Positive Psychology

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What were the four ways given to increase the love of learning?

1. Interest 2. Competence 3. Value 4. Intrinsic motivation

What are the four paths/trajectories Bonanno found that people follow after a major stressful event?

1. Resilience 2. Recovery 3. Chronic 4. Delayed

What are the two evolved human responses to stress and how are they different?

1. Resilience: mindfulness, self efficacy, active coping, social support, spirituality, positive emotions 2. Stress related growth: telling/writing about stressful events, hero's journey -> improvement

What are the five criteria for what is wise according to Paul Baltes?

1. Rich factual knowledge 2. rich procedural knowledge 3. life span contextualism 4. values relativism and tolerance 5. recognition and management of uncertainty

What is selective exposure?

Maintaining our beliefs by exposing ourselves to information likely to support what we already believe.

What is the hedonic treadmill?

Our tendency to return to our previous level of happiness.

What are the four ways we mentioned to beat the hedonic treadmill?

Psychotherapy, medication, meditation, positive psychology exercises

What was referred to as the Un-DSM?

The Character Strengths and Virtues

How did we define self-efficacy?

The belief that you can do what it takes to reach an important goal.

What does the broaden and build theory say are the functions of positive emotions?

The broaden and build theory say we can broaden the number of things we do to face challenges and positive emotions enable us to build strengths. Functions: joy, interest, contentment, love

What does Joseph Campbell mean by "following your bliss"?

The deepest sense of being in form and going where your body and soul wants to go.

What are the six categories of virtues in the VIA classification?

Wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence

Do you need to come to class and how will attendance be recorded?

Yes and the attendance will be recorded via iClickers at the beginning of the class for pre class questions and again towards the end at for post class iClicker questions.

What are four basic negative emotions and the four basic positive emotions?

-Anger, fear, sadness, disgust -Joy, contentment, interest, love

What are the four criteria for the VIA strengths?

1. a strength can contribute to the good life- for oneself and for others 2. although strengths can and do produce desirable outcomes, they are morally valued in its own right 3. the display of a strength by one person does not have to diminish or hurt others 4. the presence of absence of each strength can be illustrated by examples that we can all recognize

What are the three components of mindfulness?

Awareness, attention, and non judgement

How did we define mindfulness for this class?

Being aware of and paying attention to whatever is occurring in the present moment without making judgements about it

How do the hero's journey and positive psychology complement each other?

Hero's journey can inspire, motivate, and guide us Positive psychology can give us the best tools possible for successfully making the journey.

What was the main catalyst for Martin Seligman beginning to think about positive psychology?

His daughter told him if she could stop whining he could stop being a lil bitch (she actually said grouch but tomato tomato)

How did the weight-lifting experiment show the effects of self-efficacy?

If you believe that you can do more, you can be more successful than if you were to think less of yourself and cut yourself short.

What are the six kinds of stress-related growth?

Improved relationships with others Increased personal strength Greater appreciation of life Discovering new values or possibilities Spirit growth Finding meaning and purpose

How has the negativity bias been shown in gambling and relationships?

In gambling, the pleasure of gaining a certain amount of money is smaller than the pain of losing the same amount In relationships, it takes at least 5 good or constructive interactions to make up for the one critical or destructive act.

Why might curiosity be good for us?

It involves a sensitivity to the things that are good for us. It motivates us to look for things that are satisfying and rewarding.

What is the hero's journey as described by Joseph Campbell?

It is the journey that appeals to us because it's a reflection of our story.

Who was the founder of positive psychology?

Mark Seligman

How is the work of Maslow, Rogers, and Frankl relevant for positive psychology?

Maslow: the ability to self actualize and have peak experiences Rogers: the tendency to grow towards being a fully functioning person Frankl: freedom to choose a life of meaning and purpose

What is the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm?

Measurement of wisdom based on questions of life scenarios about planning, reviewing, and life management, etc

What are the five elements of PERMA?

Positive emotion, engagement, (positive) relationships, meaning, accomplishment

How as positive psychology defined?

Positive psychology is the application of the scientific method to enable us to make the most of our lives and live them to the fullest

What is the difference between resilience and stress-related growth?

Resilience: the ability to bounce back from stress Stress-related growth: the ability to actually learn, grow, and benefit from stress

Who is you peer TA and who is your grad TA?

Rios Fernandez (peer) Carlos Maestas-Olguin (grad)

What are the four strengths metaphors?

Sailboat metaphor, Gandhi ladder, from martial to vital arts,

How did we define wisdom in class?

The practical knowledge and understanding that enables us to achieve happiness and well-being

How did the instructor say this class may be different from other classes?

This class focuses on what is considered the most relevant and applicable to what we may care most about: Being happy, successful, and making the most of our lives. It is doing experiments in your life like a participatory sport

What is the sailboat metaphor and what does it say about using our strengths vs. focusing on our weaknesses?

Using your strengths is raising the sail/ leaving behind the bad parts w/o attention Focusing on your weaknesses is like plugging the holes/ don't recognize the good around you

How did we define positive psychology?

We defined positive psychology as moving towards the kind of things that we seek most for their own sake such as joy, happiness, meaning and fulfillment.

What is the negativity bias?

We only focus on negative emotions, things, and our problems and weaknesses

What is the optimal stimulation/dual process theory?

What is the optimal stimulation/dual process theory?

What are the three components of happiness as defined by psychology?

a. high life satisfaction b. few negative emotions c. many positive emotions

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