Patient Care Test #1

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When administering medication, the healthcare provider should always consider the "5 rights" of medication administration. Which four of the following are included in these "rights"?

Dose, time, route, patient

Examples of nonverbal communication include which three of the following?

being silent, folding your arms across your chest during a conversation, maintaining eye contact

The primary means of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is via


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease resulting from a chronic disorder of

blood glucose metabolism

The primary means of hepatitis B transmission is via

blood or bodily fluids

Which of the following terms would be appropriate if your patient's respiratory rate is severely decreased?


An example of a moderate allergic reaction to a contrast agent is which three of the following?

bronchospasm, urticaria, erythema

An example of a moderate reaction to a contrast agent is which three of the following

bronchospasm, urticaria, erythema

The technologist must use strict infection-control measures that include blood and body fluid precautions

for every patient

Which of the following most closely relates to the medical abbreviation "fx"?


Which of the following is/are included among the major categories of microorganisms

fungus, protozoa, viruses, bacteria

A patient in the emergency department has been in a motor vehicle accident and has sustained lacerations of the head, chest, and abdomen. There is blood on the cart/gurney and on the floor, but the wounds have been covered to prevent spray. A portable abdomen x-ray ordered. What three procedures below are safe practices to follow to protect yourself?

wear a protective gown, wash hands after the procedure, wear gloves

Which three of the following tests are done to evaluate a patient's renal function?

serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and glomerular filtration rate

Bacteria can be classified by which three of the following?

shape, staining test, oxygen requirement

Transferring a patient from a supine to a lateral position using the log rolling technique should be done if they are suspected of having (a):

spinal injury

Proper body mechanics for lifting a patient include which two of the following?

stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly

Hypotension is a condition in which the

systolic pressure is less than 90 mm Hg

Which three of the following signs/symptoms that are probable indicators of a patient that is in shock

tachycardia, anxiety, decreased temperature

Which three of the following conditions must be met in order for patient informed consent to be valid?

the patient must sign the form before receiving sedation, the physician named on the form must perform the procedure, all blanks on the consent form must be filled in prior to the patient signing the form

Informed consent would be valid in which of the following two circumstances?

the procedure is explained in a language understood by the patient, by a hospital interpreter, and the patient's unit nurse signed as a witness on the informed consent form

Patient's rights include which of the following?

the right to refuse treatment, the right to confidentiality, the right to one's medical records

An individual who is wearing sterile gloves would be considered contaminated if

their hands move below the waist

A technologist forgets to use his lead marker on the posteroanterior (PA) image of the chest, and the marker ended up outside the collimated area on the image of the lateral chest. Rather than repeating the images to include the marker, the technologist applies an electronic marker to the images and sends them to the radiologist. What are the concerns with this from a legal standoint?

this is considered manipulation of electronic data, this type of post-processing marker is not acceptable in a legal case, the image could be marked incorrectly

Civil law includes which of the following


Intentional or unintentional acts performed by an individual and based on unreasonable conduct are known as


Patients with known contagious illness are separated from others in the hospital by

transmission-based precautions

If a used or contaminated needle absolutely must be recapped for safety reasons, what is the safest way to do it?

use a one-handed scoop method to slide the needle into the cap

Which of the following would be considered a fomite?

used positioning sponge

Log rolling is a method of moving patients with a suspected

vertebral column injury

Pathogenic microorganisms that require a living host's cells to survive and reproduce are called


When a pulse is described as thready, this means


What kind of shock occurs when toxins produced during massive infection cause a dramatic drop in blood pressure?


When removing a needle after a venipuncture, the first step post removal is to

apply pressure until bleeding stops

If a technologist mistakenly takes images on the incorrect patient, it may be considered


If an x-ray technologist touches their patient without asking first, they are guilty of


What could cause a patient to experience syncope?

being famished, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety

The Occupation Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Blood-borne Pathogen regulations and CDC Standard Precautions apply to which of the following?

Blood, Saliva, Wound drainage, Cerebrospinal fluid

Which of the following imaging modalities is most commonly used to diagnose osteoporosis?

Bone densitometry

Which vessel is most commonly used to measure blood pressure?

