PH&F Childs Unit 3: chapter 8 Developing and Maintaining a Healthy Body Image Through Diet and Exercise

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A BMI in the range of ___________ is considered overweight.


After age 30, _______________ production tends to decrease, causing reduced lean muscle mass and a higher rate of accumulation of body fat.


Changes in percent body fat are caused almost entirely by a change in ___________ balance.


Individuals who are obese have a death rate that is _________ higher than normal.


What is the minimum recommended caloric intake for females?

social life (age, height, and bone structure)

When determining a desirable weight that is realistic, it is important to take into account all but which of the following?


Which eating disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge-type eating followed by purging?

fat (nerves, bones)

Which of the following is NOT a component of lean body mass?


__% of men and __% of females

64%; 30%

___ of US adults over age 20 have a BMI over 25. __ of these adults are obese

body mass index

______ _______ _______ is easily determined by simply using a ratio of a person's body weight to height.


aim to lose ___ pounds per week

fat cell theory

around puberty, you increase the number of adipose cells. After puberty, the size of fat cells increases

negative caloric balance

expending more calories that you consume


fat around hips and thighs; typically males


fat around the waste; typically males

visceral fat

fat generally found around the organs deep in the abdomen. Large amounts increase chance of heart disease

subcutaneous fat

fat just below the skin, cellulite


females average body fat in college students


females should never below ____ calories


healthy BMI


healthy body composition can lead to healthy body __

long-haul approach

it may take a long time to lose it safely


long term weight control by dieting alone is successful only __ of the time


losing body fat by exercising estimates are as high of ___ of success

lean body weight

made up by every type of body tissue that is not fat


males average body fat in college students


males should never go below ___ calories

skinfold thickness

measures subcutaneous (+/-3%)

basal metabolic rate (BMR)

minimal level of energy required to sustain the body's vital functions (respiration, circulation.. etc)


moderately overweight people have a __ higher risk of premature death


necessary to decrease caloric intake by about ___ for every 10 years over the age of 25

caloric balance

occurs when you have been able to maintain your weight. calories consumed = calories expended


one pound of body fat = ___ calories

over 25

overweight BMI

health at any size (HAAS)

philosophy based on research data to try to achieve a weight in the standard recommended weight or BMMI range through dieting is not a desirable goal for individuals wishing to improve their health. All other aspects of well-being will be affected.

change diet, likable exercises, positive reinforcement

positive weight management strategies

measure electrical impedance

predits the percentage body fat by assessing resistance fo the flow of electrical current. Hydration makes current flow. (+/-3%)

body composition

refers to both the fat and the nonfat components of the body


starvation diet may actually ___ metabolic rate

set-point theory

the body point or some mechanism for maintain a specific body weight

body mass index (BMI)

the ratio of a person's body weight to his or her height


to gain weight you must add ___ calories

lean body mass

to gain weight you want to gain your ___

hydrostatic (underwater) weighing

underwater tank to determine body density (+/- 1.5%)

DXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) technology

uses total body x-ray technique

disordered eating

weight loss that poses a threat to health and well-being


Athletes in training for competition require very high-______________ diets.

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