PBE 2 Samuel 1-10

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9:2 What did Ziba answer David when asked, "Are you Ziba?"

"At your service!"

9:6 What did Mehibosheth say after david asked if he was Mephibosheth?

"Here is your servant!"

9:6 What did David ask after Mephibosheth appeared before him, fell on his face, and prostrated himself?


7:7 What had the Lord never spoken to anyone from the tribes of Israel as He moved about with them?

"Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?"

3:14 David had betrothed Michal, Saul's daughter, to himself with what? Be specific.

100 foreskins of the Philistines

8:4 What did David take from Hadadezer? (3 pts.)

1000 chariots; 700 horsemen; 20,000 foot soldiers

How many sons and servants did Ziba have? (2 pts.)

15 sons; 20 servants

8:13 David made himself a name when he returned from killing _______ Syrians in the Valley of ______.

18,000; Salt

2:30,31 After Joab returned from pursuing Abner, who was missing of David's men? Be specific.

19 men and Asahel

3:20 David made a feast for Abner and how many of Abner's men?


10:6 How many Syrian soldiers did the people of Ammon hire?

20,000 foot soldiers

8:5 How many Syrians who came to help Hadadezer were killed by David?


5:4 How old was David when he began to reign?

30 years old

6:1 David gathered how many choice men with him to bring up the ark of God?


5:5 In Jerusalem, David reigned over all Israel and Judah how many years?

33 years

2:30,31 After Joab returned from pursuing Abner, how many of Benjamin and Abner's men had died?

360 men

2:10 How old was Ishobosheth when he began to reign over Israel?


5:4 How many years did David reign?

40 years

5:5 In Hebron, David reigned over Judah for how long?

7 years and 6 months

2:2 Which of David's wives was a widow?


6:3 Out of whose house did they take the ark of God?


10:10 Who did Joab put as leader of the front against the people of Ammon?

Abishai his brother

2:19 Who did Asahel pursue?


3:21 Who said,"I will arise and go, and gather all Israel to my lord the king, that they may make a covenant with you, and that you may reign over all that your heart desires."


3:6 While there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David, who was strengthening his hold on the house of Saul?


3:9, 10 Fill in the blanks (6 pts.) : "May God do so to ______, and more also, if I do not do for _____ as the _____ has sworn to him - to transfer the kingdom from the house of ______, and set up the throne of _____ over Israel and over Judah, from Dan to __________."

Abner; David; Lord; Saul; David; Beersheba

2:17 Fill in the blanks: "So there was a very fierce battle that day, and ________ and the men of _______ were beaten before the servants of _________.

Abner; Israel; David

3:25 Fill in the blanks (4 pts.) "Surely you realize that ______ the son of Ner came to _______ you, to know your _____ out and your ______ in, and to know all that you are doing."

Abner; deceive; going; coming

3:12 Fill in the blanks (5 pts.) : Then _____ sent messengers on his behalf to David, saying, "Whose is the _____?" saying also, "Make your ________ with me, and indeed my _____ shall be with you to bring all _____ to you."

Abner; land; covenant; hand; Israel

2:2 Which of David's wives was a Jezreelitess?


2:2 Who were David's two wives?

Ahinoam and Abigail

6:4 Who went before the ark as it was being moved from Abinadab's house?


10:19 Who made peace with Israel and served them?

All the kings who were servants to Hadadezer

2:24 Fill in the blanks (3pts.): Joab and Abishai also pursued Abner. And the sun was going down when they came to the hill of _______, which is before _____ by the road to the Wilderness of ________.

Ammah; Giah; Gibeon

10:19 After being defeated by David, the Syrians were afraid to help the people of ______ anymore.


2:19 Who was as fleet of foot as a wild gazelle?


5:20 David went up against the Philistines at what location?

Baal Perazim

6:2 Fill in the blanks (4 pts.): And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from ____________ to bring up from there the ark of God, whose name is called by the Name, the_____ of _____, who dwells between the _________.

Baale Judah; Lord; Hosts; cherubim

4:2 Who are the sons of Beerothite? (2 pts.)

Baanah; Rechab

3:16 Michal's husband, Paltiel, followed her to where?


