Pharmacology study guide (Class 86)

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Alupent is indicated for what?

Asthma. Bronchial spasm

What are anticholinergic drugs?

Blocks ACH at the Neuro-receptor site.

The hospital orders 10mg of a drug. your vial shows 0.25 grains per ML. how many ML's will you give to your patient?

0.66 ML

The hospital orders 1mg/kg for a patient who weighs 220 pounds. How much of the drug will you give?


What is Efficacy?

A drugs ability to cause the expected response

Child dose for naloxone?

0.01 mg/kg IV/IM

The pediatric dose of Epinephrine in cardiac arrest is?


The pediatric dose of atropine in cardiac arrhthmia managment is?

0.02 mg/kg

The dosae of Alupent by nebulizer is?

0.2 -0.3 mL of 5%soulution, in a 2.5 mL of Normal Saline

The standard dose range of Naloxone is?

0.4- 2, up to 10 mg every 2-3 minutes.

The child dose of Valium is?

0.5- 2 mg

The normal dose of Activated Charcoal is?

1 gm/kg 20gm-50gm

60 mg is equal to how many grains

1 grain

The dose for Soduim Bicarbonate?

1 mEQ/ kg IV push folllowed by 0.5 mEq/ Kg 10 min

The dose for Mag Sulfate in Torsades?

1-2 Grams followed by a drip at 0.5- 1 gram per hour

The dose for Mag sulfate in Acute Myocardial Infarction?

1-2 grams over 5 - 30 minutes

The dose for Mag sulfate in V-Fib, V-tach?

1-2 grams slow IV push over 2 min

What are the four ending points of Procainamide?

1. Dysrhythmia is interupted 2.Toxic effects are present 3. QRS is widened greater than 50% 4. P-R is prolonged

The infant dose of a drug is 10mcg. the adult dose is 10mg. The infant dose is what of the adult dose?


One gram is equal to how many milligrams?

1000 mg = 1 gram

The Dose for Mag sulfate in Eclampsia?

2-4 gm

The Pediatric dose of Benadryl is?

2-5 mg/kg slow IV push

The initial dose of Verapamil?

2.5- 5.0 mg Slow IV push, Every 15 to 30 minutes at 5 -10 mg slow IV push. Not to exceed 30mg in 30 min

The standard dose for Lasix is?


The adult dose of Procainamide is?

20-30 mg/min up to 17mg/kg

!.5 Liters of fluid will be given at 100ml's per hour. The dropper is 15 gtts/ml. How many drops will the patient recieve?

25 drops per minute

The standard initial dose of benadryl is?

25 mg IV or 50 mg IM

Atropine is indicated in all the following except?

2nd or 3rd degree heart blocks.

The standard dose of Ipecac is?

30 ml PO

Mixing 1 gram of a drug in 250 ml's will yield a concentration of?

4/1 soultion

The dose of Benadryl?

50 mg IM 25 mg IV

Which of the following is the correct initial dose for administering Bretylium in V-Fib refactory to countershock?

5mg/kg Iv then 10mg/kg evry 15-30 min. to a max of 30 mg/kg. Following conversion administer IV infusion at 1-2mg/min.

The initial dose of adenosine is?

6 mg

how many kg's does a 154 lb patient weigh?

70 kg

The dose of Terbutaline?


Name a drug that regulates blood clotting?

??? Calcium or potassium ??

A selected Beta-2 Sympathomimetic might be less effective in a patient who is taking?

A Beta blocker

What is cardizem?

A calcium channel blockeralso called ditiazam

What is an Antiplatelet drug?

A drug that decrease the formation of platelets

What is a hypertonic solution?

A solution with a greater amount of solute than another. Dextrose D50.

Natural occuring Neurotransmitter?

ACH and Norepinephrine

For status epelepticus, the initial dose of Valium is?

ADult dose: 5-10 mg IV/IM Pediatric dose: 0.5- 2 mg IV/IM

Activated Charcoal works by?

