Positioning & Radiographic Analysis

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How should the concavity of the phalanges be demonstrated on a PA projection of the hand?

Equal on both sides

Which patient position will best demonstrate swallowing function?

Erect AP position

What is turning a body part outwards called?


What makes C1 atypical?

No body, short spinous processes, long transverse processes, lateral masses

What is the CR for the AP projection of the toes (forefoot) ?

Perpendicular to the 3rd MTP joint

What is the CR for the lateral projection of the ankle?

Perpendicular to the ankle joint, entering the medial malleolus

What must be included on an AP supine projection of the abdomen?

Pubic Symphysis

On an AP supine projection, where will the air be demonstrated in the stomach?


Where will the barium be demonstrated in the stomach when the patient is in a recumbent RAO position?


Gastric peristalsis is most active in which position ?


What does visualization of the posterior fat pad in a lateral elbow position indicate?

Radial head fracture

What body position has the patient's head raised 15-30 degrees off the table?


Where will the radial tuberosity be facing in a lateral elbow projection with the hand pronated (internal rotation) ?


What is a reason that a nasopharynx study would be performed on a child?


What is the CR for all thumb / D1 projections?

Perpendicular to the 1st MCP joint

Which rib is located at the level of the sternal angle?

Rib 2

What is the degree of obliquity and in which direction do you rotate the angle to demonstrate the ankle mortise joint?

15-20 degrees medially

What SID is used for a lateral sternum?


How many degrees are there between the OML & IOML ?

7 degrees

Which joints do each of the ribs form?

-Costotransverse -Costovertebral

What makes C7 (vertebra prominens) atypical?

-Long, prominent spinous process -Non bifid -More vertical inferior articular surface

Which pairs of ribs are considered atypical?

1 (strongest , broadest & most curved) , 10 (has only one facet, where others have two), 11, & 12 (floating, do not attach to the sternum, have only one neck and one facet)

Which ribs are true ribs?

1-7, articulate with sternum

Which ribs lack tubercles?

11th & 12th

Which ribs are floating ribs?

11th & 12th, do not attach to sternum in any way

How many joints are associated with one T-spine vertebrae?


How many joints are associated with the body of a typical T-spine vertebrae & what are they?

12 Costovertebral (4) Costotransverse (2) Zygapophyseal (4) Intervertebral disk spaces (2)

How many costal facets does the sternum have?


How is the CR directed for a PA axial projection (Caldwell) of the cranium when the patient's OML is perpendicular to the IR?

15 degrees caudad

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate T1?

2" above jugular notch

To demonstrate the scaphoid free of superimposition , the CR should be :

20 degrees cephalad towards the scaphoid or angle the IR 20 degrees or perpendicular to the IR with the hand on a 20 degree sponge

What CR angle and direction is used for an AP axial projection of the clavicle with the patient supine?

20 degrees cephalic

How much should the knee be flexed for a lateral projection?

20-30 degrees

What is the CR used for the axiolateral projection of the mandible?

25 degrees cephalad

For the AP oblique projection of the SI joints, how much is the affected side elevated from the table?

25-30 degrees

How many lobes does the right lung have?


How many segments are in the coccyx?


How should the CR be angled on a Swimmer's (cervicothoracic) projection , when the patient can't properly depress their shoulders?

3-5 degrees caudad

Where is the CR directed for a lateral projection of the sacrum ?

3.5" (9cm) posterior to ASIS

How will the CR be directed to obtain an AP axial projection (Townes method) of the cranium when the patient's orbitomeatal line (OML) is perpendicular to the IR ?

30 degrees caudad

What is the CR used for a PA axial projection of the orbits for foreign body localization ?

30 degrees caudad

What is the CR to perform an AP axial projection of the SI joints on a male?

30 degrees cephalad ; 1.5" superior to the pubic symphysis

How much is the foot rotated and in which direction for the AP oblique projection ?

30 degrees medially

How is the CR directed for an AP axial projection of the sacroiliac joints ?

