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what did swami say on arriving at the nagarwada gate

"I have spent forty years, four months and four days in this place. Now I shall move around in Satsang, visiting the devotees and shall stay at Mahuva."

Pragji Bhakta and Mahant Suryabharathi (1) Pleased with the child's devotion. (2) Pragji Bhakta cooked and fed the Mahant. 6 (3) Served the Mahant. (4) He narrated the Mahabharat to Pragji Bhakta.

(1) Pleased with the child's devotion. (3) Served the Mahant.

Reception at dharampur (1) Was offered rich clothes and precious ornaments of gold and diamonds. (2) Sixteen signs on the feet. (3) I don't seek kingdoms. (4) I have come here from Akshardham to liberate the jivas

(1) Was offered rich clothes and precious ornaments of gold and diamonds. (3) I don't seek kingdoms. (4) I have come here from Akshardham to liberate the jivas

Girdharbhai in search of Satpurush (1) Started praying before the murti of Ghanshyam Maharaj. (2) After one month, Maharaj gave darshan. (3) Pragji Bhakta is my most beloved devotee. (4) I remain manifest in the satsang through Gunatitanand Swami.

(2) After one month, Maharaj gave darshan. (3) Pragji Bhakta is my most beloved devotee.

Swami said in order to test Pragji Bhakta (1) Asked to fetch five hundred spades and two hundred buckets. (2) Asked to fetch three hundred buckets. (3) Asked to fetch two hundred spades and five hundred buckets. (4) Asked to fetch four hundred spades.

(3) Asked to fetch two hundred spades and five hundred buckets.

All the sadhus were divided between the ___________ sadgurus, due to which ____________ was left with no disciples

12 sahajanand

how many malas did bhagatji maharaj turn for the welfare of his devotees

18 thousand

Bhaktaraj Laduba celebrates annkut utsav 1. Shriji Maharaj said, "Let Laduba look after the festivals of the bright half of the month and let Jivuba take care of the festivals taking place during the dark half of the month." 2. Jivuba approached Laduba with a request, "O sister, please allow me to celebrate the festival of Annakut, which takes place during the dark half of the month." 3. "Maharaj, We will manage to stay anywhere on the bank of the river." 4. Laduba politely asked, "Maharaj, Who used to feed you and bathe you in your incarnation as Krishna?" 5. Bhaktimata said, "Then I am prepared to stay here with my son, Shriji Maharaj." 6. Bhaktimata said, "I am a Pativrata woman, so if you all observe dharma then I will stay among you." 7. Laduba explained, "According to scriptures the Annakut festival is a part of the Diwali celebrations." 8. Laduba began to take care of the buffalo at home. 9. The next day many other women had assembled in a room. Suddenly, the whole room was filled with brilliant light. 10. Laduba, with great efforts and assistance from her friends, prepared a beautiful Annakut. 11. Shriji Maharaj consecrated the murti of Vasudev Narayan in one of the rooms of the darbar. 12. Upon hearing this, the women replied, "We will observe dharma."

7, 10, 9, 6, 12, 5

"What will happen to us when you will be no more."

A Haribhakta to Gunatitanand Swami when the festival was over and he set out on a tour of Sorath. Swami arrived at upleta, where the haribhaktas asked swami this question

The duties relating to religion should be performed immediately

Actions should not be performed without due deliberation. Social duties should be performed after much deliberation and after consulting the Satpurush. Realizing this body as perishable, all religious duties should be performed immediately. What is to be done tomorrow should be done today and what is to be done in the evening should be done immediately. Death is unpredictable but inevitable. Only dharma accompanies the jiva after the death of the body.

Translate the shlok into English: Aharnidrabhayamaithunama ....... pashubhi samanaha.

Ãhãrnidrãbhayamaithunam cha, Sãmãnyametat pashubhirnarãnãm; Dharmo hi teshãmdhiko vishesho dharmena hinãh pashubhi samãnãhã. Hunger, sleep, fear and sex are the instincts of animals and man. Dharma is an additional feature of man. Therefore, a man without dharma is just like an animal.

"You have mastered all the shastras and I have completely taught you brahmavidya."

