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Scatter Chart, xy chart

Provides a graphical representation for the relationship between two sets of numbers.


Specific point in a distribution of data that has a given percentage of cases below it.

Long-term objetives

Specific results, to be accomplished in three to five years, that an organization seeks to achieve in pusuing its mission.

Job evaluation

Systematic determination of the relative worth of jobs within an organization.

Appraisal Methods: Comparison: Forced Ranking

"Forced Distribution, Forced Choice" ranking employees according to the bell curve. Can be utilized as a part of any appraisal method to eliminate biases.

Retained Employment Agencies

"Headhunting Firms" and "Executive Search" paid whether or not any of the candidates are hired. Generally used for executive-level positions; specialize sourcing from the passive labor market.

In loco parentis

"In place of a parent"; term used in expansion of FMLA coverage to employees who stand in place of a parent with day-to-day responsibilities to care for and financially support a child or who have a day-to-day responsibility to care for or financially support a person who stood in loco parentis for them.

Program Delivery: E-Learning: Distance Learning

"Visual Classroom", similar to lectures and allows simulations from geographically dispersed locations.

Timing of Performance Appraisals: Calendar

"focal review", volume a challenge, easier to plan budgetarily and compare employees.


"on-boarding" reduces the time it takes new employees to become productive members of the team.

American Airlines Vs.

"real" employment offer, ADA

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)

"repetitive stress injuries" (RSI's) or "Cumulative Trauma Injuries" (CTI's) caused by poor ergonomic design.

Program Delivery: Programmed instruction

"self-paced training", learners progress from lesson to lesson in a predesigned order as mastery is obtained. Allows learner to progress at their own rate. Programmed instruction is effective for disseminating facts and concepts, refreshing previously learned skills, expanding learners knowledge in a field that is already familiar.

skill based system

# of skills (usually machinery/production, etc.)

Three Barriers that women and minorities from advancement

(1) societal barriers, (2) internal structural barriers, and (3) governmental barriers. These three barriers were identified in a study that was authorized by the Glass Ceiling Act of 1991.

3 Aspects of HR professionals must consider when developing prorgams

(1) structures; (2) functions; and (3) life cycles. External environment is not an aspect of an organization; however, it is known as the external force that can affect an organization's strategies.


(1986) Immigration Reform and Control Act -offered amnesty to approx. 3.7 million undocumented immigrants who had continuously resided in the U.S. since before Jan. 1, 1982; made it illegal for employers to knowingly hire undocumented workers; failed to solve the problem of undocumented immigration also makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis oof national orgin

Motivation Concepts: Hierearchy of Needs

(Abraham Maslow, 1954) Basic needs and stages of growth, 5 levels: Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self-Actualization

Motivation Concepts: Operant Conditioning

(B.F. Skinner, 1957) "Behavioral Reinforcement" or "Behavioral Modification". Behavior can be changed through 4 interventions: Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Punishment, Extinction

Motivation Concepts: ERG Theory

(Clayton Alderfer, 1969) Builds on Maslows work, 3 levels of needs: 1. Existence (physiological and safety) 2. Relatedness (social needs and esteem) 3. Growth (self-esteem and actualization). ERG theory allows for the possibility of working on multiple levels simulataneously. Also frustration-regression, individual falls back to lower levels in frustration at higher level.

Motivation Concepts: Acquired Needs Theory

(David McClelland, 1961) Experiences acquired throughout life motivate people to achieve in one of three areas: 1. Achievement 2. Affiliation 3. Power

Motivation Concepts: Theory X and Y

(Douglas McGregor, 1960) Theory X - worldview of lazy employees needing constant direction. Theory Y - People will seek out challenging work and additional responsibilities.

Motivation Concepts: Motivation/Hygiene Theory

(Fredrick Herzberg, 1959) "Two Factor" Theory, What makes people happy is what they do, what makes them unhappy is how they are treated. Result of concept is job enrichment, significance of tasks increased to provide challenging work and growth opportunities.

Adverse impact

(Griggs vs. Duke Power), Occurs when the selection rate for a protected class is less than 80% of the rate for the class with the highest selection rate; also known as disparate impact.

Gap analysis

(In needs assessment) compares objective to the current situation and results in a list of people, actions, or items needed to attain the objective

Motivation Concepts: Equity Theory

(J. Stacy Adams, 1963) People are constantly measuring what they put into work against what they get from work. If it is a fair trade, they are motivated to continue. If there is an imbalance and they are putting in more work than they receive in reward, the become demotivated, lose interest in their work, decrease productivity and quality.

Total Quality Management

(TQM) is an approach to quality that aims to involve all employees in the quality improvement process

Motivation Concepts: Expectancy Theory

(Victor Vroom, 1964) People are motivated by the expectation of the reward and that each individual calculates the level of effort to receive that award. Expectancy, Instrumentality, Valence.

Employment Applications: Short Form

1-5 pages, used for minimal skill requirements and EE's transferring or promotions.

What are the general components included in an RFP?

1. A brief description of the organization. 2. An overview of the project summarizing what is needed 3. Admin details of the process ( deadlines, how to request an extension, format requirements, what to do about errors or omissions, evaluation and selection criteria, penalties for late delivery) 4. Project description (AKA scope of work, technical description, project specifications) 5. Name of the contact person

What are the two main things an environmental scan provides?

1. A framework for collecting information about factors relevant to the decision-making process 2. Helps management make decisions that take advantage of existing opportunities and avoid pitfalls

NIOSH Process for Responding to Requests for Assistance

1. A written response achknowledging the request is provided within a few weeks. 2. NIOSH reviews the request and replies a. Sends standard written materials, or a project officer is assigned to investigate 3. Project Officer calls the requestor, sometimes resolved there, schedules a site visit if not.

David McClelland: Acquired Needs Theory (1961)

1. Achievement Those motivated by achievement take moderate risks to achieve their goals, respond to frequent feedback, and generally prefer to work as sole contributors or with others interested in achieving at the same level. 2. Affiliation Individuals who need affiliation look for acceptance within the work group and need regular interaction with their co-workers or customers. 3. Power These individuals are looking for either personal power or institutional power. Those interested in institutional power are often effective managers who are motivated by coordinating work groups to achieve organization goals.

What are the three types of learners?

1. Auditory 2. Visual 3. Tactile/Kinesthetic

What are the six leadership styles?

1. Authoritarian or Directive 2. Democratic 3. Laissez-faire 4. Coaching 5. Transactional 6. Transformative

How is a job description used throughout the organization?

1. Based on the job description, the recuriter screens applicants to ensure that their KSAs are appropriate for the postion. 2. Applicants use job description to find out what they will be required to do if the position is offered to them. 3. It is the bases for performance managment and appraisal. 4. It is the basis for determining the appropriate level of pay for the work that is done. 5. It included essential job functions and provides a guideline for employees who request reasonable accommodation for disabilities. 6. It is used to determine competitive compensation 7. Used to classify employees properly for equal-opportunity and affirmative-action reports.

Workplace Investigations

1. Begin the investigation promptly 2. Determine whether an EE or third party investigator would be the most appropriate for the situation. Third parties should be used when HR is too close to the situation. 3.

What are the two leadership behaviors found by behavioral research?

1. Behavior that focused on structural elements of the job: establishing rules. 2. Behavior that considerd the needs of employees: standing up for them, explaining decisions.

Standard RFP format

1. Brief description of the organization 2. Overview / Project Summary 3. Administrative details about the process 4. Clear, complete and detailed project description 5. Name of a contact for questions

What are some benefits of an effective communication strategy?

1. Builds employees' trust 2. Educates employees about company's vision, goals, and operations 3. connects employees to the success of the organization

Proper disposal includes:

1. Burn, pulverize or shred papers containing consumer report information so that the info cannot be read or reconstructed 2. Destroy or erase electronic files or media containing consumer report information 3. Conduct due diligence and hire a document destruction contractor to dispose of the material

OSHA - Inspection Procedures

1. CSHO arrives and presents credentials. 2. CSHO holds an opening conference, explain the visit, request an EE and EE'r representative 3. Tour the facilities; review safety and health program, examine records, look for OSHA poster, evaluate compliance, point out unsafe working conditions and suggest remedial actions, 4. Holds a closing conference, discuss the observations made.

What are some examples of economic situations that should be considered in a PEST analysis?

1. Can customers afford the organization's products? 2. The unemployment rate 3. Interest rates 4. Inflation 5. Changes in fiscal policy 6. State of stock markets 7. Price of real estate 8. Strength of the dollar

Guidelines for CRAs

1. Clear disclosure 2. Written authorization 3. Before taking an adverse action, candidate must be notified why 4. Candidates must be advised of their right to dispute information.

What are the two basic categories for documentation requirements?

1. Collection and maintenance of required employment records (e.g. application forms, tax docs, benefit records) 2. Maintenance of appropriate documentation for employment actions (e.g. verbal warning, first written warning)

What are the basic steps of an RFP?

1. Conduct a needs assessment 2. Develop the RFP 3. Evaluate proposals 4. Select a vendor 5. Negotiate contract 6. Execute agreement 7. Evaluate the project

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) established:

1. Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA): Association that gathers information about individuals with the intent of supplying that info to third party 2. Consumer Report: Written document produced by a CRA containing info. About a person's individual character, reputation, lifestyle or credit history 3. Investigative consumer report: Produced by CRA for same purpose as consumer report, but is based on gathering info through personal interviews with friends, co-workers, employers, etc. Extra: If employer decides to take adverse action, they must notify the candidate within 3 days

Types of validity:

1. Content Validity: Simplest validation. Job analysis is a key element of content-validity process. The selection procedure samples significant parts of job being tested 2. Construct Validity: Determines whether a test measures the connection between candidate characteristics and successful performance in the job (measures abstract future behaviors) 3. Criterion Validity: Validity is established when the test or measure predicts or correlates the behavior: 3a. Predictive Validity: Compares test scores given at beginning of job to same test given much later (6 months-1 year) 3b. Concurrent Validity: Validates previous test scores immediately

What are some examples of social situations that should be considered in a PEST analysis?

1. Demographics of the target market 2. For multinational corporations, analyzing the social factors of widely diverse markets

Needs Assessment*

1. Describe Objective 2. Define the current situation 3. Conduct gap analysis 4. Set Priorities 5. Investigate and develop options 6. Evaluate options 7. Recommend solutions

What are the needs assessment steps?

1. Describe the objective 2. Define the current situation 3. Conduct gap analysis 4. Set priorities 5. Investigate and develop options 6. Evaluate option and determine budget impact 7. Recommend solutions

Steps to needs assessment

1. Describe the objective 2. Define the current situation 3. Conduct a gap analysis 4. Set Priorities 5. Investigate and develop options 6. Evaluate options 7. Recommend solutions

Safety Training Programs

1. Determine whether training is needed 2. Identify the training needs 3. Develop Objectives 4. Develop delivery methods 5. Conduct training 6. Evaluate results 7. Adjust as needed.

What are the four leaderships styles described in the Path-Goal Theory?

1. Directive, specifies what is to be done 2. Supportive, provides encouragement for the group members 3. Participative, leader involves the group in the decision-making process 4. Achievement, leader establishes a difficult goal and encourages the group to accomplish it.

ADA disability descriptions

1. Disability: Physical or mental impairment that causes substantial limitation to one or more major life activity 2. Major life activity: General activities and major bodily functions 3. Mitigating Measures: Mitigating measures (medication, prosthetics, hearing aids, etc.) may not be used to limit the definition of disability 4. Regarded As: Individuals must demonstrate that they have been the subject of prohibited activities under the ADA, whether or not they have some type of impairment

OSHA - EE'r Rights/Responsibilities

1. EE'rs required to provide records and documents, 2. EE'r must post citations for 3 working days or until the citation is abated, whichever is longer, abate violation by time on the citation 3. EE'rs may file a notice of contest within 15 days, if there will be an unavoidable delay in abating a violation because of materials, equipment, or personnel, EE'r may request a temporary variance until the violation can be corrected.

What information may be included in job specifications?

1. Education, Licenses or Certificates Required - Minimum requirements; must be related to essential job functions 2. Communication skills required - Reports, presentations, oral communication, internal/external 3. Experience Required - Minimum level of experience required for successful job performance 4. Skills - Any skills necessary for successful job performance

What are the parts of a RFP?

1. Executive Summary 2. Vendor qualifications 3. Project management plan 4. Project team 5. Roles and Responsibilities 6. Delivery Schedule 7. Pricing information

Standard RFP proposal formats (from vendors)

1. Executive summary 2. Vendor qualifications 3. Project management plan 4. Project team 5. Roles and responsibilities 6. Delivery schedule 7. Pricing information

Clayton Alderfer: ERG Theory (1969)

1. Existence This relates to Maslow's definition of physiological and safety needs as those that are required to maintain basic life needs. 2. Relatedness This is similar to Maslow's descriptions of social needs and the esteem we find from others. 3. Growth This is based on the self-esteem and self-actualization concepts Maslow described.

Victor Vroom: Expectancy Theory (1964)

1. Expectancy According to Vroom's theory, motivation starts with an assessment by individuals about their capabilities to successfully complete an assignment. 2. Instrumentality If individuals believe they are capable of completing an assignment, they next ask "What's in it for me?"—that is, will their effort to complete the work be the instrument for obtaining a reward for the work? 3. Valence This is the result of calculations as to whether the possible reward is worth the effort required to successfully complete the work.

How does culture help determine the which communication strategy delivery methods to use?

1. Formal or laid-back culture 2. Which methods are the work force most accustomed to (ie Email, tech-savvy, small meetings)

What are the two ways to create a budget?

1. From historical budget information 2. Zero-based budgeting (ZBB)

Effective workforce planning

1. Goals and Objectives 2. Job Analysis 3. Identify qualified employees 4. Tactical staffing plan

In what budgeting processes are HR managers expected to participate?

1. HR specific expenses 2.Compensation and benefit information that is incorporated in the overall organization budget

What do high and low LPC scores indicate?

1. High - leader has a greater concern for people than for tasks 2. Low - greater concern for tasks

What elements are considered in situational theories?

1. How leaders and followers interact. 2. How work is structured.

What are the five questions that should be used to gather information when using Porter's 5 Forces analysis?

1. How likely is it that new competition will enter the market? 2. How reliant is the organization on its suppliers? 3. How diverse is the organization's customer base? 4. Are comparable replacement products available to customers at a reasonable cost? 5. What is the level of competition in the marketplace?

Risk Management: Four steps

1. Identify Business Assets Subject to Threats 2. Assess/Analyze the types of threats 3. Manage threats through prevention or mitigation

Scientific Method

1. Identify a problem 2. Create a hypothesis 3. Decide how to test hypothesis 4. Collect data to verify hypothesis 5. Draw conclusions. Consider if there will be a control group.

How HR educate managers about HR related risks?

1. Identify possible exposures to legal action (ie. inconsistent policy application) 2. Audit the organization's employment practices 3. Educate manager on the possible costs that could result from unlawful employment actions or inconsistent policy application 4. Develop a plan to reduce the risks, and obtain top management support 5. If losses related to employment issues have occurred in the past, develop a way to present a plan to top management for reducing the costs. of these losses.

What information does a job description contain?

1. Identifying information 2. Supervisory Responsibilities 3. Position Summary 4. Essential Functions 5. Nonessential Functions 6. Equipment Operated 7. Job Specifications 8. Physical requirements 9. Mental Requirements 10. Work Environment 11. Approvals

What are the four basic steps to managing risk?

1. Identifying the business assets subject to threats 2. assessing/analyzing the types of possible threats 3. managing threats through prevention or mitigation 4. review/monitor

OSHA - Priority

1. Immenent Danger 2. Catastrophes and Fatal Accidents 3. Complaints and Referrals 4. Programmed High-Hazard Inspections 5. Follow-Up Inspections

What are some benefits to diversity in the workplace?

1. Improved creativity - by increasing perspectives, challenging conventional wisdom, and encouraging synergy of ideas. 2. Reflects the population - attracts customers as a diverse workforce and communicate with and understand a wider customer base. 3. Increases the candidate pool

What are some examples of political situations that should be considered in a PEST analysis?

1. Increased government regulations and events that influence them, such as massive business frauds 2. Changes in employment regulations 3. For multinational corporations, the political situations in each country of operation. This includes the stability of the government, restrictive trade policies and friendliness of the government to foreign investment

Contract workers

1. Independent contractors 2. Contingent workforce

What are some sources of information for environmental scanning?

1. Industry associations 2. Government agencies 3. Trade organizations 4. Customers and suppliers 5. Business-focused cable channels 6. Business publications

What are the five phases of a project life cycle?

1. Initiation 2. Planning 3. Executing 4. Controlling 5. Closing

Locating talent

1. Internal transfer or promotion 2. External recruit 3. Alternative staffing method

How can information about the job be collected during the job analysis process?

1. Interview the incumbent if available. 2. Interview the supervisor or a group of co-workers. 3. Complete a structured or an open-ended questionnaire. 4. Complete a task inventory. 5. Observe incumbents and make notes. 6. Use work logs kept by incumbents.

What are some types of Top-Down Communication?

1. Intranet 2. Public address system announcements 3. Posters 4. Newsletters 5. Individual letters to employees 6. Flyers 7. Bulletin board postings

What are the two types of intelligence mentioned?

1. Intrapersonal 2. Interpersonal

OSHA - What must you record?

1. Is the EE covered by OSHA (All on EE'rs payroll, temps under their supervision too) 2. EE covered by new regulations? 3. is it a new case?

What are the benefits to performing an employee attitude assessment?

1. It provides insight into how well the organization is meeting employee needs 2. It provides insight into the level of employee engagement 3. It provides input for changes to a benefit package or other HR programs

Staffing process criteria

1. Job competencies 2. Job functions 3. Job specifications

What are the three situations described in Fiedler's Contingency Theory?

1. Leader-Member Relations - relationships are a key factor in determining a leader's influence 2. Task Structure - Highly structured jobs provide leader with greater influence 3. Position Power - Situations where the leader has discretion to assign tasks to, reward, or punish members provide the leader with greater chance of success

What common risks are related to the HR function?

1. Liability for questionable employment actions 2. High turnover of key talent 3. Failure to plan for executive or key position succession 4. Lack of qualified talent to achieve strategic goals

What are the factors of Frederick Herzberg's theory?

1. Motivation: factors that allow workers to develop their talents and fulfill their potential 2. Hygiene: factors that allow people to avoid unpleasant experiences

Steps to an RFP

1. Needs assessment 2. Develop the RFP 3. Proposal Solicitation 4. Evaluate the Proposal 5. Select a Vendor 6. Negotiate the Contract 7. Execute the Agreement 8. Evaluate the Project

What are some types of Bottom-Up Communication?

1. Open door policy 2. All-hands meetings 3. Staff meetings 4. Brown bag lunches 5. Ono-on-one meetings 6. Email 7. Webcasts

Data Collection methods

1. Personnel records 2. Observations 3. Interviews 4. Focus groups 5. Questionnaires

Hierarchy of Needs*

1. Physiological needs - motivated by basic needs like food and shelter. 2. Safety needs - Once they have food and shelter, they look for ways to ensure that they are safe from physical and emotional harm. 3. Social Needs - Motivated by desire for acceptance and belonging 4. Esteem needs - motivated by recognition for achievements 5. Self-actualization needs - after other needs are met people become motivated by opportunities to be creative and fulfill their own potential

What are Maslow's hierarchy of needs in order from lower- to higher-level needs and what do they entail?

1. Physiological: basic necessities of life, e.g. food, shelter 2. Safety: safe from physical and emotional harm 3. Social: desire for acceptance and belonging in one's own social group 4. Esteem: recognition of achievements 5. Self-actualization: opportunities to be creative and to fulfill one's own potential

What are the four intervention strategies from B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning and what do they entail?

1. Positive reinforcement: providing a pleasant response when wanted behavior occurs 2. Negative reinforcement: removing an unpleasant response when wanted behavior occurs 3. Punishment: providing an unpleasant response when an unwanted behavior occurs 4. Extinction: discourages future occurrence of wanted behavior by ceasing to reinforce it

What are the six core principles of the SHRM Code of Ethical and professional Standards in Human Resource Management?

1. Professional Responsibility 2. Professional Development 3. Ethical Leadership 4. Fairness and Justice 5. Conflicts of Interest 6. Use of Informaion

HR Ethics (SHRM Code) 6 Core Principles - PPEFCU

1. Professional Responsibility 2. Professional Development 3. Ethical Leadership 4. Fairness and Justice 5. Conflicts of Interest 6. Use of Information

Additional steps for Investigative Reports

1. Provide disclosure of its intent within 3 days of requesting the report from a CRA 2. Include a summary FCRA rights with written notice 3. Advise the candidate they have a right to request information about the type and extent of the investigation. 3. Provide complete disclosure of the type and extent of the report within 5 days of request or receipt.

What are some ways internal assessment information can be collected?

1. Questionnaires 2. Qualitative analyses 3. Focus groups 4. Surveys 5. Stakeholder interviews

What are some examples of technological situations that should be considered in a PEST analysis?

1. Rate of change of technology 2. Cost of purchasing new technology 3. Level of automation in an organization, which impacts the overall cost of products

Tools used to identify candidates are...

1. Resumes 2. Employment applications 3. Screening interviews

What are the four ways to manage risk?

1. Risk mitigation - take steps to reduce risk 2. Risk acceptance - the company is aware that risk could occur but decides to take the risk due to low probability or consequence 3. Risk avoidance - take steps to avoid the risk 4. Risk transfer - usually accomplished by purchasing insurance

Adult Learning*

1. Self-concept - moves from dependency to autonomy and self-direction 2. Experience - builds knowledge with each experience that can be used for further learning 3. Readiness to learn - more interested in things more relevant to their needs and how it applies to their situations 4. Orientation to learning - applying information immediately 5. Motivation to learn - based on personal needs and desires instead of expectations by others

What are the five characteristics that form the basis of andragogy today?

1. Self-concept: moving away from dependency on others to autonomy and self-direction 2. Experience: wealth of knowledge that grows with each new experience and which can be drawn on for further learning 3. Readiness to learn: level of interest based on relevance of information to specific needs and how it directly applies to current situations 4. Orientation to learning: ability to apply information immediately to solve current problems 5. Motivation to learn: based on personal needs and desires rather than expectations of others

OSHA Determined Common Characteristics of Good Plans

1. Senior Management Commitment 2. Ongoing worksite analysis 3. Active hazard prevention and control programs 4. Safety and Health Training is ongoing.

What are some examples of environmental scanning tools?

1. Statistical models 2. SWOT Analysis 3. PEST Analysis 4. Porter's 5 Forces

Criminal records check can uncover:

1. Substance abuse 2. Violent behavior 3. Property crimes

Substance Abuse Components of a good Plan

1. Support for substance abuse policy 2. Written Policy 3. Training 4. Education 5. EAP 6. Ongoing and fair drug testing policy

How can information for an employee attitude assessment be gathered?

1. Surveys (in-house or outsourced) 2. Interviews 3. Focus groups

What are the four styles of leadership listed in the Hersey-Blanchard Theory?

1. Telling - when followers are immature or inexperienced, leader must be more directive by providing guidelines and defining roles. 2. Selling - When followers have some experience, leaders direct but in a more general sense. Emphasis is on followers who have the motivation but lack experience. 3. Participating - Followers have experience but lack motivation and require support to encourage them to act on their own. 4. Delegating - Followers have experience and motivation. Leader identifies the goal and followers are accountable for producing results.

What do human relations theories recognize about businesses?

1. That they are social as well as economic systems. 2. employees are complex individuals 3. employees are motivated at different times by different factors 4. increased productivity could be tied to employee job satisfaction

What information is used to evaluate the possibility and terms of an EPLI policy?

1. The employer's HR policies 2. Any lawsuits or claims filed by employees or former employees 3. Employer's operations and size

What are the major criticisms of situational theories?

1. They are two dimensional and do not allow for multifaceted situations that occur in the real business world. 2. Don't account for differences in culture and gender.

What are the two key considerations for documenting performance concerns?

1. Timeliness 2. Creating and maintaining written documentation for disciplinary actions taken as appropriate and warranted based on the seriousness of the performance issue

Identifying information

1. Title of the position 2. department 3. supervisor's title 4. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exemption status 5. Salary range or grade 6. Date it was created

Why is it important to maintain proper documentation of employment actions?

1. To comply with federal, state or local employment laws 2. To provide necessary information for effective management of the organization

What two opportunities does an effective communication strategy provide?

1. Top down communication by management 2. bottom up communication from employees

What are some examples of disciplinary actions?

1. Verbal warning 2. First written warning 3. Final written warning 4. Decision-making day 5. Suspension 6. Termination of employment

Documenting Performance Issues: Steps

1. Verbal warning (written record) 2. First written warning 3. Final written warning 4. Decision-making day 5. Suspension 6. Termination

What questions help determine the best delivery methods for an effective communication strategy?

1. What information will be provided? 2. Who is the intended audience? 3. Who will provide the information? 4. Is the information time sensitive?

What are three characteristics of an emotionally intelligent person?

1. able to motivate themselves to achieve goals 2. sensitive to the emotion of others 3. able to manage relationships

What two purposes does an effective HRIS serve?

1.Being a repository of information 2.Being an aid to effective decision making

What are the two types of metrics that are useful to HR professionals?

1.Business impact measures 2.Tactical accountability measures

What are some examples of quantitative analysis tools?

1.Correlation measures 2.Measures of central tendency 3.Time-series forecasts 4.Simulation models 5.Ratios

What are some examples of HRISs and what do they do?

1.Employee self-service (ESS) - allows employees to access their own records through some type of automated system 2.Applicant tracking system (ATS) - provides an automated method for keeping track of job applicants 3.Hiring management system (HMS) - a more sophisticated ATS that carries the employer brand throughout the application process 4.Learning management system (LMS) - streamlines the administration of employee training programs 5.Learning and performance management system (LPMS) - an LMS that incorporates functions for managing performance and that can track individual awards 6.Learning content management system (LCMS) - used to create, deliver and modify training course content

What are the five steps of the scientific method?

1.Identify a problem 2.Create a hypothesis 3.Decide how to test the hypothesis 4.Collect data to verify the hypothesis 5.Draw conclusions/analyze the data

What are some examples of tactical accountability metrics?

1.Job satisfaction 2.Organizational commitment and involvement 3.Training cost per employee 4.Cost per hire 5.Turnover and retention 6.Absenteeism and sick-leave use and frequency 7.Grievance rates 8.Terminations as a percent of population

What are some of the central tendency measures?

1.Mean average 2.Mode 3.Median 4.Moving average 5.Weighted average 6.Weighted moving average

What are some examples of time-series forecasting tools?

1.Trend analysis 2.Simple linear regression 3.Multiple linear regression

What information should be found in a business case?

1.What criteria will be used to determine success 2.Alternative ways to execute the action 3.Possible risks that could result from implementing or not implementing the proposal 4.An extended timeline which demonstrates the impact on cash flow and identifies where cost reductions or gains are to be expected 5.The description of the basis for quantifying benefits and costs so that those reviewing the proposal clearly understand the assumptions that led to the final recommendation or decision

When conducting a needs analysis in order to select an HRIS, what questions should be answered?

1.What information will be converted to the HRIS, and how is it currently maintained? 2.Will the system need to integrate or share data with other company systems? 3.Who will have access to the information, and how many levels of access will be needed? 4.What kinds of reports will need to be produced based on the information? 5.Will the HRIS be accessible via the intranet or the Web? If so, what security will be in place to protect the privacy of employees and prevent identity theft?

Magna Carta

1215 doctrine which established the concept of Due Process. This was later put into the Bill of Rights to protect us citizens from actions of government.

Philip Crosby

14 pt quality management with 4 quality absolutes (duty of quality, zero defects, prevention system, measurement of quality)

Leadership Concepts: Behavioral Theories

1940's leadership could be taught, behavioral research focused on two areas; 1. structuring jobs, rules and guidelines 2. Considerations of employees (Theory x/y) etc. Faults were situational analysis.

When were behavioral theories first considered and what was the main premise of the theories?

1940s Anyone could become a leader with the right information.

Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid

1968 A grid that considers two aspects of leadership: concerns for people and concerns for production. Uses nine levels. Leaders at the lowest extreme (1,1) show no concern for people or production. Leaders at the highest extreme (9,9) show maximum concern for both and are the most effective leaders.

Path-Goal Theory

1971 Robert House, Wharton School of Business A leader can impact behavior of a group by establishing goals and providing direction on reading those goals.

Amendments to Title VII: Equal Employment Opportunity Act

1972, created the EEOC, extended coverage to educational institutions, state and local governments, federal government. Reduced the number of people required at an Ee'r for eligibility 25 to 15, required EE'rs to keep records.

Albermarle Paper v. Moody

1975 court ruling that items used to validate employment requirements must be job related

Albemarle Paper v. Moody Albemarle Paper v. Moody

1975 court ruling that items used to validate employment requirements must be job-related.The Albemarle Paper Company required job applicants to pass different employment tests, some of which were believed to be poor predictors of job success. In 1975, the Court ruled that items used to validate employment requirements must themselves be job-related. Any test used for promotion or selection of employees (including performance appraisals) must be a valid predictor for a particular job.

Hersey-Blanchard Theory

1977 Describes leadership in terms of the maturity levels of the followers. Psychological maturity - motivation Job task maturity - Level of experience

City of Richmond v J.A. Croson Company

1989 Court ruling that the numerical quota system of Richmond, VA, was unconstitutional because the city had not laid the proper groundwork and had not adequately identified or documented discrimination.

American with Diabilities Act

1990, Based on the Rehabilitation Act, extended protected class to disabled. Applies to EE'rs with 15 or more EE's who have worked 20 or more weeks in the current or previous year. Federal government and 501c private clubs are excluded. Requires EE'rs to make reasonable accomodations, facilities and position requirements. Allows for undue hardships to not be required, defined as excessive burden, cost, financial resources, size, and other factors.


