PHED Exam 2

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A number of studies have shown a positive relationship between spiritual health and

A) physical health. B) academic performance. C) self-control. D) high blood pressure.

6.5 percent

C) 29.5 percent D) 38.5 percent

0 minutes. B) They typically come on gradually. C) About 2 percent of college students report having been diagnosed or treated for panic attacks.

D) They can lead to social isolation.

An awareness of what others might be going through is called A) self-awareness. B) openness. C) extroversion.

D) empathy.

Which of the following is TRUE of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A) Failure to meet a lower-level need will interfere with fulfilling higher-level needs. B) Social needs are the most basic and essential needs. C) A self-actualized person has met basic needs but has not fully reached his or her potential. D) Esteem needs are more basic than survival needs.

The definition of spirituality for an individual is

A) a sense of peace, purpose, connection to others, and meaning in life. B) a set of religious symbols and rituals. C) determined by the religious community of the family. D) more formal and behavioral than the definition of religion.

n the practice of yoga, physical poses, which can be restful or strenuous, are called

A) asanas. B) mantras. C) chakras. D) meditations.

Anxiety disorders are

A) the most common mental health problem in the United States. B) the least costly of mental health disorders to treat. C) characterized by deep and persistent fears of specific objects, activities, or situations. D) most prevalent among adults over the age of 65.

Giving of oneself out of genuine concern for others is A) patriotism.

B) altruism. C) spirituality. D) stewardship.

People who have experienced repeated failures may develop a pattern of response in which they give up and fail to take any positive action. This is called A) resistance.

B) learned helplessness. C) learned optimism. D) laziness.

The mental health professional whose treatment is most likely to be based on Freud's theories is a A) clinical psychologist.

B) psychoanalyst. C) social worker. D) psychiatrist.

Meditation involves A) praying for divine guidance or aid. B) imagining yourself in a peaceful setting.

C) concentration on a point of focus such as a sound, breath, or attention itself. D) progressively tensing then relaxing the muscles.

The personality trait that involves the ability to adapt to a social situation and demonstrate assertiveness is known as A) emotional stability. B) resiliency.

C) extroversion. D) conscientiousness.

Mindfulness-based therapy A) has been shown in multiple studies to be significantly more effective than traditional psychotherapy in relieving anxiety and depression. B) is unlikely to be helpful for individuals who do not respond to psychoactive medications.

C) may be less expensive and easier to implement than traditional psychotherapy. D) emphasize deep reflection on past traumas and other negative life events.

The three facets of human spirituality are A) contemplation, relation, and selfless service. B) cultural norms, family traditions, and values.

C) relationships, values, and purpose in life. D) gratitude, service, and purpose in life.

A network of people and services with which we share ties and which provide support is A) psychological support. B) emotional support.

C) social support. D) community support.

Psychologically healthy people A) engage in vengeful acts. B) never think a negative thought. C) make time for others but not themselves.

D) feel comfortable interacting with others.

Which of the following is NOT a common sign of major depression? A) memory lapses B) oversleeping or insomnia C) weight loss or gain

D) feeling highly energetic

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is A) diagnosed in about 5 percent of American adults. B) essentially the same as being a perfectionist. C) a type of personality disorder.

D) highly treatable.

The spiritual practice that involves focused, nonjudgmental observation and the ability to be fully present in the moment is A) contemplation. B) forgiveness. C) meditation.

D) mindfulness.

In many cultures, breath, or the force that animates life, is synonymous with A) faith. B) energy. C) heart.

D) spirit.

What role does religion play in spirituality?

A) Spirituality may or may not include participation in organized religion. B) Religion is the same as spirituality. C) Religion is the only parameter to determine a person's level of spirituality. D) Spirituality and religion do not share any common elements.

A treatment for depression that involves correcting consistently pessimistic or faulty thought patterns is

A) cognitive therapy. B) behavioral therapy. C) psychodynamic therapy. D) interpersonal therapy.

