Philippine History

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"the highest expression of the law."

Territorial Sea

- 12 nautical miles

Exclusive Economic Zone

- 200 NM from Baseline

revolutionary government

- A government established in order to consolidate the forces still fighting in the other provinces.

Pedro Paterno

- A group led by him decided to create a constitution to form a government that would be recognized by foreign powers.

Article XI

- Accountability of Public Officers


- Agreed form of government formed after the assembly of Filipino rebel leaders.

Article XVII

- Amendments or Revisions

Contiguous Zone

- Another 12 nautical miles from territorial sea

Article III

- Bill of Rights

Constitutional Commission (CONCOM)

- By virtue of Sec. 1, Article 5 of the Freedom Constitution, President Aquino issued on April 23, 1986 Proclamation No. 9, constituting a _______________ with drafting a new constitution not later than September 2, 1986.

Social Contract theory

- Chose an organization that will as leader

Article IV

- Citizenship

2. Territory

- Composed of Aerial, Fluvial and Terrestrial. Occupies a permanent and definite portion of a land

Article IX

- Constitutional Commissions

Force/Necessity Theory

- Created by Barbaric or invasion. There is a ruler who will impose rule/will.

Presidential Decree

- Created by Executive

Paternalistic Theory

- Created by Family


- Created by the Local Government


- Created by the legislative

September 15, 1898

- Date inaugural session of malolos congress.

June 12, 1898

- Date when Philippine independence was declared

March 24, 1986

- Date when President Aquino signed Proclamation No. 3 entitled "Declaring a National Policy to Implement the Reforms Mandated by the People, protecting their Basic Rights, adopting a Provisional Constitution, and Providing for an Orderly Transition to a Government under New Constitution."

September 21, 1972

- Date when President Marcos declared martial law.

February 11, 1987,

- Date when the Present Constitution was proclaimed ratified and in effect.

Article II

- Declaration of Principles and State Policies

Article XIV

- Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports

Archipelagic Doctrine

- Espouses our territory and boundaries. for domestic speaking

Article VII

- Executive Department


- Form of government No one is dictating the president.


- Form of government that Will dictate the actions of the president or a Prime minister


- Freedom to direct a domestic relation

Article XVI

- General Provisions

Divine Right Theory

- God Chose a bloodline to rule over a country.

De Facto

- Group of people against the government, in defiance with the legitimate government.

Council of State

- Harrison also formed __________ the as an advisory body to the governor-general.

Ferdinand Marcos

- He abolished Congress and reorganized the government.

Felipe Calderon

- He drafted the Malolos Constitution, that is an inspiration from the constitutions of Mexico, Belgium, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Brazil, and France.

Eduardo Quintero

- He is a Leyte delegate that accused Marcos of bribing delegates to vote for a provision to extend the presidential term of office and to change the form of government.

Gen. Miguel Primo de Rivera

- He led the Spanish forces

Apolinario Mabini

- He was against in the constitution made by the group of Pedro Paterno for he believed that peaceful conditions should first prevail before a constitution should be drafted.


- How many CONCOM members were appointed by President aquino?

Filipinization Policy

- In this policy Filipinos were given a hand in running the country. Majority of the Philippine Commission members and civil servants were replaced by Filipinos. Soon, the colonial administration placed much of the country's governance in the hands of Filipinos.


- International, freedom to speak to the world an independent foreign policy

Freedom Constitution

- It basically adopted some provisions of the 1973 Constitution especially the Bill of Rights.

Tydings-McDuffie Law

- It provided for the drafting and guidelines of a constitution for a 10-year -transitional period" government before the granting of independence.

Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison

- It was only during the administration of him (1913-1921) that the Filipinization policy of the government was put in place.

revolutionary government

- It was this government that was now in Biak-na-Bato.

1943 Constitution

- It was transitory in nature as it was only effective during the duration of the war.

Malolos Republic

- Its demise began at the start of the Philippine-American War in February 1899 and ceased to exist with the capture of President Aguinaldo in Palanan, Isabela in March 1901. By that time, the Americans had firmly established themselves as the new colonizers of the Philippines with a military government running the country.

Article VIII

- Judicial Department

Article VI

- Legislative Department

De Jure

- Legitimate and in accordance with the law.

