Physics 3.3
What happens when two or more objects hits each other?
A collision
What is the secret to catching a water balloon without breaking it?
Catch the water balloon as you move backwards. It will impact your hand with less of a force.
What is the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions?
Elastic collisions bounce off each other and kinetic energy is conserved. Inelastic collisions stick together after they collide and kinetic energy is lost.
Cars that crumple i a collision are safer than cars that bounce when they collide. Why?
The force required to stop them is less than the force required to stop them and push them in opposite directions
Why does bouncing nearly always cause a greater force than simply stopping during a collision?
When a ball hits the ground it takes more effort to the stop the ball and push it back compared to stopping the ball
Is momentum conserved during elastic collisions?
Is momentum conserved during inelastic collisions?
Is a ping-pong bouncing of a table elastic or inelastic?
Is jumping on a trampoline elastic or inelastic?
What is two billiard balls that bounce of each an example of?
elastic collision
Is a dog catching a tennis ball in his mouth elastic or inelastic?
Is a lightbulb being to knocked to the floor and breaking elastic or inelastic?
What type of collision is it if 2 cars are in an accident and stick together?
What is it called when 2 or more objects collide and stick together or change shape?
inelastic collision