Bhagatji Maharaj to Yagnaprurushdasji when yagnapurushdasji asked for his blessing and bhagatji maharaj made him guru.

Bhaktaraj Dada Khachar: Jiva Khachar (Vikram Raja) had two wives, Mohanadevi and Subhadradevi. On Posh Sud 6, Samvat 1857, Mohanadevi gave birth to a daughter.

Bhaktraj dada khachar:Abhel Khachar (Abhay Raja) had two wives, Somadevi and Surprabha.. On posh sud 6, samvat 1857, somadevi gave birth to a son

Bliss in solitude: Swami told the Bhagatji, "These white clothes are a great command. Therefore go jungle and practice austerity." However, the sadhus expressed their firm determination of worshipping God, while doing strict fast. Swami was greatly pleased to learn of their firm resolve.

Bliss in solitude: Bhagatji told the sadhus. "These saffron clothes are a great obstacle. Therefore go home and practice satsang." However, the sadhus expressed their firm determination of worshipping God, while observing strict celibacy. Bhagatji was greatly pleased to learn of their firm resolve.

"You are a Hindustani Brahmin, Hariprasad Pande's son."

Brahmin astrologer to Shriji Maharaj when the brahmin was studying maharaj's eye, nose and head he realized the glory of maharaj and understood him to be god.

Discord in the fellowship: While returning to Vartal, Swami arrived at Dabhan, a village in Anand district. Here, Swami blessed Jina Bhagat (Yogiji Maharaj) the eighteen-month-old son of Devchandbhai.

Discord in the fellowship: While returning in kaira district. Here, Swami Blessed Dungar Bhagat (shastriji Maharaj) the fifteen-month-old son of dhoribhai

Premanand Swami's Tune: To Obey Commands

From his childhood, Premanand Swami obeyed every command of Maharaj's. As a child, in accordance with this command of Shriji Maharaj, he set out for Ujjain and arrived at the music school. Due to certain innate powers and the blessings of Shriji Maharaj, the boy attained mastery in both vocal and instrumental music within a few years. One day he suddenly remembered Maharaj. He left Ujjain in search of Maharaj and by his inspiration arrived in Gadhada. Maharaj recognized him and lovingly embraced him and then gave him diksha in around 1814 CE (Samvat 1870) and named him 'Nijbodhanand'. He learned a little Sanskrit also, as per the wish of Maharaj. Once Maharaj called him in his presence and asked him to compose kirtans. Although he hadn't studied the pingal branch of music he started composing kirtans as per the wish of Maharaj. He minutely observed all the parts of Maharaj's body and the first kirtan he composed was a beautiful one describing the murti of Maharaj. Maharaj was extremely pleased on hearing it. Once, on the occasion of Ashadh sud 11 (Devpodhi Ekadashi), Maharaj was giving special vows to be observed during the auspicious chaturmas. At that time Premanand Swami got up and pledged, "O Maharaj! I pledge that I will daily compose eight pads in praise of your murti." Maharaj became very happy to hear him undertake such a difficult vow. Even while describing the human actions of Maharaj, his understanding of Maharaj's divinity becomes one with Maharaj's human actions. It is as if his heart is flowing out in his kirtans, such is his ever-increasing love.

"Today we are performing the post-death rites of my aunt, Putlibai."

Gordhanbhai to nilkanth varni as he explained why there were so many rich foods so readily available to bring to nilkanth varni while the latter seated at dosavav

who was introduced as a sadguru by shriji maharaj

Gunatitanand Swami

"It can only be given to a valiant soul who has total control over all his senses and body and is prepared to surrender himself completely to me.."

Gunatitanand Swami to pragji Bhakta when pragji showed his readiness and asked gunatitanand Swami to bless him with gnan

The ................ banyan tree was possessed by thousands of .................

Haunted evil spirits

"You must act in a manner that will please Shriji Maharaj."

Himrajbhai and his sons when himrajbhai was advising Vanasha, jethasha, punjasha, and nephew bhagabhai as he took his last breaths thinking of shriji maharaj.

