POLS 101 Final SBCC Haupt

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(Q012) In 1896, the Democrats adopted much of the Populist Party platform and nominated which man to run for president?

William Jennings Bryan

According to lecture, after the commercialization of the internet in 1995, _________of the media occurred in the 21st century.

a profound transformation

According to lecture, the NRA is an example of

a single-issue interest group

According to The Daily (2021) podcast, "The 2.7 Billion Case Against Fox News" in the fall of 2020, the company Smartmatic

all of the above

According to lecture, current challenges to the U.S. democratic system include

all of the above

According to lecture, interest groups enhance democracy in theory, because

all of the above

According to lecture, what is a criticism of pluralism as an approach to democratic representation?

all of the above

According to the chart "How Interest Groups Influence Congress" (from your textbook), presented in lecture, interest groups are connected to the following political actor(s):

all of the above

According to lecture, Boeing is an example of what type of interest group?

economic group

The Federalist Party weakened and finally disappeared after some Federalist leaders were accused of treason for:

expressing pro-British sympathies (during the War of 1812)

As discussed in lecture, according to Historian Heather Cox Richardson, the Movement Conservatives are have taken a pragmatic and therefore comparatively successful approach in pursuing their policy goals (t/f)


As discussed in lecture, states may not to require electoral members to vote as they pledged. (t/f)


As discussed in lecture, the so-called Tea Party is a movement within the Democratic Party that emerged in 2010 (t/f)


In his 1796 "farewell address," President George Washington suggested the country needed a strong political party system. (t/f)


According to lecture, the media's decisions on how to cover the July 2020 protests in Portland, Oregon, are an example of


(Q006) Third parties

have always existed in the United States.

According to The Daily podcast "The Legacy of Rush Limbaugh," which family investment offered Rush Limbaugh an early opportunity to build his career?

his family owned a radio station

As discussed in lecture, citizens in the U.S. vote using the Australian ballot. (t/f)


As discussed in lecture, in theory, members of the electoral college could disregard the popular vote. (t/f)


As discussed in lecture, states can legally require that members of the state's electoral college members to vote as they pledged. (t/f)


In the 2008 presidential election, social media was more of a curiosity than a necessity for candidates and campaigns. (t/f)


Often individuals will consciously or unconsciously adapt their views to those of the groups with which they identify. (t/f)


Political parties seek to influence the government. (t/f)


The fastest-growing racial or ethnic segment of the U.S. population is the Asian American community (t/f)


Those who have strong opinions are more likely to express their views and take political action than those who do not (t/f)


Today most of the South has shifted from the Democratic to the Republican camp. (t/f)


(Q002) Which type of electoral system is generally used in the United States?


According to Hedrick Smith, as presented in lecture, there were _____ registered business lobbyists, compared to _____ labor lobbyists lobbying Congress in 2012.

12,500, 400

According a Pew Public Opinion survey (2019) presented in lecture, the percent of respondents who stated, in 2019, that they "trust the federal government always or most of the time has decreased over time" was


According to survey results from 2016, presented in lecture, what percentage of Republicans wanted to their child to marry someone who favor the same party?


According a Pew Public Opinion survey (2019) presented in lecture, the percent of respondents who stated, in 1964, that they "trust the federal government always or most of the time has decreased over time" was


According to The Daily (2020) podcast "A Peculiar Way to Pick a President," what action did Senator Birch Bayh (Democrat, Indiana) take?

Birch seeks to create a constitutional amendment

According to lecture, who emphasized that he lost the presidential election to his opponent, not his enemy?

Bob Dole

According to the Vox video "How the Republican Party Went from Lincoln to Trump" (2016) what action did the Democratic Party take during Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency?

Dramatically expand the size and role of the federal government in effort to combat the Great Depression

As discussed in lecture, the elections that involved Al Gore and Hillary Clinton serve as examples of

Elections in which the presidential candidate with the highest number of the popular vote did not win office

According to lecture, with which questions are representatives faced when encountering a Condorcet's paradox in public opinion?

How do you represent the majority when there isn't one?

In the clip from HBO's "John Adams" "Jefferson and Hamilton argue...," Hamilton says what about the Treasury Department?

It is critical is for the country to have a national bank, because both trade and establishing international credit are important

According to lecture, which founder argued that good government encourages a multiple of factions?

James Madison

According to The Daily podcast "The Legacy of Rush Limbaugh," which Republican politician was one of the first to fully embrace Limbaugh and fully connect him to Republican politics?

Newt Gingrich

According to lecture, what is the relationship between interest groups and political action committees (PAC)?

PACs are the financial arm of interest groups

(Q009) Which president employed a "southern strategy" to gain the votes of disaffected southern white voters?

Richard Nixon

According to The Daily (2021) podcast, "The 2.7 Billion Case Against Fox News" what action has been taken by Smartmatic?

Smartmatic filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News over false claims spread by the network

According to The Daily podcast "The Legacy of Rush Limbaugh," what does Rutenburg claim was the seminal event that opened to doors for the Limbaugh revolution?