2:15 Twelve of which tribe fought the servants of David at the pool of Gibeon?


4:2 Baanah and Rechab, the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, are the children of whom?


8:8 From what two cities of Hadadezer did David take a large amount of bronze?

Betah and Berothai

10:6 The people of Ammon sent and hired the Syrians from where? (2 pts.)

Beth Rehob; Zoba

1:18 The Song of the Bow is written in what book?

Book of Jasher

1:18 David told them to teach the children of Judah the Song of the _____.


6:10 Where would David not move the ark of the Lord after Uzzah's death?

City of David

6:12 Fill in the blanks (2 pts.) David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the ___________ with _________.

City of David; gladness

3:17 Abner said that in times past the elders of Israel had sought for whom to be king over them?


3:31 Who followed Abner's coffin?


6:17 Who offered offerings before the Lord when the ark of the Lord was set in the tabernacle?


6:5 Who played music before the Lord while the ark was being moved from Abinadab's house?

David and all the house of Israel

According to 2 Samuel 7:12 & 13, who shall build a house for God's name and establish the throne of his kingdom forever?

David's seed

8:18 Who were David's chief ministers?

David's sons

3:18 Fill in the blanks (3 pts.): For the Lord has spoken of ______, saying, 'By the hand of My servant _______, I will save My people Israel from the hand of the __________ and the hand of all their enemies.'"

David; David; Philistines;

6:12 Fill in the blanks (3 pts.): Now it was told King ______, saying, "The Lord has blessed the house of ___________ and all that belongs to him, because of the ____ of God."

David; Obed-Edom; ark;

9:1 "Now ______ said, "Is there still anyone who is left of the house of ______, that I may show him _______ for ______'s sake?"

David; Saul; kindness; Jonathan

2:1 (T/F) David inquired of the Lord, saying,"Shall I go up to any of the cities of Israel?"


2:13 (T/F) "So they stood, one on one side of the pool and the other on the other side of the pool."


3:1 (T/F) Now there was a long war between the house of Abner and the house of David. But David grew stronger and stronger, and the house of Abner grew weaker and weaker.


3:26 (T/F) David told Joab to send messengers to Abner to have him return to Hebron.


3:8 (T/F) Joab said to Ishbosheth, "Am I a dog's head that belongs to Judah?"


7:14 (5 pts.) "I will be his _______, and he shall be My ____. If he commits ________, I will chasten him with the ____ of men and with the _______ of the sons of men."

Father; son; iniquity; rod; blows;

4:4 How old was Mephibosheth when he became lame in his feet?


2:5 Why did David tell the men of Jabesh Gilead that they were blessed of the Lord?

For they have shown kindness to your lord, to Saul, and have buried him.

2:22 What did Abner tell Asahel to turn from the second time speaking to him?

From following him

1:19,20 In David's lamentation, where were they not to tell or proclaim that Saul had fallen?

Gath and Ashkelon

5:25 Fill in the blanks (2 pts.) : David did so, as the Lord commanded him; and he drove back the Philistines from _____ as far as _____.

Geba; Gezer

1:21 David desired that no dew nor rain was upon the mountains where?


2:9 Ishbosheth was made king over what areas and peoples? (6pts.)

Gilead, the Ashurites, Jezreel , Ephraim, Benjamin, all Israel

4:2,3 Fill in the blank: Beeroth was part of Benjamin, because the Beerothites fled to _______ and have been sojourners there until this day.


5:19 How did the Lord respond to David's inquiry as to whether to go up against the Philistines?

Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand.

3:16 What did Abner tell Paltiel to do at Bahurim?

Go, return!

8:3,4 David took 1000 chariots, 700 horsemen, and 20,000 foot soldiers from whom?

Hadadezer, king of Zobah

8:3 David also defeated _______ the son of ______, King of ________ as he went to recover his territory at the ________.

Hadadezer; Rehob; Zobah; River Euphrates

10:16 Fill in the blanks (3 pts.): "Then ________ sent and brought out the Syrians who were beyond the ______, and they came to _______."

Hadadezer; River; Helam

10:1 Who was the new king of Ammon?

Hanun, the son of Nahash

8:11 What did David do with the silver, gold, and bronze from nations he subdued or received gifts from?

