Physics final

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The Moon does not crash into Earth because

Moon has a sufficient tangential speed.

If an apple experiences a constant net force, it will have a constant


Which has zero acceleration? An object

all of the above: at rest, in mechanical equilibrium, & moving at constant velocity

You experience weightlessness

all of the above: in a freely falling elevator, momentarily when you step off a chair, & in the absence of a supporting surface.

Adiabatic processes occur in Earth's

all of the above: mantle, atmosphere, oceans

A very massive object A and a less massive object B move toward each other under the influence of gravity. Which force, if either, is greater?

both forces are the same.

How far must one travel to escape Earth's gravitational field?

forget it; you can't travel far enough.

The force of Earth's gravity on a capsule in space increases as it comes closer. When the capsule moves to half its distance, the force toward Earth is then

four times greater.

According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting objects, the

greater the gravitational force between them.

If the mass of a cart is quickly loaded to have twice the mass while a propelling force remains constant, the cart's acceleration


Ideally, a ball is thrown up at an angle and lands downrange. Because of air resistance, the distance reached is


When you weigh yourself on a bathroom scale on a slight incline instead of a level surface, your weight reading on the scale will be


An Earth satellite in an elliptical orbit travels fastest when it is

nearest Earth.

Which of the following are electrically neutral?


Which of these vary for satellites in circular orbits?

none of the above

The force of Earth's gravity on a capsule in space will lessen as it moves farther away. If the capsule moves to twice its distance, the force toward Earth becomes


The tangential velocity of an Earth satellite is its velocity

parallel to the surface of Earth

Acceleration is greater for a satellite when it is at the

perigee (closest point)

As soon as a bowling ball rolls off the edge of a table its horizontal component of velocity

remains constant

When a star collapses to form a black hole, its mass

remains the same.

When you compress air with a tire pump, the air temperature in the tire

remains unaffected

Acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is less than on Earth, and the Moon is smaller than Earth. This means that compared to an Earth satellite, a satellite in close orbit about the Moon would travel


If you double the net force on an object, you'll double its


Earth's atmosphere gets most of its heat from the


Which pulls on the oceans of Earth with a greater force?


Your weight as measured on your bathroom scale is

the force due to gravity on you.

If you jounce up and down on a bathroom scale, what varies on the scale reading is

the normal force

After a rock thrown straight up reaches the top of its path and then falls a short distance, its acceleration is (neglect air resistance)

the same as at the top of its path

If the Sun collapsed to a black hole, Earth's gravitational attraction to it would be

the same.

The orbital path of a satellite has two focal points. When both focal points are together

the satellite path is a circle.

Nellie tosses a ball upward at an angle. Assuming no air resistance, which component of velocity changes with time?

the vertical component

Internal energy in thermodynamics is the same as

thermal energy.

Tidal forces in general are the result of

unequal forces acting on different parts of a body.

Escape speed from the Sun is

very much greater than for Earth.

A volume of air that is compressed with no heat entering or leaving becomes


Inside a freely-falling elevator, you would have no


The force required to maintain a constant velocity for an astronaut in free space is equal to


If an object is placed exactly halfway between Earth and the Moon, it would fall toward the


For all paths of Earth satellites, one focus of the path is

Earth's center.

A light woman and a heavy man jump from an airplane at the same time and open their same-size parachutes at the same time. Which person will get to the ground first?

The heavy man

The kinetic energy of a planet is maximum when it is

closest to the Sun.

Our Moon in Earth orbit travels fastest when it is


your hand is warmed when you blow on it with your mouth open, but when your lips are puckered so that air expands as you blow, your hand is


If a non-rotating object has no acceleration, then we can say for certain that it is

in mechanical equilibrium.

The contained air in a closed, sealed can placed on a hot stove will undergo an increase in

all of the above: pressure, internal energy & temperature

A force that determines the chemical properties of an atom is

an electrical force.

Angular momentum is conserved for a satellite in

both of these: circular orbit & elliptical orbit

It takes Neptune a longer time to orbit the Sun than Earth does because Neptune

both of these: has much further to go & goes much slower.

If the Sun were twice as massive

both of these: the pull of Earth on the Sun would double. & its pull on Earth would double.

According to Kepler, the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the

cube of the planet's average distance from the Sun.

If Earth's mass decreased to one-half its original mass with no change in radius, then your weight would

decrease to half.

When a system does work without adding heat, the temperature of the system


When the air of a fully-inflated party balloon quickly escapes, its temperature


An adiabatic process is characterized by the absence of

heat exchange.

A heavy rock and a light rock of the same size are falling through the air from a tall building. The one that encounters the greatest air resistance is the

heavy rock

According to Kepler, the line from the Sun to any planet sweeps out equal areas of space

in equal time intervals.

The direction of a gravitational field is

in the same direction as gravitational attraction.

If the mass of Earth somehow increased with no change in radius, your weight would

increase also.

An object with twice as much mass as another object has twice as much


If the net force on a cart is tripled, the cart's acceleration

is three times as much.

When the potential energy of a satellite decreases

its kinetic energy correspondingly increases.

If the Moon had twice as much mass and still orbits Earth at the same distance, ocean bulges on Earth would be


A weightless astronaut in an orbiting satellite is

like the satellite, pulled by Earth's gravitation

An object is thrown vertically into the air. In this case air resistance affects motion. Compared with its time for ascent, the time for its descent is


The speed of an Earth satellite does NOT depend on its


A granite block is mostly empty space because the atoms in the granite are

mostly empty space themselves

Escape speed from the Moon is

much less than from Earth.

During an adiabatic compression of an ideal gas

no heat enters or leaves the gas.

A ball rolled along a horizontal surface maintains a constant speed because

no horizontal force acts on it.

Atomic number refers to the number of

protons in the nucleus.

An element is distinct because of its number of


Which is the smallest particle?


The period of an Earth satellite depends on the satellite's

radial distance from Earth

If you drop a stone into a hole drilled all the way to the other side of Earth (neglect the molten core), the stone will

speed up until it gets to Earth's center.

A feather and a coin will have equal accelerations when falling in a vacuum because

the ratio of both the feather's and coin's weight to mass is the same.

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