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seizure treatments might not work if:

-inappropriate treatment -inappropriate dose -poor compliance/lack of education - drug interactions (CYP450/p-gp) -seizure refractoriness

primary hyperlipidemia is caused by:

-inc sensitivity to dietary cholesterol -lack of defective LDL receptors -cellular defects -altered synthesis of apoproteins

protease inhibitors _____ insulin resistance/TC/TG and cause _______

-increase -lipodystrophy

METS complications

-T2D -heart/blood vessel disease -nonalcoholic fatty liver disease -kidney disease -accelerated cognitive aging -recurrent preeclampsia -cancer (breast, colon, gallbladder, kidney)

borderline high cholesterol

-TC 200-239 -LDL 130-139 -HDL 40-49

Normal lipid levels

-TC <200 -LDL <130 -HDL >/50 women; >/ 40 med

High cholesterol

-TC >/240 -LDL >/160 -HDL <40

meds that can cause seizures

-clozapine -bupropion -carbamazepine

stage 2 of atherosclerosis: cytokines and growth factors cause smooth muscle cells to proliferate. The smooth muscle cells then move into the subendothelial space where they produce _________ and take up LDLs, adding to the population of foam cells forming a _______________

-collagen -fatty streak

Decreasing HTN in the renin-ang-aldosterone system by:

-inhibiting angiotensinogen to ANGI by blocking renin -inhibiting ACE = ANGI to ANGII conversion -Blocking ANGII directly ---> dec vasoconstriction and Na/H2O retention

Diabetes can lead to :

-endothelial dysfunction -vascular resistance -HTN -vessel wall inflammation

BP =


inc TNF, IL-6, CRP, fibrinogen, and AT2 causes

RAAS activation

• LDL is calculated • LDL = ___________ • Calculator does not work if TGs are > _____ mg/dL --> Underestimates LDL

TC-HDL-(TG/5) 400

type of fat found in the blood composed of glycerol and 3 fatty acid chains


delivers triglycerides to cells in the body


Organ that gets damaged when: -atherosclerosis causes impaired blood flow/inc oxygen demand -enlarged left ventricle d/t PVR -failure d/t weak muscle and loss of elasticity -leading to MI and heart failure


Peripheral artery disease (PAD) occurs when:

plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries leading to dec/blocked blood flow to the kidneys, arms, stomach, and legs

failure of mechanisms responsible for seizure termination or from the initiation of mechanisms which lead to abnormally prolonged seizures. -seizure last >5 minutes (continuous) and duration of seizure beyond risk of long-term consequences (30 min)

status epilepticus

chylomicrons and VLDL are mostly made of


motor cortex

twitching/jerking in the arm, should face, legs

Atherosclerosis can cause:

-MI -ischemic stroke -heart failure -vascular insufficiency -aneurysm

these vasodilators cause a dec in peripheral resistance

-NO -prostacyclins -kinins -ANP

Neuronal regulation of the autonomic nervous system:

- Baroreceptors • Major negative-feedback mechanism to control sympathetic activity • Sense pressure changes in the arterial wall - Chemoreceptors - External stimuli

drugs that can induce HTN include

-NSAIDS -amphetamines - estrogen (OC) -glucocorticoids

calcium channel targets for treatment

-T type -> dec thalamocortical reverbs -L type -> dec cortical excitation -N type -> dec NT release

S/Sx of hyperglycemia can include:

-acanthosis nigricans -hirsutism -peripheral neuropathy -retinopathy

METS risk factors

- >/60 - hispanic females or non-hispanic white males - obese - genetics -meds that cause change BP, cholesterol, glucose or inc weight

Endothelial dysfunction occurs when...

- cells are subject to shear stress from blood flow and endogenous of exogenous substances (inc cholesterol/glucose, smoking, hypertension, and inflammatory mediators) -reduced vasodilators (NO) -oxidative stress (ROS)

Inc in visceral adiposity can cause:

- inc leptin/FFA -dec adiponectin -inc TNF, IL-6, CRP, fibrinogen, PA-1, and ATII

METS occurs when 3 or more of these factors are present:

- low HDL - fasting glucose >/100mg/dL -obese (waist >40in=M, >35in=F) -TG >/150 mg/dL -inc BP (SBP >/130, DBP>/85)

Normal BP is < ____/____ mmHg Elevated has an SBP of ____-____ and DBP of <____ mmHg

-120/80 -120-129 -80

Hypertension is broken down into 2 stages. stage 1: SBP is b/w ___-___ *OR* DBP is ___-___ mmHg stage 2: SBP >/___ *OR* DBP >/ ___ mmHg