2008, more broadly defined disability, substantially limits major life activities,

Mentoring Programs

A mentor is generally an experienced individual who acts as a teacher, guide, counselor, or facilitator and provides personalized feedback and guidance to a more junior colleague. Traditionally, informal interest, rather than formal. Programs formalize this concept and provide it to a diverse group of people.

Herzberg's theory

A need theory that distinguishes between motivator needs (related to the nature of the work itself) and hygiene needs (related to the physical and psychological context in which the work is performed) and proposes that motivator needs must be met for motivation and job satisfaction to be high.

How is liability created through a tort?

A party who has been injured is able to sue the wrongdoer and collect damages for the injury that has been done.

The talent assessment

A process in which the organization's workforce will be aligned with the key business initiatives


A projection of revenue and expenses used to control actual expenses.

Point Factor

A set of compensable factors are identified as determining the worth of jobs. Typically the compensable factors include the major categories of: Skill-Responsibilities-Effort-Working Conditions

Management by Objective (MBO)

A system of goal setting and implementation; it involves a cycle of discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives among top and middle-level managers, supervisors, and employees.

Risk management

A systematic, proactive approach for addressing business risks.

403 (b) Plan

A tax-deferred retirement plan that may only be established by certain nonprofit organizations such as churches and public school systems

career portfolio

A tool that is used to gather information about an individual's education, skills, training, appraisals, awards, and samples of work.

The interest assessment

A tool used retain valuable employees by keeping them interested and engaged with the organization.

Tactical Measures

Accession Rate (new EE's / Total EE's), Quality of Hire (Performance ratings of new EE's), Cost per Hire, Time to hire, Replacement Cost, Turnover Analysis.

Managing Risk: ADA

Accomodation request forms can help manage process. 1. Employer requests an accomodation, given form. 2. EE obtains physician certification 3. HR obtains supervisor response 6. HR facilitates meeting with EE and supervisor 7. Management review 8. EE Appeal Process.

Job applicant

According to EEO regulations, anyone who expresses an interest in employment, regardless of whether that person meets the employer's minimum qualifications for the job.

Porter's 5 Forces

According to Michael Porter in 1980, five forces that are found in all businesses: 1. New competitors 2. Suppliers 3. Buyers 4. Alternative products available to consumers 5. The type and level of industry competition

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

According to the CDC, no outbreaks since 2004,

Acquired Needs Theory

Achievement - Those motivated by achievement take moderate risks to achieve goals, respond to frequent feedback, and prefer to work alone or people interested in achieving at the same level Affiliation - Those who need affiliation look for acceptance within work and need interaction Power - Those looking for institutional power make good managers and are motivated by coordinating work groups to achieve organizational goals

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

Act that changed corporate governance and reporting standars and underscored board of director's responsibility to help ensure financial accountability, accuracy, and compliance.

Lilly Ledbetter Act

Act that creates a rolling time frame for filing wage discrimination claims and expands plaintiff field beyond employee who was discriminated against. 180-380 day frame but resets from last pay

Copyright Act

Act that defines the right or privilege of an author or proprietor to exclude others from printing or otherwise duplicating, distributing, or vending copies of his or her literary, artistic, and other creative expressions.

U.S. Patent Act

Act that established U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Davis-Bacon Act

Act that established prevailing wage and benefit requirements for contractors on federally funded construction projects.

Davis-Bacon Act

Act that established prevailing wage and benefit requirements for contractors on federally funded construction projects. The Davis-Bacon Act requires contractors and subcontractors on federally funded construction projects in excess of $2,000 in the U.S. to pay wages and benefits at least equal to those prevailing in the area where the work is performed. The law includes only laborers and mechanics who are employed on the job site.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

Act that established uniform minimum standards for employer-sponsored retirement and health and welfare benefit programs.

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Act that expands the possible damage awards available to victims of intentional discrimination to include compensatory and punitive damages; gives plaintiffs in cases of alleged intentional discrimination the right to a jury trial. (not age, not disbaility)

Consumer Credit Protection Act

Act that limits the amount of wages that can be garnished or withheld in any one week by an employer to satisfy creditors.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Act that made changes to improve health-care coverage portability and accessibility and provide medical record privacy and security.

Employee Polygraph Protection Act

Act that makes it unlawful for employers to use polygraphs in employment decisions except for a few narrowly defined exceptions for "security-sensitive" positions.

Electronic communications Privacy Act (ECPA)

Act that makes it unlawful to intercept messages in transmission, access stored information on electronic communication services, or disclose this information.

The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

Act that pertains to employers with annual federal contracts of $100,000 or more. Under this act, employers must: (1) develop and publish a written policy, (2) establish an awareness program, (3) notify employees about contract conditions, (4) notify the contracting agency of violations, (5) establish penalties for illegal drug convictions, and (6) maintain a drug-free workplace.

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.

Act that prohibits all current, past, and future obligations are from discrimination

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Act that prohibits discrimination against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such individual.

Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act

Act that prohibits discrimination against certain veterans by the U.S. government and federal contractors.

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

Act that prohibits discrimination against job applicants on the basis of national origin or citizenship; establishes penalties for hiring illegal aliens and requires employers to establish each employee's identity and eligibility to work.

Rehabilitation Act

Act that prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities.

Rehabilitation Act

Act that prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities. 150/150 2 years

Copeland Act

Act that prohibits federal contractors from receiving kickbacks from employees or subcontractors for wages earned on federal projects

Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act

Act that prohibits federal contractors from receiving kickbacks from employees or subcontractors for wages earned on federal projects.

Equal Pay Act (EPA)

Act that prohibits wage discrimination by requiring equal pay for equal work.

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

Act that protects privacy of background information and ensures that information supplied is accurate.

Privacy Act

Act that protects the employment records of federal government employees from disclosure without prior authorization.

Landrum Griffin Act

Act that protects the rights of union members from corrupt or discriminatory labor unions; also known as Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA)

Stored Communications Act

Act that protectsprivacy of e-mail in storage.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Act that provides employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for family members or because of a serious health condition of the employee.

Trademark Act

Act that provides federal protection for trademarks and service marks.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Act that provides individuals and dependents who may lose medical coverage with opportunity to pay to continue coverage.

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT)

Act that provides some relief to employers using third parties to conduct workplace investigations.

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)

Act that reduced compensation limits in qualified retirement programs.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Act that regulates employee status, overtime pay, child labor, minimum wage, record keeping, and other administrative concerns.

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) > 100 EEs

Act that requires some employers to give a minimum of 60 days' notice if a plant is to close or if mass layoffs will occur.

Congressional Accountability Act

Act that requires that federal employee relations legislation enacted by congress apply to employees of Congress.

Conciliation Agreement

Action Orientated Programs


Action of canceling or postponing a decision or bill.

OD Interventions

Action strategies directed towards structures, processes, technology, individuals, groups of individuals, or entire organizations.

Career planning

Actions and activities that individuals perform in order to give direction to their work life.

Developmental activities

Activities that focus on preparing employees for future responsibilities while increasing their capacity to perform their current jobs

Job Enlargement

Adding similar responsibilities, that do not add to level of responsibility or skill. Can be taken positively and negatively by the employee.

Workforce Expansion

Adding to the workforce.

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act

Adjusts vesting schedules, increases retirement plan limits, permits catch-up contributions by participants over age 50 in certain plans, and modifies distribution and rollover rules

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bottom up budgeting?

Advantage: operating managers are committed to the budget they helped to create. Disadvantage: Amount of time required, lack of big picture view of the operating managers, initial budget requests may be unrealistic.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of top down budgeting?

Advantages: Senior management has complete control of how and where the money is spent, benefiting senior management. Disadvantages: Those creating the budget are often far removed from actual operations and do not know what is needed to accomplish the goals they establish. Often results in political battles as mid and low level managers lobby senior management for funds.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires as a data source?

Advantages: they can be an effective means of gathering information from large groups of geographically dispersed employees Disadvantages: limited in the types of data that can be collected

What are the advantages and disadvantages of focus groups as a data source?

Advantages: they can be an effective method for gathering data for HR analysis Disadvantages: the quality of data acquired depends on the participants' willingness to open up, this can be inhibited by the presence of co-worker or supervisors

What are the advantages and disadvantages of interviews as a data source?

Advantages: they provide direct information about a problem; they can provide more information than records Disadvantages: the data's relevance depends on the frankness of the interviewees and their willingness to share information; they are time-consuming and may not be cost-effective because of that

Small Business Job Protection Act

Affects employee benefit programs, changes the rules concerning 401(k) and IRA accounts, and provides tax incentives for businesses, along with changes in reporting requirements

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Age Discrimination in Employment Act - ADEA and Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA.

State (public) employment agencies

Agencies that provide employee screening, testing, and referral at no cost to the employer.

Extended organization

Alliance between organizations to create processes and information channels that allow communication and collaboration.

Quantitative Analysis: Simulation Models

Allow for multiple plans to be tested in abstract form.

Leadership Styles: Laissez-faire

Allow group members to operate on their own, generally results in lower levels of productivity.

School-to-work programs

Allow organizations to partner with communities and schools to help develop the skilled workforce they will need for the future.

Clawback provision

Allows a publicly traded company to take back previous executive incentive-based compensation in specific circumstances.

Family and Medical Leave Act

Allows employees to take 12 weeks per year of unpaid leave for birth or adoption of a child or serious health condition of themselves or an immediate family member. Expanded by National Defense Authorizatoin Act for Fiscal 2008 and 2010; added two new FMLA-qualifying events; qualifying exigency leave and military caregiver leave

Laissez-faire Leader

Allows group to work on own. Usually experiences lower productivity

PEST Analysis

Also known as a STEP analysis. Scan of the external environment to identify opportunities and threats as part of a SWOT analysis. PEST is an acronym for political, economic, social, and technological factors.

Gantt Chart

Also known as a horizontal bar chart, plots sequenced activities over time

moving average

Also known as a rolling average. Average calculated for a specific period. For example, the average number of new hires each month for the past 12 months. As the number for the most recent month is added, the oldest number is dropped.


Also known as the average. Quantitative measurement calculated by taking the sum of the values in a set of numbers and dividing by the number of values in the set.

Equal Pay Act

Amendment to FLSA; prohibits unequal pay for males and females with equal skill, effort and responsibility under similar working conditions; no employers are exempt

Employee Commuting Flexibility Act

Amendment to the Portal-to-Portal Act; clarifies that commuting time is not paid working time.

ADA Amendments Act

Amendments to ADA, covering mitigating measures and definition of individuals regarded as having a disability

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

Amends IRS code and ERISA to require that most employers provide continued group health insurance coverage to terminated or separated employees and family members at group rates (plus administrative costs), paid by employees

Equal Employment Opportunity Act

Amends Title VII; increases enforcement powers of EEOC; adds employees of state and local government and educational institutions

Portal to Portal Act

Amends the FLSA; defines "hours worked" and describes general rules for time worked

Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act

Amends the Mental Health Parity Act. Requires that plans that offer medical/surgical benefits and mental health and/or substance use disorder benefits provide parity between both types of benefits with respect to financial requirements (deductibles, co-payments, coinsurance, out of pocket expenses and annual limits) and treatment requirements (frequency of treatment, number of visits, days of coverage, etc.)


Americans with Disabilities Act 15 or more employees


Amount advanced on future commissions.

Excess group-term life insurance

Amount of employer-provided group-term life insurance over $50,000.


Amount of owners' or shareholders' portion of a business.

DMAIC: Analyze

An Analysis of the data is made to identify gaps between the goal and actual performance, explain why the gaps occurred, and rank possible improvements.

Fiscal year

An annual reporting period that is different from the calendar year

LaRue v DeWolff

An application of the ERISA prudent person rule. Authorized recovery of lost plan assets in a participant's individual account. Opens employers and plan administrators to suits by participants in defined contribution retirement programs when actions constitute a breach of fiduciary duty

When performing an internal assessment of an organization's strengths and weaknesses the areas to be reviewed will depend on the nature of the business. Regardless of this, what should the assessment include?

An assessment of the performance of every function of the business.

Exit Interview

An effective exit interview provides an opportunity for employees to communicate information to the organization. Ideally a third party conducts the interview so the EE can be candid.


An employee who is behaving in constrast of their work duties.


An individual builds a wealth of knowledge which can be drawn upon.

CRA sliding scale

An organization with 101-200 employees would pay a maximum damage award of $100,000. Organizations with 15-100 employees would have a maximum damage award of $50,000, organizations with 201-500 employees would have a maximum damage award of $200,000, and organizations with 501+ employees would have a maximum damage award of $300,000

Fetal protection policies

Attempts to protect the fetus from workplace hazards.

Qualitative analysis

Based on research that supplies non-numeric data, for example, through the use of interviews, open-ended survey questions, and other methods that gather attitudes, opinions, and feelings.

Budgeting: Historic Information

Bases the current budget on the prior year's budget, historical trends.

Budgets based on historical information

Bases the current budget on the prior's year budget using historical trends. Can be increased by a flat percentage rate based on inflation or anticipated salary increases. Assumes that nothing will change from the last budget.

Base pay

Basic compensation an employee receives, usually as a wage or salary.

Job Description Sections: Identifying Information

Basics: Title, department, salary etc...

How must HR programs address change?

By being flexible enough to take in the changes while continuing to serve the needs of people in the organization.

Grutter v. Bollinger

Case in which Supreme Court held that University of Michigan's law school admission program was sufficiently "narrowly tailored" to consider race as a factor in admission decisions in order to achieve goal of a diverse student body.

Gratz v. Bollinger

Case in which Supreme Court held that University of Michigan's undergraduate admission program was not sufficiently "narrowly tailored" to consider race as a factor in admission decisions in order to achieve goal of a diverse student body.

McKennon v. Nashville Banner Publishing Co.

Case in which Supreme Court held that evidence of misconduct aquired after the decision to terminate cannot free an employer from liability, even if the misconduct would have justified terminating the employee.

General Dynamics Land Systems v. Cline

Case in which Supreme Court held that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act does not protect younger workers, even if they are over age 40, from workplace decisions that favor older workers.

PepsiCo v Redmond

Case in which district court applied inevitable disclosure doctrine even though there was no noncompete agreement in place. An employee who had left his position in marketing PepsiCo's All Sport sports drink to work for Quaker Oats and Company and market Gatorade and Snapple drinks was enjoined from working for Quaker because he had detained knowledge of PepsiCo's trade secrets pertaining to pricing, market strategy, and selling/delivery systems

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green

Case that established criteria for disparate treatment.

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v Green

Case that established the criteria for disparate treatment discrimination

Griggs v Duke Power

Case that recognized adverse impact discrimination

Learning Curves: S-Shaped

Combination of Positive and Negative, representative of slow start-up a period of rapid learning with a leveling off at the end.


Combining several salary grades or job classifications with narrow pay ranges into one band with a wider salary spread.

return on investment (ROI)

Commonly used metric calculated by dividing the benefits realized as a result of a program by the total related direct and indirect costs.

Risk Management: Risk Avoidance

Company takes steps to avoid the risk.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Company-sponsored programs that deliver a variety of health-related services, which are provided by licensed professionals or organizations and offer employees a high degree of confidentiality.

Job Description

Compiles all the information collected during a job analysis, is used for applicants/recruiters to determine fit, performance management, pay levels, reasonable accomodations for disabilities.

Finance and Accounting functions' goals

Comply with Federal and local laws regulations To provide accurate and understandable information about organization's financial to provide control To Manage the organization financial resources and assets

Safety Committees

Composed of workers from different levels and departments who are involved in safety planning and programs.

Skill banks

Computerized talent or skill inventories that can furnish a list of qualified people.

Skill tracking systems

Computerized talent or skill inventories that can furnish a list of qualified people.

Strategy Development

Conduct a SWOT analysis including environmental scan. Establish long-term objectives Identify Strategies

Needs Assessment Step 3

Conduct a gap analysis

Health Hazard Evaluations

Conducted by NIOSH, always occur at the request of an EE'r, EE, or government agency.


Considers the characteristic being measured by a test and whether the test is measuring the characteristic accurately.


Considers the characteristics being measured by a test and whether the test is measuring the characteristic accurately


Consists of composing GOALS and OBJECTIVES, defining a TARGET AUDIENCE, and selecting an INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER.


Consists of ongoing meetings between supervisors and employees to discuss the employee's career goals.

Types of Interviews: Directive Interviews

Controlled and guided by the interviewer with a predetermined set of questions asked of all candidates.

Candidate Testing Programs: Pyschomotor

Coordination and manual dexterity.

Public Domain

Copyrights protecy original works for the life of the author plus 70 years. Works for hire shorter of 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation.

Maturity curves

Correlate pay with time spent in a professional field such as teaching or research.

Porter's Competitive Strategies

Cost Leadership Differentiation Focus

Expatriate issues

Cost, Foreign Business Practices, Cultural Acclimation

Break - Even Analysis

Cost/Savings x Time (Time usually calculated in 12 months)

Clara county trasprtation Vs

County was justified for giving women jobs who scored 2 pooints less

School Board of Nassau v Arline

Court ruled that persons with contagious diseases could be covered by the Rehabilitation Act

United Steelworkers v Weber

Court ruling dealing with reverse discrimination charges; upheld that Title VII allows for voluntary, private, race-conscious programs aimed at eliminating racial imbalance in traditionally segregated job categories.

St. Mary's Honor Center v. Hicks

Court ruling that Title VII plaintiff must show that discrimination was the real reason for an employer's actions.

Leggett v First National Bank of Oregon

Court ruling that an employer had invaded an employee's privacy when a representative of the company met with a psychologist (to whom the employee had been referred by an EAP) and questioned him about her condition

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

Court ruling that colleges and universities could legitimately consider race as a factor in the admissions process

Washington v. Davis

Court ruling that dealt with job testing and discrimination.

Divisional organization structure

Decentralized structure, organized by criteria such as market or industry, that places responsibility for all business functions on the executives for the division. The divisions report to the CEO.


Decentralized; based on market, product, region, or customer; "dotted line" accountability to corporate

Mental Models

Deep seated beliefs that color perceptions and affect how individuals see the world around them.

Job Specifications

Define expectations for performance.

Traditional model of project management

Define problem and gain support Plan project Implement project plan Monitor, control, and adapt Evaluate outcomes

Needs Assessment Step 2

Define the current situation

Job Analysis

Defines KSAs (knowledge skills abilities)

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Defines pregnancy as a short-term disability and states that employees must receive the same benefits as for any other short-term disability; falls within Title VII prohibition of sexual discrimination; employers with 15 or more employees are covered

Copyright Act

Defines the protection provided to authors of "original works" to exclude others from printing or otherwise duplicating, distributing, or vending copies of his or her literary, artistic, and other creative expressions, including through the various means of technology

Job Analysis

Defining a job so it can be understood in the context of accomplishing org. goals and objectives. Info collected in a number of ways: Interview the incumbent, interview the supervisor and peers, complete a structured or open-ended questionnaire, Complete a task inventory, Observe incumbents and take notes, Utilize work logs kept by incumbents. Focus on the job, not the individual.

Content validity

Degree to which and interview, test, or other selection device measures the knowledge, skills, abilities, or other qualifications that are part of the job.


Degree to which decision making authority is restricted to higher levels of management in an organization.


Degree to which decision-making authority is given to lower levels in an organization's hierarchy.

Organizational Profile

Depicts the staffing pattern of a facility to determine if barriers to equal employment opportunity exist within any organizational unit.Should includeThe organizational profile should provide detail on the name of the unit; the job title, gender, race, and ethnicity of the supervisor (if there is one); the total number of female (F) and male (M) incumbents; and the total number of male and female incumbents in each of the following groups: African-Americans (AA), Hispanics (H), Asians (A)/Pacific Islanders (PI), and American Indians (AI)/Alaskan Natives (AN)

Needs Assessment Step 1

Describe the objective


Describe what is important to an organization, disctate employee behavior, and create the organization's culture.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Describes activities that take place once the intitial response to the emergency is over.

Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ)

Describes how people deal with their feelings and how they perceive and interact with others. Intervention seeks to improve the individual interactions and increase individual effectiveness.

Emergency Response Plan

Describes how the organization will respond to different emergency situations. The OSHA Emergency Action Plan will be a part of the ERP.

Systems Thinking

Describes the ability of individuals and organizations to observe patterns and project how changes will impact them.

Project Management

Describes the process of initiating, planning, executing, controling, and closing an assignment.

Quantitative Analysis: Correlation Coefficient

Describes the relationship between the two variables and is stated as a number between -1.0 and 1.0. Negative - down trend line, Positive - up. Zero correlation, straight line.

Realistic Job Preview

Designed to give candidates an accurate picture of a typical day on the job.

Organizational Structures

Designed to provide a framework that keeps information flowing to he functions and employees who need it to keep the organization moving forward.

Actions plans

Detailed steps a unit, department, or team will take in order to achieve short-term objectives

Cause-and-effect diagram

Diagram that maps out a list of factors that are thought to affect a problem or a desired outcome.

Scatter diagram

Diagram that shows the relationship between data items using x and y axes.


Differences in characteristics of people; can involve personality, work style, race, age, ethnicity, gender, religion, education, functional level at work, etc.

Human Process Interventions

Directed at developing competencies at the individual level within the organization. Team building, conflict resolution, management by objectives, leadership and management development, supervisory training, and developing an understanding emotional intelligence.

Program Delivery: Self-study

Directed entirely by the learner

Six Sigma

Disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects.


Discourages future occurrences by ceasing to reinforce it.

Motivation Concepts: Operant Conditioning: Extinction

Discourages future occurrences by ceasing to reinforce it.


Discourages future occurrences by providing an unpleasant response

Motivation Concepts: Operant Conditioning: Punishment

Discourages future occurrences by providing an unpleasant response when the behavior occurs.

Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD)

Disease caused by repetitive motion that affects muscles, nerves, tendon, ligaments, joints, cartilage, blood vessels, and spinal disks; also called cumulative trauma syndrome (CTS), cumulative trauma disorder (CTD), or repetitive stress injury.

Smith v Jackson Mississippi

Disparate impact claims against ADEA can happen; the employer need only show that its practice/policy was based on reasonable factors other than age (lesser standard than Title VII)

Circuit City Stores Vs.

Disputes settled by Arbitration


Distance between highest and lowest scores in a set of data.

Annual EEO Survey

EEO-1 must be filed on or before September 30 of each year using employment data from any pay period during July, August or September of that year. All EE'rs who meet the following criteria must complete the report; Private EE'rs subject to VII with 100 or more EE's except, state and local governments, primary and secondary schools, institutes of higher education, indian tribes, tax exempt private clubs.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

EGESP, jointly developed by the EEOC and Civil Service Commission, OFCCP, and DOJ to assist EE'rs with requirements of Title VII. EGESP states any practice that has a adverse impact on a protected class is discriminatory, unless the tool is job-related and a valid predictor of success. 80/20 rule or 4/5ths rule. Selection rate for a protected class is less than 4/5ths that of the group with the highest selection rate.

Appraisal Methods: Comparison: Ranking

Employees are listed in order from highest to lowest performer. Works for small groups, hard for larger ones.

Employee Self Service (ESS)

Employees can access their own records through an automated system. Frees HR staff from some lesser value adding employee relations responsibilities.

Nonexempt employees

Employees covered under FLSA regulations, including minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.

Organizational Structures: Matrix Structure

Employees report to two managers, generally one for a product line and the other has a functional responsibility. A VP of marketing and the production manager would both supervise the marketing coordinator. Matrix is advantageous because it encourages communication and cooperation, must have a high level of trust and communication from employees at all levels.

OSHA Consultants

Employers can use free training services to learn about safety, once a consultant is in place, must abate any violations, consultant will refer the violation to an OSHA inspector.

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

Established first national policy for safety and health; delivers standards that employers must meet to guarantee the health and safety of their employees

US Patent Act

Established the US Patent and Trademark Office

Homeland Security Act

Established to secure the US against terrorist attacks and other threats and hazards and ensure safe and secure borders

Employee Retirement Income Security Act

Establishes uniform minimum standards to ensure that employee benefit plans are established and maintained in a fair and financially sound manner; protects employees covered by a pension plan from losses in benefits due to job changes, plant closings, bankruptcies, or mismanagement; covers most interstate employers

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Estimate of the total value of goods and services produced in a country in a given year.

Job ranking

Evaluation method that establishes a hierarchy of jobs from lowest to highest based on overall importance to the organization.

Compliance evaluation

Evaluation that requires an organization to provide details on and documentation of its affirmative action plan.

Waffle house vs

Even if there is a mandatory arbitration agmt the Civil Rights Agency can still sue

Chemical Health Hazards

Every chemical should have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

SWOT Analysis

Examination of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing an organization. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that can be controlled by the organization; opportunities and threats are external factors that may impact an organization's plans.

Risk assessment

Examines each risk identified in the risk analysis and considers the probability that each risk will occur and the consequences to the company if it does occur. The level of risk is measure by the formula: Risks = Probability x Consequences

Organizational Structures: Geographic Structure

Executives in regional areas are responsible for all the business functions in their assigned region. Makes the most sense when there are common requirements in the region that are different from the requirements in other regions. Geographic structures are decentralized, with most decisions made at the local level.

Clayton Act

Exempts unions from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act; limits the use of injunctions to stop a strike

ERG Theory

Existence - needs that are required to maintain basic life needs Relatedness - social needs and the esteem we find from others Growth - Self-actualization concept

How do Aldefer's level of needs relate to Maslow's?

Existence - physiological and safety Relatedness - social and esteem Growth - esteem and self-actualization

Employees or Contractors: Type of Relationship

Existence of a written contract, benefits (insurance, pension, vacation), permanency of relationship, extent to which services are performed on a regular basis,

HR Audit: Labor Relations

Existence of labor unions, collective bargaining agreements, and union avoidance practices are examined.

What are the three levels of needs in Clayton Alderfer's ERG Theory?

Existence, relatedness and growth.

Professional Development

Expand your knowledge of the profession and the organization in which you work

Civil Rights Act (1991)

Expands the possible damage awards available to victims of intentional discrimination to include compensatory and punitive damages

Performance standards

Expectations of management translated into behaviors and results that employees can deliver.

Accrued expense

Expenses that have been incurred but not yet paid. Such as vacation leave.

Accrued Expense

Expenses, such as vacation leave, that have been incurred, but not yet paid.

Civil Service Reform Act

Extends collective bargaining rights to federal employees

Emergency-shift pay

Extra pay that employees receive when they are called into work during an emergency (e.g., a power outage).

WARN: Exemptions

Faltering Company (actively seeking funding that could keep the doors open), Unforeseeable business circumstance (unexpected loss of client), natural disaster.

Faragher and Ellerth

Faragher and Ellerth cases, the Supreme Court distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action (such as discharge, failure to promote, or demotion) and supervisor harassment that does not. When harassment results in a tangible adverse employment action, the employer is always liable. However, if no tangible adverse employment action was taken against the employee, an employer may establish an affirmative defense to liability and damages. In order to do so, the employer must demonstrate that it exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct the harassing behavior and that the plaintiff who suffered the harassment unreasonably failed to take advantage of preventive and corrective opportunities.

Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA)

Federal EE's equivalent of workers compensation.


Federal contractors or subcontractors of $50,000+ entered into prior to Dec 1 2003. Requires contractors and subcontractors with 50+ employees to develop an AAP for vets

Unholy Trinity

Fellow Servant Rule, Doctrine of Contributory Negligence, Voluntary Assumption of Risk


Fills corporate positions in the home country with expatriates, while management positions in the home country are filled by home country nationals. Benefits: goodwill, cost Disadvantages: Limited upward mobility of home office staff, could limit communication because of cultural differences.

Audited financial statements

Financial statements that have been examined by an independent auditor to determine whether they fairly represent the financial condition of the business

Audited Financial Statements

Financial statements that have been examined by an independent auditor.


Financial, physical, and sometimes intaginble properties an organization owns


First priority - extraordinary ability, outstanding professors and researchers, multinational managers and executives.

ADDIE model

Five step instructional design process that governs the development of human resource development programs. (A)ssessment, (D)esign, (D)evelopment, (I)mplement, (E)valuate


Five-step instructional design process that governs the development of human resource development programs.


Fixed hiring and promotion rates based on race, gender, or other protected-class standards that must be met.

Transformation Leadership

Focuses on the relationships in the group, building them to achieve organizational goals.

What are the characteristics of transformational leadership?

Focuses on the relationships in the group, building them to achieve organizational goals. Set the ideal for the group and act as role models. Inspires excellence and stimulates new ideas and perspectives. Act as coaches who work with individuals to develp skills and abilities and improve performance.

Leadership Styles: Transformational

Focuses on the relationships in the group, building them to achieve organizational goals. Set the ideal, act as rolemodels, inspiring excellence and stimulating new ideas and perspectives. Coaches who work with individuals to develop their skills and abilities.

OSHA priority

Follow-up inspections are given fifth priority by OSHA. Imminent danger is given first priority by OSHA. Complaints and referrals are given third priority by OSHA. Programmed high-hazard inspections are given fourth priority by OSHA.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Hershey-Blanchard Theory: Participating

Followers have ability but may lack motivation, require support to encourage them to act.


For working employees over the age of 65, the employer's health plan is primary. If the the organization has fewer than 20 employees, Medicare can be primary for active employees age 65 and older

Formative evaluation

Formative evaluation is used during the design phase of training to test and preview training content before it is delivered to the participants. It is not a common intervention used for human process interventions. Common interventions used for human process interventions include: team-building activities, conflict resolution, management by objective programs, leadership and management development, and supervisory training.

Program Delivery: E-Learning: Online Bulletin Boards

Forums, trainees can post questions and share information with each other. May be supervised or faciliatated by a leader knowledgeable in the subject matter.

Leadership Concepts: Contingency Theories: Fiedler's Contingency Theory

Fred Fiedler addresses some of the concerns with situational theories, begins with assessment of the leaders style. Least preferred co-worker, LPC, rates the person, ends up with a score. Task vs. People concern. Then addresses when a leader would have a better chance of success. Situations evaluated on three metrics: Leader-member relations, Task Structure, Position Power.

