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a coworker has cut her forearm badly with a knife in the lunch room. another employee calls 911 and runs for the first aid kit while you help the victim. you do not have gloves with you. what can you do to control the bleeding?

If gloves are not available, use many layers of clean cloth, plastic bags, or the cleanest material available between your hands and the wound. Have the injured person hold direct pressure on the wound, if possible, and elevate the injured area. Use your bare hands to apply direct pressure only as a last resort.

at the loading dock at work, you see a worker who was struck by a large piece of equipment that fell of a forklift. the worker is lying on the ground in obvious pain when you approach. his forearm seems bent, and when you carefully cut through the bloody shirt sleeve, you find a wound in which you can see the end of a broken bone. the wound is still bleeding. what should you do?

RICE REST the injured area, support and do not move the injured area ICE place a plastic bag or damp cloth with an ice-water mix on the injured area to reduce swelling and pain; put a barrier, such as a cloth, between the plastic bag and the skin COMPRESS the injury in an extremity with an elastic roller bandage. the bandage can be placed over the ice-water bag. ELEVATE an injured extremity (also dress open wounds; splint if no more pain is caused from it; splint injury in position found; immobilize entire area)

recovery position

adult: -extend one of the victim's arms above the victim's head -carefully roll the victim's body onto its side so that the victim's head is supported on the extended arm -bend both legs so the victim's position is stabilized -open the mouth to allow drainage and monitor breathing infant: -hold the infant face down on your arm with the head slightly lower than the body -support the head and neck with your hand, keeping the mouth and nose clear

aunt ursula is visiting your family for a few days. she generally seems to be in good health. about an hour after a big holiday meal, she says she does not feel well. she has been feeling pressure in her chest since she ate, and she is sweating. remembering your first aid course, you think she might be having a heart attack, but she says she thinks it is only indigestion caused by all that food. "i do not want to cause trouble for anyone ... i will just sit here until it goes away" what do you say to her? if she keeps insisting that its only indigestion, what can you do?

call 911 encourage the victim to chew and swallow 1 adult aspirin or 2-4 low dose baby aspirin unless allergic stay with the victim and be reassuring and calming do not let the victim eat or drink anything

you are at a youth baseball game when a child at bat is truck in the chest by a pitch. he falls to the ground and does not move. provide care with all actions in the correct sequence. follow your instructor's descriptions of how the victim responds.

for an unresponsive victim who is not breathing or only gasps occasionally, send someone to call 911 and get an AED -if alone with a child, first give 2 minutes of CPR and then call 911 and get an AED if available expose the chest. place hands in correct position for chest compression -for children: in center of chest with 1 or 2 hands -for infants: two middle fingers of 1 hand just below the nipple line keep your elbows straight and keep your hands in contact with the chest at all times. give 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute. count aloud for a steady rate -for children: to a depth of 1/3 the depth of the chest, or about 2 inches -for infants: to a depth of 1/3 the depth of the chest, or about 1 1/2 inches let the chest rise completely after each compression tile the head and lift the chin to open the airway. give 2 rescue breaths, each lasting 1 second when an AED arrives, start the AED sequence

you are at the beach with a group of people when a man jogging by suddenly collapses and falls face down on the sand. provide care from the moment you arrive at the victim's side, with all actions in the correct sequence. follow your instructor's descriptions of how the victim responds.

for an unresponsive victim who is not breathing or only gasps occasionally, send someone to call 911 and get an AED -if alone with an adult, first call 911 and get an AED if available nearby expose the chest. place hands in correct position for chest compression -for adults: in center of chest with 1 hand on top of the other keep your elbows straight and keep your hands in contact with the chest at all times. give 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute. count aloud for a steady rate -for adults: to a depth of at least 2 inches but not more than 2.4 inches let the chest rise completely after each compression tilt the head and lift the chin to open the airway. give 2 rescue breaths, each lasting 1 second continue cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths when an AED arrives, start the AED sequence

as you are walking past the office of sam, a coworker, you hear an odd thump and look in to see that sam has fallen to the floor and is having a seizure. you remember that sam once told you he has been treated for epilepsy. you rush into the office to help. how can you help sam during the seizure? how can you help sam after the seizure? in what situation should you call 911 for sam?

