Part 4: Chapter 18

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What are some of the responsibilities that should be ongoing?

-Locating and securing in place the officers weapon or weapons and expended casings. -Locating and securing in place weapons used by the suspects. -Securing any clothing that may have been removed from suspects or officers by paramedics. -Marking the location or locations of all involved officers and suspects at the scene. In addition to the procedural steps previously mentioned, other necessary personnel in the agency may need to be contacted. These notifications may include the agencies chief executive, parole commander, homicide, shooting team, internal investigative officers, coroner or medical examiner, legal advisor, or chaplain.

In their authoritative work on officer involved shootings, David Hatch and Randy Dickinson identified the early task to be accomplished by the investigator upon their arrival. What are these tasks?

-Protection of the evidence. -Securing the entire area. -Removal of the officer involved in the incident from the public and press scrutiny. -Limit the number of people who have access to the officer involved with the incident. They also note that before removing the involved officer or officers from the scene, it is crucial that he or she accompany investigators through the scene and briefly describe how the incident occurred. This allows investigators to determine the parameters of the scene and organize the scene investigation and assigned task.

For officers involved in hostile shooting situations, what are the six primary areas of concern that should be addressed after the initial confrontation has ended?

-Safety and welfare of officers and others at the scene. -Locate/ arrest suspects. -Call emergency medical personnel. -Secure firearms. -Secure the scene. -Identify possible witnesses.

What evidence can support and refute the actions taken by the officer?

-Statements by the officer involved may differ from those by other officers at the scene or other first responders. -Physical evidence may not support the account provided by the officer involved, for example, shell casings and blood spatter evidence located in a different area than where the shooting allegedly took place. -Witness accounts that differ from officer accounts. -Video footage located at nearby businesses, which supports/ refutes the officers accounts. -Cell phone video taken by bystanders/witnesses that support/refutes the officers accounts. -Dashcam video from the officers vehicle or responding police vehicles that supports /refutes the officers accounts. -Forensic evidence that may place into question accounts as told by the officers or witnesses, like ballistic evidence got gunshot residue or autopsy results.

What questions are limited to the making of a public safety statement?

-Type of force used by the officer and the suspect. -Direction and appropriate number of shots fired by officers and suspects. -Location of injured persons. -Description of at large suspects in their mode and direction of travel time elapsed since they fled and weapons that were available to them. -Description and location of any known victims or witnesses. -Description and location of any known evidence. -Information that would help ensure officer and public safety and assist in apprehension of suspects.

Force review boards should be managed by who?

1. Command level officers. 2. Personnel at the supervisory level who were not involved in the incident investigation. 3. Any other agency specialist who can provide an understanding of the event.

Who should respond to all incidents involving the use of deadly force?

A supervisor and a minimum of at least two investigators should respond to all incidents involving the use of deadly force. The investigative team should respond to the scene or an established command post to obtain a briefing from the on scene supervisor or officers directly involved in incident before investigative tasks are assigned.

The discharge of firearms by police officers should be subject of who?

Accordingly, the discharge of firearms by police officers, whether on duty or off duty, should be the subject of departmental investigation, along with other serious uses of force and the deaths of suspects while either in custody or during the course of an arrest.

Who are investigators that take over the scene?

After being briefed by the incident Commander, investigative officers who are signed the lead role in an officer involved shooting should assume responsibility of the shooting scene. From that point on, supervisory personnel and other police personnel at the scene should answer to the lead investigator who is designated the incident commander. The investigator should determine the degree to which the previously mentioned task has have been completed and where work still needs to be done. The investigator should ensure that these tasks are completed.

Step 11 inform staff and prosecutor is?

After the aforementioned investigative steps have been taken, a staff memorandum should be prepared stating the general facts of the incident. This memorandum should be posted or distributed to all personnel as soon as possible following the shooting. This can help control staff rumors and speculation over what might have occurred. A second briefing of the prosecutors office is also necessary following the shooting incident. Oftentimes, a member of the prosecutor's office will respond to an officer involved shooting as a matter of agency protocol. Regardless, the law enforcement agency should make a preliminary statement of facts as soon as possible to the prosecutor's office and work with them throughout the investigation.

