Physics things

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when a source of an emf is traversed in the direction of the emf (negative term to positive term) the potential difference is


when a source of an emf is traversed in the direction opposite to the emf (positive to negative) the potential difference is



-mu dot E

if the magnetic field is parallel to the plane and theta is 90 and the flux through the plane is


Surface of Earth magnetic field


Ampere is defined as

1 C/s

Kinetic energy


circumference of circular path


Which of maxwell's equations describes the induction of a magnetic field?

Ampere's Law

E vs B The force exerted on a charged object cannot alter the object's speed


E vs B The force exerted on a charged object is proportional to its speed


E vs B The magnitude of the force depends on the charged objects direction of motion



CV max charge on capacitor

E vs B The force exerted on a stationary charged object is nonzero


E vs B The force exerted on a negatively charged object is opposite in direction to the force on a positive charge

E and B

E vs B the force is proportional to the magnitude of the charge of the object on which the force is exerted

E and B

the force is proportional to the magnitude of the field exerting it (EvsB)

E and B

Induced EMF with a loop of area A in a uniform magnetic field B

E= -d/dt(BAcos(theta))

Lorentz force Law


The primary source of permanent magnetism in iron containing metals is the orbital motion of electrons? T/F?


magnetic fields can't accelerate a charged particle T/F?


which of Maxwell's equations describes the induction of an electric field?

Faraday's Law

Fb for current carrying conductor

Fb=(qvXB)nAL Fb=I(LXB) L is is the length A is the cross sectional area L points in direction of I

If a straight conductor of length L carries a current I, the force exerted on that conductor when it is placed in a uniform magnetic field B is

Fb=ILXB where the direction of L is in the direction of the current and Lvector=L

Newton's second Law charged particle

Fb=Sum of F=ma

because the particle moves in a circle we have a particle in uniform circular motion so..


magnetic field throughout space when a particle with charge q and a velocity v is placed in a field it experiences a magnetic force given by


Magnitude of magnetic force on charged particle


the direction of the magnetic force is perpendicular both ot the velocity of the particle and the magnetic field; that force magnitude is


Fb integral

I integral dsxB


IAB when the magnetic field is parallel to the plane of the loop



the magnetic force on the wire segment of length L is




Magnetic Flux

If the magnetic field at this element is B the magnetic flux through the element is B * dA is a vector that is perpendicular to the surface and has a magnitude equal to the area dA there fore the total magnetic flux

How is a circuit breaker wired?

In series with the device it is protecting

circuits involving more than one loop are analyzed with

Kirchoff's loop rules

Junction Rule

Kirchoff's rule that states that at any junction, the sum of the currents must be equal to zero Sum junction of Currents=0

Loop Rule

Kirchoff's rule that states that the sum of potnetial differences along all elements around any circuit loop must be zero

What is the Force Law for a point charge q moving in a magnetic field B and an electric field E

Lorentz force law

what is the fundamental source of magnetic fields?

Moving Electron charge

SI unit of magnetic field

N/(Cm/s)=1 tesla (T) = N/(Am)

Period of motion (time interval particle requires to complete one rev) i equal to


torque on a current loop placed in a uniform magnetic field


The terminals of a battery are connected across two resistors in series; the resistances of the resistors are not the same. Therefore...

The current in each resistor is the same

several resistors are connected in series. Therefore...

The equivalent resistor is greater than any of the resistors in the group The equivalent resistance is equal to the sum of the resistance in the group



if light passes through an aperture with a size smaller than the wavelenght of the light wave; optics applies T/F?


potential energy of the system of a magnetic dipole

Ub=-mu dot B

When a resistor is traversed in the direction opposite of the current

V=+IR (positive)

when a resistor is traversed in the direction of the current, the potential difference across the resistor is

V=-IR (negative)

biot savart law is expressed for

a current carrying wire and a current consisting of charges flowing through space where ds woudl represent the length of a small segment of space it is going through

in the velocity selector shown, electrons with speed v=E/B follow a straight path; electrons moving significantly faster than this speed through the same selector will move along....

a more complicated trajectory

what creates a magnetic field?

a moving object with electric charge a stationary conductor carrying electric current

the magnetic field can

alter the direction for the velocity vector but cannot change the speed or the KE of the particle

Magnetic field lines going into the plane

are the x's

two parallel wires that each carry a steady current exert a magnetic force on each other; the force is attractive when _______ and repulsive when _____

attractive when currents are parallel repulsive if the currents are antiparallel

KE of a charged particle moving through a magnetic field cannot

be altered by the magnetic field alone

Biot savart law must be followed

by an integration over the current distribution

When a magnet is moved towards the loop, the reading on the ammeter

changes from zero to nonzero (negative)

faraday concluded that an electric current can be induced in a loop by

changing the magnetic field

field lines are

circles concentric with the wire

briefly describe how you can generate electromagnetic radiation

connect a circuit and vary the current in the coil in time; rotate knob on power supply back and forth

