D)Women's rights activists

B)Supporters of nullification

Which of the following officially ended the war and set the boundaries of the new nation?: A)New Jersey Plan B)Treaty of Paris C)Olive Branch Petition D)British surrender at Yorktown

B)Treaty of Paris

What statement best reflects an anti-imperialist attitude?

"It is not necessary to own people to trade with them."

What is an important quote from the Gettysburg Address?

"The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."

Intended to overrule and nullify the Dred Scott decision, Congress drafted the

14th Amendment

This stated that no citizen may be denied the right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

15th Amendment

This image portrays which foreign policy promoted by the Theodore Roosevelt's administration?

A "preventative intervention" that would protect Latin America from outside influences

Tammany Hall was the name of

A New York political machine

The people in the diagram above were often sent to new colonies because of

A decrease in the number of indentured servants coming to the American colonies from England

The rebellion that ensued following Bacon's statement led to

A distrust of former indentured servants

According to de Las Casas, what was the result of European interaction with Native peoples

A drastic decrease in Native populations

What role in early 20th century world affairs does the political cartoon about the Us intervening between some colonies and Spain give the US.

A force for the spread of democracy and prosperity

This image of the "The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man" depicts the people of Boston as...

A lawless mob

What was the primary cause of the territorial changes depicted in the map above?

A major war with the French and British

The Puritan's views and attitudes led them to strive for

A moral society

The author of the passage, John White, implied that

A nearby tribe of Native Americans had previously been friendly to the settlers

All of the following became popular around the turn of the 20th Century except: A)European literature B)professional baseball C)vaudeville theater D)amusement parks

A)European literature

Which of the following events motivated the US to have an expanded economic and military presence in Cuba?: A)Spanish-American War B)War of 1812 C)Louisiana Purchase D)Great Depression

A)Spanish-American War

Which of the following most allowed manufactures to build their factories away from rivers?: A)electricity B)steel beams C)railroads D)the telephone


The political cartoon about Teddy Roosevelt in a boat with a big stick most clearly depicts which of the following historical developments in the late 19tha den early 20th centuries?: A)imperialism B)isolationism C)industrialization D)immigration


Which of the following did not stimulate US imperialism?: A)need for a new source of cheap labor B)thirst for new economic markets C)desire for military strength D)a belief in the cultural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon culture

A)need for a new source of cheap labor

What was one long term effect of the event depicted in this painting

The decline in Native American populations

The main trend shown in the drawing was most directly associated with what process occurring in the US at the time?

The displacement of American Indians from the Southeast

The result of Shay's rebellion was to demonstrate that

The government set up by the Articles of Confederation was ineffective

What most directly led to an increase of number of slaves in the US and national cotton production?

The invention of the cotton gin in 1793

Settlement of the Great Plains was made most difficult by

The lack of natural resources and the environmental difficulties

What was the most likely motivation to creat the Mayflower Compact

The leaders wished to increase unity among "the pilgrims" by establishing a form of self-government

The Supreme Court's ruling in Marbury vs Madison ensured that

The legislature could not interpret the Constitution any way it chose

The (Manifest Destiny) image most directly reflects

The modernization of the new west

In the 1840s, Manifest Destiny was considered by the expansionists to be

The natural fulfillment of the United States

As more farmers settled the Great Plains, they began to rely on the railroads to get their crops to market. This became a problem when

The railroads were charging farmers more to ship east and over short distances

Under popular sovereignty, who would decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?

The residents of the territory

What was the result of many of the Supreme Court decisions made under Chief Justice John Marshall between 1801 and 1835?

The strengthening of the federal government

South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification would most directly challenge which idea from McCulloch vs Maryland?

The supremacy of federal law

What factor most influenced "the tendency for expansion" noted in the passage above?

The transition of the US from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one

The peace between Great Britain and the new United States set the western boundary of the United States at the MISSISSIPPI RIVER


The principle of nullification raised the question of how to divide power between STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS


General who won at Vicksburg and became commander of all Union armies

Ulysses S Grant

How does the photograph of the lower class in industrialized cities illustrate the consequences of industrialization?

