Physics 1 - Test 3 (Chp 10-14)

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The internal energy of a monatomic ideal gas is equal to which of the following?


What is the work done on the gas as it expands from pressure P1 and volume V1 to pressure P2 and volume V2 along the indicated straight line?

(P1 + P2)(V1 − V2)/2

The laws of thermodynamics can be related to the following: (i) the measurement of temperature, (ii) the lowest temperature possible, (iii) conservation of energy, and (iv) only part of heat energy available may be turned into work. Which of these involve the zeroth and third law?

(i) and (ii)

The laws of thermodynamics can be related to the following: (i) the measurement of temperature, (ii) the lowest temperature possible, (iii) conservation of energy, and (iv) only part of heat energy available may be turned into work. Which of these involve the first and second law?

(iii) and (iv)

Six moles of an ideal gas, initially at 178°C, is compressed at a constant pressure of 2.00 atm to one-third its initial volume. What is the final temperature of the gas?

-123 °C

I take 2.0 kg of ice and dump it into 2.3 kg of water and, when equilibrium is reached, I have 4.3 kg of ice at 0°C. The water was originally at 0°C. The specific heat of water = 1.00 kcal/kg⋅°C, the specific heat of ice = 0.500 kcal/kg⋅°C, and the latent heat of fusion of water is 80.0 kcal/kg. The original temperature of the ice was


A temperature of 100 K equals which of the following?


The Rankine temperature scale has Fahrenheit degrees and a zero point at absolute zero. What is the Fahrenheit temperature of 62 Rankine?

-397.7 °F

The volume of an ideal gas changes from 0.40 to 0.51 m3 although its pressure remains constant at 52 000 Pa. What work is done on the system by its environment?

-5.7E+3 J

A mass on a spring vibrates in simple harmonic motion at a frequency of 3.2 Hz and an amplitude of 6.4 cm. If a timer is started when its displacement is a maximum (hence x = 6.4 cm when t = 0), what is the displacement of the mass when t = 3.3 s?

-5.95 cm

The volume of a gas changes from 0.750 m3 to 0.320 m3 at a constant pressure of 1.5 × 105 Pa. How much work is done by the gas on its environment?

-6.5E+4 J

Consider two identical and symmetrical wave pulses on a string. Suppose the first pulse reaches the fixed end of the string and is reflected back and then meets the second pulse. When the two pulses overlap exactly, the superposition principle predicts that the amplitude of the resultant pulses, at that moment, will be what factor times the amplitude of one of the original pulses?


The emissivity of an ideal reflector has which of the following values?


A cube of material with emissivity of 0.4 is heated from room temperature of 20°C to 100°C. The net power radiated by the cube is 20 W. What is the volume of the cube? (σ = 5.6696 × 10-8 W/m2·K4

0.0014 m3

A helium-filled weather balloon has a 0.50-m radius at liftoff where air pressure is 1.00 atm and the temperature is 290 K. When airborne, the temperature is 200 K, and its radius expands to 2.00 m. What is the pressure at the airborne location?

0.0108 atm

A 0.30-kg object is oscillating on a spring with a spring constant of k = 22.0 N/m. What is the potential energy of the system when the object displacement is 0.035 m, exactly half the maximum amplitude?

0.013 J

A 3.00-kg copper rod is 45.0 cm long at 24.8°C. If 45 000 J are transferred to the rod by heat, what is its change in length? ccopper = 387 J/kg⋅°C and αcopper = 17.0 × 10−6/°C.

0.0297 cm

A silver bar of length 25.0 cm and cross-sectional area 1.25 cm2 is used to transfer heat from a 80.5°C reservoir to a 0°C block of ice. How much ice is melted per second? (For silver, k = 427 J/s⋅m⋅°C. For ice, Lf = 334 000 J/kg.)

0.0515 g/s (BE CAREFUL)

A 0.200-kg aluminum plate, initially at 20°C, slides down a 13.0-m-long surface, inclined at a 25.0° angle to the horizontal. The force of kinetic friction exactly balances the component of gravity down the plane so that the plate, once started, glides down at constant velocity. If 90% of the mechanical energy of the system is absorbed by the aluminum, what is its temperature increase at the bottom of the incline? (Specific heat for aluminum is 900 J/kg⋅°C.)

0.0538 C°

Equal-wavelength waves of amplitude 0.27 m and 0.13 m interfere with one another. What is the resulting minimum amplitude that can result?

0.14 m

Suppose a 0.70-kg mass on a spring that has been compressed 0.26 m has elastic potential energy of 2.20 J. How much further must the spring be compressed to triple the elastic potential energy?

0.19 m

A quantity of monatomic ideal gas expands adiabatically from a volume of 2.5 liters to 6.3 liters. If the initial pressure is P0, what is the final pressure?


Suppose a 0.45-kg mass on a spring-loaded gun that has been compressed 0.10 m has elastic potential energy of 1.50 J. How high above the spring's equilibrium point can the gun fire the mass if the gun is fired straight up?

0.24 m

A pipe is open at both ends. The distance from a node to its adjacent antinode is equal to _______.


A simple pendulum has a mass of 0.202 kg and a length of 1.00 m. It is displaced through an angle of 31.4° and then released. After a time, the maximum angle of swing is only 10.0°. How much energy has been lost to friction?

0.260 J

Two loudspeakers are placed next to each other and driven by the same source at 515 Hz. A listener is positioned in front of the two speakers and on the line separating them, thus creating a constructive interference at the listener's ear. What minimum distance would one of the speakers be moved back away from the listener to produce destructive interference at the listener's ear? (The speed of sound = 340 m/s.)

0.33 m

A child sits on a swing supported by ropes of length 2.0 m. With what frequency will she need to apply the driving force to maintain swinging?

0.35 Hz

A sound wave has a frequency of 850 Hz. What is the sound wave's wavelength if the air temperature is 26.0 °C?

0.41 m

A 0.30-kg block rests on a frictionless level surface and is attached to a horizontally aligned spring with a spring constant of 52.0 N/m. The block is initially displaced 3.20 cm from the equilibrium point and then released to set up a simple harmonic motion. What is the speed of the block when it passes through the equilibrium point?

0.421 m/s

A brass cube, 13.0 cm on a side, is raised in temperature by 239°C. The coefficient of volume expansion of brass is 57 × 10−6/C°. By what percentage is any one of the 13.0-cm edges increased in length?


Two loudspeakers are placed side by side and driven by the same source at 525 Hz. A listener is positioned in front of the two speakers and on the line separating them, thus creating a constructive interference at the listener's ear. If one of the speakers is gradually pushed toward the listener, how far must it be moved to repeat the condition of constructive interference at the listener's ear? (The speed of sound = 340 m/s.)

0.65 m

Suppose working outside on a hot day someone generate 450 J of heat each second. If this energy is compensated for by the evaporation of sweat, how much water would be lost in an hour? The latent heat of fusion for water is 334 kJ/kg and for vaporization is 2 200 kJ/kg.

0.74 liter

A 90-m-long high-voltage cable is suspended between two towers. The mass of the 90-m cable is 100 kg. If the tension in the cable is 25 000 N, what is the lowest frequency at which this cable can oscillate?

0.83 Hz

The thermal conductivity of copper is 397 J/s⋅m⋅°C and of silver is 427 J/s⋅m⋅°C. A rod of each material is used as a heat conductor. If the rods have the same geometry and are used between the same temperature differences for the same time interval, what is the ratio of the heat transferred by copper to the heat transferred by the silver?