30-35 degrees cephalad

What is the CR for a AP axial sacroiliac joint projection?

30-35 degrees cephalad

When a patient is in a parietoacanthial (Water's) position for facial bones, what is the angle between the OML & the IR ?

37 degrees

How will the CR be directed to obtain an AP axial projection (Townes method) of the skull when the patient's infraorbitomeatal line (IOML) is perpendicular to the IR ?

37 degrees caudad

How many costal demi facets are on a typical T-spine Vertebrae?


What number & what type (facet or demifacet) are found on the body of a typical T-spine vertebrae?

4 Right & left superior demifacets & right & left inferior demifacets

How many atypical T-spine Vertebrae are there & what makes them atypical?

4 T1 (superior facets & inferior demifacets) T2 (only superior demifacets) T11 & T12 (single superior facets)

What is the amount of body rotation required on a patient with a sthenic body habitus for the RAO position during an UGI?

40-70 degrees

For the PA oblique shoulder projection (scapular Y), how much do you need to rotate the patient?

45-60 degrees from the IR

How many atypical vertebrae are there in the T-spine?


What is the CR for an AP knee if the ASIS to tabletop measurement is < 18cm ?

5 degrees caudad , entering a point 1.3cm / 0.5" inferior to the patellar apex

What is the CR angle for a lateral projection of the knee to ensure the femoral condyles are superimposed?

5-7 degrees cephalad entering at a point 1" distal to the medial epicondyle

How many joints are associated with one typical C-spine vertebrae?


How many joints are associated with the sacrum?

6 2 zygapophyseal 2 sacroiliac 1 lumbosacral 1 sacrococcygeal

Which ribs are false ribs?


Using logical reasoning, which ribs would be classified as "vertebrochondral" ribs?

8th , 9th & 10th pairs

What is bursae?

A small fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity situated in places in tissues where friction would otherwise occur

Which projection of the elbow demonstrates the coranoid process in profile?

AP oblique with medial / internal rotation

Which projection best demonstrates zygapophyseal joints between C1 & 2?

AP open mouth

Which projections & patient positions would be routinely performed for an abdominal series on a stretcher patient?

AP/PA left lateral decubitus abdomen, AP supine abdomen , & AP supine Fowler's sitting chest

Which projection best demonstrates the intervertebral foramina?

AP/PA oblique

The femoral head & neck are localized using a perpendicular line extending from a line joining which structures?

ASIS & superior border of the pubic symphysis

Where should the CR exit when positioning for the parietoacanthial projection (Water's) of the sinuses?


What are 2 radiolucent contrast medias?

Air & gas (carbon dioxide)

Which parts of anatomy must be included on the PA oblique projection of the wrist?

All the carpal bones, distal radius/ulna and the proximal half of the metacarpals

Where will the radial tuberosity be facing in a lateral elbow projection with the hand supinated (external rotation) ?


Where is the top of the cassette placed for an AP projection of the proximal femur?

At the level of the ASIS

What is the name of the joint between the atlas & the occipital bone?


What is used to lower the heart rate to less than 65-70 bpm?

Beta blockers

Where is the costotransverse joint found?

Between the tubercle of the rib and the transverse costal facet of the corresponding vertebrae

Which structure(s) are unique to the typical cervical vertebrae?

Bifid spinous processes, short transverse processes & transverse foramina

How can you ensure that there is no rotation of the pelvis when positioning for an AP projection of the pelvis?

Both ASIS should be equidistant from the table

What is the centering point for the lateral projection of the nasal bones ?

Bridge of nose

In a trauma lateral view of the elbow, what soft-tissue structure(s) may be visualized to indicate injury?


Which anatomy is best visualized in the right lateral position of an UGI study?

C-loop of the duodenum

Which structure articulates with the radial head?


What joint classification is the manubriosternal joint?

Cartilaginous , slightly moveable

What joint classification is the joint between the body of the sternum & the xiphoid process?

Cartilaginous, immovable

In the bilateral oblique projection using the modified Cleaves method, where should the IR be placed?

