Pioneers in computing
Jeff Bezos
Claude Shannon
American engineer who went to MIT and contributed to the United States National Defense with the use of cryptanalysis.
John Mauchly
American physicist who designed ENIAC the first general purpose electronic digital computer
Alan Turing
Artificial Intelligence Test
Elon Musk
CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, and also helped create PayPal.
Charles Babbage
Came up with the concept of the first programmable computer called analytical engine.
Bill Gates
Co-founded Microsoft, which became the world's largest PC software company.
Steve Jobs
Co-founder of Apple which invented the iPhone.
Drew Houston
Cofounder and CEO of Dropbox
Larry Page
Cofounder of Google and is the CEO of Alphabet.
Sergey Brin
Cofounder of Google, and is the president of Google's parent company Alphabet
Gordon Moore
Cofounder of Intel, has a law named after him where he predicts that computer processors get progressively smaller and faster every year.
James Gosling
Cofounder of Java and is also called the "Father of Java"
Marvin Minsky
Cofounder of MIT's AI laboratory.
Paul Allen
Cofounder of Microsoft. Owns Vulcan Inc. which manages his business interests.
Gabe Newell
Cofounder of Valve, a development company. Valve owns Steam, a platform that distributes PC games
Vint Cerf
Cofounder of the Internet and co-invented the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol
Dennis Ritchie
Created the C programming language and the Unix operating system.
Marc Andreessen
Creator of Netscape, inventor of graphical web browser
Linus Torvalds
Creator of the Linux Kernel, predecessor to Android, Linux, and Android
John von Neumann
Design architecture for a computer. (also helped the hydrogen bomb, and discovery of DNA structure)
Joseph Marie Jacquard
Developed first programmable loom in 1805.
Seymour Cray
Father of supercomputing. Single handedly created and was leading the high performance computing industry.
Alan Kay
Founded PARC in 1970. Well known for his windowing graphical user interface and object-oriented programming contributions.
Jack Dorsey
Founder and CEO of Twitter and Square
Micheal Dell
Founder of Dell Inc., a large company that sold computer products such as laptops and business products like servers.
Mark Zuckerberg
Founder of Facebook
Salman Khan
Founder of Khan Academy
Jimmy Wales
Founder of Wikipedia
Pierre Omidyar
Founder of eBay, chairman from 1998 to 2015
Ada Lovelace
Helped develop the analytical engine
Herman Hollerith
IBM's founder, used hole punched cards as a way of storage for his machine
John Presper Eckert
Invented the first general purpose electronic computer
Guido van Rossum
Inventor of Python
Tim Berners-Lee
Inventor of the World Wide Web. Also founded the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
Douglas Englebart
Known for inventing the computer mouse and the first 2-dimensional editing system
Larry Ellison
Known for making the company Oracle, which offers cloud, platform services, and engineered systems.
David A. Huffman
Made a data compression scheme.
Shigeru Miyamoto
Nintendo video game designer who worked on Mario, Donkey Kong, etc.
John McCarthy
One of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence.
Grace Hopper
One of the inventors of the Harvard Mark 1 computer and invented the first compiler for a programming language.
Luis von Ahn
Pioneers of crowdsourcing with past projects like CAPTCHA.
Ed Catmull
President of Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Steve Wozniak
Singlehandedly created the Apple 1, primarily designed the Apple 2, co- founded Apple, and is a pioneer in computing
Thomas and John Knoll
These brothers created Photoshop.