Nonessential Functions (Nonessential job functions)

Functions that can be performed as part of another job in the organization. For ADA purposes, these job can be moved into another job description as reasonable accommodation for a disabled employee who is fully qualified to perform the essential job functions.

Immigration and Nationality Act

Fundamental body of US immigration law. Provisions apply to all employers. Addresses employment eligibility and employment verification; defines the conditions for the temporary and permanent employment of aliens in the US

Career Portfolio

Gathering information about an employees, education, skills, on-the-job-training, completed development programs, performance appraisals, awards, noteworthy accomplishments, and samples of work. Information to plan development opportunities.

Employee Attitude Assessment

Gathering information about employees attitudes and opinions provides insight into how well the organization is meeting employee needs.

Managed care

General term for a medical plan that seeks to ensure that the treatments a person receives are medically necessary and provided in a cost-effective manner.


Generally combination of lecture and presentation with question and answer sessions involving the participants.


Gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling anything that embodies or uses an invention.

Transfer of learning

Goal of training is to improve performance on the job, real evaluation is determined by the effect of the training on the activity after the training is over.

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)

Governing electronic communications, can monitor communication that occurs within their normal course of business and when EE's give consent.

529 Plan

Govt. sponsored investment vehicle that allows earnings to grow free from federal taxes. (if used to meet college education expenses.)


Graphic representation of the distribution of a single type of measurement; data is represented by a series of rectangles of varying heights.

National Industrial Recovery Act

Guarantees employees the right to join unions and bargain collectively; was declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court in 1935; replaced by the NLRA

Walsh-Healey Act (Public Contracts Act)

Guarantees prevailing wages to employees of government contractors with contracts of $10K or more


HR function that identifies organizational human capital needs and attempts to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals for jobs in an organization.

Fulfill HR's strategic role

HR professionals must understand: organization's business, environment in which it operates, key competition and trend and events that could influence the organization's success.

Stages and Symptoms of Stress

Hans Seyle, 1999, 1. Arousal 2. Resistance 3. Exhaustion

Best-Practice Standards

Hardcopy manual for distribution to other employees.

Green belt

Have received six sigma training and participate on project teams part-time, while working in another role.

EEO Report Types

Headquarters Report, Establishment Reports, Establishment List, Consolidated Report

Professional Responsibility

Hold yourself accountable for your decisions and ensure your actions further the credibility of the profession


Identify the cause of EE illness, Evaluate the potential for hazard from exposure to chemicals or conditions, investigate adverse health effects from permissible exposures to regulated chemicals or working conditions, conduct medical and epidemiological hazard investigations, investigate higher-than-expected occurence of injury or illness, evaluate newly identified hazards, investigate the possible hazard of exposure to a combination of agents.

Motivation Concepts: Expectancy Theory: Instrumentality

If individuals believe they are capable, they consider the effort reward tradeoff.

How does Adams' Equity Theory affect motivation for workers?

If the perception is that it is a fair trade, workers will continue to contribute at the same level. However, if the perception is that the worker is putting in more than they are getting back, they will become demotivated, decreasing productivity and quality.

Job Description Sections: Supervisory Responsibilities

If the position has responsibility for supervising others, those positions are listed in this section.

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

Illegal to knowingly hire or continue to employ someone who were not legally authorized to work in the United States. EE'rs required to complete an I-9 w/in 3 days, required to hold for three years or 1 year after termination, whichever is later.

Stress Results

Illnesses: allergies, heart disease, panic attacks. Increased turnover, morale, tardiness and absenteeism, reduced productivity, poor product quality, and increased accidents.

Talent Management

Implementation of integrated systems designed to increase workplace productivity by developing a process for attracting, developing, retaining, and utilizing people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future business needs.

Nonduplication of benefits

In health plans, requires a secondary carrier to reimburse only up to the level of reimbursement the primary carrier would have paid.


In the marketing world, refers to how a product or service will be made available for purchase by the customer.

Unsafe Acts

Incidents that result from unsafe behavior on the part of the employee, such as operating equipment at high speeds.

Nonqualified deferred compensation plan

Income deferral benefit offered to a select group of management or highly compensated employees in the organization.

Cash Balance Plan

Increases and decreases do not effect the employee, Employer assumes Risk, Lump Sum or Lifetime, Tax Deferred

OSHA - EE Involvement

Information must be provided when requested. OSHA 300 log, by the end of the next day. OSHA 301 to EE by end of next day, to representative within 7 calendar days, with the "Tell Us About the Case Removed".

Secondary research

Information that has been collected or reported by others

What is an HR professional's risk management role?

Informing managers of the legal exposure that may result from making adverse employment decisions.


Initial amount of covered medical expenses an individual must pay before receiving paid benefits under a health-care plan.

Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO)

Inspectors for OSHA trained In safety and health hazards.

What are effective leaders able to do?

Inspire people around them to do their best work and influence people to follow them in achieving a common goal.

Long-term care insurance

Insurance coverage that provides a daily monetary benefit to people who are chronically ill and who require living assistance either at home or in a residential facility.

Job bidding

Internal recruiting method that allows employees to indicate an interest in a position before one becomes available.

Constructive Confrontation

Intervention strategy that focuses on job performance.

Exit interview

Interview conducted when an employee is terminating with a company in which employee is asked to share views on selected issues.

Selection interview

Interview designed to probe areas of interest to interviewer in order to determine how well a job candidate meets the needs of the organization.

Types of Interviews: Non-directive Interviews

Interviewer asks broad questions and allows the candidate to guide the conversation, hard to control for consistency.

Top-Down Communication Strategies

Intranet, Public address system, Posters, Newsletters, Individual letters to employees, Flyers, Bulletin Boards

Individual-level training

Involves a review of performance by individual employees and can be indicated by poor performance reviews or requests for assistance by the employee.

What purpose does a control group serve?

It tells the researcher whether the hypothesis being tested causes the result or whether the result is the same with both the group being tested and the control group.

Tactical Accountability Measures

Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Involvement, Training Cost per Employee, Cost per Hire, Turnover and Retention, Absenteeism and sick leave use/frequency, Grievance Rates, Terminations

Job Analysis

Job analysis would determine the job context, job content, job qualifications, and performance criteria. The outcome of the job analysis would be a set of job descriptions.

TQM Leaders: Juran

Joseph Juran, Quality defined by consumer, once needs are identified, should be translated into the language of the business in order to deliver a product that meets those needs.

What is a the most common fiscal year period?

July 1 to June 30

Labor Market Categories: Technical/Professional Skills

Labor market segmented by specialty, i.e. acocunting or IT.

Change - workforce expansion

Large number of new hires at once attempting to assimilate resulting in clashes of operating styles


Larger operational view, managers move between BU's in different countries.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Law that calls for fundamental changes in executive compensation disclosure, compensation committee independence, shareholder voting rights, and clawback provisions in publicly traded companies.

Training Materials

Leader Guide, Manuals, Handouts

Path-goal Theory*

Leader can impact behaviors of a group by providing goals and direction. (4 styles) Directive - specifies what is to be done Supportive - provides encouragement Participative - involves group in decision making process Achievement - establishes difficult goal and encourages group to accomplish it

How is an LPC score derived?

Leaders identify a co-worker that they had the most difficulty working with and rate that person on a scale of 1 to 8 on a series of measures such at cooperation and friendliness.

Vicarious liability

Legal doctrine under which a party can be held liable for the wrongful actions of another party.


Legal term that describes an action that injures someone.

EVALUATION (Kirkpatrick's 4 levels-RLBR)

Level of learning characterized by ability to make judgements.(R)eaction, (L)earning, (B)ehavior, (R)esults


Level of learning characterized by ability to use learned information in a new situation.

Appraisal Methods: Rating: Checklists

List of statements, phrases or words that describe levels of performance. Descriptions may be weighted and used to calculate a rating score.

Risk analysis

Looking at each asset and the possible threats to it.

What are the disadvantages of crisis management?

Lowers productivity and can create a stressful work environment for employees if it's regular.

Quantitative Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency: Mean

Mean average; sum of variables divided by the variables.

Intrinsic rewards

Meaningful work, good feedback on performance, autonomy, and other factors that lead to high levels of satisfaction in the job.

OSHA - Strategic Partnership Program

Means for businesses and employees to participate in solving health and safety problems with OSHA. OSHA Alliance Program, Voluntary Protection Program

Risk Management: Risk Acceptance

Means the company is aware of the risk, but chooses to ignore it

Quantitative Analysis: Time Series: Simple Linear Regression

Measures the relationship of one variable over another, and allows for prediction of one variable from the other.

Quantitative Analysis: Correlation

Measures to variables to determine whether there is a relationship between them.

Quantitative Analysis: Time Series

Measuring historic data and providing a basis for projecting future requirements.

Unsafe Conditions

Mechanical or physical hazards that may lead to injury, such as defective equipment or improper lighting.

External Recruitment

Media, Internet Job Boards, Company Websites, Colleges and Universities, Job Fairs, Alumni Employees, Previous Applicants, Employee Referrals, Vendors and Suppliers, Labor Unions, Professional Associations, Employment Agencies, Walk-in Candidates

Occupational Illness

Medical condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment.


Meetings before a bid to define expectations and requirements of a RFP.


Mental and physical condition that results from a real or perceived threat and the inability to remove it or cope with it.

Accounts Payable

Money an organization owes its vendors and suppliers

Accounts Receivable

Money an organization's customers owe the organization


Money earned by the business after all expenses have been paid


Money earned by the business after all expenses have been paid.

Accounts payable

Money owed by the business to its suppliers

Liability (accounting)

Money owed by the business to others or to employees Such as taxes to the government or unused vacation time to employees


Money owed by the business to others, such as lenders or the government, or to employees.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

Money spent on supplies and labor to produce goods or services.


Money spent to operate business.


Money spent to operate the business

When are accounting reports typically generated?

Monthly, quarterly, and annually

EEO Eligibility: Federal Contractors

More than 50, but less than 100 EE's, which have contracts of $50,000 or more or depositories of government funds, or are financial institutions issuing or paying US savings bonds.

Motivation Concepts: Hierearchy of Needs: Physiological

Most basic needs: Food, Shelter.

Leadership Styles: Democratic

Most effective in environments of highly skilled professional employees. When relationships are the highest concern, this style is most effective.

Democratic Leader

Most effective in environments with highly skilled professional employees who are self motivated and accomplish tasks on their own. Best when relationships in the work environment are the biggest concern.

Motivation Concepts: Expectancy Theory: Expectancy

Motivation starts with an assessment by individuals about their capabilities to successfully complete an assignment.

Employer Brands

Must describe the reality and what is unique about it. Identifying unique aspects of the culture, what values are important, how are EE's treated, is risk-taking encouraged or frowned upon, EE's involved in the decision making process, is the performance management process perceived to be fair, regaular feedback, response to economic downturns. Accurate brand message is a reflection of the organization. Survey can shed light on accuracy of brand. Brands work in any economic climate.

Crown Cork and Seal Company

NLRB decision that lifted some restrictions on the employer's use of employee participation committees.

Oil Capitol Sheet Metal, Inc

NLRB decision that provides employers relief in salting cases by announcing a new evidentiary standard for determining the period of back pay; requires the union to provide evidence that supports the period of time it claims the salt would have been employed

Johnnie's Poultry

NLRB defined requirements an employer must fulfill before questioning an employee about a ULP charge

Specialty Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center of Mobile

NLRB indicated that, in non-acute health-care facilities, it will certify smaller units for bargaining unless the employer provides overwhelming proof of a community of interest

UGL-UNICCO Service Company

NLRB re-established the successor bar doctrine, allowing unions a window of six months to one year of presumed majority support after the transfer of ownership of a business

KenMor Electric Co Inc

NLRB ruled that a system developed and operated by an association of electrical contractors violated the NLRA because it discriminated against individuals who were salts. The board held that an individual's right to be a salt is protected under the NLRA

NLRB v Weingarten, Inc

NLRB ruled that employees who work in a nonunionized workplace are not entitled to have a coworker accompany them to an interview with their employer, even if the affect employee reasonably believes that the interview might result in discipline. This reversed the 2000 decision of the Clinton board, which extended Weingarten rights to nonunion employees.

Toering Electric Company

NLRB ruling that an applicant for employment must be genuinely interested in seeking to establish an employment relationship with the employer in order to be protected against hiring discrimination based on union affiliation or activity; creates greater obstacles for unions attempting salting campaigns

Phoenix Transit System

NLRB ruling that struck down an employer rule prohibiting employees from discussing among themselves an employment complaint - in this instance, a complaint of sexual harassment - on the grounds that the prohibition was not limited in time and scope and interfered with a protected concerted activity

What are the two schools of the though regarding talent management?

Narrow view - focus only on high potential employees being groomed for leadership roles. Broad view - recognizing the need to retain talented individuals at all levels

Mcclelland Theory

Need for Achievement Need for Affiliation Need for Power

Albemarle Paper v Moody

Need to establish evidence that test is related to content of the job; could use job analysis to do so but not evidence from global performance ratings made by supervisors

Negative/Positive Correlation

Negative means there is a correlation

What do the different values of correlation coefficients mean?

Negative numbers mean there is a negative correlation between the two variables, positive numbers mean there is a positive correlation and a zero means there is no correlation. The closer the coefficient is to -1 or 1, the higher the correlation.

Net Profit Margin

Net Income/ Net Sales (used for income statements)

Retained Earnings

Net profits that are not distributed to owners, but remain in business.

Question Guidelines

Never ask about race, other protected classes may be BFOQ. Should be asked appropriately.

Labor Market Analysis: Industry Activity

New competitors, existing competitor actions,

External Talent

New ideas, easier to hire specialized skills than train them into a workforce, faster too. Opportunity to increase diversity in the workforce. Disadvantages: Lower morale in passed over EE's. Hard to know if the cultural fit will work. New person is an unknown, until the person actually starts doing the job.


Number of members of an organization that have to be present before official business may be conducted.

Accession Rate

Number of new employees against total number of employees

Appraisal Methods: Rating: Rating Scales

Numeric scale usually 3-10. Attempt to quantify a subjective assessment, not as objective as they may appear.

Emergency Exit Procedures (Means of Egress) Standard

OSHA standard that provides guidelines for preparing an emergency action plan and includes specifications regarding exits and maintenance of emergency systems.

Bloodborne Pathogens Standard

OSHA standard that requires employers to protect employees from potentially infectious materials.

Placement goals

Objectives or targets in an affirmative action plan that are set when the percentage of minorities or women in a job group is less than reasonably expected given their availability.

Constructive discharge

Occurs when an employer makes working conditions so intolerable that an employee has no choice but to resign.

Internal equity

Occurs when people feel that performance or job differences result in corresponding differences in pay rates.

Bottom-Up Communication Strategies

Open-door policy, All-hands meetings, Staff meetings, Brown-bag lunches, One-on-one meetings, Email, Webcasts

Operating Profit Margin

Operating Profit / Net Sales

Other Competitive Strategies

Operational Excellence Product Leadership Customer Intimacy Blue Ocean Human Capital Advantage


Org refers to an agency those individuals they want to hire. The agency hires the individuals and provides payroll and tax services for a fee or a percentage of the salary

Organization Development Interventions

Organization Development-->Relationship Techniques and Structural Techniques

Reducing Job Stress

Organization change and stress management

Learning organization

Organization characterized by a capability to adapt to changes in environment.

Seamless organization structure

Organization in which horizontal networks connect people, and functions enhance creativity and communication.

HR Audit

Organization of HR Function, Workforce Planning and Development, HR Development, Total Rewards, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, HR Risk Management.


Organization's debts and other financial obligations.

Matrix organization structure

Organizational structure in which employees report to two managers: one is responsible for a product line, and the other is responsible for a functional area such as marketing or accounting.

Knowledge Management (KM)

Organizations generate data and review it to glean useful information. Employees than interpret that information based on past experience and draw conclusions, called knowledge. Process to retain that information is knowledge management.

Matrix Structure

Organizations structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both.

Fishbone, Ishikawa, Cause and Effect Diagram

Organizing information during brainstorming sessions.

Primary Research

Original, researcher performed his/her own research.

Host-country nationals (HCNs)

Originating from the host country.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Outlines equal employment opportunity principles to more clearly define adverse impact and test validation; assists employers in complying with federal regulations prohibiting discrimination

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

Outlines procedures for redressing internal union problems; protects the rights of union members from corrupt or discriminatory labor unions; covers all labor organizations

Landrum-Griffin Act

Outlines procedures for redressing internal union problems; protects the rights of union members from corrupt or discriminatory labor unions; covers all labor organizations

Request For Proposal (RFP)

Outlines services to be provided and expectations

Professional Employer Organization

PEO, operates the organizations HR department. PEO becomes the employer of record and leases the EE's back to the organization. PEO's are full service HR.

Both PEST and Porter's 5 Forces are used for external assessment. What is the difference in focus between the two?

PEST analysis provides a guide for scanning the general business environment while Porter's 5 Forces hones in on issues specific to the industry in which the organization operates.

Describe the controlling phase of a project.

PM compares accomplishments to the original plan and makes course corrections as needed to stay on schedule and budget. PM reviews and incorporates requests to change the scope of the project from stakeholders.

Facility: Confernence-style

Participants are of equal status and the training is led by a facilitator instead of an instructor. Maximum interaction between individuals.


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ~ includes a large # of health related provisions that will be put into effect over the next several years, anticipated to be in full effect by 2018.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Hershey-Blanchard Theory

Paul Hershey and Kenneth Blanchard (1977) Leadership described in terms of maturity of the followers. Pyschological maturity (motivation) and job task maturity (level of experience). 4 Leadership styles: Telling, Selling, Participating, Delegating.

Geographic differential pay

Pay based on where an employee works.


Pay for performance compensates employees for effort. When contributions will be recognized, they are encouraged to go above and beyond.

General pay increase

Pay increase given to all employees (or a class of employees such as office or production workers) based on local competitive market requirements; awarded regardless of employee performance.

Call-back pay

Pay that employees receive when they are called back for an extra shift in the same workday.


Payment made to salespeople, usually calculated as a percentage of sales.

Involuntary deductions

Payroll deductions such as tax levies and court-ordered child support that an employee must pay.

Equity Theory*

People are constantly measuring what they put into work against what they get from work and adjust their work accordingly. (if they are under compensated they start doing less, ect.)

What is the basic concept of Adams' Equity Theory?

People are constantly measuring what they put into work against what they get from work.

Protected class

People who are covered under a federal or state discrimination law; groups protected by EEO designations include women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, people age 40 or older, the disabled, veterans, and religious groups.

Auditory learners

People who learn best by relying on their sense of hearing.

Visual learners

People who learn best by relying on their sense of sight.

Kinesthetic learners

People who learn best through a hands-on approach; also called tactile learners.

Placement Goal

Percentage of women and/or minorities to be hired to correct underrepresentation, based on availability in the geographic area.

Performance Appraisal

Performance "Appraisal, Evaluation, Review", Important part of supervisory relationship, feedback to the employee, and documentation for employment actions.

Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)

Periodic compensation payment given to eligible employees regardless of their performance or organizational profitability; usually linked to inflation.

OSHA Standards - Permit-Required Confined Spaces

Permits EE's to enter dangerous confined spaces, provided its been tested before they enter, other personnel are in close proximity.

The Fifth Discipline - (Learning Org's.)

Peter Senge 1990, identifies five disciplines, guiding principles, that enable learning organizations; Systems Thinking, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Building a Shared Vision, Team Learning.

Job Description Sections: Physical Requirements

Physical requirements described, must be related to essential job functions, to comply with ADA.


Physical/procedural measures used to protect people, property, and information in the workplace.

Stages and Symptoms of Stress: Resistance

Physical: Fatigue - Emotional: Mood swings, Social withdrawal, Resentment, Indifference, Defiance - Mental: Procrastination, Indecision

Stages and Symptoms of Stress: Exhaustion

Physical: Headaches, Chronic fatigue, Indigestion, Intestinal problems - Emotional: Chronic depression, Hostility, Isolation - Mental: Disorganization, Poor Judgment, Disillusionment

Stages and Symptoms of Stress: Arousal

Physical: Teeth Grinding, Insomnia - Emotional: Irritability, Anxiety - Mental: Forgetfullness, Inability to concentrate

Candidate Testing Programs: Physical Assessment Tests

Physically able to perform job duties.

Balance Sheet

Picture of the financial condition of the organization on a specific day. Assets must equal Liabilities and Equity.

Exclusive provider organization (EPO)

Plan in which participants must use providers in the network of coverage or no payment will be made.

Deferred compensation

Plan that provides income to employees at some future time as compensation for work performed now.

Blended learning

Planned approach to learning that includes a combination of methods such as classroom, e-learning, self-paced study, and performance support such as job aids or coaching.

Management Function (Henry Fayol)

Planning (Forecast, set goals) Organizing (Design, assist) Directing (Schedule) Controlling (Measure)

Building a Shared Vision

Planning for a future that inspires commitment on the part of all individuals in the organization.

Continuity of Operations Plan

Plans created to move forward from Disaster recovery to normal operations.

Money Purchase Plan

Plans in which employers make mandatory payments (a fixed percentage of an eligible employee's compensation) to a retirement plan

Money purchase plans

Plans in which employers make mandatory payments (a fixed percentage of an eligible employee's compensation) to a retirement plan.

403(b) plans

Plans that allow employees of certain tax-exempt organizations to contribute pretax dollars toward retirement savings.

Plant Patents

Plant patents protect the invention of discovery of asexually reproduced varieties of plants for 20 years.

Risk Management: Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Policy for businesses, insurance company will evaluate HR policies, lawsuits or claims, these factors are used to determine whether an EPLI policy may be issued and the amount of the premium to be paid.

Disparate impact

Practices that seem fair on their face but result in adverse impact (height requirement)

Drug Testing Programs

Pre-employment Testing, Random Drug Testing (need computer program to make it truly random), Scheduled Drug Testing, Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing.

Copeland "Anti-kickback" Act

Precludes a federal contractor or subcontractor from in any way inducing an employee to give up any part of the compensation to which he/she is entitled under his/her contract of employment

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Pregnancy and child birth

Four phases of Merge and Acquisitions

Preparation of HR staff Perform Due Diligence Planning integration of the business entities Implementation, monitor, and measure.

Tools for Successful Change

Prepare for change, Communicate, Develop a Plan, Have an Executive Sponsor, Motivate Direct Supervisors, Recruit Unofficial Leaders, Implement, Evaluate. PCDHMRIE - Pie Charts Don't Have Much Real Impact Everywhere

Career management

Preparing, implementing, and monitoring employees' career paths, with a primary focus on the goals of the organization.

Executive Orders

Presidential proclamations that when published in the federal register become law after 30 days.

Immigration Act of 1990

Prevailing wage be paid to H-1B immigrants (ensuring US citizens did not lose work to lower paid immigrants). Restricted number of immigrants to 65,000 under H-1B. Created other categories of immigrants.

Wellness Programs

Preventive health programs offered by employers designed to improve the health and physical well-being of employees both on and off the job.

Essential function

Primary job duty that a qualified individual must be able to perform, either with or without accommodation; a function may be considered essential because it is required in a job or because it is highly specialized.

Code of ethics

Principles of conduct within an organization that guide decision making and behavior.

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

Private, not-for-profit body that decides how public financial executives should report their firms' financial information to their shareholders.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Procedural document designed to assist employers in complying with federal regulations prohibiting discrimination.

Workforce planning

Process an organization uses to analyze its current base of employees and determine steps it must take to prepare for future skill and labor needs.

ASSESSMENT (needs assessment)

Process by which an organization's needs are identified in order to help the organization accomplish its objectives; also called needs analysis.(ie, surveys, questionaires, performance appraisals, observations)

Career development

Process by which individuals progress through a series of stages in their careers, each of which is characterized by relatively unique issues, themes, and tasks.

SWOT analysis

Process for evaluating an organization's current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Due Diligence

Process of conducting an intensive investigation of an organization as one of the first steps in a pending merger or acquisition.


Process of creating interest about an open position in an organization and seeking candidates who possess the neccesary qualifications to succesfully fill them.

Knowledge management (KM)

Process of creating, acquiring, sharing, and managing knowledge to augment individual and organizational performance.

Conflict Resolution

Process of developing strategies for resolving issues and maintaining or rebuilding effective working relationships.

Organizational development (OD)

Process of enhancing the effectiveness of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.


Process of hiring the most suitable candidate for a vacant position.

Performance management

Process of maintaining or improving employee job performance through the use of performance assessment tools, coaching, and counseling as well as providing continous feedback.

Organizational exit

Process of managing the way people leave an organization.


Process of new employee assimilation into the organization, which often lasts up to six months or a year.


Process of planning, pricing, promoting, and distributing goods and services to satisfy organizational objectives.

Employment branding

Process of positioning an organization as an "employer of choice" in the labor market.


Process of providing knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) specific to a task or job.

Succession planning

Process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing leadership talent.

Strategic Planning

Process that helps and organization focus on how to succed in the future by evaluating the organization's current status, whre it woudl like to be, and how to get there.

Environmental scanning

Process that involves a systematic survey and interpretation or relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats.

Performance appraisal

Process that measures the degree to which an employee accomplishes work requirements.

Strategic business management

Processes and activities used to formulate HR objectives, practices, and policies.


Produces consistent results so that, over time, the scores will not vary greatly.


Product Price Placement Promotion

HRD, Business Impact Measures

Production measures, Return on Investment,


Professionals with advanced degrees, aliens with exceptional ability.The National Interest Waiver will benefit those individuals who can show that there would actually be a national benefit if the individual were to immigrate to the U.S. without family or employment there


Professionals, skilled workers, other workers.

ADDIE: Development

Program design translated into the presentation format; training materials, instructional techniques, and program delivery. May conduct a pilot program, and revise if neccesary.

Norris-LaGuardia Act

Prohibits "yellow-dog" contracts; prohibits injunctions for nonviolent activity of unions (strikes, picketing, and boycotts)

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

Prohibits American businesses from offering bribes.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Prohibits American companies from making corrupt payments to foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or keeping business

Foreign Corrupt practices Act (FCPA)

Prohibits American companies from making corrupt payments to foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or keeping business.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Prohibits businesses in interstate commerce from contracting, combining, or conspiring to restrain trade; prohibits attempting to monopolize the market in a particular area of business

Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act, amended by Jobs for Veterans Act

Prohibits discrimination against certain veterans; covers government contractors with contracts in excess of $25K

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health care

Americans with Disabilities Act

Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities; covers virtually all employers with 15 or more employees

Immigration Reform and Control Act

Prohibits discrimination against job applicants on the basis of national origin or citizenship; establishes penalties for hiring illegal aliens and requires employers to establish each employee's identity and right to work; requires an I-9 to be completed by the employer and new hire

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Prohibits discrimination against persons age 40 and over; identifies compulsory retirement for some workers; covers employers with more than 20 employees

Rehabilitation Act

Prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and/or mental disabilities and provides for affirmative action; covers government contractors and federal agencies

Executive Order 11246

Prohibits discrimination and requires federal contractors and subcontractors to take positive, results-oriented steps to eliminate employment barriers to women and minorities

Civil Rights Act

Prohibits discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin; establishes the EEOC; covers employers with 15 or more employees, employment agencies, and labor uniones

Older Worker's Benefit Protection Act

Prohibits discrimination with regard to benefits on the basis of age; covers employers with 20 or more employees; provides terminated employees with time to consider group termination or retirement programs and consult an attorney

Executive Order 11246

Prohibits federal contractors and subcontractors from discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Executive Order 11246

Prohibits federal contractors and subcontractors from discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Fed K's over 10,000

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

Prohibits from unlawful discrimination against EE's or family members based on genetic test results. Makes it unlawful for EE'rs to request, require or purchase genetic information, but does not penalize them for obtaining the information.

Labor-Management Relations Act (LMRA)

Prohibits unfair labor practices of unions; outlaws closed shop; prohibits strikes in national emergencies; requires both parties to bargain in good faith; covers nonmanagerial employees in private industry (not covered by the Railway Labor Act)

Taft-Hartley Act

Prohibits unfair labor practices of unions; outlaws closed shop; prohibits strikes in national emergencies; requires both parties to bargain in good faith; covers nonmanagerial employees in private industry (not covered by the Railway Labor Act)

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) chart

Project management tool used to shcedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project.

Describe the executing phase of a project.

Project plan is implemented. Project team is created and resources are acquired. PM manages the timeline, conducts status meetings, and disseminates information to stakeholders.

Gantt Chart

Project plannig tool that graphically displays activities of a project in sequential order and plots them against time.


Project planning tool that graphically displays activities of a project in sequential order and plots them against time

Describe the initiation phase of a project.

Project requests are evaluated and selected. Stakeholders meet to discuss project.The sponsor creates a project charter to sanction the project and commit resources. The charter identifies goals and appoints the project manager (PM).

Use of Information

Protect confidential information related to the organization and the employees who work there.

Design Patents

Protect new, original, and ornamental designs of manufactured items. 14 years.

Utility Patents

Protect the invention of new and useful processes, machines, manufacture or composition matter, new and useful improvements. 20 years.


Protecting the company from threats; natural or manmade.

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)

Protects an employer against claims by workers that their legal rights as employees of the company have been violated.


Provide a standard of measurement that can be used to compare results over time

Instructional Methods: Experiential Training Methods

Provide experience in real-time situations.

Professional Employer Org. (PEO)

Provide full service HR, payroll and benefit services

False Claims Act

Provides a % of recovered damages to anyone who identifies a claim that the federal government may have against a contractor (whistleblower rewards). Dodd Frank extended this to violations of securities laws

National Defense Authorization Act

Provides additional FMLA leave for military families, expanding FMLA to include employees caring for an injured service member as well as those who have a family member called to active duty

Retirement Equity Act

Provides certain legal protections for spousal beneficiaries of qualified retirement programs

Flat-rate pay

Provides each incumbent of a job with the same rate of pay, regardless of performance or seniority; also known as single-rate pay.

