Pesticide License CORE

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Which of the following standard signal words would indicate that the pesticide causes severe eye damage and/or skin irritation?

"Danger"- WITHOUT a skull and crossbones symbol

The REI for VIP DePesto is

12 hours

What is the maximum amount of herbex that can be applied to corn in one year?

2.5 Lbs.

What is the preharvest interval (PHI) for sweet corn if using DePesto?

45 days

The best definition of a pesticide is:

A product of chemical or biological origin that may be used for control, kill or mitigate economically damaging, nuisance, or hazardous pests

Pesticides that build up in the body or organisms are said to be:


Most pesticides consist of what two chemical components?

Active ingredients and inert ingredients

Pesticide contamination of the environment may occur from:

All of the above- 1) a pesticide container spill into a ditch 2) surface runoff of pesticides from fields or lawns 3)pesticide application equipment clean up wash water draining into 4)leaks into soil from a pest ice storage facility 5)pesticide spray drift onto non-target areas

A pest can be anything that:

All of the above- 1) competes with humans, domestic animals or desirable plants for food or water 2) injured humans, animals, desirable plants, structures or possessions 3) spreads disease to humans, domestic animals, wildlife or desirable plants 4) annoys human or domestic animals

In discussing pesticides in the environment, the term "environment" includes:

All of the above- 1) natural elements such as plants, animals, soil air and water 2)man made elements such as houses, restaurants, or places of work 3) indoor and outdoor areas

Which of the following is an example of a sensitive area?

All of the above- 1)areas where groundwater is near the surface 2) areas near ornamental gardens, food or feed crops 3) areas where domestic or confined animals live, eat, or are cared for 4)schools, residential housing and hospitals grounds

Off-site movement of pesticides can lead to injury or death of non-target plants and animals. Examples of off-site movement include:

All of the above- 2,4-D ester herbicide moving from a cornfield to nearby tomato field, atrazine herbicide leaching from sandy soils into the groundwater, metolochlor herbicide in runoff from fields entering a stream, glyphosate in air currents moving from site of application to a garden

The major categories of harmful HUMAN pesticide effects are:

All of the above- Acute, Chronic, AND Allergic


All of the above- Are a pesticide that forms a poisonous gas, can be of liquid or dry formulation, are used in greenhouses, are used in food and grain Storage facilities

Types of chronic effects of pesticide exposure may include:

All of the above- Cancer, Developmental Effects, AND Nerve disorders

Parts of pesticide labeling include the following:

All of the above- Ingredient statement, signal words and symbols, precautionary statements, AND storage and disposal directions

Which of the following are signs or symptoms of acute human pesticide poisoning?

All of the above- Nausea and vomiting, Headache and dizziness, Difficulty breathing

It is a violation of the Ohio Pesticide law and FIFRA to:

All of the above- Use a pesticide on a crop not listed on the label, ignore "do not" statements on the label, AND use a pesticide at a higher concentration than is stated on the label.

DePesto may NOT be

All of the above- a) Mixed, loaded or used within 50 feet of wells, b)Mixed or loaded within 50 feet of intermittent streams and rivers, c) applied within 66 feet of the points where the field runoff enters a stream or river, d) applied within 200 feet around reservoirs

To insure that food and feed do not contain excessive pesticide residues, pesticide applicators can:

All of the above- apply pesticides at labeled rates, be sure pesticides are mixed thoroughly in the spray tank, be sure pesticide application equipment is calibrated correctly, observe time intervals between last application and harvest

Some factors to consider when choosing a formulation include:

All of the above- available equipment, potential hazards to the environment, possible damage to the target area, hazards to the applicator

Which if the following is an example of a pest control tactic?

All of the above- biological control, cultural control, chemical control

What is the advantage of granular formulations?

All of the above- coarse particles are less likely to drift, ready to use, more uniform particle size

In Ohio, heavy spring rains can cause runoff of pesticides from fields and can possible cause:

All of the above- contamination of streams, contamination of reservoirs used for public drinking water, municipal water supplies to exceed maximum contamination levels

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is:

All of the above- coveralls, chemical-resistant aprons, respirators, protective eyewear

The following are important factors in safe, effective pest control:

All of the above- evaluation of types of pest control methods available, evaluation of the benefits and risks of pest control methods, evaluation of the efficiency of various pest control alternatives, federal and state laws applicable to prospective pest control action

Factors that should be considered when using pesticides outdoors, in addition to soil factors, are:

All of the above- expected rainfall, wind, humidity and temperature

What factors increase drift when spraying with a boom sprayer?