I am Possessed by Swaminarayan: Once, Kothari was the guest of Diwan Saheb of Nadiad. Diwan Saheb's security guard was a Muslim. He was a genuine aspirant of God and came to offer his respects to Kothari.

I am possessed by Swaminarayan: Once, Bhagatji was the guest of the Rao Saheb of Petlad. Rao Saheb's bodyguard was a muslim. He was genuine aspirant of god and came to offer his respects to bhagatji

Jnan yagna in Ahmedabad: Whenever a meal was sponsored by Acharya's family, Kothari Maharaj looked food himself.

Jnan Yagna in AHmedabad: Whenever a meal was sponsored by bhagatji's followers, acharya maharaj served food himself

1. Key to Akshardham Lies with Pragji.

In accordance with the wishes of Gunatitanand Swami, Pragji Bhakta used to discourse on Swaminarayan philosophy to the devotees who realized Swami as the manifestation of Akshar. During festivals, Pragji Bhakta would sit under the canopy in the assembly hall at Junagadh and deliver discourses. Swami used to tell the devotees who came for darshan, "Now I have retired. If you want to listen to religious discourses go to Pragji." The devotees experienced great peace by his talks. Amaidas Kothari, Bechar Bhagat Kothari and some five to seven parshads came there from Vartal to listen to Swami's discourses and to visit some pilgrim places. Swami said, "Kothari, I have retired and handed over all the keys to Pragji Bhakta.The keys of the mandir are here with me, but I have handed over the key to Akshardham to Pragji." In Vartal, people started saying, "Pragji has become the main at Junagadh and Swami has merged his personality into Pragji. Once, some Darbars asked Swami, "Swami, instead of giving all your spiritual powers to some Brahmin, sadhu or scholar, why have you given it to this tailor?" Swami smiled and replied, "I was reluctant to give it to him. But he overpowered me by his selfless, sincere service, love and devotion. The darbars asked to withdraw it, but Swami retorted sternly, "It is not possible to withdraw it because its foundation run deep down." "Vaishampayan Rishi had taught his knowledge to Yagnavalkya. Then, once, the Rishi ordered Yagnavalkya to go to the palace of a king who had no issue. But Yagnavalkya knew that it was not proper for a man who had taken a vow of celibacy to do so. So he politely refused to carry out his guru's command.I have taught brahmavidya to Pragji, and it cannot be recalled. And don't you think that one who has given paravidya, is capable of making him worthy of receiving it! Besides, God and sadhus do not look at one's caste, creed or ashram in society." The commoners looked upon Pragji Bhakta as one belonging to the lower strata of society, but the devotees saw in him the form of God.

Unnad Khachar protected kadvibai

Kadvibai was a staunch devotee of maharaj in jetpur. SHe was married into a family that did not understand her devotion and her husband used to torture her. but she never stopped doing bhakti. one day her husband got really angry and said "from today i will treat you as a sister and mother." hearign this kadvibai happily broke her bangles and shaved her head, and went to the river to perform rites one performs when her husband dies. The brahmins of her community heard of this and decided to kill kadvibai. HOwever darbar unnnad Khachar rushed with a sword in his hand to save kadvibai. when the brahmins saw him they were scared and ran away.

Kanak chhadi sundar ....... tap shamavta re.

Kanak chhadi sundar kar laine, Gajgati chãlo halvã rahine; Chittdu choro mithu mithu gãvtã re Premãnand nã Nãth vihãri, Jãu tãrã vadankamal par vãri; Hete shu bolãvi tãp shamãvtã re

The supply of ghee never ran out in the yagna at Dabhan.

Madarudra yagna was being held in dabhan for 18 days and thousands of brahmins were being fed. some mischievous brahmins poured ghee in the lake and complained there wasn't enough. maharaj went to the store room and kept kathis on all four sides of the camp and kept brahmins on watch. He told satsangi brahmins to only draw ghee from those two containers and it will never run out.

What vows did shriji maharaj give to the sadhus during the famine of 1869?

