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"Two objects in thermal equilibrium with a third object are in thermal equilibrium with each other." Which Law of Thermodynamics is this?i


A dense fluid (assume mercury) will sink when poured in a less dense fluid (assume water).


A fan blowing on a person makes the person feel cooler because of


A fan blowing on a person makes the person feel cooler because of


A light colored object is an excellent reflector of radiation in contrast to a dark colored object.


A nozzle increases the velocity of pipe fluid flow while dropping the pressure of the fluid


A nozzle increases the velocity of pipe fluid flow while dropping the pressure of the fluid.


A reversible process can be a two way process while an irreversible process only goes one way.

the pressure inside the gun is higher than atmospheric pressure

A squirt gun is a simple type of water pump in which a plunger attached to the trigger forces water out of a nozzle and across the room. When you squeeze the trigger of the gun, water squirts out of the nozzle because


Absolute zero is the temperature where all molecular motion ceases.


According to the second law of thermodynamics, it is theoretically possible for an engine to have an efficiency of 100%.

Drag and lift

Aerodynamic forces consist of


An adiabatic process happens at a constant temperature.

flow is going from being viscous dominated to inertia dominated and therefore turbulent

As the Reynolds number increases,


Assume an object is suspended in fluid. The bottom of the object feels a larger pressure than the top of the object.


Assume you have a 100 gram block of ice and a 100 gram glass of liquid water sitting in front of you. In terms of order and disorder the block of ice has more order than the glass of liquid water.

Object C

Assume you have three objects with the same mass, but composed of different materials and that the specific heats are ranked by A>B>C where A is greater than B and B is greater than C. If the same amount of energy is transferred into each object which object's temperature will be the highest after the energy is transferred? (Also assume the materials are perfectly insulated from the environment).

In the plume of exhaust gas flowing out of the engine's outlet duct

At what place in or near the jet engine is gas moving the fastest relative to the flying airplane?

Water pressure at the bottom of the tower is much higher than at the top

Cities have to use water towers to supply water because

More heat

Compared to light colored objects, black colored objects release ________ by radiation.


Convection currents flow in the atmosphere.


Convection typically occurs in solids.


Dams are thicker on the bottom due to the increase in pressure as the water depth increases.


Density is defined as the volume per unit mass.


Diastolic blood pressure is the maximum blood pressure and the systolic blood pressure is the minimum blood pressure.


Entropy is a measurement of order in a system.

honey's large viscosity favors laminar flow

Flowing honey is less likely to become turbulent than flowing water because


Gauge pressure and absolute pressure refer to the exact same value.

False Imprisonment

Heat and temperature have the exact same definition.


Heat transfer is only possible between two objects if the two objects have different temperatures.


If the outside temperature is at the dew point then the relative humidity is equal to 100%.

The thermal energy doubles

If the temperature of a single molecule is doubled what can be said about its thermal energy?


If two objects come in contact with different initial temperatures, heat transfer will occur.

when the air was compressed its temperature increased

In a popular classroom demonstration, a cotton ball is placed in the bottom of a strong test tube. A plunger fits inside the tube and it makes an air - tight seal. It is then pushed down very rapidly, and the cotton flashes and burns. This happens because


In an enclosed container when water reaches the boiling temperature at standard atmospheric pressure the water vapor and liquid water near the surface are in equilibrium.


In pipe flow, flow rate and velocity are not related.


In the attached PV diagram figure, the shaded area in between ABCD is the net work out of this theoretical Carnot Cycle.


Inside a pipe the onset of turbulent flow happens for a Reynolds number of about


It typically takes more latent heat to transform a solid into liquid than it does to transform a liquid to a gas.


James Joule championed the concept of the mechanical equivalent of heat.


Laminar fluid flow is noisier than turbulent fluid flow.


Lead sinkers actually float on the surface of liquid mercury. Which takes up more space: 1 kg of mercury or 1 kg of lead?