Statement of cash flows

Provides facts about the money that flowed through the business during the accounting period: where it came from and what it was used for.

Social Security Act

Provides income and health care to retired employees and income to survivors of employees who have died; covers virtually all employees

Statement of Cash Flows

Provides information about the money that flowed through the business during the accounting period.


Provides names and contact information for potential candidates in the active (looking for work) and passive (not looking for work) markets.

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT)

Provides relief to employers using third parties to conduct workplace investigations; consent and disclosure requirements need not be followed if investigation involves suspected misconduct, a violation of the law or regulations, or a violation of preexisting written policies of the employer

Employment Applications: Long-form

Provides space for additional degrees and longer employment histories.

nominal group technique

Qualitative analysis method that takes place in a structured meeting format designed to elicit participation from all members of a group in order to arrive at the best possible solution to a problem. Participants begin by individually writing down their ideas about the issue. A facilitator then has each participant present one idea and records them for later discussion. When all the ideas have been presented, the group prioritizes and builds consensus until a resolution is agreed on.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Quantifiable measures of performance used to gauge progress toward strategic objectives or agreed standards of performance.

trend analysis

Quantitative analysis method that compares the changes in a single variable over time and, over a period of years, generally moves upward or downward.

simulation models

Quantitative analysis tool that allows for several possible plans to be tested in abstract form.


Quantitative analysis tool that provides a benchmark based on the historic relationship of one variable to another.

simple linear regression

Quantitative analysis tool used to measure the relationship between one variable (such as staffing) and another (such as production output) to project future needs. This allows for the prediction of one variable from the other.

multiple linear regression

Quantitative analysis tool used to measure the relationship between several variables to forecast another.


Quantitative measurement derived by putting the numbers in a set in sequential order. The median is at the physical center, so half the numbers are below it, and half are above it.


Quantitative measurement tool that compares two variables to determine whether there is a relationship between them. For example, if the HR department posts a quarterly reminder for employees about the referral bonus that is paid for new hires, a correlation analysis could be used to determine whether there is an increase in referrals in the weeks after the reminder.

Closed questions

Questions that can usually be answered with yes or no.

Request for proposal

RFP Process for communicating clear understanding of a product provided by a third party and expectations of for quality and service levels. Requesting a proposal from the third party.


ROI on prevention costs. Claims, Injury records

5 protected classes

Race Color Religion National origin Sex

Protected Classes

Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Sex

Appraisal Methods: Comparison

Ranking, paired comparison, forced ranking

Learning Curves: Plateau

Rapid increase in learning that levels off after a period of time, common with irregular task performance.

Learning Curves: Negatively Accelerating

Rapid increases in learning that tapers off as the learner becomes more accustomed to the task.

Appraisal Methods: Rating

Rating Scales and Checklists

Experience rating

Rating system that bases insurance rates on claims history.

Gross profict margin

Ratio of gross profit to gross sales.

Return on investment (ROI)

Ratio of incremental value (value received minus cost to create value) of an investment to tis cost multiplied by 100%; measures the economic return on a project or investment.

Net profit margin

Ratio of net income (gross sales minus expenses and taxes) to net sales.

Change - corporate restructuring

Reduce or eliminate redundancy in order to reduce costs and increase production

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA)

Reduced the number and types of documents allowable to prove identity and employment eligibility.

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

Reduces compensation limits in qualified retirement programs; triggered increased activity in nonqualified retirements programs as well as some plan terminations

Workforce Reduction

Reducing the workforce.

Hiring Management Systems (HMS)

Refers to more extensive ATS and syncing with HRIS system.

Criterion-related validity

Refers to the link between a selection device and job performance.

Span of control

Refers to the number of individuals who report to a supervisor.

Compensable factors

Reflect the dimensions along which a job is perceived to add value to the organization; used to determine which jobs are worth more than others.


Relates to technical skills training; often a partnership between employers and unions.

Managing Risk: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX): Section 409

Report material changes on an urgent basis.


Representations of real situations; give organizations the opportunity to speculate as to what would happen if certain courses of action were pursued.

Case Study

Reproduces a realistic situation that provides learners with the opportunity to analyze the circumstances as though it was encountered in the course of business. Cases discussed and the results discussed with fellow learners.

OSHA Standards - Emergency Action Plans

Requires EE'rs to have Emergency Action Plans during an evacuation. Designate EE's to remain behind to shutdown critical operations, process for counting everyone, training, responsible party.

OSHA Standards - Medical Safety and First Aid

Requires EE'rs to have adequate first aid.

EGESP: Applicant Tracking

Requires EE'rs to keep records of individuals who apply for positions based on their sex and race/ethnicity. "Expressed Interest" with an App or verbally, 2005 included the internet.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Requires administrators of defined contribution plans to provide notice of covered blackout periods; provides whistleblower protection for employees

Executive Order 13496

Requires contractors entering into contracts with the federal government to post notices information employees about their rights under federal labor law and include provisions in their contracts that require their subcontractors to post the same employee notice

Executive Order 13496

Requires contractors entering into contracts with the federal government to post notices informing employees about their rights under federal labor law and include provisions in their contracts that require their subcontractors to post the same employee notice.

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act

Requires covered entities, business associates, and vendors of personal health records to notify, in the even of a breach of any PHI, each individual whose PHI has been disclosed (or is reasonably believed by the covered entity to have been disclosed) without authorization

OSHA Standards - The General Duty Standard, Section 5

Requires employers to provide jobs and an environment free from recognized safety and health hazards. Requires EE'rs to comply with all OSHA rules, regulations, and standards.

Drug-Free Workplace Act

Requires federal contractors with contracts of $100K or more to follow requirements to certify that they are maintaining a drug-free workplace

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Requires greater transparency and accountability in the financial industry.

Mental Health Parity Act

Requires health insurance issuers and group health plans to adopt the same annual and lifetime dollar limits for mental health benefits as for other medical benefits

Cliff Vesting

Requires participants to complete a specific number of years of service with an employer before they get any vested benefits, after which they are 100% vested

Privacy Act of 1974

Requires written authorization for any type of background check. Does not currently apply to private EE'rs.

Disparate treatment

Requiring one group of people to do something differently than another

National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH)

Researching and evaluating workplace hazards.


Resistance is examined and managed, the organization is aligned with the change. Communication remains an integral part of the process.

What are some reasons for major changes in an organization?

Restructuring, mergers or acquisitions,right-sizing, workforce expansions.

Retaliatory discharge

Result of an employer punishing an employee for engaging in activities protected by the law (e.g., filing a discrimination charge, opposing unlawful employer practices).


Results that participants will be able to perform at the end of a human resource development program.

Regents of University of California v Bakke

Reverse discrimination not allowed; race, however, can be used in selection decisions; affirmative action programs permissible when prior discrimination established

Strategy Evaluation

Review Strategies Measure performance Take corrective action

After-action evaluations, "post-mortem"

Review conducted at the end of a project. To evaluate what worked, what didn't and what knowledge can be retained.

Extrinsic rewards

Rewards such as pay, benefits, bonuses, promotions, achievement awards, time off, more freedom, and autonomy, special assignments, etc.


Right or privilege of an author or proprietor to exclude others from printing or otherwise duplicating, distributing, or vending copies of his/her literary, artictic, and other creative expressions when secured as defined by the copyright statute.

City of Richmond Vs.

Rigid numericle quota system

Risk Management: Equation

Risks = Profitability x Consequences

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid

Robert Blake and Jane Mouton (1968) Grid; concern for people, concern for production. Nine levels to measure each aspect, maximum concern for both made the most effective leaders.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Path-goal theory

Robert House (1971), leader can impact behavior of a group by establishing goals and providing direction on reaching those goals. 4 Leadership styles: 1. Directive - 2. Supportive - 3. Participative - 4. Achievement -

Section 125 benefit plan

Section 125 benefit plans are written plans maintained by the employer for the benefit of the employees. They allow both employers and employees to save taxes on the money they pay toward their group-sponsored health, dental, and group-term life plan premiums, as well as on dependent care or out-of-pocket medical expenses

Leadership Development

Seek to develop HiPos for leadership roles. (Similar to management development, but perhaps to higher degree.)

Diversity Initiative

Seeks to increase the diversity of the workforce, or to increase the effectiveness of an already diverse workforce.

Quantitavie analysis

Seeks to obtain easily quantifiable data on a limited number of measurement points.

Mid-term objectives

Serve a purpose similar to short-term objectives but are completed in one to three years.

Job Categories

Service Workers, Laborers and Helpers, Operatives, Craft Workers, Administrative Support Workers, Sales Workers, Technicians, Professionals, First/Mid-Level Officials and Managers, Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers.

Competencies (KSAP)

Set of behaviors encompassing skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal attributes that are critical to successful work accomplishment

Competency model

Set of job competencies that together make up a profile for success for a particular job.

Human resource development (HRD)

Set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the necessary skills to meet current and future job demands.

Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Sets forth provisions for access, use, disclosure, interception, and privacy protections of electronic communications. Made up of Wiretap Act, which prohibits interception of e-mails in transmission, and Stored Communications Act, which protects e-mail in storage

Types of Interviews: Panel

Several interviewers interview the selected candidate at the same time.

Layoff Decisions

Severance, Outplacement, Unemployment Insurnace

Check sheets

Simple visual tools used to collect and analyze data.

Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

Simplify immigration, immigration laws continue to be set on the basis of national origin, immigration first come first served, 7 categories with the goals of unifying families and preference to specialty skills that were needed in the US.

Change- Reengineering

Simplifying the entire organization to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction

Joint employment

Situation in which an organization shares joint responsibility and liability for their alternative workers with an alternative staffing supplier; also known as co-employment.

Common Situs Picketing

Situation in which lawful picketing of a primary employer also affects a secondary employer that occupies common premises; employers may establish separate or reserved gates, one for the struck employer and the other for all other employers.

Green-circle rates

Situation where an employee's pay is below the minimum of the range.

Merit pay

Situation where an individual's performance is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called performance-based pay.

Hersey Blanchard

Situational leadership-leaders should modify their style according to the readiness of constituants.

Core competencies (KSA)

Skills, knowledge, and abilities that employees must possess in order to successfully perform job functions that are essential to business operations.

Learning Curves: Positively Accelerating

Slow start in learning that increases as the learner masters different aspects of the process or task.

Replacement planning

Snapshot assessment of the availability of qualified back up for key management positions.


Social Security Administration program that provides medical care for people after age 65.


Society for Human Resource Management: monitors and provides information in regards to employment-related regulations and coordinating lobbying efforts

Goals - SMART model

Specific Measurable Action Oriented Realistic Time-Based


Specified percentage (typically 20% to 30%) of covered medical expenses that employee pays or fixed dollar amount that covered person pays each time he or she visits a physician or purchases prescription drugs.

Job Specification

Spells out qualifications necessary for an incumbent to be able to perform a job.

Job specification

Spells out qualifications necessary for an incumbent to be able to perform a job.

Describe the closing phase of a project.

Sponsor/Customer acknowledges achievement of project goals. PM collects information from stakeholders, stores documentation and releases resources for use in other projects.

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)

Standards established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for recording financial transactions

OSHA Standards - Personal Protection Equipment

Standards for PPE when an EE comes in contact with hazardous materials, gases, explosives, liquid petroleum, and ammonia. Protect the eyes and face, respiration, and body. Wear gear to protect from electrical shocks and other injuries. Use and train EE's.

GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

Standards of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

How can change management processes be mapped out?

Start with the desired outcome and then select and apply the appropriate Change Management Theory.

Leadership Concepts

Started early 20th century, Thomas Carlyle suggested you were born with it. Researchers indentifying traits couldn't settle on the same one and followers exhibited the same qualities. Didn't account for different situations and methods. Faulty logic, turned to behavioral, situational, and contingency theories.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Starting in 2014, requires virtually all citizens and legal residents of the US to have "affordable, minimum health coverage" (an exception is made for lower income individuals). Failure to do so results in an excise tax penalty. Also mandates that employers with more than 50 employees provide health-care coverage or pay a $2K per employee penalty and establishes a broad array of minimum benefit requirements for new plans

EEO Eligibility: Exceptions

State and Local Governments, Primary and Secondary Schools, Institutions of higher education, Indian Tribes, Tax Exempt private membership clubs.

Balance Sheet

Statement of a firm's financial position at a particular time

Job Specifications

States the minimum qualifications needed for successful performance.

Environmental Scanning Tools

Statistical Models (See Quantitative Analysis), SWOT, PEST, Porters 5 Forces

Multiple linear regression

Statistical method that can be used to project future demand; several variables are utilized.

Regression Analysis

Statistical method used to predict a variable from one or more predictor variables.

Total quality management (TQM)

Strategic, integrated management system for achieving customer satisfaction that involves all managers and employees and uses quantitative methods to continuously improve an organization's processes.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Streamlines employee training programs.

Environmental Scanning Tools: SWOT

Strengths (Internal Factors), Weaknesses (Internal Factors), Opportunities (External Factors), and Threats (External Factors)


Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (internal analysis)


Study of how children learn.


Study of how children learn. Education in which a teacher decides what will be taught and how it will be delivered.


Study of the education of children.

EEO Eligibility: Private EE'rs

Subject to Title VII with 100+ employees

Qualatative Analysis

Subjective evaluations of general observations and information.


Suggest a leadership style should be matched to the maturity of the employees; Task behavior and Relationship behavior.

Job description

Summarizes most important features of a job, including required tasks, knowledge, skills, abilities, responsibilities, and reporting structure.

OSHA's Form 300A

Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses; shows the totals of work-related injuries and illnesses for the year in each category.

Elements of Performance Appraisals

Supervisor assessment, Employee self-assessment, Peers, goal setting, Development goals

Burlington Vs

Supervisor harassment that results in employment action

Appraisal Methods: Narrative: Critical Incident

Supervisors make notes of successful and unsuccessful performance issues. At the review, they are presented to the employee.

Workforce Analysis

Supply-Where are we now? Demand-Where do we want to be? Forcast? Gap- What is lacking? Solution- What can we afford?

Staub v Proctor

Supreme Court applied the "cat's paw" principle to a wrongful discharge case, finding that an employer was culpable because the HR manager did not adequately investigate supervisors' charges against the fired employee

NLRB v Town & Country Electric

Supreme Court decision related to salting that held that a worker may be a company's "employee" within the terms of the NLRA, even if, at the same time, a union pays that worker to help the union organize the company

Ledbetter v Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co

Supreme Court decision that held that the 180-day time limit for filing a charge under Title VII started after the alleged unlawful employment action and did not restart upon receipt of each successive paycheck; overruled by Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

Johnson Controls

Supreme Court held that decisions about the welfare of future children must be left to the parents who conceive, bear, support and raise them rather than to the employers who hire their parents

McKennon v Nashville Banner Publishing Co

Supreme Court held that evidence of misconduct acquired after the decision to terminate cannot free an employer from liability, even if the misconduct would have justified terminating the employee

Pennsylvania State Police v Suders

Supreme Court held that in the absence of a tangible employment action, the Ellerth/Faragher affirmative defense is available in a constructive discharge claim to an employer whose supervisors are charged with harassment

Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson

Supreme Court held that sexual harassment that alters an individual's terms and conditions of employment violates Title VII. Court also ruled that common-law principles should be applied to guide lower courts in determining employer liability. How these principles are to be applied was later defined in Faragher and Ellerth.

Kepas v Ebay

Supreme Court refused to review a lower court decision that held in an employment case that a cost provision was severable from the balance of an arbitration agreement. The cost provision was unenforceable, but the agreement to arbitrate was enforceable.

DeBartolo Corp v Gulf Coast Trades Council

Supreme Court ruled that bannering, handbilling, or attention-getting actions outside an employer's property were permissible

Harris v Forklift Systems Inc

Supreme Court ruled that in a sexual harassment case the plaintiff does not have to prove concrete psychological harm to establish a Title VII violation

AT&T Mobility v Concepcion

Supreme Court ruled that some state statutes restricting the enforceability of arbitration agreements in a commercial context may be preempted by the Federal Arbitration Act

Johnson v Santa Clara Country Transportation Agency

Supreme Court ruled that the county was justified in giving a job to a woman who scored two points less on an exam than a man; county had an AAP that was flexible, temporary, and designed to correct the imbalance of white males in the workforce

Gratz, Grutter v Bollinger

Supreme Court ruled that the diversity of a student body is a compelling state interest that can justify the use of race in university admissions as long as the admissions policy is "narrowly tailored" to achieve the goal; University of Michigan did not make this showing for its undergraduate program but the law school admissions program satisfied this standard

General Dynamics Land Systems Inc v Cline

Supreme Court ruled that the federal age discrimination law does not protect younger workers - even if they are over 40 - from workplace decisions that favor older workers

City of Richmond v J.A. Croson Company

Supreme Court ruled that the rigid numerical quota system was unconstitutional; city had not laid proper groundwork and had not identified or documented discrimination

St. Mary's Honor Center v Hicks

Supreme Court ruling that Title VII plaintiffs must show that discrimination was the real reason for an employer's actions

IBP Inc v Alvarez

Supreme Court ruling that all time spent donning or doffing unique safety gear is compensable and that the FLSA requires payment of affected employees for all time spent walking between changing and production areas

Kennedy v Plan Administrators for Dupont Savings

Supreme Court ruling that awarded retirement benefits to an ex-spouse even though she had agreed to disclaim such benefits, because retiree had never changed beneficiary designation on retirement plan; points out the need for retirement plan administrators to pay attention to divorce decrees and QDROS

Ricci v DeStefano

Supreme Court that held that employers may violate Title VII when they engage in race-conscious decision making to address adverse impact - unless they can demonstrate a "strong basis in evidence" that, had they not taken the action, they would have been liable under a disparate impact theory

United Steelworkers v Weber

Supreme court ruled that the affirmative action plan did not violate Title VII since it included voluntary quotas

Interest Assessment

Survey of employees to discover their interests.

Sweetheart Clauses

Sweetheart contracts were prohibited by the Labor-Management Relations Act (LMRA), or Taft-Hartley Act, because they represent employer-union agreements that benefit the employer but not the union's members. They imply the collusion of union representatives with management during the recognition and/or contracting process.

Graded vesting

System by which qualified retirement plan participants become incrementally vested over a period of years of service.


System of moral principles and values that establish appropriate conduct


System of moral principles and values that establish appropriate conduct.

Golden handcuffs

System of overlapping short- and long-term incentives to make it less likely that key employees will leave an organization.

Learning management system (LMS)

System that holds course content information and has the capability of tracking and managing employee course registrations, career development, and other employee development activities.


Systematic process by which a laid-off or terminated employee is counseled in the techniques of career self-appraisal and in securing a new job that is appropiate to his or her talents and needs.

Job analysis

Systematic study of jobs to determine what activities and responsibilities they include, relative importance and relationship with other jobs, personal qualifications necessary for performance, and conditions under which work is performed

Human resource information system (HRIS)

Systematic tool for gathering, storing, maintaining, retrieving, and revising HR data.

Organizational Development (OD)

Systematic way of examining an organization's technology, processes, structure, and human resources, and developing action strategies to improve the way it achieves desired business results.

DMAIC: Control

Systems are revised to incorporate the improvements, employees are trained in the new process. Prevent backsliding.

Theory of constraints (TOC)

Systems management philosophy that states that every organization is hindered by constraints that come from its internal policies.

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs)

Tax-deferred accounts to which wage earners can contribute an amount up to a yearly maximum.

Health savings account (HSA)

Tax-sheltered savings account similar to an IRA but created primarily to pay for medical expenses.

Alternative Staffing Methods

Telecommuting, job-sharing, part-time EE's, Internship programs, on-call workers, payrolling, seasonal workers.

Third-county nationals (TCNs)

Term traditionally used to describe employees who are citizens of countries other than the organization's headquarters or the ones in which they work.

Constuct Validity

Test measures are connected between characteristics and successful performance on the job.

Polygraph test

Test that measures respiration, blood pressure, and perspiration while person is asked a series of questions; outcome is a diagnostic opinion about honesty.

Albemarle Paper v. Moody

Testing must be validated and tied to job requirements.

Cognitive ability tests

Tests that assess skills the candidate has already learned.

Personality tests

Tests that measure person's social interaction skills and patterns of behavior.

Aptitude tests

Tests that measure the general ability or capacity to learn or aquire a new skill.

Psychomotor tests

Tests that require a candidate to demonstrate a minimum degree of strength, physical dexterity, and coordination in a specialized skill area.

What does Douglas McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory state?

That experiences acquired throughout people's lives motivate them to achieve in one of three areas: achievement, affiliation or power.

Research and development (R&D)

That part of an organization charged with designing and developing products, processes, and services to meet market needs.

What was Thomas Carlyle's theory?

The "great man" theory: Leaders are born with innate qualities that set them apart from "mere mortals." Leadership can't be taught.


The ADEA prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of the age of employees. The act covers all private and public employers with 20 or more employees, unions with 25 or more members, employment agencies, and apprenticeship and training programs. It is not limited to federal contractors. The ADEA does not restrict employers from hiring employees because they are too young; rather, it protects employees who are age 40 and over.


The National Labor Relations Board: has the power to mandate compliance with federal laws in administration law courts.

J. Stacy Adams: Equity Theory (1963)

The basic concept of Adams' equity theory is that people are constantly measuring what they put into work against what they get from work. If their perception is that it is a fair trade, they are motivated to continue contributing at the same level. When they perceive there is an imbalance and they are putting in more than they are getting back, they become demotivated and lose interest in their work, decreasing productivity and quality.

What is the basic information included on a balance sheet?

The company's assets, liabilities and equity

HR Audit: Total Rewards

The compensation philosophy is reviewed for consistency with the practices and level of communication to the orgnization. Adequacy of compensation procedures is examined, and the frequency of salary survey comparisons is analyzed. Salary administration practices, including pay ranges, compression, salary budgets, and incentive pay practices are reviewed. the benefits program philosophy and policies are reviewed for comparability to competitor programs. Health-care programs are analyzed for cost containment and plan content. Programs for controlling absentee, unemployment, and other costs are analyzed. Time off policies and accrual practices are also examined as part of the audit.

Reasonable Expectation of Privacy

The extent to which an EE can expect privacy from policies and past EE'r behavior.

Factor Comparison Method

The factor comparison method is more complex than either ranking or classification and is rarely used. It involves the ranking of each job by each selected compensable factor and then identifying dollar values for each level of each factor to develop a pay rate for an evaluated job. It is best used when wages are not changing


The final phase of strategic planning is strategy evaluation. During this phase, strategies are reviewed, progress against goals is measured, and corrective action is taken.

DMAIC: Define

The first step is to define the customer and issues of importance to them, along with the process and project parameters.

What ideas does the concept of human relations cover?

The importance of the human element at work, including interpersonal characteristics and organizational behavior.

Strategic Planning

The managerial process of creating and maintaining a fit between the organization's objectives and resources and the evolving market opportunities

Quantitative Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency: Mode

The number that occurs most frequently in a set of numbers

Risk Assessment

The process used to determine the likelihood that an organization will be affected by any type of risk. Estimates the cost of the loss and the impact it would have on the organization.

Quality leader/manager

The quality leader in an organization generally reports to the CEO or president in order to remain objective. Role represents customer requirements and focuses on continually improving operations.

Essential functions (Essential job functions)

The reason a job exists and must be performed by the incumbent. Required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Each function should include a description of the level of complexity and frequency of the tasks. Describes relationships that the incumbent will have with co-workers in the work group, in other departments, external relationships with vendors or customers, and the level of interaction that will take place in these relationships.


The relocation of plants or departments to different, usually rural parts of the home country that offer lower costs.

B. F. Skinner: Operant Conditioning (1957)

The results of Skinner's work on behavioral reinforcement are more commonly known as behavior modification. His basic theory is that behavior can be changed through the use of four intervention strategies: 1. Positive reinforcement Encourages continuation of the behavior by providing a pleasant response when the behavior occurs. 2. Negative reinforcement Encourages continuation of the behavior by removing an unpleasant response to a behavior. 3. Punishment Discourages future occurrence of the behavior by providing an unpleasant response when the behavior occurs. 4. Extinction Discourages future occurrence of the behavior by ceasing to reinforce it. For example, when a parent praises a child for doing his homework each night and the child starts doing it without being reminded, the parent may stop praising the child. If the child then reverts to the previous behavior of forgetting to do his homework, the behavior has become extinct.

Motivation Concepts: Motivation/Hygiene Theory: Motivation

The satisfaction factors motivate by changing the nature of the work so people are challenged to develop their talents and fulfill their potential. Leads to longer-term satisfaction.

Ranking Method

The simplest method of job evaluation that involves ranking each job relative to all other jobs, usually based on overall difficulty.


The study of how adults learn. In this form of education, the learner participates in decisions about what will be taught and how it will be delivered.

Predictive Validity

The success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict; it is assessed by computing the correlation between test scores and the criterion behavior.

Copyright Act of 1976

The use of musical, literary and other original works is prohibited under most circumstances, 2 exceptions.

According to McGregor's theory, what is the difference between Theory X and Theory Y managers?

Theory X managers believe that employees are lazy and uninterested and therefore need constant direction in order to complete assignments. Theory Y managers believe that, given the opportunity, people will seek out challenging work and additional responsibility if the work is satisfying.

Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y (1960)

Theory X managers have a worldview of employees as lazy and uninterested in work and needing constant direction to complete their assignments. Theory X managers believe that employees do not want to take responsibility and are interested in job security above all else. Theory X managers are generally autocratic, utilizing a "top-down" management style. In contrast, Theory Y managers believe that, given the opportunity, people will seek out challenging work and additional responsibility if the work is satisfying. Theory Y managers are more likely to invite participation in the decision-making process from their subordinates

5 Characteristics of a Profession

These Characteristics separate a profession from an occupation: National Organization Code of Ethics Research Body of Knowledge Credentialing

Why is it important to have talented front line employees?

These employees are often more visible to customers and the impact these individuals have in one on one interactions affects organization success.

Describe people who are motivated by affiliation.

These people look for acceptance in the work group and need regular interaction with their co-workers or customers.

Describe people who are motivated by power.

These people seek either personal or institutional power. Those that seek institutional power are often effective managers who are motivated by coordinating work groups to achieve organization goals.

Describe people who are motivated by achievement.

These people take moderate risks to achieve their goals, respond to frequent feedback and prefer to work as sole contributors or with others interested in achieving at the same level.

How do laissez-faire leader operate and what are the typical outcomes?

They allow group members to operate on their own with no direction or guidance. Can lead to chaos if members lack confidence. Generally results in lower levels of productivity.

What do business impact measures do and what are some examples of these metrics?

They demonstrate how a particular HR program or activity adds value to the bottom line. Ex: Return on Investment (ROI), Cost/benefit analysis (CBA)

When and by who was the study of leaders first addressed?

Thomas Carlyle 19th century

Text: Organizational Development and Change

Thomas Cummings and Christopher Worley identify four categories of interventions: Strategic, techno-structural, human processes, and human resource management.

Unlawful employment practices

Those that have an adverse action on a certain group of people

Public comment period

Time allowd for the public to express its views and concerns regarding an action of a regulatory agency.

Documenting Performance Issues

Timeliness and ensuring written documentation

Introduced concepts of protected classes and unlawful employment practices

Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of 1964

What is the goal of employee attitude assessment?

To address issues that are affecting morale and productivity in order to improve productivity


To an operations department, an after the fact evaluation of a company's ability to meet its own specifications and its customers' needs


To an operations department, an organization's major asset after physical buildings and equipment.

What is the purpose of a job analysis?

To define a job so that it can be understood in the context of accomplishing organizational goals and objectives.

Strategic Workforce Planning

To ensure that qualified employees are available when the organization needs them. Effective workforce planning process is based on the following; workforce goals and objectives, job analysis and description that identifies the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to meet the future needs, Identification of qualified employees beginning with the organization's current workforce demographics, translating the goals and objectives into tactical staffing plans.

What is a business case used for?

To evaluate the possible consequences of taking or not taking a particular action.

Employee Training Programs

Tool for increasing productivity and operational efficiency, but not the answer to every problem.

Staffing Needs Analysis

Tool is used to determine the numbers and types of jobs forecasted in the organization's strategic plan.

Risk management Scorecard

Tool used to make calculated judgments based on the probability that a circumstance will occur and the potential consequences.

Gross earnings

Total earnings before taxes; include regular wages plus additional earnings such as tips, bonuses, and overtime pay.


Traditional organization structures are built on a "command and control" model, HIO's grant decision making power down to the employees and hold them accountable.


Traditional organizations, individuals hold onto information that could be used to improve results instead of sharing it with other. In a HIO, information is shared with everyone.

Organizational Structures: Functional Structures

Traditional pyramid, hierarchial, communication moves from the top down. More formal and rigid, and appropriate for businesses with a single product line where specialization is an advantage. Typically very centralized.

Organizational Structures: Seamless Organization

Tradtional hierarchies do not exist. Horizontal organization connected by networks instead of boundaries. The purpose is to enhance creativity and communication.


Trainer explaining a process, demonstrating it, then having the learner perform it under the trainers guidance.

HRD, Tactical Accountabilty Measures

Training cost per employee, Employee satisfaction surveys, Learning surveys

Diversity training

Training designed to inform and educate senior management and staff about diversity and to develop concrete skills among staff that will facilitate enhanced productivity and communications among all employees.

What needs to happen after implementation is complete and the system has been tested to ensure that it functions correctly?

Training needs to be administered to those who will need to access the system.

On-the-job training (OJT)

Training provided to employees at the work site utilizing demonstration and performance of job tasks to be accomplished.

Facility: Classroom-style

Training situations when participants will be listening to presentations, using manuals or handouts and taking notes.

Program Delivery: E-Learning: Electronic Performance Support System (EPPS)

Training tool integrated in the computer system used by employees on the job, "Help" resources.

What did Carlyle's theory lead to?

Trait theories of leadership that look to personality, intellect and physical traits that explain leaders' ability to lead.