What would the officers involved in the shooting be instructed to do?

All involved officers should be instructed not to talk about the incidents to persons other than their attorneys, mental health providers, or authorized investigators.

What are some similarities of all officer involved shooting scenes?

All officer involved shooting scenes should be investigated with the same care and thoroughness that would be applied at a murder scene. Such investigations of deadly force for officer involved shootings are never routine.

What should happen at the scene?

All suspects should be handcuffed unless emergency life saving activities are necessary. All firearms or other weapons in the vicinity of the suspect should be seized and safeguarded. Otherwise dropped or discarded firearm should be left in the place where they cannot be accessed by suspects or any third parties who may be in the immediate area.

What are transport officers?

As previously mentioned, it is always a good practice to transport officers, directly involved in shootings and other critical incidents, to an emergency care facility where they can be examined for injuries and observed for any delayed reaction to the incident (physical, mental, emotional) that demands medical attention. At some point following the incident, whether at the hospital or another location, involved officers should be tested to determine if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This information will be crucial to defend against any future allegations that the officers were impaired when the incident took place.

Step 9. Conduct officer interviews. What is that?

Audio recorded interviews should be conducted with each officer, regardless of statements previously made at the scene. By recording interviews, the department ensures the existence of an accurate record in case officer accounts differ as the investigation proceeds. Group interviews should not be conducted, since group dynamics can negatively influence individual recall and judgment. For their individual officers may not be willing to offer statements that differ from the majority of officers present. Individual interviews of all involved officers should be conducted. Next, each involved officer should prepare written report on the incident that should be attached to the investigative officers final report. These interviews should be conducted in a private location, away from sight and hearing of other agency members and persons. Investigators should obtain all relevant suspect information, including complete description and any prior criminal records, including parole or probation history. Search warrants for suspect residents and be and any vehicles involved in incident should also be obtained and related searches should be conducted in a timely manner.

What is the ongoing duties at the incident?

Based on the circumstances at the scene, the instant commander should determine the need for specific actions and make assignments. These include actions that may not have been taken by the involved officer or officers due to their physical incapacity, and checks of those actions that have not been taken to ensure that they were completed properly.

What is dealing with the media?

Because officer involved shootings customarily draw members of the media, it may be prudent to designate a staging area. If the agency has a public information Officer PIO, this person may be used to manage media representatives and provide them with information. Should a PIO not be readily available or available, the incident commander should appoint an officer at the scene to control these persons and to provide them with the basic details of the incident as they become available and as they are appropriate for release. No information should be released before a full investigation of the incident has been completed.

What is securing the scene?

Before backup officers and supervisory personnel arrive, the involved officer or officer should protect the immediate scene from incursion by bystanders and others, document and secure anything of evidentiary value, and require eyewitnesses to remain present for a brief statement. At this time, securing the scene may involve no more than keeping evidence from being blown away or washed away or touched by third parties. Beyond performing these basic responses when possible, officers involved in a hostel shooting incident where injury or death has occurred should prepare themselves for an extended period of sitting, waiting and interviews with agency investigators. Furthermore, the officer should not be offended by tough questions asked by investigators following such incidents. Only by asking the tough questions can all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the shooting event be compiled.

Before a foot pursuit is initiated, what should the officer consider?

Before initiating a foot pursuit, the officer should consider the potential for apprehension of the suspect and the need to remain behind at the scene to provide assistance to injured parties. Thus, it is recommended for involved officers to stay at the shooting scene, wait for emergency medical assistance and backup officers, and, if possible, assist the injured, protect evidence, identify witnesses, and provide the dispatcher information on suspects and other immediate needs.

Why my departments not choose to conduct in-depth interviews with officers immediately following their involvement in a shooting?

Departments may choose not to conduct indepth interviews with officers following their involvement in shooting. Interviews conducted at a later time, after the officer has had the opportunity to regain his or her composure, may be more useful. However, investigators should be prepared if officers voluntarily choose to participate in an interview immediately following the incident.

What can examination of the clothing provide?