Consider a Carnot cycle starting at the state of highest pressure and smallest volume. Call the isothermal expansion that starts at this state step 1, the adiabatic expansion which follows step 2, the isothermal compression that then follows step 3, and the adiabatic compression which returns the system to the initial state step 4. In which step does the entropy of the system increase?


Triple both the tension in a guitar string and its mass per unit length will result in changing the wave speed in the string by what factor?

1 (i.e., no change)

A sound source of frequency 1 100 Hz moves at 40.0 m/s toward a listener who is at rest. What is the apparent frequency heard by the listener? (speed of sound = 340 m/s)

1 250 Hz ???

An iceberg breaks off from a glacier on the shore of the ocean with a loud cracking sound. A person on a ship hears the sound in the water 4.0 s before hearing the sound in the air. How far away is the ship? The ambient temperature is -5.0°C. The speed of sound in saltwater is 1 530 m/s.

1 700 m

If a heat engine has an efficiency of 28.0% and its power output is 540 W, what is the rate of heat input from the combustion phase?

1 930 W

I stretch a rubber band and "plunk" it to make it vibrate in its fundamental frequency. I then stretch it to four times its length and make it vibrate in the fundamental frequency once again. The rubber band is made so that quadrupling its length quadruples the tension and reduces the mass per unit length by a factor of 4. The new frequency will be related to the old by a factor of


System 1 is 3.1 moles of a monatomic ideal gas held at a constant volume of 2.70 L as it undergoes a temperature increase. System 2 is 3.1 moles of a diatomic ideal gas held at a constant volume of 2.7 L as it undergoes a temperature increase equal to the temperature increase of System 1. The pressure increase for system 1 is ΔP1 and for System 2 is ΔP2 during the temperature increases. What is the ratio of ΔP1/ΔP2?


A brass cube, 15.0 cm on a side, is raised in temperature by 170°C. The coefficient of volume expansion of brass is 57 × 10−6/C°. By what percentage does volume increase?


An avalanche of ice and snow of mass 1 500 kg slides a vertical distance of 190 m down a mountainside. If the temperature of the ice, snow, mountain and surrounding air are all at 0°C, what is the change in entropy of the universe?

1.02E+4 J/K

A spherical air bubble originating from a scuba diver at a depth of 14.0 m has a diameter of 0.8 cm. What will the bubble's diameter be when it reaches the surface? (Assume constant temperature.)

1.1 cm

An automobile gas tank is filled to its capacity of 22.0 gallons with the gasoline at an initial temperature of 15.6°C. The automobile is parked in the Sun causing the gasoline's temperature to rise to 73.6°C. If the coefficient of volume expansion for gasoline is 9.60 × 10−4/C°, what volume runs out the overflow tube? Assume the change in volume of the tank is negligible.

1.22 gallons

A sample of water, H2O, has a mass of 38.0 g. How many atoms of oxygen are in the sample? (oxygen has 16.0 g/mol, hydrogen has 1.00 g/mol, and NA = 6.02 × 1023)

1.27 × 10^24

How many moles of air must escape from a 15.0-m × 9.0-m × 6.0-m room when the temperature is raised from 10.0°C to 20.0°C? Assume the pressure remains unchanged at one atmosphere while the room is heated. (R = 8.31 J/mol⋅K)

1.2E+3 moles

A runaway railroad car, with mass 45.0 × 104 kg, coasts across a level track at 3.80 m/s when it collides with a spring-loaded bumper at the end of the track. If the spring constant of the bumper is 3.80 × 106 N/m, what is the maximum compression of the spring during the collision? (Assume the collision is elastic.)

1.31 m

2.20 kilograms of water at 1.00 atm at the boiling point of 100°C is heated until all the water vaporizes. What is its change in entropy? (For water, Lv = 2.26 × 106 J/kg)

1.33E+4 J/K

A 0.400-kg object is attached to a spring with spring constant k = 10.0 N/m and moves with simple harmonic motion over a horizontal frictionless surface. At the instant that it is displaced from equilibrium by −0.0550 m, what is its acceleration?

1.38 m/s^2

The length of a 25-m wire increases by 0.25 cm when it is heated from 20°C to 90°C. What is the coefficient of linear expansion of the wire?

1.43 × 10^-6/ºC

Two cars, each of mass 2 200 kg and traveling at 14.0 m/s, undergo a head-on completely inelastic collision. What is the change in entropy of the Universe which results from this collision? Assume the ambient temperature is 20.0°C.

1.47E+3 J/K

The latent heat of vaporization of sweat is 2 430 kJ/kg at body temperature. Assuming that sweating is the only mechanism for dissipating heat, what would be the maximum sustainable metabolic rate if 75% of the energy used by the body goes into waste heat? The body can produce up to 1.5 kg of sweat per hour.

1.4E+3 W ????

A cylinder containing an ideal gas has a volume of 2.6 m3 and a pressure of 1.5 × 105 Pa at a temperature of 300 K. The cylinder is placed against a metal block that is maintained at 900 K and the gas expands as the pressure remains constant until the temperature of the gas reaches 900 K. The change in internal energy of the gas is +6.0 × 105 J. How much heat did the gas absorb?

1.4E+6 J

Iced tea is made by adding ice to 1.9 kg of hot tea, initially at 90.0°C. How many kg of ice, initially at 0°C, are required to bring the mixture to 15.0°C? (Lf = 3.33 × 105 J/kg, cw = 4 186 J/kg⋅°C)

1.5 kg

The frequency separating audible waves and ultrasonic waves is considered to be 15.0 kHz. What wavelength in air at room temperature is associated with this frequency? (Assume the speed of sound to be 225 m/s.)

1.50 cm

A wave on a string has a wavelength of 0.90 m at a frequency of 600 Hz. If a new wave at a frequency of 300 Hz is established in this same string under the same tension, what is the new wavelength?

1.8 m

A typical avocado has 180 Calories. If all this energy could be used to lift a bucket of water weighing 40 N, through what vertical distance could the bucket be lifted? (1 calorie = 4.184 J and 1 Calorie = 103 calories)

1.88E+4 m

What is the internal energy of 50 moles of neon gas (molecular mass = 20 u) at 20.0°C? (R = 8.31 J/mol⋅K)

1.8E+5 J

A slice of bread contains about 125 kcal. If specific heat of a person were 1.00 kcal/kg⋅°C, by how many °C would the temperature of a 65.0-kg person increase if all the energy in the bread were converted to heat?


Two ideal gases, X and Y, are thoroughly mixed and at thermal equilibrium in a single container. The molecular mass of X is 4 times that of Y. What is the ratio of root-mean-square velocities of the two gases, vX, rms /vY, rms?


An ideal gas is confined to a container with adjustable volume. The number of moles and temperature are constant. By what factor will the volume change if pressure triples?


With molar quantity and temperature held constant, by what factor does the pressure of an ideal gas change when the volume is five times bigger?


An object is attached to a spring and its frequency of oscillation is measured. Then another object is connected to the first object, and the resulting mass is four times the original value. By what factor is the frequency of oscillation changed?


How many calories are equal to four BTU? (One calorie = 4.186 J, one BTU = 1 054 J.)


If a guitar string has a fundamental frequency of 512 Hz, what is the frequency of its first overtone?