Intense feelings or patterns of feelings that people experience are

A) emotions. B) dreams. C) desires. D) needs.

Studies have shown that experienced meditators have an increased capacity for

A) empathy. B) falling asleep. C) analyzing data quickly. D) expanding the lungs.

Religion is distinguished from spirituality by its

A) focus on behavior and outward practices. B) informality. C) lack of doctrine. D) subjective format.

A single word repeated silently or aloud as part of meditation is a

A) mantra. B) jingle. C) symbol. D) name for God.

Treatment for schizophrenia includes hospitalization and a combination of

A) medication and psychotherapy. B) medication and light therapy. C) light therapy and electroconvulsive therapy. D) psychotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy.

The five-factor model classifies curiosity, independence, and imagination as

A) openness. B) agreeableness. C) conscientiousness. D) extroversion.

Interpersonal therapy focuses on

A) social roles and relationships. B) the psychological roots of emotional problems. C) the impact of thoughts and ideas on feelings and behavior. D) the therapist-patient relationship as a window into other relationship patterns.

A state of alignment with one's own inner wisdom, values, and vision that serves as a guide in finding a moral and ethical path through life is

A) spiritual intelligence. B) stewardship. C) religious belief. D) purpose.

Which of the following is an example of altruism?

A) volunteering at an animal shelter B) thanking someone who helped you C) being environmentally conscientious D) having faith in a higher power

Which of the following is TRUE about major depression? A) It is about the same as feeling down after a bad experience.

B) Symptoms include feeling hopeless and difficulty concentrating. C) Sadness is not actually a common symptom of depression. D) People can snap out of it if they choose.

Suicide prevention techniques include A) downplaying a person's statement that they'd like to die.

B) asking directly if the person intends to hurt himself or herself. C) reassuring a person that nothing could be so bad as to make suicide an option. D) keeping all conversations with the person confidential.

According to the National Cancer Institute, spiritual well-being improves the quality of life of individuals suffering from an illness by A) preventing the need for psychological or religious counseling.

B) increasing the ability to cope with disease and medical treatments. C) bringing them closer to family members. D) using meditation to lower respiratory and heart rates.

The general term for a disorder that disrupts thoughts, feelings, moods, and behavior to the extent that it impairs functioning in daily life is A) neuroticism.

B) mental illness. C) neurological impairment. D) cognitive disorder.

Most commonly, a person diagnosed with social anxiety disorder has a fear of A) leaving his or her room.

B) public events and gatherings. C) spending time alone. D) contracting an infection from others.

A system of beliefs, practices, rituals, and symbols whose purpose is to bring people closer to the sacred or divine is A) doctrine.

B) religion. C) spirituality. D) orthodoxy.

Which of the following is a key component of healthy relationships? A) having lots of friends

B) treating others with respect C) seeking out friends with similar interests D) having strong values

Principles that guide the choices individuals make in their lives are A) rules.

B) values. C) beliefs. D) traditions.

All of the following are common side effects of psychotropic drugs EXCEPT A) nausea.

B) weight loss. C) headaches. D) sexual dysfunction.

People engage in prayer in order to A) empty the mind and find stillness. B) send wishes of kindness or forgiveness to other people.

C) communicate with a transcendent presence or higher power. D) contemplate difficult issues.

A type of mental illness that involves inflexible patterns of thought that, in many cases, lead to socially distressing behavior is a(n) A) bipolar disorder. B) obsessive-compulsive disorder.

C) personality disorder. D) anxiety disorder.

According to Maslow's hierarchy, individuals who have satisfied their basic needs and have attained their full potential are A) emotionally healthy. B) mature.

C) self-actualized. D) self-aware.

Spiritually healthy people believe A) that it is important to give up control over their lives. B) in a god or other higher power.

C) that they are part of a something larger than the purely physical or personal dimensions of existence. D) in an afterlife.

