Physical Science Ch.11

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An acid with a pH of 4.0 is ______ times more acidic than one with a pH of 6.0. 1. 1.5 2. 2.0 3. 20 4. 100


Freshwater is obtained from all of the following except 1. oceans 2. streams. 3. lakes. 4. rivers


The temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to the average atmospheric pressure at sea level is called the 1. normal pressure point. 2. normal boiling point. 3. normal liquid point. 4. normal temperature point

normal boiling point

In a swimming pool, an acceptable level of chlorine is 3 ppm. This is equivalent to a percent concentration of 1. 0.0003%. 2. 0.03%. 3. 0.30%. 4. 3.0%


Concentration of 500 ppm is reported in a news article. This is the same concentration as 1. 0.005 percent. 2. 0.05 percent. 3. 5 percent. 4. 50 percent

0.05 percent

Given that the boiling point of water is increased by 0.521 Co for every mole of solute dissolved in 1000 g of water. One mole of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) added to 1 liter of water will increase the boiling point by 1.0.521 Co 2. 1.563 Co 3. 1.043 Co 4. 2.084 Co

1.563 Co

If 6.0 g of solute is mixed with 24 g of solvent, the concentration by weight is 1. 6.0%. 2. 40%. 3. 25%. 4. 20%


If a salt solution has a salinity of 40 parts per thousand (‰), what is the equivalent percentage measure? 1. 400 percent 2. 40 percent 3. 4 percent 4. 0.4 percen

4 percent

At what temperature does water have the greatest density? 1. 100°C 2. 20°C 3. 4°C 4. 0°C


Acid rain, a condition caused by the reaction of carbon dioxide, sulfur, and nitrogen oxides with rain, has a pH in the range of 1. 1.6-2.0. 2. 2.0-4.0. 3. 4.0-5.5. 4. 7.0-8.3


A bottle of vinegar is 4 percent by weight, so you know that the solution contains 4 weight units of pure vinegar with 1. 96 weight units of water. 2. 99.6 weight units of water. 3. 100 weight units of water. 4. 104 weight units of water

96 weight units of water

Which of the following would have a pH of more than 7? 1. A solution of ammonia 2. A solution of sodium chloride 3. Pure water 4. Carbonic acid

A solution of ammonia

Which of the following will conduct an electric current? 1. Pure water 2. A water solution of a covalent compound 3. A water solution of an ionic compound 4. All of the above are correct

A water solution of an ionic compound

When a solution of an acid and a base are mixed together, 1. a salt and water are formed. 2. they lose their acid and base properties. 3. both are neutralized. 4. All of the above are correct

All of the above are correct

Hard water is a solution of 1. Na+ and Cl- ions 2. Na+ and K+ ions 3. Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions 4. Ba2+ and Cl- ions

Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions

Hard water (water in which it is difficult to make soap) is caused by the presence of 1. Na+and Cl-ions. 2. Na+and K+ions. 3. Ca2+and Mg2+ions. 4. Ba2+and Cl-ions

Ca2+and Mg2+ions

Which of the following is not a property of a base? 1. Changes red litmus to blue 2. Changes blue litmus to red 3. Slippery to touch 4. Bitter taste

Changes blue litmus to red

Which of the following is not a property of an acid? 1. Sour taste 2. Changes litmus from red to blue 3. Reacts with active metals to generate hydrogen gas 4. Changes litmus from blue to red

Changes litmus from red to blue

The ion that is responsible for acidic properties is 1. H3O+ 2. OH- 3. Na+ or Ca2+ 4. Cl-or O2-

Cl-or O2-

The pH scale is based on the concentration of what in solution? 1. Hydroxide ions 2. Hydronium ions 3. Electrolytes 4. Solute

Hydronium ions

The ion that is responsible for basic properties 1. H3O+ 2. OH- 3. Na+ or Cl2+ 4. Cl- or O2-


What is an acid when it is dissolved in water? 1. Proton acceptor 2. Proton donor 3. Indicator 4. Salt