Urban areas experienced unprecedented population growth

This cartoon is best understood in the context of

Variety of proposals leaders made that ultimately failed to reduce sectional conflict

Western progression was lead by

Various forms of transportation including rail, stage, and covered wagon

With the fall of this city, the Union finally achieved its goal of cutting the Confederacy in two.


What issue became prominent following the war with Mexico?

Whether or not the new lands from Mexico should be admitted to the Union as slave or free states

Who told the artist Frederic Remington, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war"?

William Randolph Hearst

His march across Georgian created a wide path ornate destruction, terrorized civilians and destroyed the morale of white Southerners.

William Tecumseh Sherman

The Union general who burned a path of destruction through Georgia?

William Tecumseh Sherman

In the late 1800s, collective bargaining was a technique used to

Win workers rights

What was included in the de Lome letter?

criticisms of President McKinley

The intent of the Homestead Act was to

encourage white families to develop the west

The US gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by

encouraging and supporting Panamanian independence

One purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to

explain to the rest of the world why the colonies had revolted

Teddy Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy reflected the proverb "Speak softly and carry a big stick" because

his negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force

Most Native Americans responded to restrictions placed upon them by the US government by

ignoring the restrictions

The Open Door Policy was designed as a way for the US to further

its trade interests

For which action did Theodore Roosevelt win the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize?

negotiating an end to the war between Russia and Japan

What was a result and long lasting legacy of this court case?

protection of Jim Crow laws

Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York, organized a guerilla campaign to destroy American-owned property in Cuba in order to

provoke US intervention in Cuba

In the case of Plessy vs Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that

racial segregation in public facilities was legal

The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to

remove foreign influence from China

Jim Crow Laws were laws that

separated the races

The rapid growth of industry in the US helped fuel imperialism because

the US was producing too many goods for its own people to buy

One direct result of the Intolerable Acts was

the formation of the First Continental Congress

What was the purpose of the Foraker Act?

to end military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico

The cartoon of a guy lurking near the ballot box is a commentary on late Nineteenth Century what?

urban corruption

The cartoon of the Standard Oil Company strangling small oil companies depicts which business practice?

vertical integration

Which group would have agreed with the Supreme Court's decision?

white Southerners

Which of the following is true of the Declaration of Independence? A.) it invoked natural rights of human kind to justify revolt B.) It offered the British one last chance at reconciliation C.) It was overwhelmingly supported by all of the colonists D.) it spoke on behalf of all people, regardless of race or gender

A.) it invoked the natural rights of humankind to justify revolt

In the election of 1800, which candidate was tied with Thomas Jefferson after the first electoral college vote

Aaron Burr

Republican who won the presidency in 1860

Abraham Lincoln

Individuals opposed to the concept in the cartoon would most likely agreed to what perspective?

America should avoid imperialist expansion

This cartoon most directly reflects a growing belief that

America should pursue military's involvement in the Western Hemisphere

What was an immediate cause of increased American influence in the Caribbean and Pacific Islands?

American victory in the Spanish-American war

Which candidate did John Quincy Adams defeat in the controversial election of 1824?

Andrew Jackson

Which President did the House of Representatives impeach?

Andrew Johnson

The main immigration processing station in San Francisco was called

Angel Island

Who would most likely agree with the message of the cartoon which shows Uncle Sam carrying a bunch of "children" colonies?


Which group largely supported adding a bill of rights to the Constitution?


The Pendleton Civil Service Act required

Applicants for government jobs to pass examinations

An example of patronage would be

Appointing a friend to a political position

The final surrender of the Confederate Army took place here.


The Treaty of Tordesillas involved an imaginary line dividing

Areas that could be claimed by Spain and Portugal

The main goal of the Americanization movement was to

Assimilate people of various cultures into the dominant culture

Which of the following actions by American colonists demonstrate the great continuity with the sentiments expressed in Thomas Paine's Common Sense? A.) violence demonstrated in the Boston Massacre and the Olive-Branch Petition B.) Stamp Act congress success and support for non-importation agreements C.) Ben Franklin's Albany Plan of Union and militia support in the Seven Years War D.) American colonists' defiance of the Proclamation of 1763

B.) Stamp Act Congress success and support for the non-importation agreements

How was US imperialism in the early 1900s similar to the concept of "manifest destiny" that was popular during the 1800s? How was it different?