Examination of the clothing can help prove or refute charges that the officer fired shots while the suspect was handcuffed, lying on the ground, standing with hands and arms raised, or when the suspect was not posing a threat to the officer. Therefore, investigators should be sure that arrangements have been made to secure this clothing before it is discarded by emergency medical personnel, hospital personnel or others

What is identifying witnesses?

Finally, it is crucial to identify witnesses. Once this is done, they should be kept separate and preliminary statements should be taken from each along with obtaining a complete identification.

What are the goals of investigations of officer involved in shootings in custody, deaths and serious uses of force?

Firstly, the legality of the shooting or other police action must be determined. The department must be in a position following the investigation to determine whether officers involved in the course of their duties took measures that were objectively reasonable under the circumstances of the incident. Second, the investigation must be capable of determining whether officers acted in accordance with departmental policy, procedures, rules and training. Results of the foregoing investigations have direct bearing on possible criminal charges or administrative discipline and liability that may attach to the officers, the department, or both.

What is the majority of the officer involved shooting investigation about?

For the most part, the majority of officer involved shooting. Investigations show that actions taken by officers were justified under the circumstances. That said, claims by an officer that he or she believed the suspect was armed was in the process of drawing a fire alarm, holding a firearm, otherwise posing a threat of death or serious bodily harm.

From a practical standpoint, conclusion from these investigations are directly related to what?

From a practical standpoint, conclusions from these investigations are directly related to risk management within law enforcement agencies. For example, information learned on the facts and circumstances surrounding officer shootings, assaults, deaths, and motor vehicle accidents and injuries are vital in identifying patterns of behavior and related causes that should lead to changes in agency policies, procedures, training that will serve to lessen risk related to police work.

When is the suspect pursued?

Generally, a decision to pursue a suspect will be based on a wide variety of factors, including the well-being of the officer and officers involved and other injuries at the scene. In any case, foot pursuits are inherently dangerous and for the most part, are not recommended by most law enforcement agencies. This is because officers are often exhausted, already stressed and undergoing a number of emotional and physical reactions.

What is making a public statement?

If involved officers are physically capable, they should provide a brief public safety statement at the scene as soon as reasonably possible.

What is notify emergency medical services?

If not already notified, emergency medical personnel should be called as a routine matter, even when there are no immediate indications that injuries have been sustained. The adrenaline rush of critical incidents often mask injuries to officers and others. It is also creates a severe elevation in blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and body temperature, which can prove dangerous to police personnel who are even physically fit.

Step 10 medical examiner collaboration is?

If the incident has resulted in the death of officers or suspects, it is especially important to work closely with the medical examiner or the Coroners office. This includes investigator attending the autopsies, forensic issues of importance including the following. -The determination of entrance and exit wounds. -Estimates of the shooter's positions. -The presence of any controlled substance in the decedents The lead investigator should brief the agency chief executive as soon as practical, once preliminary results of the investigations have been determined.

Step eight statements from EMS personnel what is it?

In obtaining statements during the course of the investigation, investigators should not overlook information and observations made by non police responders such as paramedics and firefighters. Often these are the first responders to the scene and have dealt directly with the suspects and/or officers immediately after the shooting. Their initial impressions can be of great value to the investigation, recording one the circumstances of the incident upon their arrival, two what may have been said to said by those involved and three any actions taken at the scene.

Step one, documentation of involved officer, what is it?

Investigators must also consider that the involved officer is a source of evidence, as is the suspect in the shooting. As such, the following evidentiary considerations must be undertaken to protect any evidence associated with the involved officer. -The involved officers should be photographed at the scene in the attire worn at the time of the incident. -All weapons, including backup weapons, if even if they are not used. -Any impounded weapon should be test fired, examined and returned to the involved officer as soon as possible unless they need to be retained as evidence. -It may be necessary to impound all of the involved officers clothing and gear, which may include blood or other bodily fluids that may have been deposited on the officers clothing and equipment.

Step one is documentation of the involved officer. And what does that include?

Investigators must also consider that they involve officer is a source of evidence, as is the suspect in the shooting. As such, the following evidentiary considerations must be undertaken to protect any evidence associated with the involved officer. -The involved officer should be photographed at the scene in the attire worn at the time of the incident. -All weapons, including backup weapons, even if they are not used. -Any impounded weapon should be test fired, examined and returned to the involved officer as soon as possible unless they need to be retained as evidence. -It may be necessary to impound all the of the involved officers clothing and gear, which may include blood or other bodily fluids that may have been deposited on the officers clothing and equipment.