Article X

- Local Government

Article XII

- National Economy and Patrimony

Article I

- National Territory


- Number of Philippine Constitutions were framed in our history.

Batasang Pambansa

- On June 2 1986 the ConCom, headed by former Justice Cecilia Muiioz Palma, commenced its sessions at the _________________ in Quezon City.

January 17, 1973

- On this day, President Marcos signed Proclamation No. 1102 declaring the 1973 Constitution ratified.


- One of the heated discussions during the Malolos congress was focused on the issue of the union of Church and State where ________ would be the state religion.


- One of the malolos congress first acts was to ratify the Independence declaration in _________.

Tejeros, San Francisco de Malabon

- Place where the revolutionary government formed.

General Emilio Aguinaldo

- President of the revolutionary government.

Jose P. Laurel

- President of the second Philippine republic.

2) Brief

- Requisite for a good written constitution: Give the legislative duty to legislative from time to time

1) Broad

- Requisite for a good written constitution: the outline of an organization of government for the whole state for the present and future generation.

. Person

- Should be small enough to well Governed and Large enough to self-sufficing.

Article XIII

- Social Justice and Human Rights

Article V

- Suffrage


- Supreme Law (Inculcated by the filipino People)

4. Sovereignty

- Supreme power of the state


- Temporary people that has been chosen by the president who will serve the government.


- The 1973 Constitution provided for this form of government in which the President was the symbolic head of state and the Prime Minister was the head of government.

Freedom Constitution

- The 1973 constitution was abolished with the adoption of the 1986 _____________________ by the administration of President Corazon Aquino.

Second World War

- The Commonwealth Government was interrupted by the __________ and the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines.

Article XV

- The Family

Barasoain Church

- The Malolos Congress had its inaugural session at ________________________ in Malolos.

Apolinario Mabini

- The Malolos Congress was originally conceived by presidential adviser to be an advisory body to the President.

Barasoain Church

- The first Philippine Republic was inaugurated on January 23, 1899 at the _____________.


- The government will propose a law and the people will approve or disapprove

Jones Law

- The new Philippine Legislature was inaugurated on October 16, 1916 with:

Freedom Constitution

- The provisional constitution in 1986, later called the ________.

Supreme Council

- This Council had sweeping powers of government which included the power to issue orders and other laws for the security of the State, to impose and collect taxes, to raise an army, to ratify treaties, and to convene an Assembly of Representatives."

Biak-na-Bato Constitution

- This constitution was to last only for two years during which, at certain periods, it was superseded by laws and decrees made by Aguinaldo.

Tydings-McDuffie Law

- This law was approved on March 24, 1934 and was known as the Philippine Independence Act.

Tydings-McDuffie Law

- This was known as the Commonwealth Government.

Article XVIII

- Transitory Provisions

Isabelo Artacho & Felix Ferrer

- Two Filipinos that was tasked to write the Constitution of Biak-na-Bato.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

- US President who approved the 1935 constitution of the Philippines on March 23, 1935

Freedom Constitution

- Under this Constitution, the President continued to exercise legislative powers until a legislature was convened under a new constitution.


- Voting process of referendum


- We can suggest to make a law

November 1, 1897

- When was the Biak-na-Bato Constitution promulgated?


- Year when Spain defeated by the United States in the Spanish-American War


- Year when the Philippine Revolution reached a stalemate

Territorial Sea

- Zone in which We have an Exclusive Jurisdiction

Exclusive Economic Zone

- Zone in which we have Right to Utilize resources from this zone

Kapisanan ng Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas (KALIBAPI)

- a Filipino political party that served as the political party during the Japanese occupation,

Jones Law

- also known as the Philippine Autonomy Act was passed by the US Congress in 1916.

Sectoral representatives

- are members of party-list organizations who can give "voice" to significant minorities of society that may not be adequately represented through geographical district.

Sergio Osmenia

- as House Speaker of new Philippine Legislature "Jones Law"

Manuel Quezon

- as Senate President. of new Philippine Legislature "Jones Law"

Biak-na-Bato Constitution

- became the provisionary constitution of the government during the Revolution against Spain.

the Legislative

- composed of the Senate headed by the Senate President and the House of Representatives headed by the Speaker of the House

the Judiciary

- composed of the Supreme Court headed by the Chief Justice, and the lower courts

1987 Constitution

- consists of 18 articles with a preamble.