Gauss is related to tesla by

conversion 1 T = 10^4G

SI unit of charge


the magnitude of db is proportional to the

current IO and the to the magnitude ds of the length element ds

if an arbritrarily shaped wire carrying a current I is placed in a magnetic field, the magnetic force exerted on a small segment ds is


magnetic force on a small segment


A proton moves horizontally and enters a region where a uniform magnetic field is directed perpendicular into the field, therefore the proton will

deflect upward, moving in a semicircular path with constant speed and exit the field moving to the left

when the current in the wire is upward, the wire

deflects to the left

when the current is downward, the wire

deflects to the right

magnetic force on a negative charge is

directed opposite to the force on a positive charge moving in the same direction

electric force vector is along the

direction of the electric field

electric force does work in

displacing a charged particle

magnetic force associated with steady magnetic field

does no work when a particle is displaced because the force is perpendicular to the displacement of its point of application

The vector dB is perpendicular both to

ds (points in direction of current) and to unit vector r directed from ds towards p

a time-varying magnetic flux induces an

electric field

difference between electric and magnetic fields relatd to source of field

electric field established by isolated electric charge magnetic field of an isolated current element at some but but the isolate current cannot exist the same way an isolated electric charge can a current element must be a part of an extended current distribution because a complete circuit is needed for the charges to flow

when the magnet is held stationary and the loop is moved either towards or away from the loop, the reading changes

from zero

A change in the currently of the primary coil that

induces the current in the secondary coil not just the existence of a current

ferromagnetic substances

interactions between atoms cause magnetic moment sot align and create strong magnetization that remains after the external field is removed

emf of a battery

is equal to the voltage across its terminals when the current is zero; that is, the emf is equivalent to the open circuit voltage of the battery

what happens to the field if instead the length of the solenoid is doubled, with the number of turns remaining the same

it becomes 1/2 as large

what happens to the field if the number of turns is doubled with the length remaining the same

it becomes twice as large

what happens to the magnitude of the magnetic field inside a long solenoid if the current is doubled?

it becomes twice as large

what happens to the field if the radius is doubled?

it is unchanged

Current in a conductor sets up

its own magnetic field

to determine the total magnetic force on the wire, one must integrate over the wire,

keeping in mind that both B and ds may vary at any point


long wire wound into the form of a helix for tight solenoid looks like a helix

total force of a particle moving in an electric and magnetic field is

lorentz force

a time varying electric flux induces a

magnetic field

magnetic force is proportional to the magnitude of the

magnetic field vector B

electric currents can be induced in a coil placed in a magnetic field by changing what three variables in time?

magnetic field, angle, area

Particle moves in a circle because the

magnetic force is perpendicular to the v and B and has a constant magnitude of qvB

two current carrying conductors exert

magnetic forces on each other

right hand rule

move from v to b and your thumb points in direction of Fb

if a charged particle moves in a uniform magnetic field so that the initial velocity is perpendicular to the field, the particle

moves in a circle, the plane of which is perpendicular to the magnetic field

the loops detects that the magnet is

moving relative to it and we relate this detection to a change in magnetic field

magnetic dipole moment coil


torque exerted on a current carrying loop in a magnetic field B is

muXB valid for any orientation

E vs B The force exerted on a moving charged object is zero


can a constant magnetic field set into motion an electron initially at rest?


does a magnetic field exert a force on a stationary charged object


if a charged particle moves in a straight line though some region of space, con one say that the magnetic field in that region is 0?


is it possible for each of three current carrying metal wires to repel both of the other wires?


is it possible for each of three stationary charged particles to exert a force of attraction on the other two?




angular speed of a charged particle

omega = (qB)/m

angular speed of the particle is


magnetic force acts on a charged particle

only when the particle is moving

For what orientation is the flux a minimum?


two headlights of a car wheel are connected in...


total mu not is the

permeability of free space

A flat conducting loop is positioned in a uniform magnetic field directed along the x axis. For what orientation of the loop is the flux through it a maximum?


magnetic force vector is

perpendicular to the magnetic field

Magnetic force acting on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field is

perpendicular to the particle's velocity and the work done by the magnetic force on the particle is zero

the area vector A is

perpendicular to the plane of the loop and A is equal to the area of the loop SI unit if A*M^2

at a certain instant, a proton is moving in the positive x direction through a magnetic field in the negative z direction what is the direction of the magnetic force exerted on the proton?

positive y direction

mass spec

positively charged particles sent through a velocity selector and then into a region where the magnetic field causes the particles to move in a semicircular path and strikes a detector array at P separates ions according to their mass to charge ratio (m/q)=(rBnotB)/v