He dedicated them to the Lord.

2:16 Fill in the blanks: "And each one grasped his opponent by the _____ and thrust his _______ in his oppoent's ________;" (3 pts.)

Head; sword; side

2:1 What city did the Lord tell David to go to?


3:32 Where was Abner buried?


2:32 Asahel was buried in whose tomb and in what city? (2 pts.)

His father's; Bethlehem

5:12 David knew that God had exalted His kingdom for the sake of whom?

His people Israel

2:3 Where did David, his wives, his men, and his men's households dwell?

In the cities of Hebron

10:6 From whom did the people of Ammon hire 12,000 men?


3:14 David sent messengers to whom to have Michal, Saul's daughter, sent to him?


3:7 Who said to Abner, "Why have you gone in to my father's concubine?"


4:8 What did Rechab and Baanah bring to David in Hebron?

Ishbosheth's head

4:8 Fill in the blanks (3 pts.): Rechab and Baanah told David, " Here is the head of _________, the son of _____ your enemy, who sought your life; and the Lord has avenged my lord the king this day of Saul and his ___________."

Ishbosheth; Saul; descendants

10:17 When it was told David that the Syrians were gathered in Helam, David gathered all ______, crossed over the _______, and came to ______.

Israel; Jordan; Helam

5:1,2 Fill in the blanks (6 pts.) : The tribes of _____said to David in Hebron, "Indeed we are your ____ and your _____. Also, in time past, when ____ was king over us, you were the one who led Israel out and brought them in; and the Lord said to you, 'You shall ________ My people Israel, and be ruler over _____.'"

Israel; bone; flesh; Saul; shepherd; Israel

8:15 So David reigned over all _______; and David administered ______ and ________ to all his people.

Israel; judgment; justice

3:19 Abner went to speak in the hearing of David in Hebron all that seemed good to whom? ( 2 pts.)

Israel; the whole house of Benjamin.

2:4 Where were the men who buried Saul from?

Jabesh Gilead

8:16 Who was David's recorder?

Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud

10:14 Where did Joab return after defeating the people of Ammon?


9:13 Where did David have Mephibosheth move so he could eat continually at the king's table?


4:4 News about Saul and Jonathan came from where?


2: 28 Who blew a trumpet and all the people stood still and did not pursue Israel anymore, nor did they fight anymore?


3:22 After Abner left David to gather all Israel to David, who returned to Hebron?


3:24 Who questioned David as to why Abner had come to visit him and why David had let Abner go?


In 2 Samuel 2:24, who also pursed Abner?

Joab and Abishai

3:29 Upon whose head did David say the guilt of Abner's blood should rest? (2 pts.)

Joab and all his father's house

10:7 When David heard that the people of Ammon were hiring soldiers, who did David send?

Joab and all the arm of the mighty men

8:16 Who was over David's army?

Joab the son of Zeruiah

2:18 Who were the three sons of Zeruiah?

Joab; Abishai; Asahel

3:30 Fill in the blanks (4 pts.) : So _____ and ______ his brother killed Abner, because he had killed their brother _______ at _______ in the battle.

Joab; Abishai; Asahel; Gibeon

3:29 Fill in the blanks (6 pts.) : David said,"...let there never fail to be in the house of _____ one who has a _______ or is a _____, who leans on a _____ or falls by the ______, or who lacks _______."

Joab; discharge; leper; staff; sword; bread

2:27 Fill in the blanks: And _____ said, "As God lives, unless you had spoken, surely then by _______ all the people would have given up pursuing their ________."

Joab; morning; brethren

9:7 David wanted to show kindness to Mephibosheth for whose sake?

Jonathan his father

According to 2 Sam. 1:26, whose love was wonderful, surpassing the love of women?


8:9 Who did Toi king of Hamath send to King David after David defeated the army of Hadadezer?

Joram his son

1:6 What was Saul doing when the man approached him on Mt. Gilboa?

Leaning on his spear

1:20 Why were they not to tell to those in Gath and Ashkelon that Saul had fallen? (2 pts)

Lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice and the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.