Maharaj gave the sadhus a vow to eat tasteless food and wear rudraksha beads around their necks

Shriji maharaj fell ill in Bhuj

Maharaj sent sadhus with muktanand swami to gujarat for the spread of satsang. when the sadhu went to beg for alms some people would place dead animals, or other things into their bags. They would also get stale grams and the sadhus would fell ill. the oneness between maharaj and his paramhansas was so strong that though maharaj was in Bhuj when the sadhus fell ill so did maharaj.

"Why are you all crying? Is someone dead?"

Maharaj to Nityanand Swami after Nityanand Swami saw Maharaj with covers over him and unresponsive to his calls. Maharaj quickly woke up when Nityanand Swami dropped a bowl of food on the floor and started crying.

Shriji Maharaj covered Gunatitanand Swami with the coarse blanket.

Maharaj was given a course blanket by a devotee. this blanket causes bruises if rubbed with skin. Muktanand swami asked gunatitanand swami to have part with the blanket but maharaj refused. Muktanand Swami remarked maharaj! this nirgunanand is like jadbharat he prefers this course blanket. it'll be good if you give it to him. maharaj laughed and gave the blanket to gunatitanand swami

Manki's Mount

Maharaj was in Loya and at the time Bhim Pandya and his brother jiva came to the village of chuda to loya to get maharaj's darshan. Maharaj was seated in an assembly and knew that Bhim's wish and stretched his legs out, giving Bhim the chance to look at the 16 signs on his feet. Bhim was convinced maharaj was god. Both brothers accepted vartman from maharaj and then left to return to chuda. On the way they came to minapur village and recalled that they lent money to a garasiyo from there. He asked for more this time and just then Bhim saw a young foal tied nearby and though this foal is of good breed. He wanted to gift it to maharaj so he asked for the foal. They then set off with the foal back to loya. at the moment maharaj was seated in an assembly. He told sura khachar, "sura khachar keep some kumkum and garland ready. our garuda is coming and i want to perform its pujan.

Netrakamalne re ....... dukh bhage.

Netrakamalnere,rãkhiughãdãkyãre;Dhyãndharinere,besejivanbã're. Kyãrek chamki re, dhyãn karantã jãge; Jotã jivan re, janmamaran dukh bhãge

Mukundanand Varni (Mulji Brahmchari): He had accompanied Swami to a certain village where a hut had caught fire. He feared that Swami would be burnt. He lifted Swami along with his seat, carried him out and placed him under a pipal tree.

Mukundanand varni (mulji Bramchari): He had accompanied maharaj to a certain town where a house had caught fire. He feared that maharaj would be burnt. He lifted maharaj along with his seat, carried him out and placed him under a neem tree

"Give it to me. I will take it."

Mulji brahmchari to ramdashbhai when ramdasbhai had selected 30kg of mangos for maharaj and needed someone to carry the backet to maharaj

Nija-pad-payoja kirtanam ....... bhaje sada.

Nija-pãd-payoja-kirtanam Satatam syãda bhav-jiva-gocharam; Iti yaha kurute krat- tsavam Sahajãnand-gurum bhaje sadã

who replied to the pundits in ahmedabad debate

Nityanand swami replied to the pundits in ahmedabad debate

"I pledge that I will daily compose eight pads in praise of your murti."

Premanand Swami to shriji maharaj when maharaj was giving everyone special vows to be observed during the auspicious chaturmas on devphodi ekadashi


Rajbai,an ekantik devotee of Shriji Maharaj,was living at Gadhpur and was the daughter of Jivubai's maternal aunt. She was not interested in marriage, and had resolved herself to complete celibacy. When she was to betrothed, the would be in-laws sent the customary sari and coconut, to which she was displeased and said, "Set it ablaze". Soon, the sari was ablaze, but she was still betrothed against her wishes. On the day of her marriage, she attained samadhi and remained like a corpse; one of her maids took her place at the wedding, and she was sent to her in-laws in a cart. At night when her husband entered the bedroom, Rajbai was meditating on Shriji Maharaj. Instead of Rajbai, her husband saw a fierce lion sitting on the cot. He gave out a wild scream and ran out of the room, not wanting this woman. Once, Maharaj had told Rajbai in an assembly that she must return to her husband's home, to which she fainted. When Maharaj told Rajbai she could observe celibacy and stay there to serve him, she returned to consciousness. Her detachment was intense, even up until the moment after her death.