Both wanted to expand borders to new territories and to "civilize" natives. US imperialism aimed to bring democracy to nations and prosperity. They both resulted in the oppression of native peoples and lots of violence. They both resulted in US control of new territories as. Both wanted to expand to new markets and use new natural resources.

Sentiments such as shown inthe cartoon about a guy hitting another guy with a club most directly contributed to what.

Breakdown in trust between sectional leaders

The Spanish monarchy abolished the encomienda system because that system

Brutally exploited Native Americans

Vertical integration, a business strategy used by steel mogul Andrew Carnegie, involves

Buying out raw material producers and distributors

The French colonizers believed that

By assimilating with Native American cultures, they could eventually convert them to Christianity

All of the following were imperialist powers in the late 1800s except: A)Japan B)Spain C)China D)US


European colonization plans consisted of all the following except: A)using native peoples for forced labor B)dominating native peoples with weapons C) introducing disease to which native peoples were susceptible D)claiming lands for European countries

C)Introducing diseases to which native peoples were susceptible

Cities in the late 19th century expanded with the development of all of the following except: A)subways B)skyscrapers C)airplanes D)suspension bridges


Which I should the best word to describe Lincoln's original plan for Reconstruction, which Johnson largely followed?: A)vindictive B)harsh C)lenient D)unfair


Which of the following did not keep African Americans in the South from voting?: A)poll taxes B)grandfather clauses C)the separate-but-equal doctrine D)literacy tests

C)the separate-but-equal doctrine

Which of the following was produced in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts? A.) Hartford Convention B.) Missouri Compromise C.) Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions D.) Shay's Rebellion

C.) Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Which event was a direct result of the Compromise of 1850?

California was admitted as a free state

This speech led, in part, to which of the following: A)an amicable relationship between native groups in North America B)increased tensions between Britain and France C)increased tensions between New England and Chesapeake Bay D)increased tensions between the New England colonists and the native population

D) increased tensions between the New England colonists and the Native population (forced natives to convert)

Which of the following resulted from the Supreme Court case Marbury vs Madison?: A)Limited presidential control of foreign policy B)Advanced civil rights for minorities C)The constitutionality of a national bank D)The power of Judicial Review

D)The power of Judicial Review

Which of the following was not central to the life and culture of the Plains Indians in the 1800s?: A)the horse B)the buffalo C)the extended family D)land ownership

D)land ownership

In which of the following areas didn't the South have advantage over the North in the Civil War?: A)food production B)civilian leadership C)industrial capacity D)military leadership

D)military leadership

All of the following factors contributed to the immense industrial boom of the early 1900s except: A)a wealth of natural resources B)government support for business C)a growing urban population D)the emergence of the middle class

D)the emergence of the middle class

Which of the following marked the end of the wars between the federal government and the Plains Indians?: A)the Treaty of Fort Laramie B)the death of Sitting Bull C)the Sand Creek Massacre D)the massacre at Wounded Knee

D)the massacre at Wounded Knee

Enlightenment thinkers stressed all of the following except: A)the use of reason B)the scientific method C)the importance of the individual D)the randomness of unpredictability of the natural world

D)the randomness of unpredictability of the natural world

The main goal of the Chinese Exclusion Act was to

Decrease Chinese immigration

In the Supreme Court ruling against _____, slaves were defined as property.

