Political science final

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The fact that justices often reflect the preferences of the administration who appoints them implies President's policy ideas remain in government longer than the president themselves. (t/f)


The line-item veto was struck down by the Supreme Court as violating the Constitution's separation of powers doctrine.


The public prefers bipartisan agreement to partisan bickering; cooperation with the president over conflict between the branches; and, most of all, successful government policies. (t/f)


Roosevelt's New Deal was which of the following?

A comprehensive set of economic regulations and relief programs intended to fight the Great Depression

_____ Latin phrase means "friend of the court" and is a brief arguing that the court should or should not choose to hear a case.

Amicus curiae

The ______ ballot, introduced during the Progressive Era and still in use today, lists candidates from all parties and is marked in the privacy of a voting booth.


Under Andrew Jackson, which of the following best describes the development of government service as a career with job security and advancement based on merit?

Government service as a career was precluded by the principle of rotation in office.

The term "whip," as it refers to one of the chief party leaders in Congress, comes from ______.

Great Britain, where the "whipper-in" keeps the hounds together in a pack during a foxhunt

Which of the following is true about the religious freedom provision of the First Amendment?

It at first only applied to actions of the federal government.

Which of the following is true about Federalist No. 10?

It conveys the theory of pluralism that guided Madison.

Which of the following is true about the Department of Homeland Security?

It is only behind Defense and Veterans Affairs in number of personnel.

Which of the following is true about the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision?

The Court concurred that the federal government could not prevent slavery in the territories.

Which of the following statements is true?

The federal civil service mirrors the American population far more accurately than Congress. Thirty percent are minorities, matching the overall population; 45% are women.

Which of the following is a major difference between the House and the Senate?

The members of the House of Representatives were originally chosen by the state legislatures; senators were elected.

In unitary government systems which of the following is true?

The national government monopolizes constitutional authority.

A majority of House members probably would have preferred to censure rather than impeach Bill Clinton in 1998, but the Republican House leaders refused to allow a vote on censure, leaving a vote for impeachment as the only alternative to letting the president off completely. This delegation to party leaders is a function of trying to avoid ______.

coordination problems

A tragedy of the commons occurs in the case of ______.

costless consumption by a large number of individuals of a public good that results in its ruination

Which of the following helps to solve the massive coordination problem faced by millions of voters trying to act collectively to control or replace their agents?


President Obama's immigration policy that instructed Homeland Security to defer deporting young illegal aliens who had arrived in the United States before the age of 5 and had lived in the country for at least 5 years is an example of a(n) ______.

executive order

The Sedition Act in 1798 ______.

expressly forbade any criticism of the president and Congress

When critics of a president charge the chief executive is trying to turn the office into an imperial presidency, they mean the president is attempting to do which of the following?

extend their influence unilaterally by issuing executive orders

Bible reading is allowed in public schools if it is done during the moment of silence at the beginning of the school day. (t/f)


Bureaucrats are not involved in policymaking, and therefore may not target benefits to key members of Congress. (t/f)


Collective goods are goods paid for by all, but enjoyed by a few. (t/f)


Early feminists called themselves "suffragists" because they claimed to be suffering because of legal inequality (t/f)


Federalists supported states' rights, while the Antifederalists supported a stronger national government. (t/f)


House party leaders are members' bosses, not their agents. (t/f)


It is illegal to burn the U.S. flag. (t/f)


Over the past century, determination of national civil liberties policy has shifted from nearly the exclusive jurisdiction of Washington, D.C. to states and communities. (t/f)


The Constitution's single most extensive grant of power to Congress is judicial review, which allows Congress to review judicial decisions. (t/f)


The Lemon test is the contemporary method for determining if anything runs afoul of the establishment provision. (t/f)


The most important information shortcut voters use to make predictions is the candidate's recorded policy positions. (t/f)


The rise of public interest groups and the fragmentation of the interest group universe have increased concern about the role of iron triangles and captured agencies. (t/f)


The term "dead end" is used to describe the teetering finances of federal, state, and local governments. (t/f)


To characterize the news media businesses discredit their integrity as suppliers of vital civic information. (t/f)


Unitary federalism occurs when national and state governments preside over mutually exclusive spheres of sovereignty. (t/f)


When Madison fashioned independent executive and judicial branches that could contain efforts by the states to subvert national policy, he was establishing federalism. (t/f)


politicians can never trust the information provided by a lobbyist, so the costs of doing business are very high (t/f)


Which of the following areas best represents the idea that as links between diverse problems have become more transparent, a wider range of organized interests has pushed into formerly isolated issue domains?

