Philosophy Prelim Exam

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In Aristotle's 10 categories of beings, which of the following are true?

"Yesterday" is an example of time. "Intelligent" or "handsome" is an example of quality. "Chair, horse, cell phone" are examples of substance "Running" is an example of doing something. "500" is an example of quantity.

Rocks, rivers, oceans, sand, etc. Animals Human beings God

-Non-living, non-sentient, irrational, beings; incapable of self-motion. -Living, sentient, irrational beings; capable of self-motion. -Living, sentient, rational beings; capable of self-motion. -The first, and prime mover - the final cause of every being, living and non-living.

Reason Physical-sensual appetite Spirit/Passion

A. Our divine essence that enables us to think deeply, make wise choices, and achieve a true understanding of eternal truths. B. Our basic biological needs such as hunger, thirst, and sexual desires. C. Our basic emotions such as love, anger, ambition, aggresiveness, empathy.

Which of the following statements that truly speaks of Plato's philosophy?

A. That we already have prior knowledge of everything when we were in the World of Forms, and that all we have to do is just to re-call this knowledge as exemplified in Plato's article "Meno." B. That as a rationalist, Plato believes in innate knowledge.

Material cause Formal cause The effecient cause The final cause

A. The physical or material components or ingredients of an object or thing. B. The embedded shape or form of an object. C. the maker, manufacturer - or the triggering event that sets things in motion or initiates change to form an actual object. D. the purpose, the goal, the telos why a thing is made.

Socrates thought that no one knowingly does evil because _____________.

A. everyone is naturally drawn towards the good.

The following tweets of pres. Trump are examples of what type of fallacy? John McCain is last in his class; has done nothing. He is a dummy. James Comey is a loser, stupid; a slime ball; he is either very sick or dumb. Cheatin' Obama; bad or (sick) guy! Oprah is very insecure; hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and be defeated just like the others!

Ad hominem or appeal to personal attack

Which of the following statements that truly differentiates Plato's from Aristotle's concept of "reality"?

Aristotle believes that "truth" or "reality" is the physical-material reality.

Rationalism is the philosophy that _____________.

B. everything is known by reason alone.

Which of the following statements are incorrect?

Both Plato and Aristotle are monists. Both Plato and Aristotle are empiricists. In Aristotle's hierarchy of beings or things, the animals and plants are in the highest level. In Aristotle's hiearchy of beings or things, human beings are in the lowest level.

The empiricists' epistemological theory that holds that our minds were empty or a clean slate when we were born in this world.

C. Tabula rasa

The question and answer method used by Socrates to help us understand the essential nature of central concepts such as justice, beauty, or goodness. This method used a dynamic approach of questioning and intellectual analysis to draw answers out of people rather than lecture them.

C. The Socratic Method

Monism contends that _____________.

C. there is only one reality.

Cultural realtivism Ethical subjectivism Universal morals The Socratic method

Contends that ethics is dependent on the culture or norm of a specific group of people. Contends that ethics is dependent on what one thinks or feels. Right and wrong is something universal or global regardless of one's personal beliefs or cultural practices. A question and answer method, the purpose of which is to attain truth or certainty of knowledge.

In Plato's metaphysics, it is the world of the perfect, immutable, unchanging and infinite state.

D. The World of Forms or Ideas

Thrasymachus thought that "might makes right" because ________________.

D. justice is defined by whoever has the most power.

The following statements are incorrect EXCEPT:

Epistemology is the study of knowledge.

The following statements are examples of what type of fallacy? "Chinese are good in Math;" "Texans know how to ride horses;" "Muslims are terrorists;" "Democrats are baby killers and are atheists;" "Republicans are Christian fundamentalists;" "Asians eat dogs;" "Catholics are weird."

Hasty generalization

"You cannot step into the same river twice - for other waters are continually flowing on." Heraclitus Parmenides Being is imperishable, indivisible and unchanging.

Heraclitus Only becoming or "change" exists - change alone is unchanging. Only being exists - it is perfect, complete, unchanging and what is. Parmenides

Open-minded Insightful: Passionate: Independent thinkers:

In discussions, they listen carefully to every viewpoint, evaluating each perspectivecarefully and fairly. They are able to get to the heart of the issue or problem, and are able to zeo in on the essence, seeing the "forest" as well as the "trees." They have a passion for understanding and are always striving to see issues and problems with more clarity. They are not afraid to disagree with the group opinion, and they develop well-supported beliefs through thoughtful analysis instead of just going along with the crowd.

Eventhough Hesiod's and Homer's writings tell stories about natural events through "spiritual" or "mythical" ways that do not have any bases on something "scientific" or "logical" (logos), they embody core values that helped shape the Greek culture and character. What are these core values?

Justice to be revered; injustice and wickedness will eventually be punished. Honesty and honor should be pursued; duplicity and falseness will end badly

the following statements are true of Aristotelian philosophy except

Matter means having its end within itself.

The branch of philosophy which Aristotle refers to as "first philosophy" or "wisdom." It asks questions such as - what is the nature of reality? What is the ultimate "stuff," "logos" or substance of the universe? How did these substances come into being? What is the place of humans in the universe? - etc.


A theory in metaphysics which contends that there is only one reality: the spiritual, non-material, or ideal aspect of reality.

Monistic idealism

The following statements are incorrect except:

Plato is a dualist.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Plato's World of Being is the infinite, spiritual, perfect world. Plato's World of Becoming is the infinite, spiritual, perfect world.

