Positive Psyc109

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12. Paul Wong's dual-system model of well-being incorporates both ______. A. self-focus and other-focus B. positive and negative emotions C. conscious and unconscious conflicts D. the desired self and the actual self


11. According to ______, how all of the parts work together may be more important than any one element of the system. A. transpersonal theory of personality B. systems theory C. the "billiard ball" model of causality D. Western individualism


5. Dr. Lorenz's research showed that poverty is correlated with lower levels of subjective well-being. This finding supports the ______ of well-being. A. top-down theory B. bottom-up theory C. biological theory D. sustainable happiness model


8. Research has shown that ______ reported more enjoyment of life and less pain and sadness than others. A. people with curly hair B. people with dark hair C. people who are more muscular than average D. people who are taller than average


9. Which of the following has NOT been shown to be a strength (as measured by VIA scores) strongly correlated with life satisfaction? A. love B. hope C. curiosity D. conscientiousness


1. Labouvie-Vief proposed that wisdom involves the integration of two forms of knowledge. One of them, ______, is embedded in the context of social relationships and social experiences and includes intuition and openness to unconscious processes. A. mythos B. logos C. emotional intelligence D. self-relativism


14. In ______, there are six subsystems: the biochemical, physiological, precognitive, cognitive, person to person, and person to environment. A. Seeman's model B. the mindfulness model C. all Western models D. Maslow's model


1. ______ are considered more sensitive to cultural and historical differences in social role expectations than the other models. A. Life course models B. Growth models C. Stage models D. Life span models


1. ______, a Former President of American Psychological Association, would best be considered the father of positive psychology. A. Martin Seligman B. Henry David Thoreau C. Sigmund Freud


11. According to Antonovsky, a sense of coherence comprises meaningfulness, manageability, and ______. A. comprehensibility B. training C. mature defense mechanisms D. generativity


11. Frankl posited that finding meaning through life, rather than through self, results in a style of life that ______. A. is self-transcendent B. is self-actualizing C. fosters one's self-archetype D. fosters productive orientation


14. Arthur Rubenstein was a famous pianist who still performed well into his 80s. Although he could no longer play as fast as he used to, he maintained his reputation as one of the top concert pianists. He did this by selecting a smaller rage of pieces, practicing those remaining pieces more, and making the fast parts seem faster by playing the slower parts that came right before extra slow. This is an example of ______. A. selective optimization with compensation B. flow C. a mature defense mechanism D. socioemotional selectivity theory


15. Which of the following is NOT one of the five features of emerging adulthood according to Arnett? A. the age of stability B. the self-focused age C. the age of feeling in-between D. the age of possibilities


17. Which of the following is TRUE about personal growth experiences, such as workshops, that are based on the ideas of human potential. A. They seek to help people overcome their self-imposed limits. B. Research consistently shows that they are most effective if offered in a one-on-one format. C. They operate from the assumption that about half of the population has the capacity for growth, especially those with certain traits. D. They tend to focus on reducing the use of defense mechanisms.


2. For ______, wisdom involves both an acceptance of life as it has been lived and the reality of approaching death. A. Erikson B. Sternberg C. Maslow D. Fromm


3. Which of the following is NOT one of the predictors of wisdom based on research of Baltes and Staudinger (2000)? A. optimism B. personality dispositions C. life experiences D. cognitive styles


3. ______ assumed that a successful resolution of each stage challenge resulted in the two poles finding a healthy balance. A. Erikson B. Maslow C. Baltes D. Carstenson


4. _______ is associated with social bonding, trust, and emotional support within couples and is released during breastfeeding. A. Oxytocin B. Dopamine C. Encephalins D. Endorphins


12. Which of the following is TRUE of posttraumatic growth? A. It refers to common but potentially transient adjustments to adversity. In other words, "seeing the glass as half full." B. It requires taking action on the world. C. It posits that true growth only occurs when people do not alter their sense of identity. D. It posits that true growth only occurs when people maintain their life goals


13. ______ was a psychiatrist imprisoned in the Nazis's concentration camps. He believed that the creation of meaning cannot be tied to happiness or any other specific emotional experience. A. Rollo May B. Viktor Frankl C. Alfred Adler D. Carl Jung


16. Park (2011) noted that topics such as ______ are almost nonexistent in positive psychology. She argues that positive psychology would have more depth if such topics were addressed more fully. A. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation B. death and loneliness C. eudaimonia and hedonism D. wisdom and creativity