farm policy

The Virginia Plan was concerned with ______.

fashioning an active national government

Beginning January 1, 2013, if tax increases and spending cuts went into effect together, so the logic went, what would ensue?

financial pandemonium

Which of the following was part of Representative Dave Camp's plan to revise the tax code?

flattening the progressive income tax out into just two rates

A(n) ______ is some prominent cue that helps individuals recognize the preferences of others with whom they want to cooperate.

focal point

__ explains how both the mass media and political campaigns can affect people's expressed political opinions. Score: 0 of 1


Which of the following terms best describes the Young Invincibles?

free riders

Which of the following is a strategy used to counteract the information deficit?

frequent elections

The history of the concept of a public trial ______.

has less to do with prosecuting criminals than with preventing law enforcement officers from meting out arbitrary justice

The constitutional right to privacy is to be found in the Constitution's penumbras, which are best defined as ______.

implicit zones of protected privacy rights on which the existence of explicit rights depends

The campaign to give women the right to vote was fueled by the hope that their presence in the electorate would ______.

improve the moral tone of political life

Political scientist John Aldrich observed, "A new form of party has emerged, one that is in service to its ambitious politicians but not ______ them."

in control of

Democracies differ from other forms of government ______.

in terms of which private persons governments find it prudent to heed

The first step toward acquiring civil liberties protections in the constitution was ______.

inclusion of the Bill of Rights

The rise of public interest groups and the fragmentation of the interest group universe, as well as the ability of legislators to learn from past mistakes, broke up the ______ made up of members of Congress, lobbyists, and regulatory agencies.

iron triangles

Because carrying capacity is limited, one factor used by news organizations in deciding to run a story is ______

its level of controversy: conflict and disagreement are preferable to consensus

The Civil War settled the supremacy issue in favor of the ______; the actual ______ at both levels remained uncertain.

national government/scope of government

Throughout U.S. history, party coalitions have shifted periodically in response to ______.

new national issues and conflicts

Aggregate public opinion, is, given its coherence and focus by ______.

opinion leaders

E. E. Schattschneider's observation: "The flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent" implies ______.

organizational resources are distributed unevenly across political interests

The best single predictor of how someone will vote in federal elections is ______.

party identification

Despite their expressed disdain for parties, voters still rely heavily on party cues in making their decisions because ______.

party labels continue to provide useful, cheap information about candidates

The vast network of organizations engaged in measuring or trying to influence public opinion underlines the reality that ______

public opinion's influence is rarely simple or unmediated

Modern presidents deal with an opposition Congress using vetoes and threats but also by ______.

pulling decisions into the White House through executive orders, centralized administration, and broad assertions of executive privilege

When people who have not been sick (and would probably rack up smaller medical bills if they were insured, making them cheaper for insurance to cover) decide not to buy insurance, it is known as ______.

pulling out of the risk pool

When members of Congress pass a law that obligates states to provide particular services, they are doing which of the following?

responding to some citizens' demands without being held responsible for imposing the costs on others

Modern efforts to measure, shape, and exploit public opinion have spawned two linked industries ______.

scientific polling and advertising

The principle against ______ contained in the Fifth Amendment has been a bedrock of American jurisprudence.


Which of the following was part of the Judiciary Act of 1801?

shrank the size of the Supreme Court to five justices

The greatest danger to a group is ______.

similar groups appealing to the same supporters

The two-party system arises from ______ in the winner-take-all competition for the presidency.

strategic voting

Prominent public interest groups ______.

tend to grow when opponents run the government and shrink when sympathetic politicians are in power

The health-care bill demonstrated ______.

that a president claiming a policy mandate and legislative leaders using every trick up their sleeves are still the primary forces in the policy process

Which of the following was responsible for increasing the number of minorities in Congress?

the 1982 Voting Rights Act

The 2012 Fiscal Cliff was avoided by the passage of ______.

the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

Which of the following granted the federal government ultimate power to determine within certain bounds the extent of its authority over the states?

the Constitution

Which of the following was responsible for the collapse of the Missouri Compromise?

the Underground Railroad

Which of the following is an example of an infotainment news program?

the daily show

Which of the following has the Court found to be cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment?

the execution of juveniles

When the federal government makes a matching grant, ______.

the federal government promises to provide matching funds, usually between one and four dollars, for every dollar that a state spends in some area

Entitlements are ______.

the federal programs that Americans are entitled to benefit from once they reach a certain age or condition