Of the five statements below, which are incorrect?

Plato's dualistic metaphysical belief is the same as Aristotle's categories: matter and form. Aristotle is the famous student of Plato. Aristotle's metaphysics is focused on the natural world whereas Plato's is on the transcendent spiritual reality. Plato is the famous student of Aristotle. Unlike Plato, Aristotle believes that the soul is born with the body and dies with it.

Two statements below are true. Which are these?

Socrates died by drinking a hemlock as a penalty. Socrates was charged with corrupting the minds of the young and introducing new deities or religion.

The following statements are correct except

Socrates wrote a lot of books.

Of the three pre-Socratic philosophers' metaphysics, which statements are correct?

Thales believes that water is the logos or the foundation of everything. Democritus believes that all matter is composed of indivisible atoms in motion. Heraclitus contends that the world is in constant state of flux or change. He believes that there is nothing permanent in this world except change.

Socrates The Pre-Socratics Cultural relativism Ethical subjectivism

The father of ethics. Asks questions such as "Who am I?" "What is the purpose and meaning of my life?" "Why should I do good things instead of doing bad things?" Emphasize on metaphysics (the nature of the physical world): What is the basic element of the world? What is the ultimate reality? Thales, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, etc. are just some of the examples. What is right or wrong is dependent on the culture of a certain group of people, or of one's group affiliation. What is right or wrong depends on what one personally thinks, believes or feels.

Logos means:

The logical, scientific or rational explanation of reality and of natural phenomena.

Philosophy etymologically means:

The love of wisdom

Ethics Epistemology Political-social philosophy Aesthetics

The study of moral values and principles; of what is right and wrong. The study of knowledge. It asks questions such as: Can we ever know anything or attain certainty of knowledge? Where does knowledge come from? What is truth? The study of social values and different political forms of government. Involves the study of beauty and art. It asks questions about the nature of beauty - how do we identify principles of beauty and artistic value? Are there universal standards of beauty, or are they relative to cultural and individual taste?

Which of the following statements that is untrue of Socratic teachings:

The truth lies within one's cultural beliefs. We should strive for excellence in some areas of life.

Which of the following are the ultimate aims of philosophy?

To answer the question, "What is it all about?" The complete liberty of the mind. To care the well-being of the soul.

Of the three pre-Socratics' metaphysics, which of the following statements are correct?

Xenophanes believes that there is only one god (monotheistic) - indifferent to the affairs of the human world. Anaxagoras maintains that the entire universe is composed of matter in motion, governed by the principle of mind (nous).

Major premise: If you are cheating in this test, then you will fail in this class. Minor premise: You cheated in the test. Conclusion: Ergo _________________.

You will fail in this class

the following examples are correct EXCEPT

a fallacy is a correct and sound argument

For Aristotle, what is the formal cause of a pen?

a pen shaped object

For Plato, real love is that which is dependent on something physical or material in nature


Having" a philosophy means thinking philosophically and critically about your beliefs to ensure that they are the most accurate and enlightened beliefs possible.


If I participate or interact only in one day in the discussion board, I will still get a perfect score for as long as I have posted 5 well-elaborated responses.


In his famous painting The School Athens, Raphael portrays the two Greek giants in the field of western philosophy, Plato who is pointing down and Aristotle is pointing up. Raphael's painting explicitly depicts the contrasting metaphysical beliefs of the two philosophers.


Plato's "Forms" is similar to Aristotle's


Plato's Allegory of the Cave is a metaphor of his dualistic, metaphysical belief: the Sun outside the cave symbolizes his notion of the World of Shadows or Becoming, the imperfect reality; whereas the shadows on the wall inside the cave represents his idea about the World of Ideas or Being which is the perfect reality.


Socrates believed that ______________.

he was not wise

Anaximander thought that ultimate reality is boundless and indefinite because ____________________.

it is the only thing that is not a beginning nor has a beginning.

Thales and Democritus believe that there is only one reality, and that is water and atoms respectively. Hence their metaphysical view is:


Plato believed that reality consists ultimately of the forms because he thought that ________________.

only the forms are perfect and unchanging.

which of the following statements about philosophy are correct?

philosophy begins with wonder philosophy is a dynamic process philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom

In San Jacinto College's Academic Dishonesty Guidelines, ____________ is offering the work of another as one's own, intentionally or unintentionally, without proper acknowledgement. Furthermore, in this type of academic dishonesty, the student fails to give appropriate credit for ideas or material they take from another, whether a fellow student or a resource writer.


In ancient Greek times, the heart of the creation of order was the _________. Such was more than just a "city-state" and more than just a location. It was an idea.


They were a group of philosophers during the time of Socrates who professed to be wise, intelligent - and they made money out of philosophy.


To Aristotle, ___________ is that which a substance is made up of. The _________ of a brick for instance is clay

the material cause

The pre-Socratic philosophers were mainly interested in ____________.

the ultimate nature of reality

In Hesiod's Theogeny and Homer's The Iliad & the Odyssey, natural events or phenomena are explained through mythos.


In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, the Sun outside of the cave represents enlightenment, wisdom and open-mindedness, whereas the chained prisoners inside the cave represents ignorance, stupidity and narrow-mindedness.


One of the core concepts of Aristotle is entelechy - the creative drive or inner urge that impels all things to achieve their purpose in life.


Socrates is against cultural relativism.


To Aristotle, ___________ is the relationship of conformity between the subject and the object of cognition.

truth or reality

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