Physics One - Final Exam:

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the SI unit of frequency is Hz. so, a frequency of 50 Hz means... a. 1 second to complete 50 cycles b. none of the options given here c. 50 seconds to complete 1 cycle d. a period of 20 seconds

a. 1 second to complete 50 cycles

a speedy seabird is at 43 miles east of its roost at 12:00 PM and 80 miles east of its roost at 12:30 PM. given that 1 mile = 1609 m, 1 hr = 60 min, and 1 min = 60 sec, the velocity of the seabird is approximately... a. 33 m/s east of its roost b. 63 m/s east of its roost c. 50 m/s east of its roost d. 22 m/s east of its roost e. 80 m/s east of its roost

a. 33 m/s east of its roost

a child is swinging back and forth on a swing in the playground. which of the following energy transformations happens when she is going up toward the highest point of the swing? a. K -> Ug b. Ug -> K c. Eth -> K d. Ug -> Eth e. K -> Eth

a. K -> Ug

in an acceleration-versus-time graph, which of the following can you obtain by calculating area under the curve? a. change in velocity b. speed c. velocity d. acceleration e. displacement

a. change in velocity

an action/reaction pair of forces... a. acts on the same object b. points in the same direction c. acts on two different objects d. are always long-range forces

c. acts on two different objects

if the blades of a ceiling fan complete 10 revolutions in one second, which of the following is the correct angular speed of the blades? a. 2π rad/s b. 10π rad/s c. π/5 rad/s d. 20π rad/s e. π/10 rad/s

20π rad/s

you walk to the right at a constant rate, moving 6 m in 3 s. at t = 0 s, you pass the x = 1 m mark. what is your position at t = -1 s? a. -1 m b. 2 m c. 1 m d. -2 m e. 0 m

a. -1 m

a 3-meter long board weighing 50 N extends out over the edge of a table, with 40% of the board's length off the table. how far beyond the table edge can a 25-N cat walk before the board begins to tilt? a. 0.6 m b. 0.3 m c. 0.4 m d. 0.5 m e. 0.2 m

a. 0.6 m

a position-versus-time graph of an object's motion is a straight line at 45 degrees angle with the horizontal axis in the 1st quadrant. what's the velocity of the object? a. 1 m/s b. 0 m/s c. 4 m/s d. 3 m/s e. 2 m/s

a. 1 m/s

a 50-kg student (mg = 490 N) gets in a 1,000-kg elevator at rest and stands on a metric bathroom scale. as the elevator accelerates upward, the scale reads... a. > 490 N b. 490 N c. 0 N d. < 490 N but not 0 N

a. > 490 N

bars A and B of equal lengths are attached to a wall on the left and pulled with equal forces to the right. bar B, with twice the radius, is stretched one-fourth as far as bar A. which of the following is correct for Young's modulus Ya and Yb? a. Ya = Yb b. Ya > Yb c. Ya < Yb d. Ya and Yb cannot be compared with the information provided

a. Ya = Yb

emma is pulling a wooden block with a force of 3 N to the east while nick is simultaneously pulling the same block with a force of 4 N to the north. if emily comes in and wants to apply a force simultaneously on the block so it does not move at all, which of the following is correct for the force she applies? a. a force of 5 N at 53 degrees S of W b. a force of 7 N at 53 degrees S of W c. a force of 7 N at 53 degrees N of E d. a force of 5 N at 53 degrees N of E

a. a force of 5 N at 53 degrees S of W

which of the following is NOT correct regarding a position-versus-time graph? a. a slower speed corresponds to a steeper slope of the position-versus-time graph b. the slope of an object's position-versus-time graph is the object's velocity at that point c. the motion is uniform if and only if the position-versus-time graph is a straight line d. a faster speed corresponds to a steeper slope of the position-versus-time graph e. one can deduce the velocity-versus-time graph from the position-versus-time graph

a. a slower speed corresponds to a steeper slope of the position-versus-time graph