1020 Hz

A large spring requires a force of 130 N to compress it only 0.01 m. What is the spring constant of the spring?

13 000 N/m

13.0 g of water in a 3.25-L pressure vessel is heated to 480°C. What is the pressure inside the container? (R = 0.082 L⋅atm/mol⋅K, one mole of water has a mass of 18 grams)

13.7 atm

An athlete has a basal metabolic rate of 70.0 W. As she is working out, her metabolic rate increases by about 600 W. She eats one piece of buttered toast for breakfast, which has 145 Calories. She wants to work off the piece of toast.​ How long will it take if she works out?

13.7 min

Two water waves meet at the same point, one having a displacement above equilibrium of 50 cm and the other having a displacement above equilibrium of 90 cm. At this moment, what is the resulting displacement above equilibrium?

140 cm

125 g of dry ice (solid CO2) is dropped into a beaker containing 600 g of 64.0°C water. The dry ice converts directly to gas, leaving the solution. When the dry ice is gone, the final temperature of the water is 33.2°C. What is the heat of vaporization of solid CO2? (cwater = 1.00 cal/g⋅°C)

148 cal/g

An object at 30.0°C has its temperature increased to 41.0°C. The power then radiated by this object increases by how many percent?


A system has an increase in internal energy of 60 J while 90 J was removed from the system by heat. How much work was involved during this process and was it done on the system or done on its environment?

150 J on the system

What is the lowest frequency that will resonate in an organ pipe 5.00 m in length, closed at one end? The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.

17.0 Hz

A swimmer has a metabolic rate of 600 W. How many breaths per minute should the swimmer take if her lungs take in 0.50 L of air in each breath, and the percentage of oxygen in the air is 21%?


A 35.0-g cube of ice, initially at 0.0°C, is dropped into 180.0 g of water in an 70.0-g aluminum container, both initially at 35.0°C. What is the final equilibrium temperature? (Specific heat for aluminum is 900 J/kg⋅°C, the specific heat of water is 4 186 J/kg⋅°C, and Lf = 3.33 × 105 J/kg.)


If the distance between a point sound source and a dB detector is increased by a factor of 8, what will be the reduction in intensity level?

18 dB

A closed 2.0-L container holds 3.0 mol of an ideal gas. If 190 J of heat is added, what is the change in internal energy of the system?​

190 J

A person has a thermal conductivity of 0.18 W/m·K between his inner core and his skin with an effective shell thickness of 1.30 cm between his core and skin. If his inner core is at the normal 98.6°F, and his skin has a surface area of 1.62 m2, what will be his rate of loss of thermal energy due to conduction through his skin if his skin temperature is 28.3°C?

195 W

On an average diet, the consumption of 10.6 liters of oxygen releases how much energy? (4.50 kcal are released per liter of oxygen consumed.)

199 kJ

Carly places one end of a steel bar in a Bunsen flame and the other end in an ice cube. By what factor is the rate of heat flow changed when the bar's cross-sectional area is doubled?


Different units can be used for length: m and cm, and of these two, m is the larger by a factor of 100. Different units can also be used for R: (1) J/mol⋅K, (2) L⋅atm/mol⋅K, and (3) (N/m2)⋅m3/mol⋅K. Which of these units for R is the largest? Hint: When expressing R in each of these units, which expression has the lowest numerical factor? (1 L = 10−3 m3, 1 atm = 1.01 × 105 Pa)


If you roll a pair of dice, what is the total number of ways in which you can obtain a 3?


An electrical generating plant operates at a boiler temperature of 225°C and exhausts the unused heat into a nearby river at 25.0°C. If the generating plant has a power output of 850 megawatts (MW) and if the actual efficiency is 3/4 the theoretical efficiency, how much heat per second must be delivered to the boiler? (0°C = 273 K)

2 820 MW

Doubling the weight suspended vertically from a coil spring will result in a change in the displacement of the spring's lower end by what factor?


A tuning fork is sounded above a resonating tube (one end closed), which resonates at a length of 0.40 m and again at 1.2 m. If the tube length were extended further, at what point will the tuning fork again create a resonance condition?

2.0 m

An athlete has a basal metabolic rate of 70.0 W. As she is working out, her metabolic rate increases by about 600 W. She eats one piece of buttered toast for breakfast, which has 145 Calories. She wants to work off the piece of toast.​ How long will it take if she stays in bed all day?

2.41 hours

A swimming pool heater has to be able to raise the temperature of the 50 000 gallons of water in the pool by 12.0 C°. How many kilowatt-hours of energy are required? (One gallon of water has a mass of approximately 3.8 kg and the specific heat of water is 4,186 J/kg⋅°C.)

2.65E+3 kWh

A mass of 0.40 kg, hanging from a spring with a spring constant of 75.0 N/m, is set into an up-and-down simple harmonic motion. What is the speed of the mass when moving through the equilibrium point? The starting displacement from equilibrium is 0.20 m.

2.7 m/s

A simple pendulum of length 1.87 m has a mass of 120 g attached. It is drawn back 38.0° and then released. What is the maximum speed of the mass?

2.79 m/s

Marc attaches a falling 328-kg object with a rope through a pulley to a paddle wheel shaft. He places the system in a well-insulated tank holding 23.2 kg of water. When the object falls, it causes the paddle wheel to rotate and churn the water. If the object falls a vertical distance of 88.6 m at constant speed, what is the temperature change of the water? (1 kcal = 4 186 J, the specific heat of water is 4 186 J/kg⋅°C, and g = 9.80 m/s2)

2.93 C°

A 0.0040-kg lead bullet is traveling at a speed of 220 m/s when it embeds in a block of ice at 0°C. If all the heat generated goes into melting ice, what quantity of ice is melted? (Lf = 80 kcal/kg, the specific heat of lead = 0.03 kcal/kg⋅°C, and 1 kcal = 4 186 J)

2.9E-4 kg

A 1.9-m2 Thermopane window is constructed by using two layers of glass 4.0 mm thick, separated by an air space of 5.0 mm. If the temperature difference is 25.0 °C from the inside of the house to the outside air, what is the rate of heat flow through this window? (Thermal conductivity for glass is 0.840 J/s⋅m⋅°C and for air 0.023 4 J/s⋅m⋅°C.)

210 W

A substance is heated from 23°C to 45°C. What would the same incremental change be when registered in kelvins?


A solar heating system has a 25.0% conversion efficiency; the solar radiation incident on the panels is 800 W/m2. What is the increase in temperature of 25.0 kg of water in a 1.00-h period by a 3.40-m2-area collector? (cw = 4 186 J/kg⋅°C)


A sound wave coming from a tuba has a wavelength of 1.10 m and travels to your ears at a speed of 253 m/s. What is the frequency of the sound you hear?

230 Hz

A musical tone, sounded on a piano, has a frequency of 460 Hz and a wavelength in air of 0.50 m. What is the wave speed?

230 m/s

Suppose a 0.74-kg mass on a spring that has been compressed 0.100 m has elastic potential energy of 1.20 J. What is the spring constant?

240 N/m

What is -25°F in kelvin?

241.48 K

By what factor must one change the weight suspended vertically from a spring coil in order to increase its period of simple harmonic motion by five?


A 2.00-m long piano string of mass 10.0 g is under a tension of 320 N. Find the speed with which a wave travels on this string.