Travel Time

Travel time associated with overnight stays generally is considered compensable work time when the business travel cuts across the nonexempt employee's normal work hours, regardless of what day of the week the travel takes place. Time spent traveling to an airport is not treated as hours worked, but the time spent waiting at the terminal until arrival at the destination is compensable. Compensable travel time is counted the same as any other hours worked and may result in overtime. Some state laws define work hours differently.

What is the information from personnel records typically used to analyze?


Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)

Trust created exclusively for the purpose of paying the qualified education expenses of a designated beneficiary.

Full cafeteria plan

Type of Section 125 plan that allows employees to choose from a menu of benefits and allocate pretax dollars to pay for those benefits.

Flexible spending account (FSA)

Type of Section 125 plan that allows employees to use pretax dollars to pay for out-of-pocket health and dependent-care expenses.

Concurrent validity

Type of criterion-related validity determined by relating the test scores of a group of test takers who take a test (Test A) to some other criterion measure (Test B) that is administered at the same time.

Predictive validity

Type of criterion-related validity; degree to which predictions made by a test are confirmed by the later behavior of test takers.

Asynchronous learning

Type of e-learning in which participants access information at different times and in different places.

Synchronous learning

Type of e-learning in which participants interact together in real time.

Capitated health-care plan

Type of health-care plan in which the physician is paid on a per capita (per head) basis rather than for actual treatment provided.

Targeted interview

Type of interview in which interviewer asks each applicant questions that are from the same knowledge, skill, or ability area; also called patterned interview.

Patterned interview (Targeted interview)

Type of interview in which interviewer asks each applicant questions that are from the same knowledge, skill, or ability area; also called targeted interview.

Structured interview (Repetitive interview)

Type of interview in which interviewer asks every applicant the same questions; also called a repetitive interview.

Repetitive interview

Type of interview in which interviewer asks every applicant the same questions; also called a structured interview.

Situational interview

Type of interview in which interviewer asks hypothetical questions designed to elicit stories and examples that demonstrate the applicant's skills and qualifications.

Nondirective interview

Type of interview in which interviewer asks open questions and provides general direction but allows applicant to guide process.

Stress interview

Type of interview in which interviewer assumes an aggressive posture to see how a candidate responds to stressful situations.

Directive interview

Type of interview in which interviewer poses specific questions to a candidate and keeps control

Panel interview

Type of interview in which structured questions are spread across a group; individual who is most compentent in the relevant area usually asks the question.

Behavioral interview

Type of interview that focuses on how applicant previously handled real work situations.

Prescreening interview

Type of interview that is useful when an organization has a high volume of applicants for a job and face-to-face interviews are needed to judge prequalification factors.

Team interview

Type of interview used in situations where the position relies heavily on team cooperation; supervisors, subordinates, and peers are usually part of the process.

Group interview

Type of interview where multiple job candidates are interviewed by one or more interviewers at the same time or where multiiple people in an organization interview a single job candidate.

Halo effect

Type of interviewer bias in which interviewer allows one strong point in candidate's favor to overshadow all other information.

Horn effect

Type of interviewer bias in which the interviewer allows one strong point that works against candidate to overshadow all other information


Type of interviewer bias that involves forming generalized opinions about how people of a given gender, religion, or race appear, think, act, feel or respond.

Negative emphasis

Type of interviewer bias that involves rejecting a candidate on the basis of a small amount of negative information.

Plateau curve

Type of learning curve in which learning is fast at first but then flattens out with no apparent progress.

S-shaped curve

Type of learning curve in which learning occurs in a series of increasing or decreasing returns; usually seen when an employee is attempting to learn a difficult task that also requires specific insight.

Increasing returns

Type of learning curve in which progress is initially slow because basics are being learned but then performance takes off after the initial learning phase.

Decreasing returns

Type of learning curve in which the amount of learning or skill level increases rapidly at first and then the rate of improvement slows.

Open question

Type of question that typically begins with what, where, why, when, or how.

Quid pro quo harassment

Type of sexual harassment that occurs when an employee is forced to choose between giving in to a superior's sexual demands and forfeiting an economic benefit such as a pay increase, a promotion, or continued employment.

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

Umbrella that includes other emergency plans, begins with commitment from CEO and an analysis of the risks.

Management Development Program

Upgrade skills of managers who are accountable for achieving results through others. Going beyond supervisory training, management development, includes exposure to financial and technology management.

Alternative staffing (Flexible staffing)

Use of alternative recruiting sources and workers who are not regular employees; also known as flexible staffing.

Judgemental forecasts

Use of information from past and present to predict future conditions; include managerial estimates, Delphi technique, and nominal group technique.

Trend and ratio analyses

Use of statistics to determine whether relationships exist between two variables.

PERT Chart

Used for large, complex projects with lots of interdependencies; also synonymous with the critical path

Quantitative Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency: Weighted Average

Used to compensate for data that may be out of date. The more current data is multiplied by a predetermined number to better reflect the current situation.

Building a Business Case

Used to evaluate the possible consequences of taking (or not taking) a particular action, such as implementing an HRIS system.

Capital budget

Used to project asset purchases such as buildings, machinery, equipment or computers.

Budgeting: Capital Budget

Used to project asset purchases.

Evaluation Method: Learning

Uses a test to measure whether the participants learned the information presented. Pretest/Posttest.

Secondary Research

Uses data already gathered by others and reported in vbarious sources.

Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act

VEVRA 1974, applies to federal contractors or subcontractors with contracts of $25,000 or more. Act requires contractors to list all job openings with state agencies, unless they are senior-level management positions, internally filled jobs, or positions lasting three days or less. State employment agencies are required to give vietnam-era veterans priority when filling these positions. Additional protections for vets with disabilities rated at 10,20,30 percent who are entitled to compensation from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.


Value of Investment - Cost of Investment / Cost of Investment

Cost - Benefit Ratio

Value of Projected or received benefits / Cost


Value of the business to owners after all liabilities have been paid


Value of the business to owners after all liabilities have been paid.


Value that occurs most frequently in a set of data.

OSHA - Alliance Program

Vehicle for collaboration with EE'r organizations interested in promoting workplace health and safety issues.

Pareto chart

Vertical bar graph on which bar height reflects frequency or impact of causes.

De Minimis Violation

Violation of an OSHA standard that does not have a direct impact on employees' safety and health on the job.

Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)

Voluntary group of employers that promotes and recognizes effective safety and health programs.

asynchronous learning

WBLs are an example

What is management often tempted to do with information and what is the result?

Waiting until all the answers are clear. Absence of information creates added stress and apprehension that hinders the acceptance of change by employees. Keeping employees abreast of a situation in flux, even by telling them that not all decisions have been made, builds trust.


Way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work.

Talent Management

Way of viewing all the activities in those HR functions that attract and retain employees with the skills needed by the organization to move forward in the marketplace.

Learning styles

Ways individuals learn and process ideas.

Employment Applications: Weighted Application

Weighted applications help with screening, reducing biases.


What an organization sells to make a profit.

The effect.

What effect with the use have on the potential market value of the work.

Risk Management: Fire Drill or Crisis Management

When a company decides to manage risk on an ad hoc basis, as neccesary.


When a company needing help identifies specific people and refers them to a staffing firm, which employs them and assigns them to work at the company. (I.e. Manpower)

Why is it difficult for the job analysis process to focus on the job, not the person?

When a high performing employee has been in a particular job for any length of time, it can be difficult to separate what the employee brings to the job from the job's main purpose.

Washington v Davis

When a test procedure is challenged under constitutional law, intent to discriminate must be established; no need to establish intent if filed under Title VII, just show effects

Motivation Concepts: Hierearchy of Needs: Self-actualization

When all the needs have been met, motivation comes from opportunities to be creative and fulfill their potential. Internal.

Negligent Hiring

When an EE'r knew or should have known about an applicants prior history that endangered an EE'rs constituents. To protect themselves EE'rs should due their due diligence on candidates.

Involuntary termination

When employers decide to discharge particular employees for cause (e.g., poor performance, violations of employer policy).

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Hershey-Blanchard Theory: Telling

When followers are immature or inexperienced, leader must be more directive by providing guidelines and defining roles.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Hershey-Blanchard Theory: Selling

When followers have experience, the leader is directing them, but in a more general sense. Greater emphasis on encouraging followers who have motivation, but lack experience.

Title VII Exceptions: Bona Fide Occupational Requirements (BFOQ)

When religion, sex or national origin is reasonably neccesary to normal operation.

Bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQs)

When religion, sex, or national origin is "reasonably necessary to the normal operation" of the business


Where an employer unnecessarily hires more than one employee for a particular task that isn't important to the organization.

Work environment

Whether it's an office setting or includes hazardous equipment or locations that will impact the employee. Use of stairs or ladders or if the job requires working in confined spaces.

What should you consider when choosing which data analysis tools to use?

While each tool has its benefits and drawbacks, no single tool can provide the most comprehensive analysis. The use of several different tools will help to minimize errors.

Managing Risk: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX): Section 806

Whistleblower protection

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Wide range of mandates for public companies in the financial industry, including nonbinding vote for shareholders on executive compensation and golden parachutes, return of executive compensation based on inaccurate financial statements, ratio of CEO pay to average employee compensation, and financial rewards for whistleblowers

Job Description Sections: Work Environment

Work Environment described, office, hazardous equipment or locations, stairs, ladders, and confined spaces.

Staff units

Work groups that assist line untis by providing specialized services, such as HR.

Line units

Work groups that conduct the major business of an organization.

Equal work

Work having equal skills, equal effort, equal responsibility, and similar working conditions, all performed at the same location.

Coaching Leader

Work with group members to develop skills and abilities

How does coaching operate?

Work with group members to develop skills and abilities so they will be able to operate independently.

How does Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory explain employees' motivation?

Workers are motivated by expectancy, instrumentality and valence. Expectancy being their capability to successfully complete an assignment. Instrumentality being the answer to whether completing the assignment will lead to a reward. Valence being the result of calculations as to whether the possible reward is worth the effort.

Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA)

Workers comp for maritime workers.

Federal Workers Compensation Requirements

Workers comp is done at the state level, however a few industries have federal legislation; longshoring, coal mines, and the department of energy.


Workers who are covered by Fair Labor Standards Act regulations as determined by the IRS.

Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA)

Workers who lose their jobs as a result of an increase in imported goods they can apply to become apart of WIA program. 3 or more workers as a group must submit an application to the DOL, which determines eligibility. Workers must have been laid off or had their hours and pay reduced by 20%, 2. EE'rs sales or production levels must have declined, 3. loss of jobs due to imports.

Voluntary Assumption of Risk

Workers who took the job knew the dangers, the pay reflected the risk, EE'r had no responsibility when death or injury occurred.

OSHA Standards - Sanitation

Workplace to be clean and guidelines for santitary conditions

Appraisal Methods: Narrative: Essay

Written description of each employee's performance. Maximum flexibility.

Consumer Report

Written document produced by a CRA.

Request for proposal (RFP)

Written request asking vendors to propose solutions and prices that fit a customer's requirements.

Explanation of benefits (EOB)

Written statement provided by an insurance provider indicating what portion of a benefit claim was paid to the health-care provider and what portion of the payment, if any, the individual is responsible for.

Performance Standards

Zero Defects


a court order to an employer to withhold all or part of an employee's wages and to send the money to the court or to the person who won a lawsuit against the employee

Defined Benefit Plan

a pension plan in which the amount an employee is to receive on retirement is specifically set forth. In a traditional defined benefit plan, the employer agrees to provide the employee with a retirement benefit amount based on a formula. The employer must fund the plan to the level required by the formula. The employer bears the risk that sufficient funds will be available in the plan when required for retirement distributions


a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company

Harris v Forklift Systems

a reasonable person must fiend the environment hostile/abusive; plaintiff's perception is relevant to determine if they believed the environment to be abusive

Content Validity

a selection procedure samples significant parts of the job being tested.

Change Management

a set of techniques that aid in evolution, composition, and policy management of the design and implementation of a system


a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee

Types of interviews are...

a. Behavioral b. Directive: Controlled and guided by the interviewer c. Non-directive: Ask broad questions and candidate guides the conversation d. Patterned: Covers specific areas related to job requirements. Cover each area by asking diff. questions e. Panel: Multiple people interview candidate f. Structured: List of prepared questions g. Stress: Common in roles like police officer, firefighter

Staffing plan analysis

a. Collect Data b. Identify gaps c. Analyze options d. Implement solutions e. Evaluate results

Job categories

a. Executive/Senior Level Officials and managers b. First/Mid-level officials and managers c. Professionals d. Technicians e. Sales workers f. Administrative support workers g. Craft workers h. Operatives i. Laborers and Helpers j. Service workers


abstract tool that represents basic steps or components of a process

McKennon v Nashville Banner Publishing Co

after acquired evidence is not a complete defense to a discrimination claim, but it can limit punitive damages

Forced Ranking

all employees within a business unit are ranked against one another and grades are distributed along some sort of bell curve

Employee filing and allegation or written complaint

an employee must include their name, the name of the company that retaliated against them, and prima facie evidence which shows substantiation of the violation.

Online Bulletin Boards

are the virtual training methods that permit learners to post questions and communicate information with each other.

Online bulletin boards

are the virtual training methods that permit learners to post questions and communicate information with each other.

Program delivery mechanisms

are used to deliver training programs using the following delivery mechanisms: classroom, self-study, programmed instruction, and virtual training.

Fredrick Herzberg: Motivation/Hygiene Theory (1959)

as long as employees continue to perform their assignments at an acceptable level, they continue to receive a paycheck. Hygiene factors provide only short-term benefits to employers, while factors related to motivation lead to longer-term job satisfaction. A result of Herzberg's theory is the concept of job enrichment in which the significance of the tasks in a job is increased to provide challenging work and growth opportunities.

The cause-and-effect diagram

is used during brainstorming sessions to organize information. The cause-and-effect diagram is also known as the Ishikawa diagram or the fishbone diagram. The stratification chart is helpful when trying to identify possible solutions to correct issues. T

implement programs

when implementing workers comp programs, an organization should establish procedures to prevent injury, schedule training and set ip incentive plans, establish procedures to follow when an injury occurs, and document procedures for each injury

evaluate/modify systems

workers comp claims metrics can be complied, including lost workdays and other costs. programs and procedures can be evaluated to determine any modification needed

Knowledge Workers

workers whose responsibilities extend beyond the physical execution of work to include planning, decision making, and problem solving

Ricci v DeStefano

you can't 'go back' after an exam when its been determined that it causes disparate impact.

Labor Management Relations Act (Taft Hartley)

balance of power; defined ULPs

pattern/parallel bargaining

bargain similarly to other agreements in industry/region

Emotional Intelligence

being aware of their emotions and able to control how they react to them

group discussion

benefits from knowledge transfer of peers

Return on Investment

benefits of a program divided by costs

chevron seating arrangement

best for PC based training

case study

best for immediate use

talent management

build, retain, develop and manage a workforce capable of taking an organization into the future

St Mary's Honor Center v Hicks

burden of proof still lies with ee if employer gives the nondiscriminatory reason for the action

The Process Control Chart

can be used to determine variances in production over a set period of time.

Retirement Equity Act

cant' change plans without written consent of the beneficiaries

Organizational learning

certain types of learning activities or processes that may occur at any one of several levels in an organization.

Regents of UC v Bakke

colleges/unis can legitimately consider race as a factor in the admissions process

Blake Mouton Theory

concern for people vs. concern production (task). Blake-Mouton's theory suggests that the most effective leaders are equally concerned with people and production to the maximum degree. Hersey-Blanchard's theory espouses situational leadership, which requires a leader to change leadership styles based on a situation. To Covey, leadership deals with vision and the ability to keep the organization's mission in sight while producing results. McClelland focuses on the characteristics of people with high needs for achievement, therefore defining what type of person might become a leader.

Nip in the Bud

deal with a problem when it is still small, before it can grow into something serious.

The five phases of the Six Sigma DMAIC model

define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.

content validity

degree to which a selection device measures the KSAs that are actually part of the job

predictive validity

degree to which the predictions made by the test are confirmed by the later behavior of the test takers

business case

describes an organizational challenge and possible alternative solutions, presenting evidence in support of a proposed solution

McDonnell Douglas Corp v Green

disparate treatment; establishes prima facie (Civil Rights Movement)

Mississippi Vs

dispirate impact


due September 30; job categories breakown of race, gender and ethnicity

diversity training

educate all groups about the cultures, needs, and attitudes of other groups in the workforce to ensure the inclusion of all groups in workplace activities

Interpersonal Intelligence

emotional intelligence and social aptitude

ranking method

employees are listed in order from highest to lowest performer.


ensures that health-care benefits are made available for employees who are laid off or who have resigned from their jobs, causing the employee to no longer have health-care benefits provided for them through their employer. COBRA's qualifying events include: employee death, divorce or legal separation, dependent child no longer covered, reduction in hours, employee termination, eligibility for SSA benefits, and termination for gross misconduct

Washington v Davis

equal protection under 14th amendment. govt won; not purposefully discriminatory


eries of tasks and activities that has a stated goal and objectives, a schedule with defined start and end dates, and a budget that sets limits on the use of monetary and human resources.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Path-goal theory: Achievement

establishes a difficult goal, and encourages the group to accomplish it.

construct validity

extent to which a selection device measures the theoretical construct or trait (intelligence, personality traits, etc.) such as anxiety, mechanical comprehension, teamwork, etc.

Privacy Act

fed govt ee records can't be disclosed without express written authorization

positional negotiation

focus on winning the position

A fee-for-service (FFS)

is a plan that places no restrictions on the physicians or hospitals used by the member.

A preferred provider organization (PPO)

is a plan that uses a network of health-care providers for patient services.

A point of service (POS)

is a plan that uses network physicians and allows referrals for physicians outside the network.

check sheet

is a simple list of items that one would place a check beside each time it occurred.


is an example of emotionally aroused stress.


is an example of emotionally exhausted stress.

knowledge based system

level of knowledge in specific field (professors, teachers, etc.)


level of learning characterized by ability to translate or interpret information.

Crown Cork & Seal Company

lifted some restrictions of employee participation committees

criterion-related validity

link between a selection device and job performance

Job Group Analysis

lists all job titles that comprise each job group (similar content, responsibilities, wage rates, and opportunities for advancement)

portal to portal act

manages overtime rules

Walsh Healey Act

manufacturers and suppliers get prevailing wage for fed contracts

Clayton Act

minimally restricted the use of injunctions against labor; legalized peaceful strikes, picketing and boycotts

Kolstad v American Dental Association

motive of discrimination is what determines availability for punitive damages

coordinated bargaining

multiple unions, one employer


needs to learn quickly and get up to speed

distributive bargaining

negotiate for best possible outcome; some wins, some losses


new detailed info

yellow dog contract

no union activity if employed

Taxman v Piscataway

nonremedial AAPs cannot form the basis for deviating from Title VII


occurs when management shuts down operations to keep the union from working. This may happen because of work slowdowns where it is costing management more to have employees working slowly and not producing the required productivity than it would be to shut down the operation.

Promissory estoppel

occurs when the employer entices an employee to take an action by promising them a reward. for instance an employer may be required to follow through on the promised reward or pay equivalent damages.

compa ratio

payrate / midpoint

What activities does the talent management approach incorporate?

planning for future workforce needs; recruiting, retaining and developing employees; managing their performance; creating a positive and supportive culture

Washington v. Davis

police department testing, was valid predictor, held up in court.

structured exercise

practice time to develop new skills

Disparate Impact

practices that result in unfair treatment of a protected class, may seem to be a fair practice, but is not.

Internal Controls

procedures designed to make sure no one single person has complete responsibility for a financial process.

Distance learning

process of delivering educational or instructional programs to locations away from a classroom or site.

Managing Risk: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX): Section 404

requires organiztional review and test of financial controls; For HR, offers, salary increases,

United Steelworkers v Weber

reverse discrimination okay when its temporary and doesnt necessarily the interests of majority of employers

City of Richmond v JA Croson Company

rigid numerical quotas are unconstitutional

Oncale v Sundowner

same sex harassment is legitimate

Motivation Concepts: Motivation/Hygiene Theory: Hygiene

the dissatisfaction factors motivate to the extent that they allow people to avoid unpleasant experiences. Hygiene benefits are short-term.

What elements are essential to the success of a diversity initiative?

top management support, a clear pictures of the challenges the initiative will address, communication about the purpose of the initiative, feedback mechanisms to answer questions and ease any fears for employees, training to educate about the need for and benefits of diversity, evaluation of its effectiveness.

First-impression error

type of interviewer bias in which interviewer makes snap judgments and lets first impression (either positive or negative) cloud the interview

directed election

type of representation election ordered by NLRB regional director after a preelection hearing


type of representation election that involves and agreement between employer/union to waive the preelection hearing

Blended Learning

type of virtual training that uses multiple methods of delivery to enrich the learning experience.

certification of results

union has lost the election

certification of representation

union has won the election

Sexual harrassment (part of Civil Rights Act)

unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Fishbone Chart

used to aid in brainstorming and isolating the causes of a problem

managerial centralization

used when operating units have conflicting goals and strategies

point factor method

uses compensable factors to evaluate relative job worth

The Narrative Method

uses critical incident reviews, essay reviews, and field reviews.

The Comparison Method

uses ranking, paired comparison, and forced ranking.

The Rating Method

uses rating scales and checklists. The narrative method uses critical incident reviews, essay reviews, and field reviews. The behavioral method uses the behaviorally anchored rating scale.

The Behavioral Method

uses the behaviorally anchored rating scale.

synchronous learning

webcasts are an example

Motivation/Hygiene theory*

what makes people happy is the way they are utilized and what makes people unhappy is the way they are treated.

Coalition Bargaining

when more than one employer negotiates with the union; also known as multiple employer bargaining

constructive discharge

when things are so bad you have to quit; PCC

sweetheart contracts

where union/mgmt collude; illegal

monitor effects

with regard to worker comp claims, an organization will want to monitor the systems on an ongoing basis to make sure that procedures are followed

Organizational Structures: Product Based Structure

"Customer Oriented Structure", organized by product line and is appropriate when the company has well-defined product lines that are clearly separate from each other. Each product line reports to the CEO.


"Do it right the first time"

Line Units

"Front lines"; production, marketing, sales, etc.

Income Statement

"Profit and Loss Statement" provides information about the financial results during the reporting period. How much revenue was produced, how much it cost to produce goods and services, what expenses where, and what the profit or loss was.

Quantitative Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency: Moving Average

"Rolling Average" used to calculate averages over a period of time.

Environmental Scanning Tools: PEST

"STEP", External Scan of the following areas: Political, Economic, Social, and Technological

Change Management

- awareness of the need for change - create a vision of where you want to go - facilitate change (remove obstacles, etc.) - motivate employees - incorporate change into org culture/structures


- stated goal and objectives - schedule - resource budget

What are the main drawback to trait theories?

1. Each researcher identified different leadership traits. 2. Research showed little difference between leaders' and followers' traits. 3. Trait theories don't explain how leaders were successful in different situation using different methods.

Labor markets look at...

1. Economic indicators 2. Industry activity 3. Labor Market categories (geographic, technical and education)

What are the two types of social connections in businesses?

1. Formal - management 2. Informal - work group

Re-employment programs

1. Workforce Investment Act (WIA): Job training program designed to improve worker skills for 21st century jobs. 2. Trade Adjustment and Assistance Act (TAA): Assists workers who lost their jobs as a result of an increase of imported goods. Eligibility requires a group of three or more workers to submit an application

What are some examples of qualitative analysis tools?

1.Estimates from experienced and knowledgeable employees 2.The Delphi technique 3.The nominal group technique

When were human relations theories introduced?


Griggs v. Duke Power

1971 case that recognized adverse impact/disparate discrimination

Occupational Safety and Health Act / Association (OSHA)

3 duties; 1. provide EE's with a workplace free from recognized hazards 2. EE'rs comply with all safety and health standards 3. EE's comply with OSHA standards.

Replacement Chart

4 Box, Ready for promotion, Develop for future promotion, Satisfactory in current position, Replace.

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act of 1988

60 Days advance notice. EE'rs with 100+ FT EE's or 100+ FT and PT EE's who work 4,000+ Hrs are eligbile. Mass Layoff, 500 EE's or 33% of the workforce (at least 50 EE's). Plant Closing, 50+ EE's lose their jobs at a single facility. Reductions over time, total reductions over 90 days trigger the notice requirement.

US Patriot Act

A U.S. federal act that broadens the surveillance of law enforcement agencies to enhance the detection and suppression of terrorism


A diverse workforce is more creative, reflects the population, and increases the candidate pool

Liability (legal)

A duty or responsibility owed by one party to another.


A free service offered through USCIS. Is a tool that helps employers comply and verify the identity and eligibility of new employees. Employers automatically receive a "Employment authorized" or "Tentative non-confirmation"

Compensable Factor

A fundamental, compensable element of a job, such as skills, effort, responsibility, and working conditions.


A legal term that describes an action that injures someone

Talent Assessment

A means of identifying current levels of skill as well as potential of individual employees. The ultimate goal of a talent assessment is to align the workforce with key business initiatives (KBI).


A person who hears and investigates complaints by private individuals against public officials or agencies, neutral, can not impose a decistion

Balance sheet

A picture of the financial condition of the organization on a specific day, usually the last day of the accounting period

Risk Management

A proactive method for addressing business risks in a systemic approach

Six Sigma

A process for reducing costs, improving quality, and increasing customer satisfaction


A projection of revenue and expenses used to control actual expenses

Essential vs Nonessential Functions

ADA purposes - nonessential functions can be moved to another employee as accommodation

learning design models


General Dynamics Land Systems v Cline

ADEA does not protect younger workers, even if they're over 40

Needs assessment

AKA needs analysis Obtain information required to make decisions that best meet the organization's goals.

crisis management

AKA: fire drill method Risks are unrecognized or ignored until a problem occurs and then they're dealt with by having employees stop other work to resolve the crisis.

Emotional intelligence (EI)

Ability of an individual to be sensitive to and understanding of the emotions of others and to manage his or her own emotions and impulses.


Ability of an individual to influence a group or another individual toward the achievement of goals and results.


Ability of an instrument to measure consistently.


Ability of an instrument to measure what it is inteded to measure.


Ability to keep talented employees in an organization.


Ability to learn information or acquire a skill.

Penn State Police vs. Sudurers

Absence of an intangible employemnt action, the ellerth/faragth aff. constructive discarge

Workplace Safety

Accident Prevention

Homeland Security Act

Act designed to secure the United States against terrorist attacks and other threats and hazards and ensure safe and secure borders.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Act originally enacted in 1964, that prohibited discrimination by employers, employe agencies, and unions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA)

Act that addresses parity between mental health benefits and medical benefits.

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA)

Act that adjusts minimum vesting schedules, increases retirement plan compensation and contribution limits, permits catch-up contributions by participants age 50 or older in certain retirement plans, and modifies distribution and rollover rules.

Older Worker's Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA)

Act that amended ADEA to include all employee benefits; also provided terminated employees with time to consider group termination or retirement programs and consult an attorney.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Act that prohibits discrimination in employment for persons age 40 and over except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (part of Civil Rights Act)

Act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Act that prohibits discrimination or segregation based on race, color, national origin, religion and gender in all terms and conditions of employment

Techno-Structural Interventions

Address issues of how work gets done, by examining the level of employee involvement and redesigning work processes. Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma are examples of Techno-Structural Interventions.

Revenue Act

Adds two important sections to the Tax Code relevant to employee benefits: Sections 125 and 401(k)

Duke Power vs

Adverse Impacy


Agency of the United Nations with a broad mandate to promote social justice and human rights.

Employment contract

Agreement between an employer and an employee that explains the employment relationship.

How does Aldefer's theory differ from Maslow's?

Aldefer's theory allows for the possibility that people can work on multiple levels simultaneously. Also Aldefer describes the concept of frustration-regression, where an individual falls back to a lower level in frustration at the difficulty of a higher level.

Management by Objectives

Aligns individuals with organization goals and measures the successful attainment of objectives as well as the quality and/or quantity of performance. Often used as a performance tool. Built on mutual involvement in setting goals, ongoing communication, measurement, and reward. Limitation; rapid change of pace in business. Should be broad.

Appraisal Methods: Comparison: Paired Comparison

All employees are compared to each other, one at a time.


All key positions are filled by expatriates. Benefits: Control

ADDIE: Implemenation

All preceding work comes together for the presentation. Selection of facility and trainers.

Product-based organization structure

Also known as a customer-oriented organization structure. Organizational structure suitable when product lines are well defined and clearly separate. Each product line reports directly to the CEO and can be centralized or decentralized.

HR Audit: HR Development

An HR audit looks at learning and development practices and programs, the existence of regular training programs, and performance management practices. The performance evaluation process is evaluated for adequacy, equity, and content.

Divisional Structure

An organizational structure composed of separate business units within which are the functions that work together to produce a specific product for a specific customer.

Candidate Testing Programs: Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs)

Analysis and Solve Problems from a set of facts.

quantitative analysis

Analysis based on mathematical models that measure historical data.

qualitative analysis

Analysis based on subjective judgments.

Availability analysis

Analysis in which organization considers internal and external availability in determining theoretical availability of minorities and women for established job groups.

cost/benefit analysis (CBA)

Analysis that compares the costs of various possible decisions to each other, forecasts the net impact of each on the bottom line, and recommends the best alternative.

Break-even analysis

Analysis that shows point in time at which total revenue associated with a program is equal to the total cost of the program.


Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation


Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Acronym used to describe instructional design elements.

How can HR aid in the development of new products or services?

Analyzing the new work, addressing the talent availability of the internal and external labor force, reviewing potential safety issues.


Annualized formula that tracks number of separations and total number of workforce employees for each month.


Another BBP, transmission occurs as the result of an accidental needle stick, health-care workers are at the greatest risk of infection. CDC recommends that health-care workers at a high risk on infection be vaccinated to prevent them from contracting the disease.