Centre of the IR 1" superior to the pubic symphysis

What does the apex of the sacrum articulate with?


Which pathology is defined as incomplete acetabulum formation & is characterized by a clicking of the flexed or abducted hip?

Congenital hip dysplasia

How are true ribs attached anteriorly?

Costal cartilage ; which attaches to the sternum

Where do ribs 8-10 attach ?

Costal cartilages superior to them

Which part of the rib accommodates a nerve, artery & a vein?

Costal groove

What is the name of the joint formed between the head of the rib & the body of the vertebra?


Which tarsal is shown in profile on a properly positioned AP oblique projection of the foot?


Most PE's are caused from what?


Which patient position is the patient lying on their back and a horizontal ray is being used ?


A patient had a trauma and arrives in the x-ray dept. for images of her pelvis. How do you position her lower limbs & why?

Do not internally rotate the patient's lower limbs internally 15-20 degrees due to the suspected fracture

Which structure is demonstrated within the foramen magnum on an AP axial (Townes) projection ?

Dorsum sellae

In the RAO position of an UGI, which anatomy will be demonstrated in profile?

Duodenal bulb & pylorus filling in profile

What movement increases the angle between adjoining bones?


What movement decreases the angle between adjoining bones?


Which body position is semi-sitting with the head raised 45-90 degrees off the bed?


What type of joint is the hip?

Freely moveable , synovial , ball & socket joint

What is another name for the AP oblique projection of the hip / the modified Cleaves method?

Frog leg lateral

Which sinuses are best demonstrated on a PA axial projection (Caldwell) of the sinuses ?

Frontal & anterior ethmoid

What are the breathing instructions for lower ribs & why ?

Full expiration, to raise the diaphragm

What are the breathing instructions for upper ribs & why?

Full inspiration, to lower the diaphragm

On an AP supine projection, where will the barium be demonstrated in the stomach?


Where will the air be demonstrated in the stomach when the patient is in a recumbent RAO position?


On an AP oblique projection of the shoulder, which scapular structure will be demonstrated in profile?

Glenoid fossa/ cavity

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate the symphysis pubis?

Greater trochanter & coccyx

What structures will be in profile on the AP projection of the humerus ?

Greater tubercle & humeral head

What do the demifacets articulate with?

Heads of the ribs

Which structures on the distal end of the humerus will be superimposed on a true lateral humerus projection?

Humeral epicondyles

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate C3/4?

Hyoid bone

For which body habitus would the IR be positioned crosswise for a PA projection of the chest?


If your patient is very thin, how will you need to adjust the rotation for a scapular Y projection?

Increased obliquity

What is the significance if the scottie dog has a "collar" ?

Indicated a fracture of the pars interarticularis

What bony anatomy forms the intervertebral foramina of the lumbar spine?

Inferior & superior vertebral notches of adjacent vertebrae

What is the tibial plafond?

Inferior surface of the tibia which articulates with the trochlear surface of the talus

Which anatomy is found between the two tibial condyles?

Intercondylar eminence

What is the name of the membrane that runs between the shafts of the radius and ulna?

Interosseous membrane

Which structure(s) are best demonstrated when positioning your patient for a lateral projection of the L-spine?

Intervertebral foramina & intervertebral disk spaces

What is turning a body part inwards called?


Which palpable landmark can be used to locate T2/3?

Jugular notch

How many atypical L-spine vertebrae are there & what makes them atypical?

L5 wider & wedge shaped to articulate with the sacrum

Which chest projection will best demonstrate interlobar fissures?


Which projection will adequately demonstrate all 4 sinus groups?


Which positions best demonstrate the sternum?

Lateral & RAO

In which projection of the elbow is the radial tuberosity demonstrated facing anteriorly and the humeral epicondyles superimposed ?

Lateral projection

Which projection of the C-spine will the zygapophyseal joints be best demonstrated?

Lateral projection

Which way do you rotate the foot for a lateral projection of the 4th and 5th toes?