Absorbent and binds to toxins

Postganglian cholinergic nerves release?


The neurotransmitter releases at the preganglia on both sides of the autoniomic nerves is?


Charcoal is classified as an?


Individual variations in a drugs response may be caused by differences in?

Age, state of perfusion, underlying disease, dose, distribution, weight, Route of administration

Epinephrine produces its beneficial effects during cardiac arrest through an increased myocardial and cerebral blood flow due to its?

Alpha Agonist properties

What is idiosyncrasy?

An unusual reaction of a drug on an individual

A drug that blocks the effects of another drug?


Valium possesses the following activities?

Anti-convulsant and a sedative effect

Your patient has injested a drug that yopu know to be a mild reversible acatacholine inhibitor. The medication of choice is?


Beta blockers due what?

Blocks the effects of epinephrine at beta receptor sites. Prescribed for angina, hypertension and Tachydysrhythmias.

A 5 mcg/kg/min dose of intropin would have which of the following effects?

Beta 2 effects

During a 5 mcg/kg/min dose of Intropin, you would anticipate?

Beta 2 effects

Drugs that end in "OLOL" are?

Beta blockers

The major use of selective Beta 2 agonists are?

Bronchial dilate

What is a Benzodiazapine?

Causes sedative- hynotic effects. Siezures, Anxiety and Muscle relaxers.

What is Lasix indicated for?

CHF and pulmonary edema

Morphine produces all of the following effects.

CNS depression, Respiratory depression, vasodialation, decrease preload.

What is a Barbituate?

Causes a sedetive- hypnotic effect. Siezure and anxiety meds

Toxic reactions from Lidocaine are manifested by?

Central nervous system Depression

How is a drugs Chemical name listed?

Chemical Composition

A common side effect of Valium is?

Coma. Hypotension. Respiratory depression

If a medication is ordered by the doctor that is contraindicated for a patient the paramedic should?

Confirm the order than document

How does Lidocaine work?

Decreases SA and AV automaticity

In contrast to other catecholamines, Intropin at 0.5 - 2 mcg/kg/min is likely to cause?


The generic name for Benadryl is?


The reccomended drug for a patient expierncing extrapyramidal reactions or "Dystonic Reaction" from phenothiazine is?


What drug is known to directly inhibit the cellular uptake of adenosine and therefor potentate its effects?


Present evedince indicates that the dose of epinephrine injected into the tracheobronchial tree should be?

Double the dose: 2-2.5 mg ET every 3-5 min

What is an Analgesic?

Drugs that relieve pain.

When is patient is in PEA, the first line drug is?

Epinephrine 1mg Atropine, with a heart rate less than 60

When administering Dextrose 50% by direct IV push. Watch closely for?


A common complication that can be caused by IV administration of Valium is?

Extravasation at the IV site

Antagonizes the acts of Benzodiazapine?


What is Affinity?

Force of attraction between a drug and a receptor

Which of the following patient conditions would likely be taking Zantac?

GI ulcers

Beta 1 receptors are mainly located in the?


Benadryl is useful in the management of acute allergic reactions because its acts by?

Histamine blocker

Glucagon is a what?


What is Pharmacodynamics?

How a drug interacts with the body to cause its effects. Absorption, Distribution, Biotransformation and elimination.

What is Pharmacokinetics?

How a drug is absorbed, distributed and metabolized

Calcium Chloride is indicated in what?

Hyperkalemia, Hypocalcemia, Hypermagnesmia, calcium channel blocker toxicity.

Propranolol is used in the treatment of?

Hypertension. Beta blocker

D50 is indicated for?

Hypoglycemia, altered mental status of unknown orgin.

what is the most predominate side effect with the use of nitro?


Verapamil would generally be contraindicated in?

Hypotension, 2nd and 3rd degree heart blocks. Wolf parkison white. CHF and Beta Blockers.

Valuim should not be given to which patients?

Hypotensive. Coma. Altered due to ETOH

IM and SC injections are generally contraindicated in patients with?