6:21, 22 Fill in the blanks (9 pts.): David said to Michal, "It was before the _____, who chose me instead of your ______ and all his _______, to appoint me ruler over the people of the ______, over Israel. Therefore I will play _____ before the Lord. And I will be even more __________ than this, and will be ________ in my own sight. But as for the ___________ of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in _______."

Lord; father; house; Lord; music; undignified; humble; maidservants; honor

3:3 Fill in the blanks (3pts.) : Absalom the son of ________, the daughter of ______, king of ______

Maacah; Talmai; Geshur

9:4 Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan lived in the house of _______ the son of _______ in ________.

Machir; Ammiel; Lo Debar

2:8 Where did Abner take Ishbosheth, the son of Saul, to make him king?


4:4 What was the name of Saul's son who was lame in the feet?


8:1 Who did David take from the hand of the Philistines?

Metheg Ammah

9:12 What was the name of Mephibosheth's young son?


6:23 Who had no children to the day of her death?

Michal daughter of Saul

6:20 Who came out to meet David as he returned to bless his household?

Michal the daughter of Saul

3:13 David told Abner that he would not see his face until Abner brought whom to him?

Michal, Saul's daughter

6:16 As the ark of the Lord came into the City of David, who looked through a window and saw David dancing?

Michal, Saul's daughter

6:16 Fill in the blanks (6 pts.): Now as the ark of the Lord came into the City of David,______ , ______ daughter, looked through a _________ and saw King David _______ and _______ before the Lord; and she _________ him in her heart.

Michal; Saul's; window; leaping; whirling; despised

5:9 David dwelt in the stronghold, and he built all around from the _____ and ______.

Millo; inward

8:2 After attacking the Philistines, whom did David defeat?


8:12 From what nations which David had subdued did he dedicate silver and gold to the Lord? (5 pts.)

Moab, Ammon, Philistines, Amalek, Hadadezer king of Zobah

1:6 Where was the man when he saw Saul die?

Mount Gilboa

3:28 When David heard of the death of Abner, he said who was guiltless before the Lord of Abner's blood? (2 pts.)

My kingdom and I

6:6 The oxen stumbled as the ark of God was being transported when they came to what? Be specific.

Nachon's threshing floor

10:1,2 What was the name of the king of Ammon who died?


7:2 To whom was David talking when he said, "I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells inside tent curtains."?


2:8 Abner is the son of whom?


3:15 Ishbosheth sent Michal, Saul's daughter, away from her husband. What was her husband's name?

Paltiel the son of Laish

6:8 What did David call the place where Uzzah died to steady the ark of God?

Perez Uzzah

8:14 What did the Lord do to David wherever David went?

Preserved him.

4:5 Who are the two sons of Rimmon the Beerothite?

Rechab and Baanah

4:6 Who stabbed Ishbosheth in the stomach?

Rechab and Baanah

What was the name of Saul's concubine mentioned in 2 Samuel 3:7? Be specific.

Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah

1:24 Who clothed the daughters of Israel in scarlet, with luxury, and put ornaments of gold on their apparel?


According to 2 Sam. 1:23 who were beloved and pleasant in their lives, and in their death were not divided?

Saul and Jonathan

2:8 Abner, son of Ner, is commander of whose army?


4:1 Who lost heart after hearing that Abner had died in Hebron?

Saul's son, Ishbosheth

1:12 For whom did David and his men mourn and fast? (4 pts.)

Saul; Jonathan; people of the Lord; house of Israel

8:17 Who was David's scribe?


2:11 How long was David king in Hebron over the house of Judah?

Seven years and six months

10:16 Who was the commander of Hadadezer's army?


3:2 How many sons were born to David in Hebron?


5:14 Who was the fourth son born to David in Jerusalem?


1:9 What did Saul tell the man to do to him on Mt. Gilboa?

Stand over him and kill him

2:23 Where did Abner strike Asahel and with what? Be specific. (2 pts.)

Stomach; blunt end of the spear

10:11,12 Then he said, "If the ______ are too _____ for me, then you shall help me; but if the people of _______ are too _____ for you, then I will come and help you. Be of good ______, and let us be strong for our people and for the ______ of our God. And may the Lord do what is ______ in His _______." (8 pts.)

Syrians; strong; Ammon; strong; courage; cities; good; sight

2:21 What did Abner tell Asahel to take from one of the young men?

