PCC HI-101 History of Civ. Test 2

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A muslim warrior of Mongol extraction that invaded India and founded the Mogul Empire

Componants of Hinduism

Brahma, Reincarnation, Karma

Four Major Castes

Brahmans- Preists and scholars Princes and Warriors Land Owners The Rest- Farmers and Servants Untouchables/Outcastes

Siddhartha Gautama

Buddha, or enlightened one.

Shang Dynasty

Cast bronze, built chariots, made silk, and developed a system of writing.

255-206 BC

Ch'in dynasty in China / Great Wall of China

1100 BC

Collapse of New Kingdom/ decline of Egypt/ beginning of forgeign invasions and domination

332-323 BC

Egypt Conquired by Alexander the Great/ Ptolemy establishes Hellenistic Dynasty

30 BC

Egypt conqured by Romans

1580 BC

Egypt's New Kingdom established/ height of Egyptian Empire

Prince Shotoku

Founder of the Japanese civilization

Yuan Dynasty

G.Khan's successors. During this time is when Marco Polo came.

AD 320-535

Gupta Dynasty in India/ "Golden age of India"

1850 BC

Hebrews sojourn in Egypt

The Indian subcontinent's three major land regions

Himalayan Mountain System, the Northern Plains, and the Deccan Plateau

India's two distinctive cultural features

Hinduism and the caste system

China's two great river systems

Huang He (yellow river, china's sorrow) and Yangtze

Chou Dynasty

Longest ruling dynasty, during which Lao-tse and Confucius lived and taught.

Han Dynasty

Marked the height of ancient China's power and glory. Great Silk Road, made a calender, silk, glazed pottery, and paper.

AD 1200s-1368

Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan/ Yuan dyansty in China / Marco Polo travels to the orient


Official language of Pakistan, also called Hindustani

Isthmus of Suez

Once connected Africa to Asia


People from the Indo-European steppes, who later moved down into India, and began the caste system in India. Vedas were their sacred texts. The caste system was based on varna, or skin color.

1500 BC

Rise of Huang He Valley Civilization in China

2000 BC

Rise of Indus Valley Civization in India


The Middle Kingdom, Also, the world's oldest living civilization


The empire that inaugurated India's "Golden age"

Shih Huang Ti

The founder of the Ch'in dynasty, the first emperor of a united China. Associated with the Great Wall of China

Asia's three great fertile river valleys

Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, Huang He

Mnt. Fuji

a big ole mountain in Japan. Always has snow on it.


a native Indian family who drove out the Greeks, conquered the northern plain, and established the Maurya Empire

East and West Pakistan

broke from India over Religion, later became (West) Pakistan and Bangladesh


sons of japeth/hokkaido/caucasian

Damascene steel

steel from India used for weapons by Arabs.


the greatest leader of the Mauryan Empire. He converted to Buddhism from Hinduism

Taj Mahal

"best of buildings" Built by a mogul emperor as a tomb for his favorite wife.


1/3 of the earth's surface/ 3/4 of the earth's population/ also contains the highest and lowest points on earth.

Yamato Clan

established a loose rule over the other clans in Japan

Genghis Khan

feirce Mongol warrior who took over china, making the largest continental empire in history


nature worship, oldest religion of japan

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