Dred Scott

The tribes represented in the map above had established societies on their tribal lands by the 1830s, which can be characterized as

Economically successful farming communities

To curb the violence of the Ku Klux Klan in the South, Congress passed the

Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871

Andrew Jackson's spoils system increased the new president's power by

Ensuring that government officials would agree with his policies

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Established a plan for dividing the land west of the Appalachian mountains

The Monroe Doctrine was largely a response

European nation's interests in colonies in North and South America

In the Southwest, many Mexicans earned a living as

Railroad workers and agricultural laborers

What was the underlying issue from the statements above

Oppression of western Virginian farmers by the governor and the plantation elite

The delegates established a system of checks and balances to

Prevent any one federal branch from dominating the other two

The Join or Die political cartoon was intended to

Promote colonial unity prior to the French and Indian War

The American System helped bring the nation together by

Protecting American businesses with a tax on imported items

Which country's residents became citizens of the US in 1917?

Puerto Rico

John Winthrop's sermon was directed at what specific group of people

Puritans who were migrating to North America

The factor that prevented the greatest number of children from attending public high schools was


Lincoln's 10 percent plan was most opposed by

Radical republicans

The use of standardized time and time zones was introduced in order to benefit

Railroad companies and train travelers

Why did the Anti-federalists insist on the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution? What problems with the Constitution did the Bill of Rights solve?

They insisted on a Bill of Rights because they didn't want the United States to end up like a monarchy where leaders had all the power and no individuals had any rights. The Bill of Rights solved any misconceptions the citizens might have had about the constitution.

The dominant European perception of Native populations during this period was

They were an uncivilized group compared to European standards

Why were scabs unpopular with striking workers during the layer 1800s?

They were worker said used to break strikes

Who worked with James Madison to write the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?

Thomas Jefferson

Who wrote a pamphlet called a common Sense arguing that the time had come for American independence?

Thomas Paine

Why did President Jefferson send Meriwether Lewis and William Clark West?

To explore newly acquired US territory

Why did the federal government eventually send troops into the South?

To limit acts of violence and voter intimidation against African Americans

Bartolome de Las Casas' intent was

To make Spanish monarchs aware of the subjugation and mistreatment of Native peoples

What was the original purpose of the row house?

To provide single-family homes for working-class families

When the Civil War began, what was Abraham Lincoln's main goal?

To restore the Union

What was John Brown's aim at Harpers Ferry?

To seize a federal arsenal and start a widespread slave uprising

The first success of the Continental Army occurred at


"Remember the Maine!" became a rallying cry for US intervention in CUBA.


According to the theory of MERCANTILISM, a nation could increase its wealth and power by establishing a favorable balance of trade


NINE states needed to ratify the constitution for it to become the law of the land.


Nativism is an overt favoritism toward NATIVE-BORN AMERICANS


Political machines gained some of their power from IMMIGRANTS for whom they performed favors


ROGER WILLIAMS, after fleeing from Massachusetts Bay Colony, founded Providence Colony


THEODORE ROOSEVELT was known as the hero of San Juan Hill.


TOBACCO turned Jamestown into a profitable enterprise


The ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, approved by all thirteen states, set up a congress in which each state had one vote.


The Erie Canal connected the Atlantic Ocean to THE GREAT LAKES


The US would not withdraw its army from CUBA until that country adopted the Platt Amendment.


The colonies' response to the INTOLERABLE ACTS was the assembling of the First Continental Congress.


What effect did the yellow journalism used by Hearst and Pulitzer before and during the Spanish-American war have on American reactions to the situation in Cuba? How do you feel about the use of such journalism?

Yellow journalism got the US involved in Cuba faster because it depicted torturous things being done to civilians. I think it's horrible to lie about a situation but the end result was good. People only used yellow journalism to sell more newspapers and make more money.

Many people were against taking other nations as colonies of the US, including such figures as Andrew Carnegie and Mark Twain. Discuss the possible reasons for their anti-imperialist feelings.

You can't govern someone without their consent. The US already had enough problems to deal with first. The colonization of the US itself ended in the American Revolution where we fought for freedom. These are all reasons that the US shouldn't have annexed the Philippines.

Which development lowered the price of newspapers to a penny a copy?

a printing press that simultaneously printed both sides of the paper

The popularity of bicycling and amusement parks reflected which trend of the 1900s?

an interest in leisure activities

The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in order to

appease the Antifederalists concern over individual rights

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