Take his armor for himself

In 2 Samuel 3:31, what three things did David tell Joab and all the people with him to do after learning of Abner's death? (3 pts.)

Tear your clothes; gird yourselves with sackcloth; mourn for Abner

1:1 - David returned from the slaughter of _____________ after the death of Saul.

The Amalekites

8:18 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over who? (2 pts.)

The Cherethites and the Pelethites

5:7 What is another name for the stronghold of Zion?

The City of David

2:16 What did they call the place where David's men and Ishbosheth's followers competed?

The Field of Sharp Swords

2:4 Who anointed David king over the house of Judah?

The men of Judah

1:4 How did the man respond when David asked him how the matter went? (3pts.)

The people have fled from the battle. Many of the people are fallen and dead. Saul and Jonathan his son are dead.

2:13 Where did Joab and the servants of David meet to compete?

The pool of Gibeon

2:26 Abner asked Joab if what would devour forever?

The sword

2:23 What did people do who came to the place where Asahel fell down and died?

They stood still.

8:4 What did David have done to the chariot horses taken from Hadadezer?

They were hamstrung.

8:10 Toi king of Hamath sent Joram his son to King David to do what two things?

To greet him and to bless him

2:21 Where did Abner tell Asahel to turn the first time he spoke to him?

To his right hand or to his left

2:19 Where did Asahel not turn while pursuing Abner?

To the right hand or to the left

8:10 Who had Hadadezer been at war with before being defeated by David?

Toi king of Hamath

1:11 What four things did David and his men do when they learned of Saul and Jonathan's deaths?

Tore their clothes; mourned; wept; fasted until evening

10:2 (T/F) Nahash, the father of Hanun, showed kindness to David.


2:14 (T/F) "Then Abner said to Joab,'Let the young men now arise and compete before us.' "


2:25 (T/F) "Now the children of Benjamin gathered together behind Abner and became a unit, and took their stand on top of a hill."


2:15 How many followers of Ishbosheth competed against the servants of David?


2:2 How many wives did David have in 2 Samuel 2:2?


2:10 How long did Ishbosheth reign as king over Israel?

Two years

6:6 Who put forth his hand and took hold of the ark of God while it was being transported?


6:3 Who drove the new cart carrying the Ark of God? Be specific.

Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab

5: 22, 23 Fill in the blanks (4 pts.) : Then the Philistines went up once again and deployed themselves in the __________. Therefore David inquired of the Lord, and He said, "You shall ___ go up; _____ around behind them, and come upon them in front of the _______ trees.

Valley of Rephaim; not; circle; mulberry

2:13 Joab, David's commander, is the son of whom?


9:2 What was the name of the servant of the house of Saul whom they called to David?


9:9 Who was to work the land and bring in the harvest for Mephibosheth?

Ziba Saul's servant, and his sons and servants

1:1 David stayed where after the slaughter of the Amelikites?


9:8 What did Mephibosheth call himself after David showed his kindness to him?

a dead dog

5:11 What did Hiram king of Tyre build for David?

a house

3:33 David sang what at Abner's burial?

a lament

6:14 What was David wearing when he danced before the Lord as the ark was being transported to the City of David?

a linen ephod

6:3 What did they set the ark of God upon?

a new cart

3:22 What did Joab return from when he arrived in Hebron?

a raid

4:9 David said the Lord has redeemed his life from all what?


6:9 David was ______ of the Lord that day; and he said, "How can the ark of the Lord come to me?"


4:1 Who was troubled after hearing that Abner had died in Hebron?

all Israel

9:12 Who were servants of Mephibosheth?

all who dwelt in the house of Ziba

1:8 Who was the man who saw Saul on Mt. Gilboa?

an Amalikite

6:7 Fill in the blanks (3 pts.): Then the______ of the Lord was aroused against ______, and God struck him there for his _______; and he died there by the ark of God.

anger; Uzzah; error;

6:8 And David became ______ because of the Lord's outbreak against Uzzah.