Hypothermia, MI, or any situation that will not allow adequate perfusion to the heart from the injection site

What is the dosage for Calcium Chloride and how is it given?

IV push, 2-4mg/kg of a 10% solution every 10 minutes or as needed. 8-16mg/kg for calcium channel blocker overdose.

Vagolytic drugs will do what?

Increase heart rate

A patient is taking digitalis. the pharmalogical results of digiatalis therapy is?

Increased myocardial contractile force and cardiac output. Indicated in CHF, A-fib, A-Flutter, And PAT

Does calcium chloride increase or decrease myocardial contractions?


What are the pharmalogical actions of Digitalis?

Increases cardiac output and Contractibility

What are MAO inhibiter drugs?

Inhibits the break down of Monamine Oxidase. Does not allow the breakdown of Norepinephrine. Normally perscribed for depression.

In the presence of decreased cardiac output the initial dose of Lidocaine should be?

Initial dose of 1 -1.5 mg/kg. The half dose 0.5- 0.75 mg/kg

Drugs that cause an increase in cardiac force is called?

Inotropic. Drugs like (Dopamine)

The salt concentrations of the body is?


The side effects of Isuprel include?

Isuprel is a sympathomimetic

The meachanism of action of Verapamil?

It is a calcium channel blocker that slows AV conduction, Suppresses re-entry dysrhythmias such as PSVT. It also slows Ventricular response to atrial tachydysrhythmias. Dialtes Coronary arteries and reduces myocardial oxygen demand.

Decadron may be given to?

It is an anti- inflamatory and a steroid

What are several true key properties of Sodium Bicarbonate?

Its a buffer. It raises the pH. its an electrolyte. Its an alkalyzing agent. It is indictaed for TCA and barbiturate OD. Can cause sever necrosis if extravasated.

The mechanisim of action of Magnesium sulfate include all of the following?

Just remember that Magnesium puts everything to "Sleep".

How is a drugs official name listed?

Listed by the U.S Pharmacopia

Identify the metric unit of measurment for volume?


A patient with a history of what would alert you for prolonged action of a drug?

Liver disease. Other factors may include hypothermia or age.

Nitroglycerin may?

Lower blood pressure

Activated Charcoal is contraindicated in poisenings of?

Metals. Corrosive solutions, Solvent, Ethanol. And Methanol

What does Mimetic mean?

Mimics the effects

Morphone is indicated in?

Moderate to sever pain, Acute MI, Pulmonary edema

A patient with severe abdominal pain of unknown etiology, which of the following medications would be contraindicated?


What drug is an Opium alkaloid?


What is diffusion?

Movement of a solute from a high concentration to an area of low concentration

What is osmosis?

Movement of a solute from a low concentration to an area of high concentration.

When treated with epinephrine, the patient over forty with pre-existing heart disease may expierence?

Myocardial ischemia, ventricular dysrythmias

A patient who is unresponsive on the ground who is cool, pin point pupils, shallow respiration's is found by you. what medication should you administer?

Narcan 0.4mg- 2mg up to 10mg for any suspected narcotic overdose ALOC patient/

what drugs might be effective in reducing the pulmonary edema associated with CHF?

Nitro, lasix, morphine; all are vasodilators

Postganglian adrenergic (sympathetic) nerves release?

Nor Epinephrine

A patient has a complaint of chest pain for the last 45 minutes. She was initially alert but is now drowsy, pale cool and diaphoretic. Has a irregular pulse at 45 and a blood pressure of 88/ 40. ECG shows varing degrees of bradycardia. What drugs will you administer?

O2, Atropine, TCP

How is a drugs brand or trade name listed?

Only the first letter will be capitialized

The pattern of distribution of any given drug will often determine?

Onset of rate of action, where the IV is established, where a medication was injected will determine the speed of how fast will take for the drug to work.

Narcan is used to reverse the respiratory depression caused by?

Opiates/ Narcotics.

What does Lytic mean?