Consumer Report

Any background or reference check conducted by a third party is considered a reference check and is subject to the requirements of the fair credit reporting act.


Any deviation from an acceptable standard

Organizational unit

Any discrete component of an organization in which there is a level of supervision responsible and accountable for the selection, compensation, etc., of employees within the unit.

OSHA - What's Recorded

Any injury or illness is generally considered to be work related if it happens at work, causes death, days away from work, restricted or limited duty, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness. Diagnoses of an injury or illness by a physician, even if it does not result in one of the above, must be recorded.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedure

Any selection tool that has an adverse impact against a protected class is discriminatory

Knowledge Management System

Any system, which collects and disseminates information. CRM system, good example.

Drug Free Workplace Act

Applies to businesses with federal contracts of $100,000 or more. EE'rs must 1. Develop and Publish a Written Policy 2. Establish an Awareness Program 3. Notify EE's about contract conditions 4. Notify the contracting agency of violations 5. Establish penalties for illegal drug convictions 6. Maintain a drug-free workplace


Applies to federal contracts or subcontracts of $100,000+ entered into or modified after Dec 1, 2003. Requires contractors or subcontractors with 50+ employees to develop and AAP for vets. Jobs for Veterans Act

OSHA Standards - Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)

Applies to machinery that may start unexpectedly when a guard or safety device is removed.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Apply to children in the workplace, minors 16-18 cannot participate in jobs considered hazardous. In 2008, as part of GINA, FLSA was amended to increase penalties to $50,000 for each violation, those that affect children are $100,000.

Facility: Chevron-style

Appropriate when the participants will interact with the instructor and each other. Useful for several activities.

Candidate Testing Programs

Aptitude Tests, Cognitive Ability Test, Personality Test, Integrity Tests, Pyschomotor Assessment Tests, Physical Assessment Tests

Aptitude Test

Aptitude tests measure the general ability to learn or acquire a new skill. For example, a candidate for a factory assembly job may be asked to take a manual dexterity test.

The key business initiatives

Are the skills and abilities that are of specific appeal to the organization

HR Audit: Employee Relations

Assess ER philosophy for alignment with corporate goals, review practices of conflict resolution and disciplinary procedures. Employee communication philisophy is reviewed, and written communication tools, such as the handbook, policies, procedures, work rules, code of conduct and behavior expectations are examined. Orientation programs are assessed for content and frequency. Absentee rates and turnover demographics are analyzed; exit interview practices and reporting are examined. Procedures for voluntary and involuntary organization exits are reviewed. Diversity practices are analyzed.

What is the first step of Fiedler's Contingency Theory?

Assess the leader's style using the "least preferred co-worker" scale.

Balance Sheet

Assets = Liabilities + Equity

Balance sheet formula

Assets = Liabilities + Equity

Job Enrichment

Assigning new responsibilities or tasks that challenge the employee to use existing skills and abilities in new ways or to develop new ones.

Quantitative Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency: Weighted Moving Average

Assigns more weight to current data and drops old data.

Budgeting: Zero-based Budgeting

Assume you are starting from scratch and determine what you need to achieve the goals. Requires the need be justified in terms of the new goals and action plans.

Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)

Assume you're starting from scratch when budgeting. Each expenditure must be justified in terms of the new goals and action plans.

OSHA - Annual Summary

At the end of the year EE'rs must review the OSHA 300 log and summarize it on a form 300A, must be certified as correct and complete and posted in February.

3 learning styles

Auditory, visual, tactile/kinesthetic

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

Authorized by the Small Business Job Protection Act, encourages employers to hire targeted groups of job seekers by reducing employers' federal tax liability

Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

Automating the HR function with software systems.

Amer Dental Assoc

Availibilty of punitive damages depends on Motive

weighted moving average

Average calculated for a specific period by assigning more weight to current data. As the number for the most recent month is added, the oldest number is dropped.

Weighted Average

Average of data that takes other factors such as the number of incumbents into account


Average score of value in a set of data.

Interviewer Biases

Average/Central Tendency, contrast, cultural noise, first impression, gut feeling, halo effect, horns effect, knowledge-of-predictor, leniency, negative-emphasis, nonverbal bias, question inconsistency, recency, similar-to-me, stereotyping.

Conflicts of Interest

Avoid even the appearance of conflicts of interest and prevent situations where you appear to or actually do receive personal gain from your position

ADEA: Exemptions

BFOQs, firefighters/police, >65yrs old executives eligible for $44k in retirement funds, >70yr education, discharge for cause

Labor Market Analysis: Economic Indicators

BLS data, unemployment rate, occupational outlook, demographics, wages by area and occupation. Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), which analyzes open positions, hiring statistics, and terminations.

Workplace Privacy

Balance concerns for security with EE's needs of privacy.

Change Agent Responsibilities

Balance the needs of various stakeholders, listen to their concerns, and move them toward acceptance of and commitment to change.

Communication Strategy

Balance top-down and bottom-up communication, balancing mangement's need to ensure confidentiallity with employees needs to know, understand, and feel a part of what is happening.

Motivation to learn

Based more on personal needs and desires than on expectations of others.

Secondary Research

Based on information that has been collected or reported by others, books, articles, etc.

DMAIC: Improve

Based on the analysis, solutions are created and implemented.

Fairness and Justice

Bear the responsibility that everyone is treated with dignity and respect and afforded equal employment opportunities

BARS method

Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale. Scale makes anchor statements, such as greets and welcomes customers warmly, to rate performance.

Types of Interviews

Behavioral interviews, directive interviews, nondirective interviews, patterned interviews, panel interviews, structured interviews, stress interviews

Quantitative Analysis: Ratios

Benchmark based on the historic relationship of one variable to another.

Black Lung Benefits Act (BLCA)

Benefits to coal miners diabled by pneumoconiosis, benefits paid to survivors if miner dies.

Facility: Theater-style Seating

Best for large groups, lectures, films or video.

Facility: Banquet-style

Best for small group discussions and interacting with each other in addition to participating in activities in a single group


Best qualified person in each seat regardless of their origin.

International social security agreements

Bilateral social security agreements that coordinate the U.S. Social Security program with the comparable programs of other countries; also known as totalization agreements.

Black belt

Black belt employees work full-time on quality initiatives, coaching green belts.


Blended learning is the type of virtual training that uses multiple methods of delivery to enrich the learning experience. Online bulletin boards are the virtual training methods that permit learners to post questions and communicate information with each other.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Bloodborne pathogen transmitted through intimate contact.

EI Dupont & Company v NLRB

Board concluded that Dupont's six safety committees and fitness committee were employer-dominated labor organizations and that Dupont dominated the formation and administration of one of them in violation with the NLRA

Project Management JumpStart

Book by Kim Heldman, describes five stages of project life cycle. 1. Initiation 2. Planning 3. Executing 4. Controlling 5. Closing

Budgeting: Parallel

Both top-down and bottom-up approaches. Best method.


Branch of medicine that investigates the causes and control of diseases in a population.

Position Summary

Brief overview of the job; two to five sentences


Bringing in host country managers for training before sending them back out to the international organization.

Job enlargement

Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks to be performed.

Top Down Budgeting

Budget created by senior management and imposed on the organization. Managers with operating responsibility have little input on how much money they will have to achieve their goals.

Team Building

Build relationships within the team to communicate expectations and to involve team members in developing creative and effective ways of accomplishing their goals. Goal, to put team members in unusual situations that require them to rely on each other to solve a problem. Games aren't sticky, MBTI or Keirsey Temperament Sorter are used, others roleplaying actual work situations.

Human Relations Concepts

Buisnesses are social as well as economic systems, social connections have an impact in the workplace. Two types of intelligence; intrapersonal (self-knowledge) and Interpersonal (interpersonal and social aptitude).


Business function responsible for selling an organizatio's product to the marketplace.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Buying or merging companies,done to find synergies or expand into strategic markets.


Buying services externally rather than producing them internally.

Financial Ratios

Calculations designed to describe an organization's financial health and performance from various perspectives.

OSHA EE'r Rights

Can seek advice from OSHA, participate in advisory committees, contact NIOSH. At times EE'rs may be unable to comply, can apply for waivers to the standards.

In-Box Test

Candidates are given a number of problems that would typically be handled by an employee in the position. Evaluated on appropriateness of their decisions as well as the length of time it takes for them to complete the test.


Capacity Standards Scheduling Inventory Control

Dual-ladder programs

Career development programs that identify meaningful career paths for professional and technical people whose preference may be outside of traditional management roles.

Fast-track programs

Career development programs that involve identifying a pool of potential leaders and rapidly increasing their leadership skill development.

Plateaued career

Career state of employees who are no longer considered promotable

Leonel v American Airlines

Case in which Court of Appeals for 9th Circuit held that to issue a "real" employment offer under the ADA, an employer must have completed all nonmedical components of the application process or be able to demonstrate that it could not reasonably have done so before issuing the offer

Smith v. Jackson, Mississippi

Case in which Supreme Court held that Age Discrimination in Employment Act authorizes recovery on a disparate impact theory but with narrrower scope than that provided under Title VII.

Kolstad v. American Dental Association

Case in which Supreme Court held that the availablity of punitive damages depends on the motive of the discriminator rather than the nature of the conduct. (Civil Rights 1991)

Pennsylvania State Police v. Suders

Case in which Supreme Court ruled on the use of the affirmative defense in a constructive discharge claim to an employer whose supervisors are charged with harassment.

Sutton v. United Airlines

Case in which Supreme Court ruled that a person may not have a disability if the individual's condition is controlled or corrected by medication or mitigating measures.

EEOC v Waffle House

Case in which Supreme Court ruled that even if there is a mandatory arbitration agreement in place, relevant civil rights agencies can still sue on behalf of the employee

Change Management

Change is everywhere, communicate readily, avoid waiting for all the information, balance the organizations need for change with employees need for clarity and direction.

Pension Protection Act

Changes the laws that affect defined benefit and contribution plans, individual retirement accounts, and other issues related to retirement planning

Organizational Structures: Divisional Structure

Characteristics similar to geographic structure, but divisions are based on criteria other than geography, such as market or industry. Characterized by decentralized decision making.

Human Relations Concepts: Emotional Intelligence

Characterized by individuals who are aware of their emotions and are able to control how they react to them.

Control chart

Chart that illustrates variations from normal in a situation over time.


Chemicals, which have no effect on pregnant women, but affect their unborn children. Automobile v. Johnson Controls; says parents should be informed and make their own decisions regarding their babies.

Chosen Officer

Chosen by an employee from a group of individuals. Allows employee to feel some control over their futures

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is an example of physically exhausted stress.

Civil Rights Legislation

Civil Rights Act 1964 regarded as the milestone for modern equal opportunity. Title VII dedicated to providing equal opportunity for all Americans.

Civil Rights Legislation that refers to HRD

Civil Rights, Executive Orders, Copyright, and Patent

Golden parachutes

Clauses written into executive contracts that provide special payments to key executives who might lose their position or be otherwise disadvantaged if another organization took control through a merger or acquisition; also known as parachutes.


Clear statement, usually in one sentence, of the purpose and intent of a human resource development program.

Griggs v. Duke Power

Co. changed requirements to have a HS diploma, other EE didn't have a diploma and did fine.

Leadership Styles: Coaching

Coaches work with team members to develop skills and abilities so they will operate independently.

correlation coefficient

Coefficient that describes the relationship between two variables and is stated as a number between .1.0 and +1.0.

Facility: U-shaped style

Collaborative training situations, when presentations and discussions will take place. Center area used for activities, or additional seating.

Staffing Needs Analysis: Steps

Collect data, Identify gaps, Analyze options, Select/implement solutions, evaluate results.

Expert Registers

Collection of names and areas of expertise of employees. Available to all employees.

Skills Inventory

Collects information on KSA's of staff.

OSHA Standards - Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags

Colors for signs, size and shape for moving vehicle signs. Red - danger, Yellow - caution, Orange - warning, Fluorescent Orange or Orange-Red for biological.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Combination of two separate firms either by their joining together as relative equals (merger) of by one acquiring the other (acquisition).

Human Capital

Combined knowledge, skills and experience of a company's employees.

Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Compares all costs of a proposed program (including soft costs) and forecasts the net impact on the bottom line.

Predictive Validity

Compares test scores of test given at the beginning of a job, then the EE is evaluated. The test score is measured against the criterion to see if they are similar.

Quantitative Analysis: Time Series: Trend Analysis

Compares the changes in a single variable over time. "Cycles" can become apparent of periods of time.

Gap Analysis

Compares the objective to the current situation and results in a list of people, actions, or items needed to obtain the objective.

Indirect compensation

Compensation commonly referred to as benefits.

ADDIE: Design

Compile a task inventory, Identify the target audience, Develop training objectives, Develop the course content, Develop evaluation criteria,

Line of sight

Concept that states that employees must be able to influence the attainment of a goal and see a direct result of their efforts in order for incentive pay plans to be effective.

Comparable worth

Concept that states that jobs requiring comparable skills, effort, responsibility, and working conditions filled primarily by women should have the same job classification and salary as similar jobs filled by men.

Internal Equity

Concerned with the relative worth of jobs within the company

Content validity

Content validity is the degree to which an interview, test, or other selection device measures the knowledge, skills, abilities, or other qualifications that are actually part of the job. A test is content-valid if it reflects an actual sample of the work to be done. A typing test is content-valid for a secretarial position

Preparing for Pandemic

Contingency planning for a pandemic. Modify sick leave policies, utilize alternative staffing methods.

Best form of feedback

Continous feedback

Faragher v. City of Boca Raton

Court ruling that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and supervisor harassment that does not (vicarious liability).

Ellerth v. Burlington Northern Industries

Court ruling that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and supervisor harassment that does not.

Ellerth v. Burlington Northern Industries

Court ruling that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and that which does not. When harassment results in tangible employment action, the employer is liable.

Faragher v City of Boca Raton

Court ruling that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and that which does not. When harassment results in tangible employment action, the employer is liable.

Johnson v. Santa Clara County Transportation Agency

Court ruling that endorsed using gender as one factor in an employment decision if underrepresentation is shown and if the affirmative action plan is not a quota system.

Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc.

Court ruling that established "reasonable person" standard in a sexual harassment case.

Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson

Court ruling that first held that sexual harassment violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 regardless of whether it is quid pro quo or hostile environment harassment.

Taxman v. Board of Education of Piscataway

Court ruling that nonremedial affirmative action plan cannot form the basis for deviating from the antidiscrimination mandate of Title VII.

Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Service, Inc.

Court ruling that same-gender harassment is actionable under Title VII.

Guidelines on Sexual Harassment

Coverage same as the Civil Rights Act (1964) as amended; defines standards for what constitutes harassment

Budgeting: Top-down

Created by senior management and imposed on the organization. Managers have little input on how much money they will have to achieve their goals. Advantage to management because they have complete control, the disadvantage is that those creating the budget are far removed from actual operations.

Trademark Act

Created federal protection for trademarks and service marks

Taxpayer Relief Act

Created tax-advantaged savings mechanisms, including Roth IRAs and Education IRAs for individual taxpayers

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Creates a rolling time frame for filing wage discrimination claims; retains the 180/300 day time frame outlined in Title VII but allows the clock to renew each time employees receive compensation that is based on a discriminatory decision by the employer


Creates reports to summarize the results of business activity.


Creates the motivation for change by identifying and communicating the need for change. Important to create a vision for the outcome of the change and a sense of urgency.

Managing Risk: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX): Section 802

Criminal penalties, 20 years in prison

Concurrent Validity

Criterion measurement occurs at the same time as the test is given, not later.

Appraisal Methods: Narrative

Critical incident, Essay, Field Review

Communication Considerations

Culture: Very Formal or Informal, Employee Base: Computer Savvy or used to small meetings?

Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA)

DOE compensation to those exposed to excessive radiation while testing nuclear weapons.

Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

DOL and Congress, job training program to improve worker skills, 3 goals: 1. Improve workforce quality, 2. Enhance national productivity and competitiveness, 3. Reduce reliance on welfare

EEO Report Types: Consolidated Report

Data from all the individual location reports is combined on the Consolidated Report.

Erie County Retirees Association v Country of Erie

Decision upheld by the Supreme Court that declared that if an employer provides retiree health benefits, the health insurance benefits received by Medicare-eligible retirees to be the same - or cost the same - as the health insurance benefits received by younger retirees

Change - workforce reduction

Decrease expenses by reducing size of workforce


Delivery of formal and informal training and educational materials, processes, and programs via the use of electronic media.

Business Impact Measures

Demonstrates how an activity adds value to the bottom line.


Departments defined by the services they contribute to the organization; most common


Dependency to autonomy and self direction.

Organizational profile

Depicts the staffing pattern of a facility to determine if barriers to equal employment opportunity exist within any organizational unit.

Mental requirements

Describe the level of mental acuity required to perform essential job functions, for ADA purposes.

Business Case

Description of an organizational challenge and possible alternative solutions, arguing for a specific solution.

Supervisory Responsibilities

Description of any leadership responsibilities

Human Resource management (HRM)

Design of formal systems in an organization that ensure the effective and efficient use of human capital to accomplish organizational goals.


Design of the work environment to address the physical demands experienced by employees.

Employment ApplicationsJob Specific

Designed to gather specific information related to the position or profession.

Highly compensated employee (HCE)

Determined by an array of issues such as business ownership and/or salary.


Determines how many and what kind of resources will be required to accomplish goals and objectives generated by the strategic plan. 2 methods: Historical Budget information and zero-based budgeting (ZBB).

Strategy Formulation

Develop vision and mission statemet Define Organizational Values

Strategic Planning Process

Develop vision-Write mission Statement-Perform SWOT analysis-Develop forecasts-analyze competition-establish goals and objectives-develop action plans

Six Sigma (DMAIC)

Developed by engineers at Motorola in the 1980's. Quality standard is defects per million. Focus quality team structure; Quality leader/manager, Master black belt, Process owner, Black belt, Green belt.


Developmentally oriented relationship between two individuals.

Taxman v Board of Education of Piscataway

District court held that a school board could not use racial diversity as an "educational goal" or as a justification for an affirmative action plan granting racial preferences in layoffs where there was no evidence of past bias against racial minorities

Diversity Concepts

Diverse workforce... is more creative, reflects the population, increases the candidate pool,

Unique Employee Needs

Diversity Iniatives, Flexible Work Arrangements, Repatriation

Return on Investment (ROI)

Dividing the benefits realized as a result of a program by the total related direct and indirect costs.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Document containing the clearly defined expectations for quality and service levels.


Document prepared by job candidate (or professional hired by candidate) to highlight candidate's strengths and experience.

Job description

Document that compiles all information collected during the job analysis and is used for multiple purposes in the organization, beginning with the hiring process.

Offer letter

Document that formally communicates the employment offer, making the hiring decision official.

COBRA qualifying events

Ds - divorce death dependent = 36 months most others = 18 months


Dual chain of command

Washington Vs Davis

Due Process Clause, when a test procedure is challenged the intent to discriminatte must be establihed

International employee assistance programs (IEAPs)

EAP program benefits offered to international employees and the non-U.S.-based workforce to support their unique cultural adjustment needs.

OSHA - Affirmative Defense

EE'r has burden to prove affirmative defense exists: 1. An isolated case caused by unpreventable EE misconduct 2. Compliance is impossible based on nature of EE'rs work, no viable means of protection 3. Compliance would cause greater hazard to EE's

Work-For-Hire Exceptions

EE'r who hires/commissions EE to create original works.

Fellow Servant Rule

EE'rs are not responsible if a co-workers actions caused the injury.

Workplace Violence

EE'rs must be aware of EE's exhibiting signs of possible violence and take steps to prevent it. Training managers to recognize signs; change in work habits, decline in productivity, conflicts with co-workers, depression and refusing to take responsibility for individual actions. Company should have a plan to address EE's, in the case it arises.

OSHA Standards - Selection and Use of Electrical Work Practices

EE'rs must ensure that EE's are protected from injury around electricity.

OSHA Standards - Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)

EE'rs must inform EE's about hazards in the workplace, MSDSs provide sufficient information for communicating and training EE's

OSHA Standards - Blood-borne Pathogens

EE'rs must take steps to prevent exposures, have a control plan, train EE's on prevention, post-exposure evaluation, follow-up, recordkeeping, and incident evaluation.

Disparate Treatment

EE'rs treat some candidates or EE's differently.

OSHA Applies to

EE'rs with 11+ EE's. Exemptions: Certain industries, retail, service, finance, insurance, and real estate. If you haven't been notified, you're exempt. Owners and partners in sole proprietorships and partnerships are not considered EE's under OSHA.

Job Bidding

EE's can express interest in a position before it is posted.

Third-country nationals (TCNs)

EE's from another country other than host or home.

WARN: Who must be notified

EE's or representatives (Union), chief elected official of local government, and the state dislocated worker unit. Reasons, permanent or temporary, address the affected unit, name of company contact, expected date of closure, bumping rights.

Expatriates or Parent Country Nationals

EE's who originate from the home country

Change Process Theory

Early model of change process theory, developed by pyschologist Kurt Lewin, described three stages for change: Unfreezing, Moving, Refreezing.


Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act

Labor Market Analysis

Economic Indicators, Industry Activity,

Adult Learning Process, Lindeman

Eduard Lindeman 1920's, method of learning was more important to adults than what was being learned. Enhanced learning resulted in small groups where experiences could be shared.

Diversity Training

Educates all groups about the culures, needs, and attitudes of other groups in the workforce, to ensure inclusion of all groups.


Education in which the learner participates in decisions about what they will be taught and how it will be delivered


Education in which the teacher decides what will be taught and how it will be delivered

Title VII Exceptions: Other

Educational Institutions (were originally exempt, aren't now), Religious organizations, security clearance, Indian Reservations

High Involvement Organizations (HIO)

Edward Lawler III, Employees are involved in designing their own work processes, are empowered to take the actions necessary to complete their work, and are accountable for the results. Broadly defined jobs in flat hierarchies, continuous feedback and information flows. 4 Elements: Power, Information, Knowledge, Rewards.

TQM Leaders: Deming

Edwards Deming, 1940, Quality is defined by the consumer. Developed a 14 pt. plan that placed burden for quality on management because they can control it. Received well in Japan. Named quality prize after him.

Transfer of training

Effective and continuing on-the-job application of the knowledge and skills gained during a learning experience.

Authoritarian Leader

Effective in situations requiring immediate action or those that are life threatening. When productivity is highest this style is best

Leadership Styles: Authoratative

Effective in situations requiring immediate action, life threatening situations, when productivity is the highest concern. When productivity is the highest concern, authoratarian leadership may be the best style.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories

Effective leadership in different situations 3 Well Known theories: 1. Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid 2. Path-goal Theory 3. Hershey-Blanchard Theory. Criticized for being two dimensional, and not allowing for multi-faceted situations that occur in the real world of business. Do not account for culture differences.

Program Delivery: E-Learning

Electronically based learning, cost-effective, self-directed methods for training employees.


Elimating jobs or sending EE's to a new operating entity. Reducing the workforce and due diligence to determine whether to transfer EE's to the new entity.

Coordination of benefits

Eliminates the duplication of payments when an employee, spouse, or dependents have health coverage under two or more plans.


Emergence of a disease new to the population; the agent infects humans, causing serious illness, and spreads easily and sustainably among humans.

Employee Attitude Assessment: Methods for Collecting Data

Employee Surveys, Interviews, Employee Focus Groups

Business Impact Measures

Employee productivity. Total Output / Total EE's.

Organizational Change

Employee reognition programs, career development, culture that values EE's, and employer actions consistent with the organizations stated values.

Inpatriates (inpats)

Employees who are brought in to work in a headquarters country for a specified period of time.

Exempt employees

Employees who are excluded from FLSA minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.

On-call workers

Employees who report to work only when needed.

Health reimbursement account (HRA)

Employer-funded plan that reimburses employees only for eligible and substantiated health-care expenses.


Employment Practices Liability Insurance

EEO Report Types: Headquarters

Employment data for the principal office of the organization.

Reference Checks

Employment references, educational references, financial references,

EEOA of 1972

Empowered EEOC to sue nongovernmental agencies. Also extended converge of title VII to educational, state/local and federal agencies. Lowered minimum number of employees from 25 to 15

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Enacted to expand the opportunities for persons with physical and mental disabilities. Sec. 501 - addresses employment discrimination. Sec 505 - details remedies available to those who have been subjected to unlawful employment practices. 503- individuals with disabilities may file a complaint with the DOL through the office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

Orgnanizational-level training

Encompassing the entire organization or a single division or department. Training focused on preparing for future needs.

Motivation Concepts: Operant Conditioning: Negative Reinforcement

Encourages continuation of the behavior by providing a negative response.

Positive Reinforcement

Encourages continuation of the behavior by providing a pleasant response

Motivation Concepts: Operant Conditioning: Positive Reinforcement

Encourages continuation of the behavior by providing a pleasant response.

negative Reinforcement

Encourages continuation of the behavior by removing an unpleasant response

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Ensures that individuals who leave or lose their jobs can obtain health coverage even if they or someone in their families has a serious illness or injury or is pregnant

What is a key element of managing change through information?

Ensuring employees receive current information as soon as possible.

Business Continuity Risks

Environmental Disasters, Organized or Deliberate Disruptions, Loss of Utlities and Public Services, Equipment or Systems Failures, Serious Information Security Incidents, Misc. Other.


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - created from Title VII. Enforcement agency for title VII

Enforcement Agency

Equal Employment Opporutnity Commission - EEOC

Equal Work

Equal work is defined by four factors: equal skills, equal effort, equal responsibility, and equal working conditions. If these factors are equal, employees should be paid at the same rate, regardless of gender

Job Description Sections: Equipment Operated

Equipment Operated


Error that occurs when an appraiser believes standards are too low and inflates the standards in an effort to make them meaningful.

Recency error

Error that occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to recent occurrences and discounts an employee's earlier performance during the appraisal period.

Central tendency error

Error that occurs when an appraiser rates all employees within a narrow range, regardless of differences in actual performance.

Contrast error

Error that occurs when an employee's rating is based on how his or her performance compares to that of another employee rather than objective standards.

Leniency errors

Errors that are the result of appraisers who don't want to give low scores.

Essential Job Functions

Essential functions are important in recruiting to ensure the organization complies with equal opportunities for all candidates, particularly those with disabilities.

Strategy Implementation

Establish short-term objectives Develop action plans. Allocate resources Motivate employees

Employees or Contractors: Behavioral Controls

Establish whether the organization has the right to direct and control tasks: Organizations train EE's, while independent contractors determine their own methods.

Mine Safety and Health Act (MSH Act)

Established Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to ensure safety and health of mine workers.

Green vs

Established critera for disparate impact

Mine Safety and Health Act

Established mandatory safety and health standards for underground and surface mines.

Criterion Validity

Established when the test predicts or correlates to behavior.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Establishes a minimum wage; sets standards for FLSA exemptions, addresses basic overtime pay provisions; controls working hours for children; establishes record-keeping provisions

Mine Safety and Health Act

Establishes mandatory mine safety and health standards for underground and surface mines; covers coal, metal, and nonmetal mines

OSHA Standards - Noise Exposure

Establishes permissible noise levels for the workplace, establishes measurement procedures, hearing conservation programs for noise levels over 85 decibels, must report hearing loss of 10 decibels.

Needs Assessment Step 6

Evaluate options and determine budget impact

Job Ranking

Evaluation method that establishes a hierarchy of jobs from lowest to highest based on overall importance to the organization. One of hte easies

Job Classification

Evaluation method that groups jobs into a predetermined number of grades or classifications, each having a class description to use for job comparisons Large Org with similar jobs

Job classification

Evaluation method that groups jobs into a predetermined number of grades or classifications, each having a class description to use for job comparisons.

Expectancy Theory*

Expectancy - motivation starts with individual's assessment if they are capable of completing assignment Instrumentality - Next they look at whether the effort to complete the goal will cause them to obtain the reward for the work Valence - is the reward worth the effort needed to complete the work

Normal distirbution

Expected distribution given a random sampling across a large population.

Service Contract Act

Extends prevailing wage rates and benefit requirements to employers providing services under federal government contracts in excess of $2.5K

Securities and Exchange Act

Extends the "disclosure" doctrine of investor protection to securities listed and registered for public trading on our national securities exchanges

Construct Validity

Extent to which a selection device measures the theoretical construct or trait (e.g., intelligence or mechanical comprehension).

Construct validity

Extent to which a selection device measures the theoretical construct or trait (e.g., intelligence or mechanical comprehension).

Executive search firms

External recruiting method; firms seek out candidates, usually for executive, managerial, or professional positions.

When implementing an HRIS what considerations should there be when it will be implemented by an external vendor or by internal IT staff?

External vendor - the RFP should include information about the implementation phase of the project. Internal IT staff - the timeline for implementation needs to work for both the IT and HR departments and should allow for the HR department's information needs to be met during this stage.

Phases of Strategic planning

FDIE Strategy Formulation Strategy Development Strategy Implementation Strategy Evaluation


Factors that initiate, direct, and sustain human behavior over time.

Cultural noise

Failure to recognize responses of a candidate that are socially acceptable rather than factual.


Fair Credit Reporting Act or Regulation V-- federal law dealing w/ the granting of credit, access to credit information, the rights of debtors, & the responsibilities of creditors


Fair Labor Standards Act. Sets a minimum wage, maximum number of hours and bans child labor

EEO Report Types: Establishment Report

Filed for locations with 50+ EE's

Company Assets

Financial, Physical, Information, People


Flexible staffing option in which an independent company with expertise in operating a specific function contracts with a company to assume full operational responsibility for the function.

Human Resource Management

Focus on individuals within the organization. Developing the following programs: Hiring and selection, Job design, Performance management systems, diversity programs, reward systems.

Leadership Styles: Transactional

Focuses on getting the job done, an seeks to do this by offering a reward. Seek out areas where rules are not being followed and making a correction or by taking action when the goal is not met.

What are the characteristics of transactional leadership?