Magnetic force is _____ to the charge q of a particle


If a charged capacitor of capacitance C is discharged through a resistor of resistance R, the charge and current decrease exponentially in time according to the expressions

q(t)=(Qi)e^(-t/RC) i(t)= -Q/RC (e^(-t/RC))

if a capacitor is charged with a battery through a resistor of resistance R, the charge on the capacitor and the current in the circuit vary in time according to expressions

q(t)=Qmax(1-e^(-t/RC)) i(t)=(V/R)e^(-t/RC)

The average magnetic force exerted on a charge moving in the wire is


Biot Savart Law says that the magnetic field dB at a point P to a length of element d that carries a steady current I is

r i distance from element ot point p and r is a unit vector pointing from ds toward P

radius of the circular path


radius of the circular path is


the magnitude of dB is inversely proportional to

r^2 where r is the distance from ds to P

electric force acts on a charged particle

regardless of whether the particle is moving

as a particle changes the direction of the velocity in response to the magnetic force, the magnetic force

remains perpendicular to the velocity

when there is no current in the wire, the wire

remains vertical

Ampere's Law

says that the line integral of B dot ds around any closed path equals mu(naught)I where I is the total steady current through any surface bounded by the closed loop

the magnitude of dB is proportional to

sin(theta) where theta is the angle between the vectors ds and r

a long vertical metallic wire carries downward electric current what is the direction of the magnetic field it creates at 2 cm horizontally east of the center of the wire


a long vertical metallic wire carries downward electric current what would be the direction of the field if the current consisted of positive charges moving downward instead of electrons moving upward


magnetic force is proportional to the

speed v of a particle

Faraday's Law of Induction

states that the emf induced in a loop is direction proportional to the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop

Lenz's law

states that the induced currend and induced emf in a conductor are in such a direction as to set up a magnetic field that opposes the change that produced them

Gauss's Law of Magnetism

states that the net magnetic flux through any closed surface is 0


substances are those in which the magnetic moment is weak and in the same direction as the applied magnetic field

when the switch in the primary circuit is closed

the ammeter reading in the secondary circuit changes momentarily

the emf induced in the secondary circuit is caused by

the changing magnetic field through the secondary coil

when resistors with different resistances are connected in series...

the current and the charge entering each resistor in a given time interval are the same

The flux through the plane is zero when

the magnetic field is parallel to the plane surface

the flux through the plane is maximum when

the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane

when a charged particle moves in a direction not parallel to the magnetic field vector,

the magnetic force acts in a direction perpendicular to both v and b, that is the magnetic force ie perpendicular to the plane formed by B and v

when a charged particle move parallel to the magnetic field vector,

the magnetic force on the charge is zero

A long straight wire carries a current I; which of the following statements is true regarding the magnetic field due to the wire?

the magnitude is proportional to I/r and the direction is out of the page at P

A uniform magnetic field cannot exert magnetic force on a particle when...

the particle moves parallel to the field The particle is at rest

the terminals of a battery are connected across two resistors in parallel the resistances of the resistors are not the same...therefore

the potential differences across each resistor is the same the resistor with the largest resistance carries less current than the other resistor

When resistors with different resistances are connected in parallel....

the potential differences in each resistor is the same

motor is when

the torque on a current loop causes the loop to rotate

Magnetic field lines coming out of plane

these are coming out the the paper and are dots

diamagnetic substances are

those in which the magnetic moment is weak and opposite the applied magnetic field

The area enclosed by the loop can change in


The magnitude of B can change in


the angle theta between b and the normal of the loop can change in


when the magnet is moved away from the loop the reading changes

to a positive value

If a charged particle is at rest, a steady external magnetic field can't get it moving T/F?


When EM radiation passes from medium into a vaccum, the wavelength of the light increases?


a charge moving with a velocity in the presence of both an electric field and magnetic field is described as

two particle in a field models with both an electric force qE and a magnetic force qvxB

Fb is zero when

v is parallel or antiparallel to B (0 or 180)

Fb is maximum when

v is perpendicular to B where (90)

magnetic force distinctive because it depends on the

velocity of a particle and because its direction is perpendicular to both v and B

the force is always perpendicular to the

velocity so the path is a circle

the force between two parallel wires is used to define the ampere as:

when the magnitude of the force per unit length between the two long parallel wires that carry identical current and are separated by m is 2E-7 N/m; the current in each wire is defined to be 1A

does a magnetic field exert a force on a beam of moving electrons


does a magnetic field exert a force on a moving charged object?


does an electric field exert a force on a beam of moving electrons?


does an electric field exert a force on a moving charged object


does an electric field exert a force on a stationary charged object?


is it possible for each of three current carrying metal wires to attract one another


is it possible for each of three stationary charged particles to repel both of the other particles


is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field so that the loop does not tend to rotate?


two long, parallel wires each carry the same I in the same direction. the total magnetic field at the point P midway between the wires is in what direction


when a magnet is brought to rest and held stationary relative to the loop a reading of

zero is observed

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