253 m/s

A flute behaves like a tube open at both ends. If its length is 67.0 cm, and the speed of sound is 340 m/s, what is its fundamental frequency in Hz?

254 Hz

Two tuning forks sounding together result in a beat frequency of 4.00 Hz. If the frequency of one of the forks is 258 Hz, what is the frequency of the other?

254 Hz or 262 Hz

78°F is how many degrees Celsius?


The efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between 95°C and 0°C is most nearly


A water bug on the surface of a pond bobs up and down three times per second on ripples with wavelength 10.5 cm. A fish resting at the surface of the pond is 8.50 m from the water bug. How long does it take a ripple passing the water bug to reach the fish?

27.0 s

What is the temperature of a system in thermal equilibrium with another system made up of ice and water at one atmosphere of pressure?

273 K

A series of ocean waves, 7.0 m between crests, move past at 4.0 waves/s. Find their speed.

28 m/s

A long steel beam has a length of twenty-eight meters on a cold day when the temperature is 0°C. What is the length of the beam on a hot day when T = 39°C? (αsteel = 1.1 × 10−5/C°).

28.012 m

If the speed of a wave on a violin string is 400 m/s, what will be the speed of the wave if the tension in the string is halved?

280 m/s

Spring #1 has spring constant 61.0 N/m. Spring #2 has an unknown spring constant, but when connected in series with Spring #1, the connected springs have an effective spring constant of 20.0 N/m. What is the spring constant for Spring #2?

29.8 N/m

A quantity of a monatomic ideal gas expands to twice the volume while maintaining the same pressure. If the internal energy of the gas were U0 before the expansion, what is it after the expansion?


When one note is above another note by an octave, the frequency of the higher pitch note is double that of the lower pitch note. The word octave may make you think that there are 8 steps from the lower note to the one an octave above. But wait! How many steps are there on a piano from middle C to the next C above? Each key is a step. If each next key is a step, how many are there? Middle C is a white (W) key and the next note above is a black (B) key. Starting at middle C on the piano the sequence of key we go through to get to high C, is BWBWWBWBWBWW, the last key being high C. Count 'em. That's 12 steps. If the multiplying factor of the frequency for the next step is the same for each step, what is that multiplying frequency? All you need is given in this problem statement.


Two identical springs, each with spring constant k, are attached in parallel to a mass, which is then set into simple harmonic motion. What would be the spring constant of a single spring which would result in the same frequency of oscillation as the parallel springs?


An ideal gas is confined to a container with adjustable volume. The pressure and mole number are constant. By what factor will volume change if absolute temperature triples?


An ideal gas is confined to a container with constant volume. The number of moles is constant. By what factor will the pressure change if the absolute temperature triples?


How much heat energy is required to vaporize a 4.40-g ice cube at 0°C? The heat of fusion of ice is 80.0 cal/g. The heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/g, and cwater = 1.00 cal/g⋅°C.

3 170 cal

A 2.65-kg block of ice is at STP (0°C, 1 atm) while it melts completely to water. What is its change in entropy? (For ice, Lf = 3.34 × 105 J/kg)

3 240 J/K

How much thermal energy must be added to 7.10 moles of a diatomic ideal gas to raise its temperature 22.1 K?

3 260 J

Of the frequencies listed below, to which one is the human ear most sensitive?

3 300 Hz

A windowpane is half a centimeter thick and has an area of 1.10 m2. The temperature difference between the inside and outside surfaces of the pane is 19.0 °C. What is the rate of heat flow through this window? (Thermal conductivity for glass is 0.840 J/s⋅m⋅°C.)

3 510 J/s

An 880-MW electric power plant has an efficiency of 20.0%. It loses its waste heat in large cooling towers. Approximately how much waste heat (in MJ) is discharged to the atmosphere per second?

3 520 MJ

Consider a Carnot cycle starting at the state of highest pressure and smallest volume. Call the isothermal expansion from this state step 1, the adiabatic expansion which follows step 2, the isothermal compression that then follows step 3, and the adiabatic compression which returns the system to the initial state step 4. In which steps does the internal energy of the system increase?

3 and 4

Dmitri places one end of a copper rod in a heat reservoir and the other end in a heat sink. By what factor is the rate of heat flow changed when the temperature difference between the reservoir and sink is tripled?


Tripling the displacement from equilibrium of an object in simple harmonic motion will bring about a change in the magnitude of the object's acceleration by what factor?


Suppose the ends of a 27-m-long steel beam are rigidly clamped at 0°C to prevent expansion. The rail has a cross-sectional area of 35 cm2. What force does the beam exert when it is heated to 39°C? (αsteel = 1.1 × 10−5/C°, Ysteel = 2.0 × 1011 N/m2).

3.0E+5 N

If a radio wave has speed 3.00 × 108 m/s and frequency 94.3 MHz, what is its wavelength?

3.18 m

What is the root-mean-square speed of chlorine gas molecules at a temperature of 346 K? (R = 8.31 J/mol⋅K, NA = 6.02 × 1023, and the molecular mass of Cl2 = 71)

3.5E+2 m/s

A refrigerator has a coefficient of performance of 3.0. When removing 2.7 × 104 J from inside the refrigerator, how much energy is sent into the environment?

3.6E+4 J

A metal bar is used to conduct heat. When the temperature at one end is 82.0°C and at the other is 37.0°C, heat is transferred at a rate of 9 J/s. If the temperature of the hotter end is reduced to 55.7°C, what will be the rate of heat transfer?

3.7 J/s

Two moles of nitrogen gas are contained in an enclosed cylinder with a movable piston. If the gas temperature is 250 K, and the pressure is 1.10 × 106 N/m2, what is the volume? (R = 8.31 J/mol⋅K)

3.78 × 10^−3 m^3

The surface of the Sun is at approximately 5 700 K and the temperature of the Earth's surface is about 290 K. What total entropy change occurs when 1 175 J of heat energy is transferred from the Sun to the Earth?

3.85 J/K

A tiny spring, with a spring constant of 1.30 N/m, will be stretched to what displacement by a 0.00500-N force?

3.85 mm

The surface of the Sun has a temperature of about 5 770 K. If the radius of the Sun is 7 × 108 m, determine the power output of the Sun. (Take e = 1, and σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/m2⋅K4).

3.9E+26 W

The density of a certain metal solid is 6.5 × 103 kg/m3, and its Young's modulus is 10.0 × 1010 N/m2. What is the speed of sound in this metal?

3.9E+3 m/s

The average kinetic energy of a molecule in a monatomic ideal gas is given by:

3/2 kBT

As a copper wire is heated, its length increases by 0.50%. What is the change of the temperature of the wire? (αCu = 16.6 × 10−6/C°)


Normal body temperature for humans is 37°C. What is this temperature in kelvins?


What is the mass of a mole of oxygen gas?

32 g

The position of a 0.64-kg mass undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by x = (0.160 m) cos (πt/16). What is its period of oscillation?

32 s

A heat engine exhausts 3 200 J of heat while performing 1 500 J of useful work. What is the efficiency of the engine?​


Two 0.95-kg masses, one aluminum and one tin, both at 80.0°C, are placed in 1.00 kg of water at 20.0°C. What is the equilibrium temperature of the system? The specific heats of aluminum and tin are 900 J/kg×°C and 227 J/kg×°C, respectively.