" i have spun just a silver from the huge piles of cotton"

Ramanand Swami to muktanand Swami when muktanand swami was getting consoled and was revealed the true glory of maharaj. On hearing this muktanand swami's doubts disappeared and his joy knew no bounds

"Mama's sadhus were insulted, beaten and driven away."

Randebai to her sons meraman and mamaiya when she explained to them what the wicked darbars had done to the innocent sadhus

Request for Akshar Jnan: "Please bless me with your gadi, show me your dwelling place and make me a true sadhu."

Request for akshar jnan: " please bless me with your knowlegde, show me your dwelling place and make me a true satsangi."

Sadguru Nityanand Swami: On hearing this, Chandramani felt great anxiety in his mind. He became impatient to meet Ramanand Swami.

Sadguru Nityanand Swami: On hearing this, Dinmani felt great joy in his heart. He became impatient to meet bhagwan swaminarayan.

To destroy_____________'s ego, shriji maharaj wrote a letter to ____________ devotees to become paramhansas.

Sunderji Suthar's 18

Swami Jaga Bhakta: Gopalanand Swami was happy to receive him but his uncle, Maghav Bhakta, came to Sarangpur in search of him. He didn't find Jaga Bhakta there, so he decided to go to Bhavnagar.

Swami Jaga Bhakta: Gunatitanand Swami was happy to recieve him but his father, Raghav Bhakta, came to gadhada in search of him. He didnt find jaga bhakta there, so he decided to go to junagadh

2. Sixty-Eight places of Pilgrimage at Thy Feet.

To please Swami, Pragji Bhakta served as barber, tailor, stone-mason, carpenter, blacksmith and a woodcutter. He served Swami till late in the night. He helped him to sleep by massaging his legs. Even in the middle of the night if Swami got up to answer a call of nature, Pragji would hold the lamp to help Swami wash his hands and escort him back to his bed. Although he remembered his guru in his heart incessantly, he always longed to serve him in person. Pragji Bhakta humbly offered, "I will do your manual work in the mandir. You sit in the assembly and deliver spiritual discourses." When Gunatitanand Swami heard this, he was pleased and told him, "You are already busy and engaged for twenty-three hours. How will you be able to find time to do my work?" However, Pragji Bhakta did not bother about himself because of his love and devotion towards Swami. During this period the construction work of the haveli was in progress. Some slabs of stone were lying outside the mandir but a dead dog lay on top. Pragji changed his clothes and removed the dead dog. Then he took a bath and returned to the mandir. The work began. Gunatitanand Swami was greatly pleased. Once, after the annakut festival, Pragji was washing the vessels. There was a pit in which dirty water was collected. Swami came there and put his foot on the edge of the pit. The dirty water touched his toes. Instantly Swami asked, "Pragji, where can one find all the sixtyeight places of pilgrimage?" Pragji Bhakta understood the deeper meaning of the Swami's words and immediately jumped into the pit of dirty water. It was a spiritual bath for him. He knew that the dirty water in which Swami had dipped his toes contained all the sixty- eight holy places. For a while Swami just kept watching. Then he said, "Pragji, come out and wash yourself with clean water." Such was the intense devotion of Pragji Bhakta!

Trouble for Bhagatji's Sadhus: Bhagatji is a man of firm determination. Even when he was thrown out of satsang, he continuously worshipped Ranchhodji. He sat at the mandir gate and sought darshan of parshad and devotees.

Troubles for bhagatji's sadhus" Shamji is a man of firm dedication. Even when he was thrown out of mandir, he continuously worshipped maharaj. He sat at the mandir gate and sought darshan of sadhus and devotees

During the construction work of ................ mandir, Shriji Maharaj embraced sadhus whose bodies were ................

Vartal soiled in mud

Devotees from Khandesh started visiting Mahuva to stay in the company of Bhagatji.

Vignandasji attracted many people towards the satsang in kahndesh. in samadhi devotees saw the murti of bhagatji next to maharaj. A women was possessed with evil spirits and as soon as she saw the murti of bhagatji the evil spirits left . She started behaving like bhagatji and brought happiness to innumerable people. Devotees started visiting Mahuva to stay in company of bhagatji.

