politics final

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Which of the following is a portion of the Declaration of Independence that is most directly taken from John Locke's writings?

"...life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Liberals are most likely to favor spending for

social welfare programs.

The full faith and credit clause requires that

states generally honor the laws and ruling of other states.

The Anti-Federalists demanded a series of amendments to the Constitution to protect individual liberties known as

the Bill of Rights.

The Anti-Federalists demanded a series of amendments to the Constitution to protect individual liberties. These are known as

the Bill of Rights.

Who has the sole responsibility to officially charge a president with "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors"?

the House of Representatives

Social conservatives often are also members of

the Religious Right.

Identify the following phrase: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

the Tenth Amendment

State laws regulating ________ differ from state to state.


Which of the following is part of American political culture?

All of the above are part of American political culture (popular sovereignty, equality, religious faith, individualism)

American political culture encompasses

All of the above.

What is the usual method for amending the Constitution?

An amendment is proposed by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress and ratified by legislatures in three-fourths of the states.

What is the New Deal?

An expansive use of federal government authority to combat the Great Depression.

Which Article of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch?

Article I

Why did southern states want slaves to be counted as part of their population?

It would increase southern representation in the House of Representatives.

How long are federal judges' terms?

Judges have life terms.

A social contract theory of government was proposed by

Locke and Hobbes

The Fourteenth Amendment can be considered a counter to which of the following tenets of American political culture?

Majority rule

Which of these settlements was established for religious reasons?


In 1819, the Marshall Court upheld the necessary and proper clause and the supremacy clause in

McCulloch v. Maryland.

The Supremacy Clause establishes which of the following?

National law supersedes all other laws passed by the states or any other subdivision of government.

The smaller states presented a plan at the Constitutional Convention basically advocating the strengthening of the Articles of Confederation. The plan was presented by

New Jersey.

Which of the following most accurately summarizes the position of the South during the drafting of the Constitution?

Southern states wanted to include slaves as part of their population for the purpose of determining representation in the House.

The first official meeting of the thirteen colonies was the

Stamp Act Congress.

Prior to the addition of the Bill of Rights, which of the following best describes the powers granted to state governments by the Constitution?

State government powers are not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution.

According to ____, life without government would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

Thomas Hobbes

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas jefferson

The Anti-Federalists did not support the Constitution because they feared that the new federal government would be

Too Strong

Hobbes would most likely argue for which of the following forms of government?


How are local governments established?

by state governments

Under the full faith and credit clause, a divorce recognized in Massachusetts would

carry the full force of law in every other state.

A type of government in which the national government is weaker than the sum of its parts is called a


The Framers enumerated several key functions that a government should be able to perform, including

establish justice through a system of laws

What does a constitution do?

establishes the structure, functions, and limitations of government

At the First Continental Congress, there were delegates from

every colony except Georgia.

The pen names Brutus and Cato are a specific reflection of the Anti-Federalists'

fear of a too powerful national government.

The United States is a __________ system of government.


Enlightenment thinkers argued that the world could be improved through

human reason, science, and religious toleration.

The United States places a high value on


The First Continental Congress was called to

iron out differences with the king.

The Three-Fifths Compromise was a deal to

iron out the differences between slave-holding and non-slave-holding states.

One of the Articles of Confederation's greatest weaknesses was that it

lacked a strong central government.

The ________ is empowered by the Constitution to make all federal laws.

legislative branch

One who favors governmental regulation of the economy to protect the environment and the rights of workers, who stresses the need for social services to aid the poor, and who seeks to promote the values of equality through governmental action is a


Modern trade agreements designed to balance the flow of goods among countries have their theoretical roots in


The implied powers are derived from the

necessary and proper clause.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the executive branch was


The American emphasis on the importance of the individual is rooted in the principle of

political equality.

The process of how policy decisions get made is known as


The idea that governments draw legitimacy and power from the governed is referred to as

popular consent.

U.S. Supreme Court justices are appointed by the


The Supreme Court ruled in <I>Plessy</I> v.<I>Ferguson</I> (1896) that

racial segregation was constitutional.

Which of the following policies are conservatives least likely to favor?

regulating the economy

The Seventeenth Amendment

required that U.S. Senators be elected directly by the people.

Dual federalism implies that the national and state governments are

separate and equal in their powers.

Which of the following is NOT a function of government, as laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution?

to protect environmental quality

Which of the following is a function of government, as laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution?

to provide for the common defense

What was the "sole and express purpose" for which the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was called?

to revise the Articles of Confederation

Who has concurrent powers?

both the state governments and the national government

________ was just one example of the weaknesses of the new government under the Articles of Confederation.

Shays's Rebellion

When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?


The current population of the United States is about

300 million people.

The powers vested in Congress are enumerated in

Article I, section 8.

The president has a list of enumerated duties of office largely found in _________ of the U.S. Constitution.

Article II

The executive branch is established in

Article II.

In which of the following institutions do Americans have the least confidence?


The idea of popular sovereignty can first be found in the

Declaration of Independence.

The term republic is sometimes used interchangeably with which of the following terms?


The New England town hall meeting is an example of which style of government?

Direct Democracy

In which 1857 decision did the Supreme Court rule that slaves were property and, therefore, not citizens?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

The chief powers granted the government in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution are collectively referred to as

Enumerated Powers

The ________ expanded Americans' conceptions of personal liberty to include some forms of freedom from discrimination.

Fourteenth Amendment

In which 1824 decision did the Supreme Court rule that Congress had wide authority under the commerce clause to regulate interstate commerce including commercial activity?

Gibbons v. Ogden.

The Three-Fifths Compromise was drafted in order to deal with what thorny issue?

How to count slaves when determining a state's population

American political culture embodies many key concepts including I. absolute personal liberty. II. political equality. III. majority rule. IV. individualism.

II, III, and IV

Why was indirect democracy a necessary alternative to direct democracy?

It became increasingly difficult to bring all the colonists together in the decision-making process.

Which of the following does NOT describe democracy?

It exists in a direct form in the federal government of United States.

What is probably the single most important characteristic of American democracy?

Personal Liberty

How does indirect democracy work?

Representatives of the people are chosen by ballot.

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay penned which written work?

The Federalist Papers

Which of the following is NOT a concurrent power held by both the states and federal government?

The power to regulate interstate commerce

Which of the following accurately describes a demographic trend in the United States?

The size of the typical American family is shrinking.

Which of the following was part of the Great Compromise?

There would be a bicameral legislature.

Which of the following proposals called for a bicameral legislature?

Virginia Plan

What is a political ideology?

a coherent set of beliefs about the purpose and scope of government

Pennsylvania and Virginia actually went to war with one another due in large part to the lack of _________ in the Articles of Confederation.

a judiciary to resolve conflicts

The Declaration of Independence contains

a list of complaints against the British government.

Iraq under the leadership of Saddam Hussein was an example of

a totalitarian system of government.

Under dual federalism, the state governments and the people have

all powers that are not explicitly given to Congress.

According to Aristotle's classifications of government, rule by a few whose interests are served by the public is

an oligarchy.

What document begins with "We the People..."

the constitution

The Committee on Unfinished Portions was tasked with ironing out problems concerning

the executive branch.

The House of Burgesses was

the first representative assembly in North America.

Another name for the elastic clause is

the necessary and proper clause.

According to social contract theory, a social contract is an agreement between

the people and their government.

The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1913, gave what power to the national government?

the power to tax personal income

Article VI contains

the supremacy clause.

Which of the following is a key function of an ideology?

to help citizens make political decisions

The First Continental Congress was called

to iron out differences with the king.

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