-130-139 -80-89 ->/140 ->/90

I seizure free for __ to __ years and depending on the seizure type, a patient may consider stopping treatment. __ years for absence __ years for partial, tonic-clonic

-2 to 4 -2 -4

Orthostatic hypotension can occur when systolic drops >____mmHg or diastolic drops > ___mmHg within 1 minute of standing

-20 -10

Resistant hypertension is classified as the BP being above goal when the pt is on ___ meds or BP goal is achieved with >/ ___ meds

-3 -4

Humoral mechanisms that contribute to primary HTN include:

-ADH -estrogen -insulin resistance -renin-ANG-aldosterone system

increased peripheral resistance is caused by these vasoconstrictors

-ANGII -catecholamines -thromboxane -endothelin -vasopressin/ADH

Hyperlipidemia can lead to

-ASCVD -microvascular disease -pancreatitis (inc TG)

Oral contraceptives can cause and increase is _____, ___, ____ but when only taking estrogen OC they have been shown to decrease _____

-BG, TG, weight -LDL

Niacin is known to increase _______/_____ and decrease ____, ____


The endothelium is a smooth delicate lining of blood vessels that has many functions including:

-Controls vascular function through relaxation and contraction • Transfers molecules via semi permeable membrane • Modulates flow and resistance • Regulates immune and inflammatory reactions

antihypertensives that decrease PVR

-Diuretics • α1-blockers • Central α2-agonist •Direct vasodilators • Direct renin inhibitors • Calcium channel blockers (DHP-CCB) • Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) • Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)

______ carries cholesterol to cells and deposits it in artery walls. _______ carries cholesterol from cells and plaques back to the liver


seizure risk factors

-abnormal EEG -seizure occurs during sleep -positive family history (sibling) -prior acute seizure -down syndrome/cerebral palsy - no clear association of seizure type - no association with seizure length - no association with age of onset

Seizure treatment is appropriate:

-after 2 or more seizures -after 1 seizure if: - idiopathic and abnormal EEG - symptomatic and abnormal EEG - prior neurologic abnormality - positive family history

ASCVD findings:

-angina -numbness -temp vision loss -xanthomas -slurred speech -drooping face muscles -lipid panel

5 target organs that can get damaged with HTN

-arteries -heart -brain -eyes -kidneys

inc PA1 leads to

-atherosclerosis -HTN

seizure etiological considerations

-cerebrovascular abnormality -tumor -head trauma -infection -hypoxia -fever >104 -drug intoxication -alcohol withdrawal -stress

Antagonizing the beta-1 pre/post synaptic neurons _______ HR and contractility ---> decreasing ____

-decreases -CO

Vascular endothelial mechanisms for elevated BP:

-deficiency in synthesis of vasodilators (prostacyclin/bradykinin) & excess vasoconstrictors (ANGII & endothelin I)

Antihypertensives that decrease CO

-diuretics -beta blockers -central alpha2-agonists -nondihydropyridine (non-DHP) ca2+ channel blockers

Other names for METS

-dysmetabolic syndrome -hypertriglyceridemic waist -insulin resistance syndrome -obesity syndrome -syndrome X

Primary HTN risk factors

-family history -age (m>/55, F>/65) -african american -metabolic syndrome (diabetes/obesity) -salt intake >2.4g/day -low K/Ca in diet -alcohol >1 drink/day in women, >2 drink/day in men

what to rule out in childhood epilepsy (3)

-fever -infection -trauma

proposed mechanisms of primary HTN (6):

-genetics -environment/lifestyle -humoral mech -neuronal regulation -peripheral autoregulatory components -vascular endothelial mecansisms

Epilepsy etiologies

-genetics: usually young age -structural: neuronal imaging abnormalities (cortical dysplasia, posttraumatic epilepsy) - infectious: parasite, meningitis, encephalitis - metabolic: abnormal glycogen metabolism *(lafora disease)* - immune: anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis -unknown

PAI-1 causes __________ and TNFa/IL-6 cause ________ leading to increased visceral adiposity

-hypercoagulability -inflammation

Present illnesses that are signs/symptoms of METS

-hyperglycemia -HTN -dyslipidemia

free fatty acids cause:

-insulin resistance -atherogenic dyslipidemia

_________ in atherosclerosis causes reduced arterial flow resulting in insufficient oxygen to meet needs. ________ is the area of ischemic necrosis resulting from occlusion of arterial supply

-ischemia -infarction

neurologic changes include:

-longer seizures ---> more ischemia -inc glutamate exposure --> neuronal damage -repeated GTC or status epilepticus -->cognitive decline