a hammer hits a nail. the force of the nail on the hammer is... a. equal to the force of the hammer on the nail b. less than the force of the hammer on the nail c. greater than the force of the hammer on the nail d. zero

a. equal to the force of the hammer on the nail

a steel beam hangs from a cable as a crane lifts the beam. what forces act on the beam? a. gravity and tension in the cable b. gravity and tension and a force of motion c. gravity and a force of motion d. gravity

a. gravity and tension in the cable

which of the following pairs has the same SI units? a. impulse and momentum b. force and torque c. momentum and moment of inertia d. moment of inertia and impulse e. torque and impulse

a. impulse and momentum

choose the correct statement from the following: a. in perfectly inelastic collision, momentum is conserved but colliding particles stick together b. in perfectly inelastic collision, momentum is conserved but colliding particles never stick together c. in perfectly elastic collision, momentum is conserved but energy is not conserved because colliding particles do not stick together d. in perfectly elastic collision, energy is conserved but momentum is not conserved because colliding particles stick together e. in perfectly inelastic collision, energy is conserved and colliding particles stick together

a. in perfectly inelastic collision, momentum is conserved but colliding particles stick together

kevin is riding a merry-go-round with a radius of 5 m at a constant speed of 5 m/s. if his speed is halved, the centripetal force on him will be... a. one-fourth b. the same c. halved d. doubled

a. one-fourth

velocity and acceleration are actually... a. rates but for different quantities b. the same c. the same when direction is not a factor d. the same when an object is freely falling

a. rates but for different quantities

a ball at the end of a string is being swung in a horizontal circle. what force is producing the centripetal acceleration of the ball? a. tension in the string b. air resistance c. gravity d. normal force

a. tension in the string

a constant force causes an object to accelerate at 6 m/s^2. what is the acceleration of an object with twice the mass that experiences twice the force? a. the acceleration stays the same at 6 m/s^2 b. the acceleration decreases to 2 m/s^2 c. the acceleration increases to 12 m/s^2 d. the acceleration decreases to 3 m/s^2

a. the acceleration stays the same at 6 m/s^2

two points A and B are located at radii Ra (smaller) and Rb (larger) respectively on a rotating circular disc. how do you compare the angular velocity of the two points? a. the angular velocity is the same for both the points b. the angular velocity of point A is greater than that of point B c. the angular velocity of point A is less than that of point B d. can't tell because it depends on the tangential velocity of the points which is not given

a. the angular velocity is the same for both the points

a camper first walks 1 km northeast from his car and then walks 1 km south, at which point he discovers a tower. which of the following is correct about his net displacement? a. the net displacement must be at an angle south of east b. the net displacement must be at an angle north of east c. the net displacement must be at an angle west of north d. the net displacement must be at an angle directed south

a. the net displacement must be at an angle south of east

a 0.5-kg object, which is describing a circular path of radius R = 12 m at a uniform speed of 6 m/s, completes 15 revolutions in total before it flies off the circular track. which of the following is correct? a. the object experiences a centripetal force of 1.5 N until it flies off the track in a tangential diretion b. the object experiences a centripetal force of 3 N until it flies off the track in radially outward direction c. the object experiences a centripetal force of 1.5 N until it flies off the track in a radially inward direction d. the object experiences a centripetal force of 3 N until it flies off the track in a tangential direction e. the object experiences a centripetal force of 1.5 N until it flies off the track in radially outward direction

a. the object experiences a centripetal force of 1.5 N until it flies off the track in a tangential direction

sarah is at position x = -50 m. she then undergoes a displacement of 50 m. what is her final position? a. 50 m b. 0 m c. -50 m d. -100 m e. 100 m

b. 0 m

what is the magnitude of the recoil velocity of a 65-kg ice hockey goalie who catches a 0.15-kg hockey puck slapped at him at a velocity of 50 m/s? assume that the goalie is at rest before catching the puck, and friction between the ice and the puck-goalie system is negligible. a. 7.5 m/s b. 0.12 m/s c. 0 m/s d. 50 m/s