16. The initial phrase used by ______ to describe his or her theory was "positive mental health" and later as "ideal mental health." A. Loevinger B. Jahoda C. Erikson D. Sternberg


16. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The concepts of fixed and growth mind-sets apply to children, but not adults. B. When children were praised for their intelligence, it was more difficult for them to adapt to later difficulties. C. Children with a growth mind-set believe that their abilities are determined by their innate intelligence. D. Those with a growth mind-set lost interest in solving difficult problems after they were informed that their answers were incorrect


17. Both Sheldon and Seeman based their perspectives on ______. A. Freudian theory B. systems theory C. Eastern philosophy D. the "Billiard Ball" model of causality


18. Loevinger acknowledged the similarity of her ______ stage to Maslow's stage of self-actualization. A. existential living B. integrated C. eudaimonia D. quiet ego


19. Costa and McCrae (1993) found a significant correlation between higher ego development and greater ______. A. conscientiousness B. openness to experience C. agreeableness D. extroversion


19. Researchers who have used a narrative approach have noted that two of the major functions for our personal stories are ______. A. to increase flow and positive emotions B. to aid in the creation of a sense of self and help create a sense of meaning C. to change one's age identity and increase opportunities for resilience D. to serve as a cathartic release of bottled up emotions and to increase generativity


2. Historically, researchers in the area of positive psychology have studied well-being operating from the assumption that ______ and ______ are the major criteria for understanding the good life. A. flourishing; savoring B. happiness; life satisfaction C. optimism; hope D. positive emotions; optimism


4. Ken Wilbur's theory is considered the most comprehensive ______. A. theory of positive emotion B. transpersonal theory of personality C. hierarchical theory of needs D. systems theory


4. Sternberg based his theory wisdom on ______ knowledge, a kind of knowledge that is difficult to teach to others. A. meta-heuristic B. tacit C. implicit D. explicit


6. Dov Shmotkin's model of subjective well-being borrowed ideas from research on ______. A. eudaimonic theory B. terror management theory C. flow D. character strengths


7. For Fromm, optimal mental health entailed dealing honestly with life's basic dichotomies and paradoxes. He called his ideal of optimal mental health ______. A. the self-archetype B. the productive orientation C. the collective unconscious D. the positive orientation


8. Fromm asserted that the path toward ______ comprised self-analysis and the development of values such as honesty, tolerance, patience, self-respect, humility, and generosity. A. a self-archetype B. a being orientation C. true happiness D. individuation


8. Jamil is 49 years of age. ______ is most likely to have shown a decline since his college days. A. His level of empathy B. His ability to multitask C. His ability to see the big picture D. His ability to make financial decisions


8. ______ use(s) unstructured or semistructured techniques to gather data. A. Quantitative methods B. Qualitative methods C. Meta-analysis D. Randomized-controlled trials


9. Historically, research on resilience began with the study of ______. Werner's well-known study included participants from Hawaii. A. infants B. children C. adolescents D. middle-age adults


9. Of the following, who proposed a 10-stage theory that culminated with a state of spiritual well-being that leads to enlightenment or nirvana? A. Maslow B. Wilber C. Allport D. Seeman


12. ______ is one of the unique aspects of a systems approach. A. An emphasis on hedonism B. Subjective well-being C. Reciprocal determinism D. An emphasis on positive emotion


13. Narratives that display transformational processing are characterized by ______. A. high self-esteem and resilience B. generativity and ego resiliency C. high coherent positive processing and high exploratory processing D. high sense of future possibilities and identity exploration


14. Which of the following is FALSE? A. Girls feel more authentic in relationships with same-gender classmates and friends than do boys. B. Authenticity is associated with greater life satisfaction. C. Currently, there are no scales to measure the construct of authenticity. D. Greater authenticity is related to less depression, less perceived stress, and fewer complaints of physical problems.