32.2 °C

A 5.0-g lead bullet traveling in 19.0°C air at 300 m/s strikes a flat steel plate and stops. What is the final temperature of the lead bullet? (Assume the bullet retains all heat.) The melting point of lead is 327°C. The specific heat of lead is 0.128 J/g⋅°C. The heat of fusion of lead is 24.5 J/g.


A 1.30-m string is held fixed at both ends. When driven by a 140-Hz source, the string vibrates in 4 distinct segments. What is the natural fundamental frequency of the string?

35.0 Hz

A pound of body fat has an energy content of about 4 100 kcal. If a 1 200-kg automobile had an equivalent amount of translational kinetic energy, how fast would it be moving? (0.447 m/s = 1 mph, 1 kcal = 4 186 J)

378 mph

A pipe of length 10.0 m increases in length by 1.5 cm when its temperature is increased by 72°F. What is its coefficient of linear expansion?

38 × 10−^6/°C

What is the temperature increase of 3.00 kg of water when heated by a 900-W immersion heater for 9.00 min? (cw = 4 186 J/kg⋅°C)


A hot (85.0°C) lump of metal has a mass of 210 g and a specific heat of 0.250 cal/g⋅°C. John drops the metal into a 345-g calorimeter containing 95 g of water at 21.3°C. The calorimeter is constructed of a material that has a specific heat of 0.100 cal/ g⋅°C. When equilibrium is reached, what will be the final temperature? cwater = 1.00 cal/g⋅°C.


An ideal gas at pressure, volume, and temperature, P0, V0, and T0, respectively, is heated to point A, allowed to expand to point B also at A's temperature 2T0, and then returned to the original condition. The internal energy increases by 3P0V0/2 going from point T0 to point A. How much heat entered the gas from point T0 to point A?

3P0V0 / 2

By what factor should the length of a simple pendulum be changed if the period of vibration were to be increased by a factor of three?


Calories of the food type are equal to which of the following?

4 186 J

A 38.0-kg cheetah accelerates from rest to 26.0 m/s in 3.00 seconds. Assume the cheetah converts food energy to mechanical energy with an efficiency of 25.0% At what average rate is the cheetah burning Calories?

4.09 Cal/s

An astronaut sets up a pendulum on the Moon, where the acceleration due to gravity is 1/6 that of Earth. If she finds that she must push the pendulum with a frequency of 0.10 Hz to maintain a swinging motion, what is the length of the pendulum?

4.1 m

An object moving in simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 0.0450 m and a maximum acceleration of 40.0 m/s2. What is the frequency of the system?

4.75 Hz

A metal bar is used to conduct heat. When the temperature at one end is 88.0°C and at the other is 15.0°C, heat is transferred at a rate of 19.0 J/s. The bar is then stretched uniformly to twice its original length. If again it has ends at 88.0°C and 15.0°C, at what rate will heat be transferred between it ends?

4.75 J/s

A machine gear consists of 0.14 kg of iron and 0.19 kg of copper. How much total heat is generated in the part if its temperature increases by 35.0 C°? (Specific heats of iron and copper are 450 and 390 J/kg⋅°C, respectively.)

4.8E+3 J

Arrange the temperatures 40 ºF, 40 ºC, and 40 K from highest to lowest.

40 ºC, 40 ºF, 40 K

Estimate the volume of a helium-filled balloon at STP if it is to lift a payload of 450 kg. The density of air is 1.29 kg/m3 and helium has a density of 0.178 kg/m3.

410 m^3

The lower A on a piano has a frequency of 30.0 Hz. If the tension in the 2.00-m-long string is 316 N and one-half wavelength occupies the string, what is the mass of the string?

43.9 g

The tungsten filament of a light bulb has an operating temperature of about 2 050 K. If the emitting area of the filament is 0.70 cm2, and its emissivity is 0.68, what is the power output of the light bulb? (σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/m2⋅K4)

47.7 W

A gasoline engine with an efficiency of 32.6% operates between a high temperature T1 and a low temperature T2 = 320 K. If this engine operates with Carnot efficiency, what is the high-side temperature T1?​

480 K

When gasoline is burned, it gives off 41 000 J/g of heat energy. If an automobile uses 14.1 kg of gasoline per hour with an efficiency of 23.0%, what is the average horsepower output of the engine? (1 hp = 746 W)

49.5 hp

You stand by the railroad tracks as a train passes by. You hear a 1 020-Hz frequency when the train approaches, which changes to 760 Hz as it goes away. How fast is the train moving? The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.

49.7 m/s

A 10.0-kg piece of aluminum (which has a specific heat of 900 J/kg⋅°C) is warmed so that its temperature increases by 6.0 C°. How much heat was transferred into it?

5.4E+4 J

If the surface temperature of the Earth is 290 K and that of the Sun is 6 000 K, assuming the same emissivities, what is the ratio of the energy radiated per square meter of the Earth to that of the Sun?

5.5 × 10^-6

A heat engine operating between a pair of hot and cold reservoirs with respective temperatures of 400 K and 200 K will have what maximum efficiency?​

50% (top one, not 2nd)

Two cars, one in front of the other, are traveling down the highway at 55.0 m/s. The car behind sounds its horn, which has a frequency of 530 Hz. What is the frequency heard by the driver of the lead car? (vsound = 340 m/s)

530 Hz

A wave is traveling in a string at 50 m/s. When the tension is then increased 18%, what will be the resulting wave speed?​

54 m/s

A train station bell gives off a fundamental tone of 500 Hz as the train approaches the station at a speed of 30.0 m/s. If the speed of sound in air is 339 m/s, what will be the apparent frequency of the bell to an observer riding the train?

544 Hz

A wave travels in a string at 58 m/s. A second string of 10% greater linear density has the same tension applied as in the first string. What will be the resulting wave speed in the second string?

55 m/s

At 22.0°C an aluminum ring has an inner diameter of 7.000 cm, and a brass rod has a diameter of 7.090 cm. Keeping the brass rod at 22.0°C, which of the following temperatures of the ring will allow the ring to just slip over the brass rod? (αAl = 2.4 × 10−5 /C°, αbrass = 1.9 × 10−5/C°)


Two moles of nitrogen gas are contained in an enclosed cylinder with a movable piston. If the molecular mass of nitrogen is 28.0, how many grams of nitrogen are present?


A 2.00-L container holds half a mole of an ideal gas at a pressure of 12.0 atm. What is the gas temperature? (R = 0.082 1 L⋅atm/mol⋅K)

585 K

A heat engine receives 7 900 J of heat from its combustion process and loses 3 200 J through the exhaust and friction. What is its efficiency?​


Quadrupling the power output from a speaker emitting a single frequency will result in what increase in loudness?

6.0 dB

Tricia puts 5.30 g of dry ice (solid CO2) into a 4.00-L container and seals the top. The dry ice turns to gas at room temperature (20.0°C). Find the pressure increase in the 4.00-L container. (One mole of CO2 has a mass of 5.30 g, R = 0.082 1 L⋅atm/mol⋅K. Ignore the initial volume of the dry ice.)

6.01 atm

A 0.20-kg mass is oscillating on a spring over a horizontal frictionless surface. When it is at a displacement of 2.3 cm for equilibrium it has a kinetic energy of 1.5 J and a spring potential energy of 2.3 J. What is the maximum speed of the mass during its oscillation?