A form of the prisoner's dilemma that often afflicts large groups when each individual's contribution to the success of the collective activity is quite small is known as ______.

the free-rider problem

In examining the case of the New York Times and the Pentagon Papers, the Supreme Court's decision "any system of prior restraints of expression comes to this Court bearing a heavy presumption against its constitutional validity" means ______.

the government had to demonstrate--and in this case had failed to do so--that publication of the documents would damage national security

The political incentives for parties can best be explained by ______.

the idea that action requires winning majorities on a continuing basis in multiple settings, organization is absolutely essential

The original intent of the supremacy clause was to ensure ______.

the national government would prevail over states when both governments were acting in a constitutionally correct manner

Thomas Jefferson explained to a friend that ______ is "The basis of our government being, the very first object should be to keep that right."

the opinion of the people

Because candidates are the focus of modern political campaigns, ______.

the party's activities are aimed more at helping individual candidates compete more effectively than at promoting the party brand

In the era of political patronage and before election reforms guaranteed voters privacy and an easy opportunity to split their votes among the parties' slates of candidates, ______.

the political party that carried the presidency almost always took control of Congress

Politics can be defined as ______.

the process through which individuals and groups reach agreement on a course of common action even as they continue to disagree on the goals of the action

When politicians participate in news making, they usually have two audiences in mind ______.

the public and fellow politicians

In measuring public opinion, as a sample gets larger (beyond 1,200-1,500 people), ______.

the rate of improvement in accuracy declines

Which of the following is a factor in what the news media chooses to cover?

the story's level of controversy

Which of the following is an example of Congressional efforts to reduce transaction costs?

the use of fixed rules to automate decisions

A truly random sample of any population is rarely feasible, because ______.

there is no single directory where everyone is conveniently listed and so can be given a perfectly equal chance of being selected

Recognizing that the Court has a strong stake in maintaining standards and coherence within this highly decentralized organization, justices look for cases ______.

they can use to resolve ambiguities and conflicting lower court decisions

Government is defined as ______.

those institutions created by a constitution and the legally prescribed process for making and enforcing collective agreements

News producers, from journalism professors to corporate owners, fondly refer to themselves as occupying the "fourth branch of government." (t/f)


Organizations that rely on the so-called "moral incentives" for joining interest groups tend to grow when opponents run the government. (t/f)


Parties work to achieve coordination and reduce transaction costs, but in the end members risk incurring conformity costs and agency losses (t/f)


Pluralism welcomes society's numerous diverse interests and generally endorses the idea that those competing interests most affected by a public policy will have the greatest say in policy. (t/f)


Poll taxes, literacy tests, the requirement that voters reregister, and Voter ID laws are all examples of legislative efforts to discourage some groups from voting. (t/f)


Red tape is the term for the labyrinthine procedures, layers of paperwork, and strict adherence to form for which bureaucracies are legendary. (t/f)


Republicans typically favor a smaller, cheaper federal government; they advocate lower taxes, less regulation of business, and lower spending on social welfare. They would be more generous only to the Defense Department. (t/f)


The Constitution gives presidents a modest role in the legislative arena including the veto and the ability to call Congress into special session. (t/f)


The Federalist Papers were written with the intent of influencing delegates to support ratification of the Constitution. (t/f)


The Framers accepted the proposition that, unlike the bicameral legislature, the executive would contain none of the internal checks provided by institutional design or factions by rejecting the idea of a plural executive. (t/f)


The Framers, reacting against the arbitrary authority exercised by a king, created a system in which no one can dictate a solution on his or her own. (t/f)


Policy differences between the levels of the court occur ______.

when lower court judges take advantage of ambiguities arising from the particular facts of a case or in the language of Supreme Court doctrine to avoid complying with the higher court's preferences

Duverger's law explains ______.

why in any election in which a single winner is chosen by plurality voting, there is a strong tendency for serious competitors to be reduced to two

Which of the following is a resource needed to gain influence?


Which of the following best explains the bitter infighting between the State and Defense Departments over guidance of policy toward the war in Iraq?

agencies with different missions, clienteles, skills, and ideologies compete for influence, authority over policy, control of implementation, and resources

______ was a sign put up by Bill Clinton's campaign manager in 1992 to keep focus on the campaign's most powerful message.

"the economy, stupid"

The difference between civil liberties and civil rights is which of the following?

Civil liberties are the Constitution's protections "from" government power, civil rights are the Constitution's protections provided "by" government power.

Which of the following is an example of the federal government solving a coordination problem among the states?

Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act

Because White males predominated in the lower level public offices and private careers that are the most common stepping-stones to Congress, ______.

Congress has remained overwhelmingly White and male

Which of the following is a way in which Congress can control the Court if they disagree with their decisions?

Congress may set the jurisdiction of the Court and create lower courts.

Bureaucratic red tape often springs directly from which of the following?

Congress's desire to control administration

The War Powers Act, which was approved by Congress in 1973 over President Nixon's veto, requires that the president inform which of the following?

Congress, within 48 hr of committing troops abroad in a military action, and the action must end within 60 days unless Congress approves an extension

For the states' rights delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which of the following is true?

Continued state participation in the selection of national officeholders was as important an issue as how legislative seats would be apportioned.

______ is typically reserved for small communities and organizations.

Direct democracy

Full incorporation of the Sixth Amendment did not occur until 1963 when ______ decreed that anyone charged with a felony must be offered legal representation.

Gideon v. Wainwright

How is a cod fishery an example of the tragedy of the commons?

Every boat faces an incentive to catch as many fish as it can as quickly as possible because it knows that other boats will do the same thing--eventually leading to the collapse of the fishery's ecosystem.

Presidential appointments require approval by both houses of Congress and final confirmation by the Supreme Court. (t/f)


The U.S. Constitution is divinely inspired and theologically grounded. (t/f)


Which of the following is an example of an independent regulatory commission?

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Which of the following amendments granted former slaves the right to vote (though it would be another century before they could fully access this right)?


Which of the following is true of the Articles of Confederation?

It provided a highly decentralized government.

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka is most notable for which of the following reasons?

It struck down the separate but equal doctrine established by Plessy v. Ferguson.

The incorporation of criminal rights into the Fourteenth Amendment has proved to be challenging for which of the following reasons?

Law-abiding citizens and their representatives tend to sympathize more with the victims of crime than with the accused.

______ are attached to appropriations bills, which forbid an agency to spend any of the money appropriated on activities specified by Congress in the rider.

Limitation riders

The two most prominent entitlements are ______.

Medicare and Social Security

______ governs the specific ways in which the lower courts should do their work. ______, more akin to policymaking, guides judges on which party in a case should prevail.

Procedural doctrine; Substantive doctrine

Which of the following weakened traditional party organizations and ended their monopoly control of campaigns?

Progressive Era reforms

_____ occurs when law enforcement officers identify suspects primarily on the basis of race or ethnicity.

Racial profiling

Which of the following is true about the practices of selecting leaders by ballot and limiting suffrage?

These ideas arrived with the settlers from England, and many of the suffrage restrictions survived the Revolution.

Which of the following is true about opinion leaders?

They are a small segment of the public that forms opinions by paying close attention to political events and issues and from whom the uninformed majority takes cues about the issues.

Which of the following is true about the ways that both the New Deal and the Great Society programs broadened the scope of federal responsibilities?

They broadened the scope and were accompanied by the election of large national majorities to Congress from the president's party.

Across the world, unitary governments are far more common than federations and confederations combined.


Bicameralism is intended to weaken the legislature's capacity to act too quickly and impulsively. (t/f)


Compared to its 19th-century counterpart, the modern cabinet has lost much of its luster as an attractive office with real political clout.


Early government workers were primarily concerned with delivering the mail and collecting duties and taxes.


Federalism presents opportunities for two kinds of majorities--state and national--to pursue their interests in competition with each other. (t/f)


Issue publics are subsets of the population that are better informed about an issue than everyone else because it touches them more directly and personally.


Modern democracies blend delegation and majority rule together into what is known as representative government. (t/f)


Originating with President Theodore Roosevelt's characterization, "bully pulpit" refers to the advantageous position afforded the office for rallying public support. (t/f)


Prior to scientific polling, members of Congress used to read the walls of bathrooms to understand how people felt about issues.


The Supreme Court upheld the repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801 in the case of Stuart v. Laird when it ruled Congress had the right to reorganize the judiciary. (t/f)


In a trial balloon, ______.

a politician "floats" a policy or some other idea with a reporter on the condition that the source of the story remains anonymous

The threat of replacement provides elected officials with ______

a powerful incentive to listen to their constituents

Which of the following is a possible motive for bureaucratic behavior?

a quest for larger budgets

A staple of political advertising is ______.

all of these

Regular, free, and competitive elections ______.

ameliorate the problem of delegation

The women's suffrage movement grew directly out of ______.

anti-slavery movement

An organized and consistent manner of thinking, feeling, and reacting with regard to people, groups, social issues, or, more generally, any event in one's environment is often referred to as an ______.


