Physics Test Multiple Choice

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Vibrations and wave phenomena

Listening to your favorite radio station involves which area of physics

29.4 m/s

a 3 kg toy falls from a height of 1 m. what will the kinetic energy of the toy be just before the toy hits the ground


a baker makes a loaf of bread. Identify the area of physics that this involves.

earth exerts a force on the ball; the ball exerts a force on Earth

a ball is dropped from a persons hand and falls to Earth. Identify an action-reaction pair in this situation.

39 N

a book with a mass of 2.0 kg is held in equilibrium on a board with a slope of 60 degrees by a horizontal force. what is the normal force exerted on the book?


a measure of the quantity of matter is

the same work in a shorter time interval

a more powerful motor can do


a weather balloon records the temperature every hour. from the table above, the temperature

0 J

a worker does 25 J of work lifting a bucket , then sets the bucket back down in the same place . what is the total net work done on the bucket

7.5 m/s south

for the winter, a duck flies 10 m/s due south against a gust of wind with a speed of 2.5 m/s. what is the resultant velocity of the duck


if the change in position Δx is related to v in the equation Δx=Av, the constant A has which dimension


if the displacement of a horizontal mass-spring system was doubled , the elastic potential energy in the system would change by a factor of

0(no change)

if the mass in a horizontal mass-spring system was doubled, the elastic potential energy in the system would change by a factor of

the displacement is in the direction opposite the force

if the sign of work is negative

all of the above

if you know the acceleration of a car, its initial velocity,and the time interval, which of the following can you predict

the accelerations at a and b are each zero

in the graph above, how does the acceleration at a compare with the acceleration at b

non mechanical energy is no longer negligible and mechanical energy is no longer conserved

in the presence of frictional force


si base unit for time


studies motion and its causes


the magnitude of the gravitational force action on an object is

kinetic energy involves motion, and potential energy involves position

the main difference between kinetic energy and potential energy is that


the most appropriate si unit for measuring the length of an automobile is the


the motion of a ball on an inclined plane is described by the equation Δx=1/2a(Δt)^2 which of the following quantities must have a value of zero


the radius of earth is 6370000m express this measurement in km in scientific notation with the correct number of significant digits


the si base unit used to measure mass


the sun is composed mostly of hydrogen. the mass of the sun is 2.0x10^30 kg, and the mass of a hydrogen atom is 1.67x10^-27 kg. Estimate the number of atoms in the sun.


three values were obtained for the mass of a metal bar 8.83 g 8.84g. 8.82 g. the known mass is 10.68 g the values are


what are the units for a spring constant

The coefficient of friction has no unit

what are the units of the coefficient of friction

the acceleration varies

what does the graph above illustrate

a parabola

what is the path of a projectile

0 m/s

what is the speed of an object at rest

length and time

what two dimensions in addition to mass are commonly used by physicists to derive additional measurements?

the car slows down

when a cars velocity is positive and its acceleration is negative, what is happening to the cars motion


which expression has the same dimensions as an expression yielding a value for acceleration?

elastic potential energy

which form of energy is involved in weighing fruit on a spring scale

mechanical energy and mass

which of the following are examples of conservable quantities?


which of the following are not units of power

chemical potential energy

which of the following energy forms is not involved in hitting a tennis ball.


which of the following equation best describes the graph above?


which of the following equations is not an equation for power, P, in terms of work,W, displacement ,d,time interval force and or velocity>

a stone thrown into a lake

which of the following exhibits parabolic motion


which of the following is a physical quantity that has a magnitude but no direction


which of the following is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction


which of the following is an example of a vector quantity

force causes objects at rest to remain stationary

which of the following statements does not describe force

the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net external force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object

which statement about the acceleration of an object is correct

they would accelerate at the same rate

which would fall with greater acceleration in a vacuum--- a leaf or a stone

they would hit the ground at the same time

which would hit the ground first if dropped from the same height in a vacuum a feather or a metal bolt

to explain the basic features of complex phenomena

why do physicists use models

kinetic energy is not completely converted to a form of potential energy

why doesn't the principle of mechanical conservation hold in situations when frictional forces are present?

