palate, nasal cavity, pterygopalatine fossa I and II

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1. nerve to pterygoid canal 2. delivers autonomics (sympathetic/parasympathetic fibers) to the pterygopalatine ganglion 3. greater petrosal nerve (branch of VII) and deep pretrosal nerve 4. greater petrosal - parasympathetic pre-ganglionic, deep petrosal - sympathetic post-ganglionic

1. ID pink nerve 2. function 3. which nerves combine to form #1 4. which type of autonomic fibers do they carry? are they post or pre-ganglionic?

1. pharyngeal nerve/pharyngeal branch 2. pharyngeal canal

1. ID pink nerve 2. which canal does it course through

1. CN V2, sensory (SA) 2. inferior orbital fissure

1. ID pink nerve and fiber type 2. ID blue dotted line

1. greater palatine nerve (anterior) and lesser palatine nerve (posterior) 2. palatine canal 3. greater palatine nerve: greater palatine foramen (anterior) *can also go to incisive foramen lesser palatine nerve: lesser palatine foramen (posterior)

1. ID pink nerves 2. which canal do they course through 3. which foramen do they exit from

1. pterygomaxillary fissure 2. sphenopalatine foramen 3. inferior orbital fissure 4. palatine canal 5. foramen rotundum 6. pterygoid canal 7. pharyngeal canal

1. ID red outline 2. ID green area 3. ID pink area 4. ID orange area 5. ID blue area 6. ID purple area 7. ID dark orange/brown area

1. nasal vein in foramen caecum 2. drainage to cavernous sinus in cranial cavity 3. sphenopalatine v 4. drainage to pterygoid plexus in infratemporal fossa 5. drainage to facial vein

1. ID vein and foramen 2. ID where these veins drain to 3. ID vein 4. ID drainage 5. ID drainage

1. sphenopalatine foramen -> lateral nasal wall 2. pharyngeal canal (palatovaginal) -> nasopharynx 3. foramen rotundum -> middle cranial fossa 4. pterygoid canal -> middle cranial fossa 5. inferior orbital fissure -> orbital floor 6. palatine canal -> roof of oral cavity 7. pterygomaxillary fissure 8. medial

ID pterygopalatine fossa structures and openings: 1-6 7. ID red dotted area 8. pharyngeal canal is _____ to foramen rotundum

pterygopalatine part/3rd part of maxillary artery

ID purple arrow artery

1. sphenoethmoidal recess 2. superior meatus 3. middle meatus 4. inferior meatus 5. vestibule 6. olfactor

ID regions of nasal cavity 1. red dot 2. blue shaded area 3. yellow shaded area 4. pink shaded area 5. green shaded area 6. black dotted area

1. cribiform plate 2. perpendicular plate of ethmoid 3. septal cartilage 4. vomer 5. sphenoid 6. perpendicular plate 7. posterior nasal spine 8. horizontal plate 9. anterior nasal spine 10. palatine process 11. incisive canal and foramen 12. palatine

ID septal skeleton: 1-11 12. ID red dot

1. sphenopalatine foramen -nasopalatine n -posterior superior nasal nn -sphenopalatine vessels 2. pharyngeal canal (palatovaginal) -pharyngeal n -pharyngeal vessels 3. foramen rotundum -maxillary n (V2) 4. pterygoid canal -nerve of pterygoid canal -artery of pterygoid canal

ID structure and nerves transmitted: 1-4

5. inferior orbital fissure -infraorbital n -zygomatic n -infraorbital vessels -inferior opthalmic v 6. palatine canal -greater and lesser palatine nn and vessels 7. pterygomaxillary fissure -posterior superior alveolar n -3rd part of maxillary artery -venous network

ID structure and nerves transmitted: 5-7 7. red dotted outline

1. infraorbital v 2. sphenopalatine v

ID veins of pterygopalatine fossa

1 greater palatine artery 2. most of hard palate 3. lesser palatine artery 4. soft palate 5. descending palatine, branch of maxillary artery

ID vessels of palate: 1. ID green arrow 2. what does #1 innervate 3. ID red arrow 4. what does #3 innervate 5. #1 and #3 are branches of what artery

1. maxillary artery 2. descending palatine artery 3. greater palatine artery 4. lesser palatine artery 5. sphenopalatine artery 6. anastomoses w greater palatine a.