Brachial artery

A nosocomial infection that occurs as a result of overgrowth of the normal flora is called


In an unwitnessed cardiac arrest, the first five seconds of rescue activity is used to

establish unresponsiveness

If a patient presents with urticaria (hives) after administration of contrast media, which emergency medication can be administered intravenously?


The normal range of creatinine in an adult is

0.6-1.5 mg/dL

Everything inside a sterile kit is considered sterile except for the outer border. How wide of a border is considered safe to touch?

1 inch

One may say that the patient has tachycardia if the patient has a pulse rate higher than

100 beats per minute

The average pulse rate of an infant is

100-150 beats per minute

What is the average rate of respiration, or breaths per minute (BPM), for an adult

12 to 20 BPM

To be in compliance with medical aseptic standards, what is the minimal time for effective hand washing?

15 seconds

When caring for a patient with an IV, the solution should be positioned

18-24 inches above the level of the infusion site

At what point, based in minutes, would a person be at risk of irreversible brain damage if they develop cerebral hypoxia

4-6 minutes

The normal range of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) in an adult is

6-20 mg/dl

The normal range (in degrees Fahrenheit) for an adult oral temperature is:


What MUST be worn when entering the room of a patient in droplet isolation?

A mask

A radiographer who refuses to perform exams on patients who are of a particular race or culture may be guilty of

A professional ethics violation

What is the correct medical abbreviation for 'as desired'

Ad lib

Modesty and personal independence are most important to a child in which stage of development?


Based on Standard Precautions, Which three of the following are types of transmission-based precautions?

Airborne, contact, droplet

Emergency medical services bring a patient to the emergency room on a trauma backboard. The patient should not be removed from the board until

All fractures have been ruled out.

During an operative procedure, which of the following persons is NOT considered to be sterile?


A vasodilator would most likely be used for

Angina pectoris

Spine injuries are the leading injury for healthcare providers. With this in mind, what is the BEST way for a technologist to avoid injury when transferring a patient onto the radiographic table?

Ask the patient to help as much as he/she is able

If a patient is scheduled for an upper gastrointestinal (UDI) and a small bowel radiological series, which type of radiographic contrast is contraindicated for the procedure if the patient is suspected of having a perforated ulcer?


If a radiographer touches a patient without asking first, the technologist may be accused of


What is the proper method of preparing the skin surface with an antiseptic prior to a surgical procedure?

Beginning at the center of the region of interest and moving in a circular motion toward the outside

If a patient has a known allergy to intravenous contrast, a premedication of which drug might be given before the injection of contrast?


Which of the following contrast agents, when added to the body, decreases the tissue density of the body part?

Carbon Dioxide

What type of shock could result from a pulmonary embolus?


Which three of the following are considered protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Privacy Act?

Cell phone number, medical record number, X-ray images

Which two of the following may be used to identify a two-month-old infant for a portable radiographic examination?

Comparing the name on the wristband with the name on the x-ray order, comparing the medical record number on the wristband to the x-ray order

When explaining an exam to a patient of Japanese descent, you notice she does not look you in the eye and instead looks down. You assume she is not paying attention or does not understand, however, she was taught to believe too much eye contact can be disrespectful. This is an example of what kind of patient factor?


Children develop a fear of illness and death during which stage of childhood?

school age

It is important for a radiographer to empathize with a patient who may be undergoing the grieving process. The first stage of this process as identified by Kubler-Ross is usually


A 75-year-old outpatient comes into the imaging department for a scheduled double-contrast barium enema procedure. Per the patient, she has skipped her morning medications as prescribed for the procedures, one of which was her insulin. As you are explaining the procedure to her, she complains about feeling weak. You notice that she has become diaphoretic and confused. Her speech has also become slurred. You should suspect a

Diabetic insulin reaction

Which two of the following imaging modalities use non-ionizing radiation?

Diagnostic medical sonography, Magnetic resonance imaging

The proper medical term for a patient who is suddenly turns pale and feels cold and clammy is:


Swelling caused by excessive fluid in the tissues is called


Which drug is most likely to be administered first in response to a patient experiencing severe bronchospasm following injection of iodinated contrast media?