1:9 Why did Saul tell the man to kill him on Mt. Gilboa?

anguish had come upon him

According to 2 Samuel 7:2, what dwells inside tent curtains?

ark of God

8:10 What did Joram send to David? (3 pts.)

articles of silver, articles of gold, articles of bronze

10:7 Where did the people of Ammon put themselves in battle array?

at the entrance of the gate

1:12 Why did David and his men mourn for Saul, Jonathan, the people of the Lord, and the house of Israel?

because they had fallen by the sword

10:9 Joab saw that the battle line was against him where?

before and behind

1:6 Where did Saul look and see the man on Mt. Gilboa?

behind him

9:7 What was Mephibosheth to eat from David's table continually?


3:35 Fill in the blanks (2 pts.): David took an oath, saying, "God do so to me, and more also, if I taste ______ or anything else till the ____ goes down!"

bread; sun

5:20 Fill in the blanks (2 pts.) : After David defeated the Philistines he said, "The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like a ________ of _____."

breakthrough; water

6:17 What kind of offerings did David make before the Lord when the ark of the Lord was set in the tabernacle?

burnt offerings and peace offerings

4:12 Where did they hang Rechab and Baanah's hands and feet?

by the pool in Hebron

1:6 Who was following hard after Saul on Mt. Gilboa?

chariots and horsemen

6:14 When the ark of the Lord was being moved to the City of David, what did David do before the Lord with all his might?


7:9 (4 pts.) "And I have been with you wherever you have gone, and have cut off all your _______ from before you, and have made you a great ______, like the name of the great ____ who are on the ______. "

enemies; name; men; earth

8:4 How many of Hadadezer's chariot horses were spared from being hamstrung?

enough for 100 chariots

1:15 David told one of his young men to, "Go near, and ________ him."


3:11 Fill in the blank: Ishbosheth could not answer Abner another word, because he _______ him.


9:6 What did Mephibosheth do when he came to David? (2 pts.)

fell on his face and prostrated himself

10:18 Then the Syrians _____ before Israel; and David killed 700 ______ and 40,000 _______ of the Syrians, and struck _______ the commander of their army, who died there.

fled; charioteers; horsemen; Shobach

3: 34 Fill in the blanks of David's lament over Abner's death (4 pts.): "Should Abner die as a ____ dies? Your hands were not ______ Nor your feet put into ______; As a man falls before _______ men, so you fell."

fool; bound; fetters; wicked

7:13 How long did God say He would establish the throne of David's seed?


7:12 (5 pts.) "When your days are ________ and you rest with your _______, I will set up your ______ after you, who will come from your _____, and I will establish his ________."

fulfilled; fathers; seed; body; kingdom

8:14 What did David put throughout all Edom?


8:6 What did David put in Syria of Damascus?


8:6 David put _______ in Syria of _______; and the Syrians became David's ________ and brought ______

garrisons; Damascus; servants; tribute

6:20 Fill in the blanks (4 pts.) : Michal said to David, "How _______ was the king of _______ today, uncovering himself today in the eyes of the ______ of his servants, as one of the _____ fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!"

glorious; Israel; maids; base;

10:5 When David's servants told David what Hanun had done to them, how did the servants feel?

greatly ashamed

4:12 After having them executed, David had Rechab and Baanah's _____ and ______ cut off.

hands; feet

1:3 Where had the man who came to David in Ziklag come from?

he had escaped from the camp of Israel

1:10 Why did the man kill Saul on Mt. Gilboa?

he was sure that he could not live after he had fallen

1: 22 What of Jonathan's did not turn back from the blood of the slain and the fat of the mighty?

his bow

3:27 Joab killed Abner for the blood of whom?

his brother Asahel

1:10 What did the man take from Saul? (2 pts.)

his crown and bracelet

4:4 Who took Mephibosheth up and fled with him after hearing news of Saul and Jonathan?

his nurse

1:22 What of Saul's did not return empty from the blood of the slain and the fat of the mighty?

his sword

3:8 Abner told Ishbosheth that today he shows loyalty to whom? (3 pts.)

house of Saul your father; his brothers; his friends

According to 2 Samuel 7:2, where did David dwell?

in a house of cedar

7:6 How had the Lord been moved about with the children of Israel? Be specific. (2 pts.)

in a tent and in a tabernacle

9:13 Where was Mephibosheth lame?

