Pauline Epistles

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When did Paul found the church of Corinth?

On his second missionary journey. He spoke in the synagogues on the Sabbath and his converts probably came from there.

What does Paul use in Romans 7 to illustrate liberty from the law?

Our relationship to the law is like a marriage. Death breaks marriage obligations, and death in Christ breaks our bondage to the law.

Persons involved in an Epistle

Holy Spirit, human author, amanuensis, messenger, recipient

Key verse of I Corinthians

I Corinthians 6:19-20 "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."

Author and readership of I Corinthians

Paul, church at Corinth

Theme of Romans

The Plan of Salvation

Members of the Roman church were from both the ______and ______

Roman aristocracy lower class servants

Romans key verse

Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."

List the 5 verses used in the Romans Road (important!!!)

Romans 3:10 "There is none righteous..." Romans 6:23 "Wages of sin is death..." Romans 5:8 "While we were yet sinners..." Romans 10:9 "If thou shalt confess..." Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call..."

What did Paul learn during his 14 years of preparation?

-a Christian perspective -how to explain a Christian interpretation of the OT -was a mature Christian by the time he began full time service

What was the problem of immorality in the church at Corinth?

-a man was having a relationship with his stepmother -the Corinthians were too proud to deal with the situation -Paul instructed them to discipline the person, just like Christ instructed in Matthew 18

What is our duty to government?

-be subject to authorities -they are appointed by God -pay your taxes

5 facts about Paul

-born in Tarsus of Cilicia -Roman citizen -received Jewish schooling and rabbinical teaching -leading Pharisee -spent 14 years preparing after his conversion

What three duties are talked about in Paul's Exhortation (Romans 12-15)?

-duty to God, church, and society (12) -duty to government (13) -duty to weaker brethren (14)

What three principles are given for our duty to weaker brethren?

-edification -offense- don't do anything that might cause offense -doubt- don't do anything you are in doubt about

How do epistles allow informal discussion of doctrine?

-examples of doctrine applied to real life -doctrine applied to different situations -content governed by readers' needs

Paul's ministry

-great missionary, church planter -imprisoned -released and imprisoned again in Rome -martyred in Rome (AD 64-67) -wrote 13 epistles

What were the three difficulties in the Corinthian church? (7-16)

-marriage and divorce (marriage recommended, singleness a gift, divorce to be avoided) -doubtful activities (some Christians would eat meat that had been offered to idols and others would not) -public worship (head coverings, the Lord's supper)

What is our duty to God, church, and society?

-present your bodies a living sacrifice -do not conform to this world --be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Israel and God's Merciful Purpose (Romans 10)

-the Jews' rejection does not change God's promises -God is good even when His people are not -God's plans are perfect, His promises are sure

Advantages of an epistle

-they are personal -they allow informal discussion of doctrine

How did the Christians at Corinth misuse manifestation gifts?

They used them to compete with each other

What problem were the Corinthians having with the Lord's Supper?

They were misusing and abusing it and displaying an unfit attitude (eating unworthily)

3 Distinctive features of I Corinthians

-written in response to bad reports about the church from the family of Chloe -addressed questions the church had sent Paul via three men- -purpose was to answer questions and correct problems

Romans Key Chapters

1 Depravity of the Gentile World 4 Abraham Justified by Faith 6 Freedom from Sin's Slavery 12 Dedicated Christian Living

Who is talked about in Romans 1-3 (Condemnation)

1-The heathen- those who have never heard the gospel 2- The self-righteous- those who see themselves as good 3- The religious- those who trust in religion and their ability to keep the law to get to God

In Paul's day, Rome had a population of _______, the majority of whom were _______

4 million slaves

What is the Romans Road?

A method of leading someone to salvation

The Jews' rejection of Jesus brought ______

chastening, because God honored their bad choice (Romans 10)

Readership of Romans

church at Rome

Romans is based less on ________than any other epistle

circumstances that motivated its writing

This rule about not taking Christians to court is about ____ law, not ____law

civil (in other words, suing people), not criminal

Justification is by __________

faith in Christ


fleshly- doing what feels good, rather than that which is right to do

Justification means trusting that _______

Christ will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves

The religious person is condemned because...

he falls short of God's perfect standard

The self-righteous is condemned because...

he has failed to truly keep the law he claims

The heathen is condemned because...

he has rejected God

What two problems were there in the church at Corinth?

immorality, Christians taking Christians to court

Are there epistles in the Old Testament?


What does Paul do in Romans more than in all the other epistles combined?

quote from the OT

Rome was a very _______ city, with ________temples of worship to various gods

religious 420

What is an amanuensis?


Paul worked as a _______in Corinth



to bring into agreement


to buy back


to cleanse, to set apart

"to corinthianize"

to commit fornication


to declare righteous


to exhort, urge


to satisfy

What is our duty to weaker brethren?

to welcome and receive them

A weak conscience is an _______conscience, a strong conscience is a ______conscience

uninformed, informed

The Greeks prided themselves on:

wisdom and sophistication

Definition of Vindication (Romans 9-11)

-A defense -to show or prove to be right, reasonable

How are epistles personal?