6.2 m/s

An inventor develops a stationary cycling device by which an individual, while pedaling, can convert all of the energy expended into heat for warming water. How much mechanical energy is required to increase the temperature of 200 g of water (enough for 1 cup of coffee) from 18°C to 94°C? (1 cal = 4.186 J, the specific heat of water is 4 186 J/kg⋅°C)​

6.4E+4 J

The Sun is a slightly variable star. What if the surface temperature of the Sun were to increase from 6 000 K to 6 100 K, what would be the increase in total power radiated assuming no other changes such as radius or emissivity?


A car with bad shocks bounces up and down with a period of 1.51 s after hitting a bump. The car has a mass of 1 600 kg and is supported by four springs of force constant k. What is k for each spring?

6.9E+3 N/m

An inventor develops a stationary cycling device by which an individual, while pedaling, can convert all of the energy expended into heat for warming water. What minimum power must be generated if 210 g water (enough for 1 cup of coffee) is to be heated in 14.0 min from 26.0°C to 84.0°C? (1 cal = 4.186 J, the specific heat of water is 4 186 J/kg⋅°C)

60.7 W

If it is given that 635 K equals 362°C, then it follows that 902 K equals​


A sound intensity of 70 dB is observed at a distance d from the source of sound. What sound intensity would be observed at a distance 2d from the source?

64 dB

While standing at a crosswalk, you hear a frequency of 600 Hz from an approaching police car. After the police car passes, its frequency is 400 Hz. What is the speed of the police car? (speed of sound = 340 m/s)

68.0 m/s

What is the change in entropy (ΔS) when one mole of silver (101 g) is completely melted at 961°C? (The heat of fusion of silver is 8.82 × 104 J/kg.)

7.22 J/K

A person consumes 2 200 kcal/day while expending 3 200 kcal/day. In a month's time, about how much weight would this person lose if the loss were essentially all from body fat? (Body fat has an energy content of about 4 100 kcal per pound.)

7.3 pounds

The gas, C3H8, is used in outside grills, and several moles of this gas will burn during an afternoon's grilling. What is the mass of one molecule of this gas?

7.3 × 10^-26 kg

If a 1 050-kg car was moving at 25 m/s, what would be its kinetic energy expressed in the unusual (for kinetic energy) units of calories? (1 cal = 4.186 J)


What is the intensity of sound from a band with a sound level of 129 dB? (I0 = 10−12 W/m2)

7.94 W/m^2

In the afternoon, the decibel level of a busy freeway is 85 dB with 90 cars passing a given point every minute. Late at night, the traffic flow is only 8 cars per minute. What is the late-night decibel level?

74 dB

Standing-wave vibrations are set up in a crystal wine glass with four nodes and four antinodes equally spaced around the 2.80-cm radius of the rim. If the resonant frequency of the glass is 8.50 kHz, what is the speed of the transverse waves moving around the glass?

748 m/s

A string with fixed ends is made to go into standing wave patterns. At a given tension, the lowest frequency for which such a pattern exists is 150 Hz. Which of the following frequencies would also cause a standing wave pattern in this case?

750 Hz

One way to heat a gas is to compress it. A gas at 3.0 atm at 27°C is compressed to three tenths of its original volume, and it reaches 35 atm pressure. What is its new temperature?


A 38.0-kg cheetah accelerates from rest to 26.0 m/s in 3.00 seconds. Assume the cheetah converts food energy to mechanical energy with an efficiency of 25.0% What is the maximum rate at which the cheetah is burning Calories?

8.18 Cals/s

Find the final equilibrium temperature when 20.0 g of milk at 15.0°C is added to 155.0 g of coffee at 89.0°C. (Assume the specific heats of coffee and milk are the same as water and neglect the heat capacity of the container.) cwater = 1.00 cal/g⋅°C = 4 186 J/kg⋅°C


A tank with a volume of 0.15 m3 contains 25.0°C helium gas at a pressure of 100 atm. How many balloons can be blown up if each filled balloon is a sphere 31.0 cm in diameter at 25.0°C and absolute pressure of 1.20 atm? Assume all the helium is transferred to the balloons.

802 balloons

A traveling wave train has wavelength 0.400 m, speed 35.0 m/s. Find the wave frequency.

87.5 Hz

A steel sphere sits on top of an aluminum ring. The steel sphere (α = 1.10 × 10−5/C°) has a diameter of 8 000 cm at 0°C. The aluminum ring (α = 2.40 × 10−5/C°) has an inside diameter of 7 991 cm at 0°C. Closest to which temperature given will the sphere just fall through the ring?


What is the mass of 2 moles of carbon dioxide?

88 g

A pressure of 3.00 × 10−7 mm of Hg is achieved in a vacuum system. How many gas molecules are present per liter volume if the temperature is 298 K? (760 mm of Hg = 1 atm, R = 0.082 1 L⋅atm/mol⋅K, and NA = 6.02 × 1023)


A very loud train whistle has an acoustic power output of 100 W. If the sound energy spreads out spherically, what is the intensity level in dB at a distance of 89.0 meters from the train? (I0 = 10−12 W/m2)

90.0 dB

At high noon, the Sun delivers 990 W to each square meter of a blacktop road. What is the equilibrium temperature of the hot asphalt, assuming its emissivity e = 1? (σ = 5.67 × 10^−8 W/m^2⋅K^4) .


When two sound waves are out of phase by ____, destructive interference will occur.


A turbine takes in 2 200-K steam and exhausts the steam at a temperature of 200 K. What is the maximum theoretical efficiency of this system?​


Assuming that the wave speed varies little when sound waves are traveling through a material that suddenly changes density by 10%, what percentage of the incident wave intensity is reflected?

< 1%

Three Carnot engines operate between temperature reservoirs as follows: Engine A: Th = 1 100 K, Tc = 1 000 K; Engine B: Th = 550 K, Tc = 500 K; Engine C: Th = 1100 K, Tc = 500 K. Which two engines have the same thermal efficiency?​

A and B

Which is not an example of approximate simple harmonic motion?

A ball bouncing on the floor.

The noble gases, listed by increasing molecular weight, are He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn. If samples of 1 mole each of these gases are placed in separate containers and heated to 300 K, which gas has the greatest internal energy and the molecules of which gas have the highest rms speed?

All the gases have the same internal energy, and the He has the greatest rms speed.

The value 1.38 × 10−23 J/K is known as:

Boltzmann's constant.

Two one-liter containers each contain 10 moles of a gas. The temperature is the same in both containers. Container A holds helium (molecular mass = 4 u), and Container B holds oxygen (molecular mass = 16 u). Which container has the higher pressure and by what factor?

Both containers have the same pressure.

The adiabatic index of a gas is given by which of the following?


Which law is for a quantity of gas held at constant volume?

Gay-Lussac's law

A gas expands to three times its original volume, and in the process no energy is transferred to the gas. What happens to the internal energy of this gas?

It decreases.

If the air temperature decreases, how does the resonant frequency in a pipe closed at one end change?

It decreases.

The temperature of a quantity of ideal gas in a sealed container is increased from 0°C to 273°C. What happens to the rms speed of the molecules of the gas as a result of this temperature increase?

It increases but it less than doubles.

If the temperature of a volume of ideal gas increases for 100°C to 200°C, what happens to the average kinetic energy of the molecules?

It increases but less that double.

If the temperature of a gas triples, by what factor does the speed of a molecule with the average kinetic energy change?

