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Which of these is what most British thought about the Tea Act?

"Sure, the act is trying to help the East India Company, but it's also doing you colonials a favor."

If you follow the "Golden Rule of Historical Judgment," what are you most likely to say about the Puritan leaders in light of the harsh punishments they gave?

"Their ideal of setting up a model society must have been more important to them than human suffering."

George Washington was almost killed five times. These include in a clearing in the backwoods, on an icy river, at Braddock's defeat in 1755, at Fort Necessity, and which other location?

on the way to Fort Duquesne

In general, the first wave of state constitutions that came out of the American Revolution were examples of what?


What did the Newburgh Conspiracy try to do?

persuade soldiers to refuse to go home until they got their pay

The practices of the state governments during the Critical Period led many, like James Madison, to believe that perhaps the people didn't have enough of what?

public virtue

What was the main thing the colonists hoped to win for themselves by revolting from England?


Which of these events united the colonies the most?

the Intolerable Acts

Which part of a hamburger meal should you thank American Indians for developing?

the fries

What did the victory at Yorktown show?

the immense importance of the French allies

What was King Philip's War?

the last major attempt by the natives to clear the settlers out

In the story The Last of the Mohicans, the British were at war with the French and their Native American allies in North America. When did this event happen?

the late 1750s

Under the principles of republicanism, who was most responsible to make sure the government didn't take away liberty by exercising too much power?

the people of the nation

Which of the following best accounts for the Puritans' failure to develop their "city on a hill"?

the restrictions placed on them in their charter

According to a compromise made during the Constitutional Convention,

the slave trade could be outlawed by Congress in twenty years.

Franklin did all of the following except what?

win increased freedom of the press as the defendant in the Zenger trial

For the British, which of the following was the most pressing negative consequence of the French and Indian War?

a massive national debt from financing the war

In 1775, what did the Second Continental Congress push for?

a peaceful resolution of difficulties with England

Which occupation was Josiah Franklin's first choice for young Benjamin?

a religious official

What is history?

an attempt by historians to interpret what happened in the past based on sources

The Ninth and Tenth Amendment do which of the following?

assure more power to the states and the people

Which of these actions would have been legal under the Navigation Acts?

bring Dutch-made cloth to Virginia after stopping in London in a Massachusetts ship sailed by a crew that was 25 percent English, 50 percent Rhode Islander, 10 percent from Massachusetts, and 15 percent Dutch.

What was the point of saving all the gold and silver according to the theory of mercantilism?

buying armies and navies to gain power

Which of these would be the biggest challenge in the British fighting the war that has just broken out between them and their thirteen colonies?

conducting a war that was thousands of miles from home

What caused the most Native American deaths in the Era of European Exploration?

diseases brought by Europeans

The Great Compromise was difficult to achieve because the large states were opposed to which issue?

equal representation

Which of these would be the modern equivalent for the reason the Pilgrims left England?

fearing you might go to jail when the president of the United States starts sending spies

If we sent a space mission to accomplish something similar to Columbus's goal on his first voyage, what would that mission try to do?

find a quicker way to get to a planet that had very valuable resources

Which of the following was most responsible for the Boston Massacre?

he Townshend Acts

The Black Legend is an example of what in history?

how history is sometimes used for political purposes

What kinds of ideas are expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

ideas that, government-wise, were unique to the new United States at the time

Which branch of government decides what the Constitution means?


The French and Indian War was started as a struggle over what?


Which of these explorers was the most successful in finding the wealth the Spanish hoped to find during the Era of European Exploration?


Which is the southernmost Middle Colony?


Why didn't England send out more explorers soon after John Cabot's ships were lost?

England was poor and surrounded by enemies.

What was going on in 1736?

England's colonies in North America were growing and developing

What was the main importance of the Battle of Trenton?

Enough soldiers re-enlisted to keep the Continental Army in existence.

Which most accurately describes what happened during the Era of European Exploration?

European explorers initiated contact between two different groups of people.

Joseph Bruchac, a tribal storyteller, tells of Swift Eagle, an Apache Indian who went to visit friends of the Onondaga tribe in New York. As Swift Eagle walked, he came across some boys who had killed several birds with a BB gun. Instead of scolding the reckless lads, he took them to a place where they could build a fire and cook the birds. After telling them several stories, he said to the boys, "You boys must have been very, very hungry to kill those little birds." What belief does this experience most reflect?

Every life is sacred.

If you wanted to make original discoveries about how a certain tribe of prehistoric American Indians lived, how would you most likely get your information?

Examine whatever fragments you can find of their homes, clothes, and tools.

Which of the following is an accurate description of family life among the American Indians?

Families lived very close to their extended family (that is, uncles, cousins, and grandparents).

Which was the longest war fought on the North American continent before 1850?

French and Indian War

What was the last and southernmost British colony in North America?


Why didn't Ferdinand and Isabella trust Columbus to lead major expeditions after his third voyage?

He couldn't effectively govern a settlement.

Samuel de Champlain is often called "The Father of New France" for the many contributions he made to the French colonies in North America. Which accomplishment is not correct?

He found a water route to the Mississippi River.

What was the most important thing Washington had to do to win at Yorktown?

He had to convince the British that he was in New York.

Franklin's life until 1751 showed what?

He lived up to some of his sayings in Poor Richard's Almanack

Which of these best summarizes Samuel Adams's actions at the First Continental Congress?

He pursued radical measures while trying to keep the colonies united.

James Madison deserves the title "Father of the Constitution" for many reasons. Which of the following is not one of them?

He was chairman of the Constitutional Convention.