ID vessels of palate: 1. blue arrow 2. yellow arrow 3. green arrow 4. red arrow 5. purple arrow 6. significance of #5

1. alar 2. septal

ID. 1 & 2

1. lateral 2. septal 3. alar

ID. 1, 2, & 3

1. palatine process of maxilla 2. horizontal plate of palatine 3. pyramidal process of palatine 4. incisive foramen 5. greater palatine foramen 6. lesser palatine foramina

ID: 1. green dot 2. blue dot 3. red dot 4. green arrow 5. blue arrow 6. red arrow

1. palatoglossal arch 2. palatopharyngeal arch 3. palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscles 4. vagus (X)

ID: 1 &2 3. what is under mucosa 4. innervation

1. anterior ethmoidal artery 2. posterior ethmoidal artery 3. opthalmic artery

arteries of nasal cavity 1. ID yellow arrow 2. ID red arrow 3. which artery do these branch off of

CSF rhinorrhea - cribiform plate is broken, CSF leaks

clinical condition

deviated nasal septum

clinical condition

rhinitis - infected/inflamed mucosa

clinical condition

rhinorrhea - fluid discharge (runny nose)

clinical condition

sinusitis - infection of paranasal sinuses maxillary sinusitis can be felt in maxillary teeth

clinical condition, where might this be felt

1. nasal cavity 2. nasopharynx 3. roof of oral cavity

communications of pterygopalatine fossa 1. blue dot 2. black dot 3. red dot

1. levator veli palatini m 2. petrous temporal bone (blue), cartilagenous auditory tube (red) 3. palatine aponeurosis (purple) 4. Vagus (X) 5. elevates soft palate

muscle: 1. name 2. origin 3. insertion 4. innervation 5. action

1. musculus uvulae m 2. palatine aponeurosis 3. uvula 4. vagus (X) 5. elevates uvula

muscle: 1. name 2. origin 3. insertion 4. innervation 5. action

1. palatoglossus m 2. palatine aponeurosis 3. lateral side of posterior tongue 4. vagus (X) 5. elevates the tongue, depresses soft palate

muscle: 1. name 2. origin 3. insertion 4. innervation 5. action

1. palatopharyngeus m 2. palatine aponeurosis, hard palate 3. lateral wall of pharynx 4. vagus (X) 5. elevates pharynx

muscle: 1. name 2. origin 3. insertion 4. innervation 5. action

1. tensor veli palatini m 2. scaphoid fossa --cartilaginous auditory tube --wraps around pterygoid hamulus 3. palatine aponeurosis 4. V3 5. tenses soft palate

muscle: 1. name 2. origin 3. insertion 4. innervation 5. action

1. tensor veli palatini m 2. scaphoid fossa --cartilaginous auditory tube (blue) --wraps around pterygoid hamulus (red) 3. palatine aponeurosis (purple arrow) 4. mandibular division of trigeminal n (V3) 5. tenses soft palate

muscle: 1. name 2. origin 3. insertion 4. innervation 5. action


name circled area

Kiesselbach's Area Epistaxis -anastomoses of arteries - trauma to the area can lead to heavy arterial bleeding

name of green area and significance


ID paranasal air sinus

1. ethmoidal 2. maxillary

ID paranasal air sinuses 1. blue circle 2. green circles

1. frontal 2. maxillary 3. ethmoidal

ID paranasal air sinuses 1. red 2. green 3. blue

1. frontal 2. ethmoidal 3. sphenoid

ID paranasal air sinuses 1. red 2. blue 3. purple

middle cranial fossa

ID pink area 2. what are other communication structures of the pterygopalatine fossa

infraorbital nerve, branch of V2

ID pink nerve

nasopalatine nerve

ID pink nerve

superior alveolar nerves, branch of V2

ID pink nerve

zygomatic nerve, branch of V2

ID pink nerve

posterior lateral nasal nerve

ID pink nerves

1. V2 2. lateral pterygoid plate 3. V3 4. pterygopalatine fossa 5. infratemporal fossa

Pterygopalatine fossa 1. ID nerve 2. ID structure 3. ID nerve 4. ID red circled area 5. ID structure

