Positioning: forearm, wrist, hand

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The second through fifth MCP joints are what kind of joint?

Ellipsoidal, condyloid (allows 4 primary direction movement and circumduction)

The wrist joint is what kind of joint?

Ellipsoidal, condyloid (allows 4 primary direction movement and circumduction)

What should be visualized in a PA hand radiograph?

Entirety of hand and wrist and about an inch (2.5 cm) of the forearm

Where does the ulnar collateral ligament attach?

Fans out to attatch to the triquetrium and pisiform from the ulnar styloid process

Paget disease exposure factor adjustment


Number of carpals in each hand


Radial deviation

Movement of the hand at the wrist joint to the side of the radius (away from the ulna)

Ulnar deviation

Movement of the hand at the wrist joint to the side of the ulna (away from the radius)

Why would a lateral extension and flexion hand series be used instead of a faN?

Alternative to localize foreign bodies of the hand and fingers

Centering PA, PA axial scaphoid with ulnar deviation

Angle CR 10-15 deg proxmially along long axis of forearm (toward the elbow with CR perpendicular to long axis of scaphoid) Center to scaphoid

CMC joint

Carpometacarpal joint

Centering for: PA fingers PA oblique fingers Lateromedial/mediolateral fingers

CR perpendicular to IR Centered on PIP joint of finger of interest

Centering for: AP thumb PA oblique thumb (with medial or lateral rotation)

CR perpendicular to IR Centered on first MCP joint

Centering PA hand PA oblique hand

CR perpendicular to IR Centered on third MCP joint

Centering Lateral extension/flexion hand series

CR perpendicular to IR Centered through the 2nd-5th MCP joints

Centering Lateromedial elbow

CR perpendicular to IR Directed at mid-elbow joint (medial to easily palpated posterior surface of olecranon process)

Centering Fan lateral hand

CR perpendicular to IR Directed to second MCP joint

Centering for PA stress thumb (AKA Folio method)

CR perpendicular to IR directed to midway between MCP joints

Centering PA wrist with radial deviation

CR perpendicular to IR, directed to midcarpal area

Centering AP elbow

CR perpendicular to the IR, directed at mid-elbow joint (2 cm or 3/4 inch distal to midpoint of epicondylar line)

Centering Norgaard/"ball-catcher's"

CR perpendicular to the IR, directed to the midpoint between both hands in line with the 5th MCP joints

Why would a carpal bridge be done?

Check for calcification or other pathology of the dorsal aspect of the carpal bones

Why would an AP elbow projection be needed?

Check for fractures or dislocations at the joint

Why would a lateromedial wrist projection be needed?

Check for fractures or dislocations of the distal radius or ulna Specifically anteroposterior fragment displacements for Barton's, Colles, or Smith's fractures

Why would a full hand radiograph be needed?

Check for fractures, dislocations, or foreign bodies of the phalanges, metacarpals, and all joints

Why would a PA wrist projection with radial deviation be done?

Check for possible fractures of the carpal bones on the ulnar side of the wrist, especially the lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, and hamate

Why would a PA or PA axial scaphoid with ulnar deviation be needed?

Check for possible fractures of the scaphoid

Why would a PA stress thumb image need to be done?

Check for sprain or tearing of the ulnar collageral ligamen tof the thumb at the MCP joint as a result of acute hyperextension of the thumb; also referred to as a "skier's thumb" injury

Why would a lateral "fan" image be taken of a hand?

Checking for fractures and dislocations of the phalanges, anterior/posterior displaced fractures, and dislocations of the metacarpals; typically preferred if the phalanges are the area of interest

Bursitis exposure factor adjustment


Carpal tunnel syndrome exposure factor adjustment


Joint effusion exposure factor adjustment


Osteomyelitis exposure factor adjustment


Tumors (malignant and benign) exposure factor adjustment


What differentiates nuclear medicine from regular radiography?

nuclear medicine focuses more on physiologic elements rather than anatomical, so nuc med better visualizes certain conditions

Colles fracture

Transverse fracture of the distal radius in which the distal fragment is displaced posteriorly; associated ulnar styloid fracture is seen in 50-60% of cases

Smith's fracture

Transverse fracture of the distal radius with the distal fragment displaced anteriorly (Reverse of Colles fracture)

Boxer's fracture

Transverse fracture that extends through the metacarpal neck; most commonly seen in the 5th metacarpal

What concentric arc of the elbow is used to evaluate rotation?

Trochlear sulcus

Barton's fracture

A fracture and dislocation of the posterior lip of the distal radius involving the wrist joint

The head of what bone fits into its notch to form the distal radioulnar joint?


What ligament is attached to the ulnar styloid process?

Ulnar collateral ligament

Evaluation criteria of a PA scaphoid with ulnar deviation?

Ulnar deviation is evidenced by only minimal, if any, superimposition of the distal scaphoid

Number of phalanges in each hand


Total number of bones in each hand


What is the number of images needed for checking for occult fractures of the radial head or neck? What are they?

4 Elbow at 90 deg with: hand supinated/max external rotation, hand lateral, hand pronated, and hand with maximum internal rotation

What bone(s) does the hamate articulate against?

4th and 5th metacarpal bones

Number of metacarpals in each hand


What should be seen on a good lateral image of an elbow?

About 1/2 of the radial head should be superimposed by the coronoid process, the olecranon process should be visualized in profile

What is the Jones method?