how can you help sam during the seizure? -move away dangerous objects and put soft padding under the person's head, remove eyeglasses, loosen tight clothing and the neck how can you help sam after the seizure? -ensure the victim's airway remains open with the recovery position, inform and keep calm in what situation should you call 911 for sam? -if the seizure lasts more than 5 mins; if person is not known to have epilepsy; if person recovers very slowly; person has trouble breathing or has another seizure; if pregnant; is wearing medical ID bracelet; if person is injured

a coworker loses his footing coming down the last 2 steps of a stairway and falls forward, breaking his fall with an outstretched arm. he calls for help, and you find him sitting on the bottom step, using his left hand to hold his right forearm close to his body. he tells you his right shoulder really hurts and he can not move it. he is wearing a thick shirt, and you cannot see whether there is any swelling or deformity, but there is apparently no bleeding. you ask someone to call 911. what else should you do before help arrives?

immediately splint the arm with a board immobilize and support the arm and shoulder in the position found put an ice bag or cold pack on the painful injured area watch for signs and symptoms of shock

you enter an outdoor storage area where you work and find a coworker frantically trying to rub a white powder from his arm. beside him on the ground is a broken container that is leaking a chemical. what are the first aid steps to follow?

move the victim away from fumes or ventilate the area with a gloved hand or piece of cloth, brush off any dry chemical remove clothing and jewelry from the burn area flush the entire area as quickly as possible with large amounts of running water. flush until EMS arrive to give definitive care or until a toxic specific solution is available call 911

your company's annual picnic and softball game happens to fall on the hottest day of the year. by the seventh inning, your team's center fielder seems to be showing signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion. name 2 signs and symptoms that strongly suggest heat exhaustion. what are the first aid steps to help the victim?

name 2 signs and symptoms that strongly suggest heat exhaustion. -heavy sweating, thirst, fatigue, heat cramps; headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting what are the first aid steps to help the victim? -move the victim out of the heat to lie down in a cool place, and loosen or remove outer clothing -cool the victim with a cool water spray or wet cloths on the forehead and body -give the victim a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink to promote rehydration. (if unavailable provide water)

you arrive home late in the afternoon and find uncle joe, who is elderly and has health problems, unresponsive on the kitchen floor. you quickly check and determine that he is breathing. you carefully position him in the recovery position, and as you cross the room to the telephone, you notice several pull bottles on the table. one is open, and a number of capsules have spilled out on the table. you believe uncle joe might be experiencing an overdose poisoning. on the wall beside the telephone is the number for poison control center. should you call that or 911? why or why not? why did you put him in the recovery position? what do you do while waiting for help to arrive?

on the wall beside the telephone is the number for poison control center. should you call that or 911? why or why not? -call 911 because he is unresponsive and could die why did you put him in the recovery position? -in order to open the airway what do you do while waiting for help to arrive? -monitor the victim's breathing and be ready to give CPR. be prepared for vomiting.

your friend has just burned his arm at a bbq - it looks like a small second-degree burn. you grab a nearby hose and cool the burned area with cool or cold running water. then you get your first aid kit, where you keep your NSC guide. look up what to do now for the burn.

remove constricting items, such as clothing and jewelry call 911 put a sterile, dry dressing over the burn to protect the area, but keep it loose and do not tape it to the skin keep burn blisters intact

you are eating out at an asian restaurant with friends when you notice that a man alone at the next table suddenly seems quite ill. he is wheezing and apparently having difficulty breathing, and his face looks swollen. you ask him if he is ok, and his agitated reply is that he thinks he ate something "bad for me." you ask if he has any food allergies, and he mumbles peanuts. he fumbles in his pocket and produces what you recognize as an epinephrine auto-injector, but he is confused and drops it on the floor. his skin has become flushed, and his breathing is becoming more difficult. what is the first action you should take? you pick up the auto-injector and quickly check the instructions on the label. you ask him if he can use it, but he just stares at you. what should you do now? what else can you now do to help while waiting for emergency responders to arrive?

what is the first action you should take? -call 911 you pick up the auto-injector and quickly check the instructions on the label. you ask him if he can use it, but he just stares at you. what should you do now? -administer to him yourself what else can you now do to help while waiting for emergency responders to arrive? -monitor the victim's breathing and be ready to give CPR

a coworker was struck in the head by a piece of machinery and is lying on the floor when you find him. he is breathing, and his scalp is bleeding over one ear. you put on gloves and gently touch the bleeding area with a piece of gauze. you feel a small depressed area in the skull bone. what must you avoid doing when you try to control the bleeding? how can you control the bleeding? should you move this victim to look for other injuries to his body? why or why not?

what must you avoid doing when you try to control the bleeding? -not put pressure on the wound itself and do not apply pressure if you feel bone fragments move how can you control the bleeding? -apply pressure only around the edges of the wound should you move this victim to look for other injuries to his body? why or why not? -do not move the victim unnecessarily because there may also be a spinal injury

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