PH 4150 Exam 2

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Week 6 Explain why calls to representatives are effective

Calling is more effective than writing. Calling means your representative needs to give you an answer right away.

Explain the following terms: Undue burden, fetal viability, Tiers 1-3 of the trimester framework, pro-life vs. pro-choice argument, fetal pain laws

Undue Burden: Fetal Viability: Tiers 1-3: Pro life vs Pro choice argument: Fetal Pain Laws:

Explain which representative you should contact, and why

You should only contact lawmakers who represent you. They only represent the people living in their state and district. They don't record calls or opinions from other constituents outside of their district.

Week 7 Roe v. Wade, and explain how Griswold v. Connecticut factored into this

•Challenged Texas Law: Abortion illegal except when women's life at risk •Roe: Griswold's right to privacy applies to abortion•Supreme Court ruling: -Constitutional right to privacy (due process protection) encompasses the decision to terminate pregnancy -Established trimester framework to protect fetus •Outlined when an abortion can take place, and the point when the states can enact laws that limit abortion based on a "compelling state interest" •State has an "important and legitimate interest" in protecting the health of the woman and the fetus •Challenged Connecticut anti-contraception law •Struckdownlawbased on the idea of marriage as a "zone of privacy"-Gavemarried couples the right to use contraception-Opened door to strike down bans on interracial marriage, and for unmarried couples to have the right to use contraception

Planned Parenthood of Southern Pennsylvania v. Casey

•Challenged a Pennsylvania Law: -Information must be provided to woman 24 hours before abortion-Minor must have informed consent of a parent (included judicial bypass) -Women had to produce a statement they had notified their husband-Reporting requirements for facilities providing abortion •Fetal viability replaces trimester framework -The point at which the fetus is deemed able to survive outside of the uterus (24-28 weeks) •Woman, not physician effectuates decision•State interest starts at beginning of pregnancy, not second trimester -Replaced trimester with "undue burden" standard •State prohibiting abortion can't pose substantial obstacle to women seeking to terminate pregnancy before viability •Only struck down "inform husband requirement" of PA law

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