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to attention-deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (ADD/ADHD)? A) It causes people to be very organized. B) It is classified as an impairment in brain development. C) It is only diagnosed in children.

D) It tends to disrupt relationships.

Loneliness is A) rare among college students but becomes common after graduation. B) best defined as the experience of being alone. C) unlikely in people who have lots of followers on social media.

D) a risk factor for depression and substance abuse.

Spiritual intelligence can be described as the ability to A) maintain mindfulness throughout most of one's daily life. B) understand complex religious teachings. C) resolve conflicts between our values and our desires.

D) access meanings, values, and purposes to live a richer life.

Warning signs of suicide include all of the following EXCEPT A) unexplained demonstration of happiness following a period of depression. B) preoccupation with themes of death. C) giving away prized possessions.

D) compulsion to repeatedly perform rituals.

An acute anxiety attack that brings on intense physical symptoms is a(n) A) flashback. B) generalized anxiety disorder. C) obsessive-compulsive symptom.

D) panic attack.

A term used to encompass mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health is A) socioemotional. B) holistic. C) psychiatric.

D) psychological.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is associated with A) malfunction of the thyroid gland. B) a lack of social interaction. C) too much external stimuli.

D) reduced exposure to sunlight.

A psychologically healthy person is A) cynical. B) introverted. C) athletic.

D) resilient

dysfunctional family is defined as a family in which A) one or both parents intentionally attempt to undermine children's sense of self-confidence. B) one or both parents engage in illicit drug use or other criminal behavior. C) the physical or mental illness of one or more family members frequently overwhelms the family's capacity to cope.

D) there is violence; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; significant discord; or other negative family interactions.

sychological health is best described as encompassing A) personal experiences and thoughts of future events. B) memories, emotions, and interpretations of life experiences. C) thoughts, including beliefs, relating to the past, present, and future.

D) thinking, feeling, relating, and being.

Which of the following is TRUE about persistent depressive disorder?

A) It is a mild but chronic form of depression. B) It is a version of bipolar disorder. C) It affects more people than major depression. D) It is linked with a specific genetic variant.

Spiritual health contributes to a reduction in A) disputes with others.

B) stress levels. C) social support. D) psychological health.

Which of the following is TRUE about major depression in college students? A) About 2-3 percent of college students report having been diagnosed with or treated for depression in an average year. B) About one-fourth of all college students feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

C) International students are especially vulnerable to depression. D) Depression among college students is typically a temporary issue and not a major barrier to academic success.

Which of the following is TRUE of psychologically healthy people? A) They frequently experience guilt. B) They avoid new experiences.

C) They value human diversity. D) They are uncomfortable when put in new social situations.

Research suggests that anxiety disorders A) are highly resistant to treatment. B) have essentially no biological basis.

C) can develop as a learned response to a recurrent stress-inducing situation. D) are most prevalent among adults age 65 or older.

Spiritual health is one of the six key dimensions of A) emotional health. B) success in life.

C) overall health. D) social health.

A person's realistic sense of self-respect or self-worth is referred to as A) introversion. B) assertiveness.

C) self-esteem. D) conscientiousness.

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning emotional health? A) Emotional health is the subjective side of psychological health. B) An emotionally healthy person responds appropriately to upsetting events most of the time. C) Emotional health interacts with other aspects of an individual's health.

D) An emotionally healthy person keeps feelings inside to avoid burdening others.

5 to 24.

B) People are at increased risk for suicide if they identify as LGBT. C) Globally, about as many men as women commit suicide. D) College students are at higher risk of suicide than people of the same age who are not in college.

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE? A) Schizophrenia is caused by childhood trauma.

B) Schizophrenia is a mental illness with biological origins. C) Schizophrenia can be treated but not cured. D) Symptoms most commonly appear in early childhood.

Together, self-awareness, self-management, internal motivation, empathy, and social skills are MOST closely associated with A) intellectual health.

B) emotional intelligence. C) psychoneuroimmunology. D) happiness.

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