All of the above- high pressure, small droplet size, driving fast

Biological diversity is:

All of the above- important to humankind's well being, the variety and differences among living things, threatened due to the rate of extinctions exceeding the rate of new species being discovered

Pesticides may harm the environment by:

All of the above- injuring endangered species, killing honey bees and other beneficial insects, contaminating groundwater

An emulsifiable concentrate:

All of the above- is the liquid concentrate, contains a high concentration of active ingredient, contains one or more petroleum solvents

Pesticides can enter the body through:

All of the above- mouth, skin, nose, AND eyes

If a property/area is designated as a current habitat for an endangered species, applicators must;

All of the above- read the label to determine if special steps must be taken to protect it, read special bulletins before applications, follow any limitations on pesticide use in the area

An adjuvant can be used to:

All of the above- reduce drive, allow pesticide to remain on the target surface, reduce foaming of spray meigures, allowed pesticide to penetrate the outer surface of the target plant

What should someone mixing DePesto wear?

All of the above: long sleeved shirt, long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, shoes and socks, AND a chemical-resistant apron

What is a preharvest interval (PHI)?

Amount of time required between last pesticide application and harvest. - A minimum number of days that must pass between the last application of a pesticide and the harvest of crops or the slaughter of animals. These intervals are set by the EPA.

A pesticide formulation contains:

Both active ingredients and inert ingredients

Which of the following soil factors tend to increase the vulnerability of groundwater?

Both coarse soil texture and high soil permeability

How can pesticide exposure be prevented for people working with pesticides?

By wearing protective clothing

What is the label signal word for DePesto?


What Standard signal words can be found on pesticide labels?

Caution, Warning, Danger

Which pesticide name will remain the same on all pesticide labels containing the same active ingredient, even if made by different manufacturers?

Chemical name- tells you what active ingredient is actually in the product

Applicators using a backpack sprayer to apply VIP DePesto are required to wear:


In the event DePesto is accidentally swallowed, what practical treatment should be followed?

Do not introduce vomiting; take victim to a physician

The movement of a pesticide into the air away from the target area is usually called:


Which of the following would be considered the most difficult pest control goal?

Eradication- destroying an entire pest population

What is the common chemical name of the active ingredient of DePesto?


PPE should be cleaned with:

Hot water and detergent

The pesticide restricted entry interval (REI) will tell you:

How much time must pass before workers can re-enter a treated area.

One requirement for effective pest control is:

Identification of the pest to be controlled

What time of day should you spray unwanted insects so they honey bees will have a greater chance to survive?

In early morning or late day

What is a pesticide label?

Information attached to the pesticide container

The strategy of combining pest control tactics into a single plan to reduce pests and their damage to an acceptable level is called:

Integrated pest management

VIP DePesto should be stored only in:

It's original container

Which of the following statements will appear on all pesticide labels?

Keep out of reach of children

DePesto has been found to contaminate groundwater primarily through:


The movement of a pesticide from the soil surface to groundwater is called:


The two main types of formulation for pesticides are:

Liquid and dry

Successful pest control is based on the ability to:

Monitor levels of pests present

When using a pesticide you:

Must follow all labeling directions- this includes using the proper PPE

If a pesticide is swallowed, what first aid would be appropriate?

None of the above- if it enters the mouth rinse with plenty of water, if it is swallowed you must decide whether or not to introduce vomiting by reading the back of the pesticide label

What is pesticide labeling?

None of the above- pesticide labeling is all the information received from the manufacturer about a pesticide product.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) instructions for pesticide users, handlers and others are found:

On the pesticide label

The directions on a pesticide label will tell you what:

Other pesticides you may mix with the pesticide

The ability of a past population of a time to escape or avoid control from my pestide even when it has been properly applied is called:

Pesticide residence

Which of the following pesticides are more likely than the others to move into groundwater?

Pesticides which have a long persistence

What kind of gloves could an applicator use to apply VIP DePesto?


A well should be:

Protected form back-siphoning of pesticides

In the event of a human pesticide poisoning, what course of action should be followed?

Read the pesticide label for instructions

Before a pesticide can be sold or used in the United States, it must be:

Registered by the EPA

Human health risk from a slightly-toxic pesticide is increased by:

Repeated Exposure

All pesticides are classified as either:

Restricted-or General-use

What is the classification of DePesto?


the requirements for the WPS that you must follow when you DePesto for agricultural plant production uses can be found in:

The EPA'S How-To-Comply Manual

Pesticide Toxicity refers to:

The ability of the pesticide to cause harmful effects

Pest control action thresholds are levels of a pest population that may warrant pest control action and are based on economic, health, or aesthetic considerations


You are legally required to follow all PPE instructions that appear on the pesticide label (t/f)


What rate per acre should you apply DePesto on soybeans?

none of the above- there is no labeled rate for soybeans on the DePesto label.

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