Labs to diagnose METS

-metabolic panel -lipid panel -thyroid levels (inc TSH) -uric acid level -sleep study (sleep apnea) **chest pain, dyspnea, claudication may warrant additional tests: - electrocardiography -ultrasonography

seizures can occur d/t:

-neuronal hyperexcitability - alterations in ion channels (K/Na/Ca/Cl) - defects in ion transport (ATPase) across membrane -abnormal synaptic vesicle protein 2-A. ~normally responsible for fusion of vesicles to membrane, but gets upregulated in some epilepsies. -biochemical modification of receptors -modulation of second messaging systems and gene expression -changes in extracellular ion concentration -alteration in neurotransmitter uptake and metabolism in glial cells -modifications in the ratio and function of inhibitory circuits -NT imbalance: enhanced excitatory NT (glutamate/aspartate)

inc in leptin/FFA and dec in adiponectin leads to inc muscle insulin resistance and dec glucose uptake as well as hepatic steatosis, which causes many diseases like:

-non-alcoholic fatty liver -hepatitis -fibrosis -cirrhosis -carcinoma/cancer

secondary hyperlipidemia is caused by:

-obesity -high-calorie intake -diabetes mellitus

PAD findings

-pain/cramps/numbness in legs -pain with activity -skin thinning, ulcerations -weak pulse -cool temp -loss of hair -ankle-brachial index -6-min walk test -MRI/CT

PAD can lead to

-poor blood flow in extremities -infection/gangrene -loss of limb

HDLs are mainly composed of _____ while LDLs are mostly _______

-protein -cholesterol

stage 4 of atherosclerosis: the fibrous plaques with defective/broken caps can _______ triggering thrombosis and blocking blood flow. - in the heart, this causes __________ ________ - in the brain, this causes ________

-rupture -myocardial infarction -stroke

Can consider stopping seizure treatment if:

-seizure free 2-4 years -normal neurological exam/ normal IQ -normal EEG w/ treatment -epilepsy of single seizure type (control w/in 1 year) -no juvenile or myoclonic epilepsy

Secondary HTN can be caused by

-sleep apnea -primary aldosteronism -renal parenchymal -renal artery stenosis -meds -pheochromocytoma -cushing's -thyroid/parathyroid disease -aortic coarctation -intracranial tumor

temporarily inc BP but not found to cause HTN

-stress -pain -cold -tobacco -caffeine

Cerebrovascular disease can cause

-stroke -transient ischemic attack (TIA)

blood vessels are composed of 3 layers....

-tunica externa -tunica media -tunica intima

Hyperlipidemia findings:

-typically asymptomatic -xanthomas -lipid panel testing

90-95% of hypertension is primary where the cause is __________. Secondary hypertension is less common and the cause is ______

-unknown -known

seizure treatment goals

1. prevent occurrence of seizures 2. prevent/reduce drug side effects/interactions 3. prevent development of neurologic changes 4. improve patient's quality of life

recommended amount of cardio per week to prevent atherosclerosis

150 minutes

Hypertensive crisis can occur if the pt's BP is >___/___

180/120 mmHg

it is recommended that patients __ to ___ be screened every __ years for lipids

40 to 75 5

apolipoproteins that are a major component of HDL are _____. apolipoproteins that are a major component of LDL and are associated with heart disease are ____

A-1 B-100


Decrease BG, insulin resistance,increase in TC, LDL and weight

________ is a graphical representation of cortical electrical activity. -It provides high temporal resolution, poor spatial resolution of cortical disorder. - most important neuropsychological assessment tool for diagnosis and treatment


as the triglycerides on VLDL are broken down by the cells, the particle becomes denser due to the change in the lipid to protein ratio resulting in VLDL being converted into..


cluster of metabolic disorders increasing a patient's changes for future CVD, diabetes, fatty liver, cancer, etc. more than one factor presenting alone

Metabolic syndrome

fat-derived hormone that regulates metabolic processes such as: -improved insulin sensitivity -improved vascular function


ratio that is a predictive marker of vascular disease


proteins bound to lipids that transport lipids throughout the body, provide stability to triglycerides and cholesterol


_____________ system delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues and the ___________ system *returns* blood to the heart

arterial venous

What organ is damaged when: -damage/inflammation to endothelium -wall thickening leading to arteriosclerosis


HTN is called the silent killer because the patient is often ..