The Reagan Administration's dismantling of The Fairness Doctrine

Alex Burns identifies what as "circular logic," as discussed in The Daily (2022) podcast, "Jan. 6, Part 3: the State of American Democracy?"

The argument that election procedures need to be reformed because Trump's voters have been convinced that the 2020 election was stolen

According to Alex Burns, as discussed in The Daily (2022) podcast, "Jan. 6, Part 3: the State of American Democracy," why was the time period between the elections in November 2020 and January 6, 2021 a close call for democracy?

The established norms of the process of transferring political power peacefully were being challenged

(Q007) Who was a leader of the Democratic-Republicans in the first party system?

Thomas Jefferson

According to The Daily (2021) podcast, "The 2.7 Billion Case Against Fox News," who referred to Smartmatic as a "very, very dangerous foreign company?"

Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani

According to The Daily podcast "The Legacy of Rush Limbaugh," which 1970s historical event informed Limbaugh's disdain for the political and media establishment?


As discussed in The Daily (2022) podcast, "Jan. 6, Part 3: the State of American Democracy,", what line did Trump cross that no other presidential candidate in our lifetimehad crossed, and why is this problematic?

all of the above

As discussed in lecture, according to Herington and Ladd (2020), what actions has Trump taken regarding science experts in the executive branch, and what statements has he made about government agencies?

all of the above

As discussed in lecture, the following tactic has been used to suppress votes

all of the above

According to lecture, interest groups seek


According to the Vox video "How the Republican Party Went from Lincoln to Trump" (2016), by the 1920, the Republican party became the party of _____________?

big business

According to Professor Jhacova Williams' research, as presented in The Economist (2019) video "How Lynching Still Affects American Politics" what is the connection between the legacy of lynching and voting?

both the first and second answer choice

As discussed in lecture, what changes occurred as a result of the adoption of the 17th amendment?

both the first and second answer choices

According to lecture, all the following are classes of members of interest groups, EXCEPT

congressional staffers

According to lecture, when categorizing the public, a low level of interest and information, combined with a high level of participation characterizes individuals who

could be manipulated

If a constituent and an elected official share the same racial and ethnic characteristics, their relationship includes the bond of

descriptive representation

According to lecture, what can be said about individual candidates in U.S. elections when compared to other countries, EXCEPT,

in U.S. elections, a candidate's political party is emphasized to an unusually high degree

According to lecture, the AARP

is an example of an influential interest group

According to data presented in lecture, the following facts are correct about the 2020 U.S. election, EXCEPT

just shy of 80 million eligible voters cast their vote

Rather than seeing Americans as polarized members of mostly liberal or mostly conservative camps, some prominent political scientists have suggested Americans are

largely centrist, holding conservative views on some issues and liberal ones on others.

In American politics, persons who seek to expand liberty above all other principles, as well as to minimize government intervention in the economy and society, are called


(Q013) Third parties tend to be short-lived because

major parties often co-opt popular third-party platforms.

As discussed in lecture, the members of the Republican Party who have aimed to shift the party to the right, focused on reversing the New Deal legislation, lowing taxes, and cutting regulations since the 1960s are known as the

movement conservatives

(Q008) Proportional representation is a type of electoral system in which

multiple-member districts are used so that each political party is awarded seats in the legislature according to its vote share.

According to The Daily (2020) podcast "A Peculiar Way to Pick a President," the electoral college a warded the presidency to the loser of the popular vote in ___ of the last 5 elections.

none of the above

As discussed in lecture, the term "silent majority"

none of the above

(Q011) When it comes to factors that influence how voters choose among candidates, which of the following is the strongest predictor of the vote?

partisan loyalty

While candidate Donald Trump ran for the office as a Republican, he espoused some views that went against the party's usual support for free trade. Most notably, Trump criticized international free trade agreements. As president, he called for tariffs, even on some close U.S. allies, including Canada and countries of the European Union. As unusual as they may have seemed, however, Trump's stances here fit with a strain of conservatism that has its roots in

populism, which generally is isolationist in international affairs.

According to lecture, the American Bar Association is an example of what type of interest group?

professional association

Individuals' preferences about politics and public policy are usually most rooted in

self-interest, including but not limited to economic self-interest.

According to lecture, in the 2016 elections, ________voters provided Trump with the necessary (narrow) margin to win.


According to lecture, the following can be said about the NRA's lobbying expenditures

the NRA spends about 4 million annually, which may be high but is not unusual, nor is the highest amount spent

According to lecture, on the 4-point scale of public opinion quality, we consider an individual's opinion to be of the 2ndlowest quality when

the individual has preferences but no reasons

According to lecture, the term "socialization agents" refers to

the social surroundings that contribute to shaping an individuals' values

According to lecture, civic mindedness involves

the willingness to make a sacrifice for the greater good of society

According to lecture, when it comes to the role of money in U.S. politics, how much more was spend on campaigns in 2018, compared to 1998?

three times more

According to lecture, the emergence of right-wing populism is both a symptom and a cause of polarization(t/f)


According to lecture, there is a fundamental struggle between the three roles media plays in a democracy (true/false)


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