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coercive power

Coercive power is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance and is worked through fear. This source of power is associated with the political and symbolic frame. In the political frame, leaders have the ability to constrain, block, interfere, and punish. Under the symbolic frame, leaders lead by example and inspire people with their stories and charisma. Hitler is a prime example of a symbolic leader that was able to unite an entire country, and used fear and intimidation to enforce his power.

circle, triangles, and squares game

I now have a better understanding of power. The political frame would suggest the idea that coalitions form around shared interests, which then creates winners and losers. As one group, the squares, became more powerful, the other two groups lost power. The structural frame would suggest that the squares had legitimate power, which they used in order to create rules that we had to follow. One of the rules was that we had to trade with a square. This enabled them to reap the maximum rewards and if none of them actually wanted to trade with us, there is nothing we could do. The squares also possessed information power because they knew how many points having 4 of a kind while the rest of the class was left in the dark. Their access to information that no one else had have them an advantage in this game. The triangles and circles had no power, and although we were allowed to suggest rules, the squares had the ultimate say. By virtue of the situation people have power, like police officers, where the situation grants them power. Those given the opportunity to make the rules of the game, make rules that benefit themselves and not hurt themselves at the least. When you have no power you give up and don't trust people in power.

information power

Information power comes from ones access to specific information. If an individual for instance knows the price information, they have information power during negotiations. Both expert power and information power are associated with the political frame. In the political frame, power flows to the individuals with the information and know-how to solve problems. They can restrict information if they desire.

legitimate power

Legitimate power comes from one's organizational role or position. They can set deadlines and employees have to comply even if the deadlines are overly ambitious. This source of power is associated with the structural and political frame. Under the structural frame, it is seen that leadership gives one authority and legitimacy. There is also a clear division of leadership where group effort is vertically integrated. In the political frame, the source of power comes from authority.

referent power

Referent power stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we like, respect, and want to be like them. Also it is refereed to as charisma, which is the ability to attract others, win admiration, and hold them spellbound. This source of power is associated with the human resource frame and the symbolic frame. Under the human resource frame, a leader can be seen under a positive light if they reward them well, protect their jobs, promote from within, share the wealth, invest in the employees, empower them, and promote diversity, which will increase the referent power of the leader. Under the symbolic frame, leaders that are charismatic and lead by example allows others to want to be like them and want to follow in their footsteps.

reward power

Reward power is the ability to grant rewards (increase in pay, promotions, perks, or an attractive job assignment) for compliance and good work ethics. This type of power accompanies legitimate power and is highest when the reward is scarce. This source of power is associated with the political frame, structural frame, symbolic frame, and the human resource frame. In the political frame, leaders control rewards. They have the ability to deliver jobs, money, political support, or other rewards that bring power. In the structural frame, authorities have the ability to give rewards and sanctions. In the human resource frame, in order to improve involvement within an organization, one of the strategies is to reward well. Companies with high commitment to human resource practices will offer added benefits, flexible hours, and other rewards for employees. Under the symbolic frame the actual monetary value reward is meaningless but what it symbolizes means a whole lot. It shows your good work or progression

expert power

comes though knowledge and skills. They posses the ability to know what customers want and are experts in their field.

what are the 6 sources of power

legitimate reward coercive expert information referent

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