PHL 255 Non-Western Philosophy Exam 1

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Krishna (Hinduism)

The "lord" here is Krishna, an incarnation, or avatar of Vishnu appears in battle to arjuna.


attributing human characteristics to an animal or inanimate object

pramana (Nyaya)

Paths to knowledge

tattva (Vaisesika)


kevala (Nastika Darsanas)

Purity of knowledge in Jainism

ajiva (Nastika Darsanas)

everything not the soul

ashram (Hinduism)

four age based life stages in Hinduism related to dharma such as student teacher, retired and renunciate

Puja (Hinduism)

good deeds

moksha (Hinduism)

liberation from samsara

dalit (Hinduism)

lowest rank of the Caste system "the untouchables

sympathetic magic

magical ritual using objects or actions resembling or symbolically associated with the event or person over which influence is sought or to ask for blessings from the gods.

Types of Philosophy

1. Metaphysics-time, god, reality 2. Ethics-values, rights 3. Epistemology-knowledge 4. Aesthetics-beauty 5. Logic-reasoning, argumentation, debate 6. Political Philosophy

Niyamas (religious obervances)

1. Sauca 2.Santosha 3. Tapas 4. Svadhyaya 5.Isvara-pranidhana

Darshanas (9total

2 Types: Astika-othodox Nastika-non-orthodox

paramanu (Vaisesika)

Sankrit word for atom/indivisible particle

the Sramanas (Hinduism)

Shramana is a wandering monk in certain austere traditions of ancient India, including Jainism, Buddhism

Indo-Europeans (Hinduism)

· Before the arrival of Indo-European invaders, many ancient cultures were "goddess cultures" in which patriarchy and kingship were not emphasized.

padartha (Vaisesika)

Categories in logic, metaphysics

The Yoga Sutra (Hinduism)

written by Patanjali that outlines years of yogic tradition

Yamas (ethical precepts)

1. Ahimsa-non violence 2. Satya-truthfulness 3. Asteya-not stealing 4. Brahmacherya-self control 5. Aparigraha-non attachment

guna (Vaisesika)



yogic posture; one of patanjali's eight limbs

Isha devata (Hinduism)

your favorite deity in Hinduism

Nastika Darsanas

1. Jaina 2. Carvaka-materialists who believe in knowledge only through perception and hedonism(pleasure only) 3. Buddism

sruti (Hinduism)

"revealed" this is what the Vedas are called as they are considered unquestionable and divine.

rishis (Hinduism)

"seer" - ancient holy men who lived ascetic lifestyles and created the hymns to the gods

Upanishads (Hinduism)

A group of writings sacred in Hinduism concerning the relations of humans, God, and the universe.


A story that explains something's cause or origin (Purusa to explain the caste, How the elephant got it's trunk).

Adharma (Mimamsa)

Adharma is the Sanskrit antonym of dharma.


Belief in one primary God and many secondary ones

Trimurti (Hinduism)

Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu

Bhakti (Hinduism)

Devotion (like that of the suttee)

Forms of Yoga

Devotional, good deeds, scholarly, physical movements

soma (Hinduism)

Elixir of Immortality, bearer of soul toward revelation and God that makes you one with the universe

monism (Vedanta)

Everything is made of one common substance

Kanada (Vaisesika)

Founder of vaisesika

purusa (Samkhya)

God that was divided into pieces that became the members of each caste

daeva (Hinduism)

Hindu deities


Hindu deities from the Rig Veda (polytheistic)

maya (Hinduism)

Illusion we live in before we overcome the ego or false self

Vyapti (Carvaka) ESSAY ON THIS

Inference fails in makeing conclusions about the world

apurva (Mimamsa)

Justification of ritual Linkage between ritual and result

arjunda (Hinduism)

Kashitrya prince in Bhagavad gita

Vedas (Hinduism)

Oldest Hindu writings

Sati (Hinduism)

The poor treatment of widows in earlier centuries led to a practice called suttee, or sati, in which a widow was expected to immolate herself by climbing on the burning bier and lying down next to her dead husband. so that female power-shakti goes with him


The single person who takes on the roles of priest, counselor, and physician and acts as a conduit to the supernatural world in a shamanist culture.

jiva (Nastika Darsanas)

The soul

atman (Hinduism)

The true self blocked by the ego-Atman is Brahmin

Agni (Hinduism)

This is the god in the Vedas who is the fire and brings, through the fire, sacrifices and hymns of praise to the other gods.

Astika Darsanas

Vedanta Mimamsa-Concerned with ritual observance Vaisesika-Particularity-nonscientific Yoga Samkhya Nyaya-cateogries

kshatriya (Hinduism)

Warrior class in caste system-red

Chakra (yoga)


Patanjalis Eight Limbs/8 Key Elements of Yogic Practice

Yama(ethical precepts), 2. Niyama(religious observances) 3. Asana(posture) 4. Pranayama(breath control) 5.Pratyahara(sense-withdrawal) 6.Dharana(concentration on fixed spatial position)7.Dhyana(Meditation)8. Samadhi-deepest point of meditation

karma (Nastika Darsanas)

Your actions- these should be in line with duty

The Yoga Sutra

a fundamental duality in consciousness, the personal self, and the spiritual self. The goal is to separate these two selves in the subjective awareness of the individual.

Advaita (Vedanta)

a monistic interpretation of reality that states there is only one true reality and that is purusha, the spiritual reality

ithihasa (Hinduism)

a religious story about something that happened in the past

Dharma (Hinduism)

adherence to duty is one of the highest virtues

Samadhi (Hinduism)

adherence to duty is one of the highest virtues


belief in on god

varna (Hinduism)


Upamana (Nyaya)


Sanskrit (Hinduism)

complete" - language of sacred texts

Anumana (Nyaya)


Brahmin (Hinduism)

member of the priestly caste, highest members-Purusa's head

rita (Hinduism)

natural order


one of the classical schools of Hindu philosophy stressing an absolute distinction between matter and spirit

pratakysha (Nyaya)




Darsana (Hinduism)

sight of holy seers or six orthodox schools of thought

arthapatti (Mimamsa)

something established by fact

Guru (Hinduism)

spiritual master - hands down tradition and offers guidance


taught in the vedas

Sabda (Nyaya)


smrti (Hinduism)

that which is not sruti - not revealed, but created based on study of revelation


the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.

samsara (Hinduism)

the cycle of life/death/rebirth from which escape is sought


the ego or false self

Avatar (Hinduism)

the incarnation of a deity in human or animal form to counteract some particular evil in the world. Krishna tells Prince Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita

karma (Hinduism)

the innate moral law of cause and

Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism)

the story of Arjuna, the soldier, and Krishna

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