Philippine Commission for Philippine Independence (PCPI)

- convened and elected by KALIBAPI to write a new constitution.

February 22-25, 1986

- date when EDSA People Power Revolution toppled the Marcos administration.

October 14, 1943

- date when the Second Philippine Republic was inaugurated

Prime Minister

- during the parliamentary form of government the __________ who was nominated by the President, acted as head of the Cabinet.

Manila Hotel

- during the second term of President Ferdinand Marcos, a Constitutional Convention was convened at the __________________. Its purpose was to write a new constitution that would meet the new challenges confronting the Philippine Republic that developed since it was formed in 1946.

1935 Constitution

- enumerated the composition, powers, and duties of the three branches of government (the executive, legislative, and judicial) and created the General Auditing Office and laid down the framework in the establishment of the civil service in the country.

Archipelagic Doctrine

- even though the island of the Philippines is not connected, according to this Doctrine it is still connected.

Tomas Cabili

- he felt that the Constitution made did not serve the people of Mindanao.

General Emilio Aguinaldo

- he led the revolutionary forces.

Gen. Miguel Primo de Rivera

- he realized that even though they could crush the rebels in Bulacan, it did not mean the revolution would end for it was already widespread in the other provinces.

the Executive

- headed by the President and Cabinet

Two hundred two

- how many delegates elected to write a constitution for the Philippines after the Tyding-McDuffie law was signed?

1935 Constitution

- in this constitution, The other provisions included a Bill of Rights, a provision for women's suffrage, giving women the right to vote and to be a part of Philippine politics for the first time, the creation of a Philippine Armed Forces for national defense, and the development of a national language.


- is composed of 24 senators who are elected and serve for six-year terms with half the senators elected every three years.

The House of Representatives

- is composed of the Congressmen/women (officially called Representatives) elected to a three-year term and can be re-elected, but cannot serve more than three consecutive terms.


- is defined as the fundamental law of a nation or state. It is the constitution that establishes the character and basic principles of the government.

Supreme Court

- is the Philippines' highest judicial court, as well as the court of last resort. The court consists of 14 associate justices and a chief justice.


- ordered the convening of a Congress in Malolos, Bulacan.

Jimaguayu, Cuba

- place where the Biak-na-Bato Constitution was framed in.

Philippine Revolutionary Government

- promulgated the Biak-na-Bato Constitution

Jones Law

- reorganized the government with an American governor-general, a Cabinet, and an all-Filipino legislature composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

1935 Constitution of the Philippines

- served as the fundamental law of the land from 1935 to 1972.

citizen assemblies

- the draft constitution that was approved was not ratified by a plebiscite, instead Marcos submitted it to ___________________ that was formed to approve or reject the new constitution.

Supreme Council

- the government that was formed which composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary of the Interior, a Secretary of Foreign Relations, a Secretary of War, and a Secretary of the Treasury.


- the official language during the Biak-na-Bato Constitution.

1943 Constitution

- the powers of government were concentrated with the President.

straight line

- the territorial sea is measured Using this method, (imagine a straight line)

Emilio Aguinaldo

- took his oath of office as the first President of the Republic.

Republic of the Philippines

- upon withdrawal of American sovereignty in the country and the declaration of Philippine independence, the Commonwealth shall be known as the __________.

Malolos Republic

- was a short-lived government.

1943 Constitution

- was basically a condensed version of the 1935 Constitution consisting only of a preamble and 12 articles.

Freedom Constitution

- was proclaimed, setting aside the 1973 Constitution thereby recognizing the new Aquino administration as a temporary revolutionary government until the framing of a new constitution.

1943 Constitution

- was recognized as legitimate and binding only in Japanese-controlled areas of the Philippines but was ignored by the United States government and the Philippine Commonwealth government in-exile.

Malolos Republic

- was the first democratic government of the country.

The Malolos Constitution

- was the first republican constitution in Asia.


- we can remove not trusted officials

San Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan

- where mountains of Biak-na-Bato located.


- year when amendments were made to the 1973 Constitution and the President was restored from a symbolic head of state to its original status as the head of state and chief executive of the country.


-Requisite for a good written constitution: to avoid misinterpretation, and easy to understand

Contiguous Zone

-Zone in which we have Partial or Quasi Jurisdiction

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