Step four is witness interviews. What is it?

Investigators should arrange to have all witnesses and participants transported from the scene to a location where they can be interviewed and recorded statements can be obtained.

Step three, reconstructing the incident. What is it?

Investigators should ensure that all improper details of the shooting are documented. These including: -The nature of the call to which the officer was responding. -The time it was received, dispatch and time of arrival. -The general circumstances in which suspects were encountered. -The time of day of the incident. -The weather and lighting conditions. -The full identity and assignment of all involved officers. -The full identities of all persons who have had access to the shooting scene, including emergency medical services personnel and firefighters. -The time of dispatch and arrival of any backup officers. -Whether the officers were in uniform or if they were in plain clothes, whether they were identifiable as police officers at the time of the shooting. -The types of vehicle involved by officers and suspects, if appropriate. -The identities and background of all suspects and others involved in the shooting.

What are parallel investigations?

It is common that law enforcement agencies conduct concurrent administrative and criminal investigations of officer involved shootings, such as when an officer and/ or suspect is injured or killed. For example, an initiative investigation is conducted to establish compliance with departmental policies, procedures and training. Criminal investigations are conducted to establish whether the shooting was a violation of law. Depending on the facts of the incident, including the seriousness of the shooting, the circumstances involved, and the practices of the specific agency, it may be proper to conduct corresponding investigations. For example, a criminal investigation conducted by homicide investigators and an administrative investigation conducted by internal affairs investigators.

Why are digital cameras important?

It is important for investigators to have digital cameras at their disposal when processing the shooting scene. Not only should witnesses and by the standards in the area be photographed, but so should the scene itself and all evidence contained in it. Digital photographs are helpful for a number of reasons, including being used in briefings and subsequent training sessions for officers.

What is establishing a command post and recorder?

It may also be proper to establish a command post in order to better coordinate the personnel involved in the investigation. It is also recommended practice to appoint one officer as a recorder for the incident. The duties of a recorder are to document the event and establish a chronological record of the activities of the scene. This record should not include, but be limited to identities of all persons present and those who entered the incident/crime scene, including emergency medical and fire personnel, actions taken by police personnel, evidence process and any other matters of significance.

What is experienced Officers are essential?

Larger police organizations typically use specially designated shooting teams to respond to officer involved shooting events. Such units are typically staffed by experienced homicide investigators. In some cases, these investigators conduct their investigation within attorney from the prosecutor's office. It is also a common practice for smaller agencies to turn investigative responsibilities over to larger state police or county law enforcement agencies. As a general rule, experienced homicide investigators are the best person to conduct criminal investigations of officer involved shootings. Experienced officers Canmore readily identify, organize and evaluate relevant details of a shooting situation and establish the facts and circumstances of the incident, such as are encountered in many homicide investigations.

How do law enforcement agencies differ regarding what ?

Law enforcement agencies differ regarding what unit or which officers are designated to investigate officer involved shootings. For the most part, the responsibility is that of either Internal affairs unit, crimes against Persons unit or homicide units.

How does mental health also play a role in the shootings? Stats.

Mental health also played a role in the shootings. 236 people, or nearly one in four of those shot, were described as experiencing some form of mental crisis at the time of their encounter with police. For example, in 2017 and 29 year old Oklahoma City resident Dustin Pigeon Threatened to set himself on fire. A police officer shot Pigeon five times after he refused to drop a lighter and lighter fluid or fluid, according to prosecutors. In unusual outcome, prosecutors charged the officer with second degree murder in the death of Pigeon, saying that pigeon was unarmed and had posed no threat to the officer. Of all the people shot and killed by police in 2017, one of the youngest was 14 year old Jason Piero from Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Tribe. In November, Jason called 911 to report a man with a knife and then gave a description of himself. Holding a knife, Jason lunged up a sheriff's deputy, who shot and killed him. This incident was described by police as a suicide by cop incident, also known as officer assisted suicide, where a suicidal person provokes officers into resorting to use of deadly force to protect themselves. The oldest person killed by police with 91 year old Frank Warney of Union Township, Pennsylvania, who FBI were responding to a 911 call from a woman who said Whitney had fired at her. Meanwhile, the number of police officers Feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2017 was 46, a decline from 2016 figure of 66.

