Passing Brenda's Class HW edition

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What is the Oxidation number of each oxygen Atom in HOOH



0.00230 has how many significant figures


0.054901 has how many significant figures

0.085631 ✖️1.32=0.113 in this case it's 3 sig figs.

0.085631✖️1.23 . perform operation and put into correct number of sig figs

In a sp 2- hybridized orbitals how many p- orbitals remain to for, multiple bonds


How many moles of H2SO4 are required to completely react with 7.20 mol of Al according to the balanced chemical reaction: 2 Al(s) + 3 H2SO4 (aq) ➡️ Al2(SO4)3 (aq) + 3 H2 (g)

7.20 mol Al ✖️( 3 mol H2SO4/ 2 mol Al) = 10.8 mol H2SO4


A homogeneous mixture is also called a

In the following Chemical reaction, which element is the reducing agent 2 Ag(s) + 2Cl- (aq) + 2N2O(l) ➡️ 2 AgCl(s) +H2(g) + 2 OH- (aq)


Gaseous mixtures

Air is an example.

Write out the Chemical formula for aluminum acetate


The products of a strong acid base reaction are

All of the above


All your shots when going mini golfing are off, but they go to the same place. Is this an example of accuracy or precision

What is the correct IUPAC name for Al2S3

Aluminum sulfide

Which element has the ground state electron configuration [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p5



Determine the molar mass of Cr3(PO4)2.

10.0 g CO2×( 1 mol CO2 44.01 g CO2) ×(2 mol O 1 mol CO2)×(6.022×10^23 atoms O1 mol O) =2.74×10^23 atoms O

Determine the number of atoms of O in 10.0g of Co2

12 p, 10 e

Determine the number of protons and electron in Mg2+

7 protons and 10 electrons

Determine the number of protons and electrons in N3-

The intermolecular force between molecules of I2 is

Dispersion forces


For which atomic orbital does n=3 and L =1

Which one of the following phases changes would be exothermic


A human is an example of a(n)

Heterogeneous mixture

Grape juice is an example of a(n)

Homogeneous mixture


How many milliliter are in a liter

21 p 18e

How many protons and electrons are found in a Sc3+ ion

K -F is an example of

Ionic bond


Is 4p7 a possible electron configuration


NOT an example of a compound

Valance electrons in which of the following atoms experience the greatest effective nuclear charge (Zeff)


Beta particles

Negatively charged particles of radiation emitted from the decay of radioactive substances are known as

Number of electrons

Neutral atoms of isotopes of a given element have the same

Which element is the oxidizing agent CH4(g) + 2O2(g)➡️ CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)


Rank the following atoms in order of increasing size (smallest to largest) Li,Al, Be, Ba, O

O< Be < Li< Al < Ba


Of the following compounds which contains a metalloid

In a polar covalent bond ....

One atom in the bond must have higher electronegativity than the other atom

Write a chemical formula for tetraphosphorus hexasulfide


What is the correct IUPAC name for HClO4(aq)

Perchloric acid

0.01285 - -0.00124=0.01161 5 sig figs

Perform this mathematical operation and express the answer to the correction number of significant figures: 1.285✖️10^-2 -1.24✖️10^-3


Pure substance that can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means


Put the number 875000 into scientific notation


Red light has a_____ frequency and a____ wavelength than ultraviolet rays

What is the noble gas core in the electron configuration for U


Which of the following phase represents sublimation

Solid ➡️ Gas

Yes objects with a density less than 1 g/cm3 will float on water. Objects with a density greater than 1 will sink.

The density of water of water is approximately 1g/cm3. Would lithium, with a density of 0.536g/cm3 will float on water?

1s2, 2s2, 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p4

The ground state electron configurations of Se atom is

7A (17)

The halogens are found in group

Which explains why the meniscus of mercury in a glass tube is convex

The lower attraction of mercury to the glass than to itself

Protons and neutrons

The nucleus of an atom contains

physical change

The process of filtration is an example of

+/- 0.001mg

The uncertainty in the measurement 13.560mg is


What is the mass number for an atom of xenon contains 54 protons and 79 neutrons

Marie Curie

Which scientist is credited for coining the term "radioactivity" for the spontaneous emission from atoms

N= 3, l=2 ml= -2

an Electron is shown to occupy an d orbital. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers can describe this electron