-God's word is given in terms of human experience -they illustrate Christianity as a personal experience

4 steps to victory over the flesh (Romans 6)

1. Know 2. Reckon 3. Yield 4. Obey

What two types of spiritual gifts are there?

1. Ministry gifts (to edify and build up others) 2. Manifestation gifts (used by the apostles; visible demonstrations of God's authentication of His word

6 rules for exercising gifts

1. Must be edifying to the church 2. Must be understandable 3. No more than 2 or 3 in any single service 4. One person at a time 5. Women prohibited from exercising manifestation gifts 6. The exercise of these gifts was to be orderly, under control, and not confusing

6 facts about the city of Corinth

1. One of the largest cities in the Roman Empire 2. beautiful architecture and art 3. wealthy (commercial crossroads) 4. loved athletic competitions 5. philosophical 6. morale corrupt

6 Blessings of justification (Romans 5)

1. Peace with God 2. Access to God 3. Glorious hope 4. Christian character 5. The love of God 6. Salvation from future wrath

Four possibilities for who started the church at Rome

1. Peter- although he is not listed with those greeted in Jerusalem in Romans 16 2. Paul- but he implies he has not yet been to Rome 3. Paul's converts- possible, because Romans 16 lists some people with whom Paul is familiar 4. Converts from Pentecost- Acts 2:10 says Jews from Rome heard Peter's message at Pentecost

What three things were the church at Corinth divided over?

1. Philosophy and Wisdom of man 2. Lack of spirituality 3. over personalities

5 Common Denominators of an Epistle

1. Salutation 2. Various courtesies 3. Prayer of good fortune 4. Greetings from others 5. Benediction/blessing

The 5 principles of decision making

1. The key is love 2. Accept a higher standard 3. Flexibility is essential 4. Not every thing that is legal is moral or wise 5. Do all for the glory of God

5 aspects of Security in the Spirit (Romans 8)

1. Victory in the Spirit 2. Assurance from the Spirit 3. Hope in the Spirit 4. Intercession through the Spirit 5. Protection by the Spirit

What three things did some Christians reject because of the philosophy and wisdom of man?

1. the gospel 2. Paul 3. church authorities

How many epistles did Paul write?


The average epistle has ________ words


Paul spent _______teaching the Corinthian Christians

18 months

How many epistles are there?


Key Chapters of I Corinthians

3 Wisdom for the Spiritual Man 7 Marriage and Divorce 11 Lord's Supper 12 Spiritual Gifts 13 The Love Chapter 15 The Resurrection

Approximately how many people lived in Corinth


When was Romans written?

AD 55-56

Date and place of writing of I Corinthians

AD 55-56 Paul was in Ephesus on his third missionary journey when he received a report of questions and problems in church at Corinth

I Corinthians 2:14

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Romans 4:5

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

How was Abraham justified?

By faith (Genesis 15:1-6) He believed God that he would have a son

Outline of Romans

Condemnation (1-3) Justification (4-5) Sanctification (6-8) Vindication (9-11) Exhortation (12-15)

Romans presents what Constitution?

Constitution of Biblical Faith

Where was Romans written?

Corinth- Paul was there collecting money for the struggling Christians in Jerusalem

Theme of I Corinthians

Correction of Carnal Christians

Christological Epistles

Doctrine of Christ (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon)

Soteriological Epistles

Doctrine of Salvation (Romans and 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians)

Eschatological Epistles

Doctrine of future events (1 & 2 Thessalonians)

Romans 14:7-8

For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.

What competition was held in Corinth?

Isthmus Games- every 2 years, stadium could hold 20,000 people, second only to the Olympics

Why shouldn't Christians take other Christians to court? (In other words, sue them)

It is better to suffer a loss rather than have a bad testimony in front of an unsaved judge

Author of Romans


Romans was the basis for the_______


In what ways was Corinth morally corrupt?

There were many taverns, much drunkenness, debauchery. Temple of Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love) had prostitutes as part of worship.

spiritual gift

a divine ability to have a spiritually significant impact on the life of another person


a letter, usually formal and teaching in nature

God chose Israel for:

a special purpose, a tool in God's hand (Romans 9)

Justification is a ___ not a _____

act process

There is no ________ to us for justification


In I Corinthians 11, what is the context and principle of Paul talking about women worshipping with head coverings?

context- submission principle- modesty and distinction

The church at Corinth was a _______________ of _______, ______, and ______ Christians

cross cultural Greek, Roman, and Asian

What builds our conscience?

discernment from the Word of God

Romans presents a _________summary of NT Christianity


Romans was not written so much to correct wrong views as to clearly explain _________


Ecclesiological Epistles

doctrine of the church (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus)

Paul's epistles usually start with _____and end with ________

doctrine, application

Important words in Romans

justification sanctification reconciliation propitiation redemption

Romans is the ___________est epistle and has ________words

longest, 7100

What is the role of the conscience?

making decisions

The church was a ____________organization of ____, _____, and ______

multicultural Jews, Greeks, Romans

Paul gives a defense of ______

the integrity of God's plan for Israel

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