Pelvic Girdle Bones (Pelvis and Hip)
Formed by the 3 ox coxae bones, this is where the femur articulates to form the hip joint.
os coxae
Hip bone. Has one of the few ball and socket joins with synovial fluid. Composed of the ilium, ischium, pubis bones. Features include the acetabulum, pubic symphasis, ischial tuberosity, obturator foramen, iliac crest.
Pubic symphasis
Joint - fibrocartilaginous - where the 2 pubis bones meet
ischial tuberosity
Located on the superior ramus of the ischium bone. Is the "sitting" bone.
Ischium Bone
Most distal bone of the ox coxae, forms the back of the ox coxae and is made up of the superior and inferior rami.
Ilium Bone
Most proximal, largest bone of the os coxae
obturator foramen
The foramen created by the ischium and pubis bones through which nerves and muscles pass.
Pubis Bone
The medial and anteriorly facing bone of the the ox coxae. Makes up 1/5 of the acetabulum
iliac crest
The superior boarder of the ilium.