Which of the following might be an example of the legal doctrine of res ipsa loquitor?

Excessive fluoroscopy causes a radiation-induced skin burn

Which type of isolation or precautions may be used for patients who are highly susceptible to becoming infected, such as those who have been diagnosed with leukemia?

Expanded precautions

Professional ethics may be defined as

Expectations set by members of a particular group and abided by each member of that group

Which of the following would be considered a severe contrast media reaction?


An image receptor (IR) is used on multiple patients without being cleaned. One of the patients develops a serious skin infection. What term might be applied to the IR?


Which position is described as a patient placed on a stretcher with the head elevated approximately 50*?

Fowler position

Rapid neurological assessment is accomplished by using the

Glasgow scale

What is the most severe of all convulsive seizures in which the person may have a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions

Grand mal seizure

The drug Nitroglycerin is indicated for the treatment of which two of the following

Heart attack, angina

A person's core body temperature is regulated by what structure


A disease caused by a healthcare professional or by medical treatment is known as a(n)

Iatrogenic disease

What level of consent is assumed when a hospitalized patient undergoes a portable chest x-ray examination?


A barium sulfate suspension should NOT be used for a colon examination in a patient with suspected

Intestinal tract perforation

If a dose of Benadryl is needed for an emergency reaction to contrast, how should it be administered?


A lab technician reveals the results of a patient's pregnancy test to the patient's sister during a dinner at a restaurant. What violation did the technician commit?

Invasion of privacy

You are preparing to perform a lower gastrointestinal (GI) procedure on a patient with a suspected perforation of the bowel. What type of contrast media should be prepared?

Iodinated aqueous

If a patient develops pulmonary edema after administration of contrast media, and they do not respond to conservative treatment, which emergency medication can be administered intravenously?


A patient brought into the x-ray room informs you that they feel light-headed and faint. What is the best way to respond to this situation?

Lie the patient on the x-ray table with legs elevated

If a patient scheduled for an arthrogram states that they have an allergy to an iodinated contrast medium, what other imaging methods could be used to demonstrate the desired anatomy without putting the patient at risk?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

You witness a coworker completing an exam on the incorrect patient. You approach her regarding the situation and she begs you not to say anything to anyone. She said that she's already been disciplined this year and one more incident could possibly lead to loss of her job. What is the most appropriate action you should take regarding the situation?

Notify the department supervisor or director immediately

After an injection of an iodinated contrast agent, the patient becomes diaphoretic and light headed. You note the pulse is fairly rapid. What is the best response to this situation?

Notify the radiologist and elevate the patient's legs 20-30 degrees.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the delivery of oxygen to a patient?

Oxygen is considered as a medication

What type of health information is protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)?

Paper order requisition, Electronic medical records (EMRs), Spoken word

What may potentially occur if a diabetic patient has taken his or her normal dose of insulin, but has had nothing by mouth (NPO) since midnight?

Patient can go into insulin shock

Which of the following terms refers to the radiologic interventional procedure that is performed to remove calculi from within the renal pelvis or proximal ureter?

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy

In which age group is it most common for children to believe they are sick because they were bad?

Preschool age

Which of the following is the medical term for "itchy"?


If a technologist repeatedly violates the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Rules of Ethics, the most likely result would be

Revocation of certification and registration

Transferring a patient via logrolling should be done if a patient is suspected of having

Spinal injury

It is important that proper body mechanics are used for both the technologist and the patient when performing transfers. Which three of the following should be remembered to avoid lower-back injury during a patient transfer?

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, Bend your knees slightly as they act as shock absorbers, The biceps are the strongest of the arm muscles and are more efficient at pulling than pushing

The elimination of all microorganisms from an object is termed


Where would the distal tip of a tunneled line such as a Hickman catheter be located

Superior vena cava

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) was enacted in response to the need for patient privacy and security because

The increasing use of electronic data transactions

A patient is to be scheduled for a barium enema (BE), an abdominal sonogram (US), and an upper GI (UGI). The proper sequence for performing these procedures is


Which three of the following would be effective in communication with a patient?

assessing the patient's condition, establishing a rapport, using pantomime techniques

A "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order or other request for minimal medical treatment may be made via:

The patient through a living will

The term, res ipsa loquitur is used to describe

The thing speaks for itself

Long term administration of medications

The tube illustrated here is used for

The most severe of all convulsive seizures is the

Tonic-clonic or Grand mal seizure

The medical condition, ketoacidosis refers to

acute hyperglycemia

To ensure correct patient identification, a radiographer must always do which three of the following?