b. 0.12 m/s

one of the many applications of Newton's 2nd law is to express centripetal force in terms of centripetal acceleration of an object that is describing a circular path of radius 10 m. if the mass of the object is 5 kg and its angular speed is 2 rad/sec, the centripetal force experienced by the object is equal to... a. 100 N b. 200 N c. 10 N d. 20 N e. 5 N

b. 200 N

a ball rolls around a circular track so the period of the motion is 0.125 s. what is the angular velocity? a. 8.0 rad/s b. 50.3 rad/s c. 0.02 rad/s d. 0.125 rad/s

b. 50.3 rad/s

you are standing on a skateboard, initially at rest. a friend throws a very heavy ball towards you. you have two choices about what to do with the ball: either catch the ball or deflect it back toward you friend with the same speed as it was originally thrown. which choice should you make in order to maximize your speed on the skateboard? a. your final speed on the skateboard will be the same regardless whether you catch the ball or deflect the ball b. deflect the ball back c. do not do anything because catching or deflecting the ball has no effect on your speed on the skateboard d. catch the ball

b. deflect the ball back

10 year old jenny stands on a skateboard. her older brother john starts pushing her backward and she starts speeding up, the force of john on jenny is... a. greater than the force of jenny on john b. equal to the force of jenny on john c. zero d. less than the force of jenny on john

b. equal to the force of jenny on john

which of the following quantities has the SI units of N-s? a. Young's modulus b. impulse c. angular acceleration d. torque

b. impulse

a car is slowing down to the right on a straight road. the sign of the acceleration... a. is zero b. is negative c. is positive d. can be both positive and negative

b. is negative

which of the following statements is NOT true? a. it is possible for three vectors of different magnitudes to add to zero b. it is possible for two vectors of different magnitudes to add to zero c. when adding or subtracting vectors, their directions are important d. when adding or subtracting vectors, their magnitudes are important

b. it is possible for two vectors of different magnitudes to add to zero

if an object is speeding up, a. its acceleration is always positive b. its acceleration can be positive or negative depending on the direction of motion c. its acceleration is always negative d. its acceleration is always zero

b. its acceleration can be positive or negative depending on the direction of motion

a ball is tossed straight up in the air. at its very highest point, the ball's instantaneous acceleration (a)y is... a. zero b. negative c. impossible to determine with information provided d. positive

b. negative

the slope at a point on a position-versus-time graph of an object is the... a. object's acceleration at that point b. object's instantaneous velocity at that point c. object's speed at that point d. object's average velocity at that point e. distance traveled by the object to that point

b. object's instantaneous velocity at that point

the area under a velocity-versus-time graph of an object is... a. the distance traveled by the object b. the displacement of the object c. the object's acceleration at that point d. the object's speed at that point

b. the displacement of the object

two forces produce equal torques on a door about the door hinge. the first force is applied at the midpoint of the door; the second force is applied at the doorknob. both forces are applied perpendicular to the door. which force has a greater magnitude? a. the second force (at the doorknob) b. the first force (at the midpoint) c. the two forces are equal d. need more information to determine

b. the first force (at the midpoint)

a coin sits on a turntable that steadily rotates counterclockwise. what force or forces act in the plane of the turntable? a. the force of static friction in a tangential direction and centripetal force towards the center of the table b. the force of static friction (that provides necessary centripetal force) towards the center of the table c. the force of static friction towards the center of the table and centripetal force in a tangential direction d. there is (are) no force(s) in this plane

b. the force of static friction (that provides necessary centripetal force) towards the center of the table

a small car meshes with a large truck in a head-on collision. which of the following statements concerning the magnitude of the average force during the collision is correct? a. the force experienced by each one is inversely proportional to its mass b. the small car and the truck experience the same average force c. the small car experiences the greater average force d. the truck experiences the greater average force e. the force experienced by each one is directly proportional to its mass