17. According to Carol Dweck, children with ______ are more likely to persist in difficult tasks and overcome challenges. A. a commitment script B. higher emotional intelligence C. a growth mind-set D. generativity


19. ______ methods can be useful tools for examining the impact of the historical time period and the sociocultural contexts. A. Experimental B. Quantitative C. Qualitative D. Correlational


2. Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is considered a ______. A. life course model B. life span model C. life stage model D. nonnormative event model


3. Which of the following personality theorists posited that happiness should never be a goal, but rather a probable consequence of full involvement in life? A. Freud B. Kelly C. Allport D. Jung


4. Which of the following is TRUE regarding generativity? A. It is unrelated to education. B. No significant differences in generativity have been found between men and women. C. It is associated with well-being. D. The highest levels of generativity are found among those in emerging adulthood and young adulthood


6. When researchers in the area of positive youth development refer to developmental assets, they are talking about ______. A. a high IQ. B. the personality trait of extraversion C. supportive contexts D. character strengths


6. ______ taught that social feeling could propel a person toward a type of self-realization that would inevitably include greater empathy and compassion for others. A. Freud B. Fromm C. Adler D. Frankl


7. Which of the following is NOT one of the concerns of the modules described by Dov Shmotkin? A. self-awareness B. how we report our own well-being to others C. how much time we spend in flow D. our narrative well-being


9. Of the following, who included the practice of Buddhist mindfulness meditation in his theory? A. Frankl B. Erikson C. Fromm D. Jung


1. Subjective well-being is associated with time affluence ______. A. only among the upper class B. only among the middle class C. only among those who are considered poor D. across all income levels


1. The field of positive psychology was created in ______. A. the 1960s B. the 1970s C. the 1980s D. the 1990s


10. According to socioemotional selectivity theory, ______. A. adults with lower self-esteem are biologically programmed to be more conforming B. most older adults will conduct a life review C. the older we get, the more important it becomes to acquire knowledge D. shrinking social networks in adulthood are by choice


10. Rollo May argued that most of us deny the power of the daimonic in our lives. By daimonic, he meant ______. A. conformity B. demons and other evil forces that threaten our well-being C. unconscious conflicts D. any emotional response that has the power to take us over completely


10. ______ argued that the holistic organization of a psychological system may be more important than the individual parts. A. Allport B. Wilber C. Maslow D. Seeman


15. Sharna scored high on a questionnaire with the following items: "I am in touch with all my feelings," "I always stand by what I believe in," and "I make my own choices in life." The scale that she completed was most likely a measure of ______. A. noetic happiness B. self-esteem C. wisdom D. authenticity


15. Which of the following is NOT a critique of the field of positive psychology? A. It relies too much on quantitative data. B. It does not take a developmental perspective that pays attention to the developmental paths people take as they journey through life. C. It does not use a systems approach. D. The perspectives of positive psychology view people too much in a holistic fashion.


18. Arnett's coined the term ______ for the period after adolescence and before early adulthood. A. young adulthood B. advanced adolescence C. youth D. emerging adulthood


18. Qualitative methods are also called ______ A. experimental methods B. surveys C. meta-analytic strategies D. constructivist research strategies


20. According to Laura Carstensen, the drive for emotional regulation becomes dominant in ______. A. childhood B. adolescence C. emerging adulthood D. late adulthood


20. Interventions called personal growth therapy or human potential ______. A. operate under the assumption that those with certain traits have the capacity to expand and develop their skills and talents B. have the goal of normal psychological and social adjustment C. are focused on people who have low self-esteem D. operate on the assumption that most people utilize only a small part of their potential


5. Erikson regarded wisdom as _______. A. a stage of cognitive thought that goes beyond formal operational reasoning B. excellence in the performance of one's life C. using tacit knowledge and personal values to help find solutions that contribute to the common good D. the virtue that results from successful resolution of the last psychosocial stage of development: integrity versus despair


5. Which of the following about Ken Wilber's theory is FALSE? A. It is a stage theory. B. It has been criticized for being extremely difficult to verify. C. His model incorporates both Western and Eastern theories. D. His most advanced stage is essentially the same as Maslow's concept of self-actualization


7. Of the following, who would be most likely to perceive the smallest discrepancy between their life goals and their actual achievements in life? A. Bruno, a 17-year-old male B. Sharna, a 25-year-old female C. Maxine, a 40-year-old female D. Gertrude, a 69-year-old female


7. The oldest approach to well-being and happiness is ______. A. eudaimonia B. hedonism C. flourishing B. utilitarianism


7. Which of the following is NOT one of the components in Sternberg's triangular theory of love? A. passion B. pragma C. intimacy D. commitment


20. According to terror management theory, our attempts to find a stable sense of well-being are motivated in part by ______. A. our id and ego B. fear and death anxiety C. hedonism and egocentrism D. a resilient personality


5. Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 Cs that characterizes the process of positive youth development? A. competence B. conscientiousness C. character D. caring


13. In Seeman's human system model, ______ is a function of all the subsystems acting together, rather than comprising a separate subsystem. A. culture B. flourishing C. emotion D. motivation


15. John Stuart Mill disagreed with Bentham's belief that all pleasures should be given equal value, a notion that is central to ______. A. humanism B. empiricism C. hedonic calculus D. stoicism


15. The Gottmans's concept of love maps is most closely related to the concept of ______. A. stonewalling B. proximity C. minding D. homogamy


13. Recent research found that ______ predicted greater interpersonal attraction and closeness between unacquainted persons. A. agreeableness B. extraversion C. curiosity D. high self-esteem


1. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Oxytocin is released during breastfeeding. B. Oxytocin is associated with feelings of closeness and bonding among females, but not males. C. Oxytocin is the only hormone involved with social bonding and stress reduction. D. Oxytocin is related to increases in stress and anxiety, but also with increased seeking of social support as a coping mechanism.


10. People in which of the following groups tend to report the highest well-being? A. White Americans B. African Americans C. Native Americans D. Latinos


10. Which of the following is TRUE of a person in the hypoegoic state? A. Self-awareness is low. B. Attention is focused on abstract stimuli. C. Self-talk is increased. D. Anxiety and distress are high.


10. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Most people around the world generally report being in a good mood. B. Slower thinking is associated with more positive moods. C. Emotions are more diffuse, more global, and more pervasive than moods. D. The goal of positive psychology is to create an abundance of positive moods over the course of the life span and to eliminate negative moods.


11. According to Robinson (1997), the Greek and Roman philosophers outlined four major theories of the good life. Which of the following is one of them? A. the fatalistic life B. the realistic life C. the accepting life D. the balanced life


11. The Gottmans's research has found that bids for attention ______. A. are more common among couples with higher marital satisfaction B. are more common among females than males C. are correlated with decreases in marital satisfaction over time D. are more common among those with low self-esteem


11. _______ is/are driven by external rewards and is/are not congruent with a person's core values. A. Controlled motivation B. Autonomous motivation C. Intrinsic motivation D. Strivings


14 Which of the following is TRUE? A. Traits have a different impact on well-being at different ages. B. The Big 5 traits are the only personality traits found to predict well-being. C. Extraversion is the only one of the Big 5 traits that is significantly correlated with well-being. D. Personality does not impact negative emotionality.


14. The ancient stoics taught that ______. A. true happiness is attained only when a person is true to his or her authentic self B. material wealth, happiness, love, and admiration were all subject to change, therefore people must not base their well-being on these C. happiness is found by living in accord with the commands or rules set down by a supreme being D. there were 12 basic virtues that when cultivated allowed us to grow toward a state of eudaimonia


14. The average length of first marriage in the United Sates is ______. A. 8 years B. 10 years C. 12 years D. 15 years


15. According to _______, positive emotions help preserve the organism by providing nonspecific action tendencies that can lead to new adaptive behavior. A. the broaden-and-build model B. well-being theory C. affective forecasting theory D. signature strengths theory


15. The facet of neuroticism that is most crucial for subjective well-being is ______. A. depression B. anxiety C. anger D. self-consciousness


16. Abraham Maslow emphasized that people strive to make the most of their potential in a process called self-actualization within what tradition? A. humanistic B. behavioral C. eudaimonia D. behaviorism


16. Which of the following is FALSE? A. Romantic love was not strongly associated with marital satisfaction for long-term relationships. B. People who marry when they are older tend to have longer lasting marriages. C. Similarity of values and attitudes is associated with marital stability. D. Strong relationships are found between the attributions people make about their partners and their relationship satisfaction.


16. Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic types of savoring outlined by Bryant and Veroff? A. flourishing B. basking C. marveling D. thanksgiving


16. Which of the following is TRUE based on the research of Fredrickson and colleagues? A. Love requires real-time connection. B. Researchers are in agreement that the critical positivity ratio is 4.5 (those with high well-being experienced at least 4.5 times more positive emotions than negative emotions). C. For love to flourish, two preconditions are necessary: high self-esteem and social support. D. All studies offer comprehensive support for the broaden-and-build theory.