Use two identifiers, ask the patient for their date of birth, ask the patient for their full name

For which of the conditions below would it be helpful to place the patient in the Trendelenburg?

Vasovagal reaction

There is an outbreak of food poisoning in the hospital cafeteria. This disease has most likely been spread by which method?


Which of the following refers to the use of words?

Verbal communication

What is the first duty the radiographer should perform when beginning a radiographic procedure?

Verify the patient's identity

Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line

What is the medical device shown in this image?

You have an unexpected opening in your schedule and can fit in a patient for a myelogram. The patient and her husband are in the department and she needs the myelogram prior to getting a spinal computer tomography (CT). As you prepare to obtain informed consent from this patient, you find that she does not speak English, although her husband is reasonably fluent. What is the best course of action to pursue?

You call for a hospital interpreter to come to the department and interpret the physician's explanation.

The document in which patients identify the type and amount of nutritional and life-sustaining treatments desired at the end of life is referred to as

a living will

Which three of the following components is required for an infection to survive and be transmitted?

a pathogen, a favorable environment for microorganism growth, exogenous or endogenous transmission

Which of the following age groups may be unpredictable, in that the patient may react in a mature, adult manner or in a child-like manner?


Rapid onset of severe respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms after ingestion or injection of a drug, vaccine, contrast agent, food, or insect bite best describes


A reduction in the normal number of erythrocytes circulating in the blood is called


Which three of the following are considered as examples of a "symptom" and now a "sign"?

anxiety, fatigue, malaise

In which direction should the top flap of a sterile tray be opened by the radiographer?

away from the radiographer

A patient's pulse may be obtained by palpating which three of the following vessels?

axillary artery, common carotid artery, brachial artery

The two most likely causes of an anaphylactic response when a patient is undergoing a routine double contrast lower gastrointestinal study (GI) would be sensitivity to

barium solution, latex

"Touching a patient without permission or justification" is the legal definition of


If a radiographer performs an intravenous urogram (IVU) on a patient who was supposed to have had a lumbar spine series, the radiographer may be charged with


If a technologist mistakenly images the incorrect anatomy versus what was ordered, it could be considered as


What action should be taken by a radiologic technologist when a patient has stopped breathing?

call for help

The bloodstream is a common site for nosocomial infections. Which of the following is the most common cause for a nosocomial infection related to the vascular system?

care of an indwelling vascular access device

Which two of the following would constitute acceptable patient identification, per the Joint Commission?

date of birth, first name and last name

The grieving stage in which patients act as though nothing is wrong with them best describes


The BEST communication method for dealing with preschool-age children having radiographic procedures that may be painful is to

describe the sensation they may experience

Dyspnea is a term that means

difficulty breathing

A patient with known tuberculosis (TB), chickenpox, or measles should be placed under what two types of precaution?

droplet isolation, airborne

Side effects of diphenhydramine (Benadryl) include


A patient who is moderately hypoglycemic would benefit from which of the following?

glass of orange juice

During a grand mal seizure, the technologist should place the patient on a

gurney placed as low to the ground as possible, with the patient lying down and unrestrained

Iodine is used as a contrast medium principally because of its

high atomic number

The most common means of spreading infection is

human hands

Universal fall precautions are implemented in health care facilities to reduce the chance of falls in patients regardless of

individual fall risk

A nosocomial infection is a(n)

infection acquired in a hospital

Patient participation in a research study is voluntary and should be accompanied by

informed consent

Which three of the following procedures require an aseptic technique?

insertion of a urinary catheter, insertion of a nasogastric tube, insertion of an intravenous line

Sterile technique is required when contrast agents are administered:


What is the best route of administration if a dose of Benadryl is needed for an anaphylactic type reaction to intravascular iodinated contrast


While caring for a patient with chest tube drainage, which of the following actions should you take?