Focuses on getting the job done. Offers rewards in exchange for accomplishing organization goals. Manage by exception, either by making corrections in areas where rules aren't being followed or by taking action when the goal isn't met.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Hershey-Blanchard Theory: Delegating

Followers have experience and motivation, leader identifies the goal and followers are accountable for producing results.


For an operations department, provide the yardstick by which the amount and quality of output are measured.

EEO Report Types: Establishment List

For locations with <50 EE's list of name, address, and total number of EE's with a grid.

What do all changes require of the workforce?

For them to adjust to new ways of operating.

Delphi Technique

Forecasting technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors.

Delphi technique

Forecasting technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors.

OSHA Forms

Form 300 - Log of work-related injuries and illnesses, Form 300A - Summary of Work-Related Illnesses Form 301 Injury and Illness Report

Hourly wage

Form of base pay that is dependent on the number of hours worked.

Formula budgeting

Form of budgeting in which an average cost is applied to comparable expenses and general funding is chaned by a specific amount.

Incremental budgeting

Form of budgeting in which the prior budget is the basis for allocation of funds.

Zero-based budegeting

Form of budgeting that requires that expenditures be justified for each new period.

Cash Balance Plan

Form of defined benefit plan that defines the promised benefit in terms of a hypothetical account balance and features benefit portability.

Cash balance plan

Form of defined benefit plan that defines the promised benefit in terms of a hypothetical account balance and features benefit portability.

Incentive pay

Form of direct compensation where employers pay for performance beyond normal expectations to motivate employees to perform at higher levels.

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)

Form of health care that provides services for a fixed period on a prepaid basis.

Group-term life insurance

Form of insurance carried by employers for their employees that provides a lump-sum payment to the employees' beneficiaries.


Form of simulation training, allows inexperienced workers to become familiar with equipment that is hazardous or requires a level of speed that can be attained only through practice.

OSHA - Retention

Forms must be retained for 5 years following the end of the calendar year they cover.

What is the purpose of an organizational structure and what are the most common types of organizational structures?

Framework that coordinates activities between business functions and facilitates the flow of communication. The most common structures are functional, product-based, geographic, divisional, matrix, and seamless.


Freedom from hazard, risk, or injury.

Indemnity health-care plan

Full-choice health-care plan that allows covered employees to go to any qualified physician or hospital and submit claims to the insurance company; also known as fee-for-service health-care plan.

Fee-for-service health-care plan

Full-choice health-care plan that allows covered employees to go to any qualified physician or hospital and submit claims to the insurance company; also known as indemnity health-care plan.

5 Organizational Structures

Functional Product Based Geographical Divisional Matrix

Job Description Sections: Non-Essential Functions

Functions, which could be performed by someone else. For ADA, these could be removed for a disabled person.

Employee Polygraph Protection Act

Generally prevents employers engaged in or affecting interstate commerce from using lie detector tests either for preemployment screening or during the course of employment, with certain exemptions

Master black belt

Generally work with a specific function/department, Work closely with process owners to implement DMAIC.

Labor Market Categories

Geographic, Technical/professional skills, Education


Gives federal officials greater authority to take measures to combat terrorism

US Patent Act

Governs patents, a patent allows the exclusive rights to the benefits of an invention for a defined period of time.

Pareto Chart (Vilfred Pareto)

Graphical representation of the 80/20 rule. Pareto chart points to which areas of concern will provide the greatest return of the reasons. Pareto chart is arranged in descending order and includes a cumulative percentage on the side.

Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit/Net Sales (used for income statements)

Net profit

Gross profit less operating expenses

Net Profit

Gross profit less operating expenses.

Gainsharing plans

Group incentives where a portion of the gains an organization realizes from group efforts is shared with the group.

Nominal group technique

Group of individuals who meet face-to-face to forecast ideas and assumptions and prioritize issues.

Generation Y

Group of people born after 1980.

Generation X

Group of people born roughly between the years of 1965 and 1980.


Group of persons or objects or a complete set of observations or measurements about which one wishes to draw conclusions.

Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC)

Group that rules on contested OSHA citations.

OSHA Standards - General Requirements for All Machines

Guards must be used on machinery, barrier types, two hand tripping, electronic safety devices, or other guards that effectively prevent injuries.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Guidelines and procedures to be used by an organization for the recovery of data lost due to severe forces of neture such as earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, terrorism, or epidemics.


H1-B is a visa for technical workers; employer fees are used to pay for training grants to prepare American workers for selected careers. (65K a year, up to 3 years not beyond 6)

HR Audit: Organization of HR

HR's structure, Organizational Chart, Job Descriptions, Clear Accountability. Size and effectiveness of the HR team, HR ratio, commitment to professional development of the team, meets customer needs. Alignment to organizational goals, human capital management plan, department mission statement, and analyzes the budget.

Human Resource Outsourcers

HROs may be used for one or more function; i.e. benefits or recruitment.

Medicare supplement

Health plan that covers specific expenses not covered by Medicare.

Medicare carve-out

Health plan where benefits are reduced for employees eligible for Medicare; Medicare becomes the primary provider.

Consumer-directed health care

Health-care options intended to help employers better control costs while allowing employees to make more decisions about their health care.

Fully insured health-care plan

Health-care plan in which the employer pays a third-party insurance carrier premiums that cover medical charges, administrative costs, sales commissions, taxes, and profits.

Abraham Maslow

Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological Safety Social Esteem Self actualization

Motivation Concepts

Hierearchy of Needs (Abraham Maslow, 1954), Motivation/Hygiene Theory (Fredrick Herzberg, 1959), Theory X and Y (Douglas McGregor, 1960), ERG Theory (Clayton Alderfer, 1969), Acquired Needs Theory (David McClelland, 1961), Equity Theory (J. Stacy Adams, 1963), Expectancy Theory (Victor Vroom, 1964), Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner, 1957)

Personal Mastery

High level of expertise in an individuals chosen field, commitment to lifelong learning.

High Potential Employees (HiPos)

High potential employees are indentified through various measures, and provided learning opportunities to prepare them for leadership.


Highest Score - Lowest Score

Race and Ethnic Categories

Hispanic or Latino, White (Not Hispanic or Latino), Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, Two or More Races,

Candidate Testing Programs: Integrity Tests

Honest Tests, work ethic, attitudes towards theft and drugs.

What does the budgeting process determine?

How many and what kind of resources will be required to accomplish goals and objectives generated by a strategic plan. Cash for: 1. additional employees 2. outsourcing 3. new technology 4. new equipment

The amount of the work.

How much of the work will be used?

Job Design

How the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job, can be combined for use as a development tool. Job enrichment and job enlargement.

What can tactical accountability measures help to identify?

How well programs for workforce management issues, productivity and other HR activities are working.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome are Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP). Healthcare the highest risk. Protected by ADA.

Pilot programs

Human resource development programs offered initially in a controlled environment with a segment of the target audience.

Employees or Contractors

IRS has guidelines for determining whether an individual is an EE or contractor. Three categories; Behavioral Controls, Financial Controls, Type of Relationship of the parties.

Technology Solutions

IT can play a role, with databases and other knowledge sharing among employees.

Socratic Seminar

Ideas are examined in a question and answer format. Question posed by leader at the beginning of the seminar and discussed by participants.

Succession Plan

Identifies individuals within the organization who have the talent and ability to move into management and executive positions in one to five years. Once indentified, development plans are created.

ADDIE: Analysis

Identify the goal, Gather and Analyze Data, Identify the Performance Gap, Identify Instructional Goals, Propose Solutions, Evaluate Options


Identify workplace hazards, suggest ways to correct hazards, assist in creating programs, assist in reducing workers compensation costs, improving EE morale.


Identifying possible hazards in the workplace and reducing the likelihood an accident will occur. High accident rate is costly.

Unemployment Compensation Amendments

Imposes mandatory 20% federal income tax withholding on qualified retirement plan proceeds that a recipient does not roll over into another qualified plan

Combination Step Rate

In a combination step-rate and performance structure, employees receive increases on a step-rate basis up to the job rate. Above the job rate, increases are granted only for above-standard performance.

Segmented Bargining

In a segmented bargaining approach, negotiators form committees that focus on assigned issues. Coalition bargaining involves multiple employers negotiating with a single union. In pattern bargaining, a union uses a contract negotiated with one employer as a negotiating "pattern" when negotiating with other employers

Coalition Bargining

In coalition bargaining, or multiple employer bargaining, more than one employer negotiates with the union. This is common in trucking and other industries where there are many small companies but a single dominant union.

weighted average

In quantitative analysis, average used to compensate for data that may be out of date. More current data is assigned more weight, by multiplying it by a predetermined number, to better reflect the current situation.


In quantitative analysis, the number that occurs most frequently in a set of numbers.

When are authoritarian leaders most effective?

In situations requiring immediate action or those that are life threatening. When productivity is the highest concern.


In the final stage of the theory, the change becomes the new norm, the outcome is evaluated, and additional changes occur to adjust actual outcomes to those that are desired.


Incident without adequate controls applied.

Learning and Performance Management Systems (LPMSs)

Include performance management (360 assessments, self-evaluations, succession planning, and manager feedback) and track rewards.

Stress Management Programs

Include training for EE's,work-life balance, exercise, building a support network.

Bottom up budgeting

Includes all manager with budget responsibilities in the budget creation process. Managers with direct operating responsibility for achieving goals develop a budget and share information with senior management, who have a big picture view of the organization.

Parallel budgeting

Includes elements of top down and bottom up budgeting. Senior management creates broad guidelines for operating managers to follow in creating budgets for individual departments.

Budgeting: Bottom-up

Includes managers with budget reponsibilities in the budget creation process. Advantage is buy-in of managers, disadvantages include the amount of time required, lack of awareness of the organizations big-picture.

FAA Modernization and Reform Act

Includes measures that amend the Railway Labor Act to change union certification election processes in the railroad and airline industries and impose greater oversight of the regulatory activities of the National Mediation Board

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Includes significant changes to COBRA continuation coverage rules and imposes new requirements regarding HIPAA

Job enrichment

Increases the depth of a job by adding responsibility for planning, organizing, controlling, and evaluation.


Increasing the KSAs available within the organization enhances the ability of all employees to contribute, providing training and development opportunities increases the organizations capability for making decisions and taking action.


Independent Contractors; self-employed who work on a project or fee basis with multiple customers or clients.

Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA)

Individual, business or nonprofit that gathers information about individuals with the intent of supplying that information to a third party.


Individual, usually a primary-care physician, who is given control of patient access to specialists and services in a managed care organization.

Divisional departments

Individuals and departments are grouped by products, territories, services, clients, or legal entities.

Readiness to learn

Individuals become increasingly interested in the relevance of information and how it applies to them.

Process owner

Individuals responsible for a specific process in the organization; Highest level HR employee would be a process leader for HR.


Inform and answer questions.

Communities of Practice

Informal means of learning, spontanteous/self-organized or sponsored groups of people with common work interests or needs who are willing to share information.

Primary research

Information is gathered by using original studies and experiments


Initial phase of employee training that covers job responsibilities and procedures, organizational goals and strategies, and company policies

OSHA's Form 301

Injury and Illness Incident Report; supplemental record that covers the details of each occupational injury and illness.

Occupational Injury

Injury that results from a work-related accident or exposure involving a single incident in the work environment.

Learning Organizations

Innovative environments in which knowledge is originated, obtained and freely shared. Employees solve problems by experimenting with new methods and sharing experience.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Insurance that provides employers with protection against claims of discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, or other employment-related issues.

Enterprise management

Integrated processes and tools to allow information sharing and process management across functions, sometimes even with external partners, such as suppliers.

Program Delivery: Computer Based Training (CBT)

Interactive method combines many elements into a real-world learning experience.


Interactive training method that provides the learner with opportunities to try new skills or practice procedures in a safe setting.

What are the two main elements of the environmental scanning process?

Internal and external assessment

Job Posting

Internal announcement about a position.

Internal Talent

Internal promotion empowers employees, understanding of culture can lead to greater success when they move into positions of greater responsibility. Disadvantages; mypoic viewpoint, EE's who are passed over of stagnated will be low. With several internal applicants vieing for a position, teamwork can break down. Lack of diversity, an overreliance on internal promotion can perpetuate the imblance. Reduced recruiting costs will be offset by an increase in training costs to prepare EE's for greater positions.

Job posting

Internal recruiting method that allows current employees the chance to respond to announcements of positions.

Org Evolution

Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

Primary research

Involves data that is gathered firsthand for a specifi evaluation.

Task-level training

Involves processes performed in a single job category. More than one-person is the target for this type of training.


Involves the creation of the materials to be used in the program and the selection of delivery methods and media.

Medical tourism

Involves traveling to hospitals and health-care providers that are outside an employer's local area or network; also called medical travel.

Purpose and Character of the Use

Is it to be used for profit or nonprofit educational purpose.

The nature of the work.

Is it work or fiction, or based on facts. How much creativity did it require.


Is protected for the life of the author, plus an additional 70 years

Why is a matrix organization structure advantageous?

It encourages communication and cooperation. It also requires a high level of trust and communication from employees at all levels to ensure that contradictory instructions are minimized.

Factor comparison method

Job comparison method that ranks each job by each selected compensable factor and then identifies dollar values to develop a pay rate.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

Job description used to create dimensions that represent important requirements of the job. Anchor statements are created to represent varying levels of performance.

Paired Comparison Method

Job ranking method in which evaluator compares each job with every other job being evaluated

Benchmark jobs

Jobs used as reference points when setting up a job classification system and when designing or modifying a pay structure.

Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)

Judge who conducts the formal procedures for OSHA citations.

Civil Rights Act (1991)

Jury trials allowed in cases where punitive damages are sought (punitive damages based on size of employer)

Job Competencies

KSAs required to perform a position.

TQM Leaders: Ishikawa

Kaoru Ishikawa; provided a number of tools to the quality movement: Check Sheets, Histograms, Pareto Chart, Cause and Effect Diagram, Stratification, Scatter Charts, Process Control Charts,


Knowledge, Skills, ability


Knowledge, skills and abilities

Job competencies

Knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that can link individuals or teams to enhanced performance; critical success factors needed to perform a given role in an organization.

Transformational leadership

Leadership style that motivates employees by inspiring them to join in a mutually satisfying achievement.

Transactional leadership

Leadership style that offers the promise of reward or the threat of discipline to motivate employees

Learning objects (LOs)

Learning elements that may be reused in a variety of contexts; examples include animated graphics, job aids, and print modules.

Reusable learning objects (RLOs)

Learning elements that may be reused in a variety of contexts; examples include animated graphics, job aids, and print modules.

Instructional Methods: Active

Learning experience focuses on the learner.

Describe the planning phase of a project.

Led by PM. Describes the deliverables, budget, and scope of project. Develops specific activities. Identifies KSAs. Creates schedule.

Qualatative Analysis: Nominal Group Technique

Led by a facilitator, everyone thinks about the issue and writes down their thoughts. Thoughts are collected one by one until all are presented. Then the process for prioritizing and consensus building takes place.

HR Risks

Legal Compliance, Safety and Health, Security, Business Continuity, Workplace Privacy

HR Audit: HR Risk Management

Legal compliance for all applicable federal, state and local governments is reviewed. Safety, Health, and Wellness programs are analyzed.


Legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties in which all parties benefit in some way.


Legislative affairs committee works with SHRM to monitor and provide information in regards to employment related regulations, and coordinate lobbying efforts.


Legislative measure limited in effect to either the Congress or one of its chambers.

Reverse Mentor

Lesser experienced employees teach more experienced workers technology and culture.


Level of learning at which the learner is able to respond to new situations and determine trouble-shooting techniques and solutions.


Level of learning characterized by ability to recall specific facts


Level of learning characterized by understanding information to the level of being able to break it down and explain how it fits together.

Polygraph Tests

Limited by Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA), legal for federal, state, local governments, also federal contractors/subs, armored car EE's, pharmaceuticals.

Consumer Credit Protection Act

Limits the amount of wages that can be garnished or withheld in any one week by an employer to satisfy creditors

Workforce Analysis

List of job titles ranked from lowest-to highest-paid within an organizational unit.

Workforce analysis

List of job titles ranked from lowest-to highest-paid within an organizational unit.

Types of Interviews: Structured Interviews

List of questions prepared for all candidates.

Frequency distribution

Listing of grouped data, from lowest to highest.

Equipment Operated

Lists the tools or equipment that will be used and the frequency of use. Includes phones, computers, production equipment, hazardous equipment or tools, protective gear and uniforms.

OSHA Form 300

Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses; used to classify work-related injuries and illnesses and to note the extent and severity of each case.

OSHA's Form 300

Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses; used to classify work-related injuries and illnesses and to note the extent and severity of each case.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Long term intervention requiring all employees to focus on providing products to meet customer needs. Requires commitment of top management. Because focused on customer needs, market research, and product development are key components of the system. Processes reviewed to eliminate wast.

Motivation Concepts: Acquired Needs Theory: Affiliation

Look for acceptance within the work group and need regular interaction with co-workers or customers.

Motivation Concepts: Acquired Needs Theory: Power

Looking for personal power or organizational power, often effective managers who are motivated by coordinating work groups to achieve organizational goals.

Corporate Restructuring

Looks at individual units in organization to reduce or eliminate redundancy to reduce costs and increase production. Reducing workforce or reassigning EE's to new jobs.


Lung disease spread through the air, exposure occurs when someone coughs or sneezes, higher risk are co-workers and healthcare workers, particularly in nursing homes.

What are some challenges HR faces when dealing with change?

Maintaining morale and productivity during change. Balancing the organization's need to continually adapt to change with the employee's need for clarity and direction.

Tax Reform Act

Makes extensive changes in the tax laws, including reduction in tax brackets and all tax rates for individuals

Immigration Reform and Control Act

Makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of citizenship; also establishes penalties for hiring illegal aliens (civil and criminal penalties)

Employment offer

Makes the hiring decision official; should immediately follow the final decision to hire a candidate; formally communicated through offer letter.

Adult Learning Process, Knowles

Malcolm Knowles 1970's, Andragogy/Pedagogy, Characteristics of learning: 1. Self-Concept 2. Experience 3. Readiness to learn 4. Orientation to learning 5. Motivation to learn


Management by Objectives


Management by objectives; employees help set objectives for themselves, defining what they tend to do achieve within a specified time preiod

What determines which talent management view is implemented in a company

Management philosophy and budget contraints

Business Continuity Planning

Management process that identifies potential threats and impacts to an organization and provides framework for ensuring that it is able to withstand disruption, interruption, or loss of normal business functions/operation.

Blake Mouton's Theory

Managerial Grid using two axes to describe leadership/management behavior: Concern for people, Concern for task (production).

Critical management skilss for HR Professionals

Managing Projects Managing change Managing third-party contractors Managing technology

NIOSH Violations

Mandated to identify and evaluate potential workplace hazards and recommend actions to reduce or eliminate the effects of chemicals, biological agents, work stress, excessive noise, radiation, ergonomics, and other risks in the workplace.

Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, 2000

Mandates that all needlestick and sharps injuries be recorded.

Employee Pay Equation

Market Pricing, Merit and Demonstrated Performance

Abraham Maslow: The Hierarchy of Needs (1954)

Maslow identified five levels of needs that motivate people: 1. Physiological needs: People at this level are motivated by actions that provide the basic necessities of life. 2. Safety needs: safe from physical and emotional harm. 3. Social needs: desire for acceptance and belonging within their social group. 4. Esteem needs At this level, people are motivated by recognition for their achievements. 5. Self-actualization needs When people are confident that their basic needs have been met, they become motivated by opportunities to be creative and fulfill their own potential.

Lifetime maximum benefit

Maximum dollar amount of covered medical expenses that a health-care plan will pay on behalf of any covered person during that person's lifetime.

Appraisal Methods: Narrative: Field Review

May be conducted by someone other than the supervisor

Measures of Central Tendency*

Mean - Average Mode - number that occurs most frequently Median - putting numbers in sequential order and finding the exact middle Moving average - Average for a specific period Weighted average - compensates for data that may be out of date Weighted moving average - combines the two

Candidate Testing Programs: Aptitude Tests

Measure an individuals knowledge and ability to apply skills.

Consumer Price index (CPI)

Measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by consumers for goods and services.

Standard deviation

Measure that indicates how much scores in a set of data are spread out around a mean or average.

What is the most important factor when determining which metrics to use?

Measure what is relevant and meaningful to management and what will add value to the decision-making process.

Balance Scorecard

Measurement approach that provides an overall picture of an organization's performance as measured against goals in finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth

Substance abuse tests

Measures intended to ensure a drug-free workplace.

Evaluation Method: Behavior

Measures job performance 6 weeks-6 months after the training. Based on observations, interviews, tests, or surveys

Honesty/integrity tests

Measures of applicants' propensity toward undesirable behaviors such as lying, stealing, taking drugs, or abusing alcohol.

Evaluation Method: Reaction

Measures the initial reaction of the participants. Survey at the end of the training.

Quantitative Analysis: Time Series: Multiple Linear Regression

Measures the relationship between several variables to forecast another.

Job Description Sections: Mental Requirements

Mental requirements described, must be related to essential job functions, to comply with ADA.

Assessment centers

Method of evaluating candidates using content-valid work samples of a job; typically for managerial positions.

Market-based evaluation

Method similar to job evaluation systems that evaluates jobs based upon their market value.

Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

Method that was designed to combat the problem of category rating by describing examples of desireable and undesireable behavior and then measured against a scale of performance levels.

Needs Analysis or Needs Assessment

Methods for obtaining the neccesary information to make decisions that will best accomplish an organizations goals.

Instructional Methods: Passive

Methods in which the learner listens to and absorbs information. Instructor focused and require little active participation from the learner.

Environmental Scanning Tools: Porters 5 Forces

Michael Porter (1980) Book: Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New Competitors, Suppliers, Buyers, Alternative Products (Substitutes), Type and Level of Competition in Industry (Rivals).

Bloodborne Pathogens

Microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans.

Quantitative Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency: Median

Middle number in a sequence of numbers, good for highly skewed data sets.


Middle point above and below which 50% of scores in a set of date lie.

Short-term objectives

Milestones that must be achieved, usually within six months to one year, in order to reach long-term objectives.

Job Description Sections: Job Specifications

Minimum Qualifications for successful performance: 1. Education, Licenses, Certificates; , must be related to essential functions of the job to comply with ADA. 2. Communication Skills 3. Experience 4. Skills

Minimum wage

Minimum hourly amount, determined by Congress, that nonexempt employees can be paid.

Doctrine of Contributory Negligence

Mitigate EE'rs responsibility if the workers actions contributed in any way to the injury.

Ethical Leadership

Model ethical behavior in your organization and act as an example and guide to develop other ethical leaders


Moderated learning situation led by a facilitator who leads a group to share ideas and solve problems. Facilitators have skills in moderating group discussions and may be experts in the subject of discussion.

Reasonable accommodation

Modifying job application process, work environment, or circumstances under which job is performed to enable a qualified individual with a disability to be considered for the job and perform its essential functions.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Module for the application process

Accounts Receivable

Money owed to business

Accounts Payable

Money owed to suppliers

Accounts receivable

Money owed to the business by customers


Money received from customers for products and services.


Money received from customers for products or services

Cost of goods sold

Money spent on supplies and labor to produce goods or services

Evaluation Method: Results

Most impactful measurement, stated business objective "decrease defects 20%" measured against the results.

Performance Standards

Most often utilized to correct performance problems in highly technical and hazardous professions. Practice until a level of proficiency is mastered.

Motivation Concepts: Hierearchy of Needs: Social

Motivated by a desire of acceptance and belonging within their social group.

Motivation Concepts: Hierearchy of Needs: Esteem

Motivated by recognition of their achievements

Motivation Concepts: Acquired Needs Theory: Achievement

Motivated to take moderate risks, respond to frequent feedback, generally prefer to work as sole contributors or with others interested in achieving at the same level.


Moves the entire function out of the organization to be handled by another company.

Assessment Centers

Multiple tests designed to measure different aspects of the job. Generally used to assess for management potential and decision-making skills.

ADEA: Waivers

Must be clearly written, include the right to consult an attorney, a period of 21 days to review the document, 7 days to revoke it after signing. If part of terminations or exit incentives of more than one EE, given 45 days to review, and a list of eligibility factors and job titles and ages of all individuals.

Physical Requirements

Must be described to comply with the ADA. Physical requirements must be related to essential job functions.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Must be provided by manufactures for every hazardous substance; employers must evaluate chemicals and inform employees of hazardous properties.

OSHA Standards - Fire Prevention Plans

Must describe major fire hazards and procedures for handling and storing hazardous materials. Control the accumulation of flammable refuse, ensure heating devices are adequately maintained. Inform EE's.

Managing Risk: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX)

Must have means for receiving complaints, Section 404 Section 406

Syracuse University

NLRB found that an employee grievance panel did not violate the NLRA because the purpose of the panel was not to deal with management but to improve group decisions

Electromation, Inc v NLRB

NLRB held that action committees at Electromation were illegal "labor organizations" because management created and controlled the groups and used them to deal with employees on working conditions in violation of the NLRA

DR Horton Inc

NLRB ruled that requiring employees to agree to a class action waiver as a term and condition of employment violates Section 7 of the NLRA

Dana Corporation / Metaldyne Corporation

NLRB ruling that a recognition bar, which precludes a decertification election for 12 months after an employer recognizes a union, does not apply when the recognition if voluntary, based on a card check. Overruled in 2011 in Lamons Gasket, which restored the recognition bar for voluntary recognition but revised the prohibited time period from one year to a minimum to a minimum of six months up to a year

Retained earnings

Net profits that are't distributed to owners but remain in the business as equity

Supply chain

Network that delivers products and services from raw materials to end customers through and engineered flow of informatioin, physical distribution, and cash.

Excess deferral plans

Nonqualified deferred compensation plans that provide benefits to selected management or highly compensated employees beyond Section 415 limitations.

OSHA - Penalities - Remedies

OSHA Area Director can determine that citations are neccesary to ensure compliance, citations dictate penalities considering size of the co., seriousness of danger, EE's impacted, good-faith efforts on the part of co.

Health and Safety Inspections

OSHA and NIOSH are authorized to investigate health and safety hazards in workplace by the OSH Act. Focused on high hazard risks.

Global Considerations

OSHA is US specific, World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) have established programs. Understanding global risk;

Process Safety Management Standard

OSHA standard aimed at preventing or minimizing the effect of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals.

Personal Protective Equipment Standard

OSHA standard that protects employees from environmental, process, chemical, mechanical, or radiological hazards capable of causing injury or impairment and sets criteria for acceptable equipment designs.

Machine Guarding Standard

OSHA standard that provides general requirements for all machinery to protect operator and other employees.

Control of Hazardous Energy Standard

OSHA standard that requires employers to protect employees from potentially infectious materials., OSHA standard that requires action so equipment cannot be activated (lockout) and signs or labels (tagout) attached to dangerous equipment that should not be activated.

Occupational Noise Exposure (Hearing Conservation) Standard

OSHA standard that requires employers to provide controls to reduce unsafe noise levels in the workplace., OSHA standard that requires employers to reduce unsafe noise levels in the workplace.

Hazard Communication Standard (Employee Right-to-Know Law)

OSHA standard that requires labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets, training, orientation for new and transferred employees, and hazard communication programs to inform employees of hazardous chemicals in the workplace.

Confined Space Entry Standard

OSHA standard that requires space-entry restrictions, rescue procedures, and a written safe-entry program to address concerns over adequate oxygen content in the air, toxic substance exposure, and physical exposures for workers in confined spaces.

Appraisal Methods: Behavioral

Observed behavior rating system.

Qualatative Analysis: Delphi Technique

Obtains input from a group of individuals who provide their expertise in succeeding rounds of questions about an issue or problem. Participants never meet, but provide input in written form. This technique has several benefits, good alternative when people are geographically seperated, and encourages a wide variety of ideas that might not otherwise have been considered.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration: responsible for developing regulations that improve safety in American workplaces.

ADDIE: Evaluation

Occurs after the training takes place and is based on criteria established in the assessment phase.

Primacy error

Occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to an employee's earlier performance and discounts recent occurrences.


Occurs when an appraiser's values, beliefs, or prejudices distort performance ratings.

Disparate treatment

Occurs when protected classes are intentionally treated differently from other employees or are evaluated by different standards.

Hostile environment harassment

Occurs when sexual or other discriminatory conduct is so severe and pervasive that it interferes with an individual's performance; creates an intimidating, threatening, or humiliation work environment; or perpetuates a situation that affects the employee's psycological well-being.

Adverse impact

Occurs when the selection rate for a protected class is less than 4/5ths (80%) of the selection rate for the group with the highest selection rate

Disparate impact

Occurs when the selection rate for a protected class is less than 80% of the rate for the class with the highest selection rate; also known as adverse impact. (Griggs v. Power)

Modified-duty programs

Offered to employees who are on leave for injuries under FMLA; job tasks are modified to meet the employee's restrictions.

Vestibule training

Offline, instructor-led training designed to bring a learner up to production standards before assuming online responsibilities.

Strategic Interventions

Often linked to implement changes made to the vision, mission, and values of the organization during a strategic planning process as discussed in chapter 3.

Conformance to Standards

Once management clearly defined expectation, quality/standard could be measured.

DMAIC: Measure

Once the process is defined, data about defects and other measures is collected and then compared to the original parameters to identify underperformance.

Lump-sum increase (LSI)

One-time payment made to an employee; also called performance bonus.

Performance Management

Ongoing process of giving feedback to employees about performance to develop them into increasingly productive contributors to the organization. Important manager and employee agree on the performance expectations.

OSHA - Voluntary Protection Program

Open to employers with tough, established safety programs, exempts them from inspections.

Divisional Structure

Organizational structure in which segments are separated by product, customer or maket, or region.

Matrix Structure

Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both.

Functional structure

Organizational structure that defines departmens by what services they contribute to the organization's overall mission

Geographic organization structure

Organizational structure that is decentralized, that is organized by regions, and that places responsibility for all business functions in the executives for the regions. The regions report to the CEO.