at the top of its path

a baseball catcher throws a ball vertically upward and catches it in the same spot as it returns to the mitt. at what point in the balls path does it experience zero velocity and nonzero acceleration at the same time


a car travels down a road at a certain velocity, vcar. the driver slows down so that the car is traveling only half as fast as before. which of the following is the correct expression for the resulting velocity


a change in the gravitational force acting on an object will affect the object's

6.0 J

a child pulls a balloon for 12 m with a force of 1.0 N at an angle of 60 degree below horizontal. How much work does the child do on the balloon.

250 J

a construction worker pushes a wheelbarrow 5.0 m with a horizontal force of 50 N. How much work is done by the worker on the wheelbarrow

is parallel to the displacement of the object

a force does work on an object if a component of the force

forces exerted by the object

a free body diagram represents all of the following except

Interpreting results

in the steps of the scientific method, what is the nezt step after fromulating and objectively test hypotheses?

a car travels at constant speed on a flat road.

in which of the following scenarios is no net work done

action-reaction pair

which are simultaneous equal but opposite forces resulting from the interaction of two objects?


which of the following equations best describes the graph above?


which of the following expressions gives units of kgxm^2/s^2?

contact force

which of the following forces arises from direct physical contact between two objects

frame of reference

which of the following is a coordinate system for specifying the precise location for objects in space

a thrown baseball

which of the following is an example of projectile motion

a hot air balloon drifting toward earth

which of the following is not an example of projectile motion

projectile motion

which of the following is the motion of objects moving in two dimensions under the influence of gravity?


which of the following is the rate at which energy is transferred?


which of the following is the tendency of an object to maintain its state of motion

a vertical line

which of the following line segments on a position versus time graph is physically impossible

vertical line

which of the following line segments on a velocity versus time graph is physically impossible

a cat jumps from a tree limb to the ground

which of the following situation represents a negative displacement.

I,II,and III

which of the following statements applies to the motion of a ball rising and the falling in free fall?

meter per second

which of the following units is the si unit of velocity

measure an event or a situation

Diagrams are not designed to


ball a has triple the mass and speed b. what is the ratio of the kinetic energy of ball a to ball b.

5-10 sec

according to the graph above, during which interval is the cat at rest

difference or change

the greek letter Δ indicates a


a hiker uses a compass to navigate through the woods. Identify the area of physics that this involves.

limitations of the measuring instrument

a lack of precision in scientific measurements typically arises from

70.0 N

a late traveler rushes to catch a plane, pulling a suitcase with a force directed 30.0 degrees above the horizontal. if the horizontal component of the force on the suitcase is 60.6 N, what is the force exerted on the handle?

kg x m/s^2

a newton is equivalent to which of the following quantities

move west at a speed that is equal to the bus's speed

a passenger on a bus moving east sees a man standing on a curb. from the passenger's perspective, the man appears to

straight down

a piece of chalk is dropped by a teacher walking at a speed of 1.5 m/s. from the teacher's perspective, the chalk appears to fall

-x-axis and +y-axis

a single force acts on an object. the components of this force act along the +x-axis and the 0y0axis. the single force that will bring the object into equilibrium has components that act along the

10-15 sec

according to the graph above, the cat has the fastest speed during which interval

-3v student

a student walks from the door of the house to the end of the driveway and realizes that he missed the bus. the student runs back to the house, traveling three times as fast. which of the following is the correct expression for the return velocity if the initial velocity is vstudent

by experiments

according to the scientific method, how does a physicist formulate and objectively test hypotheses?

free fall acceleration

acceleration due to gravity is also called

the rate of change of velocity

acceleration is defined as

the object with greater mass will experience a smaller acceleration, and the object with less mass will experience a greater acceleration

according to newton's second law, when the same force is applied to two objects of different masses,