What is the goal of this chapter?

Note that this chapter represents only the basics of a post shooting investigation, as such investigations can and typically are considerably complicated. The goal of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the complexities of officer involved shootings and overview of investigative responsibilities and the potential social consequences of such incidents. Because the public demand the truth about the facts and circumstances leading to a shooting by police, this chapter will showcase three officer involved shootings as examples, the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, MO. 2014 the Laquan McDonald shooting in Chicago, IL. 2014 and the Walter Scott shooting in North Charleston, South Carolina 2015. One case, the grand jury determined that officer Darwin Wilson's use of deadly force was justified and he was not charged criminally. However, in both of them, McDonald and Scott shootings, the officers were prosecuted for their actions. Before we address the investigative steps and processes of an officer involved shooting, we will first consider the events surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown. As you read this and the other two cases studied in this chapter, reflect back on previous chapters in the text to recall the numerous points of discussion. Regarding evidence, identification, collection, analysis, these all come to the fruition in post shooting investigative process.

Step six collecting officer in suspect clothing. What is it?

Officer and suspect clothing often provides extremely important information about the shooting and must be properly preserved. Examples include the following. -The suspects clothes can provide evidence of the proximity of the officer or officers to the suspect. -The position of the suspects arms either up or down. -The distance and trajectory of shots that were fired. -Entrance and exit points.

Officer involved shootings investigations vary to some degree, but how do they all share some commonalities?

Officer involved shootings investigations vary to some degree, but all share some commonalities. Shootings that take place under these adverse circumstance, and in particular those in which injury or death occurs, require more rigorous investigation and necessitate a broader range of evidence information.

What is one of the best way to mitigate public criticism against the police?

One of the best ways to mitigate public criticism against the police is to conduct a thorough and objective investigation and communicate the findings openly to the media in the community.

What is securing firearms?

One of the primary items of evidence in officer involved shootings is firearms. In this regard, officers should ensure that their firearm is safely secured until it can be examined by investigators. If it is holstered, the firearm should not be removed, nor should it be opened, reloaded or tampered with in any regard. In some cases, the officers or suspects firearm may have been dropped at the scene. In such cases, it should be left in the place provided this can be safely accomplished. If safety concerns make this unadvisable, officers can mark the location and position of the firearm and secure it in its holster. The preferred procedure, however, is that weapons, expended cartridge casings, brass magazine speed loaders and related items be left in place.

What does the proper and thorough investigation of these incidents required?

Proper and thorough investigation of these incidents requires agency planning in the establishment procedures that must be followed. To a great extent, it also depends upon the carefulness of decisions made and supervisory steps taken immediately following such incidents by the involved officers, supervisory personnel, criminal investigators and internal affairs officers. It should also be noted that many agencies, due to limited resources and expertise in these types of investigations, may rely on outside agencies such as the state police, County Sheriff's Department or another law enforcement authority with proper jurisdiction. Many agencies also run investigations in cooperation with the local prosecutors office.

Step Seven, collect video transmission/ available video what is it?

Radio transmissions or transmissions by mobile data terminals can be important pieces of evidence. Because of this, arrangements should be made to identify, interview the complainant taker and/ or dispatcher who handled the incident and to secure and review all recorded voice and data transmissions surrounding this incident to involve the logs of MDTS. Dashcams mounted in the police vehicles, as well as body cameras and/ or audio recordings may also be available. Commercial or government surveillance cameras can also be a potential source of valuable video showing aspects of the incident. It is crucial, however, that these not to be shown to involve officers during or prior to questioning.

What are perceptual distortions?