keep the drainage tube below the level of the chest during the procedure

The term extravasation means

leakage of intravenous fluids into surrounding tissues

Which three of the following situations may cause a patient to go through the grieving process?

losing a spouse, being diagnosed with cancer, becoming blind

When referring to a hypodermic needle, the term "gauge" is used to identify

lumen size of the needle

A patient suffering from an episode of syncope should be placed in which of the following positions?

lying on the back with feet elevated

Which four of the following facts are true of fungi?

may be much larger than bacteria, may be classified as acid-fast, may reproduce by budding, group includes yeast

What three of the following must be included in every patient's medical record?

medical history, informed consent forms, procedure orders

Injection of iodinated contrast medium may be contraindicated for a diabetic patient who is currently taking which of the following medications?


Bacteria can be classified by all of the following EXCEPT (shape, staining tests, mold tests, oxygen requirements)

mold tests

Which of the following medical abbreviations might be used to refer to a heart attack?

myocardial infarction (MI)

When taking a patient's history prior to intravenous (IV) contrast injection, all of the following would be considered possible contraindications EXCEPT:

sensitivity to aspirin

When working with a sterile field, which three of the following statements are accurate

never turn your back on a sterile field, if you suspect that an object is contaminated, always assume that it is contaminated, avoid reaching across a sterile field

The water-soluble contrast media that results in the fewest adverse patient reactions would be

non-ionic with low osmolality

The prime difference between an ionic and nonionic iodinated contrast agent is that

nonionic is considered to have lower osmolality

epistaxis is the term used to describe


A percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube is primarily used for

nutritional support

The medical specialization in the study of pregnancy and childbirth is called


Following a sudden change of posture from the recumbent to the erect position, the patient complains of dizziness and may experience syncope or fainting due to a condition known as

orthostatic hypotension

A pulse oximeter is used to measure the patient's

oxygen saturation (SaO2)

The suffix "-algia" is defined as


Which of the following three signs/symptoms below would indicate a patient is going into shock?

pallor, increased heart rate, diaphoresis

Which two conditions could potentially cause a patient to experience syncope?

patient has had nothing by mouth (NPO) for 12 hours in preparation for a lower gastrointestinal (GI) study, Patient is under intense emotional stress before an imaging procedure

The field of medicine related to the care of children is referred to as


What is the proper way to dispose of a used needle?

place the uncapped needle in the sharps container

The burden of proof for medical negligence rests with the


When preparing to assist a patient with a fractured leg from a wheelchair onto the x-ray table, how should the technologist proceed

position the wheelchair so that the non-fractured leg is on the side closest to the table

A radiographic contrast medium that absorbs more radiation than the organ in which it is placed in is termed a(n):

positive agent

Sterilization using an autoclave involves

pressurized steam

Which three of the following MUST be included in every patient's medical record?

procedure orders, medical history, informed consent

Diuretics are used for

promoting urine production

In the imaging department, Lidocaine (Xylocaine) is often used to

provide a topical anesthetic for invasive procedures

Why is it important for a radiographer to document any reaction to intravenous contrast media?

providers will need to review a patient's history of reaction to evaluate a risk versus benefit and the use of contrast media, healthcare workers will need to have knowledge of what medications were used if any to stabilize after a patient's previous reaction, Patients may need pre-medication for future exams

A medical instrument that evaluates oxygen saturation in the blood is called

pulse oximeter

Before entering into a contact isolation room the radiographer should do which two of the following?

put on a disposable gown, put on gloves

Of the following, which would be considered a severe systemic effect of anaphylaxis?

rapid onset of hypotension

If extravasation occurs during intravenous injection of contrast media, correct treatment includes which three of the following?

remove the needle immediately, apply pressure to the vein until bleeding stops, watch for improvement in the initial signs and symptoms

When radiographing a child, all of the following are an effective tool except

remove their blanket, toy, or item of comfort

A patient's blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels must be checked prior to intravenous (IV) contrast injection in order to evaluate

renal function

What is the main difference between restraining a patient and immobilizing a patient?

restraining a patient involves using physical force to keep a patient still without consent; immobilizing a patient involves keeping a patient still with consent

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