Delegation is ______.

authority to assign an agent responsibility to act on your behalf

Congress's authority to declare war is, in most respects, a hollow check, for which of the following reasons?

because presidents can order an extended military engagement without a declaration of war

_____--getting people to agree on an action in the absence of agreement on the purposes of the action--is what pluralist politics is all about, and it is as fundamental to electoral politics as it is to governing.

building coalitions

The nationalists successfully denied state governments any claim that they could ignore national policy by ______.

building the Constitution on the consent of the governed rather than endorsement by the states

At the national party nominating conventions, presidential candidates usually were valued a great deal more for their widespread popular appeal and willingness to distribute patronage according to party guidelines than for their policy pronouncements. As a result, ______.

candidates with little experience in government frequently enjoyed an advantage over established politicians who might be associated with a particular faction of the party or who, as officeholders, had taken controversial positions on divisive national issues

Detailed procedures both ______ and ______ bureaucrats, so red tape is frequently self-imposed.

challenge; protect

Which of the following would be most liberal?

city dweller

Crosscutting requirements, since the 1960s, have been widely used to enforce ______.

civil rights laws

Deciding how we feel about an issue by noting who is for it or against it is an example of a(n) ______.

cognitive shortcut

The Affordable Care Act is an example of the ______ approach to a policy problem.


The history of Black civil rights depended on ______.

configuring politics to allow society's competing interests to check one another

The broad list of enumerated powers available to Congress in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution includes the power to ______.

declare war, maintain an army and navy, and borrow money

The "party organization" refers to one part of a connected three-part system that is ______.

dedicated to electing the party's candidates

The fact that people with lower incomes are more inclined to support spending on government services helpful to people like them: Social Security, student loans, food stamps, childcare, and help for the homeless and people with higher incomes are notably less enthusiastic about government spending on social programs or taxing higher incomes at higher rates is best explained by ______.

economic self-interest

Which Washington, D.C. address has become synonymous with the lobbying firms that represent America's biggest and most powerful interests?

k street

Which of the following is the most common background for members of Congress?


When representatives speak on the floor of the House, all remarks are officially addressed to the Speaker because ______.

less likely that debates will degenerate into personal confrontations

In a famous decision by Judge John F. Dillon, "Dillon's rule" made it clear that ______.

local governments are mere creatures of the state

In 1972, the Democratic candidate, Senator George McGovern of South Dakota, displayed his ignorance rather than appreciation of Jewish culture when he ordered ______ to go with his kosher hot dog while campaigning in a Jewish neighborhood in Queens, New York.


The United States holds ______ elections for more public offices than any other nation in the world.


During the first of the three eras of the Supreme Court, the unresolved questions concerning ______ governments were at the heart of the judiciary's most significant cases.

national and state

If one country acts unilaterally, while the others continue to produce greenhouse gases unabated, it will only gain a marginal reduction in worldwide emissions (the benefits of which will be shared equally by every nation) in exchange for______.

paying all the costs for retooling its energy infrastructure

The logic of lobbying is ______.

people who want to influence government decisions quickly recognize the advantages of banding together and asking powerful friends to help out

In ______, adamant minorities frequently defeat apathetic majorities because the minorities invest more of their political resources--votes, money, persuasive efforts--in getting their way.

pluralist politics

The clamor of competing interest groups is blamed for ______.

policy gridlock

The federal system offers powerful incentives for ______ to win and exercise political power

political parties

Which of the following is an example of authority?

presidential nominations of federal judges

Marbury v. Madison did not immediately strengthen the Court's power in its relations with the president or congress but provided precedent that the other branches' actors did not repudiate and a rationale for the Court's broad authority to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.

to have the Court order Secretary of State James Madison to perform his duty and deliver Marbury's commission

That a proposed amendment to the Constitution must be endorsed by two thirds of the membership of both houses of Congress and ratified by three fourths of the states is an example of which of the following in the Framers' design?

transaction costs

"Pack journalism" refers to journalists following the same story in the same way because they talk to one another while reporting and read each other's copy for validation of their own reporting.


A "logroll" refers to a standard bargaining strategy in which two sides swap support for dissimilar policies.


