pmkee e5 career information

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what maximum amount of servicemember's group life insurance (SGLI) coverage is available to personnel?


a sailor reenlists for 4 years on 02 November 2017. on what date is there expiration of obligated service(EAOS)?

01 November 2021

when a sailor wishes to take house hunting leave, they can request up to what maximum number of days?


prior to advancement to paygrade e5, an e4 should serve what minimum of months in rate?


the maximum c-way quota expiration date is described by which of the following statements?

16 months after the application date

the service of a veteran is considered broken when discharged for more that what minimum number of hours?


to apply for brig staff duty, you should have served what minimum of months of active duty after recruit training?


a not observed report (NOB eval) is submitted for short periods of duty or temporary duty not to exceed what specific number of months?


with regard to a pcs move, service members should be authorized what minimum number days?


a periodic report might be omitted if the member has received a graded regular evaluations within what minimum number of months?


except early separation, in order to receive a discharge from the navy at your EAOS what total number of years of service are required to be completed?


reenlistment leave may be granted for what maximum number of days?


an e1-e2 services member may not re-enlist or extended unless HYT is granted by what authority?

BUPERS32 enlisted community manager (ECM)

one of the navy's key enlisted force shaping tools describes what program?


what page of your enlisted service record serves as the application for dependency allowances?

NAVPERS 1070/602

an "agreement to extend enlistment" is the title of which of the following forms?

NAVPERS 1070/621

the publishing of the advancement exam bibliographies is the responsibility of what authority?


sailors applying for appointment to the U.S. naval academy are authorized to have what maximum number, if any?


a sailor selected for the sta-21 program is required to attend a university that offers which of the following programs?


the instruction to defer advancement or frocking of enlisted members who failed their most recent pfa are outlined in what publication?


the navy enlisted advancement system (NEAS) has what primary objective?

administering the navy-wide advancement exam (NWAE)

when a member is no longer qualified for advancement, the commanding officer/officer in charge can withdraw the advancement recommendation at which of the following points?

at any time

a performance evaluation must be signed in what color(s) of ink?

black or blue-black

authority to upgrade a discharge is approved by what authority?

board for correction of naval records

which of the following commissioning programs is a STA-21 program option?

civil engineer corps

the primary manager of the career development team (CDT) has hat title or position

command career counselor

STA-21 applicants are required to have a recommendation endorsement from which of the following individuals?

commanding officer

when executing a transfer to another command, what type of report will a member receive?

detachment of individual report

separation by reason of surviving family member will be approved under what circumstance?

during peacetime

a sailor has been determined to be on an unauthorized absence (UA) for 31 days. what action, if any, occurs regarding his/her service member's group life insurance (SGLI)?

eligibility terminates

sailors receive a clothing allowance at what specific interval?

every year

which of the following conditions is a disqualifier for eligibility to take the advancement-in-rate exam?

exceeded the terminal eligibility date (TED) for high year tenure (HYT)

a sailor who is willfully commits any action resulting in attrition from a formal class "a" or "c" school is known as which of the following terms?

fault of member

with regard to the STA-21 program, which of the following criteria is an eligibility requirement?

having no record of DWI/DUI within the last 3 years of application due date

under which of the following types of discharges is a service member entitled to federal benefits?

honorable or general

all of the following criteria are required to participate in the navy-wide advancement examination, except which one?

meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4

a member's extension request should be authorized by the current command as long as continued manning on-station will not cause an excess of filled billets within what specific area?

member's rating

physical readiness is recorded in what performance evaluation block?

military bearing

for members selected for advancement, but who failed their most recent pfa, prior to the promotion cycle limiting date, they ma attempt at what minimum interval?


official advancement handbooks are available from what official source?

naval education and training professional development and technology center

all of the following awards are worth two points except which one?

navy commendation

to ease the relocation of the navy personnel and their families, what program was created by the chief of naval operations?

navy sponsor

the acronym NSIPS represents what navy system?

navy standard integrated personnel system

when a sailor is undecided about remaining in the navy, what information should he/she list on his/her c-way application?

no apply this month

determination weather a sailor will advance in rate is ultimately decided by what factor?

only if a vacancy exists

assisting a sailor by providing information and support to help while they are a guest in foreign lands describes which of the following programs?

overseas duty support program

a sailor who receives an adverse evaluation must sign which of the following documents?

page 13

single parents who cannot deploy may be discharged under which of the following discharge types?

parenthood or hardship

undergraduate course are available to sailors aboard ship under what navy education program?

program for afloat education

on a sailor's most recent evaluation, at a minimum, what promotion recommendation is required to be eligible for advancement?

promotable (P)

the type of discharge a sailor receives is generally based upon what factor?

reason for discharge

to re-enlist in the active component, a sailor having 5 years of active duty service should meet which of the following minimum requirements?

receive a c-way quota

official military personnel files are normally updated after which of the following member events?


upon completing 30 years of active duty service, you are qualified for which of the following categories of retirement?

regular navy retired list

a sailor may not receive a progressing (3.4) evaluation without receiving what promotion recommendation on his previous evaluation?

significant problems

which of the following promotion recommendations, if any, are considered adverse?

significant problems

a sailor may re-enlist for what maximum number of years without exceeding HYT requirements?


to qualify for your clothing allowance, you must be on active duty for what total number of months?


during a sailor's pcs process, the gaining command should assign him to which of these individuals?


the term "limiting date" is described by which of the following statements?

the date that advancement authority expires

when writing an evaluation, you should use what starting date of the report?

the day following the end of the previous report

a sailor's signature on an enlisted evaluation report indicates which of the following conditions?

the member has read his the report and has been advised of his rights to make a statementff

an advancement candidate receives what maximum number of PNA points per examination cycle?


which of the navy-wide advancement exam candidate group receives pass not advanced (PNA) points?

top 25% of standard scores

what program entitles sailors to receive financial assistance to attend collage classes on a voluntary basis during off duty hours

tuition assistance

a pattern of misconduct is best defined in which of the following examples?

two or more NJP's

on the performance evaluation, a 5.0 in any performance trait tells the individual they are performing at what pay grade?

two pay grades higher

the seaman to admiral (STA-21) program is best defined in which of the following descriptions?

undergraduate education and commissioning program

according to article 137, certain articles of the uniform code of military justice should be explained to enlisted personnel at which of the following events?

upon reenlistment

an e5 or e6 should be eligible for a one year time-in-rate waiver under wich of the following circumstances?

when receiving a promotion recommendation of early promote on the most recent periodic evaluation

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