Pectoral Region
Pectoris Minor origin:
3, 4, 5 ribs, and the deep fascia that covers the intervening intercostal spaces.
The medial border and the inferior angle of the scapula are undully prominent. A deformity known as
A winged scapula
What are the actions of the Pectorals Major?
Acting as a whole, the muscle adducts and medially rotates the shoulder joint(arm)
Serrates Anterior origin:
By eight digitations from the upper eight ribs and from the fascia covering the intervening intercostal spaces.
Situated deep to pectorals major, its upper part splits to enclose the subclavius muscle, inferiorly it splits to enclose the pectorals minor muscle, and continues as the suspensory ligament of the axilla, which attaches to the dome of the axillary fascia.
Clavipectoral fascia
An internervous plane commonly used in the surgical approach to the shoulder joint
Deltopectoral groove
Pectoralis Minor performs the action of:
Depresses the tip of the shoulder; assists serrates anterior muscle in drawing the scapula forward (protraction)
Subclavius Origin:
From the rib at the costochondral junction.
Serratus Anterior Nerve supply:
Long thoracic nerve, which is derived from the roots of the brachial plexus.
Pectoralis Minor insertion:
Medial border and upper surface of the coracoid process
Pectoralis Minor Nerve supply:
Medial pectoral nerve
Subclavius Nerve supply:
Nerve to subclavius from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus.
Subclavius Insertion:
Onto a groove on the inferior surface of the middle third of the clavicle.
Pectoral fascia encloses what muscle?
Pectoralis major
Subclavius Action:
Pulls clavicle medially to stabilize sternoclavicular joint during movements of the shoulder joint.
Serratus Anterior Action:
Pulls scapula forwards around the chest wall to protract the upper limb (pushing and punching movements) (when the fibers inserted into the inferior angle of the scapula contract, they pull the inferior angle and rotate the scapula so that the glenoid cavity is turned upwards (in abduction of the arm) The tonic contraction of the muscle keeps the costal surface of the scapula closely opposed to the thoracic wall.
Between the breast and pectoral fascia is loose connective tissue plane known as
Retromammary space or bursa
Breast Mammary Gland attachment:
Strands of fibrous tissue, the suspensor ligament of Cooper
What nerve is exceptional in that it courses on the superficial aspect of the serrates anterior, thus making it vulnerable to injury?
The Long thoracic nerve
A modified sweat gland that lies in the subcutaneous tissue of the anterior thoracic wall.
The breast
Superiorly under the clavicle, the two muscles diverge slightly to form
The clavipectoral triangle
Serratus Anterior Insertion:
The muscle forms a flattened sheet, which passes posteriorly around the thoracic wall to insert on the costal surface of the medial border of the scapula
The sternocostal head arises from ___________ ____________ of the manubrium and body of the sternum, and the adjacent costal cartilages
anterior surface
What is the insertion of the Pectorals Major?
by a bilaminar tendon
Pectorals Major nerve supply:
by medial and lateral pectoral nerves.
A well-developed band formed from the clavipectoral fascia, it extends from the first costochondral junction to the coracoid process
costocoracoid ligament
Groove which contains the cephalic vein
deltopectoral groove
Sternocostal head does what action to the arm?
extends the flexed arm
The clavicular head does what action to the arm?
Pertaining to the Pectorals Major, The clavicular head arises from what part of the clavicle
medial half
The base of the breast extends from
the steal edge to the anterior axillary line, and from the 2nd to 6th ribs. It overlies pectorals major and serrates anterior muscles.