Research shows that a variety of traumatic reactions caused by a shooting incident may inhabit and officers ability to cope and react appropriately. For example, it is quite common for an officer involved in a hostile shooting incident to experience perceptual distortions of various types. Some may experience time distortion, in which events appear to occur in slow motion. For others, time maybe seem to accelerate. Auditory distortions are also common among officers involved in shootings. For most, sound diminishes and gunshots, shouts, or other sounds may be muffled or unheard. An officer may not hear all the shots being fired and may not be able to relate this type of information accurately if questioned at a later date. Involved officers should be aware of the possibility that their recall is impaired in one or more of these ways, and investigative officers should keep these and related factors in mind when conducting interviews and interrogations. Officers may simply be unable to provide accurate information concerning the shooting at this stage.

What is shooting scene reconstruction?

Shooting Scene Reconstruction is the development of a likely or probable sequence of events in a shooting incident. It is based upon the study of available reports of photographs, drawings, diagrams and physical evidence. These are then used by the investigator to form an opinion of the most probable sequence of events. Conclusion may also be rendered as to what some of these actions will Most likely indicate. While all events and segments may or may not be explained, those that are explained reflect the most probable sequence based upon the known facts.

When an investigation has been completed, what happened now?

Some agencies bring investigative conclusions to an entity within the organization that convenes on an as needed by basis to review these findings. These entities are sometimes referred to as a force review, Community shooting review boards, or board of inquiry. This is not an unusual component to the shooting scene investigation because nothing generates more controversy in the realm of law enforcement and the death or serious bodily injury arising from police use of force by a police officer or a death that occurs while the suspect is in custody.

What is the importance of investigating officer involved shootings?

Statistics have shown that number of officer involved in hostel shooting situations is relatively small. Nevertheless, all officers, not just those who investigate these incidents, should understand the steps that must be taken when such an event occurs. The preliminary actions of involved officers at the scene of a shooting and the subsequent steps taken by first Responders, Supervisory officer and investigative officers can determine whether an accurate and thorough investigation can be undertaken. Not only does the professionalism of such investigations have a considerable impact on involved officers and their department. But it also demonstrates to the public that police administrators are concerned about understanding the facts of what occurred and are willing to take corrective action in foreign trade.

What is assigning a companion officer?

Supervisory personnel should be aware of the possibility that officers involved in shooting may be suffering from post-traumatic stress. Because of this, they should be moved away from the immediate shooting scene in place in the company of a companion officer, such as a peer support team member, where these individuals are available through the police agency.

What is evidence reviewed?

The Community should review the reports and interview material of involved officers, first responders, supervisors and investigators. On initial review, additional clarification may be required by personnel who handled the initial investigation of the incident. Tactical or specialist teams are others. Once the review is complete, findings and recommendations should be made concerning modifications in the established Agency policy, training, supervision, equipment or related matters.

What is the companion officer instructed to do?

The companion officer should not elicit statements or entertain conversations about specifics of the shooting but should rather provide whatever company and comfort to the officer as is necessary and appropriate. If an officer has been shot or otherwise injured, another officer should accompany him or her to the hospital and remain until relieved.

What is the first supervisor assigned to?

The first supervisor to arrive at the scene of an officer involved shooting should be considered the incident commander and begin the incident command process.

What does this chapter come from?

The genesis of this chapter stems from the reality that in recent years, numerous police shootings have made their way to mass broadcast and social media. While the circumstances of each incident have their own facts and circumstances a common question remains the case. Was the deadly force decision made by the officer at the time he or she fired their weapon objectively reasonable under the circumstance?

What is this summary?

The importance of utilizing experienced investigators who are familiar with shooting investigations cannot be overemphasized. Recently, research has revealed a normal delay in the reaction time of officers in hostile shooting encounters often explain unusual bullet entrance and exit wounds of suspects, and others include seemingly unexplained and suspicious shops or suspect/ victims back. entrance wounds of bullets do not always explain of the circumstances is surrounding the shooting event. Only highly trained and experienced investigators can decipher the full range of potential evidence involved in a complex shooting investigation.

What must the incident commander do?