Acute elbow flexion series

Centering for AP axial projection for thumb (AKA modified Robert's)

CR directed 15 deg proximally (toward the wrist), entering at first CMC joint

Why would you need an AP axial projection of a thumb?

Best demonstrates fractures, dislocations, or pathology of the base of the first metacarpal and trapezium

What is very common with malignant bone tumors?

Bone metastases

Centering Gaynor-Hart/Carpal Canal projection

CR angled 25-30 deg to the long axis of the hand

How do you know a finger is in a true lateral?

Can be indicated by concave appearance of the anterior surface of the shaft of the phalanges

Which carpal bone is the largest of the carpal bones?

Capitate bone

Rheumatoid arthritis

Chronic systemic disease with inflammatory changes throughout the connective tissues; earliest change is soft tissue swelling that is most prevalent around the ulnar styloid of the wrist; three times more common in women than men

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Common painful disorder of the wrist and hand that results from the compression of the median nerve as it passes through the center of the wrist *most commonly observed in middle-aged women*

What are the two depressions on the anterior aspect of the humerus called?

Coronoid fossa Radial fossa

Osteoporosis exposure factor adjustment


DIP joint

Distal interphalangeal joint

Positioning for Coronoid process/axial mediolateral projection

Elbow flexed at 80 deg from extended CR angled 45 deg from shoulder into the mid-elbow joint

Positioning for Radial head/axial lateromedial projection

Elbow flexed at 90 deg if possible with the hand pronated CR directed at a 45 deg angle toward the shoulder

What soft tissue structures may be seeon on a lateromedial elbow image?

Elevated or displaced fat pads

Bennett's fracture

Fracture of the base of the first metacarpal bone, extending into the carpometacarpal joint, complicated by subluxation with some posterior displacement

The IP joints are what kind of joint?

Ginglymus, hinge (two-way motion)

Why are grids not typically used for appendages?

Most of the structures being radiographed are smaller than 10 cm

What adjustment needs to be made when taking radiographs of an individual with a fiberglass cast?

Increase kV factor by 3 or 4

IP joint

Interphalangeal joint

What elbow position best visualizes the radial head, radial neck, and capitulum of the humerus?

Lateral oblique of the elbow (elbow rotated externally)

How should the appendage to be radiographed be positioned in relation to the IR?

Long edge of the object/part parallel to the long edge of the IR

What projection best visualizes the coronoid process of the ulna and the trochlea in profile?

Medial oblique of the elbow (internal rotation of the elbow)

Multiple myeloma

Most common primary cancerous bone tumor

Other names for the AP oblique bilateral hand image?

Norgaard method "ball-catcher's position"

What needs to be done for an AP elbow when the patient cannot fully extend the elbow?

Obtain two projections if the elbow is flexed near 90 deg but not acutely, angling the CR 10-15 deg into the elbow joint If the joint is flexed more than 90 deg, use the acute flexion projection

What should be done when positioning an elbow for an AP projection?

Palpate the humeral epicondyles to ensure that the enterepicondylar plane is parallel to the IR

Which carpal bone is the smallest?


What soft tissue structure (not normally visible on a typical radiograph) of the elbow helps diagnose pathologic processes at the joint?

Posterior fat pad

What is the Gaynor-Hart method and what does it check?

Projection that rules out abnormal calcification and bony changes in the carpal sulcus that may impinge on the median nerve (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) using a band to pull the hand back towards the posterior forearm

POP joint

Proximal interphalangeal joint

The first CMC joint of the thumb is what type of joint?

Saddle, sellar

What carpal bone is the largest in the proximal row, boat-shaped bone that articulates with the radius proximally?

Scaphoid bone

What carpal bone is the most frequently fractured?

Scaphoid bone

What two soft tissue structures are important to the wrist joint?

Scaphoid fat stripe Pronator fat stripe

Osteogenic sarcoma (osteosarcoma)

Second most common type of primary cancerous bone tumor

Why would an axial lateromedial and mediolateral projection series of the elbow be needed?

Special projections taken for pathologic processes or trauma to the area of the radial head or coronoid process of the ulna; effective projections when the patient can't fully extend the elbow for medial or lateral oblique projections

Skier's thumb

Sprain or tear of ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb

How should the elbow be positioned for an AP oblique?

The interepicondylar plane aproximately 45 deg to the IR

When looking at the tube, why is there a 3-4 inch distance reading disparity?

The longer number is reading the distance from the tube to the bucky tray, which is about 3-4 inches below a floating table top

What is an alternate way to do a PA scaphoid image?

Use a foam wedge with a slight angle (some may be as much as 20 deg) and deviate the hand if possible CR is directly perpendicular to the IR, no angling is done with the tube

What is the best way to maintain a consistent and steady 45 deg angle of the hands in a ball-catcher's?

Use foam blocks that help hold them still

Why would an AP oblique bilateral hand image be taken?

Used to evaluate for early evidence of RA at the second through fifth PIP and MCP joints

What trick can be used to prevent foreshortening of the phalanges and obscuring of the interphalangeal joints?

Using a radiolucent foam block to support the hand being radiographed

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) exposure factor adjustment



local or generalized infection of bone or bone marrow that may be caused by bacteria introduced by trauma or surgery

MCP joint

metacarpophalangeal joint

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