'Vishayne marge.....' - Complete the Swamini Vat and narrate it.

Vishyane marge andhala thavu, Bahera thavu, lula thavu pan asakta na thavu On the path of sense pleasures, become blind, deaf, lame, but do not become attached to them Swami says that desire for worldly pleasures is at the root of all our miseries. The panchvishays have taken possession of our jiva since eternity, namely, speech, touch, smell, beauty and taste. Each one lures the jiva towards it and kills it. For sound/speech, a hunter attracts the deer by playing a flute. When the deer becomes absorbed in the music and stands still, the hunter shoots an arrow and kills it.With touch, an elephant is trapped in a pit with a fake she-elephant is placed on the other side of the pit. The lustful elephant with a desire for contact with the mate tries to run across the pit and falls into it and gets caught. For beauty, the moth is attracted by the light of the lamp and gets burnt in its flame and dies. For taste, the fish gets trapped by the bate on the fisherman's hook. With smell, the wasp is attracted to the lotus and does not want to leave it, then gets trapped in the elephant's trunk and dies. Thus, each of these vishays causes the death of different animals and insects who have an attachment and craving towards them. Then how can we human beings who are drawn to all these five vishays escape from their clutches? Swami asks us to be blind and deaf and indifferent towards the panchvishays. In other words, we must completely withdraw all our senses from these panchvishays. If we are lured by beauty we must withdraw our eyes from it, withdraw the ears from worldly sounds and speech, withdraw the tongue from the tastes and all our senses from their sources of joy. To covet somebody else's beauty with our eyes is a sin and to think of possessing something which is not ours is a sin. Thus, when one remains alert in matters of one's senses and attains complete control over them, then only does one become brahmanized and qualified to attain Purushottam.

When does the figure become a murti

When it is consecrated by God or a God-realized satpurush

Shriji maharaj touched the containers with his stick during the yagna in dabhan

While checking the stock in the storeroom, Vishnudas looked at the supply of foodstuff and remarked "Maharaj, this amount of foodstuff will not be enough." Swarupanand Swami responded "If there is not enough foodstuff it will bring a bad name to Lakshmiji. Why should we worry about it?" Seeing the faith of these two disciples, Shriji Maharaj touched the containers of oil, ghee, jaggery, wheat and rice with his stick and all the containers became completely filled with the various items.

carrots are my enemies a) alaiya khachar touched the picked carrots b)pickled carrots were flat c) how did you enjoy the dish? d)only the first item they touched was to be eaten and nothing else

c) how did you enjoy the dish? d)only the first item they touched was to be eaten and nothing else

what did bhagatji maharaj prepare for acharya maharaj

a beautiful coat and a pair of stockings for acharya maharaj

Gunatitanand Swami took the responsibilities of Indrajibhai's two sons.

after karsanjibhai came into contact with swami, his father indrajitbhai also used to come swami for one month every year. However he used to worry about his young sons and family responsibilities. gunatitanand Swami promised that shriji maharaj would look after their welfare and indrajitbhai renounced his worldly responsibilities came to junagadh, and got diksha as akhandanand Brahmchari from acharya maharaj

who did the sadgurus appoint for which gadi

ayodhyaprasadji as acharaya of the nar-narayan gadi on ahmedabad. and raghuvirji as acharya of lakshmi-narayan gadi in vartal.

why did the snake become quiet?

because the minister's son said he would get the blood from the prince's chest if the snake didn't bit it.