The incident commander must assess the situation upon arrival and initiate appropriate actions. The incident commanders initial responsibility is to make sure that the safety of officers and others at the scene has been properly addressed. The potential threat from hostile subject should be controlled first and any suspects at the scene should be either detained or arrested. Emergency medical personnel should be called if not previously requested. As with the first officers on the scene, the incident commander should also ensure that the incident scene is protected and should maintain its integrity until criminal investigators arrive. As investigators arrive and assignments are made, the perimeter should be secured and all non-essential personnel should be prohibited from entering the scene. Any items or possible evidentiary value should be secured. If emergency fire or medical personnel need to move persons or items in order to provide medical assistance, their original position and condition should be documented. Photos of the scene should also be taken as soon as possible to assist in evidence preservation.

What is delaying the formal officer statement?

The incident commander of his or her designee should give the investigator status briefing and conduct a walkthrough of the incident scene. The walkthrough is a good way of helping officers recreate the shooting incident in preparation for a formal statement or interview. It should also be noted that the interview of involved officers may be delayed in order to provide the officer with sufficient recovery time. This can range from a few hours to several days. In the meantime, involved officers should be directed to consult with the DEPARTMENTALLY authorized mental health provider.

What is advising next of kin?

The incident commander should also assign the responsibility of notifying the officers family or next of kin, if the officer is unable to perform this task himself/herself. This should be done on a priority basis and in person whenever possible. Otherwise, an in person notification should be made when a death has occurred, and it should be performed by the department's chief, sheriff, or another command level officer, with additional aid from clergy or other trained persons and officer who is close to the family, or even a combination of these individuals. Additionally, an officer should be assigned to transport immediate family members to the location where they are needed. Particular care should be taken to keep the name of the involved officer officers from the media or other sources until their immediate family members of the officer have been notified. An officer should be assigned to the family of a slain or injured officer in order to provide them with security, emotional support, assistance in dealing with the press, and related matters. As deemed appropriate and necessary, the officer should determine whether the family would like the company and the assistance of other family members, friends, or a member of the clergy.

What is the extent of officer involved shooting statistics?

The number of officer involved shootings is greater than many realize. For example, in 2017, the Washington Post reported that during that year there were 987 persons killed by police nationwide. Police most frequently used lethal force after encountering people armed with knives or guns, killing 735 of the 987 in 2017, a number needed nearly identical to 734 armed people killed in 2015. The number was slightly lower in 2016 with 693 killed while armed with either type of weapon. White males account for the largest group of people killed while armed with guns or knives or at 330. Black males armed with guns or knives were fatally shot in 160 cases in 2017.

Who is responsible for identifying witnesses?

The officers would seem protection responsibilities such as the incident commander should also ensure that witnesses are located and properly identified.

What is the police dispatcher provided with for suspects who have left the scene?

The police dispatcher should be provided with information on any suspects who have left the scene, including their physical description, mode of travel and direction of travel and whether they are armed.

What was the post shooting investigator deal with?

The post shooting investigator must deal with these and other issues as they search for the truth about what occurred. It is also important to know that an officer involved shooting willft often involve 2 investigations. An administrative investigation conducted by the host Law Enforcement Agency for possible policy violations and a criminal investigation, typically conducted by a neutral outside law enforcement agency to determine whether the actions of the officer or officers. Involved violated any laws.

What is the primary role of the incident commander?

The primary role of the incident commander is to assign individual responsibility for the completion of tasks discussed in this section. This officer should maintain this responsibility on such time as he or she is relieved by an investigator or other appropriate ranking officer who will then become the incident commander. The incident command process is appropriate for use in police, involved shooting, or other similar incidents in which a number of tasks needed to be accomplished at the same time.

What is a problem associated with eyewitnesses?

The problems associated with eyewitnesses reliability and their accuracy and validity of their accounts are well documented in the academic and professional literature. There are no guarantees that their accounts will be reliable. One perspective is, for example, how do you explain a deadly force incident where one or more seemingly uninvolved and independent witnesses described the shooting of a suspect in totally different ways, and one or both accounts are contrary to physical evidence? Lying is one explanation, but it is possible that perception can be influenced by an individual's background and experiences, including the chaos and the emotional impact of the shooting incident. By law enforcement officers are considered trained observers. They also are not immune to the same problems of perception mentioned above. Furthermore, an officers judgment and perception can be influenced by heightened levels of fewer exam anxiety when working in dangerous circumstances, as well as the psychological distress of the shooting itself.