Which of the following facts of Columbus' early life most helped him do the famous things he did in 1492?

He was shipwrecked off Portugal.

What was Washington's most valuable tool in keeping the support of fence-sitting Americans?

He went easy on Tories, inflicting only mild punishments on them.

A friend tells you he found an ancestor's name on the list of passengers arriving in Jamestown in 1609. What can you tell him about his ancestor?

His ancestor most likely died a premature death or didn't stay long.

Why, most likely, didn't George Washington feel he could spend the winter of 1782-83 at home in Mount Vernon even though there wasn't much fighting going on?

His troops seemed to be in such an ugly mood.

Which European animal was the most frightening to the American Indians?


Which individual was most like a modern American in emphasizing tolerance of religion and the rights of all people? (Hint: this person took in dissenters from other colonies.)

Roger Williams

What was the turning point in the American Revolution?


Which of the following is most true of sources in historical research?

Some sources may be accidentally or purposely misleading.

Which country was the most successful in establishing new colonies and increasing their power in both North America and South America during the Era of European Exploration (1492-1607)?


Which of these is accurate about the Pilgrims?

Though half the Plymouth settlers died the first winter, the rest stayed.

In general, freedom of speech and of the press means what?

We have to put up with hearing a lot of things we disagree with.

Which of the following is a result of the Treaty of Paris or of the negotiations which led up to it?

America and France were a little more suspicious of each other.

Those that believed in the principles of republicanism, would be most likely to do which of the following?

Be on the watch for anyone powerful trying to take away liberty.

Which of these famous Revolutionaries attended the Constitutional Convention?

Ben Franklin

What was the biggest loss for a British Army on American soil before the American Revolution?

Braddock's defeat near Fort Duquesne

Who is most likely to have said, "We can't afford to win many more battles like that!"

British General Thomas Gage, after driving the colonials from Bunker Hill.

Which of these is most likely to be true in 1765?

Colonists began to wonder how much power Parliament had to tax the colonies.

What basic problem confronted the Puritans who wanted to migrate to America?

If they left England, they would be Separatists instead of Puritans, and that bothered them.

What does the "elastic clause" allow Congress to do?

Increase the number of subjects it can make laws about.

In the United States, if law-enforcement officials obtain evidence illegally, what can be done with that evidence?

It cannot be used as evidence in court.

What was the main effect of Shays' Rebellion?

It helped increase attendance at the Philadelphia Convention.

Why has the Constitutional system lasted so long?

It lets the minority keep rights.

Which statement is true about the Declaration of Independence?

It summed up what many people were already thinking.

What opinion would the British officer Charles Hay most likely have of the colonial actions on the road back from Concord in 1775?

It was a cowardly show, in which the colonists proved they had no honor.

According to Edmund Morgan, which is true of the Battle of Lexington?

It was the place where colonists' thoughts were transformed into actions.

Which of these most assured Jamestown's long-term financial survival?

John Rolfe developed a good tobacco to grow in Virginia soil.

Which of these delegates to the First Continental Congress would be least likely to support a radical action such as open defiance of England or even war?

Joseph Galloway

According to the Declaration of Independence, why were the colonies justified in breaking away from England?

King George III did not give the colonies their rights.

Which act showed most strongly that the British would not negotiate after the Olive Branch Petition of 1775?

King George hired mercenaries.

One day, every government in the world suddenly disappears. Many suspect that aliens were responsible. Others feel it was the work of disgruntled taxpayers. In any event, what should you do if you hope to keep your house?

Make deals with your neighbors promising to help them protect their houses if they help you defend yours

Which of these colonies was not set up as a haven, or safe place, for some group or another?

New York

What does salutary neglect mean in the context of children and parents?

Parents don't enforce disciplinary rules so strictly.

Which colony bought land from the natives before settling it?


Which of these wonders did Coronado's expedition not find?


Based on the early advantages and disadvantages in the war, which of these looked like the probable outcome of the fight?

The Americans put up a spirited fight but succumb to the superior British army and navy.

Which of these motives for independence is not found in Common Sense?

The British have inflicted the evils of the slave trade on us.

What did the battles in New York in 1776 show?

The Continental Army was not ready to match the redcoats in formal fighting.

Which of these was not a reason for George Washington to become a king or dictator after the Revolutionary War?

The French encouraged him to do it.

If someone said that America, unlike other countries, has had the same government for its entire history, what would you say?

The United States had rough times with its governments before the Constitution was created.

Which of the following would be an accurate complaint a colonist could make about the British government in 1764?

The colonists were forced to pay much higher taxes than residents of England.

Why were food supplies so low for Jamestown in the winter of 1609-1610?

The food supplies became rancid and inedible through poor storage.

Which of the following is not true of the Constitutional system?

The minority usually wins.

According to John Adams, why did the Revolution happen before the war even started?

The real revolution was in the change of opinion that the colonists had

Which of these descriptions is most accurate of the ratification of the Constitution?

The smaller states generally voted for it by large margins, but it usually passed in the large states by very small margins.

What problem did early American patriots face in creating our system of government?

They had to make the government strong but not too strong.

How did the British react after the colonists protested the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts?

They took back most of the tax but refused to give in on the principles of taxation.

How did the British react to the First Continental Congress?

They tried to seize a stockpile of guns and powder.

In 1588, the Spanish tried to invade England. What were some of the English doing at the time that provoked the Spanish?

They were pillaging Spanish towns and ships for treasure.

Which of these is true of the Salem Witch Trials?

They were relatively mild compared to those in Europe.

Which of the following did colonial charters guarantee the colonists?

They would have the same rights as citizens of England.

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