Parts of Speech (DGP Monday Notes)

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helping verbs (hv)

add before another verb to make a verb phrase; these verbs can be separated in a sentence

article or definite article (art)

adjective The; refers to a specific person, place, or thing

transitive verb (vt)

an action verb that directs action from the performer of the action toward the receiver of the action (noun or pronoun); has a direct obejct

interjection (int)

an exclamation that expresses feeling or emotion

article or indefinite articles (art)

articles A and An; point out a type of person, place, or thing, but they do not refer to a specific one

linking verb (lv)

connects a noun or pronoun with a word that identifies or describes it; links two words together

coordinating conjunctions (cc)

connects similiar words ro groups of words for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

intransitive verb (vi)

expresses action or tells something about the subject of the sentence but does not direct action toward another noun or pronoun; does not have a direct object


joins words, phrases, and clauses together

adverb (adv)

modifies adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs

adjective (adj)

modifies nouns and pronouns

correlative conjuctions (cor conj)

pairs of words that connect similar kinds of words or groups of words [not only/but also, either/or, both/and, whether/or, not only/but also, neither/nor]


person, place, thing, idea

proper noun (N)

person, place, thing, idea that begins with a capital letter

common noun (n)

person, place, thing, idea that begins with a lower case letter

possessive noun (pos n/N)

person, place, thing, idea that shows ownership; can be common or proper

personal pronoun

refers to the person or people speaking, spoken to, or spoken about

1st person pronoun

refers to the person speaking [I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours]

3rd person pronoun

refers to the person spoken about [he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs]

2nd person pronoun

refers to the person spoken to [you, your, yours]

preposition (prep)

shows an adverbial or adjectival relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word in the sentence

action verb (av)

shows/tells what action someone or something is performing

subordinating conjunctions (sc)

start dependent clauses and must be followed by a subject and a verb

pronoun (pron)

takes the place of a noun

adverb (adv)

tells How? When? Where? To what extent?

adjective (adj)

tells Which one? How many? What kind?


the noun for which the pronoun stands

proper adjective (Adj)

1. a proper noun used as an adjective (SPES library) or 2. an adjective formed from a proper noun (American history)

prepositions (prep)

BE ABLE TO LIST THESE: about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by down during except for from in inside into like near of off on onto opposite out outside over past since through to toward under underneath until up upon with within without

state of BEing verbs

BE ABLE TO LIST THESE: am is are was were have has had be being been **these verbs can act as linking, helping, or action verbs in a sentence.

linking verb "be" (lv)

BE ABLE TO LIST THESE: am is are was were have has had be being been *shall will can should would could may might must (*these words would be combined with another be verb: shall be, will be, could have been, was being, etc.) **appear become feel grow look remain seem smell sound stay taste turn (these are other linking verbs)

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