A confederation is a form of government best described as lower-level governments possess primary authority. (t/f)


A fourth era of the court has focused on exerting the power of the federal government over the states. (t/f)


A member of Congress helping a constituent with a lost social security check is an example of casework. (t/f)


Affirmative action refers to a policy that required those employers and schools that had practiced past discrimination to compensate minorities (and subsequently, women) by giving them special consideration in hiring and school admissions. (t/f)


As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, both voter registration and election to office increased dramatically for African Americans. (t/f)


Bureaucrats must convince their congressional principals that they are good and faithful agents (t/f)


Compared with Article I's detailed development of the structure and powers of Congress, Article II is long on generalities and short on details. (t/f)


Congress' ability to nullify an adverse judicial decision by writing a new public law that addresses the Court's concern or achieves the same goal in a somewhat different way is an example of the checks and balances in the system. (t/f)


De facto segregation is not mandated by law, de jure segregation is mandated by law. (t/f)


Elections create strong links between public opinion and government action in the United States (t/f)


Government institutions consist of offices that confer on their occupants' specific authority and responsibilities. (t/f)


Greenhouse gas emissions are a classic case of the tragedy of the commons. (t/f)


If they could, politicians and the media would exploit the other since each possesses (and would prefer not to surrender) something the other needs. (t/f)


In 2009, Congress expanded federal hate crimes protections to cover people who identify as LGBT. (t/f)


In Marbury v. Madison (1803), the Court laid claim to the authority to strike down any legislation it deemed unconstitutional. (t/f)


In a federal system, the constitution divides authority between two or more distinct levels of government. (t/f)


In reality, most of the goods and services that governments provide cannot be easily sorted into either the private or the public bin. (t/f)


Institutions may confer advantages on some interests over others. (t/f)


Lobbying as a profession thus emerged with modern representative government and has flourished with the growing scope and complexity of government activities. (t/f)


The Republicans' competitive status is threatened, however, by demographic trends. The Republican coalition includes a disproportionate share of White (87%), male, older, religiously active, and socially conservative people, all shrinking portions of the electorate. (t/f)


The Restraining Acts and Coercive Acts closed the port of Boston to all commerce, dissolved the Massachusetts assembly, decreed that British troops in Boston must be quartered in American homes, and ordered that Americans charged with protest crimes and British soldiers charged with crimes against the colonists be sent to England for trial. (t/f)


The Supreme Court's 1973 opinion in Roe v. Wade ended abortion's varying legality across the states. (t/f)


The act of the Supreme Court interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to apply the Bill of Rights to the actions of state and local governments is known as the process of incorporation. (t/f)


The biggest problem with regard to protecting informational privacy is that the law has trouble keeping up with changing technology. (t/f)


The civil rights movement inspired and instructed the subsequent stream of organizations that agitated for social change because organizers of social movements quickly imitate successful innovations, and each new group can draw on the experience of its predecessors. (t/f)


The nomination process enables the parties to solve the coordination problem posed by competing presidential aspirants. (t/f)


The presidential honeymoon refers to the initial periods of goodwill where a greater number of survey respondents applaud the president's early performance than the election results suggest. (t/f)


The rationale behind the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was that the parties compromised so the balance in the Senate between free and slave states would be maintained. (t/f)


The real purpose of the Court-packing plan was to give Roosevelt a Court majority sympathetic to his New Deal programs. (t/f)


The relationship between politicians and reporters is built on a tension between reciprocity and competition. (t/f)


The reservation of power to the states to determine voting eligibility and the fragmented constitutional system are two major obstacles faced by African Americans in securing civil rights (t/f)


The role of the Senate in confirming Supreme Court nominees occurs in their advice and consent capacity. (t/f)


The solution to this dilemma of delegation is built into our Constitution: our system of separated powers provides distinct checks on the bureaucracy. (t/f)


The threat of collective punishment by the voters gives the majority party a strong incentive to govern in ways that please voters. (t/f)


When a government seeks to prevent the publication and dissemination of written and recorded speech, it is exercising prior restraint. (t/f)


When a policy like tax reform promises to bring small benefits to a large group, paradoxically, it is a challenge to get this group mobilized. (t/f)


Without a job that provides health care, you pay a larger insurance bill all on your own. (t/f)


George W. Bush's flirtation with the ______--a doctrine that could have endowed him with stronger command authority--ended ignominiously as he became unpopular in the nation and ignored in the Congress.

unitary executive

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) found that the admission quota system used in implementing affirmative action policies ______.

violated the equal protection clause in the constitution

Delegates to the Philadelphia Convention all understood that the nation's previous failures stemmed from ______.

weak institutions

The gender gap in politics is best defined by ______

women are more supportive than men of the Democratic Party and its candidates, and men more supportive of Republicans

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