PEDS Exam 1 Course Point Practice Questions

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Grasping a toy at will occurs at about --- months of age

6 to 7

What is the correct amount of wet diapers a mature infant should produce each day?

6 to 8

at what age do infants start to enjoy socially interactive games like patty-cake and peek-a-boo?

6 to 8 months

Transferring objects from one hand to another is expected at --- months of age


Fear of strangers will not occur until -- months

7 months

Playing pat-a-cake is characteristic of an --- month-old.

8 to 9

How long should a child be breast-fed before transitioning to other milk?

1 year!

the average infant loses --- of birth weight over the first week of life but regains it in about --- days

10%, 10-14

Infants have gained some neck control and can independently raise head and chest by --- months of age


Infants typically turn over from the front to back at age --- months


Which foods are commonly associated with allergies in infants and young children?

Cow's milk, peanut butter, strawberries

An infant can be introduced to whole milk at which age?

1 year!

the child's first real smile occurs at age...

2 months

at which age does an infant mimic their parent's facial movements?

3 to 4 months

For a 6-month-old infant born 8 weeks (2 months) premature, adjusted age is --- months


The addition of foods to the infant diet usually begins between --- and --- months of age

4 and 6

Laughing aloud and responding to his or her name is expected between -- to -- months of age

4 to 5

Sitting in the tripod position is not expected until --- months of age.


Sitting without support occurs around -- months


The first tooth usually erupts by --- months.


The ---- reflex is displayed when with sudden extension of the head, the arms abduct and move upward and the hands form a "C."


A three-month-old boy has been diagnosed with failure to thrive. What is the most helpful action to determine if there is an inorganic cause?

Observing the mother-child interaction during feeds and hygiene activites

For premature babies, anticipatory guidance and evaluating progress in growth and development, until the child is 3 years of age, should be based on a --- age

adjusted or corrected

The infant weighs 6 lb 8 oz (2,950 g) at birth. If the infant is following a normal pattern of growth, what would be an expected weight for this child at the age of 12 months?

birthweight triples over first year! 6.5 x 3 = 19.5 lbs (Normal BW = 19 lb 8 oz)

what colors are preferred for infants younger than 6-months?

black and white--high contrast

The nurse uses the FLACC scale to assess a pain level. Which assessment indicates the most pain in the newborn?

quivering chin and clenched jaw

Increased biting and sucking and the child seeking out hard foods/objects to bite on are indicative of


What is a characteristic sign of teething?

the child's gums will be tender

when does seperation anxiety occur?

the last few weeks of infancy (~8 mon)

The pediatric nurse is performing a head-to-toe exam on a 2-year-old child during a well child assessment. Which method will the nurse use to accurately determine the child's heart rate?

count apical pulse

Which response from the nurse is most appropriate for a mom asking about her 3-year-old's nutrition"

"Human milk is the best nutrition for your child"

A mother is concerned about her infant's spitting up. Which suggestion would be most appropriate?

"Keep the baby sitting up for about 30 minutes afterward."

A newborn requires skin care that includes bathing. Besides hygiene, what is another reason for bathing the newborn?

Bathing is a time for bonding with the parents.

What action shows an example of Erik Erikson's developmental task for the infant?

The infant cries and the caregiver picks up the child

Infants born prematurely should receive all immunizations and well-child visits based on their --- age


A toddler is hospitalized, which is the most effective way to prevent separation anxiety?

encourage rooming-in

The nurse is assessing Julie, a 3-month-old infant. Which developmental milestone would the nurse expect?

Julie can hold her head erect and steady.

An 8-month-old will be hospitalized for surgery. Which preparation by her parents would be most important?

Pack her favorite toy (helps to provide comfort and decrease the effect of seperation)

the nurse in a community clinic is caring for a 6-month infant and parent. Which nursing intervention is priority?

monitoring the infant's height and weight

A parent must administer a medication in syrup form to a 2-month-old infant. The nurse suggests:

placing the syrup in an medicine syringe.

The nurse is administering otic medication to a 22-month-old with a diagnosis of otitis media. Which nursing action ensures that the medication is distributed appropriately?

pull the pinna down and back

The best way for an infant's parent to help the child complete the developmental task of the first year is to

respond to the infant consistently

which motor milestones are characteristic of a 3-month-old? (3)

rolls over from back to side, holds head erect and steady, begins to replace reflex grasp with voluntary grasping

Solid foods are introduced at age 4-6 months and parents should begin with...

iron-fortified cereal (breastfed infants need vitamin D and iron supplements by 4 to 6 months)

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