Liquids and gases are both considered fluids.

a solid and a gas

Sublimation refers to a phase change that happens between

There is less drag and gravity, so the ball will go further than if there were air

Suppose that we are able to send astronauts to Mars and they engage in a game of golf on the red planet's surface. Given that the atmosphere on Mars is considerably less dense than our own, how will the path of the ball be affected?

such an event, unburning the smoke to form gunpowder, is extraordinarily unlikely

Suppose that you place a timer and a tiny pile of gunpowder in an absolutely rigid box. You then seal the box completely and insulate it perfectly so that no heat can flow in or out of the box. Soon the timer ignites the gunpowder and it burns to form smoke. Since the box is sealed, the smoke remains inside it. If you look into the box a few minutes later, you will find that the smoke has not converted back into the gunpowder because

the same

Suppose you have an aquarium and you notice that you have a solid plastic decoration and a rock of about the same volume but twice as dense, and both are totally submerged in the water. The buoyant force on the plastic object is about ___________as that on the rock.

has a value between 760 kg/m^3 and 910 kg/m^3

Suppose you have two containers with liquid in them. One has a density of 760 kg/m3 and the other has a density of 910 kg /m3. If an object floats in one container and sinks in the other, the density of the object


The Earth is warmed by the sun by this type of heat transfer.


The SI Unit for pressure is psi (pound-per square inch).

be extremely unlikely and therefore violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics

The air in this room consists of countless tiny, independent molecules. You can be sure that all the oxygen molecules will not all shift spontaneously to the other side of the room (leaving you without oxygen) because that would


The amount of water vapor that air can hold changes with temperature.


The circular motion of water while it boils is an example of

conservation of energy

The first law of thermodynamics is a re - statement of the law of


The lake "turnover" that occurs during the winter season in lakes/ponds is due to temperature-density variation in water.


The only heat transfer method that can occur through a vacuum is radiation.


The pressure inside a gas container is caused by collisions of the gas molecules with the container.


The radius of a pipe is reduced by 1/2 while the pressure difference across the pipe remains the same. The volume flow rate of the pipe is reduced by a factor of


The radius of a pipe is tripled while the pressure difference across the pipe remains the same. The volume flow rate of the pipe increases by a factor of


The reason fast-moving water makes noise is


The red light emitted by a hot piece of metal is an example of

shifts upward slightly above the normal stream level

The top surface of a calm, smoothly flowing stream is always at atmospheric pressure. As water in this stream runs into a tree stump and slows almost to a stop, the water's top surface

Kelvin and Celcius

The two temperature scales that have the same interval step size are


The warmth from a campfire is an example of


Thermodynamics is the study of motion and its relationship to position, velocity, and acceleration.


This type of heat transfer occurs when heat moves from a molecule in contact with another molecule.

the pressure drag on a car increases dramatically as the car's speed increases

To set the world land speed record and travel faster than the speed of sound, the Thrust SSC vehicle used two jet engines that produced about a 250,000 horsepower. The principal reason why this car needed so much power to travel so fast is that


Turbulent flow is characterized by noisy chaotic mixing fluid flow.


Water is the only material that has a triple point in its phase diagram.

Buoyant force and weight, for a net force zero

When a fish hovers over the bottom of a lake, what forces act on it, and what is the net force?


When a typical solid is heated it shrinks in size.

viscosity keeps it flowing smoothly while water's low viscosity allows inertia to break its flow into many separate pieces

When you pour honey into a bowl, it flows smoothly. If you did the same with water, it would splash. These different behaviors occur because honey's high


Which Law of Thermodynamics relates change in internal energy to heat added to a system and work done by it?

-10 K

Which is the following is not a real temperature measurement?


Which of the following is the SI unit for temperature?

All of the above

Which of the following is the correct statement of the second law of thermodynamics?


Which of the following quantities is not conserved?

300 K

Which of the following temperature readings is the lowest?


While a phase change is occurring the temperature continues to change.


Who invented the internal combustion engine?s

Water pressure is higher at the bottom

Why are failures in dams more likely to occur closer to the bottom of the dam?

Up, equal to the can's weight

You are camping in the breathtaking mountains if Colorado. You spy an unopened diet soda can floating motionless below the surface of a lake. What is the direction and amount of force the water exerts on it?

the average density of the balloon became greater than the surrounding air and the buoyant force on the balloon became less than its weight

You are riding in a hot air balloon. You have not used the burner for some time and the balloon begins to sink. Assuming that no air is allowed to leave or enter the balloon,

warmer because the refrigerator will have pumped heat out of the root beer and into the room air.

You open the refrigerator in your room and put in a case of room-temperature root beer. After an hour, the root beer is ice cold. If your room air did not exchange any heat with the outdoor air during that time, the room air will be

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