Functional organization structure

Organizational structure that is formal, traditional, and pyramid-shaped. Communication moves vertically between levels. Each functional area reports to the CEO. Appropriate for businesses with a single product line where specialization is an advantage.

Multinational enterprises (MNEs)

Organizations with operations in multiple countries.

Job group analysis

Part of affirmative action plan that lists all job titles that comprise each job group having similar content and responsibilities, wage rates, and opportunities for advancement.

Organizational display

Part of an affirmative action plan that provides a graphical presentation of the organizational units, including their interrelationships.


Part of needs assessment in RFP. Informal pre-proposal meetings with possible vendors. Can be made more formal with the use of a scoping document.

Realistic job preview (RJP)

Part of the selection process that provides an applicant with honest and complete information about a job and the work environment.

Types of Interviews: Behavioral Interviews

Past behavior predicts future behavior.

Hazard pay

Pay earned by employees who work in an environment that is considered more risky from a safety or health point of view.


Pay rate divided by the midpoint of the pay range.

On-call pay

Pay that employees receive when they can be called in to work but are not working before receiving the call to return to work.

Differential pay

Pay that is based on when the employee works (e.g., overtime pay, shift-pay differential) or where the employee works.

Direct compensation

Pay that is received by an employee, including base pay, differential pay, and incentive pay.

United Airlines Vs

Person may not have a disability if controlled by medication

Subject matter expert (SME)

Person who is well versed in the content of a human resource development program.

HR Data Collection Sources

Personnel records, Observations, Interviews, Focus groups, Questionnaires.

What are some examples of data sources that can be used when analyzing HR problems?

Personnel records, observations, interviews, focus groups and questionnaires.

TQM Leaders: Crosby

Philip Crosby, focused on management as the key factor. Strategic planning as the approach to quality. Four absolutes of quality: Conformance to requirements, Prevention, Performance Standards, Measurement.


Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as bathing, dressing, etc

Environmental Health Hazards

Physical, Chemicals, Biological.

Recognitional picketing

Picketing done to obtain an employer's recognition of a union as bargaining representativeIt is prohibited when another union has already been recognized or a valid election has occurred in the previous 12 months. This is referred to as a statutory bar. Recognitional picketing is also illegal if it continues for more than 30 days without the filing of a petition for representation

Defined Contribution Plan

Plan in which the employer and sometimes the employee make an annual payment to the employee's retirement plan account

Defined contribution plan

Plan in which the employer and sometimes the employee make an annual payment to the employee's retirement plan account.

Defined benefit plan

Plan that promises employee a retirement benefit amount based on a formula.

Henri Fayol

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling

457 plans

Plans that allow employees of states, political subdivisions or agencies of states, and certain tax-exempt organizations to defer receipt of wages.

401(k) plans

Plans that allow employees to make tax-favored pay deferrals toward retirement savings through a payroll deduction plan.

Affirmative action plans (AAPs)

Plans that focus on the hiring, training, promoting, and compensating of protected classes where there are deficiencies.


Political Economic Social Technological (external analysis)


Portion of a population used to draw conclusions regarding an entire population.

Skinner : Operant Conditioning

Positive/negative reinforcement, punishment, extinction

Affirmative action (AA)

Practice in which employers identify conspicuous imbalances in their workforce and take positive steps to correct underrepresentation of protected classes. (Federal employers must have, OFCCP covers)

Balance billing

Practice where an uncontracted medical provider bills a patient for all charges not paid for by the patient's insurance plan, even if those charges are above the plan's usual and customary rate or are considered medically unnecessary.

4 P's of Marketing

Product Placement Price Promotion


Project management professional

Simple linear regression

Projection of future demand based on a past relationship, involves a single variable.


Proposal presented to a legislative body for possible enactment as a law.

Process Control Chart

Provide a graphical representation of elements with an upper and lower range.


Provide the direction that enables an organization to achieve its long-term objectives.

National Labor Relations Act

Provides for the right to organize and for collective bargaining; requires employers to bargain; unions must represent all members equally; covers nonmanagerial employees in private industry (not covered by the Railway Labor Act)

Wagner Act

Provides for the right to organize and for collective bargaining; requires employers to bargain; unions must represent all members equally; covers nonmanagerial employees in private industry (not covered by the Railway Labor Act)

Railway Labor Act

Provides for the right to organize and for majority choice of representatives; covers railroad and airline employees

IRS Intermediate Sanctions

Provides guidelines regarding the determination of reasonable compensation for executives of nonprofit organizations; allows the IRS to impose penalties when it determines that top officials have received excessive compensation from their organizations


Provides same information to a group at the same time.

Environmental Scan

Provides the Framework for collecting information about factors relevant to the decision making process. Two elements, internal and external scanning.

Skills Training

Providing employees with specific information that is needed to do their job. Job specific or soft skills (meeting management, time management, communication).

Supervisory Training

Providing training related to interactions with employees, employment law, policies and procedures.

Fair use

Provision of the Copyright Act that allows the use of copyrighted work in certain circumstances.

Health insurance purchasing cooperative (HIPC)

Purchases health-care plans for large groups of employers to provide small organizations the economic advantages large organizations have.

529 plan

Qualified tuition plan that provides families a federal tax-free way to save money for college.

Delphi technique

Qualitative analysis method in which input is obtained from a group of individuals, summarized, and resubmitted to the group for additional input until consensus is reached. The Delphi technique is unique because the group members do not meet in person; instead, they conduct the analysis in writing.

Juran Trilogy

Quality planning; Initiates programs by addressing quality concerns, Quality Control; ensures conformance to the parameters established, Quality Improvements; are used to continually improve operations and reduce waste.


Quality should be measured by the additional cost of not producing zero defect products the first time.

time-series forecast

Quantitative method of analysis that can be used to measure historic data and provide a basis for projecting future requirements.

Cost- Benefit analysis

Ratio of value created to cost of creating that value, allows management to determine the financial impact particular activities and programs have on an organization's profitability.


Rationale The PERM process is a streamlined process for obtaining labor certification, the first stage in the permanent residency process. After recruiting and affirming that there are no available American workers to fill a job, the Department of Labor will process requests to fill vacancies with foreign workers within 45 to 60 days. Once the permanent labor certification is issued, the employer must then petition the appropriate agencies to complete the visa approval process

Yield Ratios

Ratios that can help quantify recruitment efforts.

Yield ratios

Ratios that can help quantify recruitment efforts.

Corporate Citizenship

Reactive philanthropy Strategic contribution Mainstream involvement Corporate accountability


Readiness to learn, combining students' level of ability and motivation with their perceptions of the work environment


Realign operations in a way that adds value to customers. For workforce planning, this may mean eliminating jobs in some areas and adding jobs in others.

Job Description Sections: Essential Functions

Reason the job exists and must be performed by incumbent. Complies with ADA.

Managing Risk: Work-Life Discrimination

Reasons, 1. reduce costs 2. reduce likelihood of caregiver discrimination. - Incorporate work-life programs , - Educate about discrimination protections.

OSHA - Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP)

Recognizes small, high hazard EE'rs who request consultation and correct violations, and develop an ongoing safety program, must agree to ask for a free consultation when processes change.

Needs Assessment Step 7

Recommend solutions

Cash flow Statement

Record of how much cash is flowing into an out of an organization including its sources or destinations.

Traditional activities of HR

Recruiting for current job openings, resolving employee complaints, communicating with employees, advice line managers on how to manage performance and increasse employee's productivity and job satisfaction.

HR Audit: Workforce Planning and Employment

Recruiting philosophy and process; job posting, candidate sourcing procedures, and the approval process, and the existence and status of affirmative action and diversity programs. Staffing needs analysis. Verifies job analysis process and determines whether job descriptions include essential job functions. Selection process is analyzed, how interviews are conducted, seasonal or periodic hiring cycles, how many people interview candidates, and whether interviewers receive training. Audit analyzes any preemployment tests that are utlized and ensures they are valid and reliable. The use of alternative staffing methods and hiring cycles is reviewed as well. The existence, accuracy and consistency of reference and background checks are examined.


Refers to installing a lock, disconnect switch, or shutoff valve so equipment cannot be activated by mistake.


Relocation of processes or functions from a "home" country to another country.

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Remedies for intentional discrimination, and unlawful harrassment, codify the concepts of business neccessity and job related articulated by the supreme court. Confirm statutory authority and guidelines. To respond to recent decisions of the supreme court.

Unique Employee Needs; Repatriation

Repatriation is a critical step in using expatriates, how their careers will be affected are a large concern, managing expectations on both sides is important, one-on-one debrief, assistance in managing the transition home, assistance with professional transition (career), adding the knowledge base to the companies.

Long-term disability (LTD) coverage

Replaces a portion of employee's lost income after short-term disability coverage ends.

Investigative Consumer Report

Report gathered through interviews, written document.

What does the accounting function create?

Reports to summarize the results of business activity, including the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows.

Fair Credit reporting Act

Requires employers to notify an individual in writing if a report may be used; employer must also get person's written authorization before asking credit bureau for report; protects privacy of background information and ensures that information is accurate. Dodd-Frank amendment mandates that employers who take adverse action against a prospective or current employee based on information contained in the prospective or current employee's consumer report will have additional disclosures to make to the affected individual.

Cliff vesting

Requires participants to complete a specific number of years of service with an employer before they get any vested benefits, after which they are 100% vested.

Davis-Bacon Act

Requires payment of specified wage rates and employee benefits on federal govt contracts for public works construction in excess of $2K

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act

Requires some employers to give at least 60 days' notice of plant or office closings or mass layoffs; covers employers with 100 or more employees

Privacy Act

Requires that a government entity obtain a government employee's signed release before giving information about that individual to someone else

Congressional Accountability Act

Requires that any federal employee relations legislation enacted by Congress applies to the employees of Congress as well

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

Requires that employers continue benefits and counting credited service for retirement plan purposes for employees called up for active duty

Managing Risk: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX): Section 401

Requires that financial statements include all material liabilities (could include claims),

Change Management

Result of any OD process is change and must be implemented by people, challenge is implementation, because the people in the organization must embrace change and be motivated and committed to making the change work.


Results in a workforce reduction or transfer of EE's to new jobs. When EE's are acquired they are terminated from the old co. and hired on by the new one.

Net income

Revenues minus - Expenses

Circuit City Stores v Adams

Ruled that a pre-hire employment application requiring that all employment disputes be settled by arbitration was enforceable under the Federal Arbitration Act

Oncale v Sundowner Offshore Service, Inc

Ruled that same-gender harassment is actionable under Title VII

Kolstad v American Dental Association

Rules that the availability of punitive damages depends on the motive of the discriminator rather than the nature of the conduct

Motivation Concepts: Hierearchy of Needs: Safety

Safe from physical harm

State Plans

Safety and health policies and procedures that states have adopted and that have been approved by OSHA.


Sale by a company of an asset that is not performing well, that is not core to the company's business, or that is worth more as a separate entity.

Gross profit

Sales revenue less cost of goods sold

Gross Profit

Sales revenue less cost of goods sold.

Program Delivery: Classrooms

Same content to a group of employees in a classroom setting, effective for small groups when providing the same information to everyone in the group.


Same gender harassment is actionalble


Security risk factors.

Labor Market Categories: Education

Segmented by eduation.

Labor Market Categories: Geographic

Segmenting the market regionally, may vary by position, lower level strictly local, higher level positions national or international.

Conducting Effective Interviews

Select the interview team, hold pre-interview strategy meeting, complete evaluation forms, conduct interviews, evaluate candidates.

Proprietary Information

Sensitive information owned by a company that gives the company certain competitive advantages.

Needs Assessment Step 4

Set priorities

Organizational culture

Shared attitudes and perceptions in an organization.

Job Description Sections: Position Summary

Short description of job, usually 2-5 sentences.

Employment Applications

Short-form, long-form, Job-specific, Weighted Application

Privacy Policy

Should have a general statement that there should be no expectation of privacy, should state explicitly; has the right to monitor calls, email, IM, internet and computer usage, cell phone cameras, video surveillance (no bathrooms, changing rooms), searching property (never search EE body, call police)

Intellectual Property Agreement (IPA) or "Nondisclosure Agreement" (NDA)

Should identify what the EE'r considers confidential and how its use is limited. May contain a non-solicitation clause. Should contain clauses requiring EE's to disclose any discoveries or patents they have prior to joining. Require they don't share information learned, or disclose who owns inventions or discoveries made during the course of employment.


Show the individual components of a problem in addition to the total or summary.

Frequency table

Shows the number of people or organizations associated with data organized in a frequency distribution.

Job Description Sections: Approvals



Signed by the manager to verify its accuracy


Signs or labels attached to equipment to warn others not to activate it.


Similar to demonstration, one-to-one ratio.

Check Sheet

Simplest of analysis tools, requiring only a list of items that might be expected to occur. Counting occurences.


Situation in which an organization shares joint responsibility and liability for their alternative workers with an alternative staffing supplier; also known as joint employment.

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

Situation in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building but no specific illness or cause can be identified.

Building-related Illness (BRI)

Situation in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that can be attributed directly to airborne building contaminants.

Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

Situation in which gender, religion, or national origin is reasonably necessary to carrying out a particular job function in the normal operations of a business or enterprise.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Software systems that help identify and manage operational risk across an organization.

Learning Content Management Systems (LCMSs)

Software to create, deliver, and modify course content.

Third-party Contract

Some part of the contract is provided by an entity other than those who have signed the contract.

Third party contract

Some part of the transaction is provided by an entity other than those who have signed the contract. Examples: Agreement with temp agency

Income statement

Sometimes referred to as the profit and loss statement (P&L). Provides information about the financial results of operations during the reporting period including: 1. how much revenue was produced from various sources 2. how much it cost to produce the goods or services 3. what the overhead expenses were 4. what the profit or loss for the period was

Coaching Programs

Specialist engaged to develop an employee in a particular area. Focus on skills rather than development.


Specific, Measurable, attainable, realistic, and Timely.

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Path-goal theory: Directive

Specifies what must be done

Mission Statement

Specifies what the organization does, who its customers are, and the priorities it has set in pursuing its work.


State of well-being, free of illness or disease.

Out-of-pocket maximum

Stated amount out of pocket the insured can pay for medical costs in a 12-month period before copayments end.

Income Statement

Statement comparing revenues, expenses, and profits over a specified period of time, usually a year or a quarter.

General Duty Clause

Statement in Occupational Safety and Health Act that requires employers subject to OSHA to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment.

Public domain

Status of a work when copyright protection ends; in general, copyright protection covers the life of the author plus 70 years.

Risk Management: Risk Mitigation

Steps taken to reduce risk

Employee stock-ownership plan (ESOP)

Stock plan structured as a form of ERISA-governed qualified retirement plan.

Program Electronic Review Management (PERM)

Streamlined process for obtaining labor certification for foreign nationals seeking permament residence through their employment.

Glass ceiling

Strong but invisible career barrier that sometimes exists for minorities and women.

Types of Interviews: Patterned Interviews

Structured to cover all areas related to the job requirements, may ask different questions of all of them.


Study for how adults learn.


Study of adult learning


Study of how adults learn.

Smith v Jackson, Mississippi

Supreme Court held that, like Title VII, the ADEA authorizes recovery on a disparate impact theory

School Board of Nassau v. Arline

Supreme Court ruling that persons with contagious diseases could be covered by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


Tangible or intangible items of value owned by the business.

Job Stressors

Task Design, Management Style, Interpersonal Relationships, Work Roles, Career Concerns, Environmental Conditions.


Techniques for communicating information about products to consumers.

Rehabilitation Act

The Rehabilitation Act requires an affirmative action plan if the employer has a federal contract or subcontract of $50,000 or more and employs 50 or more employees

Team Learning

The ability of a team to share and build upon their ideas without holding anything back.

Orientation to learning

The ability to apply information immediately is increasing important to learners.

Analysis Phase

The analysis phase identifies gaps between the goal and actual performance by analyzing data.

Prevailing Wage

The average wage paid to a class of employees in the relevant geographic area.

Employees or Contractors: Financial Controls

The extent to which expenses are not reimbursed, investment made by the worker, extent to which worker services are made available to the relevant market, versus a single business, how the worker is paid, extent to which the worker can realize a profit.

Employer of Record

The organziation for EE's or a employment agency/broker act for temps/contractors


The science that addresses the way a physical environment is designed and how efficient and safe that design is. Review of OSHA logs, workers comp claims, can help determine if this is an issue in the workplace.

A result of Herzberg's theory is job enrichment. What is job enrichment?

The significance of the tasks in a job is increased to provide challenging work and growth opportunities, Herzberg's motivation factors.

Physical Health Hazards

The work environment.


Theory X and Theory Y

McGregor Theory X & Y

Theory X managers : top down style, believe employees are lazy, autocratic style Theory Y: EEs seek challenges, invite EEs into decision making

What is the major drawback of behavioral theories?

They don't explain why certain behavioral aspect work in one situation but not in another.

Motivation Concepts: Expectancy Theory: Valence

This is the result of the effort-reward calculation.


This office is responsible for implementing the executive orders and ensuring compliance of federal contractors

Organizational Culture

This sharing of values of beliefs and the behavior related to them is known as organizationa culture.

Quantitative Analysis

Tools based on mathematical models for measuring historical data.

Two types of communication

Top-down and bottom-up

Debt Ratio

Total Liabilities/Total Assets


Total Quality Management

Field Reviews

Type of performance appraisal method that includes HR interviewing the supervisor


U of M - place goals are OK

Patterned Bargening

Union uses a K negotiated w/ 1 employer as a negotiating tool with others

Fair Use Doctrine

Use for criticism, commentary, news reporting, or teaching, not an infringement depending on four factors.

Risk Management

Use of Insurance and other strategies in an effort to prevent or minimize an organization's exposure to liability in the event a loss or injury occurs.

Flexible staffing

Use of alternative recruiting sources and workers who are not regular employees; also known as alternative staffing.

Program Delivery: E-Learning: Blended Learning

Uses multiple delivery methods to enhance the learning experience.

Inter-rater Reliability

Using multiple raters to counteract biases.

Risk Management: Risk Transfer

Usually accomplished by purchasing insurance.

Covey theory

Vision and mission in sight

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Vision problems such as headaches and blurred vision that are associated with video display terminals.


Visual representation of data to help in identifying patterns.

Learning Styles

Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (hands-on experience)

Vision Statement

Vivid, guiding image of an organization's desired future.

Johnson Controls Vs

Welfare of future children must be left up to parents

External equity

When an organization's pay rates are at least equal to market rates.

Pareto Chart

a graph that shows the number of times a problem cause occurs, with problem causes ordered from most frequent to least frequent

Pert chart

a graphical network model that depicts a project's tasks and the relationships between those tasks

Race and ethnicity categories

a. Hispanic or Latino b. White (not Hispanic or Latino) c. Black or African American d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander e. Asian f. American Indian or Alaska Native g. Two or more races

risk management process

assess risk - develop systems - implement programs - monitor - evaluate/modify systems

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

Act that established the first national policy for safety and health and continues to deliver standards that employers mus meet to guarantee the health and safety of their employees.

Professional Liability Insurance

Insurance that protects directors, officers, employees, and organizations against claims of negligence in the performance of professional services.

Drug-Free Workplace Act

Requires federal contractors with contracts of $100,000 or more as well as recipients of grants from federal government to certify they are maintaining a drug-free workplace., Requires federal contractors with contracts of $100,000 or more to certify that they are maintaining a drug-free workplace

Serious Violation

Violation of an OSHA standard that is likely to cause death or serious injury on the job.

develop systems

to determine whether to manage workers' comp claims in house or to outsource, an organization might consider the tactics other organizations use to reduce costs, the cost-effectiveness of options, and ownership and management of the systems options

assess risk

to minimize workers' compensation claims, an organization can identify hazards that are most likely to result in such claims and determine which jobs are related to those areas; analyze past lost-time claims to identify high claims departments and locations; analyze trends in medical claims to determine what leads to claims and to find new ways to regulate costs; and analyze accidents investigations to determine if common trends exist among root causes


Form of intervention in which the emphasis is on the cause of a problem rather than on job performance.

Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance

Form of professional liability coverage that protects against employment claims.

Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)

Form of tuberculosis that is resistant to current drug therapy.


Act that gives federal officials greater authority to take measures to combat terrorism. (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Act that prohibits discrimination against a qualified individual with a disability because of his/her disability.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

Act that prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health care.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Act that regulates employee overtime status, overtime pay, child labor, minimum wage, record keeping, and other administrative concerns.

Human Resource Development (HRD)

Affect the behavior of employees so the organization can achieve its goals.

Job Burnout

Depletion of physical/mental resources caused by excessive striving to reach an unrealistic work-related goal.


Products that affect a fetus but not the pregnant mother.

Directors' and Officers' (D&O) Liability Insurance

Protects directors, officers, and corporations from claims such as shareholder class actions and SEC violations for fraud and mismanagement.

Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act

Revision to Bloodborne Pathogens standard that requires employers to minimize employees' exposure to blood through sharps injuries., Revision to Bloodborne Pathogens standard that requires employers to minimize employees' exposure to blood through needlesticks.


Undesired event that results in physical harm to a person or damage to property.


Use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the United States for purposes of intimidation, or ransom.

Modified-Duty Program

When an employer offers an employee a less strenuous job until he or she is fit to return to their regular job; also known as early-return-to-work program.

Categories of operational ricks

personal risk (internal fraud, human error), physical assets (loss of business environment/assets), technology (virus damage), relationships (lawsuits), external/ regulatory ( external fraud)

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)

Act that sets forth provisions for access, use, disclosure, interception, and privacy protections of electronic communications.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Agency that administers and enforces the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Agency that provides health and safety information.

Tuberculosis (TB)

Airborne contagious disease caused by a bacterial infection.

Repeat Violation

Violation of an OSHA standard that is a repeat of a violation found under a previous inspection.

Willful Violation

Violation of an OSHA standard that is considered intentional.

Other-than-serious violation

Violation of an OSHA standard that would probably not cause serious physical harm or death.

Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Virus that may lead to the development of the acquired immune deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Early-Return-To-Work Program

When an employer offers an employee a less strenuous job until he or she is fit to return to their regular job; also known as modified-duty program.

Wiretap Act

Act that prohibits the interception of e-mails in transmission.

Avian Influenza (H5N1)

Affects birds, with only a small number of cases of human infection.

Process-flow analysis

Diagram of the steps involved in a process.

When are democratic leaders most effective?

In environments of highly skilled professional employees who are self-motivated and accomplish tasks on their own. When relationships in the work environment are of primary concern.

Needs Assessment Step 5

Investigate and develop options

Total Rewards Philosophy

Price important to marketing, this is the price within HR.


Rule or order issued by a government agency; often has the force of law.

Organizational Life Cycle

Startup Growth Maturity Decline

Staff Units

Supporting functions to the business; IT, Finance, HR, etc.


Tangible or intangible items of value owned by the business

How can HR influence cultural competence?

addressing cross-cultural conflict, assessing hiring patterns, sensitivity training, recruitment practices, leave policies, healthcare benefits design, anti-harassment policy development

Quantitative Analysis

analysis tools are based on mathematical models for measuring historical data. (Correlation, Correlation Coefficient)

Qualitative Analysis

analysis tools are subjective evaluations of general observations and information and include various types of judgmental forecasts

job applicant

anyone who expresses interest in employment regardless of whether that person meets the employer's minimum qualifications for the job

Primary Concern Cases

are new protections developed by OSHA to protect employee privacy by substituting a case number for the EE name on the OSHA 300 log.

The key business initiatives

are the skills and abilities that are of specific appeal to the organization

Managing Risk: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX): Section 406

code of ethics: 1. honest and ethical conduct, 2. accurate disclosure in reports 3. Compliance with laws, rules, and regulations 4. Accountabilty for adherence to the code.

Blake-Mouton Theory

concern for people, concern for production; makes 4 types of managers (Country Club Manager comes to mind)

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Path-goal theory: Participative

involves the group in decision making

Trend Analysis

constructing and applying statistical models that predict labor demand for the next year, given relatively objective statistics from the previous year


directing day-to-day organizational operations

Biological Hazards

diseases spread through food, or bodily fluids.

Griggs v Duke Power

disparate impact; tests must be job related

vicarious liability

employers are legally responsible for the discriminatory acts of their employees

Penn State Police v Suders

employers have to prevent and correct harassment quickly

Yellow Dog

employers used to make workers sign these contracts before they were hired, promising not to join or organize a union

Leadership Concepts: Situational Theories: Path-goal theory: Supportive

encourages the group


federal law requiring that organizations with more than 100 employees give 60 days notice prior to any closing or layoff that will affect at least 50 full time employees

Equal PAy Act

federal legislation in 1963 that made it illegal to pay women lower wages than men for the job solely because they are women

Flat Organizations

fewer levels of organizational structure, managers and authority figures have control over a wider span of people

Joseph Juran

fitness to use; emphasizes reliability of a product or service for its uses

Transactional Leadership

focuses on getting job done and seeks this by offering rewards.

The OSHA 301

form was developed for the Injury and Illness Incident Report.

The OSHA 300

form was developed for the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.

The OSHA 300A

form was developed for the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.


global collaboration network.

Budgeting methods

incremental budgeting Formula budgeting Zero-based budgeting

Job-related Stress

harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or needs of the worker.

Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory

hygiene = external factors motivation = internal factors

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

identifies personality types with four letter codes

LaRue v DeWolff

if prudent person rule doesn't end up being the case, the org can be required to pay back losses under ERISA (401(k))

W Edwards Deming

if the organization made poor products, its essentially the manager's fault and no one elses

diversity initiative

increase the diversity of the workforce or increase the effectiveness of an already diverse workforce


integrated patter of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups.

Gain sharing programs

involve employees and managers improving the organization's productivity and sharing the benefits of success. This rewards teamwork, sharing knowledge, and cooperation.

Prima facie

latin term for "on first view" or "at first appearance"

An S-shaped learning curve

is a combination of positive and negative learning curves. It begins with a slow learning process and accelerates over time, then slows again.

HMO-Health Maintenance Organization

is a managed-care plan that concentrates on preventive care and managing health expenses.


is an example of mentally aroused stress.

Work for Hire

is copyright protected for the shorter of 95 years from the first publication or for 120 years from the original year the work was created.

Hot Cargo Agreement

is one in which employers and unions enter into an agreement where employers stop doing business with another employer.

Computer Based Training

is the type of virtual training that provides interactive training through the combination of lectures, demonstrations, one-on-ones, and simulations.

computer based training

is the type of virtual training that provides interactive training through the combination of lectures, demonstrations, one-on-ones, and simulations.

Distance Learning

is the type of virtual training that provides participants with the ability to communicate with others at varous locations

Blended Learning

is the type of virtual training that uses multiple methods of delivery to enrich the learning experience.


large group, multi-location

Fielder's Contingency Theory

leader/member relations task structure and position power

Hersey-Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory

leadership needs to depend on the maturity of employees; four general types from mature downward (delegating, participating, selling, telling)

Timing of Performance Appraisals: Anniversary Dates

less at one time, harder to plan for raises, rate against other employees)

Vrooms Expectancy Theory

level of effort


modification of the Constitution or a Law,; modification may be either formal (writen) or informal (unwritten)

concurrent validity

of two tests indicate the same outcome by a sample size of tested participants

coalition bargaining

one union, multiple employers

punitive damages

pain and suffering, makes a person "whole"

single designated officer

part of ADR; empowers ee to resolve disputes

virtual classroom learning

people attend from their computers at the same time, is interactive

HR audit

process to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of HR programs and positions.

Binding Arbitration

process whereby a neutral party hears arguments from two opposing sides and makes a decision that both must accept


prohibits discrimination against persons over the age of 40. Applies to EE'rs with 20 EE's.

Simple Linear Regression

projection of future demand based on a past relationship; involves a single variable

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner)

protects rights of ees to organize unhampered by mgmt

Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum Griffin)

protects rights of members from corrupt unions

Person Based Pay System

psy for what they are cabable of doing

Donald Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation

reaction, learning, behavior, and results.

compensable factors

reflects dimensions along which a job is perceived to add value; used to determine which jobs are worth more than others


reintegrating employees into their home-country operations following an international assignment


removes authority of union in a non RTW state

Intrapersonal Intelligence


Meritor Savings Bank v Vinson

sexual harassment violates Title VII regardless of quid pro quo or hostile environment

Affirmative Action Plan components

statistical and narrative components

Learning management systems (LMS)

streamlines the administration of employee training programs

Types of Interviews: Stress Interviews

subjects candidates to an intimidating session, to see how they will react to stress in the position.


super high achievers

job analysis

systemic study of jobs to determine what activities and responsibilities they include, the personal qualifications necessary for performance and the conditions where the work is performed and the reporting structure

Albemarle Paper v Moody

tests items used to validate employment requirements must be job related

Cultural competence

the ability of a diverse group of people to achieve organizational aims, and a measure of a company's ability to work with individuals from multiple walks of life

Construct Validity

the degree to which a measure actually assesses what it claims to assess. used to measure traits that are directly related to job performance. For flight controllers, the ability to think critically and lead others is key to performing effectively. It takes complex statistical analyses to determine that a test actually measures the job-related traits.


the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to

Content Validity

the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest (such as a driving test that samples driving tasks).

Project Management

the process of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing an assignment that is temporary in nature


the trait of being dependable or reliable

Unlawful Employment Practices

those that have an adverse impact on a protected class. Recruiting, Selection, Hiring, Compensation, Benefit, Training, other terms of employment.


to an operation department, the ability to yield output.


to an operations department, the act of detailed planning; based upon incoming orders, order history, and forecasts of future demand.

permissive subjects

voluntary subjects when negotiating


way for ees to terminate union membership


when an employer recognizes a union as being entitled to conduct collective bargaining on behalf of workers in a particular bargaining unit

Ellerth & Faragher

when harassment results in tangible adverse employment action, the employer is always liable. but if the ee left on their own, the employer can build and affirmative defense for liability and damages


work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons

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