Political Science Chapter 5 Activity

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According to the author, which of the following steps are necessary before the state will accept legitimacy demands and enact appropriate public policies? Check all that apply.

After initial rejection by the state, the marginalized group advocates continuously, using a multiplicity of strategies. Correct A leadership group articulates the dissatisfaction, organizes resources, and forms a movement to challenge the status quo. Correct Some individuals or groups of individuals perceive their deligitimation and marginalization as a problem.

President Kennedy sent troops into what state after Governor George Wallace refused allow black students from registering?


Why, according to the author, must a group continue in a state of external vigilance, even after the movement reaches a stage of unchallenged legitimacy? Check all that apply.

Because no victory is ever final. Correct Because opponents are often strategizing how to win the next election or how to circumvent the legislation.

Which U.S. president signed the "don't ask, don't tell" legislation?

Bill Clinton

Which Supreme Court case led to the end of the separate-but-equal doctrine?

Brown v. The board of education


Citizenship is defined; due process and equal protection under the law are granted. Racial discrimination in voting is outlawed.

What are based on the expectation of equality under the law.

Civil Rights

Shelly v. Kraemer (1948)

Contracts that forbade selling property to african americans were unconstitutional

Smith v. Alwright (1944)

Court outlawed white primaries

Which federal institution handles Title IX complaints?

Department of Education Office of Civil Rights

Which Supreme Court case held that African Americans could NOT sue in federal court because they were not American citizens?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Supreme Court actively applied the ___________ clause in order to fight public discrimination.

Equal Protection Clause

If a given racial group has relatively few graduates from elite law schools in comparison to other groups, there is likely a problem of

Equality of outcome

14th Amendment

Guarantee equal protection under the law - equal protection clause Yet, our laws distinguish people by race, wealth, and gender

Civil Rights Distinctions can either

Hurt a group: Laws that may appear to treat people equal, but actually don't Standardized tests may not be fair to minorities Does not have to do with intelligence but with exposure to the material Chitland Test Favor a group: Loans or grants to minority businesses Preferential college admissions

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding Hispanic registration and voting rates in the United States? Check all that apply.

Lack of citizenship status and information about the process hinder rates of participation by Hispanics in the United States. Correct While rates of participation for African Americans and Hispanics are similar in some regions, such as the Northeast, other regions, such as the Midwest, show significant divergence between the voting rates of African Americans and Hispanics.

De Jure segregation

Legal separation of the races Saying you are not allowed at this country club if you are of a certain race, gender, religion

Which Supreme Court case struck down miscegenation, or interracial marriage?

Loving v. Virginia

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

On the grounds of denying equal protection under the law Earl Warren argues that segregation could have harmful psychological effects Separate was not equal Integrations with "all deliberate speed" But what does that really mean in practice, and how do they enforce it Busses: do we really wanna bus you for an hour every morning in the interest of segregation? It also matters where you are on the route

Which case established the separate-but-equal doctrine?

Plessy v. Ferguson

When the government treats people equally but permits individuals or businesses to discriminate, it is allowing

Private discriminationt

Immediately after the Civil War, freed slaves struggled to blend into society. This era was known as


Who refused to give up his or her seat to a white person on an Alabama bus and was subsequently arrested, leading to a Supreme Court decision that Montgomery's segregated bus system was unconstitutional?

Rosa Parks

De Facto Segregation

Segregation that occurs based on choice I decide to move to an area and live with other people like me The high school lunch room Sometimes willingly sometimes required to


Slavery Outlawed

In 1948, the Supreme Court ruled that private discrimination can be prohibited if it involves significant

State Action

Which standard of review does the Supreme Court use for discrimination cases based on race or ethnicity?

Strict Scrutiny

Which piece of legislation requires that public and private businesses make "reasonable accommodations" for individuals with disabilities?

The Americans with Disabilities Act


The Court finds that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Correct


The Court rules that ending discrimination through legislation is not possible or necessary. The Court rules that equal access to legal education is a right.

Which terrorist group was formed in 1866 to restore white supremacy in the U.S.?


Which piece of legislation first limited, then was later amended to ban literacy tests for voting?

The Voting Rights Act

Who was the first African American to serve on the Supreme Court?

Thurgood Marshall

Which states took the lead in granting women the right to vote prior to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

Western States

What did the Supreme Court decide in the Civil Rights Cases (1883)?

a. Congress did not have the authority to ban private discrimination.

The Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that

b. same-sex marriage bans violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The first woman to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives was

c. Jeannette Rankin.

The Stonewall riots are an event associated with the _______________movement.

gay Rights

When police use race as a factor to determine who to investigate for a particular crime, it is called


Civil rights act of 1875

segregation in restaurants and train stations was found unconstitutional (1883)

Which Amendment ended slavery in the United States?


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