Proton donor

An example of a hydrogen bond is a weak to moderate bond between 1. any two hydrogen atoms. 2. a hydrogen atom of one polar molecule and an oxygen atom of another polar molecule. 3. two hydrogen atoms on two nonpolar molecules. 4. a hydrogen atom and any nonmetal atom

a hydrogen atom of one polar molecule and an oxygen atom of another polar molecule

A salt solution has solid salt on the bottom of the container, and salt is dissolving at the same rate that it is coming out of solution. You know the solution is 1. an electrolyte. 2. a nonelectrolyte. 3. a buffered solution. 4. a saturated solution

a saturated solution

A homogeneous mixture of ions or molecules of two or more substances is 1. a solution. 2. a compound. 3. always a liquid. 4. never a gas

a solution

To prepare a 3 M solution of sodium chloride 1. add 58.5 grams of NaCl to three liters of water. 2. add three moles of NaCl, 175.5 grams to a beaker and then add enough water to make 3 liters of solution. 3. add three moles of NaCl, 175.5 grams to a beaker and then add enough water to make one liter of solution. 4. add 175.5 grams to 3 liters of water

add three moles of NaCl, 175.5 grams to a beaker and then add enough water to make one liter of solution

Which of the following are methods by which concentrations can be measured? 1. Parts per million 2. Percent by volume 3. Percent by weight 4. All of the above

all of the above

A solution has a pH of 9. This means that the solution is 1. acidic. 2. neutral. 3. basic. 4. unknown


A strong intermolecular bond between the negative end of one molecule and the hydrogen end of another molecule is called 1. polar bonding. 2. hydrogen bonding. 3. ionic bonding. 4. covalent bonding

hydrogen bonding

Which of the following would have a pH of less than 7? 1. A solution of ammonia 2. A solution of sodium chloride 3. Pure water 4. Carbonic acid

carbonic acid

The relative amount of solute and solvent in a solution is defined as the 1. solubility. 2. miscibility. 3. concentration. 4. polarity


Acids or bases that completely ionize in water are called 1. strong. 2. weak. 3. concentrated. 4. diluted.


Ionic substances that dissolve in water and conduct an electric current are called 1. salts. 2. compounds. 3. molecules. 4. electrolytes


The temperature at which a liquid undergoes a phase change to the solid state at normal pressure is the 1. solidification temperature. 2. freezing point. 3. condensation point. 4. compression temperature

freezing point

The substance that is a nonelectrolyte is 1. sodium chloride, NaCl. 2. copper sulfate, CuSO4 3. glucose, C6H12O. 4 aluminum chloride, AlCl

glucose, C6H12O6

The heat of fusion, specific heat, and heat of vaporization of water are high compared to similar substances such as hydrogen sulfide, H2S, because 1. ionic bonds form in water molecules. 2. hydrogen bonds form between water molecules. 3. covalent bonds form between water molecules. 4. covalent bonds form in water molecules

hydrogen bonds form between water molecules.

As the temperature of water decreases, the solubility of carbon dioxide gas in the water 1. increases. 2. decreases. 3. remains the same. 4. increases or decreases, depending on the specific temperature


The solubility of most ionic salts in water 1. increases with temperature. 2. decreases with temperature. 3. depends on the amount of salt. 4. increases with stirring

increases with temperature

A certain solid salt is insoluble in water, so the strongest force must be the 1. ion-water molecule force. 2. ion-ion force. 3. force of hydration. 4. polar molecule force

ion-ion force

Some covalent compounds, such as HCl, become electrolytes through the process of 1. ionization. 2. oxidation-reduction. 3. decomposition. 4. combination


Solutions of acids, bases, and salts have what in common? All have 1. proton acceptors. 2. proton donors. 3. ions. 4. polar molecule


Salt solutions freeze at a lower temperature than pure water because 1. more ionic bonds are present. 2. salt solutions have a higher vapor pressure. 3. ions get in the way of water molecules trying to form ice. 4. salt naturally has a lower freezing point than water

ions get in the way of water molecules trying to form ice

Salt is spread on icy roads because it 1. lowers the freezing point of water. 2. increases the freezing point of water. 3. increases the boiling point of water. 4. increases the melting point of water

lowers the freezing point of water

fluids that mix in any proportion without separating into phases are said to be 1. miscible. 2. concentrated. 3. immiscible. 4. solvated.


