People of the Enlightment

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Problems with Copernicus's Works (3)

1. Lacked math needed to prove it 2. Faced opposition from both Catholic and Protestant leaders 3. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter don't follow the same rules

Who wrote the first thesis on capitalism known as The Wealth of Nations (1776)?

Adam Smith

Define Metaphysics.

Advanced the concept of metaphysics or idea we cannot explain rationally.

John Locke (1632-1704): Two Treatises on Government

All men possess certain natural rights: life, liberty, property. Societies are, at their core, an agreement among the citizens. Governments exist to ensure that these rights are protected. Citizens are responsible for changing a failing government. Studied the field of Psychology: Tabula Rasa- Idea men were born with a blank slate for a personality. Heavily influenced by the Glorious Revolution. Would strongly influence the development in England's American colonies.

Claudius Galen

Ancient Roman physician, very distinguished for his time. Made dissections on animals, and used knowledge to make assumptions on humans.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Artist who drawings helped advance the study of anatomy. Produced some of the most intricate work on anatomy up till that time.

Who wrote The Spirit of Laws?

Baron de Montesquieu

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778): The Social Contract

Born in Geneva, Switzerland to an upper middle class family. Composed seven operas during his life. Strongly critical of the French Estate system that existed before the French Revolution. Felt that the inequality of the system was used against the people. These inequalities would lead to a further corruption of people within society. Is it then the government's job to limit the inequalities in a society to maintain order? Heavily influenced the leaders of the French Revolution.

Johannes Kepler

Brahe's student; used advances in math to speculate that planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun

Antoine Lavoisier

Combustion as a chemical process (Law of Conservation)

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

Considered to be the father of microbiology. Advanced the use of the microscope.

Baron de Montesquieu

Credited with the division of government into three branches; the legislative, executive and judicial. Furthered the idea that too much power concentrated in one branch was dangerous to liberty.

William Harvey

Detailed the flow of blood through the human body.

Francis Bacon

Developed scientific method-produce a working hypothesis, then prove it through observation and experimentation

Karl Von Linne

Developed the system of modern taxonomy still used today.

Joseph Priestly

Discovered oxygen and carbon monoxide and related properties

Adam Smith

Dispelled the economic theory of mercantilism in favor of laissez-faire economics. True economic power derives from the productivity of the population. Ties capitalism as the economic theory most closely related democratic governance.

Robert Boyle

Distinguishes between compounds and mixtures. Shows properties of the volume of gasses.


Early sixteenth century physician who pioneered the advancement of medicine. Correctly deduced that medicine has a chemical relationship to healing.

Denis Diderot

Editor of the Encyclopedia. He compiled the works of over 150 contributors then attempted to codify and contain all known knowledge in a 38 volume work. The Encyclopedia was heavily critical of both the French government and the Catholic Church. Used his Encyclopedia as an editorial work as well as an informational piece.

Andreas Veralius

First scientist to perform human dissections. Considered the father of human anatomy.

James Hutton

First to develop a working theory concerning geologic time through rock formations.

Alfred Wegener

First to propose the idea of plate tectonics.

Robert Hooke

First to speculate on the cellular structure. Saw plant cells in the cut samples of cork.

Alexis de Tocqueville

French traveler in America during the 1830's. Wanted to know why the American Democracy worked. Speculated that all societies had several constants that were admired by its citizens including commitments to family and faith. Believed that America's size aided its democratic experiment as the ownership of land isolated people from the government. Admired the fact that the Americans were separated from European influences and therefore able to create a society.

Who wrote the "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems?"

Galileo Galilee

Deductive Reasoning

Goes from small to large. Salem is in VA; VA is in the USA. Therefore Salem is in the USA.

Who authored the Critique of Pure Reason?

Immanuel Kant

Jean-Jacques Rousseau- works

In contrast to John Locke, Rousseau had a different version of the social contract: Locke believed that the social contract ensured liberty; Rousseau believed that the social contract ensured equality. Rousseau takes a radical view of government as insuring equality among the citizens and this equality will push society forward. Rousseau believed that society in his day corrupted individuals, causing conflict.

Who wrote The Social Contract and Emile?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

What is Tabula Rasa and who coined it?

John Locke- Idea men were born with a blank slate for a personality.

Ben Franklin

Leading US diplomat during the Revolutionary period. Secured French aid for the American Revolution. Led in the creation of the US Constitution by adding his voice to the constitutional convention.

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679): Leviathan

Mankind exists in a basically barbaric "state of nature." Societies are in constant tension between man's passions/desires and his need for security. Governments exist to maintain social order and provide security. Citizens cannot and should not rebel because it further breaks order. Heavily influenced by the English Civil War/ philosopher Plato.

Rene Descartes

Newton- "I think, therefore I am"

Henry David Thoreau

Penned various essays on environmentalism and civil disobedience. His model would later be copied by both Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Believed people were justified in fighting laws they deemed unfair.

Nicholas Copernicus

Polish astronomer and mathematician; proposed Heliocentric Theory-sun is the center of the universe. Feared persecution, so he resisted publishing his works until his death. HE WAS WRONG!

Thomas Paine

Radical thinker. Accomplished writer during the American Revolutionary period. Defended the idea of revolution and liberty against the perceived tyrannies of the European monarchs and the Church.

Who wrote Principia?

Sir Isaac Newton

Edward Jenner

Speculated on the nature of disease and causation. Developed the first smallpox vaccination.

Heliocentric Theory

Sun is the center of the universe

Inductive Reasoning

This marble from the bag is black. That marble from the bag is black. A third marble from the bag is black. Therefore all the marbles in the bag black.

Who is the author of the US Declaration of Independence and the VA Statute of Religious Freedom?

Thomas Jefferson

Who penned both Common Sense and The Crisis?

Thomas Paine

Who said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it!"


Who wrote Candide?


Immanuel Kant

Was one of the last true thinkers who contributed to the period. Ironically it was his criticisms of reasons of which he is most known. Advanced the concept of metaphysics or idea we cannot explain rationally. Metaphysical concepts include simple things like the perception of width and depth while advanced concepts include what is true beauty and why do we feel emotions like love.

Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)

Widely considered the champion of civil rights. He is credited as being the first absolute proponent of free speech. Pushed for universal tolerance in his criticisms of both the titled nobility system of the day and the control exerted by the Church over the lives of the lay people. Spent time in exile as a guest of Frederick II of Prussia. Most famous statement he may not have said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it"

Thomas Jefferson

Widely schooled in Enlightenment theories. Also credited with authoring the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom which became the model for the separation of government and religion in the United States.

Tycho Brahe (Danish)

supported Copernican theory

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