Period 4 Short Answer

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a) Briefly explain why ONE of the following periods best marks the beginning of the Western Frontier. Provide ONE example of an event or development from the same period to support your explanation . -1600s-lands not along the Atlantic coast -1700s-lands west of the Appalachian Mountains -mid-1800s-lands west of the Mississippi River b) Provide ONE example of an event or development that supports explanation in (a) c) Briefly explain why ONE of the other options is less convincing as the possible beginning of the western Frontier in the United States.

a) In the 1700's in the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains, and increase of settlers began to migrate here and explor. b) The US purchased most of the land through the Louisiana Purchase, and developed the Missouri Compromise and Land Ordinances. c) The 1600s is not a great representation of the beginning of the Western Frontier because at the time many were not focused on expanding westward.

a) Briefly explain ONE part of Henry Clay's proposed American System, a comprehensive plan to bring about economic improvement. Provide at least ONE piece if evidence to support your explanation -Protective tariffs -National Bank -Internal Improvements b) Briefly explain a criticism of ONE part if Clay's plan cited above c) Identify and briefly explain the role played by ONE individual or group that was critical f one of the parts or the entire plan for an American System

a) Internal improvements, improved canals and roads to make transportation easier and more pleasant. b) In the end, the National Bank put the US in a state of panic, and vetoing the charter of the bank ruined the economic status of the US, and by no means improved it. c) Congress chartered the Second Bank of the United States

a) Choose ONE of the choices below, and explain how your choice had an impact on the industrial growth during this period from prior to the War of 1812 to the middle of the 19th century. -factory system -inventons -labor unions b) Contrast your choice against on of the other options, demonstrating why that option i not as good as your choice. c) Briefly explain whether there were any variations in industrial growth in different sections of the country

a) Inventions like the cotton gin by Eli Whitney helped cotton production in the south, just as interchangeable parts helped the north, it helps the economy and industries of America grow. b) Unlike labor unions, who increased cost and wasted time complaining, inventions help push industries forward, rather than backward. c) South farming, North industrialist

a) Briefly explain one specific reason given by those in the United States who opposed the War of 1812. b) Briefly explain one specific reason given by those in the United States who supported the War of 1812. c) Briefly explain how one of the reasons for or against the War of 1812 would continue after the war to play a major role in the politics and the policies of the United States.

a) Many New Englanders opposed the conflict on political, economic, and religious grounds. b) One of the main reasons for the war had to do with the rights of sailors on the high seas and the protection of American shipping. America did not want to deal with the British impressment of US sailors. c) Britain with their Indian and Spanish allies stopped America from expanding, though not for long. Soon Americans push the Indians further west, and sign a treaty with Spain, forcing them out of America.

a) Briefly explain why ONE of the following best supports the view that by the mid-19th century, the antislavery movement had gradually become more radical. - American Colonization Society - The Liberator - Nat Turner b) Contrast your choice against ONE of the other options demonstrating why that option is not as good as your choice. c) Briefly explain ONE critical response to the changes during this period.

a) Nat turner: most radical, killing white people during this rebellion b) The liberator was not as radical because it was through newspapers, not in your face against whites c) in response to all of the killings, many more were killed afterwards due to their rebellion

a) Choose ONE of the actions listed below, and explain how this best demonstrates the argument that the Age of Jackson saw a shift of political power from the ruling elite to the common man. - popular election of the President - rotation in office - universal male suffrage b) Contrast your choice against ONE of the other options, demonstrating why that option is not as good as your choice. c) Briefly explain ONE critical response to the political changes during this period.

a) Universal male suffrage meant that any man, regardless of land or economic status could vote. By enacting this, it lessened the lines between the common man and the richer man b) rotation in office less direct than universal male suffrage and popular election of the president, and didn't stand as prominently during the time period and the question of universal male suffrage. c) critical response: by allowing the common man to vote, it allowed anyone, even those lacking in experience to run for office. It also meant the US was one step closer to equality for men and women.

a) Choose one of the choices below, and explain why your choice best demonstrates how Presidents Jefferson and Madison largely relied on economic policies to carry out their foreign policies. - Louisiana Purchase - Embargo Act - Macon's Bill No. 2 b) Contrast your choice against one of the other options, demonstrating why that option is not as good as your choice. c) Provide one piece of evidence involving one of the choices provided or another situation during this period of Presidents Jefferson and Madison that either supports or contradicts their reliance on economic policies to carry out their foreign policies.

a)Embargo Act attempts to economically pressure France and/or Britain to comply with our demands, we use our trading partnership to force them to do what we want, though it doesn't work, it shows our willingness to defend ourselves from international difficulties. b) The Louisiana Purchase, though an economic deal with France, does not really effect our foreign policy. The Embargo Act tries to protect ourselves from foreign nations, whereas the Louisiana Purchase only shows our willingness to buy new tracts of land. c) Although Jefferson and Madison used economic policies extensively, the most important event that occurred during this time period was the War of 1812. Madison's reliance on economic policies was significantly less than Jefferson, due to the fact that he brought America to war. Because the policies were not getting the results that we wanted, Madison resorted to going to war, stopping economics from shaping foreign policies.

a) Choose ONE of the reforms listed below, and explain how it best demonstrates the influence of economic changes during the first half of the 19th century. · - public education - temperance - women's rights b) Contrast your choice against ONE of the other options, demonstrating why that option is not as good as your choice. c) Briefly explain ONE government response to the reform movements of this period.

a)womens rights: women now working in factories because of industrialization and booming economy due to manufacturing, so want rights now cause they are bigger part in society b)temperance not as good because focusing on not letting people get as drunk c)government response: after killing 55 white men in protest of slavery, whites killed so many people, prison movement, another one in NY Auburn

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