1. greater palatine artery anastomoses with septal branches from sphenopalatine a 2. incisive foramen 3. greater palatine artery

1. ID artery 2. ID foramen 3. ID artery

1. maxillary nerve V2 2. pterygopalatine ganglion

1. ID blue arrow 2. ID green arrow

1. maxillary nerve V2 2. pterygopalatine ganglion 3. pterygopalatine part/3rd part of maxillary artery 4. pterygopalatine fossa

1. ID blue arrow nerve 2. ID green arrow 3. ID purple arrow artery 4. 1-3 are in what fossa

1. palatine 2. maxilla 3. pterygopalatine fossa 4. pterygoid process of sphenoid

1. ID green 2. ID yellow 3. ID purple 4. ID blue

1. ascending palatine artery 2. tonsillar artery 3. facial artery

1. ID green arrow 2. ID blue arrow 3. #1 and #2 are branches of what artery

1. nasopalatine n 2. hard palate 3. greater palatine n (V2)

1. ID nerve (red arrow) 2. which palate does it innervate 3. what other nerves innervate this palate

1. pterygopalatine ganglion 2. no

1. ID pink dot 2. do the nerves of pterygopalatine fossa synapse here

1. pterygopalatine ganglion 2. parasympathetics to nasal and pharyngeal, palatine mucosa, and lacrimal glands 3. swells mucosa (parasympathetic), shrinks mucosa (sympathetic), induces lacrimation and glandular secretions

1. ID pink dot 2. function 3. action

1. nasopalatine n 2. incisive foramen 3. allows for anastomoses between nasal and oral cavities

1. ID #1 (nerve) 2. ID #2 (foramen) 3. significance of #2

1. angular v and facial v 2. pterygoid plexus 3. opthalmic vv 4. infection from nasal cavity can spread to dural venous sinuses

1. arterial supply from facial a drains to ______ vv. 2. arterial supply from maxillary artery drains to ______ plexus 3. arterial supply from ethmoidal arteries drain to ____ vv. 4. significance of these connections

1. at rest 2. no tension

1. tensor veli palatini - at rest or contracted? 2. soft palate - tensed or not tensed?

1. contracted 2. tenses

1. tensor veli palatini - at rest or contracted? 2. soft palate - tensed or not tensed?

1. pterygomaxillary fissure 2. lateral wall 3. infratemporal surface of maxilla 4. anterior wall 5. pterygoid process of sphenoid 6. posterior wall 7. perpendicular plate palatine 8. medial wall 9. pyramidal process palatine 10. inferior wall (floor) 11. inferior sphenoid, orbital plate of palatine 12. superior wall (ceiling)

Boundaries of pterygopalatine fossa 1. ID red dotted area structure 2. which wall is #1 associated with 3. ID red dot structure 4. which wall is #3 associated with 5. ID dark blue dot structure 6. which wall is #5 associated with 7. ID light blue oval 8. which wall is #7 associated with 9. ID blue arrow structure 10. which wall is #9 associated with 11. ID purple dot structure 12. which wall is #11 associated with

1. infratemporal fossa 2. orbital floor

Communications of pterygopalatine fossa 1. ID blue area 2. ID green arrow structure

pterygoid plexus veins


1. ethmoid bulla 2. opening to middle ethmoidal cells 3. uncinate process 4. opening to posterior ethmoidal cells 5. opening to sphenoidal sinus 6. opening to maxillary sinus 7. infundibulum -> frontonasal canal 8. opening to anterior ethmoidal cells 9. opening to nasolacrimal duct 10. semilunar hiatus

ID 1-10: bony features of lateral wall (deep view)