17. The importance of income to happiness is greatest for ______. A. Jamil, lives in the United States and whose household income is $20,000 B. Malik, who lives in the United States and whose household income is $40,000 C. Jerika, who lives in the United States and whose household income is $60,000 D. Tamika, who lives in the United States and whose household income is $80,000


18. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Materialistic satisfaction had a stronger impact on well-being in poorer countries than in affluent countries. B. Levels of happiness in the United States have risen dramatically from 1946 to the present. C. Satisfying one's need for autonomy and respect had a stronger impact in poorer countries than in affluent countries. D. The United States consistently ranks #1 on cross-cultural surveys of happiness and well-being.


19. In self-determination theory, the three basic needs are ______. A. competence, relatedness, and autonomy B. motivation, flow, and social responsibility C. conscientiousness, competence, and autonomy D. openness, relatedness, and engagement/level of involvement in activities


2. What is the best description of positive psychology? A. the scientific study of what enables individuals and communities to thrive B. the science and applications of building positive self-esteem C. the psychological study of healthy children and adolescents D. the practice of examining historical accounts of positive events


3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Married people are happier across all ages. B. Until middle adulthood, married people are happier. After middle age, marriage is correlated with less happiness. C. The link between marriage and happiness is found primarily in Western countries. D. Different factors predict successful marriages for opposite- and same-sex marriages. Ans: A


4. The best definition of an autotelic experience is ______. A. one that is done for its own sake B. one that provides immediate feedback C. one that is challenging but also enjoyable D. one where there is no sense of being an observer who is watching and evaluating the activity


6. Lykken and Tellegan proposed the measure of ______, the idea that most people have an average level of happiness. A. a set point B. an evolutionary average C. eudaimonia D. an hereditability index


6. One's freely chosen interpretation of reality is referred to as ______. A. construals B. signature strengths C. desirability bias D. autonomous motivation


6. Shan (2014) proposed that ______ is a personality trait composed of fun-loving motivation, uninhibitedness, and spontaneity. A. adult playfulness B. extraversion C. peak performance D. hedonism


6. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Interventions to eliminate mental illness do not automatically enhance well-being. B. It is not possible to be relatively high in both mental illness and mental health at the same time. C. The search for happiness appears to be largely an American quest. D. Positive psychology takes the position that only a small percentage of very unique individuals adjust well to life's stressors and challenges


9. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the impact of discrimination on subjective well-being? A. The negative effects of discrimination impact children more severely than adults. B. Being a member of a discriminated group had a more negative impact than being the personal target of discrimination. C. Positive social support had no significant impact on the impact of discrimination. D. Perceived racism had more impact if the individual felt a positive identification with his or her race.


11. Research has shown that ______ report levels of happiness comparable to White Americans. A. Native Americans B. Asian Americans C. individuals from multiracial backgrounds D. Latinos


12. Aristotle proposed that there were 12 basic virtues that when cultivated allowed people to grow toward a state of ______. A. hedonism B. eudaimonia C. flourishing D. existentialism


12. Capitalization refers to ______. A. how high income is ranked among dating partners B. sharing of positive events with others C. harsh set up that leads to negative reciprocity D. a passive-aggressive attempt to punish the other person


14. Which of the following best describes the "self-absorption paradox." A. A good match between implicit cognitive processes and explicit processes. B. Greater insight is also associated with higher anxiety and rumination. C. Mindfulness is correlated with greater egocentrism. D. People are not very good at predicting how they will feel when they reach their goals.


16. Which of the following suggests that access to the social and economic benefits found in wealthier countries might account for differences in well-being? A. broaden-and-build theory B. livability theory C. hedonic adaptation D. the sustainable happiness model


17. Melia scores high on measures of ______. Not only is she able to accurately read the emotions of other people, but she is able to reason and problem-solve on the basis of them. A. neuroplasticity B. emotional intelligence C. affective forecasting D. signature strengths


17. The key element common to leisure, flow, mindfulness, savoring, and peak performance is ______. A. goal setting B. absorption C. self-focused attention D. a task that is neither too easy, nor too difficult


18. Kupperman (2006) outlined several insights about well-being that we can learn from history. Which of the following is FALSE? A. Simple hedonism is not an adequate path to well-being. B. A stress-free life is the most desirable life. C. Happiness should not be the sole criteria for well-being. D. It is not necessary to be perfect to be an admirable and a good person