Visits to kariyani and gadhada

from bandia, maharaj arrived at sardhar where he celebrated janmasthmi, dashera and annkut festivals. On kartik sud 15, Samvat 1861 (17 november 1804) maharaj left sardhar and arrived in kariyani. He stayed there at the house of Mancha Bhagat, who was a disciple of ramanand Swami, and a man of pure thoughts and actions. Maharaj stayed there and also in the darbar of vasta khachar. In kariyani he started great humanitarian work by digging a lake on the outskirt of the town. Maharaj also graced the marriage procession of virdas bhagats son and graced each and every house in the town. Abhel khachar came to kariyani and requested "Maharaj, kindly visit Gadhpur and grace our darbar." On maha sud 11 samvat 1861 maharaj arrived in gadhada for the first time. "This Gadhada is mine and I belong to Gadhada." Abhel Khachar requested maharaj never to leave gadhada and maharaj was very happy and gave a print of his feet on his chest.

where was premanand swami born and in which family

he was born into a sathodara nagar brahmin family in a village near nadiad

where were the arrangements for maharaj's stay made by the devotees from barvala

in a bigger house of his elder brother

"As I was born later, I was not able to have Maharaj's darshan."

jaga bhakta to gunatitanand Swami when jaga bhakta was gloomy as he wasnt able to do darshan of maharaj . Gunatitanand swami explained the 4 types of happiness related to maharaj's murti

Kamalnayan Shastri experienced divine peace in Junagadh mandir.

kamalnayan shastri was invited to a wedding in the family of the nawab of junagadh. He stayed at the local swaminarayan mandir and introduced to shastriji maharaj. shastri was very impressed with the pious atmosphere and the sadhus that had shunned wealth and women. His worldly desires subdues and he felt peace because of shastri yagnapurushdas and felt he was god-realized sant and was in contact with god. After meeting jaga bhakta the shastri experienced true peace at heart.

Whom did shriji maharaj ask about the identity of Nathu? where?

maharaj asked Ramanujanand Swami and Goplanand Swami junior about the identity of Nathu in Kariyani

who can be called a guru

one who removes darkness from the heart, is pure within and without, and removes all the doshas from his disciples and purifies them. A guru is one whom upon seeing, the mind is not deviated and makes us steadfast

what did dada khachar say to the barber halfway through his haricut

please stop now, maharaj is calling me

when did shriji maharaj complete the shikshapatri

shriji maharaj completed the shikshapatri on vasant panchmi (maha sud 5) samvat 1882.

Acharya Maharaj had a turban tied on Bhagatji as a mark of honour.

the diwan of vansda was deeply inspired by yagnapurushdasji's talks and wanted to meet bhagatji. After inviting him to their home, the diwan and his wife attended to bhagatji constantly. Bhagatji gave discourses on the 5 eternal entities, brahma and parabrahma, the antahkaran, worldly guidance on dharma and vairagya and more. the diwan was deeply attached to bhagatji had a turban tied on Bhagatji as a mark of honour.

What did the kanbi boy tell the barber

the kanbi boy told the barber to give him some of maharaj's hair

Re-entry into Ahmedabad.

the peshwa rule ended in ahmedabad and visnagar in samvat 1874. the british established their rule in ahmedabad and Mr. Andrew Dunlop was appointed as the collector of ahmedabad. He had heard a good deal about the glory of bhagwan Swaminarayan, and also about his work from the devotees even before he became the collector. He was pleased with the law-abiding nature of the satsangis. Mr. Dunlop sent an invitation to mharaj to visit Ahmedabad and resume his religious activities. Maharaj received the message and started for ahmedabad with a group of sadhus and well-armed kathis. Maharaj broke his journey at jetalpur. Some jealous person approached Mr. Dunlop and tried to poison his mind. But Mr. Dunlop could not be so easily taken in by such loose talk. he was quite aware of maharaj's greatness. he went to receive maharaj and told him "Maharaj, now you can comfortably come to Ahmedabad to preach your teachings. I am at your service and you can ask for any help from us. We will try our best to help you. Please continue to protect us and show mercy towards us. Please bless us."

The sadhus got an opportunity of serving Bhagatji in Bhadrod.

the sadhus got an opportunity of serving bhagatji. Of late he was not keeping well he had given up wearign shoes, Yagnapurushdasji used to rub his soles with a small emery stone and apply butter on the cuts. other sadhus also served him in many wyas

during bhagatjis last illness what did yagnapurushdasji request him in a letter?

to regain good health

What did shriji maharaj ask sundarji to do in order to test him?

to renounce and initiated him into the sadhu-fold. then he immediately sent him on a pilgrimage to kashi

With whom is the Param Ekantik Sadhu in constant communion

with Shriji Maharaj

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