Personality Disorders Chapter 16

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Do individuals with borderline personality disorder tend to have stable interpersonal relationships?

They are able to form intense conflict-ridden relationships while struggling with recurrent fears of impending abandonments.

What are the primary characteristics of Histrionic Personality Disorder?

-Are extremely emotional and continually seek to be the center of attention. -Often engage in attention-getting behaviors and are always "on stage" -Approval and praise are the lifeblood of these individuals. -People with __________ personality disorder are often described as vain, self-centered, and demanding. -Some make suicide attempts, often to manipulate others. -May draw attention to themselves by exaggerating their physical illness, or they may dress provocatively to gain attention and may try to gain attention and may try to obtain attention through sexual seduction. -Also have the tendencies to view relationships with others as more intimate than they really are.

What are the primary characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

-Are generally grandiose, need much admiration, and feel no empathy with others. -Exaggerate their achievements and talents, and often appear arrogant (very selective about friendships). -Seldom interest in the feelings of others (take advantage of others to achieve their own ends, tend to respond negatively to criticism). -This type of behavior of is common among normal teenagers and does not usually lead to adult _________.

What are the primary characteristics of Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?

-Are preoccupied with order, perfection, and control that they lose all flexibility, opens, and efficiency. -Set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, fearing a mistake, may be afraid to make decisions. -Are rigid and stubborn (esp. in morals). -Trouble expressing affection and their relationships are often stiff and superficial. -Around 7.9% of the pop. has this disorder.

What are the primary characteristics of Avoidant personality disorder?

-Are very uncomfortable and inhibited in social situations, overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, and extremely sensitive to negative evaluation. -They find themselves unappealing or inferior and often have few friends. -Intense fear of criticism, disapproval, or rejection. -Have few or close friends but does not mean they don't want friends.

What is the prevalence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

-As many as 6.2% of adults display narcissistic personality disorder. -About 75% are men.

What are the primary characteristics of schizotypal personality disorder?

-Characterized by a range of interpersonal problems, marked by extreme discomfort in close relationships, odd (even bizarre) ways of thinking, and behavioral eccentricities. -These symptoms may include ideas of reference, odd beliefs, or magical thinking. -Tend to drift aimlessly and lead an idle, unproductive life, choosing undemanding jobs in which they are not required to interact with other people.

What are the primary characteristics of schizoid personality disorder?

-Characterized by persistent avoidance of social relationships and limited emotional expression. -Do not have close ties with other people; tend to genuinely prefer to be alone. -Tend to be described as loners. -Will seek out jobs that require little to no interaction -May live alone or may get married. If they do get married they will be suspicious of their partners cheating on them without any proof.

What are the characteristics of dependent personality disorder?

-Feel distressed, lonely, and sad. -At risk for depression, anxiety, and eating disorders and may be especially prone to suicidal thoughts. -1% of the pop. experiences the disorder. -Men and women are equally affected.

What is the prevalence rate for Histrionic Personality Disorder?

-More common in woman than in men. -Gender bias in past diagnoses. -Statistics show that 1.8% of adults have this disorder, with males and females equally affected.

What are the primary characteristics of borderline personality disorder?

-People with this disorder display great instability, including major shifts in mood, an unstable self-image, and impulsivity. -People with __________ personality disorder are prone to bouts of anger, which sometimes result in physical aggression and violence. -They direct their impulsive anger inward and harm themselves. -Their impulse, self-destructive behavior can include: alcohol and substance abuse, reckless behavior (including driving and unsafe sex), self-injurious or self-mutilation behavior, and suicidal threats and actions.

What are the primary characteristics of antisocial personality disorder?

-Sometimes described as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths", people with __________ ___________ ________ persistently disregard and violate others' rights. -Aside from substance-related disorders, this is the disorder most linked to adult criminal behavior.

How is antisocial personality disorder related to conduct disorder?

-The same behaviors are displayed before the age of 15.

How does group therapy help with those with Avoidant personality disorder?

-They provide practice in social interactions.

What is the prevalence rate for Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

3.9% of all people (slightly more males than females) may have the disorder.

What are the primary characteristics of paranoid personality disorder?

Characterized by deep distrust and suspicion of others. -Although inaccurate, the suspicion is usually not delusional - the ideas are not so bizarre or so firmly held as to clearly remove the individual from reality. -As a result of their mistrust, people with paranoid personality disorder often remain cold and distant. -Unable to realize own mistakes and are extremely sensitive to criticism. -Often blame others for events that go wrong in their lives and the repeatedly bear grudges.

Which cluster for personality disorders is most commonly diagnosed?

Cluster B: "Dramatic" Personality Disorders -Antisocial personality Disorder -Boderline Personality Disorder -Histrionic Personality Disorder -Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Who is Marsha Linehan?

Developed an integrative treatment called dialectal behavioral therapy. This taught them how to learn additional emotional regulation skills, how to cope with and tolerate emotions, and how to build better interpersonal relationships. This was meant for people who have borderline personality disorder.

Do individuals with schizoid personality disorder have any desire for social connections?

No, they do not have any desire for social connections. They would rather avoid them but will deal with minimal interaction with others. -They are seen as flat, cold, humorless, or dull.

What does the psychodynamic explanation of personality disorders generally tend to focus on?

Psychodynamic theorists trace the pattern back to early interactions with demanding parents. Psychodynamic explanations for almost every personality disorder are very similar, they all involve repeated mistreatment during childhood and a lack of love from parents.

Does the DSM-5 use a categorical or dimensional diagnostic approach for personality disorders?

The DSM-5 uses a categorical approach. -Problematic personality traits that are either present or absent. -A personality disorder is either displayed or not. -A person who suffers from a personality disorder is not markedly troubled by personality traits outside of the disorder

What are the three main groups/clusters that personality disorders are organized into?

The three clusters include: -Odd or eccentric behavior (Cluster A); paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders. -Dramatic, Emotional, or erratic behavior (Cluster B); antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders. -Anxious or fearful behavior (Cluster C); avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.

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