Phil Plumbing Context and History
Resolution No. 4 Series of 1999
Also known as "Adoption and Promulgation of the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines"
Ilagan, Camilet, Cruz
Board of Master Plumbers (Surnames)
Reynald B. Ilagan
Chairperson of the Board of Master Plumbers
1966-1969 Feati University
Curriculum for Plumbing Engineering was first introduced
US Based Plumbing Code
Incorporated into the Building Code of Manila
Department of Public Services of the City of Manila
Initiated by NAMPAP, the __________________________________ was created by an Act of Congress.
City Ordinance 2411
Known as "the Plumbing Code for the City of Manila"
City of Manila
Model community for plumbing
plumbing materials, practice
Modern Technologies are applies in 1._______, and 2. ______
NAMPAP President Jaime M. Cabase spearheaded the updating of Revised National Plumbing Code
NAMPAP created a Plumbing Code Committee to amend/revise NPC
October 1999
NAMPAP submitted a draft code to the Board of Master Plumbers chaired by Engr. Fortunato H. Amosco
RA 6541
National Building Code of the Philippines (Old), passed with NPC of 1959 as referral code
January 28, 1959
National Plumbing Code of the Philippines prepared by NAMPAP was promulgated and approved by Malacañang
National Water Works and sewerage Authority
Organization of the NAMPAP, and its registration with SEC
RA 1378
Plumbing Law of the Philippines
December 21, 1999
President Joseph Ejercito Estrada approved the Revised Plumbing Code
June 18, 1955
RA 1378 date signed by Pres. Ramon Magsaysay
The Board of Examiners for Master Plumber and NAMPAP prepared the Curriculum for Plumbing Engineering and approved by DepED at Feati University
November 28, 1967
The First Amendment to the National Plumbing Code was approved, which effected the inclusion of "Asbestos-Cement Pipe" as an approved plumbing material.
17th century
The birth of the plumbing profession in the Philippines
30 days
The number of days the RNPCP shall take effect following its complete publication
Engr Pedrito D Camilet Jr
The overall chairman in-charge on the Revision and upgrading of the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
modern technologies
The submitted RNPCP is in accord with __________
Third congress of the Philippines in its Second Session, approved the third reading House Bill No. 962
PRC Chairman Hermogenes P. Pobre
adopted the Revised Plumbing Code of 1999
18th and 19 centuries
filipino plumbers were assigned the task of maintaining, repairing, and or remodeling plumbing systems in akk pueblos or towns
John F. Hass
first chief of division of plumbing construction and inspection
20th century
health and hygiene became a priority when epidemics engulfed philippines
Governor General Harrison
issued a letter of instruction on proper waste disposal in all municipalities
20th century
plumbing took a great leap with the arrival of the american soldiers, engineers, thomasite teachers, doctors, and evangelists
spearheaded the enactment of a law regulating the practice of master plumbing in the Philippines.
churches, convents, and government buildings
structures included in a pueblo (18th-19th century)
the plumbing trade was duly recognized by the government.