With the hand in prone position, which way will you rotate the hand to achieve a lateral projection of the 4th or 5th digits?

Laterally / externally

Which digestive system anatomy is best visualized when the patient is in an LAO position?

Left colic (splenic) flexure & descending colon

Which projection(s) & patient position(s) would best demonstrate air/fluid levels in the abdomen if the patient can't stand?

Left lateral decubitus AP or PA projection of the abdomen

Which lobe of the lung contains the cardiac notch?

Left superior lobe

What type of curve is the C-spine?

Lordotic curve (convex anteriorly)

Where are the petrous pyramids demonstrated on a PA axial (Caldwell) projection of the cranium ?

Lower 1/3rd of the orbits

When critiquing a lateral image of the skull, it is noted that the orbital roofs are not superimposed. What positioning error has occurred?

MSP is not parallel to the IR

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate C1?

Mastoid tip

Which joints are associated with C2?

Medial atlantoaxial , lateral atlantoaxial / zygapophyseal joints (2) & intervertebral disk space (C2/3)

Which part of the clavicle will be seen superimposing the thorax in a properly positioned AP projection of the clavicle ?

Medial half

With the hand in a prone position, which way will you rotate the hand to achieve a lateral projection of the 2nd or 3rd digits?

Medially / internally

When performing a parietoacanthial projection (Water's) of the facial bones, which positioning line should be perpendicular to the IR ?

Mentomeatal line (MML)

Which line must be perpendicular to the IR for an AP open mouth projection of the C-spine ?

Occlusal plane / lower margin of upper incisors to mastoid tip

What makes C2 atypical ?

Odontoid process (dens) projecting from its superior surface , lamina thick & broad

Which positioning line is perpendicular to the IR for a PA axial projection (Caldwell method) of the cranium ?

Orbitomeatal line (OML)

Which projections and patient positions best demonstrate pleural effusions?

PA erect chest, lateral erect chest & AP erect axial chest in lordotic position

For an AP projection of the humerus, how are the epicondyles positioned in relation to the IR?

Parallel to the IR

For an AP projection of the tibfib, how should the femoral epicondyles be in relation to the IR?

Parallel to the IR

Which projection would best demonstrate a displaced fracture of the nasal septum ?

Parietoacanthial / Water's

What is part of the lamina between the superior & inferior articular processes of the lumbar vertebrae called?

Pars interarticularis

For the lateral projection of the skull, the IPL is ______ to the IR


What is the CR for a lateral projection of the coccyx?

Perpendicular and directed to a point 9cm (3.5") posterior to ASIS and 2" (5cm) inferior

What is the CR for a lateral projection of the sacrum?

Perpendicular at the level of the ASIS, 9cm (3.5") posterior to the ASIS

What is the CR for a lateral projection of the skull?

Perpendicular to a point 2" superior to the EAM

What is the CR for an AP shoulder projection?

Perpendicular to a point 2.5cm/ 1 inch inferior to the coracoid process

What is the CR for an AP projection of the scapula?

Perpendicular to a point 5cm/2 inches inferior to the coracoid process ( mid-body of the scapula)

What is the CR for the lateral projection of the facial bones?

Perpendicular to a point halfway between the outer canthus & the zygoma

What is the CR for an AP or PA projection in a barium enema study?

Perpendicular to the midline at the level of the iliac crests

What is the CR for an inferosuperior projection of the patella , using the Stettegast method, with the patient sitting on the table?

Perpendicular to the patellofemoral joint space OR 15-20 degrees passing through the patellofemoral joint

What is the CR for the lateral projection of the wrist?

Perpendicular to the wrist joint

How many (posterior or anterior) ribs should be visualized above the diaphragm to indicate a proper inspiration on a PA CXR?

Posterior 1-10

What type of curvature is the sacral curve?

Primary & kyphotic

Which part of the mandible is best demonstrated on a PA projection of the mandible?


Which digestive system anatomy is best demonstrated in a lateral projection ?

Rectum & distal sigmoid of the colon

Which joints are associated with C4?