b. the small car and the truck experience the same average force

if two components of a vector are Ax = -cm and Ay = -1 cm, which of the following is correct? a. the vector must be directed at 60 degrees S of W b. the vector must be directed at 60 degrees W of S c. the vector must be directed at 60 degrees N of E d. the vector must be directed at 60 degrees N of W

b. the vector must be directed at 60 degrees W of S

a skydiver has reached terminal velocity - she now falls at a constant speed, so her acceleration is zero. is there a net force on her before she reaches terminal velocity? a. there is a net force directed upward b. there is a net force directed downward c. since it's a free-fall, the force of gravity is the only force on her directed downward d. there is no net force

b. there is a net force directed downward

astronauts on the international space station are weightless because... a. the net force on them is zero b. they are in free-fall c. the centrifugal force balances the gravitational force d. there's no gravity in outer space e. g is very small, although not zero

b. they are in free-fall

a meter stick balances at the 50.0 cm mark. if a mass of 40.0 g is placed at the 90.0 cm mark, the stick balances at the 60.0 cm mark. what is the mass of the meter stick? a. 88 g b. 30 g c. 120 g d. 70 g e. 175 g

c. 120 g

a force pushes a cart for 1 s to the right, starting from rest. to achieve the same speed with a force half as big, the force would need to push for... a. 1.00 s b. 0.50 s c. 2.00 s d. 0.25 s

c. 2.00 s

a car accelerates from 5.0 m/s to 21 m/s at a constant rate of 3.0 m/s^2. approximately how far does it travel while accelerating? a. 117 m b. 207 m c. 69 m d. 41 m

c. 69 m

two blocks of masses m1 = 8 kg and m2 = 4 kg are placed in contact with each other side-by-side (m1 on the left and m2 on the right) on a frictionless, horizontal surface. if a constant horizontal push of magnitude F = 60 N is applied to m1 directed to the right, which one of the following is correct? a. acceleration of the system is 0 m/s^2, net force on m1 is 40 N and net force on m2 is 20 N b. acceleration of the system is 0 m/s^2, net force on m1 is 60 N and net force on m2 is 60 N c. acceleration of the system is 5 m/s^2, net force on m1 is 40 N and net force on m2 is 20 N d. acceleration of the system is 5 m/s^2, net force on m1 is 60 N and net force on m2 is 60 N

c. acceleration of the system is 5 m/s^2, net force on m1 is 40 N and net force on m2 is 20 N

which of the following situations is impossible? a. an object has zero velocity but non-zero acceleration b. an object has constant non-zero acceleration and changing velocity c. an object has constant non-zero velocity and changing acceleration d. an object has velocity directed east and acceleration directed east e. an object has velocity directed east and acceleration directed west

c. an object has constant non-zero velocity and changing acceleration

a heavy metal cart and a light plastic cart are both pushed with the same force for 1 s, starting from rest. after the force is removed, the momentum of the light plastic cart is... a. less than that of the heavy metal cart b. impossible to determine without knowing how big the force is c. equal to that of the heavy metal cart d. greater than that of the heavy metal cart

c. equal to that of the heavy metal cart

a bobsledder pushes her sled across horizontal snow to get it going, then jumps in. after she jumps in, the sled gradually slows to a halt. what forces act on the sled just after she's jumped in? a. gravity and a normal force b. gravity and the force of the push c. gravity, a normal force, and kinetic friction d. gravity, a normal force, kinetic friction, and the force of the push e. gravity and kinetic friction

c. gravity, a normal force, and kinetic friction

velocity vectors point... a. nowhere because velocity is not represented by a vector b. in the same direction as acceleration vectors c. in the same direction as displacement vectors d. in the opposite direction as displacement vectors e. perpendicular to displacement vectors