0-5 sec

according to the graph above, during which interval does the cat have the greatest positive velocity

29 cm

an ant on a picnic table travels 3.0x10^1 cm eastward, then 25 cm northward, and finally 15 cm westward. what is the magnitude of the ants displacement relative to its original position.


at what point of the balls path shown in the figure above is the vertical component of the balls velocity


calculate the following and express the answer in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures 10.5x8.8x3.14


calculate the following and express the answer in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures 21.4+15+17.17+4.003


calculate the following and express the answer in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures(.82+.042)(4.4x10^3)

non mechanical energy

friction converts kinetic energy to

a zero level

gravitational potential energy is always measured in relation to

all of the above

how does a scientist reduce the frequency of human error and minimize a lack of accuracy

scalar scalar vector

identify the following quantities as a scalar or vector: the mass of an object, the number of leaves on a tree, wind velocity

scalar scalar vector

identify the following quantities as a scalar or vector: the speed of a snail the time it takes to run a mile, the free fall acceleration


if a is acceleration, Δv is change in velocity, Δx is change in position, and Δt is the time interval , which equation is not dimensionally correct?

being accelerated

if a nonzero net force is acting on an object, then the object is definitely

the kinetic energy decreases

if friction is the only force acting on an object during a given physical process, which of the following assumptions can be made in regard to the objects kinetic energy?

xi=+3 m

in the graph above a toy car rolls from +3 m to +5m. which of the following statements is true?

cos Ө

in a coordinate system, a vector is oriented at angle Ө with respect to the x-axis. the x component of the vector equals the vector's magnitude multiplied by which trigonometric function?

sin Ө

in a coordinate system, a vector is oriented at angle Ө with respect to the x-axis. the y component of the vector equals the vector's magnitude multiplied by which trigonometric function?


in the figure above at which point is the ball's speed about equal to the speed at which it was tossed

equal to the horizontal component of its initial velocity

in the figure above, the horizontal component of the ball;s velocity at A is


in the figure above, the magnitude of the balls velocity is greatest at location


in the figure above, the magnitude of the balls velocity is least at location


in the figure above, which diagram represents the vector addition c=a+b


in the figure above, which diagram represents the vector subtraction c=a-b




multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in

faster and faster

objects that are falling toward earth in free fall

speeding up

the graph above describes the motion of a cyclist. during the interval shown the cyclist is

instantaneous velocity

suppose you are given a position versus time graph. the slope of a line drawn tangent to a point on the curve of this graph describes what quantity

is constant

the graph above describes the motion of a cyclist. the graph illustrates that the acceleration of the cyclist

14700 N

the free-body diagram shown above represents a car being pulled by a towing cable. in the diagram, which of the following is the gravitational force acting on the car


the graph above describes the motion of a ball. at what point does the ball have an instantaneous velocity of zero


the graph above describes the motion of a ball. at what point is the speed of the ball equal to its speed at B

none of the above

the graph above describes the motion of a ball. at what point is the velocity of the ball equal to its velocity at b

50.0 km/h

the time required to make a trip of 100.0 km is measured at various speeds. from the graph above, what speed will allow the trip to be made in 2 hours

5 N

there are six books in a stack and each book weight 5 N. the coefficient of static friction between the books is .2. with what horizontal force must one push to start sliding the top five books off the bottom one?

2.14 m/2^2

two perpendicular forces, one of 45 N directed upward and the other of 60 N directed to the right, act simultaneously on an object with a mass of 35 kg. what is the magnitude of the resultant acceleration of the object


two students are standing on a fire escape, one twice as high as the other. simultaneously, each drops a ball. if the first ball strikes the ground at time Δt1, when will the second ball srike the ground?

fall with equal acceleration and with equal displacements

when there is no air resistance, objects of different masses dropped from rest


what is the SI unit of acceleration

560 W

what is the average power supplied by a 60 kg person running up a flight of stairs a vertical distance of 4 m in 4.2 sec.

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