What is the correct IUPAC name for BaI2

barium iodine (II)

cooking an egg

chemical change example

594mg✖️ 1g/1000mg =0.594g

concert 594mg to g

Tearing a piece of paper

physical change example

A Liquid mixture

Definite volume and assumes the shapes of its container

Divided by

Density is defines as mass ______ volume

164.10 amu

Determine the formula weight of Ca(NO3)2

39.10amu + 79.90 amu = 119 amu

Determine the formula weight of KBr

2.11✖️10^21 atoms of As ✖️( 1 mol As➗6.022✖️10^23 atoms of As) ✖️ 74.92 g of As➗ 1 mol of As= 0.263g

Determine the mass in grams of 2.11 ✖️10^21 atoms of arsenic. The mass of one mole of arsenic is 74.92g

In a molecule of HI, what intermolecular forces are present

Dispersion and dipole dipole

What intermolecular forces are present between two molecules of CF2CF3

Dispersion only

Which of the following represent the intermolecular forces present in CO2

Dispersion only


Does 1 mole of helium, 1 mole of carbon, 1 mold of uranium all contain an equal number of atoms


Does 60Cu have the same number of neutrons as 59NI

The trend towards smaller atomic radii as one moves to the right in a periodic is

Due to the effective nuclear charge increasing

What is the shape of the 2p orbitals


The energy released in the reaction F(g) + e- ➡️ F- (g) is known as the

Electron affinity

Which one of the following statements best describes electronegativity in atoms

Electronegativity is the attraction an elements nucleus has for the electrons in a chemical bond

Calcium is an example of a(n)


In the same group

Elements that are most similar in their properties are found


Example of a homogeneous mixture


Example of a transition metal


Example of alkaline earth metal


Example of an element


Example of an element

apple juice

Example of homogenous mixture

IR, visible, and UV

Excited hydrogen atoms emit radiation in which region(s) of the electromagnetic spectrum


Express the number 554,780,000,040 in scientific notation to three significant figures

Rank the following atoms in order of decreasing first ionization energies (highest to lowest) : Li,Be,Ba, F

F>Be> Li> Ba

Which term is a measure of the resistance to flow in a liquid



What is a chemical property of matter


What is the name of the SI unit for length


Which particle would have the longest de Broglie wavelength traveling with the same velocity

Proton and neutron

Which particle(s) May be found in the nucleus of an atom.

Robert Millikan

Which scientist determined the charge of electron

Ernest Rutherford

Which scientist developed the nuclear model of the atom


Which scientist surmised the scientific principle that the position and momentum of an electron cannot be known simultaneously with a high degree of accuracy

Proton and neutrons

Which two particles of the atom have nearly identical masses

Radio waves

Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the largest wavelength


Which would be an isotope of 14 N


Who developed the equation that allowed the energy of the electron to be described quantum mechanically

A more electronegative atom

Will have more attraction to the electrons in a chemical bond

A non electrolyte

Will not form any ions in aqueous solution

100g ✖️ 1cm^3/19.3g=5.18cm^3

You have a 100g sample of each metals. Find golds volume. gold d = 19.3g/cm3

+/- 0.01

You measured the mass of dry powder on a balance to be 23.76g what would you report as the uncertainty of this measurement

Convert the concentration of 0.700M Na2SO4 to g/mL

0.700 mol Na2SO4/L✖️(1L/ 1000mL) ✖️(14.04 gNa2So4 / 1molNaSO4) = 0.0994 gNa2SO4/ mL


28SI and 29Si are examples of


3.101 has how many significant figures

According to the balanced reaction below, calculate the moles of NH3 that form when 4.2 mol of N2H4 completely reacts 3 N2H4(l) ➡️ 4 NH3(g) +N2(g)

4.2 mol N2H4 ✖️ ( 4 mol NH3/ 3 molN2H4) =5.6molNH3

How many valance electrons does N have


The oxidation number on the phosphorus in Na3PO4 is


They were believed to be too noble to react with other elements

Group 18 events were called the noble gases originally because

14.5 gal✖️(3.785L/ 1gal) =54.9L

A popular car has a gas tank that holds a maximum of 14.5 gallons of fuel. What is the size of the tank in liter?

0.104km/s ✖️(0.6214mi/1km)✖️(3600s/1hr)=233mi/hr

A race car has a maxim. Speed of of 0.104 km/s. What is the this speed in miles per hours


A state of matter that has no definite shape but has a definite volume.