19. Mercedes has moved several times over the past decade, each time getting a nicer and bigger home as her combined income with her partner has increased. She continues to work in an industry that pays really well even though she would prefer a work setting where she could utilize her artistic talents. She rationalizes that once she gets a bigger home in a more exclusive neighborhood she will finally become "really happy." This is an example of ______. A. the wealth fallacy B. the hedonic treadmill C. the livability theory D. downward social comparisons


2. Research has shown that happy people ______. A. watch more TV than unhappy people. B. watch less TV than unhappy people. C. watch TV the same number of hours per week as unhappy people D. watch more TV than unhappy people overall, and also more time watching with other people


2. Research on ______ became the first systematic study of happiness to focus on large groups of people and to utilize the statistical procedures and methodology of contemporary science. A. flow B. subjective well-being C. resilience D. emodiversity


2. What is the best description of eros? A. "game-playing" love B. passionate love C. a committed and belonging form of love D. selfless love


2. Which part of the brain is more activated when people are happy? A. the right prefrontal cortex B. the left prefrontal cortex C. the amygdala D. the thalamus


20. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Young people gain more well-being from ordinary experiences than extraordinary ones. B. Spending money on experiences, such as a family vacation, is more likely to correlate with happiness than spending money on material goods such as a new car. C. Wealthier people contribute a larger percentage of their income to charity than do others. D. Gazing at relatively small amounts of money while engaged in unrelated tasks resulted in people's enjoying these tasks more.


3. Dr. Prieto assessed the quality of marriage, the quality of friendships, job satisfaction, and satisfaction in several other areas. He then combined them into a total score. He is using the ______. A. top-down perspective B. bottom-up perspective C. integrative perspective D. hedonic adaptation perspective


4. The Dynamic Model of Affect (DMA) proposes that ______. A. emotions change so rapidly that it is not possible to measure them reliably B. having more control over emotions is correlated with greater happiness C. the independence of positive and negative emotions depends on one's biological makeup D. when people are under stress, positive and negative emotions "fuse" and become dependent


5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Most research has shown that there are three basic emotions. B. People can train themselves to increase activation in the area of the brain associated with happiness. C. L-dopa is known as the "love hormone." D. Genetic makeup is less important to the long-term quality of our emotional lives than is learned behavior or the quality of early childhood environment.


7. Researchers examining brain wave activity in athletes found that being "in the zone" coincided with ______. A. more activity in the left hemisphere B. more activity in the right hemisphere C. more activity in the amygdala D. more activity in the hippocampus


7. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The data consistently show that women are happier than men. B. Women tend to seek emotional support more than men. C. Men have shown a decrease in self-reported happiness since 1972 both in the United States and other countries. D. Recent research shows that women score lower on well-being than men in countries that are more traditional, less urbanized, and less economically developed.


7. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The highly sensitive person (HSP) was first described by Freud. B. The strength of the HSP trait is genetically determined. C. The characteristics of HSP include high perfectionism and low depth of processing. D. Regardless of their home environment, children who are HSP tend to have emotional problems.


8. As predicted by ______, increases in well-being often require meeting the needs for autonomy, relationships, and competence. A. the hedonic treadmill B. self-determination theory C. microflow theory D. psychic entropy theory


8. What best describes the term hedonism? A. being true to one self B. maximizing of pleasure and minimizing of pain C. maximizing of pleasure and minimizing of savoring D. involvement in activities that produce flow


8. ______ rated their partners as more physically attractive than did ______. A. Young daters; older daters B. Interracial daters; intraracial daters C. Daters from higher SES backgrounds; daters from lower SES backgrounds D. Extraverted daters; introverted daters


9. Loreto scores low on well-being but high on mental illness symptoms (in his case, depression). According to Keyes and Lopez (2002), he would be considered ______. A. dysthymic B. floundering C. languishing D. struggling


9. Which of the following is TRUE? A. In a recent survey, men were more likely than women to seek a partner with higher income potential. B. Attractiveness becomes less important when seeking a partner as people get older. C. Income becomes more important when seeking a partner as people get older because many are living on fixed incomes. D. One of the most frequently found predictors of poor relationship quality is openness to new experiences.


1. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Observational measures of well-being are now the most widely used assessment tool in most studies of happiness and life satisfaction. B. Unlike those in the United States, people in other Western industrialized nations report low levels of happiness (an average of 2 on a scale from 1 to 10). C. Most people in the United States report "above average" levels of happiness. D. Self-reports of subjective well-being change significantly over time.


1. _______ refers to a primitive emotional reaction that is fairly consistently experienced but often not consciously acknowledged. A. Mood B. Positivity resonance C. Core affect D. Suppressed negative emotion


10. In numerous studies of married couples, ______ has been reported as the primary determinant of marital satisfaction. A. similarity in values B. similarity in personality C. communication D. a good sense of humor


11. Which of the following is TRUE about Flow? A. It has been measured only as a trait. B. It applies only to sports. C. It has been measured using the experience sampling method. D. People in flow are very self-focused rather than task focused


12. Which of the following is FALSE? A. The rate of progress one has made toward goals may be even more important than actual achievement. B. Personal strivings are related to subjective well-being in ways similar to goals. C. Intrinsic motivation and introjected strivings are similar because they both entail personally meaningful goals. D. Highly abstract goals may decrease immediate well-being.


12. ______ refers to being aware of the present moment during our daily activities, including both the world outside us and our inner experiences. A. Flow B. Savoring C. Mindfulness D. Transcendent functioning


13. According to ______, happiness is found by living in accord with the commands or rules set down by a supreme being. A. hedonic calculus B. flourishing theory C. divine command theory D. the Delphic motto


13. Participants in Dr. Vega's study downloaded an app to their phones that sends a signal at random moments throughout the day. When they get the signal, they completed a questionnaire as soon as possible that asked about what they were doing when the beeper sounded and how they felt in terms of the parameters of flow. Dr. Vega was using ______. A. meta-analysis B. phenomenological analysis C. the experience sampling method D. mindfulness-to-meaning theory


17. If Nora is happily married, which explanation is she most likely to give for why her husband never buys her flowers? A. "He never thinks very much about me." B. "There's no romance in his soul at all." C. "We don't have the money to spend on that." D. "He's has never been very good at showing feelings."


17. ______ emphasized our capacity for personality growth in the second half of life. In addition, his ideas have perhaps been most influential in the psychology of religion. A. Freud B. Aristotle C. Jung D. Terman


18. Which of the following is FALSE about Peak Performance? A. Meditation is important for peak performance. B. It can happen in different ways: during a crisis or during the performance of a learned skill. C. Being in flow always translates into objectively better performance. D. Peak performance is superior behavior at a task, not just a subjective experience while engaged in the task.


18. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Because of its complexity, there are no scales to measure eudaimonia. B. There are no physiologic correlates of the eudaimonic or the hedonic approaches. C. Since the time of the ancient Greeks, the hedonic and the eudaimonic approaches to well-being have exerted a major impact on how people think about "the good life." D. The engine model of well-being has eight stages.


20. Given what you're learned in the introductory chapter of the text, which of the following studies would most likely be included in the reference list for this positive psychology text? A. childhood and adult cumulative trauma as predictors of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder B. the Reliability and Validity of the Parental Anxiety Scale C. capitalizing on human strengths in pursuit of academic success D. the role of the prefrontal lobe in passive-aggressive interactions


20. Organismic-integration theory is a newer subtheory within ______. A. character strengths theory B. psychological well-being theory C. self-determination theory D. the broaden-and-build model


20. Which of the following is TRUE regarding research on marital satisfaction over the life cycle? A. Marital satisfaction for women decreases during the empty-nest stage. B. Research shows that virtually all couples (95%) experience a decline in marital satisfaction after the first child. C. If the couple felt their life was more chaotic after the baby arrived, marital satisfaction decreased. D. When couples experience a decrease in marital satisfaction after the birth of their first child, they also experience decreases in other elements of family life, such as satisfaction with the parental role.


3. Which of the following is FALSE? A. Only people who had a very relaxing vacation continued to feel happier after they returned from vacation. B. Increases in aerobic exercise can decrease depression and increase happiness. C. Many people recall their vacations as being less happy than they were at the time. D. More participation in leisure activities in high school predicts higher life satisfaction during adulthood.


3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Positive psychology examines positive subjective states and the sense of individual achievement removed from its social context. B. Positive psychology focuses on positive institutions rather than positive traits of the individual. C. Positive psychology focuses on positive functioning on a number of levels, such as biological, personal, relational, and cultural. D. Almost all research in positive psychology examine the effectiveness of positive forms of psychotherapy.