Right & left zygapophyseal joints & intervertebral disk spaces (C3/4 &C4/5)

Which anatomy is best visualized when the patient is in an RAO position for digestive system studies?

Right colic (hepatic) flexure, ascending colon, cecum & sigmoid

On a RAO of the SC joint, which SC joint is demonstrated ?

Right joint

Which projection & patient position would best demonstrate fluid in the right pleural cavity?

Right lateral decubitus , patient recumbent

Which ribs will be demonstrated on an AP oblique projection of the ribs in RPO position?

Right ribs closest to the IR

In which primary bronchus would you expect to find an inhaled foreign object & why ?

Right, because it's wider & more vertical

What is the peritoneum ?

Serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity

LPO/RPO of the L-spine demonstrates which side?

Side closest to the IR

When positioning anterior oblique projections of the large intestine, which side is best demonstrated?

Side down

LPO/RPO oblique of the C-spine demonstrated which side?

Side furthest from the IR

When positioning posterior oblique projections of the large intestine, which side is best demonstrated ?

Side up

In which position is the patient placed for the insertion of the enema tip?


How much interosseous space should be visualized between the 3rd-5th metacarpal shafts to indicate proper obliquity for a PA oblique projection of the wrist?

Slight interosseous space

What are the breathing instructions for an AP scapula and why?

Slow breathing , to blur lung detail

Which sinuses are projected through the open mouth for the parietoacanthial projection (Open-Mouth Water's) projection ?


Where will the radial tuberosity be facing in a normal lateral elbow projection (lateromedial) ?

Superimposed by the radius & not demonstrated in profile

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate T4/5?

Sternal angle

Where do ribs 1-7 attach?


Where is the fibula in relation to the tibia on a lateral projection of the lower leg?

Superimposed on the posterior half / at both articular surfaces

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate L4/5?

Superior iliac crest

Which thoracic vertebrae have demifacets?


The xiphoid process lies at what vertebral level?

T9 /10

What is superimposed at the ankle joint?

Talar domes and medial malleolus

Why is a left lateral decubitus of the abdomen preferred ?

The stomach is on the side down ; so we do not mistake air in the stomach for free air in the abdomen

Why do T11 & 12 not have a transverse costal facet?

There are no tubercles on these ribs

Where are costal facets found?

Thoracic vertebrae (1-10) On the transverse processes

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate C5?

Thyroid cartilage

Which joints compose the ankle mortise?

Tibiotalar, talofibular, and medial talomalleolar

Why must diaphragms be included on a AP projection of the abdomen?

To demonstrate free air in the peritoneum

What is the purpose of rotating the feet & lower limbs 15-20 degrees medially for a proximal femur, hip or pelvis?

To place the femoral neck parallel to the IR & prevent foreshortening

Why is angulation of the CR needed to produce AP images of the sacrum & coccyx?

To reduce curvature & to prevent superimposition with the pubic symphysis

For which projection of the skull is the OML at 30 degrees to the IR?


What carpal bone must be included on images of the thumb?


Which body position puts the head lower than the body?


Which patient position will best demonstrate a hiatal hernia?


What is the costotransverse joint an articulation between?

Tubercle of the rib & the transverse process of the vertebra

What do costal facets articulate with?

Tubercles of the ribs

What is a mechanical way in which a more uniform density ay be obtained on a AP projection of the T-spine?

Utilize the anode heel effect ; put the anode side towards the head & the cathode side towards the feet

In addition to patient position, which technique may be used to better visualize esophageal varices?

Valsalva maneuver

At what point in development does the C-spine curve start to form?

When a baby starts to hold up their head ; 3-4 months and it is complete by 8-9 months

Where will the petrous pyramids be demonstrated for a parietoacanthial projection (Water's) of the sinuses when the patient's head is extended less than the suggested 37 degrees?

Within the maxillary sinuses

Which palpable landmark can be used to locate T9/10?

Xiphoid process

What joint is formed where the superior demifacet articulates with the head of the rib?


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