A state of matter with no definite shape or volume

Write out the chemical formula for phosphoric acid

H3 PO4

Write out the chemical formula for chlorous acid


Write out the chemical formula for chloric acid


Which species are bronsted Lowry acids HF (aq) + NH3 (aq) ➡️ NH4+ (aq) + F- (aq) ⬅️

HF, NH4+


Given a particular value of the principal quantum number, which quantum number primarily determines the shape of an orbital

Solid element

Gold is an example of a

3.03✖️ 10^21 / 6.022✖️10^23 = .00503mol

How many moles of calcium do you have if you have 3.03✖️ 10^21 atoms of calcium. (The mass of one mole of calcium is 40.08g).

25.0 g C3H6 ✖️( 1 mol C3H6/ 49.09gC3H6) = 0.594 mol C3H6

How many moles of propylene (C3H6) are in 25.0 g of the substance


How many protons are in an atom of Fe


How many sig figs would this calculation have if were completed: (9.04-8.23+21.954+81.0) ✖️3.1416


How many significant figures does 23.070 have

Ammonium and hydrogen fluoride both have unusually high boiling points due to

Hydrogen bonding

They have equal charge

Ignoring the sign, which has a greater magnitude of change

There will be more electrons ejected

In the photoelectric effect, if the intensity of light shone on a metal increases, what will happen

Fermenting the starch

In the process of making biofuel from corn, the corn is ground, mixed with water, and then enzymes are added to ferment the starch. The fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide. The ethanol is further distilled for use as a biofuel. In this process ______ is an example of chemical change

Why does the trend in noble gases boiling points increase as you go down the group

Increasing dispersion interactions

The intermolecular force found in Na+ (aq) is

Ion dipole interaction

Which periodic trend quantifies the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a neutral gaseous atoms

Ionization Energy


Is Fe2+ and Mn3+ Isoelectronic


Is this statement a part of daltons hypotheses of atomic theory: The atoms of one element are the same atoms of another element

No it is not true

Is this true about Daltons atomic theory of matter : atoms of a give. Element are identical. Atoms are indestructible

What is the correct IUPAC name for H2SO3 (aq)

Sulfurous acid

Which term is a measure of energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid

Surface tension

The charge of the electron

The Millikan oil drop experiment determined


The Si units of density are kg/m3 but g/cm3 is more commonly used. How many g/cm3 are in 1kg/m3.


The accepted value of iron is 7.9 g/mL . Is 7.98g/Ml, 7.85g/ml an example of accuracy or precision.

The presence of different isotopes

The atomic mass of germanium on the periodic table is 72.630 amu. Which of the following best explains why the atomic mass is a fraction between 72 and 73

The existence of electrons

The cathode ray tube experiment determined

Hund's rule

What quantum principle stated that electrons are added to atomic orbitals with the same energy so that each orbital is singularly occupied with electrons having the same spin


What scientist proposed that the electron in a hydrogen atom can only have certain energies

It is inert

What would be a chemical property of a sample of neon gas

They all have the same speed

Which color ( frequency of light travels the fastest in vacuums. Red yellow green violet or they all have the same speed


Which element has the electron configurations 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d5

B) Si

Which elements resides in the third period under group 4A (14) of the periodic table

Gamma rays

Which if the following forms of radiation has the shortest wavelengths. Red lights, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, radio waves, gamma rays


Which is the noble gas core in the electron configuration for Ru


Which of following would be chemically similar to calcium

H2O(l)➡️ H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)

Which of the following describes a chemical change involving water

A metalloid

Which of the following does NOT describe the element Bromine

4s➡️ 3d

Which of the following electronic transitions represent an increase in energy in s multi- electron atom


Which of the following elements would be chemically similar to selenium

Gamma rays

Which of the following forms of radiation has the highest frequency


Which of the following is Not a metalloid


Which of the following is a lanthanide element


Which of the following is an example of a compound


Which of the following is not an alkali or alkaline earth element


Which of the following prefixes corresponds to 10^-3


Which of the following prefixes corresponds to 10^-6


Which of the following prefixes corresponds to 10^6


Which of the following represents a species of 39 protons and 36 electrons


Which of the following represents a species with 16 protons and 18 electrons

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

Which of the following represents the electron configuration of P3-

N =3, l= 1 ml =1

Which of the following sets of quantum numbers can describe a 3p electron


Which of the following species has the same number of electrons as Cl-


Which of the following species has the same number of protons as Fe3+

Pauli exclusion principle

Which of the following states that no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers


Which of the following term describes what a doctor forms when treating patients prior to ordering a medical tests

In its pure form, it is a white powder

Which of the following would be a physical property of glucose


Which of the metric prefixes corresponds to 10^3

Write a chemical formula for zinc nitrate


What is the condense electron configurations for Mn

[Ar] 4s2 3d5

Which of the following is the electron configuration for Ba ( condense version)

[Xe] 6s2

7.54✖️10^-8 m ✖️(10^9nm/1m)=75.4nm

Convert 7.54✖️10^-8 m to nanometers

Exact numbers

Counting 10 people in the room is a example of

H - Cl is an example of a

Covalent bond

Write the chemical formula for nitrogen trichloride


The ejected electrons would have greater kinetic energy

Photons are shown in a piece of metal and one electron is ejected for each absorbed photon. What happens when the wavelength of light is decreased

Which of the following best describes what takes place during the solvation process

Solvent molecules surround solute molecules and pull them out into the solution


Some liquid in a jar can be separate by physical means into two separate liquids, which can then be separated no further. The liquid is a(n):

Which hybrid orbital overlap in the C-O bond in CF2O

Sp2- sp2

Which of the following phase changes is endothermic


An example of a empirical formula



Definite shape and volume

Determine the number of grams of HCL that can react with 0.750g of Al(OH)3 according to the following reaction Al(OH)3(s) + 3 HCl (aq) ➡️ AlCl3 (aq) + 3 H2O( aq)

0.750 g Al( OH)3✖️( 1mol AlCl3/ 78.00 g Al( OH)3✖️(3molHCI / 1 molAlCl3) ✖️36.46 g HCI/ 1 mol HCI = 1.05 gHCl


1.006✖️10^7 has how many significant figures

34.90 four sig figs


How many core electrons does an atom of beryllium contain



50.260 has how many significant figures

What is the mass percentage of C in CH3OCH3



67,200 has how many significant figures

7.2✖️ 10^-3 mol hemoglobin ✖️( 6.022✖️10^23 molecules hemoglobin➗ 1 mol hemoglobin) = 4.3✖️10^21 molecules hemoglobin

A 52-kg woman has 7.2 ✖️ 10^-3 mol of hemoglobin (molar mass = 64456 g/mol) in her blood. How many hemoglobin molecules is this ?

53.0kg ✖️ (2.205lbs/1kg) =117lbs

A large stone weighs 53.0 kg. How many pounds does it weigh?


A mass spectrometer measures neon to have two masses: 20 and 22 atomic mass units. These are

4.8ul ✖️(1ml/1000ul)=0.0048mL

A medical laboratory test is run using an 4.8 uL blood sample. What is this volume in milliliters


A method for separating a liquid-liquid mixture, such as water and acetone

2.70 lb ✖️(453.6g/1lb) =1220g

A person loses 2.70 lb in two weeks. How many grams did they lose.

21.3mi✖️(1.609km/ 1mi) =34.4km

An athlete preparing for a marathon runs 21.3 miles. How many kilometers did they run?

An ion

An atom has nine protons and ten electron. This makes it:

55p,78 n, 55 e

An atom of the isotope 133Cs contains how many protons neutrons and electrons


An example of a main group element

It's mass of 52.3g.

An example of an extensive property of copper nugget

Bar has a density of 19.2g/mL.

An example of an intensive property of a bar gold


An example of physical properties of matter

(0.8900×52)+(0.0800×49)+(0.0300×50)=51.7 Amu

An unknown element X has the following isotopes 52X (84.50% abundant) 49X (8.00% abundant), 50X (7.50% abundant) what is the approximate atomic mass of X

What is the correct IUPAC name for BaHPO4

Barium hydrogen phosphate


Between electrons and protons which has the greater mass

What is the empirical formula for C₆H₁₂O₆


Write the chemical formula for carbon disulfide


What is the correct IUPAC name for CaBr2

Calcium Bromide

What is the correct IUPAC name for Ca(NO3)2

Calcium nitrate

Gaseous Compound

Carbon dioxide is a


Cathode rays are composed of what fundamental particle

What is the correct IUPAC name for Cs3P

Cesium phosphide

What is the correct IUPAC name for CRBr3

Chromium(III) bromide

Which atom in the molecule CIF would have a partial positive charge



Columns on the period table are known as

What contributes to a low viscosity of liquid

Compact molecular shape

Glucose is an example


0.0134L✖️(1000mL/1L) 13.4mL

Concert 0.0134L to milliliters

Which of the following phase changes would be exothermic


0.386g✖️(1000mg/1g) =386mg

Convert 0.386 g to milligrams.