in both his feet

10:8 Where were the Syrians of Zoba, Beth Rehob, Ish-Tob, and Maacah positioned for battle?

in the field

3:27 When Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside where to talk to him privately?

in the gate

According to David's Lamentation in 2 Sam. 1:25, where have the mighty fallen?

in the midst of the battle

6:17 Where did they set the ark of the Lord in the City of David?

in the midst of the tabernacle

4:12 Where did the bury the head of Ishbosheth?

in the tomb of Abner in Hebron

6:5 What instruments were played as the ark was being moved from Abinadab's house? (6 pts.)

instruments of fir wood; harps; stringed instruments; tambourines; sistrums; cymbols

10:2 What did David want to show to Hanun the son of Nahash?


7:3 Fill in the blanks: "Then Nathan said to the _____, "Go, do all that is in your ______, for the ______ is with you."

king, heart, Lord

1:18 David lamented with a _____________ over Saul and over Jonathan his son.


4:5 What was Ishbosheth doing when Rechab and Baanah came to his house?

lying on his bed

5:24 Fill in the blanks (5 pts.) : The Lord told David, "When you hear the sound of ______ in the ____ of the _______ trees, then you shall advance _______. For then the Lord will go out before you to strike the ______ of the Philistines

marching; tops; mulberry; quickly; camp;

7:15,16 "But My _______ shall not depart from ____, as I took it from ______, whom I removed from before you. And your ________ and your ________ shall be established _________ before you. Your _______ shall be established forever."

mercy; him; Saul; house; kingdom; forever; throne

5:11 Hiram king of Tyre sent what four things/people to David? (4 pts.)

messengers; cedar trees; carpenters; masons

6:17 - 19 What three things did David do after the ark of the Lord was set in the midst of the tabernacle?

offered offerings; blessed the people; gave the people food

6:3 Where was Abinadab's house situated?

on a hill

8:2 With how many lines did David measure how many of the Moabites would live?

one full line

6:13 What did David sacrifice when those bearing the ark of the Lord had gone six paces?

oxen and fatted sheep

6:19 Fill in the blanks (7 pts.): Then he distributed among all the _______, among the whole multitude of ______, both the ________ and the ____, to everyone a loaf of_______, a piece of _____ , and a cake of ________.

people; Israel; women; men; bread; meat; raisins

7:10, 11 (5 pts.) "Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will _____ them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of _________ oppress them anymore, as previously, since the time that I commanded _______ to be over My people Israel, and have caused you to _____ from all your enemies. Also the Lord tells you that He will make you a _______."

plant; wickedness; judges; rest; house

3:38, 39 Fill in the blanks (7 pts.): Then the king said to his servants, "Do you not know that a ______ and a great ____ has fallen this day in ______? And I am ____ today, though anointed king; and these men, the sons of ______, are too _______ for me. The Lord shall repay the evildoer according to his _________."

prince; man; Israel; weak; Zeruiah; harsh; wickedness

10:6 The people of Ammon saw that they had made themselves _______ to David.


4:11 Fill in the blanks (5 pts.): David declared to Rechab and Baanah, "How much more, when wicked men have killed a ________ person in his own _______ on his ____? Therefore, shall I not now require his ______ at your hand and remove you from the ________?"

righteous; house; bed; blood; earth

8:14 The Edomites became David's ______.


8:2 After David defeated them, the Moabites became his _______ and brought _______. (2 pts.)

servants; tribute

10:4 What did Hanun have done to David's servants? (3 pts.)

shaved off half of their beards, cut off their garments in the middle at their buttocks, and sent them away

7:8 (4 pts.) Thus says the Lord of hosts: "I took you from the ________, from following the ______, to be _____ over My people, over ______."

sheepfold; sheep; ruler; Israel

8:7 What did David bring to Jerusalem that had belonged to the servants of Hadadezer?

shields of gold

6:15 David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with what two things?

shouting and with the sound of the trumpet

6:13 When the ark of the Lord was being moved to the City of David, sacrifices were made after what distance?

six paces

10:9 Who did Joab send in battle array against the Syrians?

some of Israel's best

3:27 How did Joab kill Abner?

stabbed him in the stomach

2:7 Fill in the blanks: "Now therefore, let your hands be ________, and be _________; for your master _______ is dead, and also the house of _______ has anointed me _____ over them." (5 pts.)