According to the label, a bottle of vodka has a 40 percent by volume concentration. This means the vodka contains 40 mL of pure alcohol 1. in each 140 mL of vodka. 2. to every 100 mL of water. 3. to every 60 mL of vodka. 4. mixed with water to make 100 mL vodka

mixed with water to make 100 mL vodka

Water is a (an) 1. ionic compound. 2. covalent compound. 3. polar covalent compound. 4. triatomic molecule.

polar covalent compound

A molecule with a positive end and a negative end is called a (an) 1. polar molecule. 2. nonpolar molecule. 3. neutral molecule. 4. ionic molecule

polar molecule

The ice that forms in freezing seawater is 1. pure water. 2. the same salinity as liquid seawater. 3. more salty than liquid seawater. 4. denser than liquid seawater

pure water

An ionic compound that does not contain either a hydroxide or an oxide is a(n) 1. acid. 2. salt. 3. base. 4. solution


The products produced in a neutralization reaction are 1. acid and bases. 2. salt and water. 3. molecules and water. 4. water only

salt and water.

Solutions of _______will conduct electricity. 1. pure water 2. alcohol and water 3. salt water 4. sugar water 5. All of these will conduct electricity

salt water

Which of the following is not a solution? 1. Seawater 2. Carbonated water 3. Sand 4. Bras


A solution which has achieved equilibrium between the solute that is dissolving and the solute coming out of solution is 1. concentrated. 2. diluted. 3. ionized. 4. saturated


A solution with a state of equilibrium between the dissolving solute and solute coming out of solution is 1. unsaturated. 2. saturated. 3. supersaturated. 4. undersaturated


Which of the following substances will dissolve in water? 1. Gasoline 2. Road tar 3. Sodium chloride 4.Polyunsaturated oil

sodium chloride

Adding sodium chloride to water raises the boiling point of water because 1. sodium chloride has a higher boiling point. 2. sodium chloride ions occupy space at the water surface. 3. sodium chloride ions have stronger ion-ion bonds than water. 4. the energy of hydration is higher

sodium chloride ions occupy space at the water surface

Homogeneous mixture is made up of 95 percent alcohol and 5 percent water. In this case, the water is the 1. solvent. 2. solution. 3. solute. 4. None of the above is correct


The solution concentration terms of parts per million, percent by volume, and percent by weight are concerned with the amount of 1. solvent in the solution. 2. solute in the solution. 3. solute compared to solvent. 4. solvent compared to solute

solute in the solution

Atmospheric air is a homogeneous mixture of gases that is mostly nitrogen gas. The nitrogen is therefore the 1. solvent. 2. solution. 3. solute. 4. None of the above is correct


The material present in a solution in the largest amount is the 1. solvent. 2. solute. 3. salt. 4. molecules


Ionization occurs upon solution of 1. ionic compounds. 2. some polar molecules. 3. nonpolar molecules. 4. None of the above is correct

some polar molecules

A substance that ionizes completely into hydronium ions is known as a 1. strong acid. 2. weak acid. 3. strong base. 4. weak base

strong acid.

Substance A has a pH of 2 and substance B has a pH of 3. This means that 1. substance A has more basic properties than substance B. 2. substance B has more acidic properties than substance A. 3. substance A is 10 times more acidic than substance B. 4. substance B is 10 times more acidic than substance

substance A is 10 times more acidic than substance B.

All of the following are electrolytes except 1. acids. 2. salts. 3. bases. 4. sugars.


A scale of values that expresses the hydronium ion concentration of a solution is known as 1. an acid-base indicator. 2. the pH scale. 3. the solubility scale. 4. the electrolyte scale

the pH scale

In some cold climates, road crews spread salts, like CaCO3, on ice covered roads. The purpose of the CaCO3is 1. to lower the freezing point of the water. 2. to melt the ice with the release of heat when the CaCO 3 dissolves. 3. to provide traction for the vehicles. 4. to increase the salinity of the water. 5. all of the above

to lower the freezing point of the water.

In the average U.S. home, the heaviest use of water is for 1. drinking and cooking. 2. bathing. 3. toilets 4. laundry


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