What is the purpose of the public statement?

The purpose of this statement is to establish the level of danger that may still exist, aid the initial operational response to locate suspects and focus the investigation.

What is safety first?

The safety of the involved officer or officers and any innocent bystanders is the first priority. The overriding rule of thumb is that officers should confirm that the threat from the suspect or suspect has been eliminated. This includes disarming, handcuffing, or otherwise securing the suspect. If physically able, involved officers at the scene should take actions in each of these areas if possible.

These claims made by the officer should not be taken at what?

These claims are involved officers should not be taking at face value. For example, in both the Lequan McDonald and the Walter Scott shootings Officer stated that they were either being threatened or were under attack by the person they shot. In both of these cases, these statements were proven to be untrue and prosecution of the officers resulted. Careful collection and inspection of physical evidence, along with witness statements will generally prove sufficient to support, or refute these claims and thereby focus investigation.

What do the committees do with the shooting investigation?

These inquiries should not be put native in a nature because matters of criminal or civil liability or even administrative punishment for involved officers should be dealt with through other agency procedures. Instead, the goal of these committees is to review such incidents to determine whether they have any implications for the departments training, function, polices and/ or procedures. The ultimate goal is also into to improve the agency's response to these critical incidents and make any corrections in agency practice or procedure that will help avoid identified problems in the future.

How does it be determined if the deadly force is Objectively reasonable?

This determination is technically a legal one made by prosecutors and courts, but serving at the frontline of the incident is the Police Department that is duty bound to conduct a timely, professional and thorough investigation into the incident. This is no small task because in most officer involved shootings, evidence is identified that can both support and refute the actions taken by the officer in question.

What's should investigators be aware of and remember when interviewing witnesses?

When interviewing witnesses, investigators should be aware of the delicate nature of perception and memory. This is particularly so if eyewitnesses have had time to discuss the incident with one another. Investigators must remain neutral and impartial during interviews and pay attention to the gathering, verifying and corroborating statements. Furthermore, investigators should never share personal opinions or divulge information in an effort to elicit information or statements from the witnesses.

Step two, documentation of the event scene. What is it?

When possible personnel should document the scene or ensure that this activity is undertaken by authorized personnel. What are some examples of documentation of the event seen? -The scene should be diagrammed by hand, indicating the location and relative distances between key points and items of evidence. - Photographs and videotaped recording should be made of the overall scene in all evidentiary items. -The primary and backup firearms of any officers who may have been at the scene during the incident should be inspected to determine if they were fired. -It is also a good practice to videotape and/ or photograph any bystanders or onlookers who may be at the scene. Some of these individuals may be witnesses to the incident. -It is advisable to take color photographs of his or her physical appearance and any wounds or injuries that he or she has sustained.

Most of the responsibility for evidence preservation and protection of the crime and/ shooting incident scene falls with who?

With the officers involved and responding officers. Therefore, it is crucial that all officers have an understanding of the importance of taking timely and appropriate actions that will provide critical as investigations of the incident develop.

Step five. Collect all firearm evidence. What is that?

With this issue in mind, investigators should ensure that all pertinent evidence has been collected. This evidence includes the officers firearm or firearms and ammunition. The officers firearm and any other firearms discharged during the incident should be taken into custody and treated as evidence. This involved officer should be provided with a replacement firearm for which he or she is qualified. When appropriate, the serial number, make, model, and caliber of all officer and suspected weapons used at the scene should be recorded. Expended bullets and cartridge casings should be marked, if not already completed, photographed in placed and eventually collected as evidence for forensic examination.

What is identifying witnesses?

Witnesses should be separated so that their personal opinions and observations will influence opinions and observations learn from other witnesses. The name, address and phone number of witnesses and other persons in the general facility of the shooting should also be recorded. In some cases, these persons will claim that they did not see or hear anything in order to avoid getting involved. Nevertheless, officers should attempt to collect identifying information from them so that they can be contacted at a later date or upon arrival of investigators. Any witnesses or potential witnesses who have been identified should be asked to remain on hand until a statement has been taken. Investigators should anticipate that some witnesses statements were not necessarily be consistent with others.

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