It increases by a factor of sqr rt 3

Suppose the pressure of 20 g of an ideal monatomic gas is tripled while its volume is halved. What happens to the internal energy of the gas?

It increases.

What happens to its moment of inertia when a steel disk is heated?

It increases.

When the standing wave pattern in a pipe is NANA, the pipe has which of the following set of properties? (N stands for node, A for antinode.)

It is open at one end and closed at the other end.

Pennies used to be made of copper, but now they are made of copper-coated zinc. If one were to do a precise calorimetry experiment to determine the specific heat of the new pennies, what would the result be?

It would be between that of copper and that of zinc, depending on coating thickness.

Inside a house, stepping on a tile floor barefooted may feel almost cold, but stepping on carpet in an adjacent room feels comfortably warm. Why is this?

It's because the thermal conductivity of carpet is less than that of tile.

In a greenhouse, electromagnetic energy in the form of visible light enters the glass panes and is absorbed and then reradiated. What happens to this reradiated electromagnetic radiation from within the greenhouse?

It's partially blocked by glass.

Arrange from smallest to largest: the BTU, the joule, and the calorie.

J, cal, BTU

Which of the following choices is an appropriate unit for measuring entropy changes?


Who demonstrated that when heat is gained or lost by a system during some process, the gain or loss can be accounted for by an equivalent quantity of mechanical work done on the system?


The first experiment, which systematically demonstrated the equivalence of mechanical energy and heat, was performed by


How many molecules are there in 14 grams of nitrogen gas?


An ideal gas at pressure, volume, and temperature, P0, V0, and T0, respectively, is heated to point A, allowed to expand to point B also at A's temperature 2T0, and then returned to the original condition. The internal energy decreases by 3P0V0/2 going from point B to point T0. How much heat left the gas from point B to point T0?

NOT P0V0/2 or 3P0V0/2

Which of the following statements is true?

Objects do not contain heat.

Which of the following involves the greatest heat transfer?

One gram of steam at 100°C changing to water at 100°C.

For a quantity of ideal gas, which of the following is constant?


On a PV diagram, 2 curves are plotted, both starting at the same point and both ending at the same final increased volume. One curve is for an isothermal process; the other is for an adiabatic process. What does the area between these two curves represent?

Q absorbed by the isothermal process.

In an isovolumetric process where the pressure increases, are the heat absorbed, work done by the system, and the change in internal energy of the system positive, negative, or zero?

Q is +, W is 0, and ΔU is +.

Two stars, A and B, have the same emissivity, but the radii and surface temperatures are different with RA = 0.5RB, and TA = 2TB. Assuming the temperature of space to be negligible, which star radiates the most energy per unit time?

Star A

Of the following systems, which contains the most heat?

Systems do not contain heat.

The wave-related quantity algebraically equivalent to 1/f is


A string with mass per unit length μ1 is under tension T1. A wave traveling along this string has a speed v1. A wave traveling along a second string has speed v2. If v2 = 4v1, what could be the tension, T2, and mass per unit length, μ2, of the second string?

T2 = 16T1; μ2 = 1μ1

Two objects, A and B, are placed in thermal contact. The entropy of object A decreases. What can be said about the relationship between the temperatures of the two objects?


How many nodes does a standing wave in a string have at the frequency of the sixth harmonic?

The answer is not given.

An ambulance with its siren on is heading due east along a straight road at 60 mph. A car is also moving along the same road. In which case will the driver of the car perceive the frequency of the siren to be lowest?

The car is moving west at 65 mph and is behind the ambulance.

If heat is flowing from a table to a block of ice moving across the table, which of the following must be true?

The ice is cooler than the table.

On a PV diagram, 2 curves are plotted, both starting at the same point (P1, V1) and both ending at the same increased volume (V2). One curve is for an isothermal process; the other is for an adiabatic process. Except for the common starting point, which curve is the upper one?

The isothermal process curve will always be the upper one.

The inside of a house is at 20°C on an early morning when the temperature outside is 15°C. The next morning the inside temperature is the same but the outside temperature is now 10°C. How much does the energy per unit time lost by conduction through the walls, windows, doors, etc., change for the house from the first morning to the second one?

The loss doubles.

The term "timbre" refers to which of the following?

The quality of sound from instruments due to the mixture of harmonics.

Of the planets with atmospheres, which is the warmest?


Of the following heat engines, which has the highest efficiency?

a Carnot engine

Which of the processes on a monatomic ideal gas given below will result in the temperature of the gas increasing? W is the work done by the gas.

a process where Q = 2W

Which one of the following quantities is at a maximum when an object in simple harmonic motion is at its maximum displacement?


A thermodynamic process that happens very quickly tends to be


Which of the following produces greenhouse gases?

all of the above

Which of the following properties can be used to measure temperature?

all of the above

As the ideal gas expands from pressure P1 and volume V1 to pressure P2 and volume V2 along the indicated straight line, it is possible that:

all of the above are impossible for this particular graph.

A relatively new medical device that uses ultrasonics is referred to by the acronym CUSA. What does the letter A stand for?


The maximum theoretical thermodynamic efficiency of a heat engine operating between hot and cold reservoirs is a function of which of the following?

both hot and cold reservoir temperatures

Standing waves can result from _____ waves.

both longitudinal and transverse

According to the second law of thermodynamics, which of the following applies to the heat received from a high temperature reservoir by a heat engine operating in a complete cycle?

cannot be completely converted to work

The PV diagram of a cyclic process shows a curve that encloses an area. The work done by the heat engine, represented by the enclosed area, is positive when the path around the area proceeds in which of the following fashions?


The use of fiberglass insulation in the outer walls of a building is intended to minimize heat transfer through the wall by what process?


Which one of the following processes of heat transfer requires the presence of a fluid?


A Carnot engine runs between a hot reservoir at Th and a cold reservoir at Tc. If one of the temperatures is either increased or decreased by 3.5 K, which of the following changes would increase the efficiency by the greatest amount?

decreasing Tc

What happens to a given volume of water when heated from 0°C to 4°C?

density increases

What happens to a volume of water when its temperature is reduced from 8°C to 4°C?

density increases

Entropy is a measure of the ____ of a system.


The coefficient of area expansion is

double the coefficient of linear expansion.

Area on a PV diagram has units associated with


In typical calorimetry problems, what is the usual conservation law being used?


Which of the following choices best corresponds to what is required by the second law of thermodynamics for any process taking place in an isolated system?

entropy increases

As a train starts from rest and then accelerates down the track, coming toward me faster and faster, the speed of the sound waves coming toward me will be

equal to the normal speed of sound in air.

What happens to a given mass of water as it is cooled from 4°C to zero?


Which of the following best describes a sound level of intensity 1 W/m2?

extremely loud

As I use sandpaper on some rusty metal, the sandpaper gets hot because:

frictional processes increase the internal energy of the sandpaper.

Comparing the speed of sound in liquids, gases, and solids, the speed of sound is usually lowest in ____ and highest in ____.

gases, solids

In cloud formation, water vapor turns into water droplets which get bigger and bigger until it rains. This will cause the temperature of the air in the clouds to

get warmer.

Suppose a power plant uses a Carnot engine to generate electricity, using the atmosphere at 300 K as the low-temperature reservoir. Suppose the power plant produces 1 × 106 J of electricity with the hot reservoir at 500 K during Day One and then produces 1 × 106 J of electricity with the hot reservoir at 600 K during Day Two. The thermal pollution was

greatest on Day One.