c. in the same direction as displacement vectors

a tiger is running in a straight line. if we double both the mass and speed of the tiger, the magnitude of its momentum will... a. either increase of decrease by a factor of 2 b. decrease by a factor of 2 c. increase by a factor of 4 d. increase by a factor of 2 e. decrease by a factor of 4

c. increase by a factor of 4

for uniform circular motion, the acceleration... a. is parallel to the velocity b. is larger for a larger orbit at the same speed c. is directed toward the center of the circle d. is always due to gravity

c. is directed toward the center of the circle

what does a net torque applied to an object do? a. the moment of inertia of the object to change b. it causes the object to have a linear acceleration c. it causes the angular velocity of the object to change d. it causes the object to rotate at a constant rate

c. it causes the angular velocity of the object to change

two identical stones are dropped from a tall building, one after the other, assume air resistance is negligible. while both stones are falling, what will happen to the vertical distance between them? a. it will remain the same b. it will decrease c. it will increase d. it will first increase and then remain constant

c. it will increase

if a fan blade is rotating clockwise and speeding up... a. its angular velocity is negative and angular acceleration is positive b. its angular velocity is positive and angular acceleration is negative c. its angular velocity and angular acceleration both are negative d. its angular velocity and angular acceleration both are positive

c. its angular velocity and angular acceleration both are negative

the restoring force of three springs is measured as they are stretched. the plot of the force-versus-extension shows that the slope for the three springs follow Sa > Sb > Sc. which of the following is correct for the spring constants kA, kB, and kC? a. kA > kB < kC b. kA < kB < kC c. kA > kB > kC d. kA = kB = kC

c. kA > kB > kC

the fundamental physical quantities are? a. weight, length, time, temperature, amount of a substance, current, and luminous intensity b. mass, length, time, temperature, force, current, and luminous intensity c. mass, length, time, temperature, amount of a substance, current, and luminous intensity d. mass, length, time, force, momentum, amount of a substance, and current

c. mass, length, time, temperature, amount of a substance, current, and luminous intensity

what is the angular speed of a rotating object measured in? a. degrees/s b. rad/s^2 c. radians/s d. radians e. degrees

c. radians/s

the drag force pushes opposite your motion as you ride a bicycle. if you double your speed, what happens to the magnitude of the drag force? a. the drag force decreases b. the drag force stays the same c. the drag force increases d. can't tell without knowing the mass

c. the drag force increases

how can you maximize the torque applied to a given lever arm without applying more force? a. the force should be applied parallel to the lever arm as far as possible from the pivot point b. the force should be applied parallel to the lever arm as close as possible from the pivot point c. the force should be applied perpendicularly to the lever arm as far as possible from the pivot point d. the force should be applied perpendicularly to the lever arm as close as possible from the pivot point

c. the force should be applied perpendicularly to the lever arm as far as possible from the pivot point

a 2-kg iron ball and a 5-kg iron ball are dropped from rest from the same height. neglecting air resistance, the acceleration of the heavier ball will be... a. less b. undetermined c. the same d. more

c. the same

what are scalars and vectors? a. scalars and vectors both have both magnitude and direction b. scalars have both magnitude and direction, but vectors only have magnitude c. vectors have both magnitude and direction, but scalars on have magnitude d. they are the same physical quantities with different names e. scalars have direction but vectors have magnitude

c. vectors have both magnitude and direction, but scalars only have magnitude

which of the following best represents how we determine significant figures? a. when adding quantities, we leave the same number of decimal place (rounded) in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number of significant figures b. when multiplying and dividing quantities, we leave as many significant figures in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number of decimal places c. when multiplying and dividing quantities, we leave as many significant figures in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number of significant figures d. when subtracting quantities, we leave the same number of decimal place (rounded) in the answer as there are in the quantity with the greatest number of decimal places

c. when multiplying and dividing quantities, we leave as many significant figures in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number of significant figures