_________________ is an arterial disorder that causes platelet aggregation and plaque buildup


muscles in the body relax during this seizure


periods of shaking or jerking parts of the body


antagonizing B2 pre/pos synaptic neurons causes constriction of the:

blood vessels and bronchioles

Organ that gets damaged when: -stroke/TIA d/t atherosclerosis or thromboembolism -ruptured blood vessels/aneurysms leading to hemorrhage -vascular dementia & cognitive impairment from narrowing blockage or arteries leading to hypoperfusion


Reduce neuronal excitability by binding to sodium channels in inactive state and slow channel recovery from inactivation, preventing hyperexcitable neurons from rapidly/repetitive firing

carbamazepine and phenytoin

waxy, fat-like substance in all cells


transport lipid from intestinal tract to cells in the body


HTN meds agonize a-2 presynaptic neurons causing:

dec NE release into synapse = dec PVR

hepatic steatosis also increases insulin resistance and glucose output leading to


____ ____ _____ is measured after contraction, when the cardiac chambers are filling with blood

diastolic blood pressure

Inc in CRP can lead to

endothelial dysfunction

>/2 unprovoked seizures occurring more than 24 hours apart OR 1 unprovoked seizure and a probability of further similar seizures after 2 unprovoked seizures occurring over the next 10 years


stage 3 of atherosclerosis: A plaque is formed and matures into a ______ _______ as the extracellular lipid core protrudes, blocking blood flow.

fibrous cap

first stage of atherosclerosis: monocytes bind to the endothelium and cross into the subendothelial space where they become macrophages and take up oxidized LDL, becoming _________ _________

foam cells

Seizures that begin in one part of the brain then to the next area and produce a series of shaking to other body parts are called ____ ____.

focal seizures

seizures that involve both sides of the brain

generalized seizures

Kidneys can be damaged from HTN when: 1. damage to renal arteries results in less filtering and more fluid accumulation. 2. _________________ resulting from scarring of the damaged glomeruli


occipital lobe


high elevations in BP without acute or progressive target-organ injury is

hypertensive *urgency*

seizures rarely cause long term brain damage without neurologic insult. Changes of this might increase with ________ in the first 24-48 hours


favorable prognosis in children with:

idiopathic first seizure and normal EEG

Enhance GABA transmission by:

inc GABAa receptor activity, GABA synthesis, and serotonin release. Decreased GABA reuptake

3 things that cause an inc in cardiac output: *** decrease in these causes dec in CO

inc blood volume, heart rate, myocardial contractility

When the SBP >/160 and DBP </90 mmHg it is considered ___ ___ ____. This is most common in elderly d/t compliance of the arterial wall

isolated systolic hypertension

peripheral autoregulatory components that contribute to primary HTN

kidneys regulation of extracellular fluid volume by maintaining Na/H2O balance

risk factors for atherosclerosis:

modifiable: -hyperlipdemia -smoking -obesity -hypertension -diabetes mellitus non-modifiable: -inc age -family history of CVD -men/post-menopausal women Mod/non-mod: -inc inflammatory markers (c-reactive protein) -inc homocysteine

Risk factors for PAD

modifiable: -hyperlipidemia w/ atherosclerosis -smoking -hypertension -diabetes -obese -sedentary -high sat fat diet non-modifiable: -inc age -fam history of ASCVD -male -black

childhood absence epilepsy

mutation in T-type Ca2+ channels and GABA receptor subunits

dravet syndrome

mutations in Na channel, type I alpha subunit

Generalized seizure where there is short jerking in parts of the body


parietal lobe

numbness or tingling

lipid molecule with hydrophilic lipid tail


enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions and are vital to metabolism


difference b/w systolic and diastolic BP

pulse pressure

HTN can cause damage to blood vessels in the eye leading to microaneurysms, hemorrhaging, swelling of the optic nerve and vision loss. The outcome diseases is:


temporal lobe (auditory cortex)

ringing or buzzing sounds

discrete clinical event that results in abnormal discharge of a set of neurons in the brain


_____ ______ _____ is the peak value during cardiac contraction. This is a stronger predictor of CV disease in adults >/50 y/o

systolic blood pressure

muscles in the body become stiff during this type of seizure


antagonizing the alpha-1 post synapse causes ________ which is a target for the treatment of HTN


_______________ ____________ is a venous disorder in which the activation of clotting cascade causes clots

venous thromboembolism

Risk factors for Hyperlipidemia

• Modifiable • Cigarette smoking •Overweight/obesity • Hypertension • Diabetes • Hypothyroidism • Diet • Medications • Non-modifiable • Family history • Increasing age • Gender (male and post-menopausal females)

Nutrition/medications that increase risk of hyperlipidemia

• Nutrition •Elevated LDL: saturated or trans fat • Elevated TG: very low-fat diet, high intake of carbohydrates, excessive alcohol• Medications • Elevated LDL: diuretics, cyclosporine, glucocorticoids, amiodarone • Elevated TG: estrogen, glucocorticoids, bile acid sequestrants, beta blockers (except carvedilol), thiazide diuretics, antipsychotics

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