1. middle nasal concha 2. superior nasal concha 3. highest nasal concha 4. uncinate process 5. ethmoid

ID 1-4

1. sphenopalatine foramen 2. lesser palatine foramen 3. greater palatine foramen 4. palatine

ID 1-4

1. frontal process 2. incisive canal and foramen 3. palatine process 4. alveolar process 5. maxilla

ID 1-5

1. maxillary 2. greater and lesser aa 3. sphenopalatine

ID arteries of pterygopalatine fossa 1. blue 2. yellow 3. green

1. sphenopalatine 2. greater and lesser palatine 3. maxillary

ID arteries of pterygopalatine fossa 1. green 2. yellow 3. blue

1. infraorbital a 2. sphenopalatine a 3. septal br. sphenopalatine a 4. posterior lateral nasal aa 5. descending palatine a 6. superior alveolar aa

ID arteries of pterygopalatine fossa: 1-6

1. infraorbital artery 2. sphenopalatine a 3. pharyngeal a 4. artery of pterygoid canal 5. maxillary a 6. descending palatine a 7. posterior superior alveolar a 8. anterior superior alveolar a 9. greater palatine a 10. lesser palatine a

ID arteries: 1-8 9. blue dot 10. yellow dot

middle superior alveolar artery

ID artery

1. frontal 2. nasal 3. ethmoid 4. lacrimal 5. sphenoid 6. inferior concha 7. palatine 8. maxilla

ID lateral wall skeleton. 1-8

1. greater petrosal nerve, parasympathetic pre-ganglionic 2. deep petrosal nerve, presympathetic post-ganglionic 3. n. to pterygoid canal

ID nerves 1. blue box (+ autonomic nerve fiber) 2. red box (+ autonomic nerve fiber) 3. purple box

1. anterior ethmoidal n 2. posterior ethmoidal n 3. V1

ID nerves of nose and nasal cavity. 1-3

1. anterior ethmoidal n 2. nasopalatine n 3. V1 4. V2

ID nerves of nose and nasal cavity. 1-4

1. external nasal branch 2. anterior ethmoidal nerve 3. CN I 4. V2 5. nasopalatine n 6. greater and lesser palatine nn 7. posterior lateral nasal nn 8. V1 9. V2 10. anosmia - can't perceive odor, CN I not functioning correctly

ID nerves of nose and nasal cavity. 1-7 8. CN V division above green line 9. CN V division below green line 10. condition if #3 is not functioning

1. V2 2. pterygopalatine ganglion 3. infraorbital n 4. nasopalatine n 5. superior alveolar nn 6. posterior lateral nasal nn 7. greater/lesser palatine nn 8. zygomatic n

ID nerves of pterygopalatine fossa: 1-8

1. greater palatine n 2. lesser palatine n 3. V2 4. greater palatine n - hard palate lesser palatine n - soft palate

ID nerves. 1 & 2 3. which cranial nerve do they come from 4. which palate does each innervate

1. facial n 2. greater petrosal n 3. superior cervical sympathetic ganglion 4. deep petrosal 5. nerve to pterygoid canal 6. parasympathetic - synapse, sympathetic - pass through 7. preganglionic parasympathetics + post ganglionics sympathetics

ID nerves. 1-5 6. what do the parasympathetic vs sympathetic fibers do at the ganglion 7. what are the components of #5

1. nares 2. nasolacrimal duct 3. opening of auditory (pharyngotympanic) tube (nasopharynx)

ID non-sinus openings of nasal cavity. 1-3

1. ethmoidal bulla - middle ethmoidal air cells 2. sphenoethmoidal recess - sphenoidal sinus 3. maxillary sinus opening - max sinus 4. nasolacrimal duct 5. semilunar hiatus - frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, anterior ethmoidal air cells 6. superior meatus - posterior ethmoidal air cells 7. middle meatus - semilunar hiatus features 8. inferior meatus - nasolacrimal duct

Openings of paranasal air sinuses 1-5. ID structures and openings 6. ID red dot and opening 7. ID green dot and opening 8. ID yellow dot and opening

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