can a lighter object have more momentum than a heavier one? how? a. yes, if the lighter object's velocity is considerably low b. no, because momentum does not depend on the velocity of the object c. yes, if the lighter object's velocity is considerably high d. no, because momentum only depends on the mass of the object

c. yes, if the lighter object's velocity is considerably high

if you are not wearing a seat belt and the car you are driving hits a fixed barrier, you will hit the steering wheel with some force. this is because... a. the force of the collision has thrown you forward b. the steering wheel has been pushed back toward you c. you continue moving even after the car has stopped d. the driver's seat has pushed you forward

c. you continue moving even after the car has stopped

which of the following is NOT correct? a. 1 Newton force means a force of 1 kg-m/s^2 b. a net force of 4 N acting on a 2-kg mass causes an acceleration of 2 m/s^2 c. zero acceleration always means zero velocity d. a constant-speed motion can have non-zero acceleration

c. zero acceleration always means zero velocity

a ball rolls around a circular track with an angular velocity of 6π rad/s. what is the period of the motion? a. 3 s b. 6 s c. (1/6) s d. (1/3) s

d. (1/3) s

a ball of mass (m) = 0.25 kg rolling to the right at 2 m/s strikes a wall and rebounds to the left at 1 m/s. what is the impulse delivered to it by the wall? a. -0.60 kg-m/s b. 0.75 g-m/s c. 0.60 g-m/s d. -0.75 kg-m/s

d. -0.75 kg-m/s

if you land at the surface of a planet where the gravitational acceleration is 3.7 m/s^2, your weight on that planet will be... a. 2.65 times greater than your weight on Earth b. 0.27 times greater than your weight on Earth c. 3.72 times greater than your weight on Earth d. 0.38 times less than your weight on Earth e. zero

d. 0.38 times less than your weight on Earth

a Saturn V rocket is launched straight up with a constant acceleration of 18 m/s^2. after 150 s, how fast is the rocket moving? a. 150 m/s b. 270 m/s c. 200 m/s d. 2700 m/s

d. 2700 m/s

emma is riding a merry-go-round that is turning at 7.18 rpm. if the child is standing 4.65 m from the center of the merry-go-round, how fast is she moving? a. 0.556 m/s b. 1.75 m/s c. 1.80 m/s d. 3.50 m/s e. 5.64 m/s

d. 3.50 m/s

at a particular instant, a free-falling object has a speed of 30 m/s. assuming free-fall acceleration to be 10 m/s^2, exactly 1 s later its speed will be... a. the same b. 20 m/s c. 60 m/s d. 40 m/s

d. 40 m/s

the average speed of driving 30 miles in 1 hour is the same as the average speed of driving... a. 60 miles in 0.5 hour b. 30 miles in 0.5 hour c. 30 miles in 2 hours d. 60 miles in 2 hours

d. 60 miles in 2 hours

a ball has been tossed straight up. ignoring air resistance, the free-body diagram just after the ball has left the hand contains... a. an upward force that is smaller than a downward force b. an upward force only c. an upward force that is greater than a downward force d. a downward force only e. an upward force that is equal to a downward force

d. a downward force only

which of the following is an example of uniform motion? a. a car around a circular track at a constant speed b. a person at rest starts running in a straight line in a fixed direction c. a ball dropped from the top of a building d. a hockey puck sliding in a straight line at a constant speed

d. a hockey puck sliding in a straight line at a constant speed

consider the following three objects: 1. a car driving down the road at a constant velocity 2. a block sitting at rest on a table 3. a skydiver falling at a constant velocity which of these objects is in equilibrium? a. only 2 and 3 are in equilibrium, but 1 is not b. only 1 and 3 are in equilibrium, but 2 is not c. only 1 and 2 are in equilibrium, but 3 is not d. all these objects are in equilibrium

d. all these objects are in equilibrium

a ball is thrown vertically upward and then comes back down. during the ball's flight up and down, its velocity and acceleration vectors are... a. always in opposite directions b. always in the same direction c. first in the same direction and then in opposite directions d. first in opposite directions and then in the same direction