2.3hr✖️(3600s/1hr) =8280s

Convert 2.3 hours to seconds to seconds.

2.87kg ✖️(1000g/1kg)=2870g

Convert 2.87kg to grams. Use only the metric system.

3.2ft^2 ✖️(12)^2in^2/ 1ft^2 =460in2

Convert 3.2 ft^2 to square inches

3.7cm✖️ 0.01km/ 1cm ✖️1km/1000cm =3.7✖️10^-5km

Convert 3.7cm to km

32.1 in ✖️(2.54in/1cm)=81.5cm

Convert 32.1 in to centimeters

34.0mm ✖️(1cm/ 10mm) (1in/2.54cm) =1.34in

Convert 340.0 mm to inches.

HI is an Arrhenius acid because

It proud UCD's hydronium ions in solution

What is true about vaporization

It's an endothermic process

Heterogeneous mixture

Italian dressing contains olive oil and vinegar, which will separate out from each other if left to sit. This makes the dressing a:

Write the chemical formula for potassium dichromate



Kelvin is the SI unit for which physical quantity

Which acid base definition classifies as acid as an electron pair acceptor


REVIEW Lewis structures 4-1, 4-2,

Lewis structures

Wave B

Light wave A has a greater frequency than light wave B. Which has a greater wavelength

Assumes the shape of its container because it has a definite volume but no shape


A chemical change

Magnesium metal, a gray solid, is heated in a crucible in the presence of oxygen. A white powder is collected form the crucible. This is an example of

Liquid compound

Milk is an example of a

+/- 100m

The uncertainty in the measurement 206300m is


The uncertainty in the measurement 97.00mL is

50% they are equally abundant

There are two naturally occurring isotopes of europium, 151EU (151.0amu. And 153.0 Amu) if the atomic mass of Eu is 151.96, what is the approximate natural abundance of 151Eu?

Out of a single double and triple bond which has the shortest bond length

Triple bond

True or false: triple bonds are the strongest type of bond



True or false:two electrons can simultaneously occupy the same (n,l,ml orbital)

What happens when a ionic bond forms

Two atoms, one which is more

The phase "like dissolves like " refers to

Two molecules having the same intermolecular forces

Most of the space in an atom is empty except for am concentrated area called the nucleus

What did Rutherford's gold foil experiment determine

Total number of protons and neutrons in the atom

What does the mass number of an atom represent


What element with a mass number of 100 has 56 neutrons in its nucleus

Group 6 period 5

What group and period does the element MO belong to

Energy is reduced by one half

What happens to the energy of a photon if the wavelength is doubled

Electrolysis of water to form hydrogen and oxygen gas

What is NOT an example of physical change

It's Temperature

What is a intensive property of a sample of neon gas


What is an example of heterogeneous mixture

The mass of a carbon sample

What is an extensive property of the element carbon

Individual lines of varying colors

What is observed when a noble gas is heated and the emitted light shone through a prism


What is the atomic number for an element whose mass number is 78 and contains 41 neutrons


What is the atomic symbol and mass number for an atom containing 50 protons and 64 neutrons


What is the atomic symbol for the element in group 4B (4) and the 4th period


What is the atomic symbol for the elements in Group 5A (15) and the 5th period

λ=531 nm× (1 m109 nm=5.31×10−7 m ν =c/λ=(3.00×10^8m/s ➗5.31×10−7 m) =5.65×1014 s−1

What is the frequency of a green light that has a wavelength of 537nm? (C= 3.00 ✖️10^8 m/s)


What is the mass number of zinc -68


What is the maximum number of electrons that can have the following set of quantum numbers: n=2 l =1 ml = 1

Hund's rule

What quantum mechanics principal states that electrons are added to atomic orbitals with the same energy so that each orbital is singularly occupied with electrons having the same spin

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