strengthened; valiant; Saul; Judah; king

According to 2 Sam. 1:23 Saul and Jonathan were swifter than what and stronger than what? (2 pts.)

swifter than eagles and stronger than lions

7:4 When did the word of the Lord come to Nathan?

that night

5:6 The King and his men went to Jerusalem against the inhabitants of the land. Who were they?

the Jebusites

5:19 Of whom did David inquire whether to go up against the Philistines?

the Lord

7:6 Who had not dwelt in a house since the children of Israel were brought up from Egypt?

the Lord

5:10 So David went on and became great, and who was with him?

the Lord God of hosts

1:13 David asked the young man why he was not afraid to put forth his had to destroy ___________.

the Lord's annointed

5:17 Who went up to search for David after hearing that he had been anointed king of Israel?

the Philistines

8:5 Who came to help Hadadezer fight David?

the Syrians

10:14 The people of Ammon fled from before Abishai when they saw what?

the Syrians fleeing

5:18 The Philistines went and deployed themselves against David where?

the Valley of Rephaim

1:19 In David's lamentation, who is slain on your high places?

the beauty of Israel

5:6 The Jebusites told David that he could not come in here; but who would repel him? (2 pts.)

the blind and the lame

4:5 Rechab and Baanah, set out and came to the house of Ishbosheth at what time of day?

the heat of the day

6:10 Where did David have the ark of God placed since he couldn't move it to the City of David? Be specific.

the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite

10:6 From what king did the people of Ammon hire 1000 men?

the king of Maacah

9:11 Mephibosheth was to eat at David's table like one of what?

the king's sons

9:7 Whose land was David going to restore to Mephibosheth

the land of Saul his grandfather

6:18 After David finished the offerings to the Lord, whom did he bless in the name of the Lord of hosts?

the people

10:1 After David took care of Mephibosheth, the king of which people died?

the people of Ammon

10:10 Who did Joab set in battle array against the people of Ammon?

the rest of the people

According to 2 Sam. 1:21 what was not anointed with oil?

the shield of Saul

5:17 Where did David go when he heard the Philistines were searching for him?

the stronghold

1:2 On which day did a man come to David in Ziklag to tell of Saul's death?

the third day

7:17 Nathan spoke to David according to all the words and according to what else?

the vision

10:14 Where did the people of Ammon flee to escape Abishai and his people?

their city

6:19 What did the people do after the ark had been set in the midst of the tabernacle, the offerings had been made, they had been blessed, and David had distributed food to them?

they departed each to his house

10:13 What did the Syrians do before Joab and the people who were with him?

they fled

10:15 What did the Syrians do after being defeated by Israel?

they gathered together

3:34 What did all the people do at Abner's burial?

they wept

6:11 How long did the ark of the Lord remain in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite?

three months

6:20 What did David return to his house to do after the ark had been set in the midst of the tabernacle?

to bless his household

10:2 Why did David send servants into the land of the people of Ammon?

to comfort Hanun concerning his father

3:35 What did the people try to persuade David to do after Abner's burial and while it was still day?

to eat food

3:37 All the people and all Israel understood that day that it had not been the king's intent to do what?

to kill Abner, the son of Ner

10:3 For what did the princes of Ammon think David sent servants to Hanun? (3 pts.)

to search the city; to spy it out; to overthrow it

1:2 The man who came to David in Ziklag to tell of Saul's death had what kind of clothes and what on his head?

torn clothes; dust on his head

8:2 With what did David measure how many of the Moabites would die?

two lines

10:5 For how long did David have his servants wait at Jericho?

until their beards had grown

5:8 Fill in the blanks (6 pts.) : Now David said on that day, "Whoever climbs up by way of the ____ ______ and defeats the _______ (the ____ and the _____, who are hated by David's soul), he shall be _____ and ______."

water shaft; Jebusites; lame; blind; chief; captain

According to 2 Sam. 1:27, what have perished?

weapons of war

3:26 Joab sent messengers to Abner to bring him back from where?

well of Sirah

4:6 Rechab and Baanah came all the way into Ishbosheth's house as if to get what?


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