d. first in opposite directions and then in the same direction

the conservation of angular momentum requires that if no net torque acts on an object that is rotating about an axis, the angular velocity of the object must... a. remain constant regardless of whether its moment of inertia suddenly decreases or increases b. decrease if its moment of inertia suddenly decreases c. increase if its moment of inertia suddenly increases d. increase if its moment of inertia suddenly decreases

d. increase if its moment of inertia suddenly decreases

if the speed of an object is halved, what happens to its kinetic energy? a. it is doubled b. it stays the same c. it is halved d. it becomes one-fourth e. it is quadrupled

d. it becomes one-fourth

if both mass and velocity of an object are constant, what can you tell about its impulse? a. its impulse would be constant and non-zero b. its impulse would be increasing c. its impulse would be decreasing d. its impulse would be zero

d. its impulse would be zero

which of the following quantities is NOT a vector? a. impulse b. torque c. linear momentum d. moment of inertia e. angular momentum

d. moment of inertia

to convert a physical quantity from g/cm^3 to kg/m^3, one must... a. multiply by 1,000,000 b. multiple by 100 c. multiply by 0.01 d. multiply by 1,000 e. multiply by 0.001

d. multiply by 1,000

to convert a quantity from m/s to km/h, you must a. multiply by 1000 and divide by 3600 b. multiply by 1000 and divide by 60 c. multiple by 60 and divide by 1000 d. multiply by 3600 and divide by 1000

d. multiply by 3600 and divide by 1000

if jane walks 100 m to the left, then 200 m to the right, his net displacement vector a. cannot be determined without more information b. has zero length c. points to the left d. points to the right

d. points to the right

john and ken are riding a merry-go-round that is spinning steadily. john is twice as far from the axis as is ken. john's angular velocity is... a. twice that of ken b. half that of ken c. four times that of ken d. the same as that of ken

d. the same as that of ken

if you are standing on the floor, motionless, what are the forces that act on you? a. friction force and normal force b. normal force and friction force c. weight force and tension force d. weight force and normal force e. weight force only

d. weight force and normal force

which of the following is NOT true? a. an object that is weightless has no apparent weight b. "weightless" does not mean "no weight" c. a person in free-fall has zero apparent weight d. weight of an object does not change but its mass changes

d. weight of an object does not change but its mass changes

a small wooden block is sliding down a 30-degree frictionless incline. assuming that g = 10 m/s^2, the acceleration of the block down the incline is... a. 2.5 m/s^2 b. 50 m/s^2 c. can't tell without knowing the mass of the block d. 10 m/s^2 e. 5 m/s^2

e. 5 m/s^2

a box is being pulled to the right over a rough surface by means of a rope that is under a tension force T which is greater than the force of kinetic friction so the box is speeding up. if suddenly the rope breaks, the box... a. stops immediately b. keeps its speed for a short while, then slows and stops c. continues speeding up for a short while, then slows and stops d. continues with the speed it had when the rope broke e. slows steadily until it stops

e. slows steadily until it stops

which of the following is correct? a. speed, velocity, and acceleration are all vectors b. speed, velocity, and acceleration are all scalars c. speed is vector, but velocity and acceleration are scalars d. speed and acceleration are scalars, but velocity is vector e. speed is scalar, but velocity and acceleration are vectors

e. speed is scalar, but velocity and acceleration are vectors

a rocket explodes into two fragments, one 25 times heavier than the other. the magnitude of the impulse of the heavier fragment is... a. 25 times as great as the impulse of the lighter fragment b. 1/4 as great as the impulse of the lighter fragment c. 5 times as great as the impulse of the lighter fragment d. 1/25 as great as the impulse of the lighter fragment e. the same as the impulse of the lighter fragment

e. the same as the impulse of the lighter fragment

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