Opposite effects

Center element of biological and chemical processes?


Upon arrival on scene you find a 47 year old patient complaining opf lightheadedness, and severe dyspnea. Physical examination shows JVD, Left ventricular failure, pitting edema, rales. Blood pressure is 150/80. Reps are 28 and labored. The patients ECG shows accelerated atrial tachycardia. The medication of choice for this patient is?

Oxygen. Nitro, Lasix. And Morphine.

What is an ACE Inhibitor?

Prevents conversion of angiotension 1 into angiotension 2. Perscribed for hypertension and CHF.

What is a Cholinesterase inhibitor?

Prolongs teh effects of acetycholine

A dopamine drip at 20mcg/kg/min will likely result in?

Pure alpha

What rhythm would you give adenosine for?


The contraindications for the use of adenosine may include?

Second or 3rd degree heart block

What are SSRI drugs?

Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Perscribed for antipsychotics and depression.

A patient who prevents in severe anaphalactic shock with a blood pressure of 60 palpated and a cap refill of 4 seconds, and severe Brochospasms. In this patient Epinephrine is useful due to its?

Smooth muscle constriction and Bronchial dialation

Cation of extracellular fluid?


What is Biotransformation?

Special name to the metabolisim of drugs

Steroids are used to treat patients with?

Spinal cord injury or Chronic Asthma

What is a diuretic?

Stimulates the kidneys to produce urine. Perscribed for Hypertension and CHF

How is a drugs generic name listed?

Suggested by manufacture and confirmed by U.S adopted name council.

What drugs would you expect to be less effective when a patient is taking Propranolol?

Sympathomimetics, Beta 2 specefic

The term that describes the combined effects of two drugs which are greater than the sum of thier individual effects?

Synergism. 1+1=3

Side effects of atropine?

Tachycardia, VF, VT, ischemia due to increased workload

The side effects of Alupent are?

Tachycardia. And dysrythmias

wHAT IS metabolisim?

The body breaking down chemicals in diffrent chemicals

What is the Autonomic nervous system?

The part of the nervous system that controls involuntary action

What is a synapse?

The space between nerves

What is Pharmacology?

The study of drugs and thier interactions with the body

If a p[atient were to recieve an agent that dissolves thrombi you should inform the base station of the following assessment.

Time of Chief complaint onset. Signs and symptoms. Treatment. For suspected MI 6 hours. Suspected CVA 3 hours.

The side effects of Pitocin are?

Water retention, uterine rupture, Subarachnoid rupture

Pitocin (oxytocin), is given for?

To increase uterine contranctions in order to stop bleeding.

Vistaril is given?

To manage an acute anxiety attack and Nausea and Vomiting

decreased drug responsiveness which sometimes occurs with chronic administration?


bretylium is indicated in?

V-tach, V-fib refactory to lidocaine.

Nitro's Action?


The theraputic action of nitrates involves?

Vasodilation perscribed for angina and CHF

The Generic name for Isoptin or Calan is?


Verapamil may have what side effects?

Vertigo, Sleepiness, Hypotension, CHF, Bradycardia, Severe Tachycardia, edema and AV blocks.

What does a cardiac glycoside drug do?


A 45 year old patient with chest pain for the last hour is now cold, pale, and diaphoretic with a blood pressure of 60 palpated and respirations at a shallow 26. The initial pharmalogical intervention is?

oxygen, fluid and Dopamine

a 17 year old male is showing bizzare behavior in his Chemistry classroom. You find a vial labeled, "Aminophyline is the ethylendiamine salt of theophyline". you know thios drug to be a beta-adrenergic receptor stimulator. You would expect the patients pulse to be?


Lidocaine used in the V-fib, V-tach setting is given?

rapid IV Push 1 -1.5 mg/kg

Lidocaine is contraindicated in which of the following patients?

second or third degree heart blocks. Or escape rhthyms

What are TCA drugs?

tricyclic antideppresants block the reuptake of Norepinephrine and serotonin. Perscribed for depression.

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