3. ________ is related to the neurotransmitter dopamine. A. Resilience B. Pride C. Craving D. Flourishing


5. Which of the following is TRUE of the Buddhist inspired style of mindfulness? A. Mindfulness is achieved by increasing a focus on self-identity. B. A person proficient in this style of mindfulness would be considered "happy" because they have high levels of positive emotions and fewer negative emotions. C. No suggestion exists that the information gained through the process of mindfulness should be used in a specific way. D. It is associated with the same concept of well-being as Langer's approach: finding happiness by achieving self-directed external goals


6. Cherie has been in a romantic relationship for over a year with Dylan, whom she claims she loves. Her friends worry about her because she is obsessed with him and is always getting hurt. She seems to thrive on the drama of their fights and the attention she receives when they get back together and everything seems perfect for a little while. This style of love is described as ______. A. empty love B. pragma C. mania D. ludus


8. Research done by the Gallup Institute examining what makes top achievers in business different from their peers showed that top achievers tended to ______. A. have greater neuroplasticity B. have a higher happiness set point C. use their strengths D. be "future-oriented types"


9. Galway (1975) proposed a stage theory of moving from microflow to intense flow experiences. Which of the following was the final stage? A. paying attention B. interested attention C. merging D. absorbed attention


10. Based on Keys and Lopez's (2002) classification, people who score high on well-being and high on mental illness are ______. A. happy B. self-actualized C. languishing D. struggling


12. Which of the following was NOT found to be a significant predictor of happiness and life satisfaction among African Americans? A. having more income B. being older C. being married D. living in a warm climate


13. Shania thought that once she got a big promotion and purchased a larger house, she would finally be happy. In reality, she felt just as empty as she did before. This is an example of ______. A. having highly abstract goals B. lack of congruence among different goals and high internal conflict C. extrinsic motivation D. poor affective forecasting


13. Which of the following is TRUE among transgender individuals? A. Gender confirming surgery has no significant effect on eudaimonic well-being. B. Gender confirming surgery improved eudaimonic well-being for trans men, but not for trans women. C. Gender confirming surgery improved eudaimonic well-being for trans women, but not for trans men. D. Gender confirming surgery improved eudaimonic well-being for both trans men and women


14 Which of the following is TRUE? A. Positive emotions tend to have specific markers in terms of autonomic activation. B. There seem to be fewer basic negative emotions than positive ones. C. Positive and negative emotions are opposite and balanced ends of an emotional continuum. D. People are not very good at predicting how they will feel when they reach their goals.


15. Mindfulness fosters the ability to think about one's own thought processes. In other words, mindfulness increases ______. A. self-concordance B. decentering C. affective forecasting D. one's metacognitive perspective


18. The ______ describes how close relationship partners are often active participants in each other's personal development and goal pursuit. A. fundamental attribution error B. tend-and-befriend model C. ludus style D. Michelangelo phenomenon


19. In ______ view, traits such as compassion, friendliness, nurturance, and altruism are innate in every child but are affected by the level of social support they have. His slogan, "Any child can learn anything," inspired many people in Europe and the United States.


19. Which of the following is also known as a bank account theory? A. attribution theory B. the two-factor theory of love C. the theory of positive illusions D. social exchange theory


20. Privette defined ______ as behavior that transcends predictable functioning. A. character strengths B. a hypo-egoic state C. flow D. peak functioning


4. Compared to Mac who is single, it is more likely that Leonardo, who is married, ______. A. has worse health B. is less satisfied with his life but scores the same on measures of happiness C. is more satisfied with his life if he is African American, but not if he is from any other ethnic background D. has higher life satisfaction


4. If the bottom-up perspective is correct, then interventions should focus on ______. A. changing people's attitudes B. changing people's beliefs C. changing personality traits D. changing people's environments


4. The Dynamic Model of Affect (DMA) proposes that ______. A. emotions change so rapidly that it is not possible to measure them reliably B. having more control over emotions is correlated with greater happiness C. the independence of positive and negative emotions depends on one's biological makeup D. when people are under stress, positive and negative emotions "fuse" and become dependent


5. Angelique's romantic relationship is best described as a combination of passion, commitment, and intimacy. Sternberg would call this ______. A. eros love B. romantic love C. fatuous love D. consummate love


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