Which of the following increases the internal energy of a solid metal rod?

having the rod absorb heat

Consider two containers with the same volume and temperature. Container One holds "dry" air--a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. Container Two holds "moist" air. The "moist" air has the same ratio of nitrogen to oxygen molecules, but also contains water vapor. According to the ideal gas law, if the pressures are equal, the weight of the gas in Container One will be

heavier than the gas inside the second container.

The superposition principle has to do with which of the following?

how displacements of interacting waves add together

If cooking is done using an aluminum pan over an electric burner, which of the following will not promote the rate of heat flow from burner to food?

increase pan bottom thickness

The thermal expansion of a solid is caused by

increasing the distance between equilibrium positions for the vibrating atoms.

Carbon dioxide and water molecules in the atmosphere will absorb

infrared light.

According to the first law of thermodynamics, the sum of the heat gained by a system and the work done on that same system is equivalent to which of the following?

internal energy change

In an isovolumetric process by an ideal gas, the system's heat gain is equivalent to a change in

internal energy.

Twenty grams of a solid at 70°C is place in 100 grams of a fluid at 20°C. Thermal equilibrium is reached at 30°C. The specific heat of the solid

is more than that of the fluid.

Between 0° and 4°C, the volume coefficient of expansion for water

is negative.

On a PV diagram, an ____ process is represented by a horizontal line.


Two springs, each with spring constant k, are attached end to end in a series fashion. A second pair of identical springs are also attached in series fashion. Then the pair of series attached springs are attached in parallel to each other. What is the effective spring constant of the resulting combination of springs?


Three identical springs each have the same spring constant k. If these three springs are attached end to end forming a spring three times the length of one of the original springs, what will be the spring constant of the combination?


The SI base units for the spring constant are which of the following?


At room temperature, the coefficient of linear expansion for Pyrex glass is ____ that for ordinary glass.

less than

Material 1 has Young's modulus Y1 and density ρ1, material 2 has Young's modulus Y2 and density ρ2, and material 3 has Young's modulus Y3 and density ρ​3. If Y1 > Y2 > Y3 and if ρ1 < ρ2 < ρ​3, which material has the highest speed of sound?

material 1

The ideal gas law treats gas as consisting of


The specific heat at constant volume per mole of 3​R​/2 is for what type of molecule?


The observation that materials expand in size with an increase in temperature can be applied to what proportion of existing substances?


An adiabatic expansion refers to the fact that

no heat is transferred between a system and its surroundings.

Which best describes the relationship between two systems in thermal equilibrium?

no net energy is exchanged

A pendulum on the Earth has a period T. The acceleration of due to gravity on Mars is less than that on the Earth, and the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is even less. Where would the period of an identical pendulum be the least?

on the Earth

For a wave on the ocean, the amplitude is:

one half the height difference between a crest and a trough.

An interval of one Celsius degree is equivalent to an interval of:

one kelvin.

When I stand halfway between two speakers, with one on my left and one on my right, a musical note from the speakers gives me constructive interference. How far to my left should I move to obtain destructive interference?

one-fourth of a wavelength

During an isobaric process which one of the following does not change?


How does the heat energy from the Sun reach us through the vacuum of space?


If one's hands are being warmed by holding them to one side of a flame, the predominant form of heat transfer is what process?


John rapidly pulls a plunger out of a cylinder. As the plunger moves away, the gas molecules bouncing elastically off the plunger are

rebounding at a lower speed than they would have if the plunger weren't removed.

A plot of the temperature versus the energy per kg added to a piece of ice as it goes from below freezing at −10°C to becoming steam at 110°C consists of straight lines, some horizontal and some with an upward slope. What do the upward slopes represent?

reciprocal of specific heats NOT specific heats

On a sunny day at the beach, the reason the sand gets so hot and the water stays relatively cool is attributed to the difference in which property between water and sand?

specific heat

Sea breezes that occur near the shore are attributed to a difference between land and water with respect to what property?

specific heat

Heat flow occurs between two bodies in thermal contact when they differ in what property?


What thermodynamic quantity is held constant in Boyle's law?


For an ideal gas of a given mass, if the pressure remains the same and the volume increases,

the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases.

If the temperature of an ideal gas contained in a box is increased

the average speed of the molecules in the box will be increased.

Heat is applied to an ice-water mixture to melt some of the ice. In this process

the internal energy increases.

In an isothermal process for an ideal gas system (where the internal energy doesn't change), which of the following choices best corresponds to the value of the work done on the system?

the negative of its heat intake

An ideal gas at pressure, volume, and temperature, P0, V0, and T0, respectively, is heated to point A, allowed to expand to point B also at A's temperature 2T0, and then returned to the original condition. The internal energy decreases by 3P0V0/2 going from point B to point T0. In going around this cycle once, which quantity equals zero?

the net change in internal energy of the gas

For a monatomic gas, 3R/2 is

the specific heat per mole at constant volume.

When heating 2 kg of ice from -40°C, 2 kg of water from 20°C to 50°C, and 2 kg of steam from 100°C to 125°C, which requires the most energy?

the water

In the first law of thermodynamics, Δ​U​ = ​Q ​ + ​W​, W is positive when

the work is being done on the system by the environment.

The zeroth law of thermodynamics pertains to what relational condition that may exist between two systems?

thermal equilibrium

Which of the following ranges corresponds to the shortest wavelengths?


Which of the following has the highest specific heat?


If the frequency of a traveling wave train is increased by a factor of three in a medium where the speed is constant, which of the following is the result?

wavelength is one third as big

On a PV diagram, if a process involves a closed curve, the area inside the curve represents


In winter, light-colored clothes will keep you warmer than dark-colored clothes if

you are warmer than your surroundings.

A 2-mol ideal gas system undergoes an adiabatic process where it expands and does 20 J of work on its environment. How much heat is received by the system?


A 2.0-mol ideal gas system is maintained at a constant volume of 4.0 L. If 100 J of heat is added, what is the work done on the system?​


The kinetic energy of the bob on a simple pendulum swinging in simple harmonic motion has its maximum value when the displacement from equilibrium is at what point in its swing?

zero displacement

A block on a level, frictionless surface and connected to a spring undergoes simple harmonic motion with amplitude A. At x = 0, which relationship is correct?

|v | = |vmax|

When considering human metabolism in terms of the 1st law of thermodynamics, which of the following represents the metabolic rate?

ΔU / Δt

Which best expresses the value for the coefficient of volume expansion, β, for given material as a function of its corresponding coefficient of linear expansion, α?

β = 3α

A puddle holds 160.0 g of water. If 0.5 g of water evaporates from the surface, what is the approximate temperature change of the remaining water? (Lv = 540 cal/g)

−1.7 C°

Carbon dioxide forms into a solid (dry ice) at approximately −157°F. What temperature in degrees Celsius does this correspond to?


A 2-mol ideal gas system undergoes an adiabatic process where it expands and does 24 J of work on its environment. What is its change in internal energy?​

−24 J

At what temperature is the same numerical value obtained in Celsius and Fahrenheit?


If the tension on a guitar string is increased by a factor of 3, the fundamental frequency at which it vibrates is changed by what factor?


A long string is pulled so that the tension in it increases by a factor of four. If the change in length is negligible, by what factor does the wave speed